HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-2-2, Page 7Armatettby Bolshevi .KEEP LITTLE 0 A. vivid picture of the terrors of life i il ., metier the Bolshevisk rule in the early - iii OhYs of Leiiiii.4 iiiiie qq-lotzki le given by Miss Janet Jeffery, who Was Mien ,an Einglieh governess to a Ruesian One eyening, she slitys as we were eittirug round the same -vans trying to take the best of our carrot "tea" end gte forget our wre,bchedneset, two. Reds tramped in, and 'teak away Prhic,ess Sroneanov, scitlient sennuelnas allowing her to put on a wrap. The Prinoese ^Meetehersky and I tried to keep up a pretense of cheerful -1 nesS; but it „was, hard to' do it When ' the children, fearful ot the Red Terror, weuld sereaixz w1th lJread In the darlc Ileum, And there was no ,room for pre- tense at all whea, on the night after Prince,se Tonearioirs arrest, Peincess Mestchersky came to- my bedside and told inc that heist:urea Would be next. She said she had mode her will and left mo guardian for her children. wanted to crYar but I triecl to look craze instead. "Weat on earth will I do with, four childrea?" I asked. "Take them, td'England and educate them. I give them ,t0 )''011." ' The next to be arrested was not the p.rineeets, but myse11! It wee' for diet:. playing on the wall 'of my bedroom. a Union Jack handkerchief, which the , tittle dandified Delleheeciet adjUtant. tore down after I had refused: to 're- move it. When he had swaggered Cto.rtb. I put it up again and went on with the lesson he had interrupted. I Look it lightly, but the next clay in he etrutted again, and„ when lie saw my colors flying anoe more he air:Least ex- gleaed with rage. He blew liis whistle end in rusehed the , guards—fceue of them, "Arrest the Englisliwoman!" he yelled at the teup of his voice, and they eeaeizen nee roughly. ' I remember the leo:reified look of the ntrincese, as they marched me through the. drawing -room. The end had come I thougtt. It would have done no good to kick or to sieream; one small woman could, no,t da much againet e, f our big Bolshevik -1 who held her like ^vinee. They took me out of the house, %- Winter is „a dangerous atea.son. LOT 0 0e, S 1 ( 13 reso 90 changeable—one day bright, the next °old apd ettermy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exeretse they need eo much. In consequence they nre often cooped up in overheated, easily venti. lated rooms:and, are soon, sedated with 00 1(15 OT r1po. Wht 15:ned keep the little ones well is. Baby's Own Tablets. They w51I regulate the stern - act and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use •the baby will be able to get 'over the winter geneh in per. feetsafety, The' Tablets, are sold by medicine dealers OT by mail at 25 cts. a. box from The Dr, Medi- cine Ca., 13rockviele, Ont. 1!3ote Fate In Fact, Pat Murphy was a great favorite the works. Even the master would sometimes ettop and crack, a joke with him. ' One clay the boss met Pat. "'Morning, Pat!" he said. " 1 hear that' lately you've taken quite a fancy for the girls,' Pat blushed and sniggered. "Have you not met your fate yet?" asked the master. ' "Sure and begorrah, sir," exclaimed Pat sadly, "I met one of her father's fate last noight." . Grasp the first opportunity,it , Might be your last, Minar'd's Liniment for Distemper. An ,F.el .RIAKKAT, '$2500' FOR AT The market suPplY of fuele in Austria e and Czecho-Slowaltia ts furaishedeto a 4 Large extent OM '17 end$ J wilaoll the fishes• are bred, no artiheial hatching being necessary. Such ponds •yield InOPS, as reguI a and satisfactory as Wcirtai areas of the best agricultural land. In many ponds eels are grown Fish- es of that kind, breed lu the ocean, and sO it is necessary to buy the young ones in quantity, "planting" them in the ponds aad feeding them with re- 'fiiSe until they .are big enough to he marketable. The little eels used for planting are nrostlY• imported from France and Italy. In Our own country the streaftre in early spring swarn with little eeis running up from the sea, and, if • We were' 10: adopt the practice of planting, therri in ponds, allowing them to grow, they' would afford an important and Valuable eontribution to our food sup- ply. One for the Scot. A portly old gentleman, laden with a travelling -rug anti: several bags, was endeaVoring 16 make a dignified exit Loom 'a 'aroSeded railway carriage. ' At the deAr, however, he stumbled on the pet corn of a brawny Scot. ."lioote, eteobee, moat" groaned the latter,' "Canna ye look whaur ye're gain'? H0(4, -toot, nema, hoot!" Atter he had slammed the, doer be- hind him the overburdened traveller put leis bead through the window. ' yersolf!" re torted. "I'm a traveller, not a motor -car!" CAN YOU 'WRITE ONE? Thi▪ rteen Prizes to be Awarded b a Letter Writing Competitien. Some years ago the er. Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockville, OM, 6r - fared a series of n'izes to re -idents of • bho Province of Ontario for the best lettors describing the benefits derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pala either in, the case of the -writer Wins Essay Competi Several inembere vine Troop recently essay Contest 'for p the Scoutmaster, A lirst prize was won second form of the tieee, aged 16, whos VU 1f1 tion 00 Scouting. at the let Broele competed in an rizes (ionated by by a pupit Iti th Collegiate insti- e name is no t di- , j, of the 'letter, or some mesnoer 01 incWith regard to the essentials of an writer's family. I-fund:trade of letters ; A -One -Scout, the winning essay reads were sae/fluted in this" compeftiit,on,, in part as fatows,: and yet there innet have b een "An A -One -Scout is always prepared. ands of other users of the pills who I -le is ready for anytning and he tries dldnotavail t henurllee of eop- to tie `tottgliestdifculties witn portunityiowinaprzToall smile an,other letter Writing 'somPet-Ition is; "Ile is thorough in his Scout Tests offered. 'Ihere are • ,thenesands who and tries hard to become a King's have experieneed great benefit from Szeut. He is a gead signaller arid the use f Di, Williarn,s1 1)ini Pls ' baadager, 1 -le is careful to learn to ot whose cases have never been reported. tie all the knots, Quickly. With prac- These will furnish the material for the tics the' Scout ' becemes a good cook letters to be written ia this contest, end he is often to be found getting his There is no demandarpon the imagine- . mother's breakfas,t or supper. He also tion; every letter must d.eal with facts GMreeps his bedroom and in many other and facts only. The Prizes.. The Dr. Willearns'elVIedicine Co., of Brockville, Ont., will award a prize of $25.00 fer the best letter received on or betore the 15th day ot February, 1922, from residents ot the Proviace ar Ontario on the subject: "Why I lIallifshearbed %success id wholIel-heart- Recommend Dr. Williams'-Pials Pills." ed failure. ' A pnize of $10.00 will be awarded for, the second best letter' receiVeS; a HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. 3. 3. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spa.clina House, Spadins Cres ce at. Toronto. • .and we were at the gate when our Rus- When we speak of tuberculosis, the case of tubercuiosie .childeen due to sten amid came running after us and tendency is to think only of the tea.. the bovine type of tubercle is caused ,bogan to talk with the adjutant. And m actually persuaded him to- let inc an kiwi. or rather the effect a the iblra y.odriinsrladeallttged,Inglleattieto.r is daaniryy vistrrood:ocitaTs ebe :go! I think she explained that since disease on people that we may know reason necessary for pasteurizing I was English I did not realize the OT have seen. It is important, however, milk and, thus destroying any germs enajeety of Delstevism to remember that some anhuals, as of tuberculosis or other diseases that well as men tan& women, contrit inew contain' ? act the sesee of tabercu ems, and: are able to transmit it to human beings. m FOT ins tae, the average man or wo- man does not yet realize .suifficiently the dangens arising from impuremilk, tra-nsmitted tie birds and that is with else there would be universal pas- reglard to true domestic parrot. This eurization, that is, heating the milk bis:d being usualaly kept as a pet and to about 142 deg: F. f or half en hour. Oftentimes to amuse and be company Cattle are very Cable to contract the Dar invalids, is liable to become infect - disease and, dairy cows thus affecteS ed through the patients coughing, giv- often give •milk containing the live ing it scraps of bread. out of their genre mal,4744 sq imporeant mouths, etc, etc. In this, way, the to pasteurize the milk where the Parrot ill itlien oalrld.ltrauSlinit ths. hlds herds have not been tested far any /Ilan type of tuberculosis to other such disease, ,or -where the