HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-23, Page 5THURSDAY, tiltallWARY 2 L922 Dashwood Mr. Fred, Rinker moved to Thed- Sera On 'PuesdaY Whore tilde' Will re - Miss Rose Zimmer is in at JoSephs Hospital, London, where she under- went an operation, , The Junior Y.P.A. spent a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wein 'Need& `Mr. :Atkinson, of London, has aca eepted a position with Mr. D. Tiernan. The .:Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran churah spent a peasant time Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. -Fred Rinker prior to their leaving for their new hepae in Thedford, Centralia .Mr. P. Hanlon and sou Gerald haVe been lain up with colds the past week Mrs. Moller(' was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo, Hepburn, on Sun- day. The W. M. S. met at the home of the 1Vtissee Wilson Tuesday and spent a pleasant and profitable afternoon. Mr. W. Cowill is shipping a large number of cattle this week to Liver- pool. The Hobbs Co., of Loudon, have placed' the memorial windows in the church this week. Wedding bells will ring in this vi- cinity in the early summer. e Mr. Wm. liolainson, son and daugh- ter are laid up with colds. Rev. H: J. Analta,ge, of Elimville, preached interesting and inspiring missionary sermons here Sunday. searinee. A. Sinclair took the work on the Elimville circuit. The Official Board at its meeting namnimously invited their Pastor to remain for the fourth year. Rev. Mr. Sinclair accepted the invitation. Cromarty Miss Agnes Hamilton, of Exeter, visited with friends' over the week- end. Mrs. Jas. Scott returned home on Thursday after spending a couple of weeks witli her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) R. McKay, of Dresden. , Mrs. Batten, of Winchelsea, spent the greater part of last week with her aunt, Mrs. S. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norris, former- ly residents in this neighborhood, are at present visiting friends in and around Cromarty. year is planning to erect two moad prepariseag a play 'Ted Acre Farm" which 'MI be put on sometime in the near future. The story is strong aerakeaznpathetic and the comedy,ele- meat varied and amasing. El ini vil le Mr. and Mise Hall, of Wellburn, spent the week -end at the home of their sister, aers, 'Win. E. Elford. Rev. Armitage exchanged Pulpits with 'Rev, Mr. Sinclair, of Centralia for, last Saabath's ,services. , , Elimville Circuit Board nna,ni- mously invited their Pastor, Reit. 1-1. J. Armitagedto ,reeetrnLor a eeeand On Thursday, March and at the :U. F. O. club Toone at Elliniville there will be a:debate 'Resolved that Ed- ucation is ot 11.10rG benefit to the coentrY than Wealth." Parts Will be taken by Miss McCulloch, Miss Mc- Kellar and Miss Moodie; Alvin Pym, Will Johns,Wesley Heywood and Wilfred Johns, Miss Mary Ilern visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. Whaley St.Marys, and also her brother Mr. GeorgeIIrn. Hensall Mis Fleience Bonthron is visiting friends 111 Lucknow. Miss Dora Sherritt who hae spent the past few months in Toronto has returnee hoMe. ' Miss Jean Bell bad the misfortune to slip on some ice breaking her arm. Mrs, C. A. McDonnell, was called to. Toronto on Monday morning ow- ing to the illness of her sister Mrs. Walker. Mr, Mark Drysdale has sold his splendid residence to Mr, Thos. Kyle of Kippen and Mr. Win. Shepherd has eold his fine brick home to Mr, Mark Dryidale, pessession given in the spring. Mrs. Walper and her sons from the West, who have been visiting their relatives here, left the first of last week for their home and were accom- panied as far ,as London by Mrs. Park and Miss Nellie Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morrison, of taus.Villagerecently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary by en- tertaining a few of their most intim ate friends. But not matialate 111 tae evening were the guests made aware of the significance of the occasion after which many and very hearty were the congratulations emd good wishesshowered tepee the 'host and hostess. Mrs. Moyrison, is a native of County -Cavan, Ireland, while 'Mi. morrison claims Brockville: Ont., as his birthplace. Mr. and Mrs. Mor- rison are among our most estee e /11 d residents, having moved into our