HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-1-19, Page 1?Duly-SEOON D YEAR No 2278 EXETER, ONT., T'HU it SDAY MORNING, JANUARY 19th, 1922 J11111111111111111i11111111111111111111111I111L11 VIiI 111111111111111111(1111111111111L11111 IiINiI1111111111Illlllllllffllllll111111111�Ifi111 i1L.�,Usborne Council t IJairlittary, Sale The municipal council elected for 1 AMONNI This week we continence our annual January Sale. ' Space will only permit us to rive a partial list of Bargains we are offering. We are P b.. P € i not Zvaiting 1111ti1 the :season is nearly over, .1)111 aregiving these big Lt(-. clnctions 110w 10.ell the goods are needed. "lead this: partial list, then come in and look around. Shoes nbbers. $ij : r .. 1 . At°ch Su orts. FP PP 300 pairs Ladies' Empress Shoes, sizes 2% to 4 only, to clear at $1.49 Ladies' high lace brown or black •E m i•ess' Shoes finest alit g p , quality y regularly $10:00 for $6 98 Ladies' high lace; fine black shoes, reg. $700to° clear at $4.98 Ladies' fine cushion sole shoe; regular 36 00� ,for ,34 49 Ladies • felt shoes ..... ......... . •••: ....,...,,.clearing at from $2.75 to $3.69 Ladies' Cozy Sippers clearing at from $1.19 to $1.93 Men'`s Fine Shoes, regular $7'00 for $4.98 Williams' best heavy Work` Shoes $ at 4.98 Metsblac - brown and black fine Slzoes re ular 10.00 fo } , g � r $6.510 Bargains in Hockey shoes, Felt Shoes and Slippers. Arch Supports' or Foot Eazers—To further introduce these lines we will sell during this sale, only, $5.00 arch supports for $3:50, and $3.50 .Foot Eazers. for $2.75: Children's Shoes -Hundreds of pairs on sale. Good shoes at low prices. Men's:and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, au Trousers etc: r Men's Overcoats;' regular $29.00 for $15 to $19 '. Men's Suits on sae at from 315 to $25. Boys' Suits, all sizes ... ..:,. ..,. $7,50 and. $8.50 Boys' Overcoats , d .38:00 to $12.00 Overalls .......... . .. . .. ........ - at $1,69 pr, • Bargains in ' Cotton Staples, Dress Goods, Ready=to.Wear: Men's Furnishings etc 36 in. heavy white Flannelelste for 25c yard. 27 in. heavy white Flanneiette for 18c a yard. 36 in. good quality, Bleached' Cotton and long cloths at 25c yard 40, 42 and 44 inch. heavy CircularPillow Cotton, very special at 48e yd.• Dress Serges—This month at nearly half price Silk -Special -36 in. heavy Pailette Silk in popular colors including black, at $1.95 yard, Ladies' Hosiery Special -25 doz. pr. plain white and black cotton hos iery, sizes 9, 9 3 , 10, to clear this month at 25c pair. Men's union Socks, 1.0 doz., very special at 25c pair. Men's extra heavy wool Socks, regulary 75c for 60c pair. Men's heavy sr eks, regular 50c pair,sale price 35e. or 3 pairs for $1.00. As well as above lines`we have hundreds of bargains oto offer in Men's and Ladies' Hosiery, Underwear, etc., Ladies' Voile- and Crepe Blouses,. Remnants, etc. Don't miss this splendid opportunity to save money. Nearly all prices will be withdrawn when sale is over. Ladies' Winter Coats, Dresses and Furs on Sale this Month at Ridiculously Low Prices • =' the Township of Usborne for the year ° 1822, met at the Township Hall, Eiiznville on January 9th as per sta- tute. The memberssubscribed to, the necessary declaration of office and took their ;places at the council Board, viz Wim `Coates, Reeve; Joe - luta Johns, James Jeckell, John Han- na and Fred Q.;.