HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-1-19, Page 8x TER Ti tock ..,;1 n ale R1 AINAN'1.'S OF ALL KINDS WILL BE POUND ON OUR TAD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Ladies' Coats and Furs ADS Every Ladies' and, Misses' Winter Coat must be sold regardless of price, You can surely "save (tollars" by buying an up-to-date Coat, or a. nice' Set of Furs now; also odd Muffs and Stoles. Pure Wool Serges Ladies' pure wool Serges zn Navy Blue, Brown, Groezz, Grey and Black in remnants for Dresses, Skirts, Waists or ends for Children's Dress at exactly half price. Cotton Stockings Ladies' and Children's Stockings, black only, in tb,e plain or fine ribbed, 25c per pair, or 4 pairs for 95c. New Spring Giu hams Our first shipment of spring goods are now in stock. See our full range of new Gingham in the very latest patterns and colors. Grocery Specials Be sure and visit our grocery department when in want of fresh groceries at the lowest prices. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE. Up -truth' to Furniture Stock Funeral Director & Embalmer License No• 447.. Auto Hearse and Horse Equipment 1 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W Ladies! Something New -Sta-Rite Hair Pins CELLULOID WIRE THE HAIR -PIN YOU DON'T LOSE EASY. THEY WILL STAY AND HOLD DIRECTLY AFTER THE HAIR HAS BEEN WASHED. CELLULOID—BROWN; AMBER AND GREY. WIRE—BLACK AND :BRONZE ON SALE AT Powe11's azaar MUSIC EVERY DAY. GLAD TO SEE YOU. COl\{E. ,L9`+°•H.,toarse.neet,eees,f.^sses✓;t1setat. :^eee eee.+" ere rft FOUND—In viIle, a horse have same by Usborne, near Elim - blankets Owner can proving property paying for advertising. Apply Winchelsea v e sea creamer . and MARRIED IN VANCOUVER at In St. Paul's Anglican church,. I Vancouver, 13. C., at 9 a.m., January 110th,' by the Rector, Rev. H. G. King, FOR SALE—Wyandotte cockerels Martin's all-star mating. Just a few left, $2.00 up. Apply to F. " M. Boyle. i 1 S. A; NOTES 1 The Salvation Army' services were well'attendecl last Sunday, in the Ex- eter Public Library, and much bless- ing was received by all. Major By-: sro the Divisional Commander of the Stratford Division, was in our midst and his inspiring words were enjoyed He was delighted with the Sunday Schoolin the afternoon when 46 were present, The Primary Class teacher received due commendation on her sand tray demonstrations tea- ching. In an attendance of about 80 peotrle at night, God crowned ' the clay's efforts with eleven converts. On Tuesday. night, 35 attended the Cottage meeting in the north end. A brass hand is being organized, and four boys received their first lesson last ast event n g 63OET FI HURON LIBEIiAI1 CONVENTION The annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Association, as con- stituted for both Federal and Pro- -valeta) purposes was held in the town hall, Hensall, on Tuesday afternoon of last week. There was a large re- presentation from every municipality y in the riding and a large amount of business was dealt with. ' President lehn Essery, of Centralia, occupied the chair and the speakers of the afternoon were Mayor W, II. Golding o. S0aforth, Mr, Thomas McMillan anal Me, Jo Ines Watson, Por the Dominion; organization of- t cere were chosen as follows: Presi- dent, Dr. Shaw, Clinton; vice-presi- dent, p est- dc.rit, 0, Geiger, Hensall; secretary, Ter. core th T c n 3 u Td..zsniith: Por the z i„ s r `�'civi__„za1 association the officers are '7i eetcleet John Morgan, organ,. Usborne; CChas. { enc, „tnr ,�s., Fritz, Zurich; secre- t a ecre-t;a ' T. G. hiI ” r ry S lin Iativ• g S'ucltersmitii. ,T. Procter, of :enrich will actastr- ea s r ex` for both organizations. on s. Miss Kitty Reading, of Christchurch New Zealand, and Mr. H. Freeborn Johnston, of Washington, D.C., were quietly married. From a letter received this week written by Mrs. (Rev:) Wesley E. Kerr, whose husband is pastor of the Vancouver Heights Methodist church and who is well-known here as he was