HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-1-12, Page 3FI Chci nese 'Tar State, Fr *With4. nited - L („Ji iplirtarifle(Peet k .dea-P.L.t.tch W--k"-t'440Pe, Tlui naor To:ark:ad the pro -gross a the.' arairts'oce -ierence On , .1-The--.Japaiie.so dologa,tvon tairied apPrListali" and - --aceentfartoe',""7".bj China' of, a:- soluttiOn 'of. -.-the Chinese in:..acCordtanCe \V th 'thie 13-Y•i.""'J'apa'n. 3'1'9f111."',‘f."he: bat, An, alea-eernent was adoPitecl „. China 'an -effective ad - Valorem YMe'' csnt. i s11 • g 00:CFS, • i-raportedfinto 'China; instead of Le five per cent. nmainall and 'three' per centi,'"effectivel.'afe no*" obtaining. ",-2L-7-Agreeinent Wa..s colicatided,by the - -United:a States, GreatBritain, .ErLince and Jathan on a Methed ptirsue,d , „ , an eXelitding the Japanese' homeland e, , ,fronn..the te i ito, a1 intelg,rity guarear. tee"Cyl the four-powor 'treaty. i1 b„( , er.accomp r,_i . iliac/tie' a. series ,et, (41iptiernatic irbteSl eleSiignedto c1adfJ • '.iiation. of /lb pact:. ROugh *.draft,s- of the notes already..have•beeneompleted, and pro red, *a:a' explained: • •-•? Roo,i, proposals to outlaw swim-lash:es as confiner ce destno.yers was wecepted by France; Japan anti Italy without reservation. The United States and !Great •Britain previcuslY had indicated their assent. ,-.-A.doptien of the resolution in the Committee on r!,!eclay oter- nani-inou 1forthb Moo malz1ng'tlie,pro7 oslitia lat,0 ve(;,s,1741- '45; -.„641 di, , , llt c, a, irf the l'arth .04 11173i , (ri .; gave their adherenee, 'FOrni- , ',a, ,410. 4.0.4. of 1)-1.ef,*.bi'-:rOblitii.ien,1:0.- •,Fiti'l ''?;i:'.6GS `,'''O'f': yrfarei.:"re0,•`-• rti"4..0 ruilldffr inte'iThia:tianal-'1.a*"fOr'• the- in"l"ni.-"of neutrals":"!...and. nn- 0- hs.its. ai,Sea and inaliing 'them n p3,..a, 3 , ,to s,ulnitarnies, lilce-tyi se , yva s :red'O'd41."--' Tires* itUleS"--aC:ttTated',are: ..`-..A.`"IiiterhalItit""tT'e-'s.e.1 fifu,st'be oideli:d. 'submit t) it and -.Search to-"cleftent:- :!--its ' character "Thefore , -it ' Can , .13v '-arkelizeck''Al merelrint 'Vessel' intlist Lot Le 'attaie•keri• Unless it -reftisce. to SU13- „. , , , , , nut to .--visrt'aiid.se.aran after 1.vairsiing, co' to Piescieed'arS:diifeetedSidter .seiiine. " Merchant Vessel- must, not be , deSiroyed' nares.s. .the crew anct pas- --Se:tigers 'have. beer. -:--fir.St plaCed in safety. : . "Belligerent' sublitarines , are., not under anY'Ciretinistances exempt 'from the univea aI rule above stated; and of a',-sub1ir4itne:-Carinlee;6aPtitre' a•mer. attain !vesSel in conforthity.with chase rules.; the -eXisting.' Taw Of nations re- atilies it to desist frail/ • artack'-.antl. from- seizure: and to permit the merL. 'elnaint ie 111 proceed' nnmeilested." -roe aSS6nt 'of all peers is InViteti. .Teaciiers„\bih •W:heriein the Inman spirit clWelaS. . . The ,.t..e.arclier enriched by the ,re,th, ' The .teacher -usually ---,..t. es • labors • too much in an atinu.sp,here of rocial iodation, • crearted 'by @le' thou'gqtblesspiess of the w codcl ertsade the ,ochoofiroont Parents look to the school to re- pl'ace the (home i'Otr a few hours ecier. •(lay.' They .dellegato pa,renitalt,r.esp.onsi-' hility and cliscipline--,-sonietnneS With a feeling cf groat gladness to' bel-iti ot a burden for a lanlie bilile. Do they held' up.. the' hands' o•f 'the teachers as they