HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-9, Page 7Suirtmerside, smelt fishing industry has expeteenc- ed coesiderable activity during the past two months. Caiddad shipments tire being dispatched every few days to Boston, New York and other cen- tres. Charlottetown, 11.E .I. --Civ i rev.- TILIe during the past year amounted to $250,000, aocording to the l'reasur- er's annual report. ' The ()file , , certs report showed, 293 deaths from all tenses during 1921. Deaths, from contagious diseases, h./eluding22 from tuberculosis numbered 27 a new low record N.S.--Eifity-two and o,haif hours from City island, N.Y,, te,n1-.1.r dock at Halifax, about five hundred and fifty mile -s, was the time made by theotWo-masted Newfoundlandowned, sailing. vessel H. H. Macintosh, in port with a cargo of coal. The time is eoneidezed good freight steanier time. The Macintosh was built, at Mahoney -TNS., about eight years ago. 'Woodstock, eonapany is "be- ing promoted in '-'STOOristock to manu- facture men's boots,. shoo packs and other fo o twee'. here. It is said- _that there, is strong capital available for the purpose. ' j'Quebec, Que.—Royalties on the fol- lowing pelts were paid to .the Provin- cial Government diming the paset, year, 'according to the Department of Lands and :Forests: 58,115 heavers, 16,072 mink. 167,544 muskrats, 38,104 wea- eel, 3,502 white fox, 8,607 marteno3,- 807 seals, 2,123 deer, 12 caribou, 32 elk, 444 ermine, 165 ,silver fox, 3,640 grey .63: yellow lox, 1,171 wild eat, 4 badger, 978 bear and 40 white bear. Montreal, Qu. ---A feature al the export livesteck trade during the past two weeks has been the inceeased de- mand,for live Canadian cattle from Belgium, .and several large shipMente Of Canadian cattle have already gone forward via Boston and New York. - - Ottawa, Ont—All hogs marketed at public 'stockyards and abattoirs in Canada on and after, May 1 will be Sold according to official grading tol' be done by government officials,' ac- "L to an announcement mede 'by the Dominion Department of -Agri- culture. This pediey is the outcome of - a meeting of producers, packers and c agricultural officere held at Ottawa t last: Nevem:ben - A minimum premium o of ten percent,.will he recognized for select bacon hegse . , Toronto, Ont.—'With the completion the Torento-Kingston prOvineial. highway this "summer,. it will' be pos- sible to make the run by automobile from Toronto to 'Ottawa in one day, aCcorcling to„.A. , L. BaldWinresideet , government engineer, speaking before e Cananoceue Board of Trade, - Vint, most olaL t nt Proanta,h'as been trhrallgod for Win- nipeg's xnexues 0-wnFint:iira,uenaTly6nivtahl, 40 last f*to•J,31", Week, and the seven days' "revels com- prise every ,C0-011 of winter sports • -An ice wall 'sta ;feet high and over half a nape in length has been built; aki- jumiug, ntai-athon m s, dog- teaTares and".-tobcgganing will fea- ture .the daY, whilst, at, night,' faileY dress maSquendee will lield fs"waY and mocassin c'daiicing oe, the ice. in the 'bright illumination of electric lights. Regina, Sa,sle.—In the production of flax'seed in the Dominion, Saskatabew.. an led all other provinces with a. yield , 'of' 3 500,000 bushels during 1921. Manitoba Produced . 540,000 * bosliels; Alberta. 