origin of- Peopate with whom it came in. intimate the milk supply is uneerba,in. Mothere ounteet. Of course the birdie in a are now beginning to realize the dart- zoo or artetery eametimes contract tub - •gene of impure milk and so from slim- onoulosie; *like bhe avian. type Spider Silk Woven by 4 Clever achine. Frcm time to time the ingenuity of ;scion:teats has been exercised with a -view of devising a substitute for the &ilk we rmes peednet to find another in- aeet that will produce something very eetneese at a lower east. is an Old idea ,ehat the spider Silleight emploe-ed in. this way. The problem has ever been how to obtain a atilt:latent quantity at the spider thread and how to find it without breaking -as' tangling. • , A Frenchman. named Oacbot har- nest:led a spider to a ma.chine of his o-wn iavention. The machine contain- , ed tiny bobbins that revolved con- stantly. The thread was wound as the spider spun it, not after it had been made. The end of the web, which was attached, to the body of the spider, was caught and fa.stened firmly -to a bobbin. Then the machine was gently put in motion. The spider, finding that his web reeled away, apparently at its 'own volition, n.aturally pulled in the opposite direction to get away. But, •lt is said, Cachot found to his great de- light that the spider did not pull with sufficient tome to break the thread, but actu.ally seemed to enjoy the pre- st ease, maintaining just enough tension be keep the web in continual mattes. Many spiders, were tried in. this way, and at last a stufticherut quantity of their product was obtained to be woven into a fabric. Tilts, it is alleged, was superior to natural silk in tenuity, ele s ticity and tena,city. But dresses of spider web are still beyond tlee reach of any save the very • rich, A species ot Madagascar spider la the •only one that supplibe the right _sort, Of thread. Size for size, this ^ spider's thread le tougner than bar Iran. The Frencheian who. con,ducted these interesting experiments stated that, another advantage of the spider as a producer of silk ie that, having been emptied 01 its, web, it can be fed and petted back bo condition, when it will submit to another reeling with- out sth,awin,g ellI effecta. WInter Sports. Middle-aged or even elderly persons edcl not b e ashamed to find-ithemselves playing olitlel4r,errst games on the ice or In. the snow. Tag, leapfrog and prison- er's base are in no way unsuited to those who have kept the spirit of youth, especially when the setting is a frosty, sparkling midwinter morning, an oven field with long drifts' of snow, • a half dozen older folk and AS many engea ()nee Out diSCOVer b110 din illIterecte between warming the blood in. healthful exercise and torpidly hug- ging a fire in the chimney oorner. A. picture of the Itoek of Oihraltar would .took like any little eliff unless there 'were a ship at the base. The only erictserw ies hich leave no 'regret are those which are gained over igeoranece, Edgar Intecien Larkin bhp Scientist, 511115 the -Venal), hatilliVecLort. the earth, acee'ealeng to the 'anclent reenaine Which 'hate plieeea teal4P, ile400006 rear, 13irds ,deveIop tubercuriosis„ hut this type is not transmitted to hurnans. There is one unusual and interesting ume in which human tuberculosis is ways keeps it in order. He keens him- self clean and neat. leis boots and collars are always clean, 'If disease knocks at his door, the good Scout resists it, for he has forti- fied his betty by healthy sports, by eat- ing wholesome food and by clean liv- ing. Should he have to earn his own living while still young he can readily secure a good h position ,because e is olean and neat in. appearanee, polite prize of $5.00 fer the third best letter to leas elders, and skillful with his and ten prizes or $2.00 each for the hands or pen. next best tem letters. "The good Scout is popular with. all, The Conditions. but he `toadies? to none. Ile is a gentleman and he is always courteous If you are describing the benefits, especially to ladies. He is kind to , you have derived in your own case, or his parents and tries never to d:o any - that of sone otter member of your thing that -would grieve his 'mother. family, the •syneptonie ot the illness should be fully described, and the let- ter signed with the full name and cor- ieet post office address of the person sterudtng it in. If the case relates to some person other