The Exeter Times, 1922-3-3, Page 1OR,'EY-SBC014 E YEAR 'e 227$ JINCIUM rt 111111)..0)11111011111111111C0011i1i(10.1.0 .11111(6111)00,01,00.000(1.N11.0.1 10111)0110�I 0l11111111101111111111111111111111111111:; Av.t Q 4.. An ex :ensrve . range C f new moll •a a r �� ICorsets for sill types being f figures i5 being s .own.` e also invite Mite ou - ti see our rtes , ea' --to- wear lines \xn Tailored Suit artivi�' ' . asses' and Women's/Dresses. We have a large stock -of Nerno, LaGrace Gossard and -D & A Corsets to select from. We place on sale this, week dozens of. Boys'• Fine Negligee Shirts, sizes 12 1 to 14 Gbod Material and Patterns to• clear at 60e each 2 for $1.25 Ladies' and Misses Suits, . Coatsand Dresses now in stook. New Wall Papers -To suit allrooms. :Spring Stock .:now ready. PON 32 PHONE 3.2 11111111111111111,1111111,11111[i111111111111111111111111!!!!,!11111111111111111111!![! I[! ! ! !![ [!1111III[Illl1l111111111I[1111[ll[-111![ :[; • .CI 3rd., s:':1922 ou d, to rxtPr the reglllai,• sneer- leg ltf the lixe;ter council held Oil Aloud' .,, *Feb. 27. Members all pre- .. sent, 'file Inin>ltes of the Meeting Correspondence was aea,d as -1'01 love* Letter from. the Secretary of the Onta,rzo 11[turicipal Association, Toron, 1e a0 b1 duos 101lod, A. lettetor Froin the socirotaryi ;of.:the :per SChnol .reoaI'd inelosing a copy of a resolution a;; passed by the Board re semi-annual collection of municipal taxed, was held over for future con-, sidotiuo. ":1.J.. S; i[arvey an.cl 'r G. Stanbrrxy, a dop[tttr.tron Froin the ilor.- ticulturaai ;`society, , waited on; the = ' council asking ;arid and co-operation ' along the following lines: The pre- vention of laoultry and r"alabits ,.from = running at large. The upkeep and = improvement. of the boulevards and i:heprotection' of sante. That -Ar- ' hoz• Day be revived. That the so ciety' be granted the privilege ofplanting .trees in the river park. Per Francis and E1lerington that a donation of $25,00 be granted the j Horticultural Society, -Carried. j Per Hooper and Davis that a by- = law be prepared tor the prevention of all poultry land rabbits from rluining .- at 'large within the ]nunicipalit.v.---. ..,„,a= Carried, Re, action "of the council in the - matter of t]ie request from the com- ': mittee on £arhi lands to be detached = as deferred sat the last meeting, per Elieringtott and : Francis that the - council take/ 110 action_ Carried."' The price :for, general team labor With teamster was set at 55c per hour;' for man labor 25c per hour, --LS' . 10 hour day.' Motion by Francis a,nd Hooper. --;Carried. PerI -IoOper and Davis that Mr. >-I. Bierliu•g 1)e re-engaged with his team = 'for 'municipal .work for the sung -oi: =, $134 per `month• for a term of seven �nrontIrs commencing at the option' of " held Feb. 13 -were read and approved the Roads and Bridges Conl,nrittee, ...1 the town to "tuinish harness and wa- I gon.-Car; red: By-laws Nos: 1, 2 and 3 of 1922 .were , considered, read and finally p,assed. The following accounts were read =, and passed: H,' T. Rowe, coal for hxazy 71.65; for town. hail 14.40; F. ' Wells, labor 13.00; F. Mallett, labor 6.50.; T. Parsons, labor, 1.20 T. San- '. ers, 'an'ders, Ichor, 5.'40 `T.- lilalilden labor, mraml •, i ITI-i—ln London, .� `S VI zc oir n, T'ebruary 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Smffth a son. KRAFT At Dashwood on Feb. 27, • to Mr, and Mrs...E. F. Draft, a daughter. YOUNG—At Crediton, 011 Feb. 28tH, 1922, to, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Young a daughter. ABBOTT—In Biddlilph., on Feb. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lon. Abbott, a daughter: DIED "1oIRNICK--[n Exeter, eu Sunday,. Feb:; 26th,'R.ay Coward, youxigest Son of: 1VIr. and 1VMrs• A. 111 Kerniok, aged 6 months and 16 days. li1CIIARD—In Stephen on Tuesday ,� Feb. 28th, Carman Parsons, young- u7;est son of Leslie and. Edith Richard aged 10 months. ' CUNNINGHAM—At lot '14 eon, 4, IV1cfillzvary,, ' on February 20th,, Vers, Catharine, youngest Baugh - ter of Frank and Florence Cun- ningham, aged 1 year and 6 mon- ills. ell:1 ,()1•ik :I I+iEtl E 0I ANDY HIi7Its, iV.1'I',3 iE'rgi'Clf3 E1'i 6E 3i'.'' 