The Exeter Times, 1922-2-23, Page 2intis"
Are '3'.00 omiof them? If pot, ent ffuis out,
fill ;in and mail hi an etrcelopa 1ti1isso"1",----
-VOlicattions Tlrotscli. Dominion Department et Agritialture, ) vi
(No stamp e'puired)
,pntaiv tow. tuarne gO7p r,4$0. I ;EVO..)
11001 14,0tra 14.01,1 .T...Artator;)--Vall AL -it) 11)to.1faar 10111 01 otaxel'.
• taru). -1)alup3.1,1ens tarraed by tly) Doukinlon 1'rttr.11)as of
70c,, tzt,r•dce'
a a".
tt.opyright b ,t a it,
“Oh, it's untLic- ---jtst a Willed 1
ankle, it can't be vtusy baU,"
Nevertheless. Le would not let hed
stand on it egelit had gown hi -t!
to islie rill to dip in the cold -v\ atm: the;
!Fleeve -which be tot•O from Ms shirt',"
-with this he bouttagea the ankle tight•i
As he st.o-alksd 1:Qr to her foot
. ,
again ho could eeo that in s'plie 1her;
ttempt o mile the pain wrtCure or the Complexion, oven in making simple slides thal tsoist
atss aetil•e:
cal,oi of he001l11e11iQ0tliittleileffortil A .1titt:e more time end
to limp without Lis supt.mis 1.
• 11104) 1111 1-1(,,t./11101, c intticato And beautiful.
Inc itaca lour steps---gemi =lea- loug t proc,hce silhouettes that
Saying Go,
stronger every Jolt:lute,sh t luegited.1 -.1'.( "1—(-„ :!,'In'slly-lnil"1 °'•10!..i''-' ();'11,'" Q..n(`
"You are a bisiive girl " aid. j nt,mnre et tne:--111- till'ii .S'atll'. ''i'al'illnexa'n „ . . . di;13ye.
"You wouldn't say that it you knew will shfrel% -: ' - , triond'el Alice's, a andeat acet,i-
bov,- dread rulAy tri ght v lied 1 an of If you 0)111)001 to havo 0 good corn- lege, sometimes 10010'4 to call 1.1n011
'bugs. Are there l.,.?.,11y re.y bo.als n1 ' \' 1, you mhs•t: ;iv() Dropt•iriy; 'that, boy; a,O,d by boy fu•os1,.'de tbay 11 (1111
tl'ics ,woods here, Mr, 'Kendrick?" Slut, ta - t- -1 ' - • ' .
— t2... t"" 1) 00tY '0',Vsiecii, lin. abtindalaie out many (Meat ions, 0 fiton he gotta-
:From her saying, "1 never :thought of
that!" or "That's a new idea" l'lt try
it." But last •weelt he quite took lierj
shivering,- Ito 11 0(1 with ,2011101:11.i Tiler° IS- riUthIng Whi-011 Wth can -.5e breath aVy'c'tY h.;..,-, sYllig, "It ..l'ialtes n)l
"Are you cold ?'' 1 the t011-1 IA:exit-in to grow lifeloss and. difference to ,me how nice a girl IniS! `
"1 . t11 a li--cs clii----illy,- she ;id.: to bring. sizadows under the eYeg. been, possibly sl"
-Or 0,11 entire evenin't 1, ,
shuddered slightly tit spite s• •fics ,
11';*a ed. 1,21t•li'll, tc'•1-111,1:e, 0.----ct"or-itt0i'i'ai'lio\n101(1)1.'t°i1s()01:1Xt!-'
apologi'e 111' (11111 411111 1,41101011 11
should, have itnown hotter. You're el'ei•se•
od v;-.e•iiro*lain
RE.BijkOJNG.. MS..'
Greate,A OffpkaAlatie 'Vili,tor
to be CoPetructed at
• Surprise is frequently expressed 1)0
Il[U11 is more au.
grily voiced by lto Main eithsens
there, that so little has been deneto-
ward rebuilding that eity during 'the
throe years ot" peace. Tim charge Wa6
., Ulnae 1110 newspaper correspondent
to keen' her teeth from elm:tering- i a stuffy romn, . • Good-h•Ye.' It sPoils the wholo. thing i 7075l-443=7"707-114.-3174$74.';:4.1711:::bbY0-0:: 111 1110 :.:111t,oelrou:st : ',0'111111:eke. eoiP:a'nrigh:e1
•-•\whatever has• been done there Mut
mated as she pod a hand co hec chin:quicker than late hours 0) sleeping in if. she fails'When it eemes to saying! •
HO grasped her 'other hand. ' To eat of rich, heavy food, to 1d11 when she doesn:t Say it the rigoc I The (1 111 man la the 1001111 who lies aems, tee small property holder line-
, .