pastor of the Hensall circuit in the nineties, we print tale following extract: "Miss Reading, ` after her arrival from New Zealand on the 7th inst., stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Har- per at Holly Lodge, a fine apartment one block from : St. Paul's church where the ceremony- took place. Mr. Kerr and raccepted their kind invitation to be present and arrived in good time. Promptly, at nine they walked over and we went in. The bride looked very charming in her pretty lace gown, •whish 1 shall not even attempt to decribe for you shall see it later. Leaning on the arm of Mr. Harper, brother of one of Miss Reading's most intimate friends, she walked to the altar. where Freeborn awaited her. Mr. Harper gave her away. After the ceremony we re- tired to the vestry, where Mr. Harper and Mr. Kerr signed the register. When we parted, they to Holly Lodge to prepare for their journey, 'we to make a call or two, theng o to the boat to bid them godspeed. They arrived at the boat ingood time ac- companied by the Harpers and we saw them go aboard lookinghappy Pity andfull of hope and peace. The young couple will spend P nd their honey moon in Victoria, Seattle, Salem and Sou tliern California, expecting ' to reach Exeter early in February where they Will visit the groom's s parents, before going to their home in Washington:•:• lletTZZEL WHO WAS SANTA? Mother: ; r Witbever taught you g to use that dreadful word?" Tommy: "Santa' Claus, ainnar" Mother.: "Santa Claus " 7d mny;„ Ye s m ammo'when he , fell over aai ° c iz r i' nm y heir cin on Christmas Eve.” A ritet Re) ort ;--The folleetr9alt ,e /'a ert a tile. Exeter Meeket,( Corrected. ever WedueedeY. Whesit $1,15 Oats34c to 40c. Berle" 48c to bee. Manitoba flour $4,15 Family flour $3.90 Shorts, $1,55 per cwt. Bran, $1,50 per cwt, Feed flour $2,00. Creamery better 45c. Dairy butter 34c to 37c New laid eggs 40c Lard 16cto1ec Hogs $10..25 LOCAL • ®4 0+84®d9 ®®is,..6® BOX SOCIAL. The: Loyal Orange Lodge ;will hold a Box' Soeid ,Inn `I riven Memorial S. S. Hale, Exeter, lad Monday, January 30th ;at Blain, An excellent IArey, gram., Proceeds ifor Loyal True Blue and Orange Orpthanage; Ladles in eh d to bring' boxes/. See bills. Mr. J. Stire or ExeterNorth is ill and under the doctor's care. Mr. J. Hubert Jones was in Teron- to last week on a business trip, Miss 1? earl Sanders left recently to attend business college in Stratford. Mrs. Hockey, Sr., of Ann. Street, is confined to her hone through illness. Miss K. Collins, of Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Puke. Messrs. James Jeckell and Peter Case are visiting relatives at Alma, Mich. Mrs. Inksater, of Paris, spent, the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Miss Linda 'Wiper, of Romeo Mich. is visiting her mother Mrs. W W. Walper. Flowers in bloom require about twice as much water as they do at other times. Miss Lela Gould, of London, spent the week -end `with her sister, Mrs. W. Lamport. Rev: W. G. H, McAlister' preaches anniversary sermons at Blenheim' next Sunday. d • The Exeter Sporting Club will hot their first skating party at the rink. Friday evening. Miss E.• Washburn, of Usborne spent part of the week with Mr. and. Mrs. 3. W. Powell. Mr. Wm. Snell shipped a load of cattle to the Toronto' market and° al- so a load to St. Thomas. Skating at the Dome rink Friday and Saturday,evenings. Band in at- tendance Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clarke and babe, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. A. Bowey. Mr. Heaman, of Virden, Man:, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Nel- son Baker and : other friends. Miss Lillian hay, who underwent an operation last week for appendici- tis is progressing very favorably. Mrs. Washburn, of Usborne, was called to St. Thomas, owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Atkie, Rev. M. J. Wilson will conduct Educational anniversary services at St. Marys Methodist church