HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-9, Page 3on Can Do This
d Rich 4
US'eleas, to tell a.•.litt, tfig
very wonfa,n, at thee Clad Of'
Very girl, in,.oiffeesi4-Shops
l`s...stibjeeted to nibte, or
These worries ca,unot be,
it i the duty ot "every
0vOry., .to sav.ea-her
itue,11 as PeSsible, and 1t)
btfild or sYSteni to meetUnusual.
1etna41. Her fht1.1.0 'health d'ele.1-'4's
U11611 it, To gilara againat a:break-
down. the .b.leod Must be „kelit rieh, red
and, pure. To keel)the bitiod in thiS
candition Dr,,Willianis' pink Pills, Will
be found. raciSt useu1. They strength-
en tile nerve.St,reStOre the .6.1?Petite and•
bring' the glow of health to pallid
cheeks,- a•n.d reItelv.ed ell'ergY to listless
people, NVomen ealliPet al\l'aYs rest
when they should., but they can Iteep,
up their s,trength, through.. the ,e?ce,G-
Slo.1144-1 use 4/ Dr. Williams', Pink Pills:.
•This isshoWa by the case,of MM.;
'hie Sick,. reeldlag Pear ,Sit11-00e, Oatwho sa :,
"A few Years ago t was. itt
a deplorable State of health, blood
was weak and watery and the, oircula.
tion poor. My appetite. was poor.aud
what, food 'I did, take dist,rossed nte.
wa,s not able to, do„ my housewerki
,and, often ray, nights were sleepless.,
,and• hea.tiachpatul, backache ,adcled to
my. misery. 1, was. •iinally per,suaded
to drop other medicines and take, Dr.
Mill ins Pini Pilis. ihi$ did, and
after- ta,kiag tlib pill for.'.couple of
manthstI conici- do my,-hrons'ewark with.
.ease, eat well, slept -well anc1 had,..gain.
eci itt-weight,, From My OiWil experi-
ence. I. cannot praise these pills too
highly." , • - •
You can get Dr„Williaras' Pink Pills
froin any ,dealer in medicine, or ,by
.mail_at. 50 cents a box, or slx,baxes for,
$2.56, from The Dr.. 'Williams' Medi-
cine Co:, Brockville, Ont.,
r ye -&1d sok 'o'f,
J. A,' Ftob. r.t.sa 38 Chailea,t). Emit),
las beeu asvarded•tha Silver NIfolf,,,, the
anglieist decoration e ,Boy. ScOutir!)11,11
.earns ''Thet aWaIrit„waSennade •16.6.A.
'by His. Eke ellency, tal; Bytig -Of Vr.O.Yi
'Chief Scout for Canada and
Sllver 'Wolf, 11.110,:asit1iPi;r909.111nIe40,491it
of the PrOvincial• Board of Honor,'
whicic Mr. 'Frank - is,
hairman. ,Roberts is a patrol Leader
of the 1.0511 Terante-,Trobp of boy
•Scouts., ,attached to. Dtoor Street ,Bap.,.
• tiat.,Church,
..ACcording .to the nemor,andum of
he, ;Beard of Honor; Scout Roberts.
• Was:- hastrtuneatal in .S.V,ing the ..1 ir Or
idJx-CoretroIler J, Q, iViloCarthY
ante daet summer:FoliowiUg a Seyafe,
thunder storm " at Stoney 'Duke; AVIdalt,
made 'Mr. MeCartity ,and
lcicc family, -
who were ,ant in their latuirelf, takere".
fnge on an island, Mr, ,MOCarthy went
, _
down to the wharf to , make the beat
ready for the return ta his :Own, eat-
tage.:„„It was after midnight 'and, p'itdli-
dcrkapdintryingto Iticate•the,, I) Oat
the.ex-Contreller ,Slippedioff .-the' wharf.
unto; the ater, striking: MS, head, so as
o render latim.PracticaliV untionselorts.
