HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-16, Page 1FoRtY-SEcoll i) YEAR No: 2278' EXETER, ONT TIIURSDXY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1.922 =, ens , • • ••••••=0 1•••••0111 41Noimill• Lome 'n ad Let Feet .and Advise You FREE If you are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to "get immediate relief and permanent. correc- tion. You are invited to consult this foot specialist while he is here. il1Beflere : ,••••••••• .111.1•11, Don't wait until " the ' last minute and maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfdft. Come in any tin -ie during business hours .and talk it over with the expert. TRen is a DX Sc all .4-m1ianceorR0) .Rv-EveyFootTnqufile There is n� need to suffer from any foot _ trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so Seriousthis specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you the way to immediate relief and to ultimate • Foot Comfort if you'll stepin and give him the chance.• .He can telljust what tke cause of :Your trouble, is, and he knows the remedy., ) Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddiy shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet. ANIS atch, Your Feet' xeter 10.0.10 atilar J1CC11ig (iti the Exeter = - Council ° S held cm Monday, Feb. 13 = absent, Councillor Davis. d'he - etes of the meeting hold Jan. 23 to- gether with that et a. special nutating = held Jan. 2S were real. mid approved. LettersWere read as follows. • • From the secretary of the union = of Canadian Municipalities, 1\1ot/tread = D'iled. = Front the office of the secretarY = Hydro Electric Railway .Associlation, = Guelph. Filed. , Front the J. J. Taylor Co., Ltd., teRP.01 • =1 portable sanitary prison cells. auditors report for the moan — f January was read and accepted. on =Imotion of Hooper, and "O'rancis., —=1 Messrs, S. M. Studer, Chas, Har- yey acid Jesse, Elsiton waited on the •*=1 council asking theprlege to be al- - =1 lowed to petition the Provincial 3dun-- =1 icipal Board' to detach eertain farm = 'lands within lhe inunielpality and — have the same attaclied to the adjoin- = Mg townships. Deferred for further = , .= consideration. = Councillor Francis reported having made an agreement with Mrs. = beth. Harness for the ringing of the town bell for the year 1.922 for the, sum Of $65.00. _Confirmed. - The following accounts were read — and passed; Bell Telephone Co., Bis- sett phone $2.0-5* Cemetery phone 1.54; T.. Houldeu, half year phone, .ic.eeiniltet1e12,y.3a%c7:,h2e8.8Roes,sr-TcaoynlionrgwC000d., cleaning library 2.25; The Exeter Tirnes, printing acct.; 68.00; Win. Fraser, snowplowing, 16.00; II. Bier - ling, gnowplowing 8.00; Rd. Davis, = team labor, 7.15; Geo. Ford, labor, = 2.10; Rd. Quance, al>or 3.00; John Parsons, labor, 1.80; Fred Wells, la- bor, 2.40. Passed on motion of Hooper and Ellerington• . c Adj. by Hooper. Jos. Senior Clerk.1 PHONE 82, _ PHONE '32 xcter Board o EdtiCation 'rite Board of Education; met In the office of the ,S.cre,tary an Feb. 7113, with' all the members except Mr. Dig- ns"a(n)f frii.frSseri:Nt. vere elected as foal OW "8— Chairman, F. W. Grath:Ilan; Vic -e - Chairman; R. id. Creech; Sec.--Tireasls 11'fiss K. .MacFaul; 'Auditor, G. Maw - son; Library Repi-esehtative, W. S. liowey for three, years'. The, .following Striking Co.rnmittee. .vas appointed, R. N. Creech, 31J. G. Medd, Rev. A A. Trumpet., and their reC,caminendations were adopted as fol- lows, tire firstanatin,e'd to be chairman. 