HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-2, Page 8Watch for ter,rt' , Annual ,I REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS WILL BE FOUND ON OUR TABLES AT GREATLY. REDUCED PRICES Ladies' Coats and Furs Every Ladies' and. Misses' Winter Coat must be sold regardless of price. You can surely;'save dollars,"" by buying an tip -to -date Coat, or a nice Set of Ours now; also odd Muffs and Stoles. Pure Wool Serges ,Ladies' satire wool Serges in Navy Blue; Brown,' Green, Grey and Black in remnants for Dresses, Skirts, Waists or ends for Children's Dress at exactly half price. Cotton Stockings Ladies' and Children's Stockings, black only, in the plain or fine ribbed, 25e per pair, or 4 pairs for 95c. ew Spring Ginghams Our first shipment of spring goods are now in stock. See our full range of new Gingham in the very latest patterns and colors. Grocery Specials Be sure and visit our grocery clepartnnent when groceries at the lowest prices. ,HIGHEST, PRICES PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. in want of fresh Stew rt The Leading Furniture Dealer Funeral Director and Embalmer Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO .FUNERAL DIRECTING FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND UP- TO -DATE EQTJIPMENT INER OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W ':1 Fe'bruary Sale Down, Down, Down go prices ,e want _to .reduce our stock. 100 Cups and Saucers,: regular 35d, novs Look! ..59c 50 Cream Jugs,'regulan .50c,' now ' : " ..39c Butter Tubs, regular 75c and $1.00, now 49c.: NEW CHOCOLATES' 39c POUND NEW: CHOCOLATE BARS ' ONE SWELL CABINET GRAPHOPHONB.,..NEW, .6 RECORDS $10:0.00 Powell's Bazaar MUSIC EVERY DAY. GLAD TO SEE YOU. COME. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders for the rent of the grounds of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be received by the Sec- retary on or before the 15th day of February. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All envelopes. should' be addressed "Tenders for Fair grounds" R. G. SELDON, Secretary Liberal Meeting TO THE :LIBERALS OF SOUTH HURON A meeting of Liberals will be held in the Hensall Town Hall on Satur- day, Feb. 11 t at 2.30 p. m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to at- tend the convention inh Toronto, at which a Liberal leader for the Prov- ince will be selected. LOST -On Sunday, Jan. 29, on Main St. a gentleman's lined kid glove. Finder please leave at Times Office. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made knows on •application. Stray AniinaIs-One insertion 60c' thr e., ` e insertions 'for $1.00 Far. m or Real 1 Estate for sale 50e each in sortion Por one month of four 1oeertion. Mlssellan.eous articles of not adore z'ther( five lines, For Sale, To Relit, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Loe and. found locals 25c.. Lnral 'reading notices etc. 10c 0 per 19ita ear insert'ion. No notice lest .h ^a 2 < ir 7; 1 ,Garr df Thank s SAc- :, q'. Shy - tins nit . rales3 . for. one dins $ ortict; 0 alot' nri l�•l, : i. ,.p, 'earth . 1.11aaequent lti• 9 ! Pilin under e f u cr five Inches in length • � :; LLegal• ti , 4 t. t.isitig. °tOc' rind' Sc line. The regular sleeting of the Junior Farmers •will be held in Senior's hall Thursday, February- 9th at 8 p.m. All members are requested to be pre- sent. Arrangements are being made for a sparrow match. U. F. 0; • ME:.TING. 1 1.. U.b O. Club Meetns' w: l ' ,l be 11 .5n S nlor's Hail on Feb 11. The business session followed by en old time spelling nzatch-ladies vs, gentle- men, led by Mrs, Hiram, Shap ^.n and Mr. George' W estcott, This`tobc fol- lowed by a sing -song led by Mr, W. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. H'srar Shapton. Everybody welcome, BUSINESS GROWING Owing to our rapidly growing business, we are now located in the large brick garage on James St. just off Main. We are fully equipped with the hest machinery ' including acetyline gas welding outfit. We are prepared to repair all makes of cars and other machinery. Cars requir- ing repairs, stored free. All work guaranteed. -` Prices reasonable. A. Al.' Kernick ANNUAL MEETING USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the Usborne : and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will P .� 1 be held in the hall, Farquhar, ' Monday, Feb- ruary 611i, 1922, at 1 p. in° for the purpose 'ailss *ece:ivfng the reports of Directors and Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Di- rectors and two Auditors and for other business. The Directors whose terns of office expires,. but'•who •are :: eIigii?le for re- election are; Robert Norris r r .2nd,.„ T. s 1 =; .11E NV, . , ITI,NI3T7LL. Seorc;ta • t9,. , Farquhat,, .Tanuefy 5, ' 1022. Tr'L Market: Report --Che following 1$ the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday; Wheat,, $1,18 Oats 340 to 40c. Barley 48c to 55c. Manitoba Flour $3.9,0. Familj^ Flour $3,65 Pastry Flour $3.40 Shorts, $7.55 per cwt. )3ran,:.$1.00, per cwt. Feed flour $2.00. Creamery Butter 44c. Dairy butter 34c to 37e New laid eggs 40e Lard 16c to 19e Hogs $11.25 LOCAL ��tvw+tra® ����+ii�• Big sale of furniture at Gardiner's. Mrs. Dr. Graham is visiting friends in. Sarnia this week. Mrs. J, W. Powell has been indis- posed for a few days, Miss Olive Hern, is visiting her brother Norman, at Norwich. Miss'Nicol, of McGillivray, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mavi*son. Reeve B. W. F. Beavers returned home Saturday evening -after attend- ing the county council at Goderich. Miss Annie - Day returned Monday after visiting for several days in Toronto. Miss Jennie Harper, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tinos.. Cameron. Mr: Ed. Davis, of Forest, spent the week -end with his parents, • Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis. Mr. J. G. Stanbury is in Ottawa this week as counsel on a case in the Exchequer Court. Capt. McGillivray and Lieut. Par- nell •of the Salvation Army, spent several days in London last week. Mr. Thos. Pryde has related the house of Mr. Silas Johns on Albert St. and expects to move in shortly. Mr. Jonah Pedlar, of Petrolea, is. visiting his brother, Mr., John Pedlar and expects to remain for some time. Miss Ethel Day and a lady friend from London, spent ; the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Day. There will be skating at the Dome, rink on Saturday night only of this week on account of the hockey Matches. Mr. Wm. Edmunds has resumed his position as teller at the Molsons bank after holidayingat his home in "Thedford. Rev. Anderson, of Clinton, is'assis- ting Rev. M. J. Wilson with special services at James street Methodist church this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunsford, who have been visiting in this vicinity for several weeks, left last Friday, for Marlette, Mich:, -Mrs. John Hawkshaw has been -un- der the doctor's care for a week. Her daughter, Mrs. Livingstone, of Stratford, is in attendance upon her. Miss Winnie Essery, of Centralia, who has been visiting at-Mr.;A_ Hast- ings, for the past four weeks has .ac-. cepted a position in Mr. Joynt's'store in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs Frank . -Willis, . of Springside; Alta., who pave been vis- iting for a few days, with the former's mother, left this