HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-23, Page 7• Scout:trio Progresr.,es 0 YOU FEEL WEAK AND RUN D This Condition' a nalotiic.Medi-' cine is Needed. ami stormy that the in.ellrer atrai 1 tti. •take the children otrOor tlie fresh air alio oxoroJi,o they "leer( so miteh, initell less exact than those of men, ill ".,11sequelP°:141ey 010 oftnn All Rag tis,•man, dber Dtilie, WI 0 319 '31 ° a ')L1',G^Y, occupiedirimseif with thin probt040 in. rooms anti are 50011 t•erzen Ka.i, colds profound speculations,. thinks lie has " gril)t)°• Oeetlett ki3ell traced. it. 10 110 33oUlce, 1I10 has eb., the little onee wetinie latthy'a Own 3"orn by 1115 VS31e, 11115 301'v iegllu :tt':'1111)tealnli i;r011:0Y1swallni (1"(gitellivuL3e()t:ttIlle (8.1t)°13111'L: and by their use the ln,thY ‘vIlt tJe able - 1Y, whereas when 'b,v him it is perlocur correct. ,.,Now, how is it,,, to get over the winter season. in or - 00 ..thnt 50 3i111'V Ivoinen have toct safely, The Tablets are sold by 5001 a balcifili infwo-noo 00 wz.itohes?., inedicirte dealors or by nuill at 2ti t'el'taini,y mach is duo ,sth: t'enLo a box from The Dr, Vailliams. ttat to women. the lattice i I .; (Io•' Ont neceasary toial of lire than a bee titl- aDla Lady--c;i-'—'1"/;;;'—ati'llee—alle Street" tut ariertium.at; tliat tho'S care more ,11],•1 1,eadneedie, Street a Ionulon for its lookieg elegant 00 Lite wrist c.,,,taeto en, welch stands the, flank or than for its being tagitte that they England, hence popuiarly -0/0. 1:randi° )dy Lit 'Inercadneedle Street '' tide deli atO atatus. c ) • arigtn of the 'name is eatd to bP the The condition 0,1 being "rue down' le one, that doctore do 1101 recogaix as a dieease,. But those who are rui down in health know„that is Lot t fancied affliction, Tire expressmn lull clown applied to- health means a 00:1dition in which the bodily functions rii•o enfeebled Appetite fails, 01e digestion is inipailo ecl, the nerves aro impoverished, tlie complexion becomes pale ea waxy, there is no animal-1cm, but rather wor- ry and mentel depression, Fatigue is o conetaut symptom. No particular organ, being affected, you, must look for relief to tlte blood, As it claculates through every part 01 the Wily, any impinvemeat in the, condition of the blood 'is quickly fon, Llmoughota the entire system. In cases or title' kind a tome medicine is what is needed mad Dr..,Williains' Pink Pills are recog- nized as a valuable tonic because of their 'direct action on (he blood, and through the blood to tile nerves giv- ;mg tone to the system generally and restoring vigor. Where the system is run devra tile value of this 11101)103 )1$ is...shown by tho statement , or Mrs. Gregory Murphy, Lt»Ver Ship Har. bo East, N.S., who says: "About a Year ago I was (-011.1p1OLely 11.10 down. L was so nervous and weak • that I could 8eareely do my houseworlt, and (be least exertion left Inc breathless and tired out, A neighbor advised 1)r Williams' Pink Pine, ,and so much geoci did they do me I feel quite like a different woman. I ti•ope some other • suffering woman may benefit by my experience." Dr. WIllictins' Pink. 'Pills can be had through any metlicine dealer, or by ' at 50 cents a box or six boxes tor 132.50 from The Dr. "Williams' Medi- cine (.10•• Brockville, Ont. Sloth has brought down more men and more nations theta ha,s the etvorth. MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders -are on sale in five thousand offices liroughout Canada. orne Punotua,uty .Said t -o be the vitti?le of ',doge, but not of, •wo.nten. The lat- ter 'will liot; however, admit 1010 lock of But when Judy has kept a mere rnaii,,Waiting for her. an innnitelY long timeeher excuse, cYltiata deelaro/ is ready at inuidi watea muet be wren" Anti, S•trango say, • thie aeaseo Wen as an exectse,. differently , from ether excuses, le almost always 'valid.