. - , • , •
as he 'fell. At hhe titV•lle WAS= wean -
,a heavy winter. ulsterMdate
ears -were, full, of water and, hehad
taken in .S0 water he „Was unable
to hear, or, speak,., Roberts, hearing:1
somebody' flonndering in the -.Water at i
somh distance at '00.0e .,Junip,e(1,...in,
swam adt, his oafs- guide: beingthe.
coug,hing:and floundering, the,water,
and succeeded in bringing Mr. Mc-
Carthy, back to the .wharf,.'wheye
sislauce .was then waiting, to :help
make the re-settee:Jur. mecarthy Was
.• so stunned by the accident, that even
after he, got into the launch and was
on his. wajr.Thornehe could not recollect
tne'naihes or.the people wh,o had cot-
ta,ges at thedifferent islands Which
were parsed. • •
,,On, another occasion a young Man
who was viSithig at Mr. McCarthy's
cottage was seized with heart -failure•
'while' swimming across from:. an island
to the mainland. Scout Robarts ent
to ,the wharf, got a skiff, went to hi",
assistance, got' him to G :GOttage, ap-
phd and' get 'a...physician,
but it Was some time before they eould
- bring .the young man to coaseionsness
and: several hours 'before he codild. be
, •
Proviiiidial Board of. Honor has,
also been advised that LOH Byn.,,ehas
approved'. Of its .reeommendations in
two other Torcinte Boy Seout
casesant that he lia,a awai1detrthe
, Semi l. Silver Cross to Scout Harley
W'iihiarns,. of the 46 th • Tdronto Troop',
attached hi. Grace Clhureiron the -Hill,.
and , the Gui. Cross -to' 'Scout ..George
Claivert • of the, 24111 Toronto . Troope
connected with the Roman Catholic
• Church of St. "Vincent de
Soon WiILiarns and two , younger
boys were swimmIng• near •an1ice, slide
fit Jaickson'iS. Point, when one- of' the
• boys, a poor' swimmer, aived mb the
water and found, himself,'heyend Ids
:depth' and in difficulty., :He irrintediate.i.
ly bename 'ex -bite& and' s,aaki•Wililarne
• dived in afterdihn, but did not'succ,eed:
in reaching him, Th .Scotit then Illade.
another effort to reaeh the drowning
bo and finally Managedto•get ilojd of
, him, By this time the boy was, hysterir•
Cal and he struggled So noteli
liandshad to hit, Min' in the face' in 'or,
der to gain , centred of him and effect
the res,oue,,
The, -rescue:1a iwhich Scout George,
• Calvert.p artieipate d, was 'widely report-,
•eq in .Torento papers last "suninier at
the timeit.o.cotirred. ' Aocarding to the
Board .of- Honor- report a boy- aged
seven telt off the -cribwork Of sorae
new .harbor ,:develotiment work, on
Which, he was ,playing and :slipped oft
-mb about:, '10, feet of sewer 'water.,
Ill-cout. Calvert .and, a.boy name•d. Jahn --
son inilnecliatoly responded to ,s.the,
Calvert crawling out ,on the
• orihsvorit and letting his body clown.
full length ,so that the drowning boy
.aould get licideof his foot, which lie'
did, thus Making a tea cue pot,t1ble. The
noiviting tcoy vTad in a very awkward
to. be re'smied from, and ha•d ab
ready gone under area:aide of "times be-
fore he was removed- from the water. •:""
man who..thinks that dancing is
'beneath 'him will, be interested • to
learn that the 'Royal Family 'contains
• many goecl. dancers,',.:.of . whom the,
'Prince of Wales is probably the beat..
. Ills Royal Highness learned to dance
Wheil- he was a.,,stuall ebild, dude ev„en
if 11.9 Were, not a prince, Would be an.'
to any ballroom. .
Priflce "Henry is 'trying to e mule to.
him.. and 'has lately: taken 'lessons at
an academy near Regent Street. Priri-
c.eits Mary,. of .course„ is a very gracet
lcd dance,r,,her two• favorite dances bp-
ing.`the. feXttrot anti 'the waltz. The
, Queen' put S• the waltz first, of all, pos..
sibl-jr,;.becattse she dances it best.,
Viscount fidiscell'es, the ' Princess's
(lance,. 'is•i-ttit gulte ,siich a 'devotee of
dancing, as the Princess ,herself..
tile King?„ IS not an en-.
biduias6' of the modern school of diand-
tag. Iltere is one dance, however,
'whicir'Ite will tell y-oti is lids faVorite,
It ia the. hornpipe, a d.ance -lie learned
clueing his naval days, anti he has b,een
knowit,te dance it at Balmoral..