should? • ComariViiily: llhey do' not. Too Many-parent-S,`With•- oult• investigation, -take iricilignantly - whatever" complaints the -child "pleas,es to bring some. If the child sa371.5' the tdaclier isunfair, the parent, instead of haYing it ottt -with the' Ohilciy goes' en th.e warpath, -with blood in the eye, for the teacher. • The -marvel'. is not that many of our pUblia school's are poorly taught. -The wog -kJ -or is that so, mach Off the nteat.h- hig !maintains .so"thigh'a'stanclarcl. ' '1± youftare a.'"Parent what do You of the -woman OT the,,moni who teaches -your dlifild? ,--20,Thalt interest! have• you taken in what is being dons POT your 'child beyond writing an cc- . • ,cas-ional note' of request ,or Demon- ,strance.? Is your teacher your friend? He or .she slicivad be. You • trughti..",certaintly.to ha7e--,-a tonic -non ill:- terest in the training of the •lyloting ' person. who carries yow mamei and is to do the worle of Irian orwoman irn tlte d'a-17's to 201110, Taike in the rbeacher s problean, and • with a little serious tbionght make it your own. The teacher's day is slpent in 'a 1.00111'Il0,i. Witil-tV.,0 or ttir,ae chil- dren, but -with, it may be two or three ,00050. • ' • " Yon soy to the teacher; "geop them interestecr-anfi how would, you do. it he task were yours? at arts woulcl you use to i'asoinate that room• - ful' and nide the printed pare 'and the; 'oral recitation perfectly sielight- ful? You. need not W9,11,C,10r if teachorsl nerves* are soinetini(eis .rasped to the ral,v. You need- *not he sulTaisecl' to find thern human 'and 'falitible• You, in - the Mille pilace, wbrald' he. The teacher needs ,contrast • lion, refreshment mor,e. "than " most. The teaclie]i Must have chances to PlaY• ',Wheu the sa•19-17 is 10,aild fh smallest.. part of the eomnalinit.y's terial obligation' is dis charged.iTe - pay those Who rear houses of brick and mortar 1Y1Ol'O than' we pay those -who, are building temples not nada- aormaYeany , blooded circulation of between Schoolroom ',sessions' ,is the teacher whO has m,ost to 'carry to Om pupil all`ti thus Inc give to the home. (Tontact-s for true friendship's sake, between teacher and, parent .ought in "all' ways.' to oe enceuraired ' 'teachrir•'deserves to be an honored 'efiest at the fainill fireoido andt at firesides of many:fern- . • • , • nalie.fatad. an any way td'her dailY roijcnp.- Parents who' COrtle to the achColho(use to interfere with diseip-- •fine-. and' the work- are a not to be tolerated;' ...tire other .sort, who Want tio h.elp should. lie made "we'' come, as partners of the tbachers, as true friends of the ',taught. ' Wonderful O1peratic:1.nby Fren-h Surgeon It would have been possible to sepa- rate :the well known. Siamese twins. - Hitherto it had been cbotended that they could..not have lived to maturity 11--Be-Parate,-",!aye "a.. Paris dep.afen, theory was "clispi-OVed at thla last meet ing of, the Academy of Medicine by the:: exhibition of 'a well formed girl 8 years Ole Dr:LeFiliatro, the,.surg,eon,- explained that she was on,e at a pair". ,of United twins -named, Madeleine p641 been sickly front birth wthile Suzanne was healthy. • Three months after their birth it -bo - came evident that Madelinewas dying at a fever. She went into convulsions ,and it was decided to operate to save • Suzanne. Threedays .af tea- i' -the "tp er a- flon Madeleine .died, hitt though Su- zanne.s condition Via,S s'erintis for time she recovered ..a7-)..