• i. , i
"It'S like lee I" he reproached.
to mas.ticete propeeiv to eat hueriedlY wavl" had his licati lu a slier -W.; mouth ttilU Mg been left, to look out Far hhaself„
'Vile" :didn't Yoe tell me? The e'eret- - ' •
eecearage indigestion, and :that, oil cause he had awakened hoe intoCest. 'habitant of. Thilt-iidny island', to ilte ' 09.,,h ,e,tner:".• he eXci•ajened. "Ev'ery•
even in 'summer, and I'm a proper •
Company) are cold, in these ii,elbern latitudes ea en. uncongenial atmosphere le io Alcie questioned be- got it out 1141110 “Trixitt le," an el- • Heaven, help these 10 0111 eft ex
The train Toured away into the
ujight, on its long trail to the Weet, drafty with the window open so wide, hi- coat slineeil I' eeross het shoul- ' ,
, tile noise ol it lessening to a rumble ventured Phil, standing up at once and b ' — " -'- ' . - ' i Anv one who lones to have a. clear, continued the young fellow, "•alee' 1 Ned to get him to give an account of Hee, marquee de Polignoc, president
ders and tucked her arms mto the'
trees, and rock ridges. Gradually the Water just over the fence there and '
Olf among. the r ever -ending waste of bowing elaboratelY. "Y0.11 will find tsuierenves, when hediedieuteened it re:tient skin must move about to the doesn't know hew to get on with inee.' the adventUre. but all "Treacle" 1 of the Co-opmintive Society for the, ftit-
causi, the blood She's, so nfigtiri of flattering them so' would 11113 weee "Mt 'Melt; 'int le 1111 construction of filielms, has just Inati
Little night birds recovered from their the passenger trains go by twice a day , ed up the co •ar le locked arms! open i•iiii 01-01,-,th i
-,' ' ,, ,
la ll r an 1 tot -roil -ter the •• hopped r to flew swift:1Y and to throw off its afraid oe ,,,ippeermg eerwara! i-ve go." .1:3 e ttlitel an extraordinary P1 1(10 a FfatPuil.?n,t 10 regard to the fuinett.
. fright end their plaintive ehOrUS re- Wall a supply of clean linen. I am
thii roadbed till'tliev had to stop fin -i impurities. It you would keep stipple seen her entertain a man 'for an licrotH in his eAlalie. and 'in return. for six- lie deelared a hal-4111V thought Mit
earned among the swamp giart"See allni sorry that 1 cannot turn out the fire- -
breath N.vitli exeition and, of i10 1) clear of (eye and poseessed ef or so succeSsfully, but when it came* Dense will show visitors the shark's etteme was 111111 04)0 for the, rebuild -
underbrush, 'Bios for you, but it is the strict rule anY" out °I
leughter. But the cseel%i' ,was warm" a beautiful compleXion, walk two or' to saying 'Geed -bye' she, seemed sada! teeth that are still embedded in ills Mg tif the. elle" and that ir this were
Kendriek had landed luckily,' aed for them to burn all night. You may mg, and he kept her at rt tor another i
except for the shaking up end a few find some rather ambitious bugs in three miles a day. • denly dumb, Not a word for ,pasti Omni had 101' the samo shin he allows done the eiiy could be entirely rehlillt
bruises he was little the weese Ter the ballast cf the :roadbed; they be- Never buy cheap soap. French eas- pleasures, not a hope for ,any future, himoelt lo he Phot0graPhed. in seven years. He admitted them
OW rod.s. . ,
chump to have allowed You to sit still eouese, is followed by a inuddy,.He spoke .of a girl whom they both! north do: Australia. thing is paralyzed threugh
I you, You may I really mean so long,". eieHe clucked his -tlongue Ia. co) mPlexione. Eat enoughl, hIut ine-rvuelr-; liinkteeldl;ecat,giin
l faelr, aeibiiotvtee r,theanativer1)1atge Ikleuc1t ret.uiteiSsiotripib."ed ty 11i"1%Th1e141C11r1 e)uort efo'bretlheve eretphaerttiwtioin
eseif-abesitntrechileel t;poirtoffeelingful.tSs
1011 11)0 l hope ewe win not ,fiad, it too thvough." gar to overeat and fatal to one's COM- rriendship that she otters to girls ofwho eit-Sis that bis head loolo as if it 'the authorities ere mow awoke te
In Splle of her -sotests he took oft -
her own ago anti to women. "Bei," , been hair cut Tb e au th or the laot that such charges dcser\ e
ll 110
"How's that?"
