HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-3, Page 7A Mothers Story of Scooting.
"He was getting tobe 12 years old.
:He gaveme respect iind obedience,
'but for pure satisfaction and delight
:be -turned—where---but to his o ,Nyn
'He wonld go from me whistling, his
'lianas in hie pocltet, down the street
to join his 'crowd,' in a -world of their
own, It was a rough word, I-/-eaVen
knows, full of the average boats -vice
and' crudities,' There were in it, to
the usual 'Bully," 'Braggart/ an
!Rowdy,' ansi plenty, of, lawlesenee
"which athoog boys passes for -Math
ness, ••
"As the days weat on and these boy
thiluenced , hint more ' and more ther
was in the whole situation enflielen
danger and; promise of 'disaster. Jus
at this tithe there fell into my hand
a 'pamphlet called the `Boy ,Seou
- Scheme.' In it were the
'Ten Scout Laws,
Scout's lidnor is to be .trusted.
"A Scout is loyal to the Ring, 111
country, hie officers) his parents, iri
employers, and to those under hint
"'A Scout's duty is to be useful an
to help others.
"A Scout is, a friend to all and
brother, to every other Scout.
, "A Scout is courteous.
"A Scout is a friend of ;animals.
."A Scout obeys • orders' of hi
parents; patrol leader,' or Scoutmaste
without question.
"A 'Scout smiles and whistles nude
ali difil cuities.
., "A Scout is thrifty.
"A Scout is clean in. thought,. word
and deed.' •
"These are Laws,' mind you, liot ad-
vice. ,and admohitiOns, but laws self-
imposed by a solemn PromiSe.
'That settled it. If the Scoot love-
tuent stood fey all these 'things, I was
with it, heatt and soul.
"I have not told you that the gang
had by this. time joined. , well, of
coui:8e, they -had, They were Bei,
Scouts now. From the start the -whole
tlUng WIls a great success. The boy,
for one, benefitted immensely1 tell
a,',ou humbly that some' of t.b,e -very
faults that I had VOrked, with 'for
Years, began todisappear, and without
fret or friction. He was trying to be a
good Scout, that was all.
'Now they have been Scouts for six
months. I can see the organization
effecting the changes I have longed
to effect. The 'Bully' no longer de-
serves the name;' the 'Braggart' be-
„ •
tame a eOlento ,,ti.iseful member of
litocietyn. aml the 'Rowdy' is' as flue a
'toy as yone ....on14pareto see. And
neither their .inothars ner I am' re-
sponsible •for•thotlatittonly and solely
the Scout Law and: 86ciiit'Manual, CD in -
piled and 'written by Men who were
once boys themselves' and who, under-
stand, as no woman ever does brecan,
a boy's world, I would, like to take
itrY hat ofbto then'. As it does not, I
- say—Lord 131ess You Gentlemen.”
Mothers' Committees.
Here, right in your own -town or
city, you likely have a troop of Scouts.
Perhaps thee, halve a rather hard time
carrying on the work. So many things,
come up that they Would make things
go a .lot better if .theyhad some help
from the grown ups. perhaps they
would like to have a troop fial and
Can't ° afford it. Yes, yoti could buy
them one.- But don't you think it
would please them much more if -a
number of the . boys'nniothers formed
themselves into is committee and made
aotroop flag, ansi. then presented -it to
the troop? Perhaps the boys want to
have a troop supper, but don't just
!mow how to go -about it. Here again
the Mothers' Committee steps in and
helps the 'boys. Result—o. troop that
is able ill' carry on the work for two
rea.sonia first, they are receiving the
belt; that they need; second,' because
It brings up their gpirits when they
-kite*, that their mothers knew -what
SConting means 'and are really in-
terested inthe °movement themselves.
The story' above by "A Mother"
haulf:1 be ample proof of the worthi-
aess of the Boy Scout training It
'help.ed her boy to live a life that she
woilld have him live. If yeti have a
Scout son It is -helping. Your 13oy to do
the,very same thing.
Full Bloom.
Little 141„ars"'; 'Yeas 'visiting her grand-
mother in the codntry for the first
"time, . •
Eve,rything was new to ,her, and she
spent hours runnilig about the big gar-
si RD.
