HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-3, Page 4i; at
e' ii Ling
eeely toe tliee
Tie 011 et evoqeeite
Clay may be
remelt tai.„0 eesee Itoure
leate'er betide-
etille May iceep thee
Coe by Hie eide
(Blyth Standard)
The 'Par MOM' Sun of eater -
dee' ePealcing edltorialty under
the caption, "Wily Couetry towne
a • ;Met" •eaere rem partt----"Tlie
t • probleei — that relating
toepeseer-eie, 'elle eeewe 'which the Va-
lente leee, ceetrel. bettee exampe
de ene the injeetiee ,e't tee preseet eYe•-•
tem cen be found than in the public
etetement mede eeeew day$ ago thee
Hedro eeWer ewe* beetle offered to
Le it be a eorWord tea Uxbridge and, Port Peery at $116,50
pee horse power, Contraet that with,
* the el4.50 per h. p. which Toronto
anI pays
famiee, tide
eommunety die no le t the support of the haedicap inflicted epee. a man-
e ail alneetes eOr aid. The cries of efacturer locating in Uxbridge or
'yids starvieg children in
Port Perryr Suppose a shoe lean-
-1 ne for another et-
esia eireee- • • • efacturer or a millet: 111 TjXbrIdge 11S -
or Shell they duffer wad. the or ed. 100 horse power, he ,pays over,
ball we'aid them? $1.0,00U a year more than a emular
* e manu.facturer, with whom he haa te
The representative for South Hur- compete, our eenteee ,et pop—
On in the farmer's government would ulation." A terrible haudica,p. The
"Wee his job if the learMere' San had rate asked Blyth by the Hydro Com-
ets way, It Would abolieh the party mission, namely si.is,s6 per horse
whip, which it calls a relic of political power, still holds the lead. The way
earbarism.• hydro electric is being meted out by
A, • the Commiseion simply puts a penal -
Sir Adam Beck estimates a steeples ty on. industries in the smaller town
' milliou dollars kne his proposed and a premium on indestries of. the
larger centres. No sane person will
ituagiue that an industrer located in
Blyth and paying $118..86, can com-
pete with. a. similar •indestry in Tor-
onto with Hydro power at $14,50.
It is beyond our underetandiug how
any Government, be it Grit, Tory or
U. F. 0. can stand by and allow such
Newbrasea farmer quotes fig- a policy as inaugurated by the Hydro
tees in the Dearborn Independent,
to show that it took 143 bushels of
core. to pay his 1921 state taxes, or.
more than it took for all the preceed-
ing Nee years cembined. That was
in the United States. We wonder
liow these figures would compare
t h the Canadian ar. er
The jingle of sleigh belle, have
been conspicuous by their tabsence
this winter. Mr. Harry Parsons,
mail coetriee o'er route one, says he
lete not had his- cutter out all winter,
and °ray used it three times last win-
ter, The auto has curtailed. the use
of the buggy- but it can hardly be
blamed for cutting out the sleighing.
In the dare of
end thine. then for a moment
weeee the etetrernmeet ebonite Stell
WO ourb the tremeedotte eeeeud-
ituree, Legielaturet the Pre-
mier etated, would have to deal, with
the matter.
M. Deury made pleiu that X1111U-
iciDalitie*, desirine OPeeete their
own Hydro radiale would be eirovie-
• ed -With the uniehieery• for the piir-
eose; but the Govermneut Weald as-
sume no responsibility.
Sir Adam Deck was chided eor his
attack cie the report of the Suther-
land CoMmission; it was propaganda
work which was properly not within
the spitere aetivitiee of the Weir°
Ceinuniseloin The Hydro people, the
Premier peinted out, heel beeu giyei.