Vil- lage a number of Years ago frone their' tee farm in the ,township of Stanley, and have enjoyed life inour village, and are very mainfortableeset- tied in enenalinene on Queen Street. On Taesdey morning of last week, Second Annual Sale Starts Monday, Feb. 13 to Saturday Feb. 25th. On Saturday of each week an additional 1.0 per cent on all orders over $2 ilere are some of the Bargains: PRINTS, Reg 30c per yard Sale Price .25c. FACTORY COTTON, Reg. 25c per yard Sale Price 20c BLEACHED ,COTTON, Reg. 25c. for 20c.; 20e. for 15c and 15c: for 1 Oc. TOWELLIN'G. linen crash, Reg. 30cper yard Sale Price 25c „- TOWELLING, cotton crash,Reg. 25cper yard . Sale Price 20c. -TOWELLING, cotton, Reg, 20cper yard, Sale Price 15c IlLANNELETTE, grey, good heavy quality, Reg: 30c. Per yd Price 20c. STRIPED FLANNELETTE, ' Sale Price Per Yard 15e. LADIES' WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR Reg. $1.00f garments, Sate' Pficer5Oc MEN'S SHIRTING, blue stripe heavy 'quality, Reg. 35c Sale Price'3ne. SadeePrice 30c. Sale,Price 30c. ....... Sale Price 20c. BLACK DENIM, Reg, 50e. GREY DENIM, Reg.50c. LADIES' COTTON STOCKINGS, Reg30c LADIES' SEAMLESS CASHMERE STOCKINGS, Reg $1.35 Sale Price 85c LADIES' SEAMLESS WOOLLEN STOCKINGS, Reg. $1,00 Sele Price 75e. MEN'S ALL WOOL SOX, Reg$,1 00 per pair Sale Price 65c. MEWS FINE COTTON SOX, Reg. 35e MEN'S SHIRTS, Reg, $1.75c. MEN'S' FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR, Reg. $1.00 ........Sale Price 75c., Sale Price 98c. Sale Price $1.45 Sale Price $3.75 Sale Price 25c. Sele Price $1.19c. MEN'S ALL WOOL 'UNDERWEAR Reg. $1.50 MEN'S OVERALLS, Reg. $2.00 MEN'S CALF SHOES„ Reg. $4.50 IVIEN'S RUBBERS, All Siees and all Kinds . . . . . . . .............25 pen cent off CHILDREN'S SHOES, ----Come in ani d see them 40 per cent off MEN'S LEATHER GLOVES, one finger Sale Price 25c. HORSE 'BLANKETS, one pair 72x72 Reg. $15.00 .. Sale Price $10.00 McKenzie et Son 1 xeter North Phone 107 Lille, Stick au4 BE.;te-er Only healthy livestock pays t fat cattle, 9leek borccs. firm hogs. Wodeltatose'smal Otrivigetilatav , conditions Mom:10S, cattie, saeop and Pigs. It vo make 1. thy cattle and gastis attests ti s ear ct it is uncon4lled for fattening -or swine, They be ready for inArltet at !cast two week, earlier. It is the. only ;lock tonic in which no filler is used. Itas bighest government all ftly,i1c. Made And gmaranteed by Woelostotsee invigorator Limited, Ham -Mord Ont Sold by Drowning'8 Dreg Store, Exeter., One deakh claimed one of (Mr citizens ilk the person of Margaret McCartney, relict of the late Hugh McMartin, ?who passed away at the good old age of 82 years. The deceased W45 born in Scotland and came to this country with lter parents when a girl and set - tied in the township of GreY.„ SOY- eral years later she was -united in marriage to the late Hugh McMaria and settled on the 1.6th of GreY where- My. McMartin carried on his trade',l'as Shotannalter. They later moved, , to Housall. Mr. McMartin died eorne eight years ago.' Shortly after the death of her husband Mrs. McMartin went to Brussels to live With her daughter Mrs. Wilton where she suffered a paralytic stroke, which deprived.her of hee speech and caused her to be an invalid for the rest of her life e few years ago she was brought to Ilensall and made her home with her'Sbn, 11Ir. Duncan McMartin. with 'whom she resided un- til ber death. She is survived by three eons, Dunean and Robert of Hensale and Hugh bf Watford. Four daughters, Mrs. Fred Ilantbrielit, of Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Norele of Trout Creek, Muskoka; Mrs. Wm. Wilton, of Brussels and Mrs, John Johnstone of .Avon, Mich. The funeral was held' on Friday and the interment took place in Brussels cemetery. RAIN AND ICE PLAYING HAVOC WITH TREES AND WIRES The ice which has accumulated on the trees and wires is causing amen damage. As we go to press we are inforthed that telephone wires and several poles are down between here and Hensall. A couple of hydro wires are also down and we are for- tunate in having any power at all. Fairly large limbs are cracking and breaking off the trees from the weight of ice. Thames Road Rev. and Mrs. Chidlev, Mr. Carman and Miss Madge Doupe, are at press. ent confined to their beds with influ- enza. Mrs. Jas. Anderson