thaa the writer of the letter, it must also be eigned by the pereon whose case is described, as a guarantee of the truth:, of the state,- mente made. The writer of eaoh letter must give .tb.e name and date eof the paper in which he or she saw this announce- ment. Fln,e writing will not win a prize un- less you have a good oase to destcribe. The strength of the reeommendation an•d not th,e style of -the letter will be the basis of the awaa•d. It is understood that The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co. shall have the right to publish any letter entered in this contest, it they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. This contest Syill'elosie on February mer restores we often get inquiries eseballar to birdie, 'and is net believed from mothers asking if all the milk, to. be transmissible to human beings. eapeeially that for the children, 'Shotelki' However, in the case of sick parrots, be bailed,. It is a wise inquiry-, atkl shows an intelligent • i-nterest, for there is no doubt that all milk except what is "certified," should be pis- beutrized: before use. • That there. is real danger of milk containing tuber- culosis germs and infeet.ing c1ii14en. 'is shown by reeard's in which 60 per cent,. of the.gilland tuberculiesis, 70 per cent. of the abdominal tubereulos,is and 25 per cent. of the general tuber- culosie in children is due to bovine lore that lead day arrives. It will have to be by the "toeoperation of everybody—ptatient and public alike, and by a strict observance of all rules of heath. as well as personal and conanunity hygiene. one should be on hes guard. This terrible scourge, tuberculosis, le now being fought in civilized' 1001.121- trias wherever it makes evie appear- ance. In mainly places, the dleath-rate fram this, disease has been reduced: by half during the peat decade and op- timists, are confident that it cen, be almost entirely- elimin,atecla There will have to be an: enormous amount of public health education done yet, be - tubercle bacilli,. By "bovine" is meant the particular kindl of the bacillusthat affeebs cattle and is therefore . con- veYed through the milk. It is a'polin,t worth noting that ,practleally every You w uldn't put "to run a foot race , • Then why load up on handicaps for the day's work? A good deal of food, unwisely chosen„ does weigh the body down and clog the digestion, and dull the brain, n hobbles Why put on the 'hobbles? • Grape -Nuts is a breakfast or lunch- time dish for those who want food effi- ciency, and mind and body efficiency. Grape -Nuts satisfies and nourishes. It delights the taste, It is ready to serve whenever 3rou are ready to eat., And it digests easily, quicIdy and completely— ileaving no handicap of heaviness and drowsiness. Grape -Nuts is the food for health • and action. •"There's a eason" Made by Canadian Postum Cera! Co., E..td,, Wmadsor Oue, Sold by good grocers ocerOcre tee- enee-nre ,e•-eneneneeeneetteseetaweeetteeteeetre•„ 15; 1.0-21, and the fitiireLS Wilif4bettwarcl- , ed as soon as, possible thtereafter. • Do notictelay. Itisrite your letter 1.10,W. Ob- serve' the above conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown. out. Address all letters as follows,: The Or, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Letter Contest Department. Your G.. and You. One divisien of the museum was given over te strange gods of the heathen. Some were no larger than. your thumb; • others stood ten feet high.. Some were ludiciouts,,' some were flantastic; some were hideous. Every one was 'made more or less after the fashron of a human being, but they were poor things compared with real Eye flesh a-nd. blood. In short, the gods were infinitely lower 'than their =kens and worshipers. • After spending an hourn there, the visitor went back to his train; but all through the day he could see the gods in the museura. The difference be- tween. the heathen and the Cihrietian religion, he reflected, ie this: The god of the, heathen le lower than the wor- shipper himself and drags him farther and farther down. The Christian God is infinitely higher than Man, and as man worships, Him he Is lifted up until he grows into his image. It it the heathen only, he asked himself then, that makes, his own. god and worships unworthy things? Do, notesome of us do what we thi:nit is unworethy even in the heathen? Do we not make gods of money and of pleasure and