hie tumble. Still sittive- whez-e he ILO the order Femintert -and have
had plowed up the ballaetieg, he rah- beaked or sucking production. of a -reliable soapmaker with a definite period.
ul°°t118' F°r tl°1'vu- "Oh, what a 'picture!" • gramophone “Bokkus belong. noise," made to repair them. '
bed his arm teederly and iriel to right earnestness of purpose, however,'
'penetrate the gloom. his eyes not yet 1 would recommend the 'mosquitoes alley had rounded a curve' and should be selected. When the young man left Alice con -
and a saw is "Pull um come, putt um , should work by Del•;rees,
found thermselves unexpectedly oppo- Unlees the skin is very sensitive it tinued•to sit by the fire. Had he not
ecceetoreed to the etarlight after the which will have the number of your go, brother belong tomahawk." An
site a lake vista. that lay steeped in will bear one good cleansing with hot expressed. one o.f the fundamental
„ the moonlight. It was front here the 1,),Tile MalT1111,1 insisted that only ttiose
bright' interior of the obServatien can mom shortly. If the growling of the envelope is -Trousers 'belong letter.'
With his'suit case reeeding at the rate bears in the woods disturbs - and Soap every day and two ex things in a friendship of •aay 1,-ilid-
7°u' a" loon had galled. There was a chain 0101 • -must be repaired each year 'which it
"Werni-eas toast," she panted.
Ile speaks English an extraor, still wer,t 8,0‘10 housw completely des -
tile tincture of green aoap or the tun or frivolity. The affair was ended
• dinary way. 'For instance, he calls a troyed and that ea attempt had been.
thirtY nines az) haur this wits going you have to do is to 'light .a fire in • - 'three 'bathings in cool water. • waY5 not onlybetween a. girl: and e man, hat
was ecieeible to fin1311 on a fixed date,
to be a tine pickle ae a result of his the very open grate." openings between. The shores were follow the warm water and soap' pre- between an,'y- two persOrts'? - Forest fires in Qnebee in 1921 de- as, he held, 'otherwiee the efforts woilld
hae,tel They were miles f rom No -
"Age you trying to frighten me, thickly .wooded citte down to the COB by rinsing with cool water, It is really a question Of In -man na- stroyed 3.;000 square mut.s of 1.,,moer, be wasted, He was against atteinapi,
where, he knew, but that did .not mr, Kendrick?,
of little lakes, clustered with wide •
water's edge and the lartd ran out in • PrioO a day, preferably at night, ture, not of sex. Alice finds in each valued at E310,000,000.
worry hira ratiei: be wee used to ing too much et once. At first, he, fie-
walkiug—had walked that very piece "Sorry I eall't ask you to riag if , long arms' that threw inky shadows anoint the. face with pure cold cream pereen whom she takes pains to study clot ed, they milse begin ea bonzes cap.
pf track with the Rutland party not
so long ago. However, there was the
girl- --
He scrambled to hiS feet, put his
hands on either eitie et his mouth and
you want anything," Phil pursued 110 sharp contrast to the panorama of and work -into the skin gently with the
with exaggerated politeness, "hut this silver water spaces. Out in the centre tips of the fingers. Do not neglect the
is a pretty large hotel, as You said, was an aelet where a great -rock, rear-: neck or the Skin back and around the
and I shall be about five miles away— ing above the surface, had •gatbered ears. for here age first shows itself.
at the Thorialtson siding \them break- moss and a few clinging cedars, ene Wine the cream off with either •.a sof t.
of which stood out in solitary sil- -
houette against the bright 'sky. The
scene •was like some artistic co-neep-
. . . .
a carefully concealed yearning to he
a thirsty 'craving to be • appreciated;
wr( able or being- repaired and then work
ki-g\\ SODA caao
valued properly, to be weighed and not shouid be started on those for which
At the end of a talk a girl cletights •,-esIde'rei:ee _808
'shouted, The unexpected toildnes.s o.E Jest is served at five -thirty. Good -
fades were available through the city
team' The building of houses to 're-
place thi-eie which 1' 11(1 been totally
eistioYed add f t• which e ea tit n
t :tee has pressen'. ed 'definite
Cz,rn eleime shceld be ender( a ke a
lost. He estimoted that by, working
along these heck at leat S50 houees
could be rebuilt 111;.,1 ar.
