The Exeter Times, 1922-2-16, Page 7fieville Junior Oeuncil• Ali Scouts, At the receet election of Boys Junior Council in Belleville it was^ in 'tereeting to note that -each ;of the ter •elected aldermea were connected with .one of the two Bey Scout m ftt city, la addition to this Troon Leader Charles Hayes was choeen. to itze their Junior Mayor by acclamation. The fact that Scouts were chosen or nil the eleven ",eillees is certainly sig- nificant. It is imieed a splendid tri- ibute to the organizatien of Boy Scouts eas a boy training movement and also to the reputation. which the Scouts must have amongst their fellows In All the junior aldermen - elect are, or have been, students at Hie Belleville High. School, anal have received their primnry education in the public or separate schools of ff Beeville. They are Belleville bdys by, birth, edaeation, and in ,spirit. And •a.bovb all pley are-Bor •Scouts. , They hare shown that they are the popular ..ouths of their city and •that'iSey have many of the qualifleations •whichemake for stietteSS in life, .The total number ek Boy Scouts in Belleville is only about seventy and proof of their popu- larity is foandein the fact that the low- eet elected candidate received maalY more votes than their total number. It'looks, as if the problemie of the boys and -youtha -of Belleville are at last in safe hands. Returned Men for Scoutmasters., An •effort is being made by the Menl- o/fps-a__ toba Provincial Council of the Boy n Scouts Association to-,Canadianize the 10,000 foreign boys in Manitoba through thie ineditun. of Scouting and the efforts of returned soldiers. The plan to recruit "Red Chevron" znen throughout the province as Scoutmas: ters would be of immense value in the 6 Canadianizatione of our many foreign boys throughout the West, "Red Chevron" men already are being lined up in Edmonton and in the rural dis- tricts ef Alberta. All information regarding the for- mation and conduct of 13oy Scout Troops' and Wolf Cub (Junior Scout) 'Packs can be haat upon application to • did Provincial Boy Seout headquar- ters, Bio -or and ,Sherbourne Streets, Toronto. WOMEN A GIRLS WANT ROSY CHEEKS They Can be Hadby KeiTing the Blood Rich and Pure. Every Ivomana-e-every resy cheeks. They mean not only beauty, but good health, When a wo- man'e blood in eeanty or anaemic her eeler fad,ehM es, e elte debilitated, 'is ehart el .bireath, .and tier, litaart paipi- tatea alter slight exertion. "Sante- , times this trouble aecompunied by severe headaches, ckr pains in the back or sides. This condition is entirely due to weak, watery Weed, anct can only be cured by making he blooil rich, red and pure, Fe- this purpose try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which aet directly upon the blood, and In this way bring neWes health and strength to weak, ailine'people. Mrs Isaac HOW01,l, Petitcodiac, N.13., tolls of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did for her as follows:—"For 'some time I had not I been feeling e11, I had been gradital- ly growing weaker, and found it to growing harder to do MY housewarlt. was very pale and had - Ire (lite n t headaches,' 1 consul te d a doctor and took his Medicine for some ' time, but it did me no ased.. I found- myeelf growing weaker, and taking faint and dizzy spells. A frleuel ad- vised me to try Dr. 'Williams' „Pink Pills, and although -I had nearly last faith in" all medicine, I got a supply land began their use. After a time I found they were 'helping me, and I gladly continued taking them, and ulti- mately found that the troubles that had afflicted me ;had vanished. I am giving this statement in the hope that my experience will be .of benefit to others." You can get Dr. Williame' Pink Pill through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 5Ei cents a box or six boxes tor $2,50, from The, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • C eeze 'Mat Chose a Vb e the exproealioll, eese-lear, s,rLat is tise g t)Lnig1lt at whieli 105" is a recogetzed ettuivalent fer poople live There is, it scemus a slieph ord with his family 111 tile AMICS he:ghE at 17,1,00 foot, and this, he,,,,4beci clanned to be a reeord, ti"rat. IS, for per mailent habitation. lVherm it comes to a (inetW011 of tem porarr abode, however, this altliude great: as it is', is easily 11.0aLell, for 03 one of the Illnialartn. Irv -0,6, 18,400 feet high, a small band tif liardy men lis;t) duriug the summer. Tao men, nurabering less Ulan hal a dozen, ere 'I'ibetitn Cnisteni 'louse of- ficers., ant', are specially selected for their powers of eniturtuice, as elle would expect them to be, iu order' tO ezzlet even Inc a few weeks in air which trust contain eo very nincii less oxygen than there is at sea-lovel. Froni such an elevated trasi these men must have a inagnificent view of tile great Tibetan plateau, the inhabi- tants of which. thomsolvets SCCII1 to Jive .cormfo.rtably at heights of 15,000 or more feet. It would be inite•resting to know at what 'height human beings emit" ac- custom themselvee to live, l'h,ere is no eeiteen to suppose that 18,400 foci is tile limit, - ho Lves reatk, IbM 0 est? thrift ,or economy in the, management of household agaits, it is apparent the itionietti we dissect the tern) that tite saYing effected lw 'the paring of a cheese depends entirely upon the man- ner in which thio operation is coriduct. od. If one rereoves the idnd of the Oheese' mrelessly waste Instead of cconenty results, According to a French legend, there,, was a-lnao wtio wets in love with three eisite,re at the same time. He could not make up his trend which el them he "gilt to 111-arry, The ability ta be a 'thrifty housewife ,being the prineipal requisite of a wife at that time, the man decided to \vat,ch the three caro - fully, a41c1 P1 order to make a test pre- . • slanted each of thepi with a large cheese., Two of them "remeved the rind in SItO1.1 33 manner that a,considerable par - tion of the cheese was thrown away, but the youngest pared it with a very sharp ',trill°, and via r_ot waste a scrap The man decided that sire would make the best wife, aud they were marti•ied, The, Doctor's Revenge, A Young doctor was summoned. as a witness in a ease that depe.ncied on tech/ilea' 01/1.(10-o,,ce. The opposing oeunsiol was inclined to be sarcastic at the Idea of so- young a doctor being ' "You are familiar," he eaid, "with the syMptoms 1e concussion ot the brain?" "Yes," replied the doctor. • "Then, if Mr, Stnitli ancj myself:cel- lided; arkel .banged our heads together, should we get concussion of the bs'ain .1p I "Mr, Striith might,". said the doctor., . ;. . We once knew a printer wihe up. "battle -scant -et veteran" so that it read "batieleaseared veteran." He had to ,stay Itome.for,'a week. Hie. brother . made "a match. feted bride"- read "a much faded bride," and he never diet come back to work, A Quest Nat Enclea. The death of Sir Ernest SliaCkleton on his little, ship Within hail. of Antarctica puts one in. mind OT.f Sir Humphrey Gilbert of Eliznbetlian c' s, who cried E,We areas near. hea- en zee as by land" ere his boat-, the Gaiderk,Ilind sank off the 'Azores. ' r•••• In Shackleton was the spirit qf the eailorneen whoe-natie the age of Eliza- beth auroral with their spirit of dis- covery. He" was not one to sit chim- ney-eornered with the cakes and ale while he could hear the bergs and floes of the southern seas calling, and, irs ilia day -dreams, he saw the penguin flap and shuffle' onethe ice-sihelves and heard tii1 •reail oif the ‘forever fierce Antarctic win.d retinal a hovel of pack- ing boxes and oil cans in the "ice of a big drift, • " "' , There -must forever beon earth a breed ef, men who do not care to pick and cheese among the- easy and the comfortable thingS. Brief as is the term of life, they run the' risk of making it- briefer still as one vvho "Glad did I live ..and gladly die And 1 laidnre down with a will." • Of the number of the 'argionauts in our time' was Shackleton. He rnay have been lacking in some of the studied graces of the carpet -knight, the flaw- ' les, finesse of the ballroom. But if not -a lion among ladies, he was a lion In danger. He served: hi,s apprentice-- ehip in exploration. As a lyoumg lad he roun,ded the world four times in the merchant service. A lieutenant under Scott. in 1901, later he came with his own party to, a point within ninety-seven miles of the South Pole. Ile did no more heroic, thing than when, en a still marc recent