HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-16, Page 5T.1
The first carnival of the Seas
was'held at Gaiser'S .A.rena, on •Thu
4 aV evenlug Feb. 9t11, and wee
decided success.. Owing to the mi
'weather the ice was in a poor con
tion, 'Illere was a splendid displ
pet coetunies wjich Ivati observed vvi
intereSt by. a great crowd of epe
tatorS Following are tee, reSult
LadieS' Fancy drese, •lot Ada FaSso
"Gypsy Queen"; 2nd cote° Irellerna
"Dotty„ 1.)eacli 'Blossom". Ladle
lst mjna Ehlers, Irelan
2nd Mrs. T. Klumpp, Canada, Lad-
ies' Comic, let Myrtle Hoffman, Aunt
Jemima; 211d Cora Truemner, Indii
Squaw. Girls, uuder 15, lot Lam
Mae Reid, "Topsy"; and C4raee Gum
thei.^"Sunflower", Gent's Pane
lst Sally Bettsehen, Colored Gentl
man; and Hbward. Truenmer, Jac
Tar, . Gent' e National, lot MelVi
Guenther, Fiji IslantiC; and 'Mervyn
Tiemann Uncle Sam. Gent's Comic,
lst Lloyd Edigheffer, "Mutt"; and
Alvin Kellerman '"Jeff". 'Boy's me.
ter 15, "Ist TrIarryt Hoffinan, "John
Bull"; and Lpuis Zimmer, "Indian
Chief". -Owing to the condition of
the ice, the Ladies' Hockey game was
ican.Celled and the prize for' it was giv-
en as a special prize for the best dress
ed girl an the ice, not 'including
iltho'Ce who" had i•eceived.prizes. Pearl
Tienlanj was17successfu1 in securing
his as "Qheen of Hearts". Rev. W.
. Yager, Mr. L. T. Rutherford and
r. R. H. Taylor, Judges.
Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, is
siting with her parents.
Mr. Clitlyton Pfile, is in Victoria
Hospital London, where he under -
Went an operation for appendicitis.
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical
church, held. a quilting bee at the
home of Mrs. R. A. Goetz, on Thur -
day afternoon. .
r -
di -
Mr. Sam Brennen Attended the fu-
neral of a relative at London last
e Week.
Miss Maida Routledge, of Zurich,
visited with Nils§ Pearl Kraft over the
week -end.
, Mr. G."Nadiger, has returned from
an extended visit with relatives in Mt.
Clemens; Mich.
Mit. Baumgarten, had the miafort-
une to fall one day last week and dis-
locate her shoulder, •
Miss Jones, of 4xeter, Was a visitor
at the home of Mr. J. Sohroeder last
re' •;' •
Miss Elfrieda Schroeder was sue-
eessful in passing her musical exams.
Mrs. „Russell Baynhame "Of Grand
Bend, lA visiting in town. e • .-
. Misses Verde and Ada Fassold, are
„ this week attending, the millinery
openfla at London,.
'fItteA. rolling stone, never gets to be
12• Stephens fbr japaratnese$V., IV., Nola
Fannie Wiildst Liottte Johnsert"Ji IV,
-1.N'teitrinart Devine, glitter
Litwpere:,;i0,Masol T1)111,e, -DstA s de
Sr." 'III., 12.bin4c.i sjardtnjs., Alex,
jzur4iae T1iOinainon."\PI:Si0.0k0
Greta Baker,
art,d Maron Ajex.,Lattati, Sr'.
Adella *Ceti; 1toei Webn, IAdelVert
IVIaeoint RaY. MasOnf.• jrla;11.,: Hardld
Webb, 0(04 '114:04tan;
J. Llei0 gase'rk; •
Ci,sjodfac ;:
ella;.Peliettetj. :Mason,
• 'PrOolcs', (ea'clier.
The Boundary
1VIre. John Glenn spent last week
in London returning on Saturday
everting accompanied by idiss Maude
Glenn of London.
'Mr. J. Vance has been seriously ill
w11). erysipelas. It is believed that he
is now on the road to recovery. 'XII%
and Mrs, Frazer „from the west, are
taking care of hlin.
