HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-16, Page 3Ne,
of Mdustrial 0.tal7li;3.171-4,1,:ts.' Pr'inee 500 bu.shels, Ei 041 ;tcres'
2 A, i47,-
Charlottetown; 'F.E,Ie- amitth. •Oat productio%
Edward Island increased front 484 .te lr4r1eY 44,681,600:-buSW e/Mtn 2,10..q"/-
539 between 19,18" VOA 1919 wcorthn 065 acres' rye 19 10940015-i1elS, front;
to re;cent figuree of the 13uveatt of Sta- 1 688 228 etre,- *Ind 94
tistics; Induetrial eapitalizatiOn,-itz, 700 bushels iliora b1.6,05
creased 11rom $2,87,085to 32,886,662. itegeria,-- saAt-4-a,,„s. •
and.ennualeproditett* from;$•093/S18 mand efor 'S.,Vpol tL)1''
to $0;869,584.. there had been 4iret, for.
Svdriey, 'N.S.—There has lately- been some -Years is nOti e'clarbd "
- . •
C41,t at the foundry of, the Dominion. E. O'Brien, general, reenter of the
Iron and Steel Company a winding Canadian Co-operative wool Growers,
drum, conical in shape, fifteen feat in ',1; the annual meeting Of the Seskat-
- diameter, Win -ea -continue -Us grooVe for chbWan Sheep Beeeders' It.ssociatiort.
14 -inch wire rope of 1,400 lineal feet. The publite le beginning to demand, a
Tha casting' weighs'30-,000'pettnde• and cheaper fabric, he said, ,and to fill thiS
is stated' to be the largest of s hm0 demand maateteeturers.will haveato
e1'i.er made in Canada. 11 is .intendeat teen their attention to the low-priced
for 1.2Se at' one of the collieries of thetwools. ,
Dominion Coal Co. , 1 Calgary, Alta, --For the first time
derieforiN.B.--Aceording • to "if 10 C; P• RallwaY 'carried snow a
figures published by the l)ominion freight/ to be 11 lime mita galY s
BUreau of- Statistics. covering the year winter 'darnival. The snow, which 'W.a.8
1919; New Brunswaolt has made not- oPeeiallY needed' for the ski -j -tamp,
able progrees,i,n industry. 'Whereas in vr,i'15 traasPorfaci hi freightars from
19.18, there were 1364. esteblis-hinents Lake Louise,
there- were 1,439 in 1919. The capital' Grande Prairie,' Alta. --Indications
mveeted ipereased fxontlr4,470„8"7‘..) to are that there wi be renewed, actifity
89,958,822. Employes increased from in this region during the coming year
19,888 to 24,210 and their vizages, and and earloads .of easing and equipreent
salaries from $14,247,3138 to $18,923,- are going in i•egularly to: the Police
023, production ine19.17 was -$62,417,- Coupe oil ftelds. Synclica'tes are con -
,466; in 1918, $68,333,0-69, and in• -19.19„, sidering proposals drilling con -
$100,005,605. ; teens to develop leases on a royalty
Quebec, Que.—A surplus of, $1.230 - basis- A ''61Y-Ifound sample of Iran
433 for- the fisgal yeaa, enning ;fume '-'re.' was ilivaght in re"'""elitlY frole a
.30the1921,1Was recently announced bY deposit s''te•fl to be exposed over an
. ,, . .