(• now is 'per- f,e.ctly nornial and healthy. THE PRINCE IN INDIA he"plinfograph‹shows the Amphitheatre in Rombey -where His, Royal ghness -received ib athlrcas of welcome Markets `Feron odd iieba "e,/tea'e.7-3. o. 1 Northern, " 25°' INT 9 " 0100. NO ' Nortl;ern., $1.14: ltiani;.-eba, oars -No. 2 CW 581,4 c • extra "No. J. feed, 51c; No. 1 feed, 511/2c. • . Mal/abbe ba ll the eil'icive, track Bay paris. 69ILa•No.,3 yealow, (18TLe • No: 4 yei- 1 67o• track Toronto. •Ontario ants -No. 2 y'ailte, nominal • Ontario• \till era t".N.O.ni • 1 Ba.rate.y-No. 8 extra, test47lbs. or .be Ober, .57 'L 60e, abcording to freights outside. '''Btickwheat-LNo. 2, 78 to 80c Rya -No. 2, .86' to 88c. Maniteb a 'fi our--Finst -pats., $7.40; second pats., $6.90, Toronto. Manitoba 'flour --90 per emit, patent 33133 seaboard, per barrel, $5. Montreal freLght, 13ags iricluded: Bran,. per 'Con, $28 to $27; shorts, per ton, $28 to $29; good .`ced flour, $1,70 to $1.80 Bolet HTiv-Thelttls., ' 'Toronto, pot. ten, N. 2 12L50 to $22; alined, $18. Straw -Oar actg.-per ton. $12 Clieese7---/*,tr(w -)63.-ge 21 to 22c' twins, 21I/5 -to '22i7l3e; triplets, 221/2 to - 'TO/ e 04 large 25 to 25 iin. -251/s to. 2612c; tiiplets, 26 to 2'l•e; S to Batten -I re n, dairy, choice; 33 to 35c; -1-.Teath etty. prints, fresth, No. 1, 43 t'' 4*c-- No .2 40 to 41c• cook'ng, 96 to 30o. Diessed miulary-Stpating chichens, 25 to 35c- roosters 20 to 25a• -fowl 20 to 28c; •cluckilings, 30 to 35c; tur- keys; 55 to 60c; ,geese, 32 to 35e, Live poultry -Spring chickens, 20 So 25e; nesters, 14 to 16cf; fowl, 14 to 22c; clueklin,gs, 22 to 25c• 'turkeys, 45 to 50c; gee,se, 20 to 22e. rierican corn -No. 2 yelio*, 3.1.arigarme-i-,-23" to 25c. Eggs -No. I, storage,i1 to 52c; se- lect, stora,ge ' 66 'to "57c• new laid straights;- 70 •to 72a; new laid. in CZr- toos, 82 to 84c. B6ans--2•Can.. harid-picked,., bushel., $3:30 to 43-.50; primes, $2.80,to $3.10. ' Atliapiffe. prodtrat-.S,yriip;. 7Per $2.50' -per 5 dirp." gals.; $2.35; Manila sugar, 13:f., 19. to 22c. Roney -60 -30 -lb. this, 141/2 to 15'.e per'33).• 5-21/71b. tins, 16 to 17c per R,TIESPa andi Germany • May ' be InVited A clespalch from Bari- says --A despatch to 'the' ltavSs3 Agency 'from Cannes ,says P.rerniers L1oyd George ,and Briand aireed-TInirsclay evening en- the" ,eonditiong for. the convocation of an'Interhatienal "Econoinia Confer. enee. Tlie program for the conifereneb, from Which 'palitics-is to be. 'barred; -Was - settledby thdn. - de.-Spatchi7„addST-that if ,..j.s„ • Germany aiba ileid:ktelegates to the conference but that .'participation• (b.Y`•*-Russia' will in -nowar.itmply recognition of the SOT- -.1.tiOrt)7eximirent. " rnes LETTERS 'FROM JILL" OVER "FELL RELIEVES BISPEP,,,Silli Among many oi those who have writ- ten us is Mr. A. Pleining, Scotheld, Alta. He says in his letter: -"1 have been irouhkd with dyspepsia ,for some years. I tried several medicines, but only got relief for a short time. I suff- ered with Dains 111 naY:stoinach, also a smothefing feeling' after eating, and could not eat: any meat at all. I got run doWn and was very, weak from rob- bing the stomach of its nec•essary wants. Seffered from ,pajns in my neck which wohld run up on both sides into tny head causing terrible- headaches. I uSed•eeveral bottles Of Burdock 'Blood - Bitters, and now am completely relieved." 