unlimitee opportunity, and inoneY
without stint, to piece their ease bee
fore tee Sutherland Commission aed
sboud abide, by the result. e
The Premier's epeech, comes ee a
message of cheer to those throughout
the province who have been waiting
far some one, to cliallenge the auto-
cratic sway of the Hydro -electric Com
mission --or rather of Sir Adam Beck
and his 'entourage, for 'Sir Adam
seems to be, to all intents and pur-
poses, the -whole Commission. Hydro
policy for the east ten years has been
building up a fee, large centres to the
detriment of such counties as Huron,
Bruce and Othees that caneot hope
to use much power at the rates im-
posed under the present system. The
Hydro radial scheme -would place
these outlying counties uuder an ad-
ditional handicap, and it is grati-
fying to know that at last a ehampion
has appeared who deliberately and
definitely proposes to put a curb on
the operations of the Hydro Commis-
sion. •
.rtlaita sTStern... , It this amount goes
into one pocket, cen any one estimate
hew much Will -have to be taken iii•om
the other pocket to meet added de-
fieits to gov,eenment °wiled rods
fleet welch the traffic will largely be
A. fenner told us the other day
that last 'tail when his brother
farmers were 'complaining of law
prices tor eogW and high prices for
-feed and stated ;that they were going
• out of them, he decided it was a good
time to go ioto them. Now when
hogs are becoming fewer and prices especially as the findings oe, that tn.-
going up he has a fine bunch coming
bunal, ;reporting adversely td the pro -
along. To -day- farmers are going •
posed Hydro radials, had beea ate,
• back into hog taising and young pigs
tacked, a few days previous by• Sir
are bringing a high price. Adani Beck.
t• * The Premier gave instances of,
Sir Adam Beck has many devotees, 1 what he considered, and what the
irrespective of political affiliations, Sutherland Commission considered,
for the part he has played 1,,T.;.the 'altogether unwarranted optim-
velopment of hydro. It is a...great as- ism indicated in the estimates pre-
set to the province. • The cities and 1 pared by the Hydro people for radial
towns wheeh first went into the sell- lines. Operating expenses were
• enre; have reaped a rich reward. placed too low, and estimates of pro -
Judging frOm the daily press it would bable earnings were out of all reason.
seem that public, opinion is behind The Chippewa development was est -
Sir Adam as against the stand that imated at first to cost ten and a halt
is being taken by Premier Drury.
This opinion eminates from the cen-
tres of popelation -which hope to hold
their present advantage and reap still
greater benefits. We have no quar-
rel with Sir Adam. bet if Premier
Drury has anything up his sleeVe
• plat will help to VACs hydro on thy-Milieus—and. the, end is not yet.
farm. and give it to the entailer Mun- "When the H-ydro Commission can
• icipalities on a more equitable basis
he will be doing his pro -Vince service
and will cement the confidence plac-
ed in him.
The Canadian Weekly Newspaper
Association, will hold their annual
conyerition in Ottawa in June.
Commission to continue. Rural Ont-
ario should demand a chafige in Hy-
dro policy—a policy that is bleeding
white. the country sections of' the pro-
vince to the benifit of the larger
centres. From , Premier Drury's
epeeeh at Hamilton, we are inclined
to believe that he has the Hydro -bull
ehe horns. May he twist its neck
untie all sections of the protince ere
on.; an equality with respect to power.
e; •
• (Goderich -Signal)
Ii aepeech at Hainelton Premier
Drury ilaely affirmed the policy of his
Government -10 have nothing to do
with the building of new electric rail-
ways, and to seek some means of
curtailing the powers of the Hydro-
electric Commission. Naturally the
proceedings before the Sutherland
Commission formed the basis for a
large pat of the Premier's' addreee,
mprtant EveWhi0h Hav
OCCPrffed Dur the Week.
Tile 'easy '11,Vorit1'e Happening* Carce
fitallanildy CeenuldPiAletcltracatinvile SPILItatPeIlt()
thoLdReaduatiere:s 31
e0Leeot;rnewleitlit.per —
A new revolution has broke tent
be Portugal,
Canadian dollar Is still advaueing
in Neer York.
New, international coneortum • to.
• meet in London.
eMortotipeoGiiese;Toronto. Biegterevas buried et the
'Irish factions .to figet out treatr
ieeue in eonvetetion,
U. S. troops caned out in textile
strike in New Jersey.
Monsieur Fay •defends France in
her post-war attitude.
Two Toronto Liberal Aseociatione
elect convention delegates.