I-Iensal and TJ.F.W.O. nieet
next Wednesday evening; Feb. 20.
The subject "Resolved tlra t -the print-
ing press has done more for humani-
ty than the steam engine ,will be de-
bated, It is an old subject with, al-
ways sonie more and something 'new
to be said. It is likely to, be handled
well by-tlie debaters.
The 46th annual meeting of the
Usborne & Hibbert 1VIutUa1 Fire In-
surance Company, was held in the
Public Hall Farquhar, on February
6th„ W,M," Brock, the President,: oc-
cupied the chair. :The report Showed
the Company to be malting A substan-
tial increase. The surplus of the Com-
pany which.' was so nearly wiped
out two years ago, is aecumulatiug
and the cash on hand December 31st,
was .$8391.11. The net risk' of . the
company is now over eight million
dollars the correct amount, being $8,
017,325.00.' The number of policy
holderSare 2443. •The assets are
$216,596.42. During thee year. 594
policies were issued covering $L990a'
245.00 insurance. -; The losses of the
yearwere quite heavy amounting to
02,948.12, All claims were pnompt-
y paid as sdon assatisfactory proof
had been established. The. two retir-
ing directors, Robt. Norris and J. T.
Allison w6re re-elected? At the close
of ,the annual 'meeting the'•directors
met and re-elected Wm. Brock," as
President; J. T. Allison, Vice-pres-
ident and` w. A. Turnbull as'secre-
tarY Treasurer. ,The agents .of „the
comp'anY are John EsSerY and 'OliVer'
Harris - '
Starts Monday,Feb. 13 to Saturday
Feb. 25th. On Satarday of each
week an additional 10 Per
cent on all orders over $2
"fere are some of the Bargains:
PRINTS, Reg 30e pernyard.
FACTORY COTTON, Reg. 25e pen yard.............Sale Price 20c.
BLEACHED COTTON; Reg. 25c. for 20c.; 20c. for 1.5ceand 15c. for 100.
TOWEI.LING, lin'en crash, Reg. Pe. Per -yard - Sale Price 25c,
TOWELLING, cotton' ciAsh,Reg. 25c. 'Per yard .Sale Price 20c.
TOWELLING, cotton, Reg. 20b. pei•yard Sale Price 15c.
-FLANNELETTE, grey, good heavy quality, Reg. 30c. per Price 20c,
STRIPED FLIANNTELETTE, . . . Sale'Price,per yard 150.
LADIES' WOOLLEN 13NDEF,tWEAB Reg. $1..00, garments, Sale Price 50c
IVIET'S 'SHIRTING; blue stripe;heavy qualitye Reg. 35c Sale Price 30c.
BLACK DENIMeaeg. 500. .....,,. . . . . . Sale, Price 30c:
GREY DENIM, Reg.50c..„ , , .Saleeprice 30c,
LADIES' COTTON STOCKINGS,Reg. 30e .Sale Price 20c.
LADIES' SEAMLESS CAS1-1114ERg STOCKINGS, Reg $1.35 Sale Price 85e
MEN'S ALL WOOL SOX, Reg. $1.00 per pair ........ .. . ..... . .... .Sale Price 65c.
MEN'S FINE COTTON SOX, Reg. 35c ' s ‚ Sa1e Price 25
IV1EkS SHIRTS, Reg. $1.75c. .. . ... . .. . . ....... . . . . Price $1.19e.
:IVIEN'S FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR; Reg. $1.00 Sale ?rice 75e.,
3.VIEN'S ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR Reg. $1.50 . ...... . .....-Sale Price 986^.
:MEN'S OVERALLS, Reg. $2.00 Sale Price $1.45.
IVIENPS CALFSIIOES„ Reg. $4.50....... . ....... .. . . . . .. . . ...Sale Price $3.75'
CHILDREN'S SHOES,—deme in and see them-. . .
MEN'S RUIE3ERS, All Sizes and all Kinds
95 per -cent off
....40 per cent off
IMEI\T'S LEATHER GLOVES, one finger 1,..Sa1e Price 25c.