- The Watches or walnep. are, EEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER , Winter is a dangerous searion roy. 0.e ones. Tbe days are change- abl0,—one bright, the next one cold 113 a the afternocia of Vebauera 2atl, 1922, the 11111 Annual Meetitna of the Ontario Provincial Council, of the, Boy ''Seonts Aseociation was held ie the Pompelaa Room of the King Eaward, Hotel. Tot•onto, Many Scout'end Cub Officere who were in Toronto for the Scout Oflicers' Conference represent- ed' their local associations at this meeting, The, big feature of this Year'S meeting waS the attendance of klis Q.xcellency. Lord 13yng of Vimy, Chief -Scent for Canada, who addressed tho Provincial (tounell ou "Scouting and Leadership," The Amarke 01 Lord Liyeg were not merely congratulatory. They n.ere dined with practical ideas which are only gained by actual ex• perience in Scout •vaorlt. tibe rapid growth of Lae number of Scouts in Ontario was shown in. the report of. the Pi.ovnicial C0113 111133510110 W. K. Cleorge. The total membershi oil Scout and cab oainni.6 and Boy Scouts and- Wolf Cubs at the end' of the year 1821 vvas 13,218," said Mr. Bebrge, "The total. number a year ago was 9000," "One of the beet inclica.tots we have as to the amount of real Scouting. be- ing done throughout the province is the steady stream froni Ffeaclquarters of.Proliciency and other badges'. The issue or badges for 1921 was 6,136, public service badges such. as Fire - titan, Ambulance, Pathfinder, etc., be iag, as usual:, well to the rront. 0. 31• "The slogan of the Boy Scout Move meat is `'Be Prepared," and the file of our Headquarteas give 'liana. con •-(q-,pte evidences of the use to whicl1. Scouts and Wolf' (Jabs put theie train ing and their Soenting education, Th report of the Provincial Board of Hon• or lists, a -number of most noteworthy 13 cases cot heronain on the part of (mai boy, while I wish' to draw attention in, this report to the further fact tha other Scouts and Cubs without :mini ber are, daily displaying courage and resourcefulness in the face of danger as a result or their training and loyal- t ty to the scout Promise and Law. "Scouting does no't compete ,with the church, the school, the home or other institutions—it co-operates with them, making available to them in the eolution or their Ortill boy problems the use of a tried and tested program which works because of irs natural :appeal to the ,b0Y. We are therefore glad to note that many of these insti- tutions are using Scouting to a greater degree than ever before, while others are investigating us very Closely and finding that our methods are just what they ,AAve been looking for for a long tithe This continued and increased co-ooeration between Scouting and the educational and Tallier institutions is noted with grati- tude, as is also the splendid support being given fiaancially and 'in other ways to our local beanches by Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis' Clubs, etc. Our rela- tionships with the schools are sinilliar- ly worthy or comment, Scbool Board and School officials in many places co- operating with us mosi heartily in the conduct and extension of our -wcirlt. • 'For the real big accornplisinuents of the year we are indebted to the loyal and hearty support of our 'hun- dreds of volunteer officers who are 'serving the boyhood of Ontario 'as Scoutmastens, Cubmasters and As- eistants. They are the very pick of our manhood, and without thought of cost to themselves are giving their time and energies outright to th'e boys under their leadership. Upon their faithfulness, their ability, their re- souitcetuln•ese• and their unselfish Ser- vice to boyhood, depends. the success ot the whole Movement. These men ore deserving of our deepest gratitude as well as that of the parents of the thousands of boys with whom they work, and it is greatly to be hoped that every community in the Province will not fail in 'recognition of the ser- vice being rendered by these 'workers." Lock Your Auto. The device is fastened on the lefa hand side of the windshield; It con- tains a sinall rectangular piece of ern.