Once she chaneecl apon, e peaeock, a
bird she had never Seen before, After.
gazing in eitent admiration, she ran
ba•ck into the those, and cried out: „
.011, granny, come and see? One of
,,-.1i#4!••chickens is in bloom!"
• •
, Solomon Up-to-date,
A ease game before a pollee-et/art
involving the ownership of an eight.
day clock.
After listening fio both sides„ the
ma,gletrate turned to the prosecutor,
'You get theetoek," he 'said grave-
"And what' do t get?" ' asked the
guiity 'thief. ,
Tree Pitg on Domi
or Reserves.
As usual. tile greater proportion el'
ho troes, used for planting ou the
oroat 'eserves was sup,oliod from the
forest nurseries at Indian Head, Sask.
ting e by the
yokt may havc rerolidoee-(1 t,oitictimos IILUr
how it IS that °whilst irae,,,e of our
cool/til"' trs done in tells we have
sever01. examPles fc.,eltouing
twelves) FRICq5 4,11ltdozo, Ili
den riogress, and also.
borest nurseries are, ltOweVer,, giad o the' yt,ar and if i',11U (NY, ,
hally being established On 'p10 1.0.17?Ier i,of),se•ri a/4a,, in thc• tla,..s
erest reserves villere planting will 'be two quite'''116Litlet kt.Y$te"Cl
1(0"cesfiarY,. A total at about eighty-ea,lcu'itzting): Xews and Arab
s Liniments an bbi
Give Tempor4ry Rebel°.
Rheumatism is a trouble( extrelnel
difilcult to get rid of, lf :a tendency to
rheumatism is established in the sYs-
tem it makes itself manifest by a re-
turn of the acute pains with every
spell of bad weather. This is wily so
many people think the 'trouble is due
to cold or damp, The fact is Ifhown,
11OweVer, to medical men, that -with
the appearance of rheumatism there
Is a rapul thinning of the blood, and,
that the rheumatic poisons aro only
expelled from the system when the
P1001 is restored to its normal condi-
tion, This moans that to drive rheu-
matism from the system it must be
treated through the blood, and for this
purpose Dr;IVilliams' Pink Pills have
been very successful, as they build up
aid enrich the blood, thus easing the
aching, s,,vollen Joints., and benefitting
the heaath of the sufferer in other
ways as well, Among the rheumatic
s'ufferers Who have, satisfactorily used
this medicine is Mrs, James Gillan,
Charlottetown) P.E.I., who says: "For
three long months suffered terribly
front rheumatism. I was so bad' that
I could. not do •my housework, dad
even to attempt to walk caused me
agony. I spent a great deal of money
on liniments and medicines without
getting the least benedt, and my con-
dition was pitiable. At this stage my
attention was called to Dr. •Williame'
Pink Pills, and, I began taking- this
medicate, and shall always praise the
day I did, so. Before long there was
no doubt that I had at last fottocl
something that would give me relief.
I gladly centinued using the pills with
the result that I am now as well as
ever I wae, able to do my housework
and care for my children. Since that
time one of my daughters fell into an
anaemic condition and was obliged to
discontinue going to school. gave
her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and now
she is as healthy a girl as there is in
the city. You may be sure r lose no
opportunity in praising this medicine."
Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills ,con be had
through any medicine dealer, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Ont.
Fortune Teller ---"You will marry a
light man."
Norah (joyously),—"Thot's Diamy!
Share, don't he wor-rk for eh' eleethric
five tuousautsi young trees ,was iset out 4saittheir tan fiogOrs 05 an aid to ad_
on. six reserves. Generally speaking I ditioa, and trofa them rws got tit° <loci.