13. D. 13. has been on the Market for the past 42 year'; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oaf, 1114 Ontario oomb honey, per dozen., 4.8r10ld .7.°1.toreS4.1513%-ts-/-1 airs, Med., 24 To, .26e; cocittHI ham, 36 to 40e; snioaeced irolls, '23 to 24,c; xottage r5l3s, 25 to '26c hrealt.fast ' (bacon 26 to. 30; spe- (.ciat tr1 breaktast ,barion, 30 •to 35c; backs boneless, 22 to 36c. , Ourad ineats---L'ang 'ele.ar bacon, IS Lard- ii214rt,(,)t2oal'.113. 14.„ ; ft311'.9, 141/2 to JO'C; pail's, 15 to 1,51 -Le; `pinints '161L to 17c .Shortening tierce- 4tabs, 1515c; pails, 14c; prinits, 116Chco'fae hen.; y steers. $7 to $7.00, hutoner st,eers'r choice, $6 to $6.50; do, good. $5.25 to $6; do, med., $4.25 to $5:.25; do, an. 82 to butcher heifers, choice, $6, i 5 to $6.50; butcher , choice, $6 to $5.50; do, med.. $3 0:. 81; -tanners and -cutters, $2.25 to $2:75; butcher butils, good, :$3.50 to $45,0; in, come $2.50 to $3; feeders, g'O'od, 900 lbs., $4.60 to $5; do, fair, $4- to $4.50; stockers, good', $4 to $4,50; do, fair, $3 to $4; milkers, $80 to $90' -springers, choice, $90 to $100; (calves, choice, $11 to $12.50; do med., $8 to $1.0; do, come $3 to. $6; iarinbs, .good .$11 to $12.o0; do, cam.; $6.50 to $7; sheep, choice, $o to $6; do, go.od, $4 -to $5; hogs, 'fed( and' watered', $10-50 to $10.75; do,' f.o.b., .$9.25 to $10; 40, country points, $9 to 79.75. • Montreal. , Oats Can West., No. 2. 57 to 58c; do, No. 4,55 to 56c, Flour., Man. Spring whe at -rp ats., firsts, 37.50. -Flea- 'ed, 'oats, hag, 90 lbs., $2.85 "to $2.95. Bran, • $26.25. Shorts., $2825. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $27 to $28. Butter,. choicest cre,anrery,- 87 to 38a: Eggs, ..selectecl, 48c. Potatoes, per hag, cor,l,ot.s, 95a. Fat dany cows, $0; light steers, $5.5(); bualist, $3.15 $4.50; canners and cutter. $2 to $3; -veal .calves, $10 to $10.50 :for good; cam.. $8; grassers, $4; lambs, $7.50 to $8.50; cheeps, $3 to $4- hog,- $12.50 sow', $8.50. Universities.Raise Standards. At1i conference last week of the fbur universAties in Ontaric -Toronto, Queen's, Western, and MoMaster- -with the tleeraltment ef Edeoation, it was unanimously decided to in'areas'e the entrance requirements to ..the gen- eral course of the!First Year. In 1923, students applying for 'admission will be required to have complete junior matriculation with 75 per cent. in four subjects; or -complete' junior matricu- lation with 66 per cent. in six sub- jeetts, Or bailor matriculation. The purpose in providing the three distinct means of entrance is to afford the contimiation • 51110015 ine...rural centres exactly the same opportunity to prepare stud-a/Its for the universi- ties as have the large urban colle- giate in•stitutes. This change does not mean any increased cost, in education -it simply' imams that students must remain in their- home schools Until they -are 15e114grounded in their work •and able to take proper 'ad.van.tage of university education. Hence; the new regulation put aprerriium on appli- eatio.n to work and on intellectual litiancialay-Greets Prince With Flowers A deSpatch-frem Mandalay, Burma, says:--eDemenstrations of the utmost are, without a doubt thebest liver A , DOZ.' The:04 /loll0,01 , ;N: Cl1240 marly 1 oiterap-o fame. -St erling 1' York 0-15te;3h0.3;r1"ei5t:i\ps:”4:ayir:,,a-7(iitthe orela*Dy aultolire,o that Sinn 1 -Three U. S. balloonists, wi o wer stranded ,since 'December 4 01 - rise lLy sled" at M.attica from. Moose Jaw after a hazardous ex- perience. 