_HORSE BLANKETS, one pair 72x72 Reg. $15.00 Sale Price $10.00
Sale Price "25c
Exeter North
Lhre t.lto
Only fic,itt by live„,stoclt , pays ; fat cattle., sleek lor$cs, fiyn, hogs. ,
de.lvou'se's A:mint-41i Sinvigotaat45i,.
conditions tiottson, Gattis, Sn
tace) and Pie.o.,
make healthy tall k• :old greatly ineroase the flow or mak,
it is tmegua.11ed for coat ning your swine, They 'wilt 'he re,,,idy fr
market at lcas.t. two ivecks,eurlier, '
11 ttio only slock• tonic which no flier is rfas
goverronc,nt analynis, 111415 and gno;:antecel by
lastdolehocestl linviFlotoWo0o, Ont
Sold by
BrowStere, Exeter, Cot
Morley Was lias eold the fart11 011
Station etreet, itOw -9,ccupied by J.
Wright to Mrs. NewtOn Grosse, wins)
talces IniseSsion. tile let a May.
Our new drug store under the
managenieet.of "VII'. Carson, is doing
a large and thriving business.
Mr. J. Wright, was in Stratford,
"FV,ed11.esday, 'Visiting his Son WesleY,
0..1s, .4SeI5tant,,1anager of Wool-.
"worth's r.)-19 and 15c stol'O.
. Herniae Coxan, is 'visiting friends
in.;,.,,,Butralo•for a, geW wee/s,
Atr. John Middleton, sold •sixteen
fine, cattle to Mr, Thos. Hardy fen
the Toronto market.,
, ,
The committee for the war mem.-
orial and the Women's' Institute, :at
tended the council nieeting at Lucait
last week, and after explaining their
plans, secured the necessary help'
and a grant front. the Biddulpli Tp.
IVIr. 'Richard Hobbs, south of 'the
village in en,ffering from blood pois-'
oiling in. both -legs.
eliere was it, good crowd 'sit' the illn°g1,rieseloana'nanelcoc),Inilt"Aoifidlieroudi°dcl:i°1orttaaitt--
morning communie,n service, and al: lend td. her, but will return as soon aS
6' at the song service at night in the arrangements ca,n be made. At time
Methodist church.
Jas. Hodgson, John; Middleton' and
The public school trustees
xahaelY, arwhreitlainegaaMitrsa.iiiia"illili:ssevleiorylaprsoohlelyld 'a
valentine party' in' the „Ilistitute rooinorles.
Neollr°m° laYlmSWcelleaOsisoillg' anitItSlea,nLtdu°eIn•ddda°ytilil e'en daRiCtell'ia,el. -
evening. All report a splen
Mr, and -3.‘irs, Chas. Zwicker
lgoudaY and Tuesday in New Ham-
htirg where they; attentipd glutgoldo
wedding of Senator Valentine and
"qrs..' Rats. We extend congratula-
tione to Mr. and AtIrfi.Eatz,
We a,re pleased to report that Miss
Merle Clark has, been stacceSsfal 111
her examination in theory, taking
honors in both subjects.
Mr, Albert Heaven itaS purchased
theaold shoe shop .formerly occupied
by john Klumpp, and has moved it
down on his lot opposite •C.
Store Where he Will still carry on the
butcher businees.
' The Ladies Aid of tile Methodist
church held a home cooking sale on
Saturday last. in F. W. Clarke's shop
which was well patronized, These
sales Will continue for 2 weeks, Sat,
urclay the 18th and 25th, to raise
funds for the ne'w church.
.Mrs. Isaac Hill, who weal to VJe-
4)1'14 hospital last week, has neturnecl
Phe following is' the report of S. S
No. 4, Usborne for the month of Jan.
based on weeltly examinations and
class ivork:--, • ••
Sr. IV—Ina Harding 81; Ada Mit-
chell 63;
Jr. eXV'—Lula Hunter 90; Wilfred
Baigent 51.