journey, he travelecl in a small open boat with Jive men eight hundred miles of freez- ing- sea to rescue his party marooned an Elephant Island. The last thing he wauldi want would that the tiny shallop he commanded should be called eff from its venture becatuie on the deck the "Captain (lees fallen cold and dead." The men who sailed' with him were all men of scierice—not seamen. , They have al- , . ready enclereid vicinsitudes. Their voy- age may- seem quixotic, chimerical. But they will not be deterred—they -• will go on. TIley will consider that they have .a compact with his inem- ory---a trust to which they must be true. The tongue is nrute, but the Spit'"b of the Antarctic knight-errant eo an& them still. _nada • • The Idea. That all people do not have the , same slant on humor is illustrated in the following story: • One of the wealthiest men in roungstoWn recently said to a friend: ' "I had a funny dream East -night," "What was it all'about?" the friend encouraged. , dreinned I got into. a little Ford that climbed UP a telephone pole, flamed a s,oniensattlt en the wires and ilien slid down another pole," "Well, that :certainly was some dream," "Yee," the rick -mao exoirttmed. "Imagine tee ita 0. v'eril HEALTH EDUCATION Y DR. 3. 3. DiTIDDLET N Provincial Board of Health, ontarlo Dr. Middletou will he glad to answer, questions on Public mat- ters through timis eolunia. Address him et Spadina House. Spa.dina Crescent, Toronto. In our efforts to find at least some of [Inc paths by which connnunicable diseases.• are 'spread, helpful sugges- tions often conte from thinking peo- ple. A prominent gentleman of this province 'recently drew the attention of the Provincial. Board of Health to Inc menace of bad and unhygienic manners at the table. • - • If we as a - people are going to be, healthier in the uture thian'we have been in the past we must do many thing that we do not do at present. One ef the first 'of these things is to learn health habits, ahlithen when we have lea.rned them to put them into practice in our daily life.. It is all very well for as to be interessted in Child Welfare clinics, nutritional ciassee, and the other means we tiow have at our disposal far the better care and upbringing- of children, Every person -who understands what, good health means to hirrisellf, to his fam- ily and friends, as veli as to the entire community, Will sooner or later take -an interest in, amid appre.ciate the efforts now beingsput forvoard to laswer the infant inertalzty rate and pro- mote a healthier. childhood in this province. All these efforts will fail far short of what they aim at if the ordinary rules of hygiene or,Sanitation in every day life are not' attended tit. Nearly everyone is now well aware that the great majarity of infectious 111.11T1Ei 11110) ON L1TTL OS Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little °nee. ''dale ',weather is often, so severe that the mother canuot take the little ones 'out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms: takes cold and becomes epees and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets shoulil be given to keep the little ones tealthy. They are a mlid laxative whin"), regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by inedi: eine dealers or by mait-at 25 cents a box from The, Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The best time to 'teach habits of thrift is when •habits for life are being formed, Mlnard's Linirr,ent tor Distemper. A medal has just been presented by the British authoritiesto the -captain of a 'German' steamer' for rescuing British Sailors in,Febrittary, 1914. objected to by e-yery. person at the diseasess are transmitted. throtigh* tliextable. It is ri.e only bad table rnan- nose and month, yet we 'do. 1120t 't nees, but an actual menace to health,, enough safeguards against such a path Only a little while ago a man working of infections For instance, siome- in a -parcel office in Toronto beiarne tirne-s see children biting 'and ,Chewing infected with a dargerous malady be - the ends- orlead pencils and erasers h t' e en that possibly may have been in a of a string which had shortly before mouth just anshert time before. Or been in Elie mouth ,of fellow -worker