th!o young- ..trees were got into the mai ustom. But other early peoples
grouhd undo'r satidfactOrY conditions, hacl a eyeteen of countiag ecamiled not
e and mangnter IsmS0 These are Sample Dloit6 and, along ontho 11.11111ber Of their finger, but "
Greatly Benefitted by Mas- with those PreViously sot out, are be, um, movements' of the sun,
ter Medicine. frig studied closely in order to detei- 'They adapted anunit the time
mine the 1).,st methods, tor future which the sun takes to travel his owa
orraniac fixed me, up so fine that I P1afifting-'-.6:Iintial report, Director of
r 0 e• try ttawar . length, that ;is one minut,e, The
, • s ,. • found that the RV 11 required 72 0 min-
utes to pass from Sunrise to sunset
The Amazing Amazon, at tho.se times of the Year when day
Mrs. Newatea -was describing ecr and night were bciurs o
eantd otoltemeeintullteey$
travels. to an envious. audience. divi4ed jilt°
s quit .taking it three months ago, and
Iv ei been- :feeling great eVer since,"'
said Thonthe Brown of 140 Hamilton
Street TorontoloYee of the WM.
s• emp•
it Davies Co.
Inclagestion and stomach disorder
was xny trouble and for three ieare
before I got Taxilac I. was in mighty
bad shape* Why, if I deank a cup of
t,ea and ate a little buttered' bread for
s breakfast I would bloat terribly and
ba in awful cIlstresa 1 iiad to' id meat
.and pies alone, and after meals I felt
as though. I had a big lump in. the pit
of my stomach. I heti-headaches a
great deal, too, and there was sharp,
s shooting pains around my heart that
s nearly Nvorried the life out of me.
"After taking Tanlac my wife and
d daughter thought so much of it that
they:got me to try the,inediethe, and.
a it proved to be the very 'thing I need-
ed. Why, itthas made a Clean sweep
of a,11 my troubles and given me the
very best 'kind of an appetite. I can
s cat just anything I want now and
r feel as fit and fine as I ever clid in my
Tanlac is what did the work in
',You get ,the eight days, replied
the beak."
Falconry; tre set of hooting ith
trained birds, wa wrviitz in China
ahou,t 2000
"And. have you been in. South Arneri-
Ca?" somehod.Y inquired.
"141:any times ealld Mrs, Newrich,
rather bored. "Di fact 1 know it from
end to end."
"Then, of course, you went up the
Amazon ?"
"Not As a- matter of fact I didn't."
Mrs: Newrich fanned herself languid-
ly, "141y husband went to the top, but
I never did care to climbing."
The stormy,,blustery weather which.
we have 'during February and March
Id extremely hard on children, ' Condi-
tions make M;necessary for the moth
my case and 1 don't make' any secret er to keep them in the house, They.
P111." , ate- oftencendned to overheated.' bad-
Taulac. is ,sold by all good druggists.
TaDk is .eheap because the-- supply
always exceeds the demand.,
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. 11 list or:Stolen. you get your
money back.
ly ventilated rooms and catch colds
which rack their *hole system, To
guard against this a box of Baby's
Own. Tablets should be kept in the
house and aa ocoasional dose given
the baby to keep its stomach and
bowels working regularly. This will
not fail to break up colds and keep
the health of the baby in good condi-
tion till,the brighter days—abate along.
The Tablets are sold by medicine
Only one man. in three -is' perfectly dealers or by mail at 25 dents a box
healthy. - from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
minard's Liniment for Distemper*. * Brockville, Ont.
Provitielal Board of Heoltli; Ontarle
Dr, aliddieten will be glad tOlihsWer questions an Public Health mat.
ters through this column. Address hint at Spadthe. Rous, Spadins
Creecent, Toronto.
The man out of work in _many cases
Was 'once the boy willmaut Medreation.
This statement has been made by res-
ponsible people on several occasions
recently and the truth of it becomes
more and more apparent as the ques-
tion of recreation is thought of. A
fetv days ago I listened to a very in-
teresting address at the Border Cities
Chamber of Commerce by the Director
of Recreation for the City of Detroit.
Supervised playgrounds for the young
was one of the chief topics this gentle-
man discussed and the benefit of these.
'playgrounds to the health and morals
of the boys and girls of that city is
strikingly -apparent. Youth must have
an opportunity for recreation—if not,
a stunted manor woman is the result.