On the other hond. vlew of eyni.
found Wanting.
night, madam." .. paper napkin or with a piece of old in hearing another girl' say, "Do tome
the eall startled him a little; it went linen. Then follow -with a thorough again- I'Ve enjoye.d• seeing you." A
e ,
echoing around anti in the dead soli- "Pardon me- presumptien for mak-
ten m 'black and white,---lugh lights washing with warm, soapy water. 'A man is plainly pleased when his friend
tude of the low-Ivieg hills seemed ing the suggestion, Mr. Kendrick.," she
and deep shadows,—and the 'cold soft Complexion 'brush or a Turkish exclaims, "Let's meet again for lun-
to carry for miles. But although he said sweetly as he bowed a second .
of it held them silent. wfisheloth is good, unless the face •is eheon! I've something else I want to
lietened intently there was ne answer time and was turning a -way, ebiat with heeauty ,
'Isn't that a glorious moan? Whet sensitive. In that ease use the hands. tall: over with you."
other than the geho which eeen 'drift- a five -mile walk -ahead of you, don't
a wonderful night it ie.!'" she breathed. Before going out into the winfiter But just a deadly fermal• "Good -
ed far away aud got lost somewhere, you think it would be advisable to—
'Wonderful!" he •agreed, but as' he .
The silenee reutriteci like ii heavy put on your other boot?" SUT1 protect the face with a thin film bye," whether •analyzed or not, is like
led at'her he wee not referring to
Lief:I:el; even the little birde listened 'file moon. which had floated free - etni' • of vanishing or greaseless creem and e wet 'h'enket. The -washer-weman
the landscape or the . -1110011. Par 'be it - e • - •- s , , ' -',
• in fewr.
e • calieil again. Again there was
the echo; then the heavy silence.
...stFiint,y,'s grumbled Phil. "She's
either mighty badly hurt she's de-
liberatele hicileg 00 me. Where are
of the tree -tops, was bathing their
faces and for an instant they gazed
at eaeli other with pee:lel-Gus gravity.
Suddenly Phil at dotyn again and
they joined in a. peal of latig,liter.
The echo of it was Still knocking
from. him to dispute the evencler of dust with fine, pure cosmetic that Alice's mother employs 'beams if
a night the exigencies of which -work- powder; but never allow anything cf. Alice adds on paying her, "it's been a
ed such magic in their acquaintance- this kind to remain on at night. good day for drying! I hope next week
ship. He ,gave her his arm to lean en Most powders contain starch in- will be as geed."
and they limped up the track, each some form, which swells when mois- Everybody is happier for a little a:re-
110011110torted evith the skin secretion's. IC this! predation or cOmplim110011110T
eY rOlible. Now stand out as tile most ruined etty of
RHEum ATISM cal citizens of 111)01111111 le 11 11 ll le bet -
an old Root'and ter to leave the ruins as they are,
1-1 prb tterneciy Mai high- since their conalitule an excellent ad-
elealdi?ermigi'•=11.'r'andise 111711.rC'll1P vertieen,i4lisiothey
t -al etycoliecalisde
aiinirieagli e tusbeticuslia
Steles for 15 )-c:ars—ror fleas.
II ii e u tu a 1 i s in, Gassy .
Sloinac)Its, Bowel 111111to the community it hat 11,110'nie should
edad of the other's presence in -the nt. We all Fe.;')Iii France. now that. American and e•ther
you, miss Lewsop, I for admittance among the hills when
solitude that encompassed them. Ti
111Fan ne ahouted. a strange wild laugh floated unexpect- , b poweler lodges directly in the poles, strive to please; that is reall,v what ner,..iatt,s rr.tend altstur.'4,tic Itemed.Y do.! foreign visitors still see the 11.0(3' (11
con was we up a ove :toe,
--awson, I mean ---mean," mocked edly .abroad from a point off to the 121 Ave., SEamilton, 01).t.
ri gee noee-, and its white light was it will in time or subscribing to funds to help tha
cause them to be: we are put 'here for; ar,,,d, we. feel
_ the double echo. The bel/ow flung away. right. Involuntarily the girl slirank , . stretched and coarsened. Always use that we liave i'ailecl, we go home dis-
to aisfent cadeecee which settled eloser to him. people ef, the devastated areas.