week for their home in the 'West. - Master Donald Gladinan,, son of Mr. _ and Mrs. F. W. Gladman, - is ill with-apendicitis. Dr. l'400re, of- Lon- don was, called in consultation with Dr. Hyndman, and performed, an op- eration on Monday. Donald is doing as well as can be expected. The Junior hockey team was at Granton Saturday afternoon and -enjoyed 'a friendly game with the Granton 'players. The Exeter team won by the nae row margin of 5 to 4. Miss Li1 Taylor °l f M G°Il s ay or, punipa o c v- ary In.owles, will hold an exhibition and sale of her oil paintings in Sen- ior's Hall, • on Feb. 10th and llth, Friday ' from 1.30 to 5, Saturday 10.30 to 4.30. •Every one invited. ANNMEETING aJ AL • The Annual meeting of the Exeter District Branch, of the Ontario Plow- man's Association was held in the Public Library, on Friday afternoon- with a goodly number in attendance. After the preliminary business and discussion was dealt with the follow- ing officers and directors, were elect- ed: President, John Allen; 1st Vice President, Enos Herdman; 2nd Vice President Wm. Turnbull; Sec'y, W. 11. Shapton; Treas., Milton Luth- er. ..Directors: M. Routley, R. D. Hunter, Mr. Jinks, Thos. Mawhinney, Oscar Klopp, Hedley May, Garnet Pass:nore; W. M. Robinson, Thos. Turnbull, B. M. Francis, Alvin Pym. Auditor: Wilbur Martin. Delegate to the Annual convention, Toronto, John Allison. Honorary members: Win. Black, M. P., Andrew Hicks, 51. P.. P., S. B. Strothers Agr. Rep; ° HOUSE TO BENZ --.;,mall frame house to rent on. Sanders street. Ap- ply to E. M. uahc R eat his harness.. shop. SEVEN AGES OF MAN First Age -Sees the Earth. Second Age =Wants it. Third Age -Starts to get it. Fourth lige-•-Decides' to be satis- fied with half, of it. T"if li t trr - gas-Leer,lne^ a still more, moderate. Sixth Age --Now content to possess ..less a six feat by. Y two feet.Stn•iri of it ,Seventh Age -----'-Gets' that'striii.' EXETER TIMES s...on.�,�.r. With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN' OHgROH Rev. Janos Foote, 33. A., Minister 10 a.in.-•-Sunday School and Bible Classes. 11 a. 01. -The Greatest Giver The Minister 7 p° in. --Decision The Minister Boy Scouts meet Friday evening 5 JAMES STREET METHODIST' CHURCH Rev, M. J. Wilson, B.A., Pastor ', 11.00 a. m. - "Two Dread Diseases"• "Myopia and, 'Hyper-Metropia" 3 p.m. -Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7. p. in.- "The Man turned , . unto. another Man" A sang service at 7 P• •nz. for a'few minutes. Come and help. Special services each evening rex- cept Saturday. • MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, 111 'A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11.00 a. nn.--"Uutil His Coming" 3 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible Classes, 7.00 p. tn.'-A Cave'Dweller' BETHANY •' 2.30 P. in. -"The Lord's' Supper" • Y. P. C.. A. Ladies only on -Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 P. M: All •members from 8to11P.M. • - Tlze fee on alley is reduced to 5: cents to• all •for the next four weeks. T1 11URS». ,Y, Ik` IRIIUAILY 2, 1022 �JIIIIIlIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNNl�!!11I114111�1IIllulNu!!!i!�{tl!lllnllllllil l` _• 1111111I��IINI�ilNl�fllul llfl�liu!lIIII�!!NlIIII�llliil SCUTCOJ. T'; BROS.OS. sPIIONE 134. ..... irst Ar Sale SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services in the Public Library,next Sunday. • 11 a.m.