the provincial tre4.asurer. New esti- area ''en Innes" 111 oxtent, and is being
- • e . ,1 -i..- . , a • i analyzed, ' ' `)
. - • I, -New WestirlinstO, B.C.—Con stria e-
101;moanntit !ZIA?: tIdQituner,_e_e3;..es11.11)-1,,i5t,e329::::74e.12scl at:doh h,,,,a4,4,roon started here of a plant 1 of 50, 00 ;00 0 .thrr in gy,,t1.1e, past year Year." Tile slim, °f 4161;r24)6f71.ttos71-taWxaess ooais- ' g' ' '- - ''' ". '1 ''''' • • ' ' -
intensified the bitterness of at the eresent tuin-,
coeditiens the productioe, or ilewsPeint On tile e1ctruction of seed irona coner/.1 through the., thirty ;brokerage houses lected 111 business, feeling' on the border to be used' if the eivii;t in'theg- of en-uvr
1920, w.hea.eas during tide ,sapio per.iod cones and extractaorieof the seed in a !low under investfeeation,,'Jer.ome SiniL 'fettle' ex, Pendhliros for ;Lite ten of the iiirc--visi°n'al, Government fer t,lieze,"; faith that Inc Collins' Governin.entiP,e':„'t vcitlf1 4ae.”,.. aiilter t'lle
t-• • - -, ,e, • • ...• A ,• , _ mon as of the fiscal year endieg Janu- 'release °I- the Pitstner'''' sized hj the t \vould seenre -control of the situation.' l." ----'t t.-te1-teriled----, lar°411e'-'--1, et('
• ,
.of only 8 per cent. colitpared wtth , . . , .
. -
•I 'Yr/col-11e texatie'n during the •ten lance earrying wounded 'special con- I held in check ,siibce the southern ealas, I visited Moose Factory on the -share .
.tie etch -from New' York says:--- raonthsi of the Pr sent fiscal year stablesto Bet astr there a, b-,-,11 110 WInStOil Churchill in the House of . of the Hudson B-8.; -- Monday, Ind -
'; ' ' '' '; t - t ' `
Innocent" investors throughout the 'which nave elaPse'd, Yielded' '$74,116,- deeve.loPinerzt on the Ulster border,1Cominons an Friday afternoon, -warn- ei:riecocaineine.tfIliehesulibh.212Z.i.rt7i,Tainru:IgisoIelsx-P.,,,..eor;
United States have .been-'swiedled out 487, as comPared with $26,399,025 last This incide'nt occurred; in CuuntY Men -led the Free State Government thatl'
' ' • a l e• d has; • • . -. ., id • ti.direas,.. sortie years1, there be -it -tie. only fourteen
in Canada ill 1,921 showeel-a decrease'. 'the plant is the most :modern of its in this} city, Bosston, ,Pitiladelphia, 24.2'llist $26/708:',766 in tile ten-anonth created. bY WednasdaY's alarla.,-1 raids i forces are unable to niaint.ain order.; ri'kirt-Y-.•0' degrees boleY zero is the
The NeW, Xt•
ballot of the, Saererleolle.ge. ' Hp was
only created,a. Cardinal, iarit June, and
is in. his 65,th-, year:
10:74 . 1,., 1921.
, „,.,
' defiftell'' 0 OttaWa s:— -
The' tetal het debt .ef, Calldda, (311. Salitt:.
arY ..t1. Nv.i,IS'Aiig,'35,?,triU,9,8,1";',9,s com,p,::,1,reci, •
'-•',.t.,-,,,, '6' ' ' '
with $*- iik ''", ''• 40 the- end 'of .4j'.e....;
,..,. ,„,,,,,,,. ,,,f,,,,,,,,,,-, .-; , 4:.
, ,:. ,. • .
l'Ir/ '-', . o an ino;ceale.., 0
bait/1 of -"Ianualf'Y/2
dO61.11)'fan4s1P21, the t ; Thut; °1.1ac'"ixe'
- 1 4IC,
in the, year 'iS,,-,t,heref,ore, $60,862•;,9"are
;o:f, consolidated -.fund for the ten
.ritentha, of the -fiscal' year ending Jana-
l'Ary,,31awaS,"$318,4$9,889, as Compared."
with ,$383,835,567 last year, or de-
crease of $65 345 . :as v, as ai ge-
JY, due to 'a 101,111g pff in customs re-.
!eeipts, which declined from. $142 839 -
/ /
I 081 for the ten months' period 'in 1921
1 5 2 870 f " thed'
I,. ' '
I period; of the -present fiscal Year, `rho
decrease ip customs xe.eipts When the
. , ,
two periods are compared, atnoulits to
f.,57,576,711. -
The revenue from excise for the
ten months of the fiscal yeer 1921-22
aniounted to $31--,006,42, aS compared
1:0UPES "..li','',4 C with -330,913,288 for e similar period
' Lf• 8 L in the previous year. The sum of
$61,840,133 was reallzecl this Year.