Sr.III—Marjowie Hunter 74; Edith
Hunter 70'; Hubert Hunter 63,
Sr. II—Lily Hunter 85; George
Thomson 83; Marjorie Westcott 8,3;
Doreen Westcott 77; Gerald Ford 76;"
Harold Miteliell 40:
• Jr. „II—Mary ,Huir ter.
Hunter; Roy Hunter, Ars'
cliie ',Thomson. '
Number on roll 17, eAveaaatten. 1
L. M. Davis, ' teacher.'
ne ounci
Usborne council\niet-in the Town,.
shi tIaii, Elimville, on Feb. 4. All
of the members were Present. The
tanu es of tlie meeting held Jan 9
were read and approved. .-
By-law No: 1, 1922, re the appoint -1
rnent of the municipal -officers for
1922,.and fixing the ,salary of same
was read,. Passed, and -signed by the •
reeve and clerk.
- oiVin. Johns presented the auditors' s
report and certified to the correctness
of the book and accounds.of the Tp.1
Treas., The report was adopted. E
- The Clerk was instructed to secure t
estimates from the Times Printing "P
Co. for , the „municipal printing ,.for
Methodist church held a valentine
social at the li-ome of Cecil Jones on
Tuesday and a lively tithe \vas spent,
The Dorcas Band of the Zion Evan-
gelical 13ible School, held its annual
Misinees meeting last Friday evening
at the home of the Igissos Mabel and
Lily Palmer, two of the members of
the class. The following officers
Were elected:—Pres. Mrs. II. Moore;
Vice -Pres. 'Mrs.'" G. Sweitzer; Sec.
Miss M. Fahner Treas. Miss C 1
ner; Librarian, Miss B. Ewald, After
the business a ort program was
rendered followed by games and so-
cial ,intercourse e'' The entertainment
coniittee had provided an appetiz-
ing lunch. The Pastor and Supt, of
the sehool,gave a couple of addresses.
Th&Dorcas Baed is an active branch
of theoScitool and is genei•ally in the
front rank when any enterprise is un-
dertaken by the s • Ohool May they,
enter upon anotlier successful year's
The 25th anniversar3t of the cledi-'
cation of the,Zion Evangelical church
iS 'tb be celebrated next Sunday and
Monday, Feb. 19 and 20. , Rev. J. P.
Hauch, a brother a the resident pas-
tor t from Ketchenein is to be tile
spea er for the occasiontServices will
be held 'both morning and evening,
and the :Bible sehool 'will:meet at 2.30
OIVIonday•evening there will be an
anniirersarY" entertainnient": at which:
tile Choral Soniety of the, church, of
ome 70 members, organized some
months ago, will make its first pub-
ic appearance.. Prof. Anderson, of
xeter, will also render severe.' selec-
ides on the pipe organ. For further
articulars see boosters. ../
That, the assessesr deliver without
'further reniuneration,, as per by-law
No.. 1, 1922, the dog tags free to
ownera of dogs in4lie township and
tO give a list of the* numbers of same
to the clerk'. 0' • •
That by-law No. 6, 1921, be re-
cinded and that the 1.)y -laws which' it
annulled,. viz: No. 3, 1916, - and No.
2, 1918, remainin force so that Stat-
. •.,
lite labor returned ufidone and the
conimuted statute labdr be paid for
at the old rate, viz: $1.50 per day.
That Win, Moodie be the toWnship
road suPerintendent for 1922 at the
rate of $4.50 .per day while on duty.
'Menthe wages for the coming sea-
son for township work be fixed at the
rate of $5.50 per day for man and
Bills to 'the amount of , $.82e75
were passed. and •ordoise issnede for
pa:ye-lent ,of •Same. ••• .•
The. council Adjourned to meet. on
„Mann .Ith, 1922,,at One ,o'cloch 'at
Townshi Hall.
slly:'; Strang; • Cleric:
, .
ay Council
The regular meeting of the Council
of the Township of Hay was held in
the. Tow it Zuticli, on MondaY
Feb, ilth.. All niembei•s were pres-
ent. The minute's of tlib previotts
meeting we're read aifd adopted.