and John Cann are able to be up again after having a rather seVere attack as well. There are few it seems, who have escaped altogether, but some have had a very hard time. No doubt the changeable weather has a great deal to do with making recovery slower. The farmer's club are preparing, for an entertainment to be given soon. Crai A sad and sudden death took place in London .at St. Joseph's Hospital when. Mr. Arthur Drummond, of Ailsa Craig who went' there a few days ago for treatment, passed away. Deepest 'sympathy is felt for hie young widow, who was formerly Miss Muriel Evans, to whom he was,mar- ried two yeaes ago, and who, with a four months old baby, survives. Mr. J. D. Drummond, M. P., and Mrs. Drummond, pdrent& of the young, man and two brothers, Duncan and John, are also left. The funeral was largely attended by a host of sorrow- ing friends interment taking place at Nairn cemetery. Rev. W. H. Geddes pastor of the Presbyterian church, conducted the service. Mr. Roy Dodds suffered a painful accident a few day ago when a piece of steel flew in his eye, lodging at the -back of the eye. He was taken to Victoria Hospital, where every effort is being taken to save the sight. Mr. ani Mre. G. H. Singleton and daughter, Helen, were called to Glen- coe owing to the sudden death of Mrs. Singleton's mother, Mrs. Mc- Laughlin. The ice harvest here is completed and reports are the ice is the best in years. ' Mrs. A .11ibbs, of VictoriaseB. C., and.Miss 1Vlinnie McKay, of Renfrew, are spending some thnewith rel- atives in town. Greenway Arthur IVIellin and Robt. Pollock were in London last week on busi- ness. At a recent meeting of the official Board of the Methodist church, Rev. D. W. Williams, B. A., was unani- mousy invited to remain for the fourth year. Mr. and Mrs. John Eagleson, of Grand Bend, called on friends hero ast Tuesday. We are pleaeed to report that Mrs. Thos.- Stewardson is convalescent af- ter her recent illness. Russeldafe Mr. Eimest ROY' iS in 1)enven Col., , fax the benefit of Ins healthleis mane' friends hope lie will fully re- cover. Mrs. jasper Pridham, who has been seriously ill for the past couple of weeks is now convaleScing. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roy visited the latter's parents at Carlingford on uutl(IY, Cotta,ge prayer services in connec- tion with the Methodist church are being held on Wednesday evenings in three hones of members of the con- grogation. Mrs. Hynes( Roy will leave on Tuesday to spend setreval niontlis with. her parents at fled Deer, Alta. Hev. rorey ,TallieS, of Woodliam, tvill conduct the services in the Meth- odist elitirch on Sunday next. Tvhand Mrs. Frank Pricleam, are tisiting file/ads in Uxbridge. 'I'ER ABOUT TIIE ATTIC TANK Useful for Rural and Small Town !Rouses: - Not an Ideal System, ,Rowever-- Something Better Later On -,The Matkihg, Installing and Fillirig of lie Tatlit Described. .(dotitaltutea by Ontario Departmeot of , Agriculture, Toronto.) My' lasteatiel, desetlieed ho yr the farm pump, on shall/AP-Wells may be located inside the beese or stable, thus doing away with the carrying of water. ' This arrangement, of couree, will not provide for water Under pressure and, therefore a completeeplumbing syStem is not pos- sible,, nor is hot water made avail- able. ,TO 'secure these great advan- tages, it Is necessary to either ele- vate the water to some form of tank at least a few feet higher than the highest ,fixture in the house, or pump the water into a strong metal high pressure tank against the enclosed air which when compressed into about one-half to one-third the vol- ume of the tank will create sum- cientspewer to force the water out when the faucets are opened. The first arrangement or system is us - entity called the Attic Tank water system, the second, the Compressed Water System. Why Called "Attic Tank System." This system is popularly known as the Attie Tank System because the water supply tank which supplies water under pressure is usually lo- cated in the attic` of -the house. To get enough pressure to force the water through the hot 'water boiler and the coils in the furnace or kitch- en range and supply any fixture ac sink or bath tub with evader at a reasonable rate of flow, it is neces- sary, to get the water tank a