eeeaming alon,e; the steel rails that
stretched lonesomely away into the a -thin film di cream First. appointed. If we are old enough to World's, Greatest Oretlekuleae•
I,s- in tile night "For pitv's sche trasne • a •
' ' s'"` 4•1 miles al spruce and Ditan'entton oat- If: the skin is hatOrally gsreasv or ltnOW ourselves, we pick up a 'ironic
There WItS dankness in the air- and "What *as that?'" . • croppino,s, •
Ths'gzettOst orph.efW.geitili fbe worl I
21Voneis occupation is in a, smoky or duStYt and do bUr 'best to change Our is ..stsion to be constructed •in Vftry-sur.
the shiefl of' skunk, cabbage from a "Just ,a loons en the lake' over there • (To be continued.),
shi)rt. e:retch of swamp anti beetle liartnless goose of 'a. thing," and
environment, steam the face •over once thoughts. 'Sometimes we ' 39110 over -i 7 ( F?E.MARK,ABLE Seine, It will he strictly on the linee
regiev opposite. Through the velvei Phil grinned at her reassuringly as r.„ , — • a. weals to .oleanse the pores thorough- oer failures with a comrade of whose
•Hprries itp 192?.. Wring:a:Turkish RE:ME:0Y
gto•otti the tire-ilies trailed. Roelkythe laced his boot. "But: jen't •asi Y towel •out of very sympathies we are sere.
he American vo•catipiea.. tem.
eidges evrere eeattered around in the crazy as hiss laugh. That's just his FOT thOS)1 who have been turning w,artn water, place noon 'the face and 1 If we are young, we •count over the
loackgroend arel high en the right was: way of stinging I Hear You CaDing over in their minds during the lastcover with a •dry towel. RePeat until' other girls or boys whom we know,
a huge rounded pile ef roek with a 1Me.' "
In the Conseil General of the Seine
Dept; T talent. it was revealed this week
that the plants for the building call for
few tvitite--temmett birches clinging to, '''J'hen give me John McCormack."
few sears the quesLion of building a tile skin begins to -redden. Anoint with; the ones Wlin1T1 we hope are glad to Grao-bl,b:x0k. twat girlish ti•pire space tor 4,000 bovs and glide The
home the followane information 'will ereem, ewe]. ate well a t the • •
ell the world like thiening grays He =milled as he caught her surrepti- - skin.! see us. ,c1nci so we think perhaps we'll c
educe eig
rt and following the Crowzmr. diet.
fia'rti -its 111(1t bad bead, It WaS tiously opening the silver -meshed be interesting, as many have been Wash with warm, soapy water and go to see Marian next. Saturday, rather 11-•
e to sal. but a w*Liic.o dnes • • -• Cal""true(100 w'ark is'
lit t'tents 000 000 t",.a01,..
beildinge,are to Cost not Coes feel'. "0.-
tu-i :la: it to see tlle birches clearly.1 reticule and powdering. her nose, but
kept from building during 1920 and then dash on cold water to counteract. than Helen -becalge - -I 's'
• „e , even ele.1 i T101 pmbipt) 51,sfAtttelr to be snread over five
1 Sol
but the et-thairunan io.r the Rutland: pretend.ed that he had not seen this 194.. becatiee.Pg',•the ,tailing market ot It is tuitions to any 'Complexion to not so interesting or so gOod to look' ilai'"11"ss-
1)%. •Ill cr tunil on A part 1002 11011 spec ia 1 t1 ep rtinents
serrey liege' kre.e.- they were therei hit of feminine incongruity. "My, lumber and supplies. permit the dust of a shopping trip, a at, we always feel like going there veoelot‘ of pri,...,..i");,) 1,4,- box from' fin children of tender wee, where the
en . how tt ey looked: he had seen; how still everything is!" she said a The manager o , company, which ride el- a journey to remain upon the
I-Rewire:is of sem geowths. Behind thel moment later in a subdued voice as sells direct from producer to 001)9 skin, as it encourages wrinkles.
big' 1 tie% formatien pichably there was!, she swept a glance around 011 the sumer, was able to give us a verY con- pimples and iblackheads as well as a
A iA44-,`, !silver landsea•pe and up at the stars .
erete idea of the present position 02 dingy color.
lcueor:el, eeatehed up some pelibles i fixed and dim th the infinite teat/lees'
arid hurled them ilito the underbrush' of distance. "It would be possibre fo low prices. He said: "We mate a
in tieger e: -these pesky little birds' go crazy here very quickly, 1 sup- practice o . se, e e •
13 Homemade INIaoic Lantern. Slides
lie linew she eouid not be far away, "You'd soon get used to the quiet; belle
., for constr.0
' take for in- sa
home. Last year,
ction of a thoroughly well- • . •
On winter evenin•tes evhen a stortet is
with their mournful monotony of note. pose."