•Sttewart, Councillors. That the following salariesbe paid the municipal` officers ,for 1922: Clerk $225 and postage: Treasurer $85.00 and $5.00 for stamps; Collec- tor $75.00; Assessor 3100,00; Audi- tors, each, $10,00; Caretaker of hall $12.00; ,Reeve $70.00; Councillors, each, $60.00. That the following officers be ap- pointed:, Clerk, Hy. Strang; Treas- urer, Paul Coates; Collector, Wm. Brock; Assessor, Thos. Hunkin; auditors, Win. .Tolms and Edward N. Shier; caretaker, Geo. Kellett. School attendance officer, William Johns. Cow and dog supervisor, Wilson Hawkins. ' Boaz:d - of 'Health, -Wm. Coates chairman; M.O:H., Dr. Hyndman, J. Delbridge, Henry Strang, secy., Geo. Kellett, : sanitary inspector. Fence Viewers—Frank Down,Wel- lingtgn : Kerslake, Fred Delbridge, Amos Doupe,-• James Heywood. Pound Keepers—John Luxton, S. I untei-, Chas.il Keddy, : William R. Frayne, Hector N. Taylor, Walter Hazlewood, Thos. C Allen,, Percy. Passmore and John Shute. That the Reeve be representative for S,. l-iuron Board of Agriculture.. Tliat `.by-laws he drafted confirm- ing the appointment and fixing, salar- ies of the • several officers set forth in the above minutes. That the .auditors meet the treas- urer at the Townhsip . hall at 10 o'clock Tuesday, Jan: 17, to audit his books. A delegation from Centralia wait- ed on the council asking that their subscribers to the rural Hydro sys- tem be linked up with the Usborne system. Thecoutacil gave them en- couragement if they secured the nec- essary,; subscribers enroute. The Clerk was instructed to corres- pond with the Hydro Commission to ascertain, the, steps necessary to se- cure -a hydro radial from St. Marys, via Kirkton and: Exeter. That the following grants be made Sick 'CbiidreneS hospital, and Child- ren's Shelter, 'Goderich, each $10.00, That 7 copies of the Municipal World` be ordered together with the necessary cow tags. J3ills to the amount of $535.99 were passed and orders issued for payment of sane. Council adjourned to meet Feb. 4 1922., HENRY STRANG, Clerk, Oman 1.21110, Opsome mamma AMMO Jones 100.011 yPHOIVE 32 ..,-t-: I IIIIl1111U1111111illllllllllllllllllll111111111111111 I i I IIi I li iflll :� I Illilllllllliilllillllllllllli II 11111111111111 Ir Ali I ! 1111111111111111iI1I11111N11lI Start 1 922 with a "Time Saver' Electric Washer WASHING MACHINE : COMPLETE' WITH TUB STAND FOR $125.00 ,.LESS TUB STAND FOR $119.00.. ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE TO PLACE THIS WASHER IN YOUR HOME ON THE 1VIONTIIi Y es -PAYMENT PLAN USE ROYAL PURPLE STOCK FOODS AND REMEDIES' 60c and. $1.75;, IERI3AGEUM 50c and $1.00 .OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT SULPIIER, SALTS, ETC. 27W PHONES 27,T BORN THIEL --In Hay Tp, on January 8, to Mr. and Mrs, Wni. Thiel, a son. BLAIR—In Biddulph, on January 13 to, Mr. and Mrs. James _Blair, a son. JOHNS—In Toronto, on January 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns, a son. TIEDEMAN—At Grand .Bend, Jan. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tiede - man, a. son. TAYLOR—At Detroit,' Mich,; to Mr. and Nies, Arnold N. Taylor, a; son,' Robert -Vincent McNAUGHTON — At Cromarty on January 16, to \1r. and Mrs, Lorne .McNaughton, a daughter. CORNISH—At Lumley on January llth, to Mr, and Mrs, J. K,, Cornish a daughter, Anna Maude- • SOUTHCOTT — At Dr.' Hyndman's hospital, on January 15, to Mr: and Mrs. J. Melvin Southcott, a son, Robert Melvin: DIED RAMSAY—At Edmonton, Alta., on 1VIonday, "January 16, Clara Maud Campbell, beloved wife of Dr. Ar- thur C. Ramsay,late Leem- ing e Iz of 96 a z- ing street, Hamilton, and also of Exeter,, The remains will, be brought to Exeter for burial, in- terment on the arrival of the train LOADMAN—In Exeter, on •Itnuary 16, Nancy A. Millet, widow of. the . late James Loadman, in her 38th I Year, B4ONTI-IRON—In Toronto on San, 12' Miss K. Bonthron, formerly of IN MEMORIAL STEWART—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. William Stewart, who' sweetly passed to the Home of litany Mansions, Jan. 16, 19;21, at her home Sorauren Ave, Toronto, ' Ont, They never quite leave us, our: loved who have passed, Tlrotzgh the shadows of death to the ctinlight- above, A thousand sweet memories are holdisag them fast, To the plates they blest with their presence and love. The Family` EThTER-ZURICI£ WIN 1iNOMElEB The Exeter-Zurieh hockey team made their fourth straight win in their group on Monday night when they defeated the Clinton team by the score of 3 to 1 before a large crowd.: Clinton carne to us as the team to beat for the group ]honors but they did not prove to be as fast as they were thought to be and the result was that the home boys had it all over them. Clinton tried hard to break through the local defence but found it a real stone wall. The defence is not very ,big, eh! what! but they are right there when it conies to stopping the other fellow, and Cook in the nets is right.on'the job. ` He sure has a wonderful eye. Thc, forward line is getting down to real hockey. They sure slake' . very busy evening for the opposing goaler They keep hint in hot water from the start to the finish. They are'''play- ing more eoiiabrnation, and back check wonderfully. For Clinton McGeoch in goal and Govenlock, on defence, were the best, while every man for the locals played a star game. The game' was a little late in starting owingto one of the Clin- ton cars getting frozen up between' here and Heasall.It was 8.30 'be- fore the referee called play. It was rather a long wait for slme of the fans as they started to gather at the rink at 6.45• We hope that this de- lay will be overcome. Many of the fans, hien as well. •as °the ladies, are objecting to the smoking,for. tbe first two periods at Least. The smoke hangs over the ice and makes it difficult to see: the ends of the rink. The hard on the players. Bowman, of Preston, good game. The line 'up: Clinton Manning c e nee Govenlock Bowden Elliott: Draper Graham Dickson dei eitce cene wintrg play ht both smoke is also Referee B. handled a Exeter -Zurich. 1-ioffman. IIitzdinarah 'McKinnon 1�tnnoiz wing Siebert nab. Rebinson sub Calltas" McGeoch goal; Cook Score by .periods: first period, 2-0; second" 2-1; last 4"-0 total 8-1 for Exetem-Gtu'lch. llo;ff nla;71 • Mr. E. D. Armstrong, of Tav'stee wlio 111s spent the summer at. "hoose .Taw Saslc, rail > " �. > , t,wed ._crtuairtta.nc6a in Exeter this 'week. EXETER, IUGli SCJIOOL (Oiv111EN'CEMEN P The first annual commencement of the Exeter High School was held in the Exeter Opera House on; Friday evening last, with• Mr. F. W. Glad - man as chairman, and he filled the position in his usual. capable manner. His I 'o )ening remarks were brief but � opening he gave an interesting account of the history of the school. The chief ,speaker of the evening was Col. Walter J. Brown, of West- ern University and his address on, "Education for Citizenship" was in- terestingand instructive. The musi- cal and literary numbers of the pro- gram were given by pupils of the school and they were nisch enjoyed. They were as follows: piano • duett, Misses Mabel Johns and Helen Dig- nan; recitation, Miss Verna Walker;' Violin solo, Mr. Kenneth Stanbury; piano solo, g Miss a. Margaret Glad- I roan. The presentation of eertifica,tes and diplomas were made by Mr. E. J. Wethey, principal of the school, and were as follows: Lower School— Complete, Margaret Wethey, Carrie Davis, Harry Webb, J. Aylmer Chris- tie. Standing=G., Aurelia Anderson M. Helen Elder, L. Mary Elwortily, Gertrude B. Francis, A. Margaret Gladman, E. Kathleen Hicks, Vivian A. Ilogarth, Edith I. Hogarth, R. Russell Ratcliffe, M. Mildred Rowe, Florence M. Welsh, Violet R. White- side. Normal Entrance—Honors, 111. Emalie-Hogarth, J. Edgar Thomson; Pass, Iva M. Francis, Vera G. Hey- lvood, Mabel G. Johns, Vera I. Jones Marguerite M. Kuntz, Wm. L. Law- son, James W. Morley, and in addi- tion. a nlunber who had'standing. 