' Win. II. Edighoffer; -was, appointed
'assessor " for 1922 at the salary of
895.00 and that Jos. M. Ziler 'was ap-
pointed -as assistant assessor., -
The following orders were passed;
Mellott & Braun, account $.25; In
spector priso,ps, Woodstock, for G.
Itupp 3 inotitlis 39100, alunic. 'World
six subscriptions 6.00 D. A. Canteloil
coal for hall' 41.62 J. Flaherer, tied-
itors' fees, 8.09; W. R. Dougall
S8.00; I3oyce, wood for hall 14.0o;
Smith, error dog tax 2.00; Goo.
111101, earning coal- 400.••
' Breen , acecount 5.67,e eStromberg
art, • '
C 1
tel.5011 Co., 57.90a 1.V. '11,
gall auditors feea tel. 2.00; J.
Haberer ditto 2.00:- A, P. Hess, int.
on note - 27,50; -Worltnienes Cc)inp.
Board 15.00,
The Council adjourned' to meet
again 011 Saturday, itiarcli 41.1i, at
1 o'clock 11. 111. "
A. F. I-IESS, Clerk.
Oil Sunday Feb. Cith, there papcseti
a'w`ay Iier 011 DabY1411 Joie,
Stanley, IVIrS. Errat,Sr., 111 her 881.11
year, slio lias been •Iit failing health
IO r ,esene‘tiine and III View of her ad-
viiticed age, lier deatlt was trot a sitr-
i)rise. IIet• 10111(101) P111110 wa,s Saran
'V tit er. rfer, 1111SY/011d, the 11110 Ise ac.
ElyVat prodoicased 111)0111 fotirtedii
ye..'„t's ago. Two sees and. one den-
gilter survive.
On. Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 14 a
meeting of the Stephen TOwnship
Temperance organization was held athe
Crediton. Tpurpose of "the.meet-
Mg was to discusstheadvisability of
changing the organization :intb a
branch of tbe Social Service Council
of theprovince, falling into line with
the action of the county organization
at its -last meeting in June last. Mr.
A. T. Cooper, Co. Secy., andeMr. A.
Maclaren, of Toronto, secretary of
the •rural department of the provin-
cial council; were present ,and ad-
dressed the meeting. RepreSenta-
tives, were prsent from vat:ions sec-
tions of the township. After due diS-
;cuSsion of the platter the meeting
adopted the constitution of the •Socia]
Seisvice Council ae applied...to towns
ship branehes. The following offi-
cera were elected: Hon. Pres., ;Mr. `A.
Hicks, M. P. P., Pres., Rev. S.' M:
Hauch; vice pres., Revs. Brook, Will-
iams, SinClair, Yager, Carrieree'Mes-
srs E. Shapton, J. Gill, Mrs,,q. Nich-
olson; secy.-treas., Mrs. A. -Hodgins,
-At;reSolution was passed calling the
'attention ot' the county and provincial
organizations to certain conditions'in
ear township thatiare severely affec-
ting the nioral' welfare of our com-
munity. In the eVening Mr. 1Vlaclar-
en addressed a public meeting basing
his remarks on what he termed the
"Seven fund.amental human needs"
viz: health, wealth, knowledge, duty
righteousness, sociability and recre-
The international tea Party given
hy the W. .M. S. in the Methodist
church, was well attended and, thor-
oughly enjoyed, An excellent nr6-
grain was given followed by a musi-
cal contest, and anne whore a prize
'was given for the best' receipt for a
lemon 'pie, written byatlie „men pros-
pnt. The first prize' was veon bv B
Drown, tile second by S. Pollard, 'We
might say'tliat according to seine of
the receipts 'se.nt 111 a lenion pie is
fearf,ully clic/ Iv-m.1(10111111y made. A
social.' hour in the basement Where
lunch was served by attractively deo:.
orated waiterS, representing England,
Ireland Scotla\and and "span brought
• .