135 000. Quebec 97.200. and antani,a, 92,000, Very little flaxseed, if any, was gTow.n. in the Maritinte Provinces and British Ceitimbial Edmonton, Adta..-‘An." in./Portant link of the •Edinonton, Dun -vegan and British Colum,bia railway was com- pleted this year. It joins Peace RiVer and 'Berwyn and already grain -ds 1e in transported from/ a. rich district. Calgary, Alta.—Exports from this point to the. *United States wcre aP- Inpoximately out in half in 1921 when compared with, the previous year's record of goods leaving for across the bolder. amounting to 73,610,946 in comparison with 76,729.692. ' This de-: crease wad due entirely to the eftects of. the ernerg-eney tariff. Included in the 3rear's'exPorts to the United States were 12,891 cattle, 1,975 sheep, 1,651; 498 bushels oats, 1,061,50ih,bshels of weeat, 97,512 pounds butter, 65,152 sacks of flour, 925 625 hides and skins, 2,168,492 pounds meat and 2,736,592 feet of lumber. Victoria, B.C.---The ,shingle manu- facturers of British", Columbia have formed a 7600,000 corporation IL710M711 as the British Colunibia Consolidated Shingle Manufacturers, Limited, head - limiters here. Other companies in- Coreorated during the past week num- ber , seven, totalling. $210,000 in aintalization. New Westniinster, B.C.—Menibers of -the Fraser Valley .11.11111c Producers A,ssociation, which include ninety per ent, of the Billie producers in rhe -en - ire Fraser "Valley, 'had a -production f milk from their clairjr herds during the past year, that totalled 75,000,000 pounds. in addition one million pounds of butter were produced and \a half million pounds of cheese. • Anyox; L.C.e•-it is understbod that :the, Granby, Consolidated .Nfirling- and Sinelting 00. is planning 5ndtructjon It*41 ang"•• ment the present power ..supnly and , , inatire, requirements for \ViiiitkiWork. -RITISH EDICT oN THE TURKISIii. TREAT Two, Fundarnenta,k PrinciREei Stated hl Note'to French , reamer., A despatch -from Paris says: -- When Lord Harclinge, the British,Am- bassador, s a w Premier Poin care ' and deliver -eel the British note' on the Turk- ish treaty, he stated, the correspon- dent is authoritativelY informed,' tyvo fundamental "principles\ on' Which Great.Beitain demands agreement be- fore it considers that there will be any use in haying a Conference of the allied 'nations on that .subject. * 1 ---Britain insists that the allies nrust approach- the question -of a, re7 vision of. the Turkish trent Y frOnn'a s,tancipoint that Will be impartial' in fact as well as theory. ' 2 ---The 'allies must agree to present . • joint, impartial'. program to - the G•melts and Turks and then tach it up -with 'the full inoral pressure of their -anite'd weight. ' , The first' point was raised because -the recent French note implied that Britain was taking a pro-'Greele at- titude, while„ France was 'impartial. Hardinge emphasized the -assertion t'lial; the British have been far froin pro -Greek and Gi.eake would be the TIrst, to aalIlit it. The sect -hid demand wa,s partially occasiontsd by the French -enquiry whether Britain was -prepared 46 fight the Greeks if the latter rc,fused to agree to the plans for revision of dos treaty. The -British countered by asking if France is prepared to fight Tutic,ey under similar circumistances. The British say, herwavel., there , will be rio occasion to fight either if the allies should agree on itripartial --terrns and 'bade them up, _ The longer the Xliglo-Frene'di dis- pute continues, t,he -more convinced be- corncertain web informed quarters here, that the Near East 'is becOnairie• Ln increasingly serious bone' of con- hetiveen tile two -countries. ,. • kait,p.)q to be ILI-1,0MM aS 131,11,o`Protector,:o... 44.1e* .44os-'lems" for fi 'thlir. sake of etemonlic ei4-v-'i'ge• 1 ' t eTeeee is, oweeer, gree er sib .