The so-called "batt boy" pranks: which
involved window -smashing and wilful
or unwilful damage to property, have
been Practically done away with, while
the number .of 'street accidents to chil-
dren has been reduced by half since
playgrounds have been, provided. The
Director of Recreation explained very needs exercise to ,suit his health and
each. Twelve thus became thel
group for calculating purposes, and
69 (5 times 12) was their top number
correeponding to our handeed,
The weee at first only moderately
good astronomers, so they worked eut
the year at 360 days," which gave 12
months 'Of 30 days each. Each month
haie, two spells of twelve working
days, and six days °Erect. Later they
adopted the six-day week, with a
seventh rest day as part of it.
We can see" a curious survival of
the 12 system in oter own langua.ge.
Most others have no proper words for
numbers beyond ten—they must say
"one-aniKen," "two -and -ten," and so
on up to twenty (two Lens); but we
have -distinct 'words in "eleven" and
Forests and -Recreation.
One of the things about forest con-
•eeryittion whiCh has caused it to ad-
vance with rapidity is the fact that it
injures no interest and benefits all.
The forester alul the farmer will never
!quarrel, because the forester desires
for growing forests only those lands
too poor to grow farm crops, Again
the forester does not want to build a
ten -foot fence about.his forest to keep
-out hun•teA and, fishermen and camp-
ers. The forests are natural recrea-
tion grounds and - to use a forest for
this purpose is -to Put 11 Lo one of its
ligitimate , uses. Otto in Western
Canadaa forest'reeen'e may contain
the only picnic and camping grounds
for miles around. The people of the
surrounding district are het kept out
but are encouraged to use these
places. Practically the only conditions
are that they ba careful with fire and,
do not otherwiee injure the forest.
This plan has developed a spirit of co-
operation throughout „the West. Be-
sides this, to some of the lakes in
forest reserves people come from long
distances, 'mil they go back home
strong supporters of forest conserva-
-tion. During the past season one of
forcibly that in addition to the ,Mecreae the beauty spots on lowestern
tibinitsf, Much ,;•bod iestrIte'd.to'ho'ks on reserve was visited by people from
and girls from healthy- rivalry With ,Sherbrooke, Quebec, Toronto, -Winni-
their playmates—one boy could run er peg, afoosejave, Calgary:, Okanagan,
jump or spin, a top jugt a little better 'Edmonton', Vaocouver and Victoria,
than those around him, and hence he and from outside Canada the visitors
became a model for the others, thereby 'Game from England, Ireland, United
developing amongst .them a sense of States, Brazil and Honolulu. The ad-
aPpreciation of the boy who did his vantages of this practice to both coun-
part well. The sense of citizenship—of try and city are very great and will
realizingethe worth of your neighbor
was thus inculcated among these boys
and girls by watching others platy and
themselves taking part in the recrea-
tion.In addition, the supervision of the
playgrounds enabled the smaller and
weaker boys and girls to get a chance
at the swings, teeters and other ap-
paratus, 1 or the children were all given
an opportunity in tureto amuse them-
selves. In this way consideration. for
each other was taught, and selfishness
frowned upon. -
An' inaPortant point now being rec-
ognized is that the man is really a
boy grown-up, and that the man also
increase as time go -es on.
closed coal -stove, standing in
the room and connected with the -chim-
ney by a pipe, is probably the. cheapest
means. of heating.
temperament. Generally speaking, a
man healthy in body and mind desires
to work ---he wants to fill his. place in
society and do his work well. To this
end his health must be good and there
is no better way to tniaintain good
health than by helpful exercise and
recreation, which should be brought
Within the reach -of everyone, whether
child or adult.
Why does any healthy.pers n want to be
kickiiito wakefulness in the morning. ?
- Many people feel that they
have to be agitated into wake -
fullness in the morning,. They
think that without the tea or
coffee they take in the morning
that they wilt not be able to
meet the tasks ancl.duties of the
day. -
Nothing could be more false
than this reascining. Any doctor
can tell you this. For a healthy
body does not need 'or require
is stimulant, It geto all the Mime
ulant it needs from food.
The thein and caffeine found
in tea and coffee are irritating to
the heart and nervous 'System,
They jolt the nerves into undue
activity, The result is a reac-
tion, This is why regular tea
and coffee drinkers think they
must have their stimulant the
first thing in the morning to
wind them up for the day.