, a close a memorable evening. Pro-
ceeds $3 1.20,
Atte' arid TMis Melliu, entertained
their family to an oyster supPer re-
cently, ' • • '''••••,,,
Mrs. Hotsen and Miss Nellie Trot-
WM, who has been nursing m'Calgnry
-visited at the home of Mr. John Hot -
son, last wool:
'gr. all& 1\11'8. Walter England, o
Grand Hend spent 'Friday here.
Mrs 'Wareham, of elarniae Visited
bareitts$,,,,Mr. and Mr$asou
Mrs, Jordan, of ilelgrave isvisit-
in tho commullitY.
Mr, Fred Wright lits completed
his course at the Barber's College in
Miss Voeper, of Exeter, spent Sun-
Idnalydgaet, the twine of Mrs HarryiJel-
Mr, Saltine]. Brock, is quite sick at
the home of his brather-in-law, Mr.
Bruce Cooper. Mrs. Hodgert of Sea -
forth is attending him.
Mr, Clhas. Johns who bus been con-
fined to the holise on acconnt of a
sprained ankle is able to limp around
We are pleased to state that Mr.
George jelms, who 'llas been, very
ill for over six weeks is improving.
Mrs. V. Davis, of London, spent
the week end with friends -in Cen-
Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Neil entertain
ed $0nie friends Friday evening, hid
ding good by to Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Lewis, who are returnipg to thei
home in Swift Current, Sask.
Mr. and Mrs. Baynham; who •re
signed the janitorship of the clutch
some time ago, have been re-engaged
For many years they have attended
to this work in a most excellent waY.
Mrs. Newton Baker and Mrs. Milo
Snell spent a day in the 'village last
week. •
Mr. John' Essery was in London
The Co-operative (To. here ha
The Exeter junior Iloekey tin got
a. rude jolt 10 their:, aspirations When
they went to Clinton Monday, night
Ind :were 'taken' hit° camp by the
fast junior teamtto the tune of 9 ,to
A. The juniora. aro not tefling ust
:how the • triek WaS 'done hut they
say the .play was nott,,as; one-sided as
1the scare wonld indicate., 'The Clio" -
1 ton teanl'acored .Phe goal ' in the first
round, five in the•rseconcheand three
in the tnird.
On Tuesday evening the mailscoura
lers and the old staff at the post of -
ice, presented Mr. E: J. Christietwitb
an address and. a pipe and case,en the
eve of his leaving the service. Dua-
ing the years that these men have
been asseciated, the best of good Id-
- lc-
iN I p lias prevailedvs ii .
There is a land mark on the Main
- street in the heart of the business
sectio u of Exeter that we venture to thassert has escaped e notice of
many who have been residents of our
1 town for years. It is a relic of the
i old days when hydro power for
'lighting our streets and, homes
was never dreamed of. At that time
oil lamps on wooden posts were scat-
tered about the towns There is one
left, and it stands in front of the ex-
press office. For years it was used
as a barber pole when the buiding
occupied by the express office was
used as a barber shop.
been paying $1.25 per bushel for
commercial wheat the past week.
Come you Exeter gents jog up a bit,
Mineand Mrs, James Walker are
celebrating their golden wedding to-
tlay (Tuesday,)
IVIr. Andrew Hicks, M. P.' P. is in
Toronto attending.to ,his parliamen-
tary duties.
Mr. John Bennett was appointed
caretaker, of the new fire, station in
Mitchell, with living quarters in the
building, at a fixed salary, free heat ,
and ligirtee 1
Mr. Willard Ingram shot.A large
lynx while no in the Northern coun-
try deer hunting' last fall and had it
mounted. It is over three feet in
length and can be seen in Mr., Ed-
ward's store window.
Mitchell Horticultural Society is
putting on a memberehip=drive for I
-1922 with the objective of 200 mem- I
'hers, under the direction ofiathe boy
scouts. For each, member ' they bring
in then' will receive 10 per bent. The
society' have purchased about 10,000
bulbs from Holland.