a child niay thew a pencil which has suffering from the disease. been use to serate otn o o 1. (me mtg. .the ease of body else's head, and iniinfection thus some smok.ars who put"; their cigars gain entrance to the mouth: i• n their Mouths' end then clip the end It is in the din:Mg-000M that one with the cutting machine. The next probaibly thinks least about the spread -an does the same. In this way the .01 infectious disease, eAcl yet howot• cigar cutter rnay become a source for aften do we see dirty and slovenly, the s'preed os disease. There are num- habits at the table, that sooner or ; berless ways in which infection 'may later will lead to trouble. Have you; be tramsmitted, but dirt3r drands and ever noticed anyone ligt the jain-sPoo'n, dirty habits are two of the worst. If 'lick off the jam and then. put the 'mothers and fathers would set a good spoon back in- the dish? That is Un-: example in the home, if the teacher in , , • Ioi'tun < y •an, away homes,' school 'would de7 the same, n. struet especially ilayethe ounger membees .of children irk the simple --------- - f hygiene the family, and yet it is a• bad, und and sianitation, much good -would re- hYgienic practice. There is also the suit. The family doctor could aleo dangerous habit of puttinig dirty heads do excellent work in this regard, for into the mouth, thus introducing dis•-i he comes into contact with the home ea Se germs at the same time, Just life of the people more than any other how much disease is actually trans- ela,ss eitiun. Besides, he knows ferred 113r direct infection of this kind the danger of infection end can issue it would be hard to say, but one thing a warning that will be heeded: is certain that disease can be trans-- Habits el oleanliness wiltile prevent- mitted in this way. r recently' saw ing disease transmission, are easily ina.n use the knife for eating food, formed., and are no more diffieult to 9.nd without washi.ng the lonife,'dip.it carry out thin •distar, slovenly habits, into the butter dish. _ This is a dis- Besicle.s, eleanlinese comes next to Goid- glace u proce tire and should 'be Save the bird in. hand— e then may be hard- to -catch With enough money; enough tit -tie and enough luck, a,rnan rna.y get back c'the health -he has lost—or part of it. It takes patience, too, And thenlhere trray b or only a little, no uccesa, It's better to save 7,77 -'hat You have than hunt for what you've tost the naosi successful health -restorers will tell you. Much of the loss of health is due to faulty, careless diet, Wrong meals at all tittles ansi right lineals at wrong antes load the long-suffering digestive organs with elements of destruction, , or starve tile tissues and glands of needed elements. Grape -Nuts is a delicions cereal food which has the qualities of scientific nutrition. It supplies the full richness of those splendid food grains,wheat and malted barley, together with the vital mineral elements, so often lacking from foods, Served with cream or good milk, Grape -Nuts gives full nourishment without over -loading the stomach, A splendid thought for breakfast or lunch, for those who would keep health— Grape Nuts—the Body Builder "There's a eaSon" Cscddieo Pontine Corea" Company., Limited, Vtlindeo Ontario CKLY RE 1-113 racking, agonizing rheumatic tithe ir qrmicky relieved by an al). plitatien of Sloan's Lieiment. For forty years, folks all ever the world hes.° founci Sloan's to be the natural etierny of pains and aches. .1E penetrafer 7ail1.out mbbing, You ean just tell by its healthy, stiniulat Mg odor that is going to do you good. Kcal) Sloan's handy for neuralgia, sciatica lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, strains and spraine. At ail dreggietsee35c, 70c, $1,40. merle in Canada, (san nmsaonr Dog noznodi. Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free, to ,ony Ad- dress by the Author. .7:0 Clay Glover Co„ Inc 115 West 31.sl, Street New York U S RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Neuralgia., or any ether pain, apply Minard's Liniment to the aching spot and get quick relief. Millard's- is the remedy your grandmother used. There is nothing to equal it: , FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, Doubly Sigrtificant. Small boys often ask- emberrassin questions. A preacher was addresiSin the Sunday School, and elplaining the significance of white. "Why," bee'sked, "does a bride desire to be clothed in white at her marrage?" As no one answered, he went On, "Because white stands for joy, and. _the wedding day the most joyous occaeloain a maia's Immediately a little fellow piped up: "Please, sir, why do the me,n all wear .,back? C;ticfiei4 Advn i?50, 5Q Otllem I'ima 31. LlcOrrety, 1,..,.iatha Ont. -ELTING FOR f$A 4 ALL isINl)13 • C keeu SW ,taJoc't t'e uPproy toriost, vac , S,0s1;,..n 2c‘ , 5111h "uelen 115 YOAK, sTanErz Tortono. Mildred -went, foe es Wal;74, WbMrm he returnedshe told, her Mother' ,Vvinit the had' 'seen, "I.sew seine said the -•940-‘7": did YYLI knew they were 0sval'I'01Ys ?" Ve.Jrves r heard them .swaliow," was " r the. earnest reply, :anctSilee S.R 17,11,;'A Ftl( 0 013 Sati •e in4c . "Sugar is the curse al ;the nettlen!,s Ta,rg.ad. teeth," said a, &Inoue dental surgeon retieElt.tY• . "At tea, we should eat sugary cakes first ,zind bread and but- ter, last. to keep 'our teeth y." -11-iii\!, FLAT H, GROWS L Ti+,CK AND .ABUNDANT "Danderlee" cas'n only 35 cents a bottle, Obe application ends all dandruff, stops itching anii falling hair, said, in a f ew rn om en ts, YOU 'lave doubled the beauty of yoer hal:, It .will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy ID do up. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks use when you see e new hati--fine a.nd downy at first—yes--_, but . really new hair growing all over Ole sc I "D d a ;p, an er- Me" is to the hair wha't fresix showers g of rain and sunshine are to vegetation, It goes right to the roots, invigorates Mother, uick! Give California Fig Syriip. For Child's BoNtreis Evert a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "Clalitornia lefg Syrup." If the little tongue is coated, or if your childls listless, cross, feverish, fell of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a, few hours you can see for yourself how thoro-ugh1y it 'works all. the CCM- stipaition poison, sour biles -and Wiaste from the tender, little bowels. and gives you a well, a1ay411 child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick °Mad to- lizerrow. Ask your (1-fug-gisit for genu- ine "California Fig Syruji" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. IVIotheri. You must say "California" or you m -ay get an imitatioa fig syrup. Cold Weather Starting:, „. During cold weather the battery falls off in efficiencyaand the car.own- er can liela his battery coneidera,bly by turning over the engine a few. times with the starting crank, before throw- ing the starting motor into operation. The cranking by hand serves to break solidified oil around the pistons. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money ander. Whaieskin Boots. Until recently blub,ber and whale- • bone were'regarded as the only things Worth obtaining from the whale; but now we get another important product from the sea monster's great carcass... It has been found that whaleskin when tanned makes excellent leather, and a great whale tannery bias beeo started at Puget Sound. The most important thing about the whale is that the Whole of his Skin is - good. The skins DE cows., horses, anll other land aulnials furnieli a eompara- tively- small quantity bf leather for only the back parts are of the right quality. Whales -kin is so thick that it can be split into several layers, each as stout ox -hide, and it is excellent for mak- ing boots, bags, harness, or belting. The 'wiliale'e usefulness is not confined to his outer skin. The stomach fur- nishes a leather as soft and as. strong as the host kid , Not only whales but porpolsee and sharke are being used at the Puget Sound factory,and in every ease the leather aceiduccel 15 excellent, Feminine Punctuation. Returning from school the other af- ternoon a little girl proudly informed her mother that "she had learned to "atinchtate," You see, mother," oxplatned [Inc ehdd, "when you- write ;Hark!' you put a hatpin after it, and svhen you ask a question You put a buttonhook," What Commas Do. Here Is an exalt:11)1e of odd punctua- tion: "That that is is that that is not is not is not that it it is." To avoid Ightmares, we' immediately , aunctus ate thee.: '"Tliat that is, Is, that that 07 net, is net, is not that it? It ire," iSSUE 21 11'4, and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy e.nd luxuriant, • , 41k wr eertataly a 1 iappy ; to me when 1 saw Tanlac was rostor Ing my health," said Miss "Vienne 11111r, 3 Itotel de Villex 51. Montreal , i or a year mid a Ilan beton, E got larilac Toy health V7.,as stinnly slept so fitaanty 1 gained no real rest 1 .woko pp ntortiings feeling all tiremi outIV[y net-voris ty..stera Just col- •, I apnie,d an citWouldlump at arlY httio ; noise. 