'Chairman of the Board a member of all cbrnmittees,— ,In.suranis—j. H. Grieve, E• M. Di,g_ R.°N.Rjlewe, J. ' TS. Harvey, E. M. Dignan, " Teachers and Supplies:—R. iN,Creech Jos. Harvey, W. Ge- Medd. Builaings -and Groaincls--Rela A. A. Tramper, W. F. Miv, E. M. Dignan, J, Fl. Grileve. • Curriantlum—W. G. mead, R: 1)7,, Creech, Rev. A. A.',..Trumper, J. G. Slanburv. Scholarship—.T. G. Stantbu,ry, W. G. = aTedd, W. May, arid Prin. E. J. Wethey = The Clia.irman. and Vic e-Chaitrinan wzre empowered with, the Seeiretary- = Tr'asurer to sian 'ohe,ques and .. bor- row necessary money for the .vear. Mr. G. S. Howard was appointed to —, tire Entrance •Board. = The Board an reply to, a reque.st = preseinted by Mr,. Abbott as coining from the Social Service. Branch, dir- ected the Secretary tO state that. = the 13030d cilscountenanced dancing and card playing at this school, as in years past, and lklielved that these taings were rot be,,iing done. . An iappropniatian, ,cali $50 \vas matte toward a school libraryd- one halfi. 'bre aVailable ,at ,pretsentil."'e ' Instructions were given that r Ous 'teatching Pc giveln in the Public sabool from 3,30 to 4 on F'ritclaa- afternoons, the Ministertai A8800iatiou Ir aile§tion..1-11z Pupas once a month at the tsame hourt. The Board approved of th,e, advisab- il51y of forming a Sahool Nurse Dis- tract with Eaeteid (Isa centne, to- ward, which tire Departmeint of Edu- caolan • majaes a 'subt-antial grant, The matter is to be gone irtto rnore fully Ja ter, A. resolution was passegl approving of the aiction of the ,four uniiversiltiess of Ontario in, raising •tlas. Matrienjageon standard for entrance to um Nreq`Stri 0, 8 A resioiltition was passed recommend- na; the adllccLooa of taaas in two, in, ,lalnrenls 'h arrecarco.,ttais IVore pass e ,t1 411111111111111.1111111 ebruatey Sale Down, Down, Down go prices We want to reduce our stock. Lookl 100 Cups and „Saucers, regailar 85c,now ..... .„ ..... e ... . . ... ...5ac , . . , .. 50 'Cream Jirgsaregu,lar 50c, now .. --to. --ad . - . •••••••••••••" ••••••••••••• ....3 act Butter To 11., regular .756 and 81.00,, 11 0W • - . .49c1 .. NEW CEIOC,OI,A'I'ES'39n Poi..;?,,Ta .1\TEW- CHOCOLATE BAR . , ONE SWELL C.A.BINE,T GR.A.PeFIOP FIONE, NEW, '6 ''' RECORIJS $100.00 . . . . , . , .. MUSIC EVERY' DAY. GL.AT) TO SEE YOU". 00131E; '04141"273311,14*11111111. is &oup1ossoi.,rfor,, Mr, and \Tr J:1,7 Walpei,ih th1oSs,, it 1110?r•1 Win 0011, johnlYeligliad,' who aut,de.,na 311110 ntont e „waS herd'Wednesday Exeter 'cemetery. a t age of 6 funeral oon t A Play will be given under the auspices of the Iluronda.le Women's Institute in. the Huron.dale school sonie tilne in the near future. Watch for date and particulars. Conductor Dan Connell, who has been conductor on the Huron. and Bruce for the past 15 years is retiring from active service owing to ill health TiORN SQUIRE --At Farquhar, On NiTedries- ' day, February 15', to Mr. anti Mrs. Nelson Squire a son. 1111E1) COW .\N ---[n Exeter '00 Feb'Y ,13tla Catherine Lutz, M-idoW,of the late Dr, Y. COW811, in,her 83rd year. .WALPE13,--Tu F,xoter,,on Feb.' 13th, John Douglas twin soil of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.V. Wolper, 0ged•6 niontlis and 3 weelts. I-IUSTON--At Ciallsort, .Alta. ou Feb. 51,11 \i'vforion Ruth daughter of IVit. and. arra. WesleY Huston, aged 9 yea rs ,6antonths.- 1\1117113,--A1, Penticton; ilritish Ceiturt- ' hia, 1)1),1 00, 3,. Douglas Muir, •Only son. Of', (Wqich,), le Muir, aged'28 years. Lard at neat • oCean VieW" cemetery, V•allcon.