• nificance to the Near Eastern ,dispute. The peesent tactics of the French have resulted* in 'the •suspension of the ne- gotiations for an Anglo-French teeaty or guarantee and until the former is settled to the satisfaction, of 'Britain, the latter alibjed, is unlikely to , be taken up again, conquer n'llo believe t , some mn died ,and orthere--did not, death woxiid incieed, be 4, most ortifying evk,, Many a roai can tal. Iseie of capital and 'labor who horanJ equal/fiat-ice, 'with eith eCaptetGeorge.131-6ck, TVIto ire.presents: tilre-ilir-alten "Territory in the Hon,se.- 'of ,Colianions.-. ,hae, sailed 'Slee,gieay, -for Vancouver ea/ere/ate, to Ottawa. Trash.•-• , , The, ,word -"trash" originally meant fine bru'sh-reecid. or twig-sp. Setiers of faigeots" for iireivicod 'frequently f ;led ,in t,he centre, of 2xo bundle .of sticks wttii this srnall, udeleesc as melte the fasie-ote scem bigover. This praetie,e was. -Written agar:first vvith so" nuicli vigor that. the weird -leash" • , came to mean, nnythiii-e- 1-1/10TidlIes, ene '41 "100R- Vt0Z40:: WAS) 11\e, 44f LOENce, • THE TAILOR' WHO MAKES, HIS OWN • STYL.ES , 'It's the same old League of Nations Coat, but Unele Sam cuts it the seociatien, way.'" --7)Asalli (Tokio) , PRINCESS MARY TO RENOUNCE HER RANK Bury SlisicIdeton at of Antarcik H.R.H. Also to Give Up All- A degpatCh from London Right of Succession to says :-.7--The bodyofSir Ernest Throne. ShaCkleton, which is now at A des-ieuch from London says:—By Montevideo; Uruguay, will be her marriage to Viscount Lascelles, taken back to South Georgia Princess ”i‘lrY reneunces' her r°Yai' Island; to 'be buriedtheriviau.e, ac- ran;k. and all claim forever to her right , 'e p of successionth to e British throne. cording thaiiy This This was learned. on Tflin/^sclay from decision, the Mail attributes to eour,ce., inti7hately comeeteel with La`dy Shackletods eourt C.LICies. , , -1 i• deference In the marriage -contract whieh \yin what Wat , she believes would be signed the day hefore.theewedcling have been the explorer's wish - by' the Kin, Princess Mary, Earl es. garewood and 'Viscount Lascelles, a il eft no instruc- t aceOl -clause has been inserted to this effect': „ Sh„ While the possibilities of Princess ti10118,respeCtAtighiS burial, but Mary succeeding 'to the throne is re- relatives ,and::friencls feel ,that mote, her children might do so, but it would accor ...An.rith his desire the clause, now inhices such an event • - to. he laid;,at si.4„t:. the g4,t,t, to ‘DiseoN-erv of New Dyes. - ,To new d1ies—o11ea-12eautifu1 blue, he other a shade -of •rose -*--have been isolated by Professor Maitland .of the University*of' Toronto in his research' laboratory. With five of his advalieed students the professor is now engaged, during ' stich 'spare hours as ,he can niusterein