HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-16, Page 8• 4. 1 e only tp Y PC 1s l fitivoxs. 3 Pkg for 25c LOOG'S CORN FLe\ ;ES 5 px:gs, for 48c Y;SEST ROLLED OATS ale 1b"r 2 3 03;tR1ST IE'S BULK -SODAS per ib. ' 15e 200 YARD COATES' BEST COTTON , SPOOLS BLACK, sV l.-1 I+lrll. or COLORED attic ea, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Ibex ---the best blanket made in the largest size 12-4 white grey, pink or blueborders at Sale: Price of $2,85. thi ity y Bargains CHECK. (,1XNGHAM The Latest Patterns for this season in beautiful colors or neat checks, Sale Price 24c yd. T 4 ' B TOXDACCO Men who smoire look ,vhar, rot have- for you, T .l' 13 large size plug regular $1.00 Sale Price 72c. ,L,,'1/2.1.INDRY' SOAP All brands, 10 bars 79e. 3 Pkgs, POWDERED AMIMON- I.A. for 23c. SHREDED WHEAT' BISCUITS per Pkg. 12c, 31ATCHES Reg.. 15c Sale Price 3 for 3Sc. PALMOLIVE SOAP a cakes for .. .23e Pure Cane Extra Standard Granulated Sugar; any .;'; brand $7,45, Per 100 lb, bag A, ewar , sT. rc s •M . y.; t3,,V The Leading Furniture Dealer Edictal Director and Embalmee Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO 'FUNERAL DIRECTING - FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND PP -TO -D A.TE EQUIPMENT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74JNight Night call 71W 3x':1'-'9633:43.3i3tAi+l'+.343,3130.34 •.A;i' ROW tr -- .' a zoi)o,r9a 1 ' r tin re'pott ' ai tl04 f/zeter 11[+trlrrt. corrected wverY WedlnesdAF. Wheat $1.21a Oats 34c to 40e, Barley 4Se. to 55c. anitoba: flour $;4:15 raMi1y tlour $ 4.R G P}3stiT ;lour $3.40 Shorts $1;65 per,owt. Bran. $1;65 per cwt, Feed final' $2.10' Creamery' butter 43e. Dairy butter 34c to 37C New laid eggs 40e, Lard 1Gc-te 19c Hogs $12.00 LOCA L 4.44 • • BAND IN Arl:EN:5AN(CE AT DOME RINIs. SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY eMr, M. Carom spent the week enol in Seafor•th. Mrs. J. A. Stewart is visiting her mother in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Taman, spent the week end' .in Detroit. Air. S. M. Sanders, was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. lar, A. Balkwill spent a °few days last week in Toronto. Mrs. S. Fittgn and little Miss Jean visited in London on Tuesday. Mr. Melville Gladman, of London, spent the week endat his; home here. Mr. Harold Wright, is visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Carom: Mrs. Dr. Snell, of Toronto, is the guest of: Mr. and 1'Irs. T. 0. Sou:th- cott.' Mr. Houston, Trirspector of high schools visited the Exeter H. S this week. -• N Mrs. Jane Vale left last week :,to visit her daughter, Mrs, Golby, of London. Miss Gertrude Winer left Monday for Kitchener to take a position as milliner. Mr. Morley Wilson, - of Dresden,, spent a few days last week With Mr., and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Miss Alice Vincent, of Stratford, spent the week endwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vincent. .. Mrs. Rousom, of North Bay, ,is vis- iting for a couple of weeks withi;.lier parents Mr. and Mrs, W. J.. Bissett. •, 'Miss Buchanan, of the West, 'who has been visiting in Hensall, visited with Miss Hazel Laing over the -week A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR ,,MADE, SO WHY NOT LET T. H. ELLIOTT HELP TO SAVE YO'U DOLLARS -">;y„ Cteanu)g, rressing, or1Repairing your