Hibbert losteanother old and high-
ly -respected resideet in the passing e
On Susannah French, wife of Robert p
Jackson, in her 66th year. Her ill-
ness had extended over several years. tl
Her husband, three .daughters and A
fotur sons survive. The funeral took n
place Friday afternoon to Woodland f
The Epworth League oe the Main
street Methodist church held a most
successful valentine social Tuesday
..evening. Several instrumental and
vocal iaunabers were given and -Mr,
W. johnstori 'gave an excellent ,
talk on Valentine, its origin and his-
tory. The principal Rena of- interest on
was a debate "Should, the modern
woman. make the advances" The af- thr
firreative was taken by Misses Rose
Lamport, Greta 1VIawson and Edna
Follick. The negative was takeri by
Benson Tuckey, Howard Dignan and
Lyle Statham. '-‘The different ad-
dresses were full of humor and the
audience was kept in. rounds of
aughter. The young ladies were too
each for the young men and 'won
out by a goodly margin.. The young
nen had to be called to ordar for try -
ng to exceed the time limit. Miss
Medd, Mr, W. G. Medd and 1VIr. We H.
ohnston were the judges. The room
was/attractively- decorated with
ntine suggestions. Follovving
rogram refreshments were servedvhich took the for1n of heart -shaped
oughnuts and coolties and coffee,
n admission fee was charged, the
roceeda being for the miss4nary
und of the league. ' The amount
aised was 819.00,•
Vo,ter kit!,
a the latest, pieci
ot°nu.siMriv:14:05s:Dikdeal.ait,ylit'd.t iloev'ielt:eecrirkel
some tittle. 1[.
acre farm north 'of
they Samuel, fer
ac°01)°esicllG' ollsafts
neighbor, Mr. Jos. Colinas,
t9'11L MieI18ree.eTorfs37,telal Ser terstel b 3° who
recently'sold his farm on the „Broitson
to Mr 0, Gesell°, has purchased rthe
property north of Zurich, oceapied“
present by Mr. Jacieb 'Kiefer. • '
Mr. Ayres, who 1iad been for stiMe
time visiting in Zu.ricia. has returned
to Detroit.
• IVIIss Pear" Johnston, met with a,
painful aceidena on Ute skating -arena.
on Saturday evening, when, in some
way she overbalanced arid fractured
One of the hones of iter hand.
Mr, Chris. ScliOch of the 14th, 00n.
Hay,- received word last week of 1110
death, of -his brother, the late Henry
Schoch, of Miele Mr Schoch was a
Zurich Old I3oy,
Miss Lottie Galster has returnedto
'el; home here Irom Kitchener, where
lie underwent an operation for'-ap-
iendicitis at the Ratcheiter-Waterloo
Hospital, and we are pleaseg to say
s improving nicely.
Martha Rogers, wife of Wen. Viv
an, died on Wednesday of last week,
t her lionie in Mitchell, in her 62nd
ear. 'Deceased had been ill for Soule
zonthe but was un around the house
ering the afeer000n. She had been
resident of Illitchell about two
ears, coming frore the farm in Log -
n. .,
. Her husliand, two daughters
nil two sons survive. The funeral
as held on Saturday at 2.39 to tile
roo.dland cemeterY.
Subseription rate $1.50 a year.
- •
Display Adver,tising—Made•kiown
Stray Aninaals-a-One insertion 50e
ee 'insertions for $1.00 -
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c
each insertion for one month of four
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sale, To ,Rent.,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. , Lost
and found locals 25c.
Locai reading notices etc., 10c per
line per insertion. No notino' lest'
than '25c. Card of Thanks 50e.
Auction sales $3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for -each subsequent In-
sertion if under five inches In length,
Legal • advertising 100 and 5e a
Important Events Which Have
'Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Bandy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper --
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
filsh leaders confer with British
Ministers. ,
Plenary Conference ratifies treaties
at Washington.
Rural short course 'opens at 'Uni-
versity of Toronto. ,
Farm worklieginS to absorb city's
unemployed men.
British delegation leaves Washing-
ton en route for home. .
German Communists aim to over-
throw Ebert Gove,rninent. ,t
Gandhi sends letter to Viebnoy of
India containing Ultilnatuni.