- or, on Dec. 12, RECEIVED IWORI) OF JaAll",HERS DEATH Mrs. Pl. •Tenningo rocoiied the sad news on ,9a,turda,y last of the death of her father, Mr. Hy.. AToyle, which took pla,co 031 Doc, 29, at Perth, West Australia. Her Mother an Iwo bro- therS 02:1,001,.. 10 come to Canada to reside.' 3'AR;10, SOLD .Nr. J , T 'hell-, bos oil his 100- , • . 0 ,re 'feral on tha.Larld ritead north to Mr: Wm. SellOrk,1 he 50111 (1 •, 0.es. • . 2,000. Fe dill/ • to ,Dari. ' Coe3oI' 3000, air; • lock 11 intends 't.ettirty.ig' and ruotAng to P,xeter. and .-will 'either buy Or build a S'n'' araledresidence.• ) N ALBERTA, Mr. IT. E. 'Huston r ceived Vv° ort11 last weelt of the death of his neice Marion Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Huston, of Consort Alta. aged '9 year.s and, 6 months: The little lady Was talten ill with infillen- 71 diabetes developing which was 10, cense of death. LEAVES TIIE r)OS'i! OF (1E AFTER. 25 YEAltS After being employed at the I eter post office for clearly twenty five years, 11Ir. E. J. Christie on. Tuesday resignet. his position. During his long term Mr, Christie has been an obliging and pain.ataking official and he will be missed from his accustom- ed place by the public. His place is being taken by Iiss Alice -Pfaff. 'Et) v( 11 Tr t,A1 At tile rterly Ofric 1 3oard meetiag of the Jitalea . ,oet church held lVionday eventing,- , M. J. WilSon, the pastor, aS 'tOl to t return for a, fourth. tel 1 ARTE CET On Friday eve ii of last week. 1 Mr. Ronald Witwer had the misfor- tune to cut an artei y of the left amt. I -le and Chas. McKenzie were scuffl- ing in the store at the North end. Ronald put his hand out to catch the doorjam but he missed it and hia band went through a pane of glass. He received a nast-y cut and severed the 131 131 artely. ( Ile was rushed. to Dr. Browning's office where the wound was dress"ed but not before he had 'that considerable blood. He was around the following day With his arm in a sling. • s. NVitzel, 'and Mc.a.. ek-end• ' Dr Roulston 114, in 100 1(') Til)sdl taking some advAn 11 011' with gn','6.0 Sarnia Fri A Dome ay, Feb. Third Ro ExeterZ Rink, Exete At 8:15 sharp Admission: Adults 60 Childre EXHII3ITION OP Aill! MBORRAMEStra=7'4' , IVIiss 'Ala, C. Taylor, daughter of p; fast gaining for herself a reputation I bruaNy 'gar 1.11r. Robt. Taylor, of Zion who, 'L as an artist held an exhibition of her . paintings in Senior's hall on Friday and Saturday last. This was Miss Taylor's first exhibition of her worltd, in Exeter. Many of the citizens a-1 vailecI themselves of the privilege o seeing her work and'were more ti tan. i favOrably impressed. Her paintings , • were mostly taken from nature scenes. Her Mterpretation of' the ' woods in the beautiful fall and win- ter tints. are particularly appealing to the lovers of natural scenery. Miss 1 Taylor is a pupil .03.McGillivary Knowles, of Toronto, Her .work has , a demand in Delhit and other citiesel Miss and .she gives promise of becoming 1 an artist of considerable Merit. 