4I®'1IS (Toronto 1,1013e) i+'roan the 1.. Ir', O.,ranks_ trprhags� -10'' modern Sir 1Val,tet " Raleigh. chivalry, xas well ass' cieatocraey, eoinefs to Toronto tram the farm. group of siX ladies, returning given by the wives of the Cabinet Ministers in Queen's Park,. found'": themselves' yesterday, at College street, confronted by a pond of water.• of ominous depth, .11 cut off access to street cars, Then Andrew Hicks, M. P. P., Government Whip; appeared on the scene. In a ,moment he took in the situa- tion, and with those same substantial feet that once crowded . Ion. T. A. Crerar's Speeches out of an -auto- mobile,. he waded in and : kicked a canal to the storks sewer: And, 1oi" the waters subsided: The ladies. tripped dry shod to the car. 7I2LEOJ"IO?ii$ SYSTEM STILL IDEMOItA` IZED" 3%1 my 'E3c.iliisful Shade Tr�eee . Have I1i1nb5 Ilrolecti Off. 1 Mr. S, J. V. Cann has started 10 Lear down the old cider mill. and turn- ing factory on. darn Street, which we1s operated for years by the late Am- brose Cottle. He intends to erect a double 110111e on the property, This c'ommiinity has not, yet r•ecov-' eyed from the effects of the ice storm which visited :the : province �'on ` Wed- nesday of loot week, ' 'llie telephone service suffered the worst' of all, To the north. Or 'IDxeter4 the DelI sYSteni; numerous :wires, Was Quite lot or, havoc', was. 40110 to, hadlY damaged., zifter pole the trees, and, orcliards.ii1faity of the weight Of ,ice and. the 'wires Were had- 'just,ly proud 114d, ,largo ' bran,ches' suffered: heavy farm e. g As yet then is no 'telephone connection p o iiection With Cred� iton, Dashwood or Hirkton and only one rural line connecting at Exeter is in service; Communication has been established with London and I=lensall.` Gangs of workmen are out each day. Tile drizzling rain which fell most of Wednesday last coated the wires and trees with. ice and millions of icicles up - to five inches ' in length 2.,40; Fred Bzcdk,•Iaboi, 3.90;� Rd. Quance, labor; 2.40; passed 011 1110- 1. Lion of Hooper and Francis. Adj. by Francis. Jos, Senior, Clerk. RITOR' ON 11 x J:t� ZURICH OCT OP 0.113.x1. BY heating the Exeter -Zurich leant its I itrh'nen on Wednesday of .last week lay the x1':1' of 0 to 2 tltolocals we1`0 1>f1l; out of00the O.II',A, 301' this. year and l;.itchener toes into the inn als this tveel , We came close to the Silverware but close doesn't count. I-1O'svever all are satisfied with what the teaari has clone. Any team that can get up teetvliei•e the Exeter -Zur- ich, got is a real hockey team. and one to be proud of. Last year ;va. their first year in the There were not many games played and the team was put out earlier. This,. yeas we have had fast hockey right front Deconlber'and lots of it,:. To go into di.a semf-finals in the second year is a wonderful advance, _ When you see- large Places like London, Wood- stock, Stratford and a dozen others not doing nearly as well andbeing put out, in Jan., 'when we; baire• 121,1011= dy had over two months of winning -hockey and not through yet, we count ourselves in with the best of thein in this good old Winter pastime. Every one of the boys are talking of sticking for•, another winter and get a good Coach and go right after the championship, for ,the fans believe tliey can win in, another year of they go after it in that spirit: That silver - cup would look just fine ina small town. Those big cities have had it long enough. With the rink we have and the crowds we get the team would be supported through the finals, Our team got the name of being the biggest team in the O.I;I.A. but those, who gave them that name never saw the Kitchener crew.' They. havea bigger team, ,:very reran is big, but good clean sp8%ts.: We have had clean sport this winter, all of the games being free from rough' play. IK.itcllener should win in the finals' and then go after the senior charnpionsliip as they have a real sporting town and lots:of hockey players to choose from, Getting back to the game. The score i,'as about the same as It was at the game here, except that our boys got some goals. It was a harder e,hceking game all through with sense stiff body cheelts. 