3r.I Matriculation -Complete, M. Ema,lie Hogarth, A. Bruce Medd, James W. Morley, Lillian M. Walker; Standing, Clyde S. Heaman- Mr. W. G. Medd, chairmanof the Scholarship committee, preserved the following scholarships: Entrance to high school; 'May Abbott;, form 1 general proficiency, Marion Woods and Kenneth Stanbury; form 2, gen- eral proficiency, Margaret Wethey and ` Harry :Greb;• form 2, lower school, Margaret Wethey; Normal entrance, 51..Emalie Hogarth and J. Edgar Thomson. A gold medal suitably inscribed was presented to M. Emali.e IIogarth for her standing in, junior matricula- tion and Normal entrance. .The valedictory was given by Miss Einalie Hogarth, -winker of the gold medal, and it was comprehensive and well delivered. The valedictory in full will be printed in next week's issue of The Times. OPENED NEW AUTO R001"IS. On Vv ednesdny el this week \4r. T. H. Newell, ' he Gray Dort D5stributor, -tp sned his lane new',show room in Stratford. No expense has been spar sd to make' this a modern: estab ish- meat from the standpoint of appoint', 'g m pts} dusinmslluih.bs and de;.ora.tno,nst, A muvn:at. entertaihanelnt'is being , given tacit evening, and w(e are sure Mr. Newlell will be Haid, •ilo `see his Exeter trheiicls at the show rooms. He is hay, ng a convention cit ,Ns dealers on Friday. BOY SCOUTS BANQUET Exeter Troop of Boy Scouts with their ,.friends; invited especially for the occasion to the number of nearly one hundred will sit down to a ban- quet at CavenChurch on Friday eve- ning 11 7 o'clock. Commissioner Frank C. Irwin of Toronto,' will be the chief speaks:a but many of the toasts will.be taken by the boys themselves. A. special feature of the" the occasion' will be the presentation of a life-saving medal to one of the Scouts. AGED RESIDENT PASSES . SXl6l)1.J 1:.' SAtINDI.NG The following is the standing of the O. H, A. intermediate series, in Group No 14. Won Lost For Ag'st Exeter 4 0 26 •8 St. itlarys 1 2 15 15 Mitchell 1 3 12 1? Goderich 1 2- 6 11 Clinton 2 2 13 21 D1101). IN EDMONTON Word was as received in ' town > an Monday of the death of Mrs. (Dm) Arthur C. Ramsay, who died at'Ed- monton Alta., that day. Mrs. R� i Y r an say's maiden name was Clara Maud Campbell, being a daughter of Mrs. Agnes Campbell, of Exeter. MI'S. (Dr.) Lannin, of Hamilton, and Mrs. John Stewart, Edward• and Arthur Campbell, of Usborne, are sisters and brothers. The remains are being brought to Exeter• for burial and the funeral will take place from the sta- tion on their arrival here. EXETER -ZURICH WINS AT MITCHELL In a fast game of hockey, a bet- ter spectator's game than the score would indicate was played at Mit- chell on Friday evening of last week when the Exeter -Zurich team defeat- ed the Mitchell team 6 to 2. Mit- chell scored the'' first goal and this was soon tied by the visitors. The score at the end of the first period. was 2 to 1 in favor of Exeter -Zurich. The second period ended 6 to 2, there being no scoring in the last period. A large number of fans motored oaer from Exeter and Zurich.' T?I,re passel away at the home of leer dauglltiet, Mrs. Edward Treble, on, \Ioniday, Jain,uary lbih, Nancy A, 'Miller, 7711 her 88th yeas'. She was born in Markham, York Co,, in 'the year 1834. ' Her mai'r5age in her mine- :death year to.• James Loadman, took pia„e in Markham, a.fler which she and .lir husband resided in Wh e,- ehurch, to seven teen, years, afterwards 3 nusv.ng Act Huron Coui>ty, Hay y loc=n 11 0 thSre 'she resided until the death of J1aa husband th&rly years ago, a('fea which liar remaiiniing years ware spent b :ween 113^eter and TLonclo:rj Froni her ,early ";ole she, wiai a pro 111.s;i;n,g Chris Iien, a Babtnst in t le ' 7,,1, and while 5aii, London. a, member of the Talbeit 'Street 'Baph,Ist Chatela In, Ex- 1)1 1 she atten,sled the James S,t,ree;t 1V1 11i(Iest Chilrch. She leaves to. i11 )ul'n her de:ritrse,'0zrce sena and Cour aauglii'eass—Mrs. W, H. Garner 7,.