E ml(itioN
A deepateli ;from Belfast says:—A CV
ECM outbreak of guerrilla fleeting and siln,
ra;r.telisIdidysztylib431iintwdi:Seur111111.10.1iaonlk:11.eldaose:mrOisuVhle.traRiakiee,Phdouiu:natiitliveraaeit,ndid:,:f1:111::‘,.a.L:127Tiricieryrnveiri'liliaetts„Itz324 sv,ult.pahillkiiinega,p.ew,c,iitab;,,,1
were stormed, both in Ulsiier ark- in who 'were eager volunteers for this
eadquarters of
and the hou8es of leading Ll'llionists been at Week through the day and
the Free State, Nearly a hundred vigil.",
tacks were made on police' patrols, plenty of ammunition—men who had
paiico and
in the following counties: Ferm.anagh,
miles of Tjleter frontter early, wen:- ,etreets through the egirt . all armed
con-tatb, la hummed with activity.
own; id one
Sligo, Tyrone, I.aiitrirn and Dorteg•aadi offer, of assistanee solute of. them
/ . s - / ,
Three police patrols were aintbustied,1
from ex-auxilaries have been received
captured, together wit a me pa. ten- Ett -uo-' 1, Mil:tithe/1e chief
six offieers. were shot, and -.over, 20 from Emziah.. -
der, all'Is and arrimaniti°1"" t°rficttil,is.a-cfcoor'tenep,anisite7clubryinftnt.'haerlenOntrierCel diear,'s-
A later despatch from , Belfast de
se vs.—Field ' Mai•shat Sir 1-lenry, sapnditethtehefaprtovisoceardoPnh-taosfizediliethRaatelpula---
Ilhg,die•-• Wilson it was announced on I lican army element, no reprisals ave
---- . - .
Thursday/ "will join the Ulet,er party occurred within the six -county area,
upon his retirement as Chief of Staff A destpateli from London says: ---
of the British Army. He will be un- Feeling it in ning high at Belfast
anirnously endorsed StaturdaY as the over the delay in releasing the Unionist1:ici-
candidate for Parliament,t or napped uniarjets and unconcealedi
. . . .
Generq L
the Beer foiees
call War is
potable r
Airrnen Retwthng
Report Cody te
• inches or Zr1',3W.
(1'111ccantio• Shor,Rrane aa
ins, fr,out. teventie, as compared ort Yn, It 4.s stated: threat s 0 reP1--als aro -111'11- the' A
' with , $65,106,048, during the ten E-xcept for the aetention }by the situation ,hatirie, only. with the great_; tesa
Aritleika, Cities. Under 1 ,
: Months' Perltacl (I-. lest year. . frish- ,ReP-ublican armY of, an atnha- est diffic lte -•e th Uleterites beieg airril0U 'W"
u ai e s
coldest regi.s"erod. -'1-e HudsonBay
; kind. It w -III ;combine drying. ef the l Chicago 'St, coast. cities,. .1.3eriod of the ihst fiscal year. NotaYitlislanding the reported order AL th
t e saine -„inie he professed to have - - •
, mons. assistant Iaisteict ttoiney, le
sme,e process hrndle half
in the United Slates there e'vtaS.- 0 de-! a ton cf cones every six hours. The
• tarenite ;of 19 per cent. -Total produe-1
t British Calumbia Forestry Service has
undertadten, to collect 120 Von§ a year.