beating against the windows and the
and .-tarted ociwu 1110 track slowly,' then the racket of the city would -drive stance., this home would have cost you , , ,
waim house seenis le most co
ti t mCort-
porticituzing the ground on each sule., you crazy. Sey, speaking of -wild $3,648.80. We have just set our prices
He l'ound ber at last, lying very stilligeese, Miss Lawson, remhids me that for 1922. They stand at $2,577.66; or able place in the world, titne passes
• l
among the 1.tog reeds. I at soon as I learned iwhere you had in rowed ftgarea, one,teeed less than
• Cent. -10 ne lifted her out onto the gone and what for, I followed you t° last yea; Here's• anothee: Last year.
Idi-y seedy ballast; greatly alarmed ati tell you that this is a wild-goose 'chase
j search of water. fie located a tinisr package Of stage money. It's just a i'eason is that lumber Prices have' hit
f the com lete outfit
1 '-e:ir- I;020 r4:E:X015Sil-r- COMPAN-V, 1 older girls will get training In domes-
---------‹.--------- J75 a'arvis 1.1"82.L. - T03!041:0. 11-C eicenee, tie %veil as ehildren'e hod -
I '
,Dye Faded Sweater ..-
.. 1 . i, 'pita' courses, there- will be a. farm
Skirt, Draperies 1 p :. - .,•,:.
i echoo•I and. a earles el ten mechanua
W ' workshops fee teaching all kinds of
• m Diamond Dyes i "
coniml.ssion luta-been studying the
Every "Diamond Dyes" package T . .
tells Iro-tv to dye or tint any worn. Lift Oif with Finuers - •
plans for more than two years. It has
b now been decided co adopt a. co mbratt.
faded garment or :leafier), a neve deli
that w.III not s:treak, spot, fade, .
haPP,ilY if You have something of
or run. Perfect home dyeing is gear -
interest to do. On such a night geb
out your magic lantern, and amuse
yourself and the family by making
silhouettes,. ' '
Get some pieces of thin glass of the
right size to fit the lantern. Then.
. •
within proper limits on the glass,
paste small hilhouettes 'cut Mtn dark
or heavy paper, You, can use a' single
old, shabby waists skirt s, dresses,
figure or you can paste several figures '
coats, sweaters', stooltings, draperies,
.near together toloom a:group or cent -
position. It is t t hanging, el'el"thing!
o necessary o ma
original silhouettes., although of
Hindus Are Superstitious,
i)Oesu uUrt a bit! Drop a ltt.l.s
course that adds to the pleasure -and
ertiong the Ilindua it is considered
interestrof the work.' There are po.stal -
exceedingly unlucky f.dr a person to
cards that have silhouettes Pretty in
look back when lee leaves hie house.
themselves -and eXcellent for 01)0 01 a
magic Ientern; and others_ can often minard's Liniment 0T Cow's, etc.
be found in old Prints' ot magazines. 0.
If the paper on which they are ,prhited People who "need to 'h'e handled with
is not thick enough/paste the pictures gloves,/ are sometimes better handled
on b ack paper and then qut them out. with boxing glevee.