A Morning Prayer,
clean heatt, 0 Gott;
a d1it spirit Wittilb ute,
azvtage'' 't
fit/ to ePeu Ito* b
Ip hede having '11-1°ef
oUs5 /tight aleyrbl
dc'ecUed, True, 1 14r“' e'rerg
whiter mornings. to:4 11P "a
in a chilly bedivo tni
out of bed, g WY all
Uhe bacit uu ps djw
while wet tirii
up, but that
it would be
made tio eltut,
without deman g 0
ten ion. A Sew York na
out tilts imporiaPt
result, he offoN a
he calls an 'automatic 'wl
Nvorli while red c,3Ieep
Beside' the' window
vilaced an afitrin clock
to go off an bour or
(11;:lell°1eltl,11,c7Llesese. abMIliwTtileedilgL'lile:ndgt-paav694'"PI e7'abriaq
but, You c'ortiau,;tQ cincirO Peao.'e.
fully, the room warfyigt up, and when
you arise you can lity,;,.0'0,.L,4,1td put on
yeaneclothes withoutslitit•01•10 '
Hawaiian Islands Forti
. It there were no islands in. the Pa:-
eific there wouldtprebably be no Pa
cido tiro:Idle/rt., but in an immense ocetfe
egalitjg Points for shiPS, andrelay-sta.,
tions for telegratillic commumicatioinS
become of the utmos,t impoirtance.
Strategically Hatsfaii Is the rectegnized
:key to supremacy in those waters. , It
Is , difficult to cross tii•e Paolfi,e without
finding it CD11ViCilliertt to l019.0h at Hono-
lulu, Fax from being ,unprotected, as
many ,people seem' 'Yet to believe, the
islands since 1914,itaie 'had at Pearl
Harbor a naval brvie second to none
In the world, and one fairly to be con-
siderec1 as iiii.pi-egnabla
'."Id you must ltnock', get, la .410'0: in,
'Iii,ackstraith's,shop:•ar...cild,o, it o,n.a.regu
lair anvil.• •
l U motile
, outal
e should'
icif his litt
'els' get, 0
Vita, Pie.,
f ,;,"Bahy's Own ;
rritey regulate th
IL'4i1,lltt", 1,14eltlrirteiiI'lle 4(11) e ea?, ar YY
644 a box from The Dr'
lediolue • Clo,,' Brockville
Neve ,Touebed
re holding ,forth 'abet
. • •
me,annesscs• with.
• ' "
-itmiliating," said One, 'to
o his pockets and get
ir. huSlt
,0 go
Tina ey."
think ihLt is„
uaderhaalthd," re-
plied the 0,11:10,r: `)111I0no't ugly hils
ns °-
nen?" asked tn.
Shis trousers downside
ibe bed ,and holp myself,”
it Bowels With
1'• fernia Fig Syrup
erurry ler! Even a sick child
loves t .e • .15. taste of California
• Pig Syrup" an,d, it never fails to open
the•boWel'S.:".-A teaspoonful to -day may
PrhVent'a Slckhild to -marrow. If eon-
stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has
al 'cold colic., t or if stomach is sour,
• tongue eoateciebreath had, remember a
good cleansing of the little bowels is
a: often all .that is necessary.
- Ask' votir druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig 'Syrup" which has directions
for babies, -a.nd children of all ages
printed on, bottle. Mother! You must
_say "California" or you may get an
Imitation, fig 'syrup.
• Making -Tommy Attractive.
- .• : ••
, , • ' • •
• , , • . . • Ethel, the twelve-year:•old .daughter
Provincial Board or Health, 'Ontario • ' ' of a family that cesid.es in an uptown.
• Dr. kliddieton will be glad to answer questions on PUbllHealth mat
ters through this column. Address him at Spadina. House, Spadlna
• Crescent, Toronto.