The, requirements of the British Gov-
erninent present are: 3,006 pounds
of seed of the Douglas Fir; 3,00.0
pounds of SitIca spruce, and a smaller
quentity of other species, 'yearly. The
fir cones. aro col:toted. in Pile Fraser
Valley and the spruce tones on the
Queen Citerlotte,telands; ,
Victotia, E:(1,.---'-.0ne 'Would expect
that with the excePtion of a slight
terseptrra.r;-- • hiconvenienee to pedes-
trians -and' Matoists uritalitlie-Y became
a.ccus.tornecl to the new regulations,
the changing ,6f,the rule of tht; road,
1.11,0-111,1c:ft to .right, wo-uld have aittle
'effect. ' , however, occasioned
quite aflutter in -real estate and stores
situated on ,Wliat ;are,. now- w a i•t-fer-the-
tion. in Canada in 1921 \vas 812,8601
tens as agaifist .883,215 tons ,in 1920.1
Shipinents in Canada, totalled, 808,109
• Toronto; Ont.----Csntario's tit-aber pro.:
duction last year. was valued at $26.4-
774,937, or 40 ;pet' eent. Of Canada's
total •etitput, according to the. Provin-,
" clad Pepartment „of. Banda, and. Fore;
ests. Pine p,roclittetion ,ainotitted to
905,4V,000 feet; pulpwood 246,232
, cords; „ and ra:ilway • ties- 5,704;459,
two,pai cent. lu 'bet used
in Ontario's industries purchased
within the prOvinoe,.. • ,...•
Winniteg, Man. ---The total yield, of
wheat in. the 'three prairie proyinces
• of Manitoba, ,SaSitatchoiYan . and -
Al -
110110 in 1921 is finally -estimated by„,
the.Dotnition (.4.oveiinment, at 280,098,-
000 buShels from 22,181,329 ,soWn
acres, tis compared with :234;138,300
bushels from 16,841,174 acres in 1920.;
. .
cal: cornea -s have bee.n .advanced in
rein.. Sante are frank. enough .t ac-
,_ - . - -- ....
15:n0\1/ledge an' inc;rease -M businesS
5illic2e'll-„e new rule "carne" into ,effect. ..
e ot those taken- from 111-1 This attitude indicates etearly _hat,
ported on Friday'. `Elie official 'Probe :3-;);Ynp,3a1r,ecir-16:tith lv}$8ele3,8$02,741-3d,i2,1541.g..a: raldl's 'non
taie ape], atioms,of the backet shop ringsimilar period in 1920-21. This i s a, gstaelr elelav \e'le•abl eriTdeetnatrfeiada. tY1:(1.-vii'lliapg:112;i: III ',ip:lieept.reBorvpleltamisnIsintlitVoianal.ses°0-ufnrfidociete.io'oll:nast.tr eial idv,tict°11111a.' ti71:eielstfc.tioolffrtigsie2P:111111:111137'111:i1ut.lra jcisi \:a,y''1E-11icl:.,:asoarivtPi:si flarte,b11:::iitali:
has lo•floived the sensational expose of
ators and sWindling .brokers 'during SI stern hand unless there is inurtediately' their lot. The airmen speak well of
The tentacles of bucket shop epee._ tduercerseasoenosfo$1d4i4e,r4s.9.6,0e2m8.1 Trhe_ee:txap,beinisii...--,:hP:sitliangtersa.w are ;still being held a
the past twelve month § have reached tnilieetenni,intedeeincenhpli0
dtf.71eSr27(11686a,s8t1,7 during.; Meanwhile, to prevent, if poseible,' Reports reached Loildon Friday the ComPanY's pots - !It this c'arlY
int0 every section of the United States, Year to anY repetition of the incurs'ion into night that the kkillaP'Ped Prisoners had date tenl'ists are incluir'ing '-th°11t air
Canada andCuba, District Attaieney $12,709,600 this year. The total am- their territory, the Ulster Government been removed further south, and that t•riPs to James BaY drnvIre the '-'1.1-P1-