Seenes from coutitrsr life; humorous
fi.gurese profile views of notable per-
sons or of friends,. outlines -of ancient
temples, 'buildings, ruins and statues;
anything that shoWs' pra,cefel action
or figures from famous pictures -
those are among `Xlie, subjecte .froin
-which to choose. There are a tiuMber
of simple deviees that, will Occur to
an ingenious girl. 'The ragged edges
of torn paper will serve to suggest
grass on the grouna, thread
pasted on the etas wili do for ropes,
reilia, the tails of animals and horizon
Iines.„, Overlapping. the cut-outd-gaves
room, 'draws the pic.ture together and
give it depth,
th,eSihreicetujx%1: dwififieneulytottio„pauvtoitithtseasrilitidge
itqo the lantern and take it O..cti iS
a good plan to hay ready a...COVer oiI
glass held in place paSse-partout
PaSted rotinct eage,, '
Yon can make a' series ot' SlideS that
atigge...„.... ag
Afi leftt b ti
the etit itt' different POStarea,
that thek mixko a story: 'Tliere'lsi,iftin
her unconsciousness, and went ini you're on. That envelope tontains a $2,237.99 and this year $1,55T79 The
11001 just oft the right-of-wav and dummy prepared by Mr. Wade to
, bottom -in fact are trending higher
realized for the first time 111101 he was duplicate the -one stolen not long ago again.. Other -minor necessitiesare
hatless. Hastily- he at down and, re-; from the Alderson Construction Com- still due for a slight fall in prices, but
1 moving one of his boots, dipped it MI pany. Object: to fool that fellow, any oue who waits for all prices to
I the water and came hobbling • back!,Podmore. Before we make any more reach bottom will get nipped because
, wil,,, II, as fast as he could go hi an mistakes, hadn't we better try to ee the upward tendeitoy oe the lumber
of -eine: to reach her before it had uilderstand each other's positilen? As i
market—for lumber s the major eie-
leaked out. He was so intent 'upon a starter -I'm going to ask you to read
this that he was quite close before he th• letter f tl Chief Wait I'll
is 47orn le.ment in constrtiction of a home, Lum-
a.ized that she was sitting up, She scratch a match for vou." -
greeted him with an exclamation. • Before this &Peach was half com- more than offset the small gain in
"floofir cried Phil with satisfaction, pleted he had Miss Crjsty Lawson's cheaper general supplies." .
ber prices on the upward trend -wall
"That's th.e stuff!" lie sat down on undivided attention. She gazed at His judgment is upheld by the trade
the cnd or a eicePer embedded in the him in amazement, and as he shieldedlglllR
enewed aetrvIties of con-
t. seed, and peered at her anxiously; the burning match with glow -reddened til,a-oeto:san.dbuilders, throughout cane,
:but the light Was rather uneertain and fingers her eyes raeGd eagerly
aver da wOuld indicate that they too are
was glad to note that eastward the ineroductiem of Mt. PhilipKen-
the free -tops blackened aaatost , preparing for more building tbis yea'
drick the t
private secre-ary of tete t•
verbitg sky. The arrival of the moon President of the Canadian Lake
vot;:a help a tot. "How badiy hurt shores Railway with the latter's full
ace you. Mise fiawsorti. Do you know authority to alt as his representative.
that people havt, got killed, jumping There was no doubtitig the authen-
i from +/•:111131" he reproved, ticity of it.
'Then whatever possessed you to To relieve iter embarrassarient ken -
de it?" she retorted. "1 air not dense cleicle hastened efo explain in detail,
enough te lieliove it is just coinci- It wias only nataral that she should
dence that you are here. ).rou had ne have supposed him to be in kague
business to follow me, Mr. Kendrick, with Podmore-. }fad he but known She
and f resent it very rauch," , was enethat train he could 'have told
"At least credit me with a sincere' her everything and have saved her
clesire to be of service to yeti, Miss, the inconveniences of the present pre -
Lawson," said P1111, with a half hunt- dicatnent; hitt 'he had supposed her to
&irons touch of opprobrium in his tone, be alreadv at her destination,.
Elie told hini how her train had
been held up by a, freight wreck be-
tween Toronto and North Bay; so
that she had, Iniesed.eonnedtiorns, there
and had, been forded to Wait Over for
twcnity-four ;hours. '
"1-lacinft we better be nieVing, Miss
Lasvalo11Vl 'ho Suggested. -""We'll have
te 'hoof it to Thorlaktiorita it'S 0.
goo& five trlifleo from here, We can
talk tte we Walk allOrtg.'
'Eta took he arta to ASSist her to
her feet, but vvfien eke otterripted
stand np she eat do.trAli so mfddenly
omt, x41td-rtdk thought she Was golpg
to taint,
','Are' you in the habit ,of changing
people'S names to srait .the dictatesof
Yew' own diordared fait 010113 7" she de'
tintizided siairenastieally. ' should think
y;ou would find that very confusing,'
• 11(1 do -a -sometimes, Miss Williaros-;,
t "In these c1a17 of nenitiasthenia 11 is
itideed refreshing to Meet one of Such
itealiby nerve 1011 'you appear' to itoS-
S•esi,” elit0 SaicI4ei1iy!• 4;Sitiett, yott have
ehOSO, to play the bell-boymlt 1111110
large countrY hoto it ttflitd
outsell/es.? X 'shalt)faogyuprio'.. ttot 12
410W ift'.inY re,r)ipt0.414' that you haiVe
l'ifeeelyed 'yote2 ,f41;14 ot Words',
thfA, wytott tre ha/fit,' he dried. itk ,slorrs
iibia -111.404100 • *04, litoesly, • t Auk arid *0,e dieWn beside her Itit e.•
rChinese Proverbs;
Think tWiee and do bc speak .at all.