on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mitchell and daughter Daisy of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardiner last week. Dr. Graham has been confined to the house with a severe cold. He is improving and expects to be out in a day or so. The supper at the Y. P. C. A. has been postponed from Wednesday to Thursday evening at 6.30. A good time is expected. The OntarioLegislaturewill meet on Tuesday, February 14: The open- ing will be three weekslater than that of last year. Mr. Mervin Camnt,_ who spent the past week in Toronto attending the Rexall convention returned home on Tuesday morning. Mrs. J. J. Hodgins, of Lucan, while the Churches CAVEN FI eSl TERN O,Iii1Ti1! i Rev. aealleS > oote, 13. A. ellialleter 10 a,m,---Suuday School and Bible Classes, 11, r,,m.—"The Splendid Interiors" The Minister 7i.,n.----- P l Unconscious Influences,". The Minister 7 p.m, Friday—Boy Scouts Banquet JAWLES. STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev, M. 3, Wilson. B.A., iastor. EDUCATIONAL ANNIVERSARY'' Rev. A. J. Langford of St. Marys, ail preach next Sunday morning and evening in the interests of the Educ- ational fund. 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Classes. Good congregational and .choir sing- „ lug. A welcome ,to all. T111r $1,Alt, ,1ANtiillt 19, 1922. IIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII HINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I MIINIIIIIIIIIIIIII I + INIIIIIIINIIIIIIIII� IIIIIIIIIIIMI0II1III��I�IpIIIII1IIIIII�II SOIT.& OTT BROS. PHONE 74314. MOWN :: 1.1010. IMMO IMMO sechees 1 eeth ST. METHODIST OIHJRCR Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 aan.—Rev. A. E. Jones, of Blen- heim. 3 P. M,—Sunday School 7 ,ep.m.—Rev. A. E. Jones BETHANY 2,30 -Rev. A. E. Jones. Y. P. C. A. Ladies only on Wednesday nights from 7 to '8 P. M. All members from 8 to 11 P. M. The fee on alley is reduced to 5 cents to all for the next four weeks. A supper will be served by the Ladies of James St. Mission band on Jan. 18 at 6.30 P. M. Admission 35 cts. All members privileged to invite another. A good time expected SALVATION ARRfIYN SERVICES. Services in the Public Library next Sunday. 11 a.m.-Holiness meeting 7 p.m.—Salvation meeting 2.30 p.m. -Sunday school and Bible class and special sand tray for primary class. Cottage meeting in North End on Tuesday night. Good glasses if you need tlienm Good advice if you don't. J. WARD, D.C., Optornetitist EXETER LOST—A crank for Overland' 4. Finder rewarded by leaving at Times office. LOST—On Jan. 6, a cord tire, rim carrier and license No. 59-129. Fin- der rewarded by leaving same at Ford garage, Exeter. The Battery is the heart of you. car. Protect it this winter. We will gladly give you free advice as to its proper care. W. 3. Beer. FOR SALE -100 acre farm, lot 6, con. 12, Hibbert, ninety acres cleared balance sugar - bush. Large bank :barn, silo, water works in stable; driving shed, brick house, never -fail- ing spring inbush, school on farm. Ten acres wheat, tall plowing done. Apply Andrew Christie, Cromarty, Ont. TENDERS 'WANTED Tenders are asked for a -supply of eight double cord of two -foot wood, maple or beech, to the Thames Road Presbyterian church, to be delivered. not later than April first. All ten- ders to be in the hands of the secre- tary not later than 7 o'clock, Friday January 27th.. E. MONTEITH, Secy. returning from church slipped and U .r . 0. CLUB MELTh /G . Th2 regu'a.r meeeertg wee he fell on some ice fracturing her Ieft. arni near the wrist. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rydall and son Jack of Exeter, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. A. 011en- Bittle, Water St. South. St. Marys' Journal -Argus. Miss Emalie Hogarth, of London Normal,' daughter of S. J. Hogarth, attended the Commencement exer- cises of the High School on Friday night returning next day. Mr. W. J. Statham had a narrow escape from a serious fire in his bake shop the latter part \of last. week. Fire started from the ovens but was put out before much damage was done, Mr. Fredr C.nnniii has sold his - g.,0 acre farm on the Blanchard-Fullartop Fuilarton Totvnline to Mr. Thomas Pullen of Woodstock.