1 Taylor...has a tent and an. oil stove whieheshe,takes to 'the WoOds to pur- 505'her Work. CELE'BRAPE GOLDEN 3(13111 31 Mr. and Mrs. James Walker, of the London" Road, south, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, .on Tuesday, February 14. At noen a dinner party for their family was held aud in the evening neighbors „and friends to the number of about .75 were piesent and. extended .their congratuations to Mr. and MTS. Wa - ker on their long and happy Wedded life. The honored couple were the recipients of a beautiful couch. and chair from their children. The grand- children presented Mrs. Wall 51 with a gold brooch, and Mr. Walker with a set of cuff links. The neigh - hors presented Mrs. Walker With a carneo brooch and IVIy. Walker with a gold watch chain. Several other pre- sent's in addition were also received. The house was beautifully decorated for the ocCasion with evergreens and a color scheme of gold and white. During the afternoon a'program was held during, which Mr. George Walk- er read an address on behalf of the children and Mrs. F. Kerr made the presentation. Miss Lula Kerr read an'address on behalf of the grandchil- dren and Mrs. Gordon-Penhale mmle the presentations. Mr. Walker ex- pressed in a very feeling' Manner the hearty appreciation of himself and Mrs. Walker. The guests for the evening werepresentfor amost stfm- Ptuous repast w'hich was followed by a social evening of games and aanuse,- ments. Both the bride and groom of fifty years ago are enjoying compara- tively good health, Mr. Walker was bormon a farm on the Crediton road in Stephen town- ship.' Mrs. Walker's maiden name was Mary Clark, she being a resident of Bayidold. They were united in marriage at Sonforth in 1872 and they took up their residence on the farm on which they reside. Shortly ,after they rented the farm and moved to Centralia,' where for a few years Mr. Walker was engaged as a horse buyer. They returned to the farm where they have ever since resided. They. have five children living; Ed - Word and George, of Stephen; Mrs. Down, of Grancl Bend; Mrs. F. Kerr Croditon and Miss Myrtle at home. One 000, whair served hiS country In the late War, was killed in action. They have four grand- Ohildren and one great grandehild. Among those who were present for the occasion SITO O three sisters and • oue brother of Mrs. Walker, Vire .Arrs. Forgey, of Wingham; Mrs. Emily Peek, Of Payfield. Mrs Ellen Arm- atrong, of Toronto and Mr. Lanty 1330 of llayinold; also Mrs, 'Wm. Glaa Ind 1' t t 0V la 1Phe 0) 13.1 . " - kek's ina.:ly friends ill WiShing thoiri mallY years of continued health and happiness. .„ 61 .3133 eduction All Ranges guaranteed gobd, bakers and easy on fuer RANGES $1.1V 10076 $1.06. .1-EWELL STIDEL,r.R.A.NCIES now $75.00 ,IE\VEI..j., CAST RANGES 110.00; tlow $1,05.00,„ . SOUVENIR RANGES $75,06; now 565.00 D-16,11',0-\rEN,11.1ANGTS''' I -leg. 513500; „nov $1,t5.00 NET...SON, (used, bit 11 good coucliti oil 6,36-.00 Oven; 'reg. $35.06 nolsr 531, SEWELL QUEBEC „FR., reg. $28.00;1)006 55.0,0 ' , JEWELL QIJE1.;'ll',C' Keg.. 524..0 6, 1.7.010 521.00 TIVO' I,VO 0 D $3.00. and 56.00. Mitts and Gloves ALL MITTS. AND GLOVIZIS 25 PER CENT Oldr 3 Gold Medal Washing Mach/ REG. $22.00, WH1LE THEY LA.Sill• $19.50 • 1 LIBERTY ELECTRIC WASHER, Reg. $125_.00 FOR $100.06 1 TIIVIE SAVER ELECTRIC WASHER., Reg. $125.00; now $1115.•410 TEN PER CENT. REDUCTION OIN ALL WRINGERS. CSMIntil Polarine Oi A. Carload Just Received POLARINE, POLARINE ...VIE 1." POLARINE HEAVY t I) ,POLA,RINE EXTRA HEAY Y• Cxarage: and Tract.io;1 Owners eaman's ardsvar 27W PHONES 273. , • 0.......=2.X(69116at401.1.6.att..r..505t.M.Armema...8.4113.4016121=0=0.11..4.....11IIIIMIUSIIAMetireIMMOMINksWalftillir 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111111q1111111111111 . . 1.••••••• •AA. ••••RIS1 ,,,./••••• .1.11,11 ItatV4104 orno.n. YL100.1 mt.+. e Oti v , I ilip9 seed oats.. cag = grower COfllli 171 e pnce vvil II wd see samp q P'11,7 1., of a( di c fr 7 "-•°‘ Oi 11111111 „