old Suits and Overcoats. If you' let T. H. E. have that old suit to overhaul you 'won't have to buy a new one. Always at your service. Good glasses if you need them Good advice if you don't. J, "ARD, D.C., Optonretaist EXETER Miss Verda Rowcliffe entertained'. the ,Willing Workers Sunday school class of James St.; to a' progressive art party on Monde evening. A jolly evening was spent by all. BUSINESS GROWIN(a • Owing to . our rapidly grotwing business, we are now located in the large prick garage on Jares'St. just off Main. We are fully equipped with the best machinery including acetyline gas welding outfit. We are prepared to repair all makes of cars and other machinery. Cars requir- ing repairs, ,stored free. All -Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. A. M. ICernick. t4.,434,433:33 33413.1i kv? Se, 13 '' 71 N 44 qq{t ti W: k • .. fib.'. S Ef rC.,prTP R Every customer' realizes that `'`SERVIG i" aloil g \ lith "QUALITY" are the principles that make shop - ng a_an L or inion Store. a - Y pleasure. 4? 1^ w .. Fri Sat chi i ld Tea t e best V ><ltte ttoWn .. 40c.. E . ` pound I3'IAGGIC BAKING Choice Machine Sliced F'RE'SH r(4-R0UND . POWDER , COFF13 BACON„9c LB', 34c Ls. Tri' 1.' 390 LB. ilOLLED OATS 5 LBS. 13c .PITRE CORN M1 AL 7 LBS,. 25c • tirjEA'P7ETS 4 LBS. 25 c ROLB ,t) ` ,TI{EAT 2 LBS. 15.c ItIOB 3 LBS. 20c SAGO 3 LEIS, 27c APIOC4. 3 I.I3S, 29c 1S FANS 4 LES, 25c SISERI$.IFJ"S' JE LILS 3 for of 25c i, GOLD _ I3UDOINN;GS 2- 'or 23e iIANrPOID CORN -2 rrr., +` r + ZSc;.' RIVERSIDE. [;.SIDiJ i'E?7lAT0,1S tin. 1.6c .1 , , 1 AI,U11I T LAllL I:3. JAR 25c :w CURRANTS2 3S. 31c-rl PRUNES 2LBS, 29c NE _ ., Tl , r I .J . k '. 3 . , PI; L ts,r .., .. `):STRhYlU .D+I S ~ 24 P. SACK 1 O T l"S• SE, r 13RCOtI S9e T 3 LE,T1s,IT.. 49w 1s.JCi%711, _95c r c Crown n '00/114T, r LB. P..II '-C ;, r 1 31 t:: T3 rand 1 UOVAL VEA. ls UI . CARES'Sfi 'i St .? 7c tJ ,r`' n.r ••.._ C,, ,1 Ot -^ «p Mr. Luther Braund, of Brantford, was called; to town -Wednesday owing to the ilness of his mother, -Mrs. D. Braund. Mrs: M. Fietch.er'received word on, Friday from, Crosswell, Mich„'' that her brother, Thos.' Gamin, Is very ilI with typhoid fever. Mrs. Geo Easterbrook antl„Mrs.'S.” Thomas, of Hamilton spent the- week' end with the forximer's sister Mrs. Grace Hill, Crediton, Mr. M. Warren, of Woodstock, is in town this week, and !.is •making some alterations in connection vitli the new organ at ,James ;street church, Mr, Jo11n i;Siewart, Jr."of Usbor:ne, Iast week delivered to I. Armstrong and son twelve hogs that. weighed 3280. lbs. IIe received $3.69.00 for the bunch. 'Mrs. M. •Slearnon, who:has been. on an extended visit it' west recent- ly returned and has joined her 'hus- band who has been Here for the past couple of months. Mr. H. Walter, was in Hamiiton a fe`v days last week, owing to the illness of his sister, Mrs. H. C. Wood who has been suffering with bron- chitis. , She is inipro ving nicely. Master Donald Gladnian, who un- derwent an operation for appendic- itis at Dr.. Hyndmai's hospital, about twoweeks ago, is improving nicely. Mr. A. J. terrett.has purchased the house of the late. Mrs. 8. Williams on Simcoe street at present occupied by Mr. ,E J;,,1-lorney., • liar. Horsley will move into The housevacated by Mr. Perro It. Mrs, W. J. Parsons, of Vancouver, B.C., who Iias"beeir visiting her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Sam'1 Parsons,' lcft this week for Actonto visit for a ;few d•ayY'previous to returning to Van`- cou'ver. Mr. Jas. Crockett, brother-in-law. ofrMr's, S. Martin of town, died on Sunday at; the home- of his son-in-law . U:'MeCI<.