- ragat ed metal, Which. when removed from its holder, locks the car. That ie to say, it$ removal opens the igni- tion circuit and prevents the machine from being operated. The piece of corrugated metal. (which is incidental- ly an identification plate) is called a "key -card." Its withdrawal from the holder reveals to view the word 'Tao tell ect .' You put the key -card to Youe pocket and leave your car. This novel and ingenione tontriv- ;Ince is the invention- of a 131001313'n man, It depends ror 115 actionupon a self-containecl ignition switch com- posed or thi•ee separate units, which, when assembled, loclt the ignition as well as the }meta The key-cara opens and close electric circuits, causing the otheVonits to function, Waste in Saw Mills. It is estimated that from wood TIOW wasted at saw mills some 300,000,000 gallons of alcohol could be produced annually and used for motor fuel, Certain trees, like human beings, are said to be liable to cateli cold if ex - a, posed to draughts. lt is a aad comtnentary that so many people are so .deeply concerned for 'the reputation or their wit' while 80 few are anitious 1(} their integrity. , But th.ere must be another more .1)0- , three needles ea the escatteltecti of the lent cause. It has been observed that ,Needlemajcers, company. 010 electricity contained in the human, body exerts a direct iatluenee cat tale Atlae?-1.e.r tarteleet delicate niechanism of the watch. niay be that, the small form of a 'Wo- Child's Bowels' VVith man's watch, renders it very serrsitive California Fig SYrtIP 11) 13)0 electrugnitgeetic influences' tbat • emanate teem the be -ay. :Even It aick dllild loves the "ft Luta- . • 3, A Yard Dog, Pat was the Mita who did all the odd jobs abdut the place, and owing to petty thievidg his employer in- etrected him to getc ga .taste or "California Fig ,Syrup." If the little tongue, is coattea, or if Your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, ,or lute colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels, In a few hours you. can see for yourself how Pat wa`s out all day, and in the eventhoroughly it; work s• all the constipa- ing landed home with a diichshutd, tiou poison, sour bile andgweste out `TArhat on earth.' have you brought of the bowels, and- Yoa have a well, along, Pat?" queried his employer, playful child again .— "Well, eh.," said Pat, "he's the Millions er mothers keep "California nearest 1 could get to a yard—he's 2 ft. 11 in. lopg. A Si -Order, Harassed. eassista.nt—"I am sorry; Madam, but this is all we have in all ages printed on bottle, Mother! stock. Shall I order scone From the You must say "California" or you •'1.g Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to - Megrim Ask your druggist' for genuine . • 'California Fig. Syrup" which has g direCtions for babies and children of SALESMAN MA L STAT •noriotve nor/Ian., Doe. 2itrearst 01) OG DISEASES and now t0 pead mailed Free to any Ad. dress by the Ault:0r. gnu. 1131 'Ivcrqt 41133 street New Torii, I.I,s,A. RESTORED OY TANLA.0 TWO YkARS AGO, 'TER STiLL FEELS FINE. Gained Twenty Pounds in Weight itnd Was Soon 13ack on Job, He 'States. 'Tantac soon .lind me :feeling like 1.3 Ow man, aed f gained t wen t P s 111 30035311 012 four Said Liti.Wr7 duce Trotter', well-lraiew.n salesman. for the' -.1,4twier's Pahery,, resitting .a 1(1 1Vardeil 51, '00101.110, Ont. —Peat and. ci half years ,igo when the al it, \karat' wout down and •was,irt bed tor . weeka. SG( was thin, and weak, had rm appetite at all and was SG nervoue I could. ecarcely steep any. t had no strength tot energy to cle tning. and as was eating" hardly: anything, cotann't seem Lo take start to mend. "I had read a great deal about Tau_ lac' being good te build a person uP OARSE SALT LAND ''Z'A L T Etilic Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS J. CLIFF" TORONTO 0 0 0 .*`..1.0 he Jiy tavigg, Wh en you Tar alt en with rio appetite,. adraaci of de 4y's work zinflyour bead beavy,yo dige.tive 0-(gari3 are probably calling 'for just the a help which l'Aother ,tielgera Syatea can give therm The itiedicisa3 es - tracts of more than ten different roots, barks and leaves restore ; the natural healthy action of liver arid stomach. tVleals are enjoyed, a 33 that tired feeling disappears, and you know the joy of living. Sold in 50c. and 51,00 bottles at drug 5 .stores, 1 1r so I got a' bottle and: it 'seemed nrm PAN DISTURB. that Illy appetite got b tier the iirst day I started taking it. I soon went back oa the job feeling fine, even better than I did before I had the 'flu.' Since then rve been telling neoPle about Taniac coaetantiv, for it did. me so much good I think