1 Jh1eqtsacitjy ttumed 3,0 (I/7,2v stuhl stol< 1 could hardly nauniii the staell of food eoeicing. My 0011(1i0-311 seerned eet worse ce as tautly and. orrieci all the time, Well, the first tiling Taniac did for e was to give me a i;p1endiii appetite. Then all illy 1 CO ubl es graditalla alp- :Pea:rod, illy net -vas got better auil could enjoy a goad night's sleep. My whole Oyateitt is now- in excel/eat colt- dition and. In cnjoyiag -Clio best 01 hetUth. Tattlac is certainly a wonder- ful mad' cine." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists, Atribaesadiei.a, etepresent Great Brii- tain i:n twenty-seven foreign countries, istInard's t.inftnetit for Garget to Cows. Onol. is toide4trfar.,--- tli_e pi,nits head iirangheel:), 111 11 WEAK Now works Nine Hours a 11..y‘dia E Pinkliam's Vegetablt! Compound Restored Her Strength UnionVilla.ge, Vt.-- "I was weak and nervous and ail run-down. I could not walk across the floor without resting- and Ihad been that way for weeks. I s awyour advertisement in the Itaper and after talo- mgone bot tie o Lydia E. Pinkhann'a Vegetable Com- pohnd I felt the good it was doing,me and / took sevenntore all, Before I finished was able t.o work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust all sick and suffering women will take it. It has been two years since I took it and I am strong afid well." —Mrs. L. A. GuBnANN, Union Village, Vermont. - This is only one of such letters we are continually publishing showing what Lydia E. Pinkham has done Tor women, and whether you work or not Mrs. Galina/in.'s letter should interest you. Many women get int,o awealc, nervous run down condition because Of ailments they often have. Such women should , take Lydia E.PitikhaM'S Ve getable Cona- pound at the first sign of trouble. Good' I health is necessary and this splendid I medicine wmll help you to keep lit„. Jit CUTICUR HMR ANI SKIN For promoting and maintain-. ing beauty of skin arid hair: Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cutictrra Tal- cum is an ideal powder, re- freshing and cooling to most delicafe skins. Soap25c. Ointment 25 end 50c. Talcum 2Se. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman, Limited, 344 SL Paul SL, W., Montreal. EgArCuticutra Soup shaves without cams. COARSE SALT L-AND'SALT Balk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO 1 For Constipated Bowels— Bilious Liver The niCest cathartic -laxative to physic., your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness ,bolds Indigestion Dizziness • -Sour. Stomach is -candy -like Casearets. One or two to -night will entaty your bowels, cam- Pletely by morning and you will feel - splendid: "They work 'while you , sleep." • Ca.searets never stir you Uri or gripe like salts, P1107 Calomel, or Oil, and they coet only, ten cents a box. Children love Ca.searets too. - WARNING! Say "Bayer when you buy Aspirin, Unless you see the name "Baker" on tablets,, you are not getting' Aspirin at all. 'Why Lake chances? Accept, only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose. 'worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Toothache Earache Headache Netaralgia LtiiTibago Rheumatism Neuritis Pairi, Pain, Handy "Bayer" boxes of ,12 tableta—Aletz bottles of 24 and. 10.0.---/)ruggisISi , Asptrin fa tha trado mark (reglateraci ta (layman.) of Doyee Martufacturo of Matta. acet1aacido8ter at OaUcylkaoW, WhIla tt, 15 Well imoVnt that; aastria ifteano 13(,,re... manufacture, to asPint, tile public against ltnitat IC)K1/1, (Pc Tabieto DC ,PayOr,Colitpati0 Will be Mainced with their senorat trattit maric, 1110 "Bayer 'crone,"