'Big Dodo" was "'on: the tine up ; but did hot play all through, subbing quite freely, as he was not fu1.1y re- covered from_his illness. The boys all playbd a good" game and although Word 'was ;'eeeived rii toivta this tveelc, of tlie death 0i Ili A. Q. 1301i-: ick, which took place in 'Buffalo oir Sitturday following an illn 1s of ab- out three weel10 Willi Pizeonionia. His is 1 011 0ln0 were talrc 11 t , (luetph for interment, :Nr. Dottier was :at otic time a prarnizterat re,,ideiii of the toxrtr, 1 or a number,oi: Years he conducted the Exeter Creame-ry: When the cream separator first caztne out Ire placed' ninny of them throut;'li- s out the e00vs11ty. It as during his f reevesb.ip and principally to his of - or tS ' that the Exeter iter Canningg and Preserving Co, Was started in ,town. Mr. Eobier was also the poineer of 1g sugar -beet Uro ;in this district. When the autoliiobile first nnade its appearance, Mor. T3obaez" was among the first; to own one,: It was in the form of '1 truck: for passengers with:, a chain drive and was to be "need in carrying passenger's 'back and forth to Grand 23ond. The editor well re- members- the night et the arrival .of" the truck. had been expected for hours cuff Jnany citizens were on the Street in the evening 21, aitzn,:•.1ts ar- rival. Suddenly two lights appeared on the London Road south and a few itninutss later two yoane fel- l0'l,S drove into town with a lantern banging out either side of the buggy, It' was a great joke,, The car arrived. iiz the course 0' time and was one of the attractions of the town. It did flub out of the : running they wish. lt;tcltene tke best of luck sand hope that `they- I lay g1�' tha oes:g t and win Ire championship. eritchell, of Tor- onto, refereed the game and: gave better satisfaction than, when he arcs here SERIOUSLY ILL The many friends : of Mr, Wallace A. Hulse will regret to know that he in a very critical condition suffering from the effects of a cold, . Dr. McGregor, of London was called An consultation with ,Dr. Hynduaan on Wednesday, FAITHFUL OLD EQUINE ELUDED TER FRACTURING HID Mr. Jonathan Kydtl, lost one of his team of horses' on "Wednesday of last Week. He was driving one and lead- ing the other down Andrew street in- tending to have • them' shod. When opposite Dr. Sweets the animal lie was leading fell on the icy, road and ti•actu2'ed rte -flip... It was later killed, The annual was blind,' and had sere- i ed Jonathan welle. It had seen its best days, EXETER -ZURICH WINS PRO1%L LI: CTsI O'f[[i It. T.t 1Twt' 11310 €.3104 111 111' 4':ala2 1701 .pre0 Sali , ict'D..7 00131404') It .,was i of ,' ` i , ,1r'.•x he �l lk 001110. 1;,, hcart1 1(1 .'0 a,1,• diPtc no. drivers of ftp Meet it.: 2ft,.(1 4 s.t1 11e . 1.i 1.P\1°J'713:x �a T.1.11:1, D.AA" NIGHTS. f,3.$ `:E`DANCE E iiATURDA k' :01'1.`117r," i et W91t.M. 10 - Savin ohnsop' an .' i re 4 eek m tired Of • rustle, 1 pound Johnson's wax and 7 pound Brush 33.50 • fl Johnson's wax in 1 pound tins , S5c wax in 2 pound tins $1.65 wax in 4 pound tins $5.25 Liquid wax 45c IJanGillg ` Pvax 65c ' Paste wood .filler 35c Wood .Dyes per bottle 75c s Waxes are used for Furnit n o,' Hardwood P100! i, & .4 tl tts.. Johnso Exeter -Zurich started out right in the N.H.L, on Monday night at .the. Dome rink when they trimmed the Lucknow teals, winners of the north group, by the score of 5" to 1, taking a lead of four goals with them: to Lucknow this Wednesday Bight, : It was a more funny game than it was serious. After