17-Brit14h forces defeat anibush 'Sinn Feiriers at Tinioleagtte and oapture twenty-fiye, :21 --Alberta United Farmers declare 110 favoi.' of complete p.rohibibi(5n. Death of the Hon. A. L. Siiton, Secretary 'of State of Canada, 25 -Opening of the Ontario Legis-- loture, FEI3TWARY. 1 ---Britain takes ,over the inaudate for /41boopot1ntia. 8--Scalli Africa, returns give Gen• . Smuts a majority in -the' elections, 9 --Murder rife ni Irela,nd.• two civ- ilians taken from .bed and" siltot dead by ,unknorwn mbn at Dreg- heda; a young, esiesolldier, Fred Nen 501 ard killed in Ennis- eurtilly, Wexfcrd. 15110ty,.13,y 31 eci 14 -Opening of Dominion Parliament. 16-U. S. Senate' passes the Fordne• y Bill, the emergency tariff mea- sure, by .43 .to 30. 21 -.-British Privy Council decide that • Irish Home Rule •shiall go into effeet April 5. MekRCII. , 4-1-nauguration, of President Hard- ing at 'Washington. 5 -Go!. H. S. „Cumin -ring killed. from ambush by Sinn Feiners on Cork County. road!. United States in- sists on peace between Cosa Rica and Panama• Republics in the Paranta area. Cardinal Logue pleads. tor a truce in Ireland. 7 -Revolt against' Soviet Govern- ment o.f Russia, and Petrograd and Kronstadt are attacked. 8 -Edouard Datot, Sparioh Prenii,er, aesassinated: Allies occupy Ger - mah cities in Rhine area to coin- pel -observance of reparation e032- 9 -Rebels capture Pe'tro.gract. 15-Tada.at Pasha, ex -Grand. Vizier of Turkey, •ansi responsible t'or Ar - 010(000 massacres, iG assassinated in Berlin by an Aarnenian student. 30 --Greek cruisers blocliude A,sia Minor. • APRIL. 1 -Strike in the 'British coal areas. 2 -Lord. Edmond Talbot appointed Viceroy af Ireland. ,„ 4---Durin,„0- the year ended March 31 Sinn FeinerS.'..coMin-itted " 10,804 outrages, k-illisn'g 242 palicomen and 90 soldiers and wounding sev- eral thousands; 18----Ont,ano votes 'for urolibiti.on by SYSTEM RUN DO 'HEADACHES AND DIZZY SPELLS ALSO CONSTIPAT1 N Mrs. Rrnest P. Trimper, Waldeck Line, NS.,,system was greatly run down, my hea4. would pain so I could not see, by spells, and I was so dizzy, 30 times,..1 would have to lie. right down. I was also terribly troubled with constipation. • a viaFof115" Pills, and haven't had any trouble since. I feel that any -one who suffers like I did can get relief by using your pills." enthusiasm ..greeted ' the Prince of W:**eles en his arrival:in Mandalay oni Thursday afternoon from Rangoon, Flowers weare showered upon -the' Prince along the entire. route of the 1}1.0eess5e0 to Gcveirnnlent hot ee. regulator on the market to -day. Over a quarter of a century's popularity proves this.; ' Price, ?Sc.- a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The 'I` lllilburn Go., Limited, Toronto, Ont o9 r' eat: •M(.,./1 ..., ,. i , 10e. i k-i'k6 1 -,0NL,-.1 : 4 -..-trk,.,m •ltsle%t,P,;',) Ti b'ffN.I'-'i't - "Iln-lI- -„E 5 i•l',..-1(0 ti. 5 . NTa'..,sot PN• t z - ,sti 0 , . 4 $ . , , •,) 1 -s' . i i' , ---- ..---... , : \ ,t1,4 .4,.; .„ -----------iF 1, • '"-----7,'"'-'---;:-..„* . '`..