investigat- ing the most suitable conditions under which these new dyes can be applied to the Various texiiile fibres. Theepro.; fe.sior states that the' popular ,idea that Genrtany posseSees ``secrets" in, regard to the production of dyei .is a fallacy. German' scientists have no ',",secrets,"* though, German man u- fa'et1-1r&'S* nlaY have special :processes by means of which ,they "pia - on tlie market at a 'Specially. low price. Professor Boswell is secretary' of the Sehool of Engineering' Research of the Faculty-, of 4ppliecl 'Science and Engineering,:: University of Toronto, and hash en engaged feir• some years past in research. Work- on various dye ,. His .latest die , problems. just 'anntiler. illa§.tration , of the effect on the. national life of 'the ,complex :work. • _ ef rhe provincial univ er s. ity,, Race1lor=7..es are often insbeed for amounts as high as 1p100,000 The first 'lady to become' a doctor was a French'. Woman :who took her de:evree, in 1875'. , rile -z' I` ''''''''''.1•...trZe..1•40•000rt.......•plraprail,01•31111uRa the Antarctic. ShacIleton's grave, there- fore; '7/011' probably he beS'icle the 'English church 'at GryVic- ken. ARE YOU ONE OF THE SLE Olif Many people all over the country Loss night after night on, a.Sletcpless Some are troubled with,‘Iveaki•ancl smothering spells; othereee.. palpitation of the heart; others haw_ their 'nerves unstrung, but whatever tire eause ••-• EVVILEURN'S ' HEART AND NERVEVILLS. . . _ offer the, blessing of sound, refreshing sleep by invigorating the heart and ner- ves and,toning, up the whOlosystem. , Mrs:. C. R. Beckett, Norwich, Ont., Writes:—"I have used nearly two boxes of Milbern's Heart andeNerve-PilIs and IC/10:ML, they ha:ve done thegood. I was trOubled... With ' my heart' ,and buzzing in my head. I could not sleep,nights, and sornetirnes could 'hardly get my breath. 'The doctor helped me to a cer- tain point; said it was'Illin heart. I want to thank you for what your great medicine " Price' 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. a bh Chiefs Cksh Over Dablin's' Claim fo %Ayxc 04.01 1 4keept: Antrim A e Next 40 A despatch from Ditield saYs:------ t 'Scnith • g O ,, to a ) e j.,Ty Sputti s Clailirls; , , dtheaa•ath,s,tfruonr4.011)1s Pectin/6 - other lung, trot TheIrish Free S, ', on Erie Verge. so. e I' openly brealcin virli U Is ter over ' ' • . ----"*" ..ai.„ dAsa,P- "rhaeougia4eeomili , . called, 'Inflator° the boundary, t questien. ,,i I in q pealed in a f 1oou a iteplacet4 at firstfr A crisis developed . on ThuicsoitlY by the old susPicion add hostility, and,",,,,.**peciora atiterneen on the resumption of the may eeven ezinse a res11111PLIIIV,9•40*Vi"' ' , re 'qi9,1 raig-CC,Iiins negOtintionS, WhiCn -be- ''''' C''',,,i, , ' ,„,"'i'46,ei,nivw"le,*eitingee-ted' 0 g ,ecui li tu ' tg fatnhrseoeahuioparie:poucsolnyfeinl,eLncoendtolii,e).. uAisitt:Er el :,,C,ti°,.