the game started our boys looked the Lucknow team over 1 and did not exert themselves for the 1. first two periods thinking they could get a good lead onthem in the last Period. But those things do not al- ways turn out as they are expected to. Sure enough they had the play in the last period, and all of it for that matter,' but there titan "a guy with a few pads 031 and a stick in his hand' that stood -in-between two iron posts with a net at .the rear and ; he -well's :. r out and informed oar boys that that")' was thelac where e p et h ecic �i had P dt ,o go, Ile also informed them that he, was going to be stationed<right in F IiTER, OLD BOY'Akliti (30 TO APP.EAIl1COV)aT 1 n e HoWilliam Melville Martial, premier of Saskatchewan, and an Exeter . Old d Ro : seas y. ru Ottawa ] ant ` week and rreden:cc is given to the re- �. port that he is about to be appointed to a newly created judgeship on the + Saskatchewalr. Court of Appeals, and that he will be succeeded as Premier by Hon. Charles A. Dunning, one •of ( t the ministers of his Government. An 1 t announcement to this effect is ex hung suspended front. them. There was little breeze blowing' at the time - Reduce Pelee on Stoves -Ranges and Heaters rot FebriAar ea between those two iron posts and , etee � ..e. .,�. that if it were, not too much trouble �°`"""""��°�-=X-�u� �.;:�� eee E3EEBR'I9Eif@f9HBSiCCAR4aAaIDEr.aanee an.,...ew ...,._--'--- _HOUNMIEMO , PHONES 271 to the local boys that they would have to .shoot: that black pucli past flim before it would be counted a goal. That ,was agreed to but when time was up they all agreed that it was a. lot of trouble for tha,t` guy hard all the horse shoes and luck pennies hat go with the game. Time- after inze the locals got in 011 1111 to tvlt1t- n a few feet Only to. have Bina block, r they would shoot right into 'hie ads, 1 -le had on nice new•stein-palls and the locals were out to see if, they vete of good stuff, and they Sure vere. Poor'Coolt got so lonesome 01 is end thatho informed the captain flat if Hinie and Dodo did not commie aek to see him once ui awhile that to would. take a seat in. the stand: T -re never 01105 saw the puck an the ast twenty, l'here, ,was 4,4ntt: body pecking in spots tc keep the fans in 1 ood 011at101 and to get tvarliled up. welt gashes lite rubbers Oi Joy for ley know they will not get oven orlted between 11ei'ib4s.Alrout, the niy party of the )(teals rtaiatirtg ill igh sliced teas tit band. 4 tints or vo they there playing so leech the ol'erce liad x1 to .00 311 '11 The crowd ls liot as large this Unit?. They are, 1 waiting till the locals greet Strat- rd, 11110 w11111ors of this i'ol1rrd will Oct the winners o1: the Strn,tforTd- 1cyton -:game, possibly 'Friday and i110fday We are holrilrf; it will 310 the Exeter -Zurich team. )l;rat:O1'd goon; etre^r1,; ia00 if lie locals meet lhent it will be a great gttnte, them ii: t i] ly , a great 0;trrre: else the damage would have : been worse. The weather turned mild during Wednesday' night • and by Thursday; morning the ice had all disappeared. There was more or less danger in being around as the hydro wires were in danger of breaking. Some did, brealt ivltile• the power was oar but were noticed and guarded before any rlanrage was 'done. The power vras on bi spells on. Wednescl.ay'.etud The `limes was able to get ready for the press, but just as etc were ready the =power went off: and remained oft all of Wednesday 'niglil and mast of Thursday. It came oil ,Shout five o'clock Thursday evening but wee only on about an hour when it: again went oft,and was off until about_ ten "clock, ' Since that tittle' we iliive,_ rarl-uliintt2'rup)l 1 service. TWO CHILDREN 1411:]0 O�`�ILLHll j 1'' I➢lE A.'0) h Tile sympathy' 01: the c21), .1 billy is is extended t0 Mr. and Sri'', A. M. leer 11 nick, of town, in the ;loss of thein 1 youngest child., Ray Edwa,rd,'agecl 6 • • We on -he wa ve a Car oft net Cali al -1(1 s ry sa