ever3•1rady alight to knew about it." Note--Tanlac Vegetable Pills are an ess•ential and vitally importallt•Part or the Taalae treatment. You cauno hope to get the most eatisfactory re- sults from Tan la c wit (lout first estab- lashing a free and regular mo,vement b. an at eoetable. Pills are absolutely free from calomel and are sold oil -a positive guarantee to ive satisfaction. Tanlae is geld by ell good druggists. —Advt, factory for y�u?" may get an imitation fig syt•up Shopper—"Oh, don't britherl I only 1 wanted a little square for thabottothe Peace Su'Oieties, for She ProYention, or the canary cage. of 'War, Were first established in Dili - lead in 1816 . Minards Liniment tor distemper. firlinard's Liniment for Garnet in Cows. After the elephant; the COMMOD hippopotamus is ,the largest of land animals, fine specimens 1,78 fgh tug 11 rom four to five tOnst, " HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. NIIDDLETON •Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. alichileton will be glad to auswe.r questions on. Public. Health mat- ters through this column. Address hlua at Sciadlna.House, Crescent, Toronto. - Medical treatment and supervision parents to -day ' never resent the of infants and young children, an& •nurse advice alai saggestions! children of school age arc not ends 111 egarding, tile, child's condition, and I themselves. They are subordinat•e to after IL has received any medical ate! ,a greater end. They are intended to tention recommended for it, the par -1 secure for the child, primarily, itst-Ients of the -child are only too glad to 1 highest educational value,, and, ulti- satis.f3r themselves e:bout the follow-, mately, its highe.st social value. Mg: • I Nether of these can be fully secured ! Is the child better fitted physically, unless the child's physical basis is to do the mental wor0 required of, made adequate for the requirements "him? This is a question that' every' of its long and arduous. education. 'parent can, in some degree, answer; Physical edueation, therefore 'should for himself. , He needs no elaborate'. become a definite part of the school methods of research; he needs no 1 curriculum, but physical education special knowledge. he needs only the cannot be . conducted on the highest rninimum of common sense. Does the, plane except under -constant skilled child see properry? Does he hear' supervision contained through the properly? Is he happy and spon- age of growth. To carry on its physi- tarteous in his activities? Does he cal education the child must have good sleep well, eat well, run well and loolc hearing, good eyesight, healthy bones, well? Does he enjoy life at the healthy -joints, healthy circulation, school, or, is he exhatisted by if? Is healthy dgestion, healthy muscles. r.ro he nervous, ill-tempered, easily wear - secure these is the aim of medical ied, morose, silent, dull? Does he treatment in many phases of special- have pain? Is he Italie or limp, clear ist's 'work, and the sooner the Medical of voice, active in attention? Is he and Nursing 'Supervision are begun, restlessly curious? Can he play? the better for the child. Intelligent Can he shout at the top of his VOlee lIMISMOSIBMWEEMIIMMOMMXSIMMIMMICargifiSM. Too Expe nsive, She ---"Did you ever loge auether girt As.You.love me?" He --'•No, indeed! I'd have gone in- to bankruptcy, sure, if 3 had." Dye Faded Sweater Skirt, -Draperies in. Diamond Dyes . 'Pvery "Diamond Dyes'' package ells how to dye or tint any worn, aded garment -or drapery a new rich olor that will not streak, spot. rade, r run. Perfect home dyeing is guar- nteed with Diamond Dyes even if you ave never dyed: before. Just, tell with all- his heart? •• These are a few t of the questions that every parent can :ask,and answer .for himself. • 0 ft is sometimes the case, ardor- .0 tunately, that parents do not ask .a these questions, . and hence the child 11 'without medical. superVision ma con- Y - 10 thine to liVe,ancl groW without physi cal defects being' noticed.-, I have in /rand the cake of a boy etentling 10hodr whorif'' regarded as mentally' chill.' 