- -
Baton learned when a flood df coin_ ount paid in interest on the Intblic debt have instituted extensive p-recaution, some have been sent to Dublin, `Ehow- Iller'
I lie tr- -ers been V 'a
plaints from innocent victims of the
money pirates were'`Xeceivect at tills
The number of complaints has in-
-creased so rapidly that two more as-
sis.tant Distriet Attorneys were as -
steeled' to assist Jerome Simmons
;his probe of the gigantic bucket shop
STATES $30010Q0
Expenses Greater Than Ap-
pirdpriation, by About
imaIlzet of th wo.r."), from Washington,
10 •-; .ahola,‘,4 $J.,,,8 .1:6, $18 50. ..},c10/.mied, ii says, --,State Depart/Ile/it officials are
to. $1.1' de,cora. to $9. "-lambs "trYillg .to lien" s°11i-e'w1aY to aalanee
Torpute, tht, Inteaniational
. choice, $11 to $12.50;., do, come $6 to the. exliens- ;
Manitoba wmcat----No 1 Northern,- $75.- sheep, .choice, $6.50 -to $7.25;. do', ,.Perma.remit a,-'onferenc,e withthe funds,
$1.43%. •
_ good,' $5.50 to -$6; 'fclo, ram., $4.50 to alleady . appropriated,: although_ it is
dats--No. 5.8c 13.50 ; :hugs , fed and.17,#e red; 312.25: :...,'-etimatod t -he, expenses wirt be
'lam No. 1 feed;55c; N. 1 feed, 55c. to $1.2.50;-.. f.c..b./ $11-50 to V.11•75;.. .axeess: of the $2:00,000 appropriated
Manitoba ,,barley...__1\1;onailmj.• -c°1:111-t3"Y "joints; $11.25' to -$11.50l-,..c.
',kit- the above, tra,ek;,Bry ports. . ,Mentreal. Under-S.eere.tary„t. etcher estunated
-Ameriean con --No. - 2 .-yelle"cw. 72e; , West. No. 2, 64 to ' tilat $200,000 would last two months.
No. 3 Yellow/ 71-0; No. .701f; to 642//t; No. 3, 63 ta631/2c. -,Fleur—
riTh,e'conferEince lasted 'three. If that
track, Toronto. t Man,. sering -wheat Pats 'nest,- '117 50 • ' -
Ontario oats ---No, 2 white nedninal, " • is to be a guide the e-zperise will be
oats—Bag-s, 90 lbs. $2.70 to'
-ve. ' 000.
Ontario wheat—No'nlnal• $2.80. $28.25. Shots91300000,, $30.25. leair"" a deficit of $100 '
•BurleY--No 3 extra test 4' lb- •or TT,9,TST9 0 ' $28 There is, I-owe:ter, a State Depart-
lietter, 57 to 60c; accor,ding to freights, $23. -ni/ent''', contingent. ftindf which may be
. ,
outside. • • • - °Thee -se -Finest: --Westeen§; 17/ to dray,},1.3, .011; if n}},e,..„,,eeskary, ,11/1,o9t, .0} f she
Buckwleeat---:No. 2, 78 -to 80c, 'Butter--lChoiCes,b .greamery; 33 money, 'went' to pay for elerks. and,
' 33'•Ye—No• 2:' 86 to 88c., 0'844, ''.")otatoes-7.---..Per hag/ '018r‘ Ole. eitperts: 'Some of thee - were-OroPP4d
' .Maiiitoba Patiile • $7.40;. $120 . • a. Month. or rnoTe ,ag0 W}9Tl the money
second pats,, Toronto. 17._ea1 ralves,- $1O50 ,to $11:591; 'rah The;.entiKe staff dis-
Manitoba flour ---90 per cent, pat, coin. , bm 5Lc19e1 c‘.1 es, $8 to $ ',ti her
bulk seaboard,- per barrel. $5.10.- gabd -7Cals,4iog,
,"t611;•..s, $12.•75: (pf -:a Week' 7'
illoittreal 'freight,
bag's included: 'Bran, per ten. $28;, is,' Edivq..arcri"., Tree
shorts, per -ton, ,$30; goad; feed flour, • '
$1.70 to $1.80.- ••Falls to the Axe
Baled hay ---Track, Ter -onto, per ton,
No. 2, $21.50 to $22;" rnixed,-,318.