-Holiness meeting 7 p.m: -Salvation meeting 2.30 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible class and special sand tray' fsii. primary 'class. Cottage meeting in. North -End oil: Tuesday night. Good • glasses if ' you need blest Goodadvice if you don't. .. J. WARD, D.C., Optoinetaist EXETER FOR SAKE -Wyandotte cockerels Martin's all-star mating. Just a few, left, $2S00 •sip. Apply to . F. M. Boyle. r= ' i l9, WANTED -Men and . Women to sell to women in homes rubber -lined waterproof Gingham Aprons for use in the kitchen. - Can easily earn $14 daily ':and ' more. , Rapid' .seller. and ready. demand. Send 75 cents fox sample apron and 'full particulars. Money refunded if sample returned BRITTISH RUBBERCOMPANY, 232 :McGill Street;' MONTREAL. A.. DOLLAR; SAVED PIS A DOLLAR MADE, -SO F WHY NOT LET :. 'P. H. ELLIOTT:,„ ,, . , HELP TO' SANE YOU DOLLARS by Cleansing ,P:ressing, or Repairing your old Suits and Overcoats. If you let T. H E. have that old surf �to overhaul you . svon t Ia1ve to buy.'a new one.. :Always :at your service. SUCCESSFUL BOX':SOCIAL A box social was .held in the Triv- itt Memorial School hall on Tuesday evening under' the auspices of the L 0. L. There was a fair attendance. A good program of.rnusic and addres- ses , was given:' Following the pro- gram boxes providedby the ladies were put up for auction. About forty boxes were sold, all cf which were very attractive and some espec- nal PHONE 184. ,From . Feb. 1st to February 2th This is our first' AnnuaLSale. All winter goods must be cleared out regardless of cost " We are marking New Goods at a very low margin of pre -Is bought 'here this ;month will mean a big , saving to you .,LADIES' AND MISSES' I+UR-COL- LARED 'COATS 35.00 and $40.00 values „Sale Price, each $22.50 ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES Sale Price, each $10.95 C1 ICLDREN'a VESTS iii DRAWERS Regular 45c value Sale Price; each 25c COATES' 200. ^ YARD COTTON SPOOLS Sale, Price '4 for ,25c LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOTH COATS Last years styles,'Sale:Price ' 11.75 ALL WOOL SERGE Drown and Blue, Sale Price 85c: yd. ALL LINEN TOWELLING Sale Price per" yard 32c' 7'IN. WRITE FLANNELETTE'' Sale Price per yard 18c 40 IN. FACTORY, COTTON Sale Price per ,yard 25e SPLENDID TEA.,TOWELLIATGG ;Sale Price, per yd. 180 r Wall Papers We invite you to see our large stock of Wall Papers,ers, Last sea- son's son's papers are being offered at exactly half price. ' MEN'S SWEATER COATS' Sale Price $2.90 Men's Rubbers, best quality, ,Sale Price $1.25. Ladies' Rubbers, best quality, Sale price 95c. Ladies' Cloth Rubbers, best qual- ity, Sale Price 95c SCOTCH FINGERING YARN' Sale Price $1.35 50 pairs' Ladies' Lace and Button Shoes, Sale Price` $1.98. 50 pairs of Boys Lace and Button shoes, Sale Price $1.98. $6.00 Men's Shoes, Sale Price $3.50 Men's Blue' and White stripe Over- alls, $1.48: These Prices are Good Only for This ` Month any other lines at reduced prices.;.Don't' fail` to ca MUNN �I{I{IIIIIIIilllllllllIll' I I I{III111111111IIIIllllllillllllLlll{Illllllllll <. I�lI{IIIIII{IIIIIIIillll�lllf 1111111!l(IlIIIIIItlllhllllllillilllll{Illlllllflr Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public,Conveyancer. Solicitor' for The MolsoneBank, etc. • Invest your funds ,in Vic- tory,• Dominion :. of Canada, Provincial` and Municipal ' Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds.: - At existing prices, from '6 -per cent- to :7 -per cent- can. be obtained,from these bonds. Orders received; by Money to ; loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE -- Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. wets Dray J n Baggage, . d ANYTHING YOU' HAVE TO MOVE WE MOVE IT REASONABLY l9, so. The' proeeecls were in aid of MOTOR TRUCK AND HORSE DRAY the L.O.L. orphanages. Mr, C.