'The child4-) could net understand what .w'as being -told him and did not seem to, take an P our, druggist whether the material on; wish to dyeais, wool‘ or, silk, or !Tether ;it is linen' cotton • . - d Igoods. For fifty-one years millions of -omen have' been Liking .';'Diamond yes.' to add years of Wear to their old, shabby waists, skirts, dresses, oats, sweaters,, stockings, draperies, hangings, everything! ColorEilinciness. . Color blindness affects one, woman out of every 1,000. while among the men. the ratio is one in every 25, I Those Having Sick Animals SHOULD USE interest in any of the subjects taught Neither the" parents nor the teacher understood the child's condition, but a. doctor friend had occasion to test the child's eyesight and found that it was there the weakness lay. The little boy could not niake progress simply- because he 'couldn't see the blackboard of the wall charts, After having his eyes examined and glasses provided, the boy made wonderful pro- gress and 'became one of the 'brightest pupils in the school. Defective flear- ing is also sometimes mistaken for mental dullness, and it is only by medical examination that defects of this kind are rectified, The school nurs0 who examines children daily and brings these defects to the notice of the doctor is doing a splendid work for humanity. To win a race a jockey doesn't put extra weight on the horse that helps him succeed No man or woman who wants to succeed in the race of life can afford the handicap of headaches, insomnia, indiges- tion and debility. Nor can they afford to take anything that may keep up a continual irrita- tion of the nervous system. Yet this is what many peo- ple dO who drink excessive amounts of tea or coffee, For tea and coffee contain caffeine, a substance that is sometimes very injurious.. Many doctors say that caffeine raises the blood pressure, irritates the kidneys, and over -stimulates the entire nervous system. Also that it is especially bad for growing children, or for anyone who hs any tendency to ner- vousness or insomnia. If you want to avoid a pos- sible cause of h adache, insom- nia:dr nervousness, it might be well to stop taking tea and coffee for awhile, and drink rich, sat- isfying Postum, instead. Postum is a delicately - roasted, pure cereal beverage— delicious and wholesome. Order Postum from your grocer today. Drink this fra- grant, healthful beverage, for awhile, and see if you Will not feel brighter, more active, and more resistant to fatigue—as so many thousands of others have felt. • PostUrn comes in two forms Instant Posturn (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition, of boiling Water, Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for thdde who prefer to mai(e the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minatee. ' Made by Canadian Postum Ceeeal Co., Litnil +ft.e".4.6.=*.l. u eason90 ndsor, Ontario 2.A.g 11 YOUR SLEEP? TIE pain and torture of rheu- matism can be quickly relieved . by an application of- Sloan's • ',Liniment, It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle /randy and apply when yo0 feel the first twinge, p.,..netrates without rubbing. 1311111' Wo E1.lI11) N tir1 seiour leitster,". car 1393•%70; 3133131, Eik1C1011 15011310 Or' nacticee i0upply Ctini Tot•oiitp. net 3333 1110 wOrl- 1 /3.131/AD:L.A.:IN 111 ()rile] ietr. (113,311131, 0113, 304 1031, A a'. 31 ws.eable,bese,1 E.) „NEW - 01331331 131)313 (33 30appreval rit 1 n 01;1 nititg VOTHa WELTING, Da., YOI; ,541'11131/,,IT, Tortayro,. AND'ERNE Stops Hair Corning Out: Thickens, Beautifies. 55 -cents bitys a bottle of 'Danderine at any drug store. After one apptioa• lion you Can not flu(1 a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brigb.toess, more color and abundance,' it's splendid to take the pain out O r. tired, achiqg muscles, sprains and strains, stiff joints,' End lame backs. 14'1. N For forty years pain's,enemy. Ask yourneighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. • -Made in Canada. Liniment Pain's enem ksamisitouFsweita-za= aticuraPromoteitoodflair Treatment: At night rub Cutieura Ointment into partings all oyer the scalp. Next morning shampoo with Cutieura Soap and hot water. Re- peat in two weeks. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 aud50c. Talcum 25c. Sold throughouttbeDominion_CanadianDepott lamone Limited, 344 St, Paul St., W., Montreal. Mir"Cuticura Soap shaves without mug, 1TH PAINS IN BACK , Read How Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Cornpound Helped Mrs. Beecroft Hamilton, Ontario.—"I have suf- fered for three years from a femalo trouble and consequent weakness, pain and. irregularity -which kept me in bed four or Eve days each month. nearly -went crazy with pains in my back, and for about a week at a time 1 could not do my work. I saw Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound advertised in the 'Hamilton Specta- tor' and 3 took it. Now 1 have no pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from early morning until late at night, I keep house and do all my own work, -without any trouble. 1 have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound tto several friends."—Mas. Earma BBB:- t'a.OFT, 16 Douglas St.,. Haaratton, Ontario. For nearly- fifty e ears' women have been telling how Lydia, E. PinIthamas Vegetable Compouud hag restored their health when suffering with female ills. This accgants for the enormous demand for It froni coast to oast. If you are troubled witli any ail- ment peculiar to women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vege- table Compound? It has helped 'others, let it help you. 31 Good for all, throat and chest diseased. . For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, D stemper, Gilaget, Sproiris, :Braises, Celle, Mange, Spavins, Running Sores., etc., etc. Should alWays be in the stable. Sour Stomach17 Bilious Liver --SOLD TilVERI:V WHERE. Wishin'. When January's blast Around, the strawsta.ck blows. I 'huddle near the kitchen stove yo war311 my hands and toes, eat an apple, dream and think, And long ter joys o' spring. 'TR in the kettle's croon -in' note 1 hear the robins sing. But when spring comes there's plow- ing work. An' next comes maids.' hay, Then d igg in ' o' pert eters as' A stowin` things away. w h Ile Ulm hot 11 s wee sonte days • I labor, sun er rain, 1311 wishin.',f,er the kitchen stove An' winter time again. Gigantic Minnows. , Tere is a soecies of tehmow, native to Pacific Coast rivers, that attains a ; weight or eighty poun.cls. Another 1 itind of minnow belonging to the s•aine ', regio13 is the Saoraniento pikr,‘, or i "squawilsh," whic11 is, four feel long : when full grown, We are 31002151.003 13(1 to thinit of min- i sows as ilttle..fistal, and so they all! are in. the Finstern Part "or ISToyti, 1 America, But the whitlows belong 1.0 ' ia finny family quite distinct, and al - though nearly all of the hundreds 01 - 1 oecieq e.,re oI snehttemall etaae ke 44 11e useful only..as lulit or 9veilfor that purpose too liny-'---like Hie "LOP 3133(33" 7)..6*?-' ..gor example. which is so dead. ty a toe 6`.1anosqt.117.,6 --atriggierfi--fh6re are a few that are big enamel -1 to test the taclde of an augle•t• to the utmost,' , ISSUE No, 1—'22 The ni cest cat1artic-laxa tive in the world to physic your liver and bowels when you have Dizzy Headache. Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy -like "(3135' carets," One or 1 wo to -night will empty your bowels coittpletely morning. and you will feel. sOlendid. "They work while you sleep." Cas - 'carets never ,stir you up or gripe like 'Salts, Pills, Calemel, or 011 and they cost only ten cents a. box. Children love Cascaras too. • WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on 'tablets, you not c'ettinv Aspirin at all. Why take chance?73 ,-, Accept only an: "unbroken package" of "Bayer 'Tablets of Aspirin," whicIt contains directions and dose 'worked out by physicians during 22 years and pr9ved ,stfe. by tnij:tions fol:: , Colds Headache Rheumatism ... .,... `foothache Neuralgia rNi,ae?,111::iiis Lumbago Pain ,„, Handy ',Baa,)1:6are31t31it ii.t 12 talnet,i—AisolZaila of 23L altd 100-2bruggist8. ' A.spirth 13 3133 (6343 Wittrle fi'aeStatari 38 Catioita:i roi..0,lyc,e li411110Oe1lire ot )0t1111- 0 1. SalioNilinante, Whtio it fa wail koown that Aspirin 1113317i3 3)1330.10 iyo nofte 1 to e, to airatat 113a pantie o1.5133333 ituitationa. the teablota of Ziayair tiotaillatO will be sta.nsed with lbw igenaral tratia 3111444, ttto "Batty Cirufm,',