•f To - 033110, Mrs, Jays Motley of Toronto, 1Irs. F. W. Go,Iltiens d1 \Ianl,i,ob r, Mrs:. 'Edward Treble, Exeter, ;Jahn., land James. sof 'Saskatchewan: and A.rth'ii" ^t \V.at1 7,g,. She lost one daughter, by rt;,a'l�h ,1Ii-s, 1-1enr•y: Co111t s of Del:, a r 1 na, 11I1n. She es also sul,vvcd by (i1v'111y-six g311io01 2,h_,slic,1t a:n02 idle Ven n7, al -,,'t rand ,.113,ldren,; " The deceased was al ,•only a ,raw iweeks,,;,.,ulfer`';ng ' itl ; paiya, '1 gcncral break ng up. the system nw_,n,g to old, age, She was ,of a br;:ghit incl "happy (1 sprasitia0 belov- ed by 'all, nd awas attended',.ti her'ust i'ln ss b}•her daughters, ;Mrs. lir I,1. Cr Ir n 1. 9111 ..bits 'Ed. 1; tb`g The I t tt- `, 1' : 13 i r. 1. a .1),"..W.2.7',2: 7.2.7 172 r(.70, "11 .t took pla reale (hell -ma er--,:\Ir e-,:\IlAld, 'Treble wr'IDI 13":1131 sh has 1)e..0 re;;r.�rl'ng i"00 i'.1 ;as1 t1v�o yell's, to,the ,1'', o• . (`.;1•- i , tcry. Al' NUA l iII+ � �1�T1 EXETJII4 AGl ICU: 01111rll'1p; Ulla annual meeting oil. the Ili Agricultural • Society .will h'e held the Town, IJa.11, Exeter,; on; Fridar,y, January 20th, 197,2, at 1.80 o'clock m. for the purpose f electing p � p o Piresident, Vice-Preside1it and Direct tors for the exsuing year 1 ,d t3 n,s, acting other imp'tirtaut cosiness. All members .and interested Pi ties should attend•tllis meeting, The Directors are particuiarly, I•$- quested' to meet, before' site annual meeting at 1 o'clock sharp, e THOS. I UNKIN fl 0..° 513LU0N "'resident Secreta,ey. Pi ECIIASdIl) DRUG 'BUSINESS 311'. Gerald Fitton of Toronto Ian ,i purchased a drugstore hii :bens 'i1z P g `l London, getting immediate posses- sion. Mr. S. Fitton, of town, and Gerald. were in London 021 7lozlda azid`. made the purchase. DI Eli IN TORONTO SIiss Katie Bonthron, a forme: r :s- ident of Exeter; died in Toroni;e on January 12. The remains „vers brought to T-Iensall on Monday, inter- ment ate" -nient in .the Rogerville center cry. Miss. Bonthron 'was 'a resident' in Exe- ter for many years and while here she made her home with, Mrs. Collins leaving here several years ago for Toronto. Mr. -Jas. Bonthronand daughter, ; Miss Georgia, and ` Miss Katie Collins, of Toronto, ac: mu panied the remains. s �uri�� January � �ebruarg .'' In order toeeP business bOorning we are going` for - offer or -offer : our entire stock of Furniture at prices that will make it go. Ali Profi.t will be Yours We haye a B:ig and a Good One Evryti at t f ; .l e„6C ices 1111111111,11_I1111llllllllllllllllllllllll.i111111i11111!'~11af41�1111;.11�lllle�111.1I��, Feed Galore Off 4.0•Vat CORN—LA ,good supply of splendid. corn and tlztl ":rice is right. OATS --.--We carry a stock of Western' Western.Cats that e have recleaned, taking' oat: the.duet, hulls and smalli seeds. These we are selling one a very narrow' margin. 511161) OATS—We are negotiating tor .-"Xestern' Seed Oats h c and will Itia� e thein he early: See �u., before Purchasing. IIEIIT PULL'----Trj?:: our Sugar Beet Pulp tt l l and, will; please You. Olte .11 ton1.. It, )s good feed; osier:took. five bHl.):E1LTNO.S—Wo have just uniaaderl;a car of t!liddliiir it is a choice teed. Try some. 0)1 CAE, —1f your have never fed. Oil Cake try some. for your milc11 co1S, pigs, jinn fact, all yotiir stock:. E--- :IzRNIst3-<ih Sixty per ,cet-1, IIIote„X.. ;First the ,staff ',tt, push those' pigs along, atilt FEE)) ---ll is going out as fast as we, make it, ��. {�. '..'q,F .., �,�II t.. ,•.q % F: „�ii1i141IIi11IIi111iiri1 lili�:.t31 1�11f i n 111111 Wry