• • (
• The leiss a thing costs trio less uP- ber of people dn. this stuffy room_ was,
predated it often is. Saleainen have"increa ed rneal times a.n.d. tbe,
s I
told me that by putting a cheap price hevaTterciingisrub;,: atrh, 441C131:Jr°11 of alehus;
thriye, in such an 'atmosphere of poor
CM a line. of geocis they were unable` ' 'Y d 11c1
to effect a sale, but on rearranging'1 isone
of naturets wonders. The
the geo.ds and raising the price they •vitality of everyone in that honse
were' quickly disposed of. The piamie mast have been lowered—it could not
• be 'otherwise adecies4-e• supply
hate stian e. and almost frckri„.ish . •
•of exygert is neede•d -for almest every
tirnesoften til," -result funcH,,,,11 nt r • ho- bode. ,
• sa f ntiful ' - a
or Preiuthce. -s a e • , When summer conies, Many,oi tlieSe
conintio,d.ty.; hut very littl,e used except 1))T,„
to swim 11 or to sail, steumurs ,bve,„„, 7,0 wItiLlewered.health...mid vitality
during, through -tack. of ii-esh air in winter; go
A. new use was ound fel" it
,ie ar to drgoonctreateci seek rest and change'at h summer
11,e1.1. LI V t..1. al :a
hotel 'ill the ip.puntaips --or at a lake
se'ptiC. wounds with seaJwater to greau ,
ad:vantage.. Rei,rig so rqueh in eyf,aamae, resort: -.TIP. George Pri lately.
oyer the u ace 0 the se-eiefaTY Canadian Society
little hope of Its being COiTered and I°1.` the Prieventi'el af 1:1,-theiedlesist
describes, the net residt.2ot, sudh a
offered forsale in attraetfve job lots.
Agas4lainrgesultti aPse aof,,asi'ets_ hhth,t)II0e,Ifi_6'cl:ivaYintiellura-bli-eiact91-1.s6:s•r`6Ilb-ei.,:e7t.`,,a,,ah3417.aege:,"Taillide-
furtiseptic solution because it can-
.n,o, e ispose o,E at: bargal,n1 sales. People 'wile ,a,11 clar 111.
The sain,e is true of fresh air; While stuff, -.V rooms, iikt ritr.-drk, under con -
fresh air-' is the cheapest_ .anc1 perhaps did.oll's ar poor ventilation,:xnnst have
the, most berfeficial of all medicines an•abunclance of fresiii, air at sligtit and
thaf a person may use, many people urnlig hours o..; recreation if they -are
refuse to use it- as .a `ineclicin,e and going to keep their boaies strong and
seeM "to. try- to g,et aS little as pos- hea1thY•
sibile, ijt Orde.r, to keeP alive, have Fresh, ai.r is absolutely rtecessay to
been: in houso rn the' winter -,time human life. " ou.may live for some
'heated 15y, wate-r, or. air a.n.d the am- time without, .food„. or v,rithairb drink;
.ount of oxygen in- these houses waS iott,MaY go orl'thout sleep, or, you may
nor,icea.b,Y-• den al.ent the inomerit one phere a, an.other and, several. children
entered. ,the dacsr. 10. such an aimsr,c-ri. most of E.,,eTer,• and -the num-
apartment house, recently said to lier
Motliei, I stish -you. wash Tom-
my's face."
'Now Tommy was he soil of the man
whose apartment adjoined theirs. So
nuither was both alarmed and as-
"The ideal' she exclaimed. "Why,
he's a neighbor's child! I have noth-
ing, tid.do with him,"
• "But I have," explained Ethel. "We
have' become engaged, and I want to
•kiss him."'
• ,
e's. ,Looked.
„a,App1icadtL_uuI see yain advertise for
a,w-indow tiress,er."
Merchant—'Yes:' Have you had,
ariu oh experience ?"
"I arranged 'the windows in the last
shop I was empl.oyed at. and every
woman who, pass e d, s topped and looked
• •
"That's something like. 'you're just
the man we want. By the way, what
line Was your' firm in?"
. "Mirrors!" •.
Go an inch toward -a temptation, 'and
it will leap a yard toward you.' •
endure all 'sorts of pain and torture;
but srbap breathing for two or three
minutes, and life leaves the body.