•ry, of'St. Jolrlis,,aged 7.. year=s. ,'The funeral was held Tues.. interment taking place at Dorchester, The Exeter -Zurich hockey team wont to Sarnia to=night(Wednesday) ( dncsday), to play the :: first ofhome and .home games, of the third round in the GI -1.A. intermediate series. The re- turn game .will be played' in. Exeter on Friday night. Mr A ,1, Cooper, O l of lint an illustrated ttC.'a t inerair e address `t o the Caven School Sunday. ana S bbatix morning last and`also OCet ied't: the gulp t for tre rarir service. Owing t^ the illness; of'Mr: i oate: there was 11.a^u(;rvICC, in the 'evening. Messrs fl: N, Creech ' and 3. M. in Uoutl f ,;; rca,,, were Gtr ri on`olr F r. last' attending t, ,4 anti: vn n'+` ' e 0Introar otx,7 ,r 11!;$1.1'6 "i 1 1 v1u5 told inti i he `E' CatTJtend c,errd 4eA'911 '!6 c G -1"'i'1 Vit the Ctlrelles rtTIl1N rR l$ iy TE1$I41,N CR Cl'IItCI' Itgv. ,y0.141. F ote, B. A., Minister` day Seh(oi iuid' 13ibie' s usual no Sun-; LiAii45 leF', Pre,a,c ig services day, 13oy' Scouts riday eve g JAMES STREET YtlETI OD1ST CHURCH Rev„ M. J. Wilson, ,B :A„ r'a tor. 11 a, m. ----"Four Lite Rules" 3 p,in.--„-;Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7' p. m—°'P1aY Tho Game" Congregational and Choir singing .All welcome MAIN S70, tUiTKODISZ' CI i7Rilii:.: Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3,) 11 zl in.--Nieodemus a ruler, of the Jews. 3 1-min.—Sunday school and Bible Classes. 7` p. Azr,—lav th Bible Westminster,.- Abbe L_. :BETHANY 2.30.p. in. . •:"The Old Corn "['FIi71 SIIA I kltr, (i#1Ar l9. M11Iii0L[HIlIIIIINliI!!111llllll1l I it I ! lllilMllllllllllllN!11iilllMllllllill!![!gl!!![!!lNMMl1611I(dllifllill1lflil!!!Illltllllllll!!!l* QNBSC)UTIICOTT BROS. M Y. P. C. A. y , Ladies`' only on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 P. M. All members from 8to„ 11P.M. SALVATION JIMMY SERVICES. Services .in the Public Library next Sunday. 11 ani. --=-Holiness Meeting 7 p.M.-Salvation meeting, 2.30 p,rn.' --Sm day school and Bible- class 3ibleclass and special sand tray for, urinary class. Cottage meeting in North End on. Tuesday night. A. business meeting of the 11,17.0„, will be held in. Senior's hall Saturday afternoon at 2.30.. The program, com-.: mittee is especially requested to 1)e present. • • FOUND -Iii Exeter a pearl ear ring. Owner may have same by pay' ing” for advt. , Apply at Times office. FOUND.. A ring with two keys, one a pest office. key. Owner mai' have sanie byipaying for advt. Apply .Times ,office. „`LOST On, Main St. bet'veen James- street corner and" the Main -street church, a necklace with, pens' dant... Finder rewardede, by lea -ring ranae,at Tinges office. .i• SALE OI, BUTTER-11III,I% TIM Butter -milk of the Exeter Creamers;: -will be .sold by . Public Auction,.on Saturday, 'February .25th,; 1922 at two, o'clock' 15.