The Exeter Times, 1922-1-12, Page 2• 11, an io 1-101)K INS 1)1001Z1101. (C7 pytgbt by ,',ZA116Q Company) • ceased of A. deed stiek gn.ge coin grts the clearing, eat a great dea1 oa buck 't :of a and pearl haeley; , end -let' t'11° grite, prepared in tile 71 0 t e•' See; t him he wee atibs , , gette1y. ewareete k the hello -wings ,0-7,e ea -sesta -es -7, the -frogs bad stope.Sicis gSanee vale reaS011 'O'f* Y the direction of tifle, sealed- was oPe reie'caea pvirely ant onaaele, -but. hie, attention' not keep well; he, wee...rive-teed likaantle.ho rn rimett t,well. as a-nY, „ among .th.a teeeklat. -A point, eer,e, they laariug the leiee eesccona7.0 eueetantitt! sten as fifte•• thousand. del- thinned , cot 4-ahieec' a s'i.6eirng back- taste,o he tars eould droesecom sight' naystehle:ue- ,eolinta et +lie Isles - • • - “Tell me jue hat Ile, eeid to vou; • e" ' ' •-• --• • titles of corn " - - Iv ereating generet ,..- Thei"VraS Lng mistake abset it. Tim Elendeiellse re" ° I eat-, 'esesith.s niet'or as ott - se e.r" f ' 11(31"P'llg' to intro- „arepeans elatert,rie rely 440',C11” waa. O'agitit • if 'Maple' 'of Der - vs that It •' -11V"Prodtte1.:, T tst large,quaita I 1-1°11$11:1:al',/?•9161,1. latch, pi•epare .1a- accept -able, .1111 a • i, ireneseieta coneerin 'sae:est the .water, op' at *-ra' eerced in ;:tar' c,l toca, its elleaeaess ,reeoretalehas it. at e• he gave you the envelope 51'I e - • chat, you bid it .or him- 411"-r-eY had 'been- 'Wade's be eolith's -m-1 1 t , ees,sions as Poileiere lied been led .to „' lielteve, when Phil evou.,Ids 'have been moral, -tank at, Thorlakson Suaing• a L. pe-seu,aea ebout even Wed-e's evi-' 1-EtirOpe 0 Leal COI, i • csca.7. es:1nm atter it,. lee emit -that WO al hieide knowledre of the trensea-- leuroue is ltttngry Its pe.ople.,e0Wa- Y°11 llr1111()...-CV4.16° and' 1/1‘6)0,41Y 7r70 Pn't Of the "Pu'zzle"i that will fill their empty etomachs. SePturclie. TlikreteeMt"hle ,clulle the, A :Gee aIS 'Danslon.• af you the thira teen ye4s saffisierttly tnystifyin,. That dajes are glad to get any eine of food ve hie/ 011-1. aWfUt -calling down for „lath e dtvir,aged (the fienee the thne ee' f el for other dae- • ' • • pot se:metin' Tote- woed that you course. hadn't seen MAY allvelePe all..'d knew re ed e ea la asixies werld •with its cone' Ea - • . . - „ • , - Lea"cIesnaley'altIlaitir20;14;.:aPte(11117.sa n'xio:twascrill'n(gr fat Kendrick. kuew that in the. teaching, them to me, American cares , . . 10,6,1i,lig, abdut it, lie said it made sctInt 0aihes hen po\s„erful fm_j , ilea te In this dia e, Lion in ti,e past . . _ ,,, ., ,, 131 I Wade se read' that he llet onlY' fired ereag. iejtsaissi - aheee were eien,, hace eot met with mueli success, Nosh- "And haw 001) it work. aeltea le , Roimmae, but told yau ,alse that yam"' e -e- ' ' 1---- '' ."` •-••• ' ' ` 1 '' ' ifig is mo ee difficult then to per-sal:1de Well was the rePlY, '1)Y reeans of couldn't Week for the G.L.S. cenether eresa_ erem eoeege cored .113t, hope tol people to eat a thine testa is nese to a Ileda- ateleillneet, a ealciumed lever . , unaercerrents which a. young man ' ' • ' '' ' '' " " 1 4., , 1, ,- r11001c O it was ne -use you 1010 1111 gauge, Re was eoetelet, temaeore, teelt-theen. 'When, during the famine of converts a vertical-- rst•-i-Prooating lto-' 1 veY PartY" Y°11 were with It's -accept Wade's - euperior judgement 1 818, the United tates shipped corn to 3,1011 into a circular „movement. 'The e swell kett,le of fish. Yola're got into, without queStion, to follow inSteaS- I Ireland, reports were eiratila,ted that Prjevillal Part of 'the Inaelline is a huge fit.)hial,11 IttV-hlissat;,s, yotsr uncle going to SOY tiaons tai•aitthfulle., ,.4, ,0,,g1.141ler ltis. he keow1-71 consumption of that kind, cf graiu bee diar. tha.t. 1.,"ev°1-.'ves ill'' a. vert -°-1-1 111'.'1110 e ge aa, e,enienee e aae wa,„ a man humen beings "tureed them into nig- Power is alio-lied:through the axis of Nothingwont Itnew I've :bumped into this The railroad 'resident had. 'one 031.Ava$- the rea- tile di,sc, and work is done on the peri- ". Unless' you tell hint he of the higheet integrity. gels :" Thisit was said , , elle He's got eneueli worries 01 1113 to, moan:eat and beyond delivery of own without bothering -abont me,' a letter to Nathaniel Lawson ea -al. the ''But, Pliii, " obtaining of an answer to it, his -final "Listen, Blatch. 1 Imow. what -was instru;ebiens to Itie new secretary lied in that envele•pe 101(1 where it came been simple. from. I want to know where thecle "Ial yen can get Nat Lawson to tell ie reply, Son whY there were ea maneNegroes peeey, and the hero:set substance, by in the United States, • mere impact; May be'''red-Liced • to any ' Corn is ektensiyele grown in Italy, shalle." and Bureasfia, thoee 'co•unts'i es it 'What ie this enderftal Machine?" Is prepared as a eart of perrialge, and. aatked . carneread is practically unknown. "A grindstone " European hotesewlves • are nat much 11 Telile stands, in connection avith -this you Iris storae Phil, you'll spend, one . eampaignaeuna money, and I want to lnterestueg eye ame he had suggeate given te7, hot bread -s. and cold Cern- Endless- Chain. knew what ,PoLintore is. trying to -do. ed. "Good 'business for You to know bread is not palatable. Beeides, it gets Reiio, ole chaff --thought I' just What -did he -at -vane?" • all about the Interprovhicial. Use s a e quic \,3 . , i 0.4 in oncl• see _a out that. un re a 'Podmore lo -at as clever as he your owil je,eigment ana good luck to In 1900 the Malted States Department_ 'you borrowed front lee last -week," thinks he is," Ferguson. 