con- siderable distance above the highest fixture. To secure say 35 lbs, pres- sure at the kitchen faucets the tank would need to be at least 80 feet higher thanthekitchen, so you see that in order to get any pressure worth while the tank must be lo- cated at the highest possible level inside the house, hence the attic lo- cation. More pressure and hence faster flow at fixtures may be had by locating the ;tank outside flie house on the top of a. high tower, for example, just above the wind mill, but outside tanks are not popu- lar for evident reasons. .The System Is Not an Ideal One. The Attic Tank Systein has given Pretty fair satisfaction where pro- perly put in and cared for, and there- forp has been really worth while. It Is 4cnibtful, however, if many more of Ihig type of water system will be installed, as the more modern ones, which' I will' describe tir silbsequent 'articles, are very much superior. The chief objections to this system are, first, the water tank is liable to freeze unless well protected, the tank ma,y spring a leak and seriously dam- age the interior of the home and the furnishings, the supply is not high enough to give good pressure, you have to wait a long time to get a pati of water, and as the tank must of necessity be pretty small, pump- ing rapst be resorted to very fre- quently in order to keep enough Water tan hand; and lastly, the water has to be pumped up to the tank by hand pump and few people enjoy pudmooprinsg even if the pumping is done in How to Make the Tank. The tank itself is usually con- structed of pine or spruce plank, ton- gued and grooved, well held together by iron rods and the inside lined with Al quality galvanized iron. A tight top should be used in order to keep dust and dirt out of it. On one side near the top there should be installed an overflow pipe leading to time outside or to a sink or some fix- ture below, preferably in the kitchen, so that the one -who is pumping Mat' knew by flow from pipe when the tank is full. The tank should be large enough to hold at least three or four barrels of water. In some houses it is possible to arrange for running part of the rain wated from the roof into this tank, in which ease considerable pumping is elim- dilated.. The tank should be located 'preferably over a partition eo that the ''Weiglat of water would not cause a sag in the floor of the attic. A tight metal tank about five feet long and two feet in diameter strapped to the, ceiling above the bathroom might be used instead of the wooden on.e in the attic. The Filling of the Tank. As etated, the tank is usually Ailed by a hand pump located in the kitch- en or cellar, The pump used for this purpose naust be a force -pump in order to lift the water to the required level. If electricity or small gae engine were available either might be used to pinnp up the water. Sornetlines the tank is filled by wind- mill and somethnes by an hydraulic ram operating at the spring a con- siderable distance from the 'abuse. Write the Department of PhySics, 0. A. 0,, Guelph, for further parti- cuare. Make modern couveniences for the fatiu home your special study this wihter.-R. R. Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph. Some ''Dottits" e'er Don't Use Water on waxed wood- work, Rub with a waxed cloth, then ‘vith a clean flannel cloth. Don't wash all the curtains at one titTle and don't starcti Lhetu. Tjee, little rice water or thin starch in the last ritiee water, New curtains are, net sta,.•ched; Why adVerilse that y,enr., curtains are old by starching thena 7 Don't beat Piga stiele as BruSsels \%1711tono11 the right side. Lay Olen) face dOevii on the gr ' ass boat b%"/Cep on the Wrong side. When repioced on the floors Wile 1110 sure o co w ith a cloth wrtmg from bet salt water, lOhee hriglitehs and fresbelia Should be ,an Ittwortant Feature in Farm Buildings. Have It Centrally Located -Haw to Make Cement Posts for Founds - tion -Not Only Have Implements Under Clean Coven, But IfeeP Them Ready. (Contributed by Ontario Departntent of Agriculture, e'orontoa The storage of tools and machin- ery in a generall barn is not always ecbnonalcal. Frequently the barn has to be cleared out during haying or harvest storage, necessitating time re- moval, of the implements for a leng period of exposure. A