An attempt by armed men to rob
border mail car 1 frutstea.ted.
Twelve teams heve entered Dee
200 -mile Manitoba Dcf8 DeibY.
Hon. A. .3% Balfour is the gueat of
the Pilgrims' Society in London.
The Allan, Cup draw bas been re-
vised, Eastern teams are effectee.
Ministers of Railwaye is back irI
his office preparing railway policy.
Canadian Soo again beat Sudeitaree
1 to 0, and will meet'Iroquois ratite
Port Arthur tearaster stages thrill. -
bag rescue of -team cauglat under ice.
The Government. will be 'asked for
$500,000 for scientific research be-
rea.u. -
Charley White beat Willie Jackson
last night and will meet Champion
Doukhebors hi West.reported to be
Planning slaughter ; of their helpless
members. ,
A large quantity pf explosives was
found eu ash tans itt backyardscen
Inquest ou Hamilton suicide ad-
journed to hear ,evideuce of the man
' Gen. Sir Arthur Currie, principal
ef McGill University, left for Phila-
delphia, where he will be given the
Itighest honorary degree in the gift
;of the University of "Pennsylvania.
• leeEDNEeDAY.
_ Heavy seas on Atlantic met by
liners, • e.
S. B. Stothers
eeeds of quality are likely to be
scarce for the 1922 seeding. Farm-
ers are alreade scouting possible
sources of good seed. Inquiries at
this office haye been fairly numerous
of late. Particularly is this true of
oats, as so many of ow.' oets of 1921
• crop, will not weighorer, 25 lbs. -per
bushel. .
• Previding a termer can clean oats
up to 32, lbs.; pee bushelt he need not
hunt veiy far for oats. ' 'Then oome
farmers -have a supply of old,oats
which might be used to good adsant-
age. These are likely to be a better
sample, and provided they have been
well saved and stored, will in all
probability, be,satisfactory seed. In
Commission t� aid Ettrope.
every case of using old seed, it is
rkenhead Warns Lords
good practice to mn. ,ake a germinatioLord •Be
test. This can easily be done with. agasiiillisnt ...iFnecirielascehed
ouIrriesie-ntlemetrad. j
a small box df sand, in which 50 oe -Tuesday. without taking eevote.
• Thirty-four people killed in crash
of aerehip,ot Norfolk,- Nieginia.
Kitchener seniors :even e listless
,game from Argonauts, 7 to 3.
France has made -an ,entry, in the
Davis Cup tennis competition.
*lereech'seldier ln ,Seieeta shoots a
Germen p�llcetnaiL,, ,
Robert J. ,Gielsoneef Termite dies
Suddenly in liamileen. •
Nations League teYenake efforts to
nfiue typlitie Rieeeia.
legiate einetnideasteie by bea it he
liniveetety of Toeente.
Free paseages Ceitaett during
Ute laet six itioetbe Were greeted by
British Goereritment to 679 feeeilies.
Meeting in Londbu 'Of Inter -allied
lerence retains the next Clyde ad.
Sir Adam. Beck hes atteelt •
Wometee Presbyterial is in eeseion
In Torouto.
Severe" Wall Street Arms have be-
come inselvent.
Portuguese Government,wiel move
national capital. „
Sir Eris Geddes reSigas S,eat itt the
Bretiett Comelleue- '
'Queen ,Alexandra sericitesiee at.
,Illarlborough House.
Dig lelizzard sweeps across noztli
aad ,western Ontario.
$t. Mare's juaiore won the Toone
from Lindsey, 6 to 8.
A Mall ill Toronto loses $4,000 in
*td 'coneldence" game. etteee
British indep-endent Liberele eePe
peal tor election funds,
Arthur Griffith will go to Loudon
Ineteacl cif Michael Collins. -
Flood theeitens ',in London as
break e up on River Thames.
Both Iresb. factions eetisfied 'with
etgreenedet atDublin eonference.
University of Pennsylvania rowing,
eirews are already on the water.
The Britieb Government will cut
the army and nave- estimates.