„lelsi-ii son°Qtrh-iteeih,1 doelni ,*;,)1-Wiricia, ..gret*4,:''''firife-hr Ptc,h1bi:etlat, e liarcl' lot, , pgemiey and the iread' a the provi- itn-0 effe-ct aCCOrdirlg to tfbe- ''''IS1165-t 01., " ' Oa . the dist sign a a cold ni-eong sionai Government in bublin fo nd , the neirele the counties of Tvretts, arm you slioullagoetsyarubpo,ttaleocft DI, s pWrevcni't* the/us:elves utterlY, and Perhaps hope: L.' eninanag cini- ai-be P°11`1°ns 'Qi 'lle 1\tli°e"teaoYld developing into some sei,iecio lessly, cliverg•ent in theif-views on the ccillities cif -A-1Tiiiigd1" DeTTY and Down ' lung troubie. . readjustnient of the bounda •''' line 'winild bc--' itin,d'.d in idle Fr....ee Sate Mr. J, F. Crouch Eoll'isn'inre Goilins insisting. on inenrioural3' g . ' because the inhabitants were Eatholics write-•_eepvco ears ago I. got peentrica and Nationalists th..ge and pveTerred nia aild a cough followed it, 1 coughed' the Southern GeiVernmealt eoinpara- tively iar,ge areas iv,iiich are regarded the 'Southern Goveinnuent. The only eontinua-lly, and iio matter what ,T used as absolutely vital to the existence, of coun,‘,,, ty ,,of_the Ulster Government1. to could not rid myself of it In Novern4" winen e11ies made no, oktons woe, het' I was sure I. was getting some diseasep, the North. . - ' • • • because ir,y throat. choked pie iip so. theltpli.sovilse jacinttiaeitl authoritatively that Alltrinl. let slot T wrote me from Ottawa, . 2 employ every a-get:icy to compel, the Government plane to acquisition of gofelletrhais147t:flite:;dv thbayt tthhee- sto;rud nap.e to try D.- "Wood's Neteeey Pine , 4, ... ,.. eNootrt thagtoaiinyisteldBeolnfz.ltshti,s iws:ine.e, 4,wn:ads Wille-tSoo.u;tuhhsbtoawii,iiiiii ha,stpo arL1N1,Viii'e=ataiemkree:111.tv,iiltis he °urntia.'lehlin'e soAlftgerott'laninogthoenreonbeo,ttalieidIbfec'floliricel X''''-'1n.leel"; not hesitate - to, re-establish the boy- my cough was comp etely gone.' _ Craig told is peo,ple a few days rtvo umon,0 rme'GfIviseecl:taohl-eY•0-aepfeel".,a'iteciaTns aareiiataiTindg,"Tiliiel aaig-r°a:ng"all'aillenet voefr tghie"bolunndtaora' naNy'isireeh- railways, Postal, telephone, telegraphleaves our Ulster area less than under NORWAY . PINE ni Iai.ice,hohlteaedrerGs°sveeernninic'eonbtfidseen7ticthesa't „fhTehye bhelleGuerxeprmre'sl,elidt oNfyililli'nellgna'nedssActet,"-g-.i've will render the Ulster Gavernment al-' and take small districts along the , border, hut plainly regards the sur- render of any such portion as the erninent asserted that Ulster must, South' wants as, a surrender of trister come across on this ,issue, a•rid that itself, most impotent. One high in the Provisional Gov- arkets o Price, .35c. and 605. per bottle; t up only, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, "Toronto, Ont. Federal Parliamt W $80; springers, lv $70 to $90; caes, to Meet Marc 8 e or , , choice, 713 to 713.50; do, med., $11 to $12; docorn., 78 to 79; lambschoice, . 710. to $11; do- edine $6 t° S7; shoelo, A clesPatch from. OttaNva choice, 75 to $6;, do, good,, 4 to 75; says: -- Parliament will be Manitoba wheat—No.„ 1 Northern, do, com..„ _71.50 to 73;- hogs, fed, and surninOned to nieet on \ved_ 71.34. e . - ' ' - watered, 719; do, f.o.b , $11.25. ,do, .. ',Manitoba oats—No .-* 2 CW, 56z4c; sountit _noints, 711. .. ' ' ' nesday, March 8, .it was.. an - extra No. 1 feed, 5384c; No. 1 feed. ' Niaeir* ael, ' A e 'il • TI - 53%,e. . , ' - ,------: ,' nouriceu. i. oi.ov,Ting i 'oar. - Oats. Gan. IN, est.. 110. 2. P2c; do, , ' . ' - NoNAA.linlal.4...3netirthyi:ee:aliae.b.13c\:voav:rl'enl6L:t'4/2-1N'ac'eNc.k:32';:yB.1.joelalli. y:11 ad ,,.1' ports, :6,:ee9si 1,1,0'S le'l.„;', cps9Na'fialct:slx.1).3ts.:.fia10$';,2t..sg5Flt7oolr°;.21%,91-Ra53.