building de- signed and constructed for inside - meat storage is to be desired on every farm. The size of an' imple- ment shed can be eletermined by measuring the implements and then' determining the space required by each. Wide buildings are net usually satisfactory, since such will incline to.. ward a storage system that requires the. removal of several implements in order to get the one wanted. Nar- row buildings just wide enough to Protect the largest implements and wagons are to be preferred. Should Be Centrally Located. The implement shed should be located as a central feature in the farmstead group of buildings at a point midway between the house and barn, in such a position as to be convenient to teamsters going to and from fields and roads. Concrete floors are highly satisfactory, but not always necessary; gravel and dry earth floors are generally satis- factory. The walls need only to pro- tect from. wind and sun, while the roof, if it will keep out the rain and dust, is satisfactory. This means a cheap structure, made up of 2 x 4 to 2 x 6 inch boards and prepared 'roof- ing paper. The, wall framework can • be constructed of. 3 x 4 or four -inch poles set on 24 -inch centers. Sheds Planned to be 16 feet or mor,e in widta, should have 2 x 6 rafters if the roof is of one slope. , Rough board sheeting and battens well nail- ed will make a desirable and strong wall, quite good enotigh to shelter the farm Machines and tools. How to Make a Good Foundation. The foundation should be firm, and can lie easily made by setting half barrels in line and level, and then filling up with cement concrete. Such make excellent teundations. An inset .of 2 a 4: in the eement to spike the sills to is very essentiel in windl) localities. Implement houses may be built with one side open, or one side may be made up of doors, hale of which .are hung on an inside track and half on an outside track. This double track arrangement for door hanging permits the opening of a door at any point, which is an im- portant feature, -L. Stevenson, Sec- retary, Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto, ARE THE IMPLEMENTS READY? A Question That the Prudent Farmer Will Keep In Mind. With tillage and harvesting mach- inery in idleness during the winter period and with farm men not as busy as they are during the spring season, it is good management to see that all implements and tools are put into the best condition possible. Odd hours of the day during the winter on many farms are always available for such repair work. Such spare periods can be very profitably used in going over all machines and making good any wear and tear, tightening bolts and rivets, putting in new parts where needed; painting to protect against rust and weather- ing, have done much to prolong the tiSefulness' of farm- tools. Many hours and many dollars are,lost each Year through tools and implements being neglected. Ploughs, binders,. mowers and rakes .left in the fielda or in the farm yard or along- the fence row `or in the orchard have worn out or rusted out years before their time. Fifty per cent, efficiency is too low for any inaplement or tool in which we have invested eapital. One hundred per cent-. efficiency, from farm implements and tools comes only to those who take care o1. their implements. Provide protection from weather when not M use and keep them clean, sharp and tight. The rush of spring WOric is seriously hin- dered by the ploughs being ,rtistY, loose or out ef adjustment, by the harrowe being dull, by the grain drill andthe roller being out of re pair when such should be in the field and in use: A little attention to the implements during February and March will save hours and dollars in April and May. -L. Stevenson, Sec- retary Dept, of Agriculture, Toronto. Keeping Celery. At a constant temperature of 32 degrees Fahr., celery can bo kept for several mOnths, and placed on the market as fresh looking as the day it was cut. Recent experiments at the Ontario GoVeraMent Cold Stor- age Statien at Brighton, bear out this Statement, whieh knowledge will prove Of inlmense value to groWors. TO obtain the best reSults frOm 'cold storage, celery should be well OTOWn, partially bleached, cut with part roole on, With a little rough- age left for protection; and finally, cut, hauled and placed in cold storage the same day. hOme-inade lime -sulphur solu- tion is to be. used, Make it now and tol:01111 11.11,eitt.