A well-known authority says that a
m.an out-of-doors is exposed to one
hundred times more fresh air than he
could possibly geb,in best ventilat-
ed 170-011.1 in the s,ante period of time.
To maintain good health it is there-
fore imperatwe to sleep an,ci live out
of doors as muchas' possible
e -t oi your
e ts allotted
u get your share
The most irnporbarst period the
process of applying nutrition to_the
repair of the body- is While 3501,1 are
asleep. For the most favorable trans-
formation of digested food into nerve
and cell tissue, 'so doctors tell us, sleep
is absolutely esseritia
it any wonder that those who
,stiffer from laelc of proper sleep are
weak, pale and lacicing in etierg3r o
One of the riauSeS of insOtrinia is
nerve -irritation from tea and coffee
d 'rik' d
ri trig, ca an
coffee both contain
caffeine, which has
a tendeneY to cause
uticlue stimulation,
The irritating effect
zaffeine often
11106 hr C
re.suits isa. insomnia1 depression, an
weakened nervous system.
• You .can easily overcome ,these
troubles by drinking Posturninstead of
• tea or coffee., Postum is a- delicious,-
satisfying 'cereal beverage, and it is
a ,solutely free from caffeide,.or any
other harmful substance,
Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink
this delicious, refreshing beverage for
en days. Then ,see if you do not feel
better and more clear headed, arid if
-.you do not sleep better at night—as so
• many other ueople have proved for
.13ostufn comes -vs, .arms: instant Postum •
(in tins) made lfistazctiy in the cuzAly„ the
a4,dition of boiling water, Postum, 91 (in
packages of larger bulk, for those,,wW
to make the drink whilo che '11001 tjpe
pared), made oy_bolling for 20 inett4t
atci Postu
W-AR,NII\IG I Always say"Bayer" 'Ile you
Unless you .see narne 'Ba er'" on n ta lets you arc nt
Aspirin at. all. Why take chances?
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer' package which contans directions and dose,
worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by for
'Headache Neuralgia
Neuritis • Lumbago
ain Pain
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100 ---All druggists..
Aspirin Ls the trate mark (registered, in Canada) ,of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeldeetir of Sailcyliceold, WiOle i
Well know's. that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the publie,against Guitations, the Tabialic,dd Bayer 'Company,
11l be stamp,t with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." •
Was So Weak and 111 from
Stomach Trouble Life Was
a Burden.
• "Taniac has built Inc up..frorn a mere.
frame weighing only ninety pounds to
a strong- woman weighing'mac hundred
and twenty-five pounds, and my grati-
tude is unbounded." said dirs. Lydia
Pickup, 12 parnstly Latip, T01'0,1110,
.!`My stomach troubled inc so flinch
during the past- three years, that my
life was a perfect 'burden. My appetite
was gone entirely, gas would form and
'sibard'y setane wild with -pain i -i, thte •pit
ot my stomach. .The gas nearly smoth-
ered inc and my heart acted so queerly
that,it alarmed me. 1 coulct get scarce-
ly any sleep and was tired and dull eiJ
worn out all -the time," I often turned
so dizzy could hardly stand up, and
at times my head hurt like it would
Imrst open, I lost weight until my
clothes were entirely -top_ large and.
was so weak I could hardly move.
"One day I saw a .statement, about
Tan.lac an4 y determined to "try it. I
have now taken ten bottlein all and
my appe,tite has come back, I eat
anythilig I want and as much 'as I
-want at every meal without Pain or
any uncomfortable feeling afterwards,
I do not have headaches or dizzy spells li
any mare, I sl,eop soundly every night -
and get up feeling* fine and strong in
the morning." "
Tanlac is sold by all good drus•elsts.
• Telling, the Time.
The Tithe'of Day i do . hot tel.!
As.s•amo do, by ,the clock;
Or by the distant „ch•iming bell,
, Set on sortie steeple ,rock;
But hy the progress that 1 sec,
In avh,at.1 have to do;
It's either,Done o'clock to me,
Or only Half -past Through,
A Domiuion Express -Money Order
for fire dollars costs three cents.
Teachei----"dolinny, yau may name
-fiye andinala th.at live in the. polar -re-
gions." Johnny—"Three nalar bears
and two seals."