- W. AT YOUR SERVICE ' Robinson auctionedoff the boxes. GOOD CROWD AT MASQUERADE CARNIVAL One of the best Masquerade car- nivals .that have been held in Exeter in years was .held at the Dome rink on Friday evening of • last week. There was a good attendance. A large number were in• costume, and as we have heard . some one say,' they were a perfect scream. A. ten minute comic hockey match between the spinsters .and the bachelors fur- nished much amusement. Miss Ha- zel Laing 'won the ladies ..race and was awarded -a live white baby in the form of 'a, little white pig with a' ribbon around its neck. Miss Lain 1g had to capture e her prize 'which she did and led it' off file ..ice by the rib- bon. • The boys 'race under y 12 Was won by Geo. >Beaverd. The free-for- all race was YHardy. The prizes for the fancy' 'costumes were awarded as follows. Ladies' best fancy costume, Miss ,Margaret -Glad- man; Ladies' comic costume, Miss M; Kuntz girls' ` comic costume, S_l K. fIeanian ladies' beat 'national - cos tnc , n _. t , fills - s 111 , Varve. irJs' fan - ay costume, Hiss ;' I` Vni' lista . c.�r .rLnY,., t, �1: comic costume, T. Elliott.Tallit:Tine 1..d es or T Nowell, Geo. A'ndet AUTO LIVERY Horse,ancl Livery in Connection. agshaw & Easton STOCKMEN LISTEN We have for sale ure -cane feed eed Molases, 22c a gallon; 21c in five ,barrel lots, bbls. free. Centralia Finers Co -Operative Co., Ltd. A. E. ' TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon 'Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 2.6w, • w3! .the Batteryis the heart of You> car. Protect it this winter. We will gladly give you free advice as to las. proper care: • W. J. Beer. FOR SALE -100 acre farm, Iot 6, con. 12, Hibbert, ninety acres cleared balance sugar bush. Large a,n ge hail; barn, silo, water works in stable; shed,1irict Itouse, never -fail- ing spring in bush school ool on ,farm. Ten. .. Ten acmes wheat, fall '.w" t p o plowing tlGtne. Andrew v Apply An Christie, Ont. nary Sale `ock-taking Bargains for January and February A man and his tailor should be as close friends as' a man and his doctor or his ' lawyer, or even his pastor. For well made well fitting clothes do constitute a most important part,. of a man's equipment in the business professional kn ssional .and social world to -day. '.Our tailoring will give you, an air of distinction in any company. w A M Ar PHONE 8`I a Big sale of furniture at Gardiner's. CLU73BING LIST. Exeter Times 1.50 a year; $2 $ s .x1,.4,...00 to the United States. T;iines and Toronto. Globe $6.25 Times and -Mail & Empire. ..,,.6.25 Times and London Advertiser 6.25 Tunes and London: Free Press' 6.25 Times. and Toronto Star 6.25 Tinies and Farmer's Ad vocate 3:00 Times & Family Herald & W.S. 3.40 Times and Montreal Witness 3.05 Thies and Farmers Sun 2.90 Times and, Ghristiu air Guardian 3:40 Times and Canadian Farn12.90 Times & Canadian Coitutrynlan 2,90 Times and Presbyterian 1.90 The above ,publications may be obtained by Times subscribers in any combination, the pirce for any pub- lication' beingthe ze figure g n. ivo:.le;:s r :�t- , ,1-e1.1e,.,o e iting thef� rice o iris n e Ti m S.. These prices ares for ad dresses in r"anada or'Great'1Jrittin. New iron "pumps and fittings in stock. Iron or wood pumps repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, ERflTER Phone 115. DR, JOHN WARD Chir, Chiropractic & Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Ncryous Diseases. Spectacles Scientifically fitted. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and by anointment. OfliY appointment, Office-williazri and Sanders Sts. Phone 43. Ca ochrane ac�ne li . .. . wors Cylinders re-ground,and•]'ixigs! and pistons, f't,fed,,s • ° Grinder PIates re -ground •