If you will stop using tea and
coffee for a week, and drink
St 114 Jr He It
Made 7.1.y.. Canadian POstum Ce
reat Co,,
Posturn, the pure cereal bever-
age instead, it will give Nature
'an opportunity to rid the syStern.
of the irritating substances that
harass your nerves, upset di-
gestion, increase your heart
action, and ,make you nervous._
and irritable.
Many people who have tried
Postum say that inside of a
week they wake in the morn-
ing livithout that "all gone" feel-
ing that they used to have, and
ere full of energy, strength -and
Order Postum from your
,grocer 'today, and make it ac-
cording to directions. Youe first
sip of Posturn will surprise
and please you.
Postem comes In two Emma: instant
Posh= (in tins) made instantly in the
cup by the addition of boiling water.
Postum Cereal in packages of larger
bulk, for those who prefer to make
the drink while the meal is beltatepre-
pared) made by boiling for 20 minutes..
erp's a easoil''
Limited, Windsor, Ont.
Mother. Open
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Sylttp
Your little one -will love the "fruity'
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if
constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish
or full of cold, A teaspoonful nevem
fails to eleatwe the liver a,nd bowels
In a few hours you can see for your
self how thoroughly it works all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bowels and you have, a well, play
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
spoonful to -day saves a ,sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and children of
a,ll ages printed on bottle. Mother!
You must say "California" or you may
get an imitation fig syrup.
Five regiments in the British Army
wear the kilt. They are the Bleck
Watch or Royal Highlanders, Seaforth,'
Gordon, Cameron, and Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders.
Minard's Liniment for Garet in Cow*
Luxurious Automobiles for
Indian Royalty.
When royalty, and especially Indian_
royalty, puts in an order for some-
thing new and startling in motor cars,
it will be satisfied with nothing that
doe'''take the breath away for lux-
ury and novel features. Two Cars
were manufactured recently in recorsi
time by a famous British firm for the
Maharajah of Bharatpur, in order that
that potentate might properly 'wel-
come the Prince of Wales on his trip
th India. The cost of the open, body
was a mere $15,000, not including the
chassis; which cost about $10,000
more. The big sedan -limousine set
the maharajah back only $40,000, but
Pc figured it was worth it, considering
the amount of 'mother-ofejearl inlay
work ho got and the solid silver fit-
The inclosed body, painted mauve
and striped with a broad gold band,
is entirely iintehed inside with solid
mahogany and satin veneer, Maid
with mother-of-pearl. •
The open body is of aluminum,
Painted canary -yellow with tight -blue
facings, and i a streamline sporting
type for five passengers. The near
front seat slides, revolve, and tips
forward, while both front seats have
collapsible hacks which can be Made
into comfortable beds, The disap-
pearing top is made of the finest al-
paca, to Match the blue -leather Imhof,
Isit;:ty,, as are the side curtains, This
car aleo 1ia,8 a barge swiveled Sear*
Native non-commissioned - ofilc ers
in the infantry and artillery of the
Indian Army, known as havilders, are
equal in rank to sergeants in
$$U Io No. 8—'22,
Balk Cariots
im,,,skp,poqour,yoNownotonyer.kw .. A . 10,11A.WiliA/I1 A A,001,ANIO
"Danderine" cos; e
only 35 cent a bottle.
One application ends all
danclmu, Stops itching
and falling Ithir, snd,
in ' a few moments,
you have doubled the
beauty of your hale.
It will appear a -mass,
so soft, lustrous, and
easy to do up. But what
please you ,Y110St
will be after a few
weeks use, when you see
new hair—fine and
downy at first—yes--
but really new hair
growing all over °the scalp, "Dander -
is to, the hair what fresh showers
of Main and sunshine are to vegetation.
It goes right to roots, invigorates
and Strengthens them. This delightful;
stimuleting tonic helps thin, lifeless,
faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy
and, luxuriant.
.17-01t5 forty years Sloan's Liniment
l'Ics 'been the quickest relief for
neuralgia., sciatica a.nd rheuma-
tism, tired muscles, lame backs, epraias
and strains, aches and pains.