,Straw---Cax lots, per ton, 412,
Oheese.---New, largo, 20 to, 201/20;
twins, • 201/2 to 21e; • triplets;'21 to
21.1/2c. Old, large, 25 to 26c;
251/2 to 261/2c; triplets, 26 to227c, Stil-
tons, new, '25 to 26c.
Butter ---Fresh dairy, t
30g; ci•eatnery, prints, Sresb, fancy
41 to 43c;-No.1,"40 to 41c; No. 2, 24. to
36c. cooling. 25 to 26c:
Dressecl poultry --Spring
30 to 38c; roosters, 20 to 25e; feWl, 28
to 32c; ducklings, 32 to 38c; turkeys,
500; geese Soc.
Live poultry --Spring chiclt.ens, 22 to
28c roosters, 18e; l'owl, 90 to 28c;
ducklings, 3.9c; turkeys. 40 to 45c;
geese, 20e,
1\dargai.iiie•-•-20 to 23c.
• Eggs. ---New laid stra.igdite,
laid, in ;cartons, 52 to 54e,
I3eans—Can. hand -pi eked, bushel, I
$3.80 'to $3,50; primes, 82,80 to $3.10.
Maple pr o ducts- -IS yi up, p01' imp.
<Pal 912.50; per 5 imp galQ $9 '35
:Maple,sugar. lb, 19 to 22e. '
Hbritty----60•30 lb. tins, 141,6 to 153
per lb.; tinsf 17 to 18e ner 1110.
0.111,3e10 1"0 inb honey, per dols., $5.50.
Smoked- pleats --Plains, med., .27 to
30e; cooked 31rmn 36 to 40c; sinoloed
rolls, 24 to 25c; cottageroll.s'to '
98c, 1 -veal -fast bacon 28 to 32c' S -pe
aiar 1-meals:Iasi, baron, 33 to 30; '
backs honeleq•tt to 36e.
• Cured ineats---Long clear 1..1.7.00111, 36'
to 18,..;; clear bellies, 1.7 to • .10e.
liavd--Plelfe tierces, 1346 to 140;
tubs, 11 to 141/2c• pails 141/, to 15c•
161/2 to 17e, Shortening tierces,
1.131%0.."lebs, 131/ e; pails, 10,2c;
15 if..o title,
Choice hea.t,y steers 50 to $8;
do, geed, 87 to $7,50; 'beteber ;3tP,ortit{
tch.oice, 40.50 1t) $7.230, tio, geed, $5.16,i
to 00, 'med., $4 to de,
cam., $4 to$Si butebaf lied Pees, cl1ti0a)
$6.50, to, $7; do, mod., $5 to p; de,
cont., • $4 to $4.25; eovis,
choice, $5.50 to $0; Ilgt. 7.oci,, 53.50 io
$4.50; canner;:, and catf 010 1250to
; 'hutch r bull s, gairi, $4,50 to $5,50; '
do, cow., $3 to $4; fooders, good, .915 i
0 $0; do, felt', $1 to $5; stockers, good;
A ;despatch from New Yerlc sus1--
Residents of sothana who cling with
setktiinent to objects erfaiStoric inter-
est are regretting the removal of the
sec orid- of the two trdes -planted near
th,e Mall in Central Park hi 1860 by
Ring irdwa-cl Till of T -P d then
Prince of Wales
The old forest monarch,- an Amer-
ican elm 346 -lust been felled having
died during the past ycar.
lig companion, an English oak. also
'Planted iedrwaitl,,.-scas chop -
Soviet to re-seht
A, despatch from Berlin says:—
ussia will prc,,sent a bill at the Genoa
conferen.ce for indemnity or repara-
tion against France and England that
will proba'oly equal, if not exceed,
Russia's pre-war debt to those powers.
That is -the information in diplo-
matic circles here. The reparation or
indemnity demanded will be based
upon the alleged British and French
financing of the hrolchak, Yudcnich,
Denekin and Wrangle counter-revolu-
tionary campaigns against- Soviet
nett (107711 -,,en -years ag-o. Russia.
during the present fiscal year is $114,-
579,57,7, as cona-pifred with $120,042,240
during the, ten months of 1920-21.