Bulk Cariots
25e. No other feo. AleCreer5li=i
Una.tharn, Ont.
.t,2301-1-„),..„4%,oSt$r5a.tefo°.redk.e"roerilt.,5..., :114:Yec,3%
10 quick selling household .neeessitico,
li,epeat orders assured. "WriLe tor par-
tIooirtollrztxtse:..for, sole agencyy
, in ouw r to:7
T. , to
Patricia Pieducts, 868 EirOwilivie•
belting, pulleys, saws, cable,hose,packIng,
etc;, shipped aubjeci to ariCroval at loweati
prices in Canada. YORK BELTING
116 YORE, saittonT, rd'ORONTO.
We can sing -away' Our cares easiee
than. wo Can, , reason them. away.—.,
minard's L1clmeat lor Olsten-intr.;
dixiieriows; Ploneor Dog M314041103
' BOolt on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any .A..d.=
dress, by the, A.uthor.
1. -C114y Glovex,, 06., zne.
118 -West 31st Street
New Ylo7ICA 114,.S0,‘,
Slumber Shins
Wide sails in. shadow move before the
From far-off harbors where the
• winds are low,
And fragrance floods white beach anal
T 11We sheebrilierueealtilhac
ilas : G
11.1.111-a °abe rradsahiep sittlhoaligago.tonc
were ours
When we were little children:, aild
from fax
hey brought us dreams "like °relied.
"bales of flowers—
ach ship whose mast -light was an
early star.
Oh, have you bowed abore a child that
And caught the sweetness of thoae
cargoes sent
.WlLit shadowed sails moved on the
starry deeps?
If SG, cattle back the. °idea wonder-
Anil you have Whispered, Tay the
dreams colne true."
Even as some one whispered over you,
Animal Weath.er Prophets
Before a rains,torin a cat usually
washes 11-5 face, why? S0 6 claim
that the atmosphere excites the eloo,-,
in the country. I-lorseS, cows, sheep,
One need seldoni fear getting wet
llorth-wet. If is -cat waft long e;:ioligh
liog,s. • dogs—all r evince certain pe-
sall -with their batilizs f.treaed to the
dild see a 'flock s,heep ill, a corner,
itliarities before a940010. Dogs bury
le down; 'togs grunt.
ott fLtel a wiud blow lip front that,.
S,onie day- you luny walif Into n field
ones; 1.1Liget Li.tid neigh; cows,
washing heis.elf,
for' 1ici
2311Stora0: SOre Peet, ,
Dsrriliag and Acta:tar reet.
At ter a nara, d.ay's sr,'k or a 'Long' tramp,
and your Iet;1 are completely used up,
bathe Itot. Witter, theta
'well with alLNAtio'S LINIMENT, • -11
will relio),4o you.. asid .-3:„Tou 'will never be
t it bo ttle. '
ITTLE aches grow into big pains
unless warded off by an aordica-
tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism.4
neuralgia, stiff joints, lmue back won'tl
fig,ht long against Sloan's Liniment,
Fax more than forty years Sloan'
Liniment has helped thousands, the
vorld over. You won't be an excep.
tion. It certainly does produce results.
It penetrates without rubbing, KeeP
this old family friend always handy
for instant use. Ask your neighbor, ,
At all clruggists-35c, 70c, $I.40,
Made in cantata.
If Headachy, Bilious
r Stomach is Bad,
Take "Casc9,rets"
laci,01:h:etmrapicztt:ii.,t-Lit:se::::inii,iiii,ba:rt:oerP,:•:‘,.,,id,13.,,,,,,liiivae:sil a, t1,1:, t,el.
lion,. foul gases, , bad brea.t.1.1,' jkellow
geste d toed,' vs-11Tel' scum a,M1 ferments,
-•`''' i .144"4.6el's a-1"I'll.PT(I`Iu'iu t.,'''''pin.
prst stop •- to Untold. MiserY-.-indiges-
Wirth, ev•ery thing that ils.gisiceckyeauldiarg,,co,
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QL in ),7c,q.,. 3,e..p.,,
They ..t. , , ,
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wan net long till the rash began ,t,
disaPperir, and I useit tlifee'caltes g,
ne tt,mir
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4 14