-19.11StPcirla* iikla,gt7s17;813b.e2aai: dCa°yu -711s cni 1.1,7 whichetlIg- ol al'. sttthe' de ' untileabill! 671/2c. track Tenant°. 30.25. Hay,No. 9 ton,—ter I 0 CIOCK in Inc eve/ling• , - lots,728 to 729. Butter, choicest The first dav s busoneSs will, e 0°rinttaarrioi° NovahtesaT—Norninal. . 85. to 30,, potatoes, p,er bag, oar lots, iln_yiteo. to the ,...,,,,:c1.10., , (..,.. . , No. 2 white, 'nominal. creamery, 35 to 36c. Eg,gs, sel'ecteel, 1. -... 1 4. *11 ol- =-• el. of , Barley,e-No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or $.1 90 to $.1 ee . speaker, while the 1„0,1,,m, better, o7 4o 60c, actording to :freights Gori.inon otiv,...,,, 73 to 74; ,better lot, outside. , 74.50; coninion thin bul•ls, 73" to .$4; Buclewheat—No. 2, 78 to 80c, -1 r .,., 1 ' RyNo. 2, 86 to 88.e. $5 to s,';'.e:, ,,,00d I:zanily,- s;10. hee,q ,'",..3 calves S11.0 to 312- good liedit slie.en- ' the,, speech v.irorn t.ne. ttlrone, - Manitoba flour---First-pats., 77.40 , to $13,90-1 ' • will 4:ike place T'hurs. ' secohd, pats., .$6.90, Toron,to. ' - ,Manitoba..flour--90 per cent. p., , New Use for the Automobile Tire.the: f°11°wiricr ' 1 ' 111111feet-1—Del. „Montreal freight. In Planning an attractive, but Mex. ,..... , ... ..;',...___________ bulk, seaboard', Per barrel, 75. - .... bags included: Bran, per ton, 728.; . Ilensive garclile3111,,,:thichalnodnetile'-altntlalld',Otaar"ao ' •---?-U-L"`r(l?'1 shorts: per ton, 730; good 'feed' flour.' inaay" ways 1, 1.., 71.70 to 71.89. . , - ' I garden's beauty and yet doeieo withoat -- eBaled:laye-aTraek, Torontoper lee- ;any cier-',10-able cost ., A , eeepateli ..froe No. 2, 721.50 to 722; mixed, 718. ., Several ,hiees in tit' garden I used sayis..-----In a_riticip.ta.tioii n. in . Straw—Car lots, per ton, 712. -I discarded al;tonrobile tires t good.1. 1 c.rop of icebergs along , i I- Eggs--_-...N7ew laid, extras, 50 to .59c; va-ntage Whe-;.e. circ-ular „liarlso were re-, f 'antic •steanier lanes. the U. --et.- States do, extras, m em'tons,53 to Soe. quo ec . IV13.en filled with eartb. they i Coast Guard cutter See -ea. loas been Butter ---Creamery fresh-inade ex- , , present, the appearance of concrete I detailed foi. ice,observet,icei, and ra- 40c; , , tras, do, No. 2 41 to 42c; deieNo. 1 torage, -34-to dairy -storage 39t ..nasine. They last -for years in eue.a, a troll service and wi:l leave .3.\;-e,,,si ,yerb,„, s prints37c;, 30.to 32c. - capacity. about February 5, eireeeedicig to ilie . Cheese—New, large, 3.914., to 20c; i ---- --- - Grand Banks Of Newfoundland to le - do, twins,. 20 to 21c; do, Stilton, 24 to I sysTERg ligiti govvii sate tile fields end pcsizions of -the 241/2c. Old, large, 24 to 25c; do, twins, 1 , icebergs * 24Y2 to 251h.c.; Stilton, .27 to 28.e. 1 HEADAGHEc, ,AND- Diziy sp,ELL I:hie: --,4atroi seao,...,...,L.,c,,is,,....,4.tt,,,,,,,tro. ..k.,,, „.., Smok-ed .meats--iRolls, 21 to 24c; . v,' • 4,;. 1 hams. ined., 26 to 28c; hearse, 18, to 21c; Cooked hares, 36 to 40c;., boneless ALS o copisTipATIoN vention for safety c1' life at sea adopt- - ibacks, 33 to 36c; breakfast 00.e01-1, 25 ed - at London in, 1914. me ' Seneca to 30c; special, 30, to 35c; cottage rolls, Mrs. Ernest P. 'TrimPer, *Waldeck Win keep `in touch with "the' ice 'fill:I:La-- 25 to 26e. ' Line, N.