Dominion fruit growers decide on
mew plan of grading Canadian apples.,
A Windsor bank teller confesses
bold -up of Teeumsee postmaster.
lettcheuer intermediates have
drawn a bye ia the 0. II. A. series.
eeeeneversity a Toronto Co-Eds beat.
the Queen's girlie at basketball, 28
to IS.'
Canadian manufacturers visit Ot-
tawa and recommend changes in
Dominion taxation.
Through a boy refusing to work in
joggles .mine, N.S., 500 men were
thrown put of work.
Horatio Bottomley resigns chair-
manship of the Independent Perna-
ementary group in Britain.
Scottish and Welsk members of
• Parliament will draft a devolution
bill conferring Home -Rule-on both
Scotland and Wales.
100 grains can be planted and the ree
snits observee, Thi e is good•practieg
witty any source of seed whether old
or new. A little moisture and rea-
sonable warmth are all the other pre-
cautions needed.
Liberal, policies outlined at ,La-
Ae with live stock, rigerous select -
Pointe banquet by Premier King. •
ion Pays large dividends. The fol- Police arrest gang, which,puts an
lowing table is taken erom Bulletin ,end to West Toronto burglaries.
268, which is the result of experi-
ments conducted at the Ontario Agri-
culture College.
Class of Selection Average •
'Grain yield pee acre
per annum
Straw Grain
• „ by weight
(tons) Bushele'
Oats large seed 1.9 62.0
medium seed 1.8 54.:k
smallseed 1.8 16.6
; large seed 1.5 53.8
Barley medium seed 1e5 , 50.4.
shrunken seed 1.4 45.0
broken seed 1.3 13.2
, Theabove figures, covering a per-
iod of seven years, illustrates rather
conclusively the value of a 'good fan-
ning mill. • The fanning mill is, how-
ever; powerless to help unless given
an oportunity.
With reference to new varieties we
might stete that the,Fiele leusbeildey
Department" at the Ontario Agricul-
tural, 'College, le dentieually testing
new 'varieties as they eeme on the
markie. Those that stand out as
having seme degree of excellence are
from tiMe,to time ;recommended:, Ex:.
travagent claims are Made some
times by those with ;ran axe to grind
of tbe merit of some new and untest-
ed variety. - Farmers are sometimes
enthused over "these rose -tinted pict-
ures or storied, to such an extent
that they will part with cash very
readily for common seeds- at fabulous.
prices. Does the farmer who listens
to these stories of one hundred bush-
els or there -abouts to the. acre, ever
stop to consider the possibilities of
his land producing such prodiguous
crops. Will our land, which has
been farmed under very ordinary
cultural methods, for fifty to seventy
flee years, produce these crops? We
think not. Except in very eicception-
al circumetances are we likely to
reach thee large yields. Then cx-
perimente- at the Ontario Agriculttie-
al College, prove that under goad
fa,rfit practice, the best Seed you can
use is that produced on yotir own
farm. Give your own seed of qie
eeed and, tested varieties a chence.
A. chance Means a liberal use of the
fttitniug pill and reasoeable cultural
• ha (Is and. fertilizers. Under such
rercumstaeces your own seed will, we
eitik, hold its own with any toreign
• 1,-nri0ed seed. If your own is not
le the standard, possible you can
•re „Some froibt yogi' neighbor.
nIo seed oats front Western
rwil be rie6.11 111 •office.