' ary measures. From Armagh m the
Southwest to -Derry M the northwest
the whole of the Winding frontier is
More, or less patrolled. Thous,ands of
police -5,000 0 the number' estimated
=are 'eng'aged in this extraordinary
vigilance, and at night they are re-
inforced by bands of part-time s;pe-
mg that, the kidnappers int -end to hold
their hostages indefinitely. :Meanwhile
Collins, from Dublin, -has he -en using
all means -in his power to, settee: 'the
release of the Ulsterites, but it is ap-,
parent that it will take, many hours'
to reach all the poin.ts where the pris-
one.rs are secured. •
Arthdr C. Hardy of Brock-
ville Appointed to Senate
• , •
- A despatch from Ottawa says: ---
Arthur C. Hardy, of Brockville, Ont.,
noted breeder of -Holstein,Frei;_lian
cattle, is the new Ontario Senator,
filling the vacancy-cansed by the death
of the late Senator Beith, of Bowman-
ville. '
The new Ontario Senator is a son
of former Premier Hardy of Ontario
and, ha's taken 0 prominent 'part in
the business and -politica/2 life of
Leeds and. Brockville. In 1917 he
\ 'tan in Leeds against Sir Thomas
White, but -was .defeated. During the
war he was 'actively conneete.c1 with
many patriotic and philanthropic
Japanese Consul 'for Canada
rfainsitichi Ohta, who,, 46 going. to Ot-
tawa as the Japanese' Consul -General
for Canada.
The' kilt,' M its modern form, can be
traced back 'to 1626.
A despatch from Ottawa says:— dits to Roumania and Greece to the
Canada will be represented- at the
Genoa Economic and "Financial Con-
,ferente by Sir Charlcs Gordon , of
Montreal. Asseciatedi with him will
be Prof. Edouard Montpetit of the
Economies Department of Laval Uni-
versity. These :apPuhitments are
purdy Canadian, justas- was Sir Rah;
eat Borden's to ,the,,,Dis.arma,ment COrl-
ferentee in Washington. •
• These men will inquire into how far
Canada 6'h,ould .goi with credits/ to
European countries in addition to par-
ticipating in the regular work of the
TGovernment extended ere-
amount of nearly thirty millions, and,
so far, even the interest has not been
paid. The formal invitation to this
conference cones from the Italian
Government, and' it is expectecb-in
Ottawa every day now. Its contents
have been cabled. ,
It was stated in official eircles that
requests for credits had been received
from several European countries, but
it had not been thought wise to aid
them, Sir Charles Gordon is a Vice -
President of the Bank of Montreal,
was Vice -Chairman of the Imperial
Munitions Board during the war, and
Chairman of the Canadian Mission at
University Entrance Require:.
At the January meetings of two
CountY Councils there was a little all -
verse ,comment regarding the new
entran-ee requiremerits decided upon
by the four, Ontario 1Jniversities to
take effect in 1023. Such criticism
has arisen only -because full details of
the' change have not until 110',
madegenarallyVufb1ie. When theenew
regulations are studied it will be seenf
that they are specially frai'necl so as.