-m. „Thos: Cameron; _auctioneer. • SALE OF'BUTTERTMILT(" The -Butter milk of the W innholsea "`Creamery;be •sold by Public :Auction `on Wednesday, February^ 22nd, 1922 attwo•o clock p,• nr'.' Thos, Cameron, . .Auctioneer_ • A couple of ouz<,lsroipinent citizens were in theCounty Town last ;week. • After arising early wlth$'the intention of'ea•tching the morning ,train,: they got lost on the way to the station and "had to spend Abe day in Goderich. • Rev. Wm. , J. Ashton,.I3. -D, pastor of G -race Methodist,, .,Ciullrch, St. Thomas, died suddenly_, on. "Friday last. . He had not been well: for ah- out,,-two b-out'two years. .The deceased was born in Huron,Co. 52 yearsag o.:' He was • buriecl..on lylont- Gerrie. The Warren Organ C0_ of Wood= stock, who recently installed the:new organ at James St. have just,shipped a ,$10,000' organ to be installed' in L oe`w-°s 9'heatre,,Ottawa;anrl' have al- so signed a contract; Famous Players Co. for ix $1.5,000 "or•gair f their theatre in Victoria; 13. C. • Rev. J, E.. Reye: aft, who is at pr es- ent oiliciating at Victoria street citil cr ' Gorerieh las been invited to the pasto rate sof thekirst lVfetlsodist Clrurch-Loridon; for ono year to suc- teed Rev.:Wm. Sparling, whose, death' was the cause of the vacancy. a Rev. 'Bruce Hunter •of Toronto; has-accep ted the cell to succeed .Mr. Re -V. -craft' at t.he first 11Tetljodist Church. :1 His term -will coin me ee,luly.'1, • 1923, • LIBRiJt BOARD 1IElt,><I k r The xc, 1' antnal az meeting of the Exeter ' Library Board was held" oia Fr'da t y 'evening last week Mr. J., Elston, was elected chairman.' and Mr. "H. 47 'Huston, sec-ti•eas, The, usugl:;Coria- m ittees' .lppoin.t.0 'HIGH I+IiaA7.N(' < 4 A citizen oP ,.tovV r,,- s ivied in l'J`tin- , . ,ice_ dOii r'ecently and konnel that (iso LOli-' don Unroll and "Druee evorild carry 'hintarrci Is ',runic toaa.:r,ter.'eliea-,et than it :would 'bring tlre :'i1;.T_`iF. C.x..d-.° b b , 4 , lone, I ei wig Toi'el a "if o late _ to catch the L. II. f P i"d'i' 7!5 etea he. as ., , :ts ' _..ef, .ay a::tAtoc 1Cc ,trxccr!c.c; n,vC his trill v C4'72 ; C9 {1 t l:.. t it Cost -1130.to liave it''expressed', purchabp t, srllgle, tit cttcelt0d Ie hough''' hIIQ) i u4' ckil1 \las`° lir r b 1 e CON.IS ► F ebr nary 28th. This is our first Annual Sale. All Winters goods must ust be cleared g out regardless of 'cost, We are marking : New: Goods at ,a very low margin of :prc •, s bought 'here this month will :mean a big aving to you. LADIES' AND MISSES' F (JR -COL - LACED COATS 35..00 and $40,00 values Sale Price, each $22.50 ALL; WOOL SERGE.IDIRI+.SSES Sale Price, each $10.95' CHILDREN'S VESTS & DRAWERS Regular 45c value' Sale Price, each 25c COATES' 200 YARD COTTU' SPOOLS 'rice 4 for 25c Sale ' AMES' AND MISSES' CLOTH COATS List Year's styles, Sale. Price $11;'75 AIL WOOL SERGE Brown and B1iie,, Sale Price S5c yd. AIiL • LINEN, TOWELLING Sale; Price' per yard 32c 27 IN. WHII`TI'E FLANNELETTE Sale Price per yard 18c 40 IN. FACTORY COTTON Sale Price ,per yard 25c SPLENDII) TEA TO'WEIILING Sale Price, per yd. 1Sc Wall' Papers We invite you to see QUI large stock of Wall ` Papers. Last sea- son'sg p . papers are being offered at exactlyhalfprice. MEN'S SWEATER' COATS Sale Price`. $2.90 Men's Rubbers, best quality, Sale' Price $1,25. Ladies' .Rubbers, best quality, Sale price 95c Ladies' Cloth Rubbers, best qual-e. ity', Sale Brice 95c SCOTCH FINGERING VAIN Sale Price $1.35 50 pairs Ladies' Lace"and Button Shoes, Sale Price $1.9S. 50 pairs of 'l3oys Lace and Button shoes, Sale Price $1.98. $6.00 Men's Shoes, Sale Price $3,50 Men's BIue and White stripe' Over- alls, $1_48. These Prices are Good'Giily for This Month' Many other lines at reduced prices. Don't fail to call. I. R. CARLING Barrister, Solicior,. Notary .Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in,^Vic tory, Dominion : of Canada. , r'Provincial and ; ' Municipal Bonds. Legal investment • for Trust „Funds. At existing prices, from 6' ,per, cent to_ 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. ,Orders received by me. Money to loanat lowest rates "of •interest.' OFFICE` Carling. Block, ;;Main' Street, EXETER, ONT. pv;,.? a aaa Rk, ray and .Baggag ANYTHING YOU. HAVE. TO MOVIi l3 E MOVE-. IT REASO'Y MTOTOR?"RUCK AND HORSE DRAY YOIJII. SERVICE AUTO. LIVEI4S ' Tics Land Livery in ConneC Si . agslaw, & Easton 5 £OOK.MEN LISTEN We' nave for sale lure ease fie 1 ca 4lolases 22c aallon; 21c in - g , barrel ::lots . bbls,, free: --- Centralia T'a,i mors Co -Opera tiv.e Co„ Ltd. A. E.'TEN ANT l ctat:nary 'S Surgeon008 Office--McDonnell's Sales Stables on :Jolin`S1. I none cai115 receive prortipt attention, Phone 26w r 1t _rc. isttorY is "the heart of Yot:'. ':Cal'„• . Protect it this. winter: .te 1? Uladl ygive yen free advice a S to its, proper, euro: W. J. Beer. 1 0 :.S c1+L ;1,00 acre ia31m, rat f. ,. lziiict;'• acr.er>>cle ca. er ,d r: 5 ,r,g+Ar liusli. 'Large bazrl n 4 710 c:alox, tworlts' iu `sta131e; rcd, h ,ic i hone g, xlevcr ,f Lki- 1^e, wit 3i t,t. 4iii j5161vrn'. Anal V Christie, Cil f ti t; lH' n, t1l4yO1 p'.Vt:24!t3.,.. lal,wu3i3 134..3.. . .,iRa,a •.'wS 4,C4`if S 1. n r A_ his t b- ,amss a man loan .and ail"or sliouId e as close friends ;and his doctor or bis lawyer, or even his pastor. For • well made, well fitting ,.clothes do _constitute a; ` most important part of a man's equipment it tai r e } usiness, professional and social world to -day. Our tailoring will give you an air of -distinction in` any company'. ilinamairr W. P [i 0 1333.31- 3 int. AC, : 143:.,Fwt;; M N a Big sale of furniture atOardine7's,' CLUBBING L1"ST. Exeter Ti mes $1.50 a year; ..00 to the United States. Times and Toronto C:io he .......$6,25 limes and Alan Tinies and London Advertiser 6.25 Times and London. Free :Press 6.25 Times ' and Toronto`}c Star Farmer's Times and '+ 1r rllei'' Advocate .v oc i to ...3:0,0 Tillie'. s C Family lY ISeiall & W.S. 3.40 'nines andntiontreal -Witness ,...3.05 Tinies and Farrnerls, Sun Times and Christian iistan Guarc.ran 3.40 Times and Canadian Farm.,......2.90 Tinges' & Canadian Countryman 2,90 -mics and'Presbyterian ..,,3.$0 The above publications)1A catz e.s Aalay ' are, t Obtained by Times Subscriliers in an enmbinatioli,:` the Time for'aily 1?rtib:) licatiozi being the fi{ ure •liven i,e til• I f` ('ple',✓,,.11tiTlg-'l;he price Of w, , r iCpS ri c f br a (IT f1 ro t ISri tarn New iron pumps and, fittings izr stock. Iron or wood pumps repair-' ed; wells rule r' r ecl out or cleaned...-. 1 1 S. QJ4Ni'W 'I+L`;Y1+r C"I+`xt Phone 115. • ' IDR. J'OIEN WAEJ) Chiropractic tElectrical 3ic toit: forChronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles 1 .s acienttically fitted. CIotlrt7 101b12 2t04°allt. ,d by appointrizcrr Otl'ice— lV, rhia ria ••• and Sander's 5 cc.s.- Pl tone, 43 Coachine > 01 : ,yliuders re-grorr,nd sand rat ,„ jl'rs d is fitted. Grinder Plates