,0 oan be bought reasonably' in
We wish to point. -out
-ovsr that 1111Y a (;i4OP rtIort 4 Ibis
11 need to bo taken soon as it
,onSicier a 1,16 tilne te lie e
00 Sair troinAVsitirJi Clnat van',
millions for 100.000 horsepower. ‘•
Later the scheme grew in size,and hi
1919 forty million dollars was stated
te be the ultimate estimate for 450,-
000 horsepower. A few months la-
ter this estimate had beenincreased
to fifty-five million, then to sixty-five
present estimates that will hold good
for three months, let alone six, I will
"bay some atteetion to Hydro radials"
declared the Premier. He had re-
fused to accept as adequate the reas-
ons offered by Sir Adam. Beck for
the enormous increases in these est-
imates. There had to be some point
4456 'Bonnie Maggie Tarrison
' Glen NIlison
4457 Wonderland of Dreams -Violin
Rae Eleanor 'nal
4458 in )Ay Heart, On My Mind All
Day Lonr, and I Wonder If You
Still Care For 110-Xarlonlione
Signor Loa Chiba 11-nscoe"
4459 Dapper Dan
• Billy Jones end Ernest/fere
4460 Thews ocIV ono ral After All
gdward Allen
4461 It's Yotr-Iroz Trot
liedY WiedoeiniGaliforniana
4462 A mother's Croon
Margaret A. Breer
4463 Yorktowres Centennial March
• United Statos Marine nand
4464 The Stop Girl 1 A Department
Store Scene) I ustine Roberta
e 65 'Ten CAlp Giri-Fox Trot Lenz-
, berg's hivemide Orchestra,
4466 ereeis,1 C:oine To Thee .liohn
Yoting' and Droderick Wheeler
4467 Remember -The Rose
tietgy Lane Shepherd and
LOW is Jatnes
65 eetteemeeneetral I/a! (]loMr
• Little Maui ettente)
Isabelle Eatrleola
9 71ely Mother's rvening loirayer
George Wilton Ballard
4470 Weep Igo More (My IdararaY)
-Fox Trot Harry
) Itaderman's Jazz Crothestra
4471 Tuck. Me To Sleep (In Mq Old
Kentucky Horne)-X,ylophone
Signor Lou Chiba. reiffece"
4472 DeaVe Me With A Smile -Vox
• 'trot Club de ilingt Orchestrsa
4478 Ka -In -a --Medley Fox Trot(In-
tro.i 'Blue Oanubt Blnes"frorn
Good Morning Dearie)
Broadway Dane Orchestra.
4474 ,That's Howl Believe In Yot*-
Irioh Walter Scanlan
75 Dream Of Your Smile -Vox
3Tarozzt 0/rlaairirgtraltridermate's
4475 'When Shall We Meet Again
ilinuyssalee sral Lewis James
4477 Get My 14salts on At
berriard arid Vernon Dalhart
4478 Tomorrow Land
Charles Hurts -lad t.ewislaines
4479 Down In zfoon OVVYI
Premier Quartet
• 4480 If Yon Lite Me, tcke 1 Like
Yon Lewis -looms
'Heated debate' in 'Legislature be -
Premier, and Conservative leader; „.
-Rt. Hpn. Arthur eleighen banquet.:
ted ))3, Toronto Conseevative women.
Western Ontario gathering - 'de-
mands Goyernmente jeave , Hydro
Aura Lee juniees.beieeleitchenee,
3 to 1: Lindsay beat Se -Mare's,
-2 to 1. Y::"" , ,
• leiladek Zbyzike • deteaeted Joe
Stecieer, forinet world's champion
wrestler. ' •
World control of wheet supply ape
peels to leaders of Seskatehewan
agrarian party.
Olympiad.• of 1924 will be trans-
ferred from Paris unless France ren-
ders assistance.
. Striking printers in Quebec -have
returned to work so that t,he 'Legis-
lature may proceed.
Doukhobors planned to kilt off old
people and children so that they may
roam ateme, as vagrants en, protest
,against taxation. •1
Mitchell Methodist cluttrell have'in-
vited their ptiSter, Rev* M. Three to
'remain fpr the teu'rtb yearelVir. jren
ha e accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Hy Lawrence, of
Mitchelli, had a cold bath while drie-
leg nearthe river tWO and a halt
miles earth of Mitchell,. The buggy
upset '',Ceettapilie „the ecenpettte tate
tee water. e, • ' e/'
t;IVIree, -Albert .Ilueton, of Mitchell,'
while ,Werking in the lettehele,1,01,
fractueedea;lieue. itt boil
W. CoSton the same day had'ilie mis-
fortune to fall and the ligaments of
one of her lower limbs at the hp
Were badly torn end wrenched.
Miss Margaret Mem, daughter of
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. leren, of Mitchell,
fourth Year stedeut at Victoria Coll-
ege, has been eleeted by Toronto eTni-
wersity tor a French Government
Scholarship. It affords tuition board
,aud living expenses in a French
boarding eel:tool „in a ueiversity city
awl free tuition for, a year, for any
course she wisheeeoaake at a French
university. The ;duties are instrect-
or in English conversetioe.