of position and of praise? Do we not make a god of self? And when we make a god ot self, Is it not always, the lower Self to whirl we do reverence? When We make steeh things our goal Itt life we give them a place that they ought not to have, and they gain an influence, over US thlat we as children. ot Cred ought never to allow them to gain. • Doubie Keyboard in Piano Simplifies the Fingering. By a rearrangement of the convert- tional piano keyboard several attempts have been made to make the fingering e•,telier. One of the most recent is a double keyboard, the production of A Belgian in.ventor. It simplifies the study of the piano, and at the sante time makes possible a wider range of scale combinations and harmonics. The upper key IS a half tone above the lower one. On the new keyboard the same fingering is used to play- the nia- Toothache Neuralgia' jar and Minor scales, Modern piano — . • L i tal acne umaago compositions are easier to play, and tho new keyboard permits the crea- ition of many new effects and combine - tions that would be imposokble on the conventional kvb caul, In his spoets as well as at school or at work be tries to excel. He is nee- -Sul around the house or camp, for he obeys all the Scouts Laves, the third of which is 'A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others.' The Scout is a very great friend to animals and birds and generally has a few pets of his OWIL This, however, does not keep 'him from qualifying for his Marksman's Badge, though he never shoots at an insectivorous bird. In this, he realizes that the Scout who cannot shoot straight with a rifle is not prepared for any emergency. "It soon becomes a habit for the true Scout to do bis 'good turn' every day. It also is a habit of bis to try and improve his spe,ech, to rid it of bad English a,nd of swearing. In spite of all these thengs an A -One -Scout is no isissie.' He is `loads' of fun, is fuE of pranks, and is always ready for a good joke." "Caicarets" To -night • for Liver, Bowels • You're billow! You are headachy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upset. No wonde.r you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Oascansts" to -night to cleanse the stoma:ch of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excessbile train the liver and oarry out of the system all the constipated poison in the bowelst. Get a 10 -cent box now and let "Casearets" straighten. you out by morning. 11 Plain Facts for Stomach Sufferers i} Digested food makes us strong, vigorous, healthy. Dyspeptics are invariably weak and ailing. All 1:1 they need to make them strong and well is the power to digest food, and that is just what Mother Ell Seigel's Syrup gives. It helps the stomach, liver and bowels to do their work efficiently. Sold in SOc. and $1.00 bottles in drug 1:1 stores. feral What a remarkable phIlosophy o Ere for one so young. And yet he is but one of a hest of other Spouts whe have been taught this wonderful con- ception of right hiving jo s1 ito pure simPlieitY. Can you suggest a better System of right living other than this And it you believe what this A -OP -o - Scout has toad you, why is your boy trot a Boy Scout? If you are con- vinced that the Boy, Scout 111overnent can do so much for oth.ers, and we feel .eure that you ere eo cc vlxuansl, whY do. yorn-• not show ,your intereet in Seoutieg? Is it not abouttime that you began to eueourage your boy to be a nlan? • Planting Youth. He who plants a tree He plants youth; Vigor won for, ce-aturiee, 111ntoottle; Life of time, that bunt e eternity! Boughs their strength unman New shoots every year On old grcewehs appear. Thou shalt teaeh the ages, sturdy tree, Y,ortreh of soul is immortality. —Lucy Larcem., MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollar,e oosts three cents. In Petrograd, the once famous capital of Ruesia, tea and coffee new sell for 110,000 rublee a pound. Be - or the world war a rouble was. worth 51 cents. Minaret's Liniment for Garet 0, Comm When a wind-storrn swe-eps the for- est, it is the weakened treese • those with rotten .hearts,, that fall, — ACHES AND P SL1AN'S GETS TIVI VOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of pain., Linie ment handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the aching part. Sloan's innament penetrates vdthoutrubbing. Fine, too, for rheuinatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and strains, stiffjobats, Same back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy„ Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70,p, $1.40. Made in Canada. 