W. F. Nickle elected in Kingston
by Majority of less than 600.
Hamilton's first bonspieI in thirty -
Eve years commences to -morrow.
"Curley" Wilshur defeated Benny
Gould in ten rounds at l'oronto.
Discovery of still in school at Syd-
ney, N.S.,. is made by authorities.
Saskatchewan Legislature told ex-
periments ;with lignite nearing Clic-
, cess. '
Hamilton controllers decide to co-
operate with Governments in relief
measures. •
Premier Norris introduces pro-
posals to check speculation in Mani-
toba lands.
Toronto' City 'Council adopts day
labor principle in work to relieve un-
Airplane carrying pilot and me-
chanic leaves Cochrane on ilight to
Hudson Bay.
Ontario Lacrosse Associattion has
effected reduction in the price of la-
crosse sticks. "
Ingersoll and II.- of T, inter-
mediates lost their 0. II. A. second
round raMe's last night.
Cardinal Achille, Ratti, Archbishop
pf Milan, is elected Roman Pontiff
under haute of Pius XI.
Ox -ford tIniversii,Y' lacrosse team
Plays 1.IiiiveA*ity of Toronto at To-
lanito on April' 17 or 24.
Hallway strike in Germany is
ed off. '
tinted States suspends , work on
Pa,cillc forts. '
. ,
Ulster' -s Premier says lie stands by
theact of 1e20.
NoW York pOWer presiderlt iavorl
St. Lawrence .et'ojett.
League 'Gorivailsterei will Seelt, t
1411•1/ft'q't`,1° PI' intinitiop''''
The regular meeting of the Horti-
cultural Society, was held in the Car-
negie Library on 'Wednesday evening
of last week. Several matters per-
tainiug to the beautifying of the
town came up t for discussion. The
Giant Zinnia," ethardy outdoor flow-
er that has a profusion of bloom
was clfosen as Exeter's flower and it
is suggested that every householder
in town grow some Zinnias this com-
ing summer. The Premium list of
tke Society, is out and has four ops
tions, viz: a year's subscription to
the Canadian Horticulturist, one doz.
Gladiolus ,bulbs; one climbing rose
"Excelse"; two pitgs of Giant Zinnia.
Each member is entitled to two
choices. Extra flower seeds • and
bulbs will be supplied at cost. It is
expected that members will also re-
ceive a premium of bulbs in the fall.
Membership in the society may be
had on application to the secretary,
J. G. Stanbury, or the president, J.
S. Harvey. Present members should
notify the secretary at once of their
* * *
• Mrs. (Dr.) Y. Cowan, died about
midnight on Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin, of town,
Since the death of Dr. Cowan in Lon-
don, in Oct. 1920, Mrs. Cowan has
been making her home, with Mr. and
Mrs. Martin. She had been ailing for
about a month but was up..and ar-
ound each day. At the last she
failed very rapidly. Mrs. Cowan's
maiden name was Catherine Lutz.,
She was in her 83rd year, Mrs, Cowan
came to Exeter as a bride 62 years
ago. About 35 years ago the late Dr.
Gowan sold out his practice to the
late Dr. Amos. After leaving Exeter
they lived at Springfield, Ohio; St.
ThomaS and Loudon, where Dr, Cow-
P:n died, One son Harry M., of Wel-
lington, New Zealand, survives, also
three sisters and two brothers; Mrs.
Baikie, of Hamilton; Mrs. Toohy. and
Airs. W H. Moncur, of Toronto.; Wm,
Lutz, of Gall and Peter Lutz, of Cal-
ifornia. late Dr. Lutz
ef Exeter, ras t)rotti,n%
Service wr, s held at, ttle,
11 511-,,, ,larti.it MondaY eV
11 thOlTaniaiee wore, t 118
s Caltetni'llotiqrsr:ge
1.)e -
L'371;11TS,'TflFip-)1M). T, -,.-
Western Ontario's best
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Commercial, Shorthand and
Telegraphy departments.
We give individual inatnuc-
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