-Viecount Harcourt dies in Britain,.
Canada's population is 8,768,489.
Two more murders oecur at Bel-
fast, Ireland.
Lloyd George leaves fox conference
with Poincare. „
Free State •• policy Is outlined by
Arthur Griffith.
Icelaed is•in the grip of •crisis•over
prohibition issue. e
A dynamite explosion near Chicago
causes big damage.
Gifts to Princess Mary viewed
Buckingham Palace,
Aura; Leeeldst to the University of
Toronto senioed, 7 to 5. -
Lew Tendier W011 from eHyrnie"
Gold in the eighth round.
Case for labor is presented before
the Cabinet in Ottawa. e
Percy Thomsen of Sjt. ,•oiau,
is drowned ate0a.keille.
A live snake was theoeven on the
floor of the Japanese Diet: ke
Members of the Prince at Wales'
party were fired on in India.
New Brunswick worker meets.
death in digester at pulp mill.
Western Ontario cities and towns
clearing away debris of storm.
Probe of Hamilton fire results in
disclosure of remarkable record.
' Dr. Ray Balmer, Toronto, leaves
for Peru to take a position there.
• -Nova Scotia miners to vote on re-
opening of negotiations on wages.
Ste Robert Falconer addressed the
•employes of the City Hall, Toronto.
Henri Desire lean.dru, the French
"bluebeard," was guillotined to -day.
Repington speaking at Buffalo
says gold currency must be restored.
Tommy Atkins will not leave Ire-
land until after the plebiscite has
been taken.
• British and Irish Governments
agree to defraY Own expenses for per-
soaal injuries.':,
Premier Drury and. M. M. Mac-
Bride, M.P.P., have sharp encounter
in Legislature.
Mme. Sean Baptiste Dufresne, aged
105 years, is dead at St. Agatb.e des
Monts, Quebec.
'debates inanleood suf-
le„ege, •
•, NOW Deenswick fiemers:',4re:ready
Ottawa defeated banadieneeat Ot-
• tawa, 4 to 3.
Prince of Wales 'gets great wel-
come in Delhi.
Price of bread in London increased
by rise ha our. .
Allied Premiers are tohold con-
ference it France.
• Electric breakdown sPaealyzes To-
roato for six hours. ' •
France guarantees' bonds' to re-
build 3,000 churches.
Four seamen were dreewned- off the
coast of Newfoun.dland. ; • '
Canada's two strialleet; citizens die
within the same week. .
Whole' of ,Western ;Ontario is. grie
tof relentless sleet etorrei e
An airplane will scout for seals in
the Atlantic, to aid sealers. , ,
-Winnipeg reports that provincial
general election is plan.nede • ,
;The town of Vaudreuil, near Mont-
tmenaeed -by conflagration. .
Fortner Labor leader in Legisla-
tere attaeks Drury Government.
Labor leaders have big list ok de-
mands for D01131111011 Governmeet..
St, Patticles were -d-efeeted bY
Hamilton on the latter's ice, 4 to 3,
Promineet Recha,bitee of , Great
Britain pay a sheet visit to Tbronto.
A • draw is announced for the
fourth round eif the Englisliee'occer
cep. •„
Hou. Mr. Fielding will ,eriqiure as
to the tax on Canadians crosaing the
Dr Mee e or Itochester addresses
Socieite of Chemical Ieclustry at
Toront..•)„, ,
114, •• ‘otssohn Choir 'concludes "res,
tivre ' Toronto; had a record-beeak,
ing so sou.
Sinn Vein conference reaches
agreement to poetPone Web elections
for three; nionths.
Queen's jUntors Won thi
Aoleepateli frOM Mitchell to the'
Toronto Globe says, "Werlemen nave
commenced to cleae the limbs erom
otfthe etreete, end some eitizeile
gee enough wood to last them' It.
whole year, The town Of Mitchell.