—St: Marys journal Ar- gus. ,REPORT SUCCESSFUL YEAR:. The aniival meeting of the Cavell congregation was Wield on Monday evening. Mr. J. Senior occupied .'the chair. Reports were received from the different, organizations g s of: the church and showed thein to be in a flourishing condition..1 Altogether it was one of the most successful years inh t o history of the co ,gregation. The former, officers were re-elected.' The he mer • . tis e rs s ti; Mend was raised to $1800,00. ire}.d n Senior's Hall, on, Wednesday evg, Jan. 25i:h, General business and gram. Pro - ADDRESSES MEETING IN INTERESTS 01 ' 1ORTICLrB- TtTIIA I. SOCIETir Mr. Win. Hartry,, one of the Pro- vincial directors of the Horticultural society, addressed a large gathering in the Town • Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. Following a very interesting :address he showed a number of very beautiful pictures of homes and, ;surroundings • that had been beautified by shrubs and flow- ers. At the close :of the program a short business session was held by members of the newly 'organized so= ciety. '' The Society now has a fairly Y large membership and will be assur- ed of the government's, maximum grant for tate first year. It was 'de- cided to hold a regular meeting tire c ..eCond-Wednasday evening o,L each. Month. A cominittee of five were appointed for'select a. list of,renr p- iums. The objects of the society are many; to interest citleene in the l a e te P bUof 7tbwing flowers g v s general-� 13', to further tarts in terestb Y means of education throu li m g eetiitgs, liter- ature and Chows; to affor d a means of bringing new and rare vaie r ttCa' of flowers before the •- to enlist public;'tlist all flower lovers and, rowe s • g r as, a mc.m bei' s of thei ySO aso ac soc et . I t . cotnpllsh all of the above, Jein,theJ 7,Iort;culterel e'C_cty naw. rorl 1.1.111 Irma roma mama PHONE I ,a�ies' and Misses' Coats - Several very smart styles which we have marked at greatly reduced prices. 4 0 0 m0 Casts far ���.50 ; $30.00 for $18.50 LADIES' VESTS AND DRAWEIIS Turnbull's make, A niediuin weight garment, well made and ex- tra values'wat Mc per garment. NEW GINGHAMS A big range of new w .Ginghams in Canadian and English inaltos. Good patterns and fast colors. Per yard per yard 25, 30, and 35c. TURKISH TOWELLING A new epring line, same as we sold a few weeks 'ago at 35c;, new price per yard 25c. HEAVY RUBBERS AND SOCKS We sell Miner and Dominion Rub- bers and recommend these two lines. Every pair guaranteed. ' COLOIIE» TURKISH TOWELS At much lower prices. Just half what they were a year ago. Get your'supply at eacli, 30c, 40c & 50c CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS A beautiful circular cotton, ' fine extra weave and good weight in 40, 42, and 44 'inch widths at 500 k 600. per yard. JEW HE11.'111EII, HOSE FOR GIRLS Another new spring line. In one of the new shades. Allsizes at per pair 85c. SLATER SIIOES Since the drop in prices we have put in stock a good range of this popular make of shoes. Ask to see them. Southcoff ros. 110.114.. 7 Omar �111111111111111111!!lIII[IINIIIIIIIIIIIII(lIIllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111IIIIIIiIIlll(IIIIIIINIIIiIi[IIlIN!!II IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIillllllllillill I. cOCARLING'Bo L R. CARLIN B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. ( Legal .investment for Trust Funds. Atexisting, prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE— Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. Dray and Baggage ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO MOVE WE MOVE IT REASONABLY MOTOR TRUCK AND HORSE DRAY' AT YOUR SERVICE AUTO LIVERY` Horse and Livery in Connection. Ba sbaw & Easton MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the`Cor ora i p tion of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, ,Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 24th day of January, 1922. All accounts against the county must; be e in the hands of the Clerk not later” than Monday preceding the meeting of .council. G. W. I3 olman County Clerk. Goderich,' January 9, 1:922. DEBA.T1;, O,i`n to. "ill: div: n ers,tted vreinioet of s ne of the esaeenis of Exeter, rd the iotf.yat the h.rogre,esive:i;rc}al°v-e.to the best ,interests ';o1! Exeter ,^ late Li.F. O. 1•ub t..it Exeter at a. mect•.ng re- arti.lY h.'c.l:d, thought i;t Would ,be :n ih e acerest of both -Lawn eet.d su-roued3,ng couniry to• ,drebate the queseeen uin; ;s m rtt.s ansi thus bring tow' a.nd uy c'Iaser together, socially,, iinanc'al- l:y and ,•orlierwiee;'t ,• �witbat�wh'�h. ' ' the b 's i :re seels lien oil leo attah ,e . Thr subject for defbate ins ,as foPows "2. eoived •ithat the pole :et 1 y of the T'rn- gr sS vcs +" en t(he, Interest :o( the iizons /n/f Exeter and •s iirroun:d',rr Cianinten !iiy," title beet •eplrit'' ni1a, ,t p evaiil ithrcuighout. ; Three' i e ,�ri c;:� �_ �i.tiv U 10; wtfil take the atl'irtu^. ; v twlkile e' n weigLviilfj., ,.may ;tri,-ee zens of 'Ex;etler to 'take tl iga c i>r,c 'I'iv^ 'three, cit' mens ivho w'sh to `tic-. bate th.^, cuesti:o ! � ., n, with us, .;w,r3 +i1Gr: gev :p,aimes to the iha le man \;oniti'tee�ate to 1130'fixed o. f ' v l c T etc C .i led, ho .v iy e.tccc t- ed �out 'truly, WOSanidca , Gheernan, Jaiuiary Sale Stock -taking Bargains for January and February A plan and his tailor should be as close friends as a man and his doctor or his lawyer, or even bis pastor. For well made, well fitting clothes do constitute a most important part of a man's equipment in the b usiness, professional and social world to -day. Our tailoring will give you an air of distinction on in any company. TAMAN PHONE a STOCKMEN LISTEN We have for sale pure cane feed Molases, 22c a gallon; 21c in five barrel lots, bbls. free. Centralia Farmers -'Co -Operative Co,; Ltd. A DOLLAR SAVED ,cp.,A DOLLAR MADE, SO WHY NOT LET T. H. ELLIOTT IIELP TO SAVE YOii- DOLLARS by Cleaning, Pressing, or .repairing your old Suits and Overcoats. If you let T. H. E. have that old suit to overhaul you won't have, to buy a new one. Always at your service. C ,I,UI?IiI�' `aG LIST. Exeter t Times x$1.50 a year; $2.00 to the. United States•. Times Toronto Globe... v Mail Times and Ma� $ t & Empire__ Tunes and London Advertiser 6.25 Tiinee and London Free Press 6.25 Tines and Toronto Star 6.25 Times•a•nd Farmer's Advocate ::3.00 Times & Family herald & W.S. 3.40 Times and Montreal/ 'i'Uitit ease -.3.05 Tunes aucl Fa ': .,2,9900 Tares and Christian Guardian. 3.46 Times and Canadian Perm 2.90 Thies & Ca uadiall "Cot ttterynian 2.00 Times an d Presbyterian : ..... ,.: . .3.90 The above publications may be obtained by Times subrCii:, i berS'in any combination, the' tic P e for ..,tiy_lau•b•- IiCation bein...thefigure fi„ut e given, less $1.5 0, ,representing 0 . the tnc prire of The Timee These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. ftr A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office—McDonnell'sb Sales Stables on John St. Phone calls receiverom t attention. Phone 26w - New p New iron pumps and fittings' in' stock. Iron or wood pumps :repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic i I .ttc �. Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles seien:i t flcally fitted. I3ours' 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment,, Oft c— e William and Sanders Ste. Phone 43. Cochrane Machine Works Cylinder re -ground awl pistons and rings aril pistons' fitted.; Grinder lei Plates re -ground •. HOUSE FOR SAL � l�— Goad frame hoose and 1 lot situated to d on Station Street for sale; good well Wates+. stable, fruit trees, etc., on promisee. For particulars apply to Jitlitis So- kolof, Junk Dealer, l3xeter,