Keep Sloan' handy and apply freely.,
without rubbing, at the first twinge.
It eases and brings comfort surely
ansi readily. You'll find it clean arid -
non -skin -stainings
Sloan's Liniment is pains enemy
.Ask your neighbor.
At all druggists -35c, 70e.
Made in Canada.
Was Sore and Red. Ilair
Fell Out. :dead Disfigured.
"From using the satne brush and
onalo as my sister, whose scalp was
tremi tlealipa
It caused my scalp to
sone and red, and the
dandruff scaled oiTand•
could be sten on my
,.clothing. My hair fell
out gradually mid my
head was disfigured. This trouble
lasted eix months. Then I sent for
a free sample of Cuticura Soap mid
Ointment. I afterwards bought more,
and I only used two cakes of Soap
and two boxes of Ointment when I
was healed?" (Signed) Miss Frances
Burns, St. Basile, Quebec.
Use Cutieura Soap, Ointment ansi
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
EstapItEsehFreebrtiall. Address: "Lyres.na,Lim-
ited, 344 St l'aul St, W., Montresi." Sold every-
where. Soap:15e. Ointment Mend GOe. Talcum 25e.
MCuticura Soap shaves without mug.
ti,F3 A141. CQwn
it;41: i11111.
4.1 W1°Qt 414:
Oft piZ(.:`
7 , 11.
111).• 4 el' tritv'Se—lY
cleans olotbk0i without ru'bbitig. 70'
dollars „Psr weelc, OUT ,prernInnis
att'vertisIng' eat/1158,1gs/, 35, & 53. ;Via;
100,07eLlsou.i.3.1delosu,P4olurotti5Y0 5lePeat .1.$14
A.C513NTS FOP, ueel. tit
to sell lo farmers 'and, gardoners a'
8(.!lentItlo trestnlent for the soil, gUov-
anteqd to increase procl'actioal at, a 'sosit
01 ilrom one to two dollars per acro; aro
want good, substantila1. mon, who nun
sell 16% of tbelp 5e5T1tory; (,5/,rning from
13,500 up per, year, and able to .ssulrie
full rosp00sibility,.101. success 01 terrl-
tory. ApplY Soil 'Vacs -Ono Corni)anY of
Ontario, Limited, 37 IY.onge
iitaata DI 4,41 MAT R1110 NIAL PAI,L'
.(1.(atlic3.5o.n. No other ree, A, 111te,Crettry,
1 Ora
ALL" KINDS oat roevy AND usam,
beLUnOl puileye, saws. cable,hose,paeldeg.
etc., shipped aubJect to approve( at Lewes*
prices in Canada, -Your( noltaewo
The b?ginlling of refermation hi
ri Span's. IllfluEnza
The Liniment That Relieves All
1.1,....nciorcaminsiam,:asestmeentr. avows.
lIai,hful Care Necessary
Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable
Compound is a solenoid medicine and.
.should be taken by the expectant
mother. It will assist her in keep-
ing web a.nd strong. This is very
necessary, not only for her own com-
fort but for the future as well.
13.ead the experience of Mrs. Bar-
ton of New Brunswick, and- PleaSo
bear in -mind that every letter Pub-
lished recommending Lydia E. Pink-
ham''Vegetable Compound. is genuine
and unsolicitecL It is the expressiom
of gratitude from women who have
been helped,.
Cuntherland Bay. N. was
troubled with weak feelings, head-
ache, all- the time, a dough; fainting
ePells and pains in my back and
side. I could not do a single bit of
work and had to be helped out to
the hammock where I lay in the
fresh air from morning until night
and I had to be carried up and down,
stairs. After other medicines hall
foiled a friend advised me to take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound as she said it was excellent
for anyone in the family wafr'. -.Be-
fore the :first, bottle was taken I.
could walk alone and as I kept -on:
-with. it I got stronger, until I was
able to do all my work. My baby is
now six weeks old' and is a big fat
healthy fellow. I am sure Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound has
done wonders for me and I recom-
mend himutam J. 13areront,
Et, R. Na. 1, Cumberland Bay, N. B.
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