$., writes: --"141y system was lion, nralee obsereations of the quail - Green -meats ----Out of pickle., le less greatly run down, nilY head would Pain . titles of ice, extent and drift. endob.- thBa„,;8oe.i000a. meats_:sweet pickled so I could not see, by spells, and 1 tili'aS 4a10ell other. hac,o,...moterm 'of \ea. -Joe. arriieci so dizzy, at times, I would. have to he ' rolls, -light, $37; heavy, 731: mess rig -ht down. I was also terribly troubled ..e pork,731. ' ' with, constipation. • ' Dhy salted meats --Long clear, 16 I got a vial of IVIilburn's Laxa-LiverDeath Toll of Babies, to 18c; in -eases, 151/2 to 171/4e; -clear Pills, and haven't had anY trouble since.16c. World bellies, 17 to 19c; backs, 14 to, - , I feel that anyone who suffers like I did in Cities of the Lard—Tierces, 131/2 to 14c; tubs, 14 can get 'relief by 'using your pills." , to 141.hc; .pails, 141/2 to 15e; prints, 16 to 161/2e; shortening- :tierces, 121/2 to '13c; tubs, 13 to 13%c; pails, 131/2 to 14c:; prints, 151/2 'to 16e. Choice heavy steers, 77.50 to $8; do, good., 77 to $7.50; butcher steers, choice' 76.50 to 77:25; do, good. 75.75 tO 76.25; do, med., 75 to $5.50; do, cono., 74 to $5; butcher heifers, choice, $6.50 to $7; do, med., $5.50 to 76.50; do, coin., $4 to 74.25; butcher cows, choice, $5.50 to 76; do, med., 73.50 to 74.50; ,canners and cutters, 72,50 to 73; butcher buillsegoodv, 74.50 to 75.50; do, $3 to 74e feeder- good 75 to 76' P Prici-- Y No city h-- -I -h a -‘e-ercl s Bo t_ (trill'', ' $4ffeeders, ' ' ' ' ,' Th T Milburn Co, limited, Toronto - ' . a' '''3- ' 1 "- '' a 1 -11 - do fair, 74 to $o• stockers (rood 7410 0 ' ' - " . ' . bay, India, where, according to official . _ figures 630 babies out of every 1,006 - die before they roach the, age of 12 months. .., opening, with lb,- deli-i-ry of aymz A despatch Tioro London s:— Christiania, capitol of Norway, in tlic matter of the death rate of babies, stands first ainon,g the cities of the world, according to latest tiemres is- s,tied by the Registrar -General. The infantile mortality per 1,000 is only .33. London's rate is 93. The _highest are, without a doubt, the best liver in Great Britain is that °I. Wigan• an regulator on the market to -clay. Over industrial town Laneashiise, 125, qearter of a century's popularity Berlin's rate is 14,6, -while those of Proves this. ' New York = -nd Chicago are 11,101'110i 11 - Price, 25c. a vial et. all dealers, or iv -i.epogiect-et 97 and 111, - , $5; do, fair, 73 to 74; milkers, 760 to rea Si)RC 0 FICEla 1-kOkr0 COULD skt.if\S DI "MC FOUNTNAN "PrkE PPAV)*Ct440'44f0,' Ce\t-ke- 14 TELLIK ON. 0,r -ove. sToNE, Liotis —rt> Jume Pst4 fEXCki 01.11' ite If You 1)c) 't e, 'cent!' t , 't,P411.47,!f4';'..foWSP Among ,many of those who loave ten 'us is Mr, A, Ii'lenting, Scotiield„ Alta. He says in his id ter:—"J have', et/troubled with, dyspepsia for some yeara. I tried several medieines, bat only got relief for a short titne. I 'stift. cred with pains in/try, stomach, also suer/ill-ring feelifig after e-tinv et -d could not cat rely meat at all. 1 got )•ti down arid was very weak ftom rob- t)hig the shit/each of its ncoessary vvaniS. 1 also suffered leen/ pains in i,tly eeck which woeld run Up011 both 440 into fey head caesing terrible idnehax, I used several liottlee of,Burd a ;Blood DitterS'and„eowain,e011,11eitehr a