(cd 11leoit the f011age must koPt in cheek by. spy*:,..ip`g, With igAsen tI0 tvLI eZtt, UNo 1;111,11,S 061 a-mQ. of leario They Need Extra Food to Keep Laylog. Wheat and Corn Preferred by Pout - try --Give Them plemy of Green Feed -fleet Growers (tan Make Good Syrup. ba 041 ate Deoartment of Agrlooltot:•. Toronto.) A pullet requires more feed than a leen, te it is intended that the pullet shall produce eggs. A bird to lay well ulna have a surPlus of feed over and above body mainten- ance. The excess of feed above body maintenance goes either towards growth, fat, pr egg production. Why the pullet requires ,more feed than the hen is because her growth is usually not complete when she be- gins laying. Poultry prefer wheat and corn to almost any other grain, but a lot depends on what they were fed when growing. Certain feeds they never have seen they do not relish, usual- ly, when first fed. Hence one per- son's hens eat oats or barley much better than their neighbor's. The available grain feeds on the farm are corn, buckwheat barley, and oats. Good wheat cannot be used. The non -milling wheat, such as that which is sprouted, or very small, may be used up to twenty-five per cent. of the ration. Poultry feeds are divided into two classes; one, whole or creaked grains, commonly called scratch feed; and the other, ground grains, commonly called mash. Scratch feeds are generally fed night and morning, and are scat- tered in straw in order to induce the birds to scratch or take exercise. A mixture of two or more kinds of grain usually gives better results than one single grain, largely . be- cause individual birds' appetites vary from dad to day. A good mixture for the winter month might contain as much as fifty per cent. good corn, either whole or cracked; if corn could , not be had, and the birds were accustomed to eating buck- wheat, the buckwheat would answer nearly as Well, or one could use twenty-five per cent. buckevbeat and twenty five per cent corn. To the corn or buokevheae could be added twenty-five per centof barley, ten Per cent. of wheat screenings, and fifteen per centof good oats. If one was obliged to do so, almost any of the grains could be fed alone with tthe exception of oats. There is too much hull or husk on oats to use entirely as a single feed. At present for a nia,sh feed we are using the standard hog feed. If the ground.grains are to be fed moist or mixed with cooked household refuse then the mixture should be one that will mix to a crumbly state, but if fed dry in an open hopper the above is not so important. The mash teed is the one where the animal meals are generally given. The anicunts vary from ten to twenty per cent. of the mixture. The animal meals used are Celli- monly high, grade tankage and beef scrap. Where one has plenty` of skimmilk or buttermilk , the other animal feeds are unnecessary. Some use green cut bone; cooked refuse meat, such as fivers, lights, beef heads, etc. A very- good masa can be made of one part each by measure of shorts, barley meal, and ground oats. C,orn meal could be used in the place of the barley or with it. If one is short of green food or roots, it would be well to add one part of bran. Perhaps the simplest ntash to feed from an open hopper is rolled or crushed oats. We have used this, when the birds had milk to drink, for a number of years with excellent results. Laying hens require plenty of green feed. This green, succulent feed, is very ''important. Too much grain and no green food, at tines is very dangerous. ,!,Cabbage is one of the best' green feeds. Roots are very good, but clover leave e should be within reach as well as 'the root. Sprouted oats are used to a large extent on poultry fa,rms. When the birds get accustomed to it green and succulent food it is generally wise to give- them all they will eat. A pen of fifteen pullets will eat a fair-sized head of cabbage almost every day, or one hundred liens will eat a peck of sprouted oats da a after day. Keep your pen sweet end elese, but not drafty. Give the hens plenty to eat and some variety to Inc feede. If you are -regular in feeding -lad kind in your manner, the