• has been noted,. far, and wide for lia
beautiful ehede trees, but thee (eine
not be saidl 110W, for practically all.
oe the finest trees in town have been
clesteoeed, by the ice storm of Wed -
ha eireoKeek? betore;',
'the telephone service will be M circler'
again and on account of the electric'
eight eystete being epee „of .liusiness,.
ell the maeutecturing,nsteelfeemeheet
in town are closee clown. It wile;
take a'weekbefoee Hydro power tor-
lighting purposes be available,"
Mr. and Mee. HellrY GOUldiriSi of
Cromerty, recently celebrated the/
55th anniversary of tlaeir wedding,
Tee neighbors presented tbeni with
a pUrse or silver.
,There's one thiu.g that's never out -
of place, and that's 'a sunny, happy'
If your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg -0
just as slow to act its double action insure
leavening with a slow or hot oven.
int Power
• Ambition
whatever it may be will be more
easily achieved if you have ereat.
• ed a strong ally in the shape of a
Savings Bank balance.
It gives courage in present difficulties
and confidence for -.the future.
No beginning is too small and no
aim too high.
°Pen an account to.day. 6S1
'Capital Paid ,up -$15,9Q0,000
, Reserve Fund $1.5,000,000
F. A. Cgapman,Mana`ger
R. S. Wilson, Manager
Exeter Branch,
Crediton Branch., 1
Dashwood Branch, j
etlaamarsm!asravsstlIMOSOIergesm semmommiliemilmswaansagamattwo
Mrs. MargotwAsquith, is visitiug
Telenet°. • / ell •1 • s •ee
Searchers at'10altville fail to legate
blety's body. , eee' •ell
Sterling in Toronto, $,4.52; in New
York, $ 4.41 see .;'; • -;
t "Mahatma" -Gandhi outlines his
Indian policy.
Ilanalitoit won the 0.A.B.A. senior
Arthur Griffiths returns from Lon-
don to Ireland.
Canada has again challenged for
the Davis Cup. ;
McGill won -the Intercollegia,te
basketball title. '
Minineum wage for telephone oper-
ators is proposed., .
Lloyd George favors ten years of
peace in. Europe. •
le S. Senate likely to ratify Con-
fererice treaties. e
De Valera resumes 'campaign
against Irish treaty. '
' A lenge liquor still was. seized on
a York county farm.
Welland ladies beat the Beaches
hockey team, 7 ;to 0.
Aura Lee juniors won the round
from Kitchener, 6 to 4.
Seven youths arraigned for complic-
ity itt border hold-ups.
Canadian mentefactureee are visit-
ing Kingston, Jamaica.
Peace prevails on the frontier of
North and South Ireland.
Cepada's armed forces to be reduc-
ed sa2s,•11/4inister of Defencs.'.
Swift's packing house, Toronto,
threatened by fire on Sunday.
Wettern Ontario is gradually
cleaning lip debris from Storni.
, tneinployed itt 1-1aMilton propose
total abolitioe of private ownership.
"Caution and eneonoray" ie eloretu
edepted by new Minister of Railways,
,Lloyd George and Poinearc reach
an agreement on the Oenoa agenda,
Catholic Natitinal 'Unions in Que-
bec euclorse stand oil Premier of
The "Soo" lost the first of their
play-off games to Iroquois Vallee
4 te 3,
"col -
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Over 125 Branches
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pLivErs HARRIS; Munro, Agent for
Ilibbert. Fullerton\ and Logan.
• Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. I, Woodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office—Baker's Livery On James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone S.
We' haie n= large itmthitteot
.1nnds,to .loan on form and village
Prapertiesi,, at lowest rates of 'in-
iala. A., R. KINSMAN, D.D.S.
Honor Graduate of Toronto 'CZIVer-
Offiee over Gladmati Sta'nbury's
°face, Main Street, Exeter.
Advertise o -
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Ontario
tierteer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Tersis moderate, Orders len
s.t Times Office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Hirkton,
Address Hirkton. P. 0.
Office' over I. R. Carling's LaVt
Closed every Wednesday afternoon.
Dye right! Don't rislc.
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age of "Diamond Dyes' con-
tains directions so simpler
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