9 A1agt2It2nmaaeatZMISZ3,P, Mother! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Your little one will love the "fruity" ta.ste of "California, Fig Syrup" even if constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish, or full of cold. A teaspoonful never fails to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it seorles all the solo bile, and undigested food out of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know' a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has direction.e for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" OT you may get an imitation, fig syrup. COARSE SALT LAN D'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO eemerieess 'Pioneer Moog /12,Eanattilos • Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any eed• (tress by the Author. szt. May Mover Co., no, 118 Went 81st Street New York, U.S.A. WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin, Unless you see the natne "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Acc6p1; only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Neuritis Pahl, yvt)1n Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Abe bottles of 24 and 100---Lettageleee, AtiolvIn la tho trade mark (rogietered In Canada) et, Bayer Manufacture ,at 33tena- acetto4elde5er of 8alieylleae1d, • 'While 11 lo well known that A.spitin moan* Bayer ' manufacture, to a Saint the ramie against ientantorte, the raitene Of Bayor ComPanY 5111 be oto.Mped with their general trade 31347k 111 "a PATRICK J. HALEY, Syracuse, N.Y. "I'm feeling like a new man since Tanlac soothed and toned up nie- stom- ach and for ,the first time In forty years can eat at hearty meal arS suffer no distress afterwards," was the re- markable s, etatement of Patrick 3. Haley, 107 Prospect Ave., Syracuse, N.Y., a well-known iron and steel work- er. "Only those who have had stomack trouble in a bad form can know what 1 suffered during all those years. was almost a nervous, wreck, too, and for years I didn't know what it was to -get a good aoun^d sleep at night , "I got new life and energy from each dose of Ta,nlac and no -w inn a well arid happy matt instead of a sioli and miserable one, as I was for so many years. 111 vouch for the merit of Tan - lac at any time." Tannac is eold by leading druggists every -where. Advt. Classified Advertisement). Art ANADIAN MATRIMONIAL 2.5c, No other fee, A. McCreary, t_ma,tham, Ont. .BEL11NG FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF NEV4/4 AND USED betting, pulleys, saivs, cable,hose,pack[mr, eto., EhiP0ed subject to approval at 10 wes: prices in Canada. YORK BELTING 0.0. 3,15 YORK. STREET, TORONTO. , One of the best known guides in Nova Scatia, gives this testimonial of MINARD'S LINI1VIENT: Have used Minaret's Liniment in my home, hunting and lumber ca,mr,e, for years, and oorusider it the best white liniraerut on the market. I fincl that it gives quick relief to, minor euilments,„ eud1i ae sprains; bruises and. all kinda a wounds. Abso, it is a great remedy for coughs, colds., etc. whiclh one is liable to catch when lag- drivin,g and cruising during the winter and spring months- • I would not be without MINARD'S LINIMENT and cannot re- commend it too highly, (Signed) • Ellison Gray. THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT aessaeveseaseessaaseee.a.aseestee,....ease, "I) anderine" cos', s only 35 cents a bottle. One application ends all dandruff,. stops itching and faihn:g hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your bane It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous'and easy to do up. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks uset when you see new hair—flne anel, downy at first—yea-- butreally • new hair growing all over tile scalp. "Dander - hie" is to the hair what fresh showers of vain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorate.; arid strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded hair to grow tong, thick, heavy and lux.-uriant. al AO Soothing and cooling for baby's) tender gciri after a bath with Cuticura Soap, 3Jo025e, OfaithontnnadR9o. Talcota2R. Soli theeueheuttheDeininiotecanadiarinenot lkikalipLi, Limited, 884.8L'Paol R., Vfq grativol. SpillrOitiomme 5$64$ 611111i1M4 witiont "7 No. N ed!ttoo..,