hens us- ually respond with very fair egg P1 oduction. Grit and shell should altvays be within easy access. -W. R. Graham, 0, A. College, Guelph. Early After -Harvest Cultivation. "A stitch in time saves nine." In the case of weeds prompt and filar- 'ough after -harvest cultivation pre- vents many thousands of weeds fram developing seeds, and thus saves_ hours of tedious labor the succeed- ing' season. Early after -harvest cul- tiva.tiou is one of the best ways to destroy annual and winter annual Weeds, such as lealse Flax, Coiqi Coekle, WB ild. uckwheat, Pigweed, Ball Mustard, Worniseed. Mustard. and Annual Sew Thistle. Plough enallow, not more than three or four inches deen, itnntediately after liar - Vest, and harrow and cultivate fre- quently. 13y the shallow ploug,hing 1 Lime weed seede are kept near the Surface and by the feequent Stirring di! the soil the3r are made to Speout and having sprouted they are easily Oeetcoyed ey birtiler cultivation,- Dr, C. A, Zavitz, 0, A. College, t.4uolph. Otto end a hall oz, of tormalin in 1 5 1./e ok;. ator 1:ed mit.° Of one toes,a.,,afel per. of milk is , good ree,ed,,, in tho cell& of afar- . " 111 (y<1,1 4.11144 1VINTE,11. TERal PI JANUARY 3rd. Westeni Ontario's best commercial School with Commercial, Shorthand mid Telegrapliy , clepartifients; We give individual in4true- tion, hence ``Entranee" standing is not necessaieo; Graduates assisted to posi- times. Get our free cata- logue for rates and ctitor particulars. D. 'A. McLAGELLAN, Principal Another Drop in Prices on all kinds of LUMBER XXXXX SHINGLES PAROID, ROOFING - 1, 2 or 3 -ply. SLATE SURFACE ROOFING either red or green ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES either red or green D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL ON HAND, ALL SIZES, - PHONE 12, A. J. CLATWORTI1Y G13 ANTON Minor Alte ations In passenger train service took effect Sun. Jan, 22nd. 1922 For particulars apply to Ticket Agent N. i. DORE, Agent, Exeter. Phone 46w. " GASOLINE TURNS -IRE- EARTH Motorboats Are Replacing Gondolas in Venice, and Even the Windmills In Holland Disappear. Motorboats in Venice, replacing the gondolas are not the only meclumical profanation that is coming in to disap- point future Americtrn travelers in Eu- rope. A letter from Amsterdam tells us that the Dutch windmills are being replaced by mills operatekby stews and electric power. Every year csoute of the old windmills are burned, sad they are not re -erected. Time linty, come when it few windmills will be 'treasured as relics in Holland; just as Mealier structures are still preserved on Aquidneck and Nantucket lalstreds for their curious interest, says the Boston Transcript. Already wind/agile of American construction, with steel fans arranged in wheels, instead of the picturesque old wooden arms, had begun'to make their appearance, even in Holland. The metallic windmill. with the revolving wheel, is more pic- turesque than the ordinary steam or water power mill, but it is not so Pies turesque as the old wooden afiadr8. On our western prairies and plains the tall windmills, with their big metal. wheels spinning high in the air, are indeed a fine- feature In the monot- onous landecape, but even they are in danger of yielding to the process of pumping water by means of gasoline motors. The power of the wind, to be sure, costs nothing, while that of the gasoline motor may cost a good deal, but there are times when no wind blows, and the househelder time of waiting for it to rise. Less and less we are coutent to attend upon torces of nature. The beautiful sails are vanishing from the seas, to be re- placed by balcaing smokestacks. On land windmills give place to stracturee operated by steam :led electricity. The stalwart oXen are no longer seen at the farmer'plotir ; it is gasoline that turns the earth now, Homeward the tinweary motor barks its way? FARIOLIS RINC.1 Bells of St, Clernents, Old leenrieri), Appeal to Children, ze. the Oltieri Days. --- '‘Orting,es and Letnele4'' the old belis of Si. Cic,ro,.(- (11., last. day of l\larell Oil 1T11 elite tiS Any Ihe leo oder London has ever Itnovee, rung, 1)Iil row lieezel the' c by rorirof Ole tv.fee tire 'Won, ,,Iteriolo for n very lo,e4.. hilrulrece.4 or eO cloee , e',1010(/ 111(' ;1trt11Th,,, t IP;11.'1011,