At 70'a Irian is 'a candle In, the wind,
'A thou:sand 'are
te,ined; a is lard, to find. .
.Do not:lace .your Shee,S,,'In a, melon:
Patele ••
'Easy to open ,a• shop; hard to keen
, all•importatit things, tbe''.firet is
not•iitO.-eeat .conscience....,, •
,"All pursuits are ,meati in coMpariStan
• Ile binight a dried BS11,to •apare.f ifs
'Witi your i1awsuit,.lose'7our. money.
kIre,""2"' e' °Pig,
10101)110111 o11 that, Ildur 'yen- sent
Groder-i''What',.Was thle,matter with,
, Ure. iroungbtkle---"It'Wee ttottgh.,
,m,ade a pie -With 1111 alid it ',yea as,inneh
ee, Tay 11bu2batit1 eciuld do to, ant. 1E"
ISSUE 140..
anteed with,Diainond Dyes even if you
have never dyed before. Inst tell
your druggist whether the material
you wish to dye is wool or silk, or
whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed
goods. For fifty-one years -millions of
women have been using "Diamond
Dyes" to add yeaTs of wear to theft
— -
0)0 HIV*
tion scheme based on the systents 31010
In. Operation In New York, Pen usyl.
• vania ahd Ohio e•rpliansee.:.
Wonders of Sound Travel.
,11 f a moue h a I lieolei et named CLaisiler
alwaYs found tital sounds front the
earth, varied accordinoi to the damp-
ness or dryness of the air.
When to clouds faux miles above I be
earth, lie beard a railway trakn, but
when the clouds were far below 1)1111,
all wes
Two niiles 111) he heard the harking
of a small dog, yet at less lban half
that. beight he tailed to hear the shoet-
`Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- 105 00 a Large enowd of people.
ly that corn stops. hurting, then short. Anutrzrer bau,, lee Rev, ,T. 111.
ly you lift It right off with fingers, Bacon, found how onclerfully plere-
Trulyl • ' ing was the §briek of railway
Your druggist sells tiny bottle ot
"Freezone" whistle, Tb, 5,00,11131 01 01)01(1101101)01(11011 were
for a 'few cents, sufficient
or corn between ttie toes,. and the cal. • "a1110115
to remove every hard corn, sort , corn, ,0„,,e ,,„„, enieer,
lues, without so eneas er irritation. ,
•1/4..ez &LI v
t,tt 1101)11
izIontli‘pc kyr hig go
13.10,nza, DiOtOMp9Trr coughs and Colds'
ist).DreValent amono tiorsoo01 thl's season of the year. ' For
nearly. thirty years "OPOUrtll'l has been even to prevent
teem:, diseases, aa 11011 as to relieve and cure them. ATI
occasional doee •deondettoas" Serer heree and keeps diseaSe
away% Ao 0,-1dmett3r ter eases aptually suffering, ‘,SPOrtts,W.
le quick and certain, Mirsale at drug stores,,
VOan 31CODXCA.Xc4mr*csrt, p
600ortoig°00Ps4rIf' btiti-P;S-
AT TTHI-;:e WANOE:IrRW-1-1111/4D181\1,Ssi:rmi HOTEL
European plan.1\tovel Ritz ituievation • unique color
sellable throughout; ItestaUtant overlOoking Beath
and Ocean. Dancing inTreillsitoorn and RitzGrill.
Single Rootn,$ up
Dot114 R.06111., ii
le,roorres,tv ,Int'gritleTtiok Li!! en olitrneAevaV
en I.,olevutx
.19 difi0
ol0111101011(1, soiW' 'F8 baib•oon
when iteheard whatInodc) be
the'spatria yelp et adog
lt was Le sohlic01 1111111013'Lice oiPluinstead ‘arttes mile be-
lIgyyl'. *i9
510`o0r"111.WM eebm.ear8*dAaDf)
instairt 011117, 1111 renntlecl 101 0-
"egwi1j11R11:j0Aed ori;1111(01
At a height of btwn 5,000 ft11111
6,000 ft. Glaishl could 111030- the dep
5101)10(1 of' 141149n r1st-11 r§t111,
s1a:111l'il1o:*11• 1110
A noted ti.elletibarooist diecov:4.
etha::000411:bf:1t1801 11:1
eock and tile soutd oa, btroh
When Y0 neoratlaiot
bheno1,,viG1 andPlainstead