to benefit the smaller Continuation
Schools and.also to provide that stu-
dents who come to -the universities
shall he sufficiently well prepared to
take full advantage of urdversite edu-
cation. According-, to the new- scheme
there are five difre-rent' avenues by
which one may enter the First Year,
in an Ontario, university; first, with
two honor matriculatiou subjects
addition to pase n a it, lation, sec-
ond,. with 'pass matriculation inelud-
irig 75 per cent. in any four papers;
third, with pass matriculation includ-
ing ,66 per cent. in any six papers;
fourth, with a second class profes-
sional certifioate in addition to pass-
matricuIation;- fifth, as a student of
mature y;ears with pass naatrieulation
Re-establish London
• Market for Gsld
A despateb. from London says:— Sir
Robert Stevenson Horne, Chancellor
of the •Excheqner, announced in the
House of Cdnunons; -in reply to a
question, that it -was the GOvern-
ment's intention "to permit the re-
establishment of an unrestricted mar-
ket for gold in London at the eailiest
date at which the state of ex•change
renders this course possible and de-
s a
Life If You
z cW
-rzi :lb 5 'G‘P.Ats,IP'
\N(C)M, kt•-k
0 tc4 Ot-t
0 SPNYE..s,
Dgc...55 FoR
• 5SL. cE.coND
Me. k41/41kCINT-
f•COI"*"tc44)1 t
iTS P§4
''')/OLP Dofl
1%Sn '2,Zt
Princess IV1lary1s Riing
Mnde of ‘TifeIsT•11a GcoJ
•A despateh tneM o don. sn
Prii-4;sas Mary is establishing a Style
in Wedding ringsby having a Strapie,
narrow gold band. -The ring 15 nom
being made tyV Messes. Gerrard,' the
Kinsz'O-,1,ew1/eys, who are beating it oat
af Welsa goto. Tne, v;edeing ring .10-
sembles tliat -'ol: the late. Queen '\•Tice
toria -rather than that 04 Queen Mary.,
Princess Mary is paying a delicate
compliment to all 'the isles 'by ha
her ring iade 111 Ytira.10, 1,1017 wech.
cake m±xad M Scotland alail p,att of
her trousseau raade in Ireland. 401 -
WOrn the siniiiles,t or; 46walry
is now likely to become the 010e1'
S03111 of -the fine,it irclnain Oe king- .
00111. Ordors 10111 1)01-1,1.:.140 460 --
ers for 1.1.e
and dial -newts to :be s-i;•t-. in platinum in
new and original designs for a,;•ifts,
Ruble Quotatio:i..?
A despatch froin Mcittec‘v
says --
.Although the effioirl esetaange late
•has „been fiXecl at 280,000 to the ;dollar,
the ruble tumbled on private eic-
'changes o•n Friday to between, five and
six hundred thousand to the 'dollar.
This is tbe lowest; rubO quotation
on record, and was, -accompanied by a
rise in the prices; ;of -fo;odstuffs: and alt
comniodit-ies. '
British Admiralty
Reducing lts Stag'
A despatch front London says:—Aa
a result of the Washington Arms Con-
ference and' the British Governinent's
economy schente, the administrative
staff of the British A,dmiralty is heing
greatly' reduced. Already about 800
officials have been discharged. and 51;
is understood 1,500 more have either/
received, dr are al)out, to receive notreeel
Germany Ditakes,
:Her Third Payment ,
A despatch from Parisasays:--e o
Germ a T1 Governnient has made- it ts
third pat/meet of 31,000,000 goTA
niarlts to the Allied 'Reparations Core-
missiun, 101 aC0Ordal1e,0 With tile 103,
day paymeat celoedul e re -c en1,1y ationt
ed by the Canniaissiert at Claniies, ot---
cioeti•cinipuj. to tan announecment
h 301
0:eS,11.i,ieci:lire,o,,altile,7; ;of the
kler'rii'aat:' 60311
Mr. LP, LC. lacrido ofTo.f;o1;br,
heee appoin'ted CaniinisSiO)'(,.1!
ox Canada ha :L•iiiclen-
•----SteirtoRI)eg.rt;Wallst)111.14-net&nt'otC) aDr'lias("liZe
Conforince,' has re turite;d to 0 tta,v:;
T,lie ;tar, atilest gold piece in tbe worlti
is -the gold fyanc, one of 17,11011 'v.t'aAr
.I'LlPseec I oft Yt1.1); OfliA7:1\ld'i'4111.7(1011'/;.+7atT/hdf:ii
tlftei'nand5 presented to Sir F -f
pony with sheept,S, ' In.
jnnl1.1 )1
0 110131'
1,11 010
1 G110,0 4,0e
straw. The Jeol,antd, pnont sltoes
110150011000 li lea With
801.1(1,:tn -10.4.1'115t1444141)s, 0110.