-,_ 11 ( ?EN -I- La ' ‘f'IOU V)ONT" ...,.. c . ,, i ,T • • -• , 0 "Nt6 . i . ) ' 1"' ,-._ \ ''''k 0 „ , AT- ? ----, . ‘ ' 'N' •Dt l•'J'i '- P'Ll' 0.0km , .5t-A0V-, pes4 N'OtTI-lEd2. dNIE 5 ii-iE2.1 Loc* L L. .5.7lrkql-- - twees-Ase... ''-'I--------:----''-) ,- ' ' Nr\ c... Po-) tve2t.... -,,,t.',.,,.,.„• . t'...1 p„r4 00 \,,,i l -",(M-;`,.1 '1' •il,t''.:,' ',`•{.0L)' cr., 1 0, c,....r .ti.‘,0L„t 5 . ., : , &,,4'1"5 i -P.09 0 k-ff , , \ 4 'I' ',..A. - - il AtO.Z.4' • ii'll'e. 0,V:4! - •41 ..T l ---.,,,,, ,.s,,,.t "''' i, ' -,, ,...t.o., ' i, (''' 4• 11 . •, ,en.,'CildiliAri) ,,. . ZOO 1t31le14," i,r alll'±-iill'ar.".rieS (", al , , 'seVen • ciVillans ; v(rounded, ' an „ tli, Twit...briers' takenib.y p:old',cite; ' . . eele,f. g6-;Disl(ler;,eiectional''giVe tlie,1.1,t1- ..,i -, "P ''. ,, ' ts, a 'n,..fa...1,0:At7,YH'e . 28 S.e4,.,-t. '' `",'" nortai,c.rn Paraquinent, , , .ttia,'-aa,„. . , •. , . . • • .JI:INE. 0 ' a 17 -Germany' fulfils agre-enletti. to Pan 0116 bilIlion gold,rnaritS to 'th'e lied '.4ePa'taftilorn CODTX1111SrStion. y sifter , , 3 -Lord Byre' . Of Vii'my appointed ,.,teldriue,ta Governer-Gen.er.al 'of ti'anadet. 10 -The- Britisi'. policy end -s the -811- ' 4.1*11814.1..g 0 • esian fight: 20"-Ttleeting of- Vile ' Conference Of Premsoi ii 5 on, - San 22 -King George. Opens the Ulster Parliament and urges- the 'frictierti Lo end strife. Penceji..(7-eLsoYlt'ition 'tile U. S., Senate. 'Bi'itish coal mir,era return to work. 5 -General •Sinnts rnoe(ts Sinn Fein' chiefs in Dublin to discus's terms of peace. Interrie :heat en( Ontario axid Eastern Canada causes ing up of crop. 8-4. truce in. Ireland, to take effect at noona, J11)y .fle;...-1,ared af•ter De Valera a.ccepts George'l! in tclnvtiaitida ionn:to a Peace Ctf onereiacce I 14-. P remierLloyd ea, r,e gete - -and aD e ;V . alera- hoatl preliminary center- . D ence in Downing t . 22 Twenty /unions of Ruisslaris re-' f• , ported. to be lacing. death from Taanine and plise'ue.' 244 compromise effected between Frarflie.e a..ntli England -re till,. T.TRpex Silt,esiia, AUGUST. 10Al‘riva1 of Lord . Byng, the new Ge•sternor-Gener-al, a,t Quebec. Im- perial Conference o±Teachers meets in Torunto. 1.6 -Death of King Peter of Serbia. 23 .Census returns give Great Thai- ' tain a propuiat.iora of 42,167,536, an incre-ise. 'el l,98(3134 0,Ver 1911. 24 -The giant dirigible L-42, on trial' • on-7er Hial t. Baigiand, buckles :sand explodes, and Only three men ar.,;. saved out of a crew ef 47. Death of Sir Sam Hughes, Canadian ex -Minister of Militia. 27 -Lord Ilyng opens the Canadian. National Exhibition at Toronto, 29 -Death of Lieittenaut-G-csvernor Lionel H. Clarke of Ontario. SEPTEMBER. • '6--t--4-errateny nays one pinion goie marks to the •allieseas part of the 1e5 a,i'..,7;:13i0115: indemnity. 18500 -:11311 die it floods in.China. 1.-Ienry Cociositalp; 0± Drant- ford appointed Lieut-G-overnor 01 Ontario, • OC OB R. , 4--laoininiori Parliament is. dissolved., 26 -Prince ;Of Wales. -sails from ,Eng- land fur India. • NOVE.MBEFt. • 56•'---,Na.tional Assemblyof litteigivey dethrones the fernier Ring 0.ha51es end ousts the Helps:burg d,yrilasty. : 11 -,The Ulster CP:ofinet; -rejects the i proposal to have an all-lreland Parliament. .Arill'iStice Day gen- erally obseiived 315 Cainada and the Erripire. - 12-U. S. Secretary of State Hughes lays 'before the f' 11 meeting of the Contferenoe on the I.Ainitatiori of Armament a protean/ calling' for a 'ten-year naval laoli,day, and the ecrappin.g of 'ibrettles7lips 25 ---The Mikado resigns in favor of the Crown Prince of Japan. ' 27--4.dminal Earl Beatty .feted at Montreal and Ottawa. DlF".CEMI3ER. 57 -British Government and Sinn Fein leaders reach agreement -to give Ireland a Dominion. s.,tatus, 6----13.30i1ti012 Parliamentary elections rosolt.n the defeat of the ,Meig lien Government, 0 -The ,rocariirneatcled pccil betwce the ITnited States, Great Britain; Fr -once and, japan madepublic; it includes a guarantee for a -10- ., ears' peaceand the lareeilorn of 29-",--Hoin William Lyon' Maciacrizie king swortr,in as prinie f ()ailed:I"; With 18011109 Lileteois ale• Oobicot Min is ter. ' , • 'Plie man.drake i-oot, contains' more quinine III .any o thOl Engli sh gr *11 • • ' • ' ,411 0,a; of gi.,(.!;antle vcas xl-fibited ,last 'April at the'Rayal Syd-' cy ,Show, in. Australia, It wag a SCSI' n -year -old, and stood 6 Alt.. ; 4 • ins y Oh. t a 0'a/11i of 14iiirci1, the Slfitiltiors, and:we" It from New arrimq of 'the 'Uto ei Price, 355. aral 6.(1'. 1113' 51,.3' by Thc Toronto, Ont. 21 BRITISH AND DUT ROY Uri kY U.1 -4R 'Son of 'IVIarty PrinteSs'31...f4kia.a- despatch from. 1.7 ne"1"-3agne says: The pT:O211.11G2Its11a01ons1 Of the E:a‘1,1 and Countbse ,of .Ath 1 one at. W.3lhe1ntina's'etficial...,t'4'W "Year t.,10.11..,giyes risel .trTrefun.ic: a, founded rari//- th •,-at. the son, I, iscomn ciaritlidate ler Princees a •;r Tlier. Earl and. Colinteserifrent cisc's Queett, witere :;gg. brought '1:21g-et5er freeinent,"',,V:• There• been ,consizotraTne. s-erb lation regardiu•',,.! fut-arts inishand.; hut ita been n <os'( 214 til rioiy. arOa 3 110W 00100 1(2 inaton fittee.n. Mary, daughter et.. the. 1..1-1AQ,'' hairy, afld. a el"ireri-tk7:1';'s.*.:•stilli:j:.;"',-x.i.('''. The Counte.sii „eitialolue KagILil RoYal ' 17 i1005 conn.ectio-ri . England.. and, Queen y-1,2-(6.s,l-a. ibo Eiial 'of fit -pier that he Gov•erseer-C.:C alg.1111),, of 'Irel nd, Notahle.IViler,' et S ars , COnlniltte A ebspatelt fr-Tt-.m.7715-ubjin s„ . u , annoncentein•i. lin the 14:lire:arm ot fhb exsteicice" et. a.- peace ,Oonriiiitte. v -,-as the eh ief feature nseutmg No 11:1C-1.,71',1*,7.` 15 in.e.ti-d-e--k-F-in the 00;3i.51115ij-692., 11,1atle exelniSiVOy of ieble,,;:i iriemlieres ef the', tante ..ata tile of. Dril. -die toe...create.' nao.st no- .Rre Ove'en • O'Dtiffe, Ulster; 21510 Mb (17 1 21 3) the 0' 111 yb(":„.". .4 Canada's OlideA Cittilz&F:A piec, desaia. :et •Icainleeps; - '"" says :___, M Joey " An at the oldest resident. -.O.L. British' Co'cin , . "Via_ tand urea-4NY c Cnciodsi 5ieli the hose , 15 017 Lq I41 011 Thfurs,day.;.". a,g.ed 1.10 daughter .cf. an "Indian .Chtiefe , Auiy WOG honat •;•Sai-Yena.'" p oyee, She rs eiirtrived hy•fouiee, •dreii;' • V,IE , Vt , I , Mooy peop.e alt toss nigbi Rftdr nigh le 'SOtne aie eroubleit 10 sitofbeling • spells; othe of thee heart; others ,11't 121110110g, 1/61 whatever 0500: 1: ,110r Go '..5ee3:'.by"1n,0 atm VeS and touhig-ae.11,0 E.,116clOett;,- 1aa„,,3'118e1,:11 Of, 917 -11)..t.1: have 49110-.... troubled With 4' 11(251 11.0„, ctAitid;::110410' 3 ath.;The 'doctor .lielPed, 2110 t 610,, Pigtit.;''G'Ilia '14$ 0:1101 110 lth00nk '0 100. 1Ot'<i1 3 000 0.4ieineT •e, Paleiltaii their rieeve, af:Se NERVE 100111 -e 11 faxio.411' <a -mi