1.aughed. "He you." -• of Agriculture organized an _extensive every sorry, old man, but I've,lent actually came here to see if he could Thee was no hurht l Ta- Soucalin• , . ' ' ' eg corn "drive ' in Eueope. Small. stoves "t to a friend. _were eel, wrests/le it wor.k eut a little giaft proposition laY on Laiv.s'on; it -could :wait till he got • - ' '' e -ere set up in grocery shops ra many very badly,r , threaening to expose a deal which he back from this ruelt visit to Sparrow Ile-- imagines -has -taken place between the Lake. But what about this girl iu towns M England, and brbad, geiedie. e•Well,•uo, 1..wasu't., but the chap I Alderson Gonstruction Company and Ferguacies emcee. What la pippini cakes and other preparations of maize borrowed it front says the owner your necle. His mind work_s that waY. Phil was cnab-le to decide whether she were served free to all comers- But wants,it." ` . , He thinks everaebody is as crooked as hacl been listening at the 'keyhole be- the crusade was a failure. hieeself and that alt governments are Cause ehe had gone there for that very Now, however. the U. S. Department' Miaard'a Lieimerat for Colds, eta. like the late Rives administration. I purpose er wnether lie had surpTiied Well, he kn•owe different now." her merely taking advantage of acci- "Then no such deal is involved?" dental opportunity to satisfy her "Tread heavens, Phil! Surely you didn't think th-at? Neither your uncle nor the Party tares a hang about this reoney of Nickleby's aelderson's. or curioeity. She interes:ted him greatly —probably because she was so pretty and had rebliffed him so unmistakably. or He amused himself by absurd specu- whoevee owns it. We're not intereet- la -tions /*out her. If she did have a e:fir Whet becomes ;of it. There's adinite object in- spying on Fergu.sor, mo dea of any kind." the. solitaire eliainond on her eitgasge- "That% all I want to know, Blatch," ment finger .might be a. bluff; hey Ketrdilek., Tieing. "It's just one r cheap -manner,. so out:of keeping -with esestase things a fellow 'bumps into 'refinement of feature and glresse__ now and then, and if -Uncle Milt neecl- that might be, faked likewise. If she ed nay help at -all I wanted, to know it, were one of. these female detectives thafe. all. I knocte he's absolutely on you read about, who hadshired her? .the square, oe eetresea, Was he in the pay ef Niekleby? If "Albeslutelase' assured Ferguson she were; it was Kendrick's :duty to earnestly. "Your ueele is one of the keep an eye on lime wasn't it? And hsefiest working, mese tonecientimas she was a tonic for any eye! and high principled public men of the Phil laughed at himself as -he put day, 'Phil, and perhaps. I have had the 'wheel ,os.,..-er and swung.bank to - greater opportunity of knowing that wards home. He was becoming- an than most. Ne, man tan hold high utter fool! 'Darn girls, "anyway!' TM'S public' orrice; seemingly, without pay- ing the penalty of 'prominence. --petty edealetasy-, en.vy, deliberate misrepre- ntation. even.underhand attacks • p oh-araicter. A -certain class was .the second one -on whom he bad Wasted thought—one.- probably a thief encl.-the -other a guna-ehewing steno-, graplier Who was going :to marey: somebody in ,Bufralol, , And that, too; of Political aspirant seems to look on raiter each haagtold him -quite plainly that' sort of thing , as part of the thet if he, 'Would' just reMove hiinself , game. and: yob don't -avant 'to -believe art you see in spine newspapers around election time. • That's the way it's been, But false accusation never yet downed. -an honest men, Phil. Rernem- . As Kendriek noted the -expression on etheeLawyer'e face be thoug,lit to him- self that in spite of -the marks of dis- sipation which -marred it, there was a finer side to Blatch, Ferguson's char- acter whieh feet would suspect, "Please say nothin,g. -about 3113r (1041- necLit40.•-witIO Pochnore, Blatch. It was ratayoida'ble unpleasantness which 10 nOW over. Some day soon when I have more time -Ill drop, in ancl give Yea a 3113 1104100'-. _ ----tee-forget the noise of the city and "-Mei:, Margaret Williams was no- enjoy the quiet surrounderge, of forest 61.111tetgarsanoteed, as he „took his and lake, where good fishing was to entirely froin -their ken they could go on living happily! Just because he had happened, to meet these two girls under exceptional circunistances was no jestification for placing them on pedestals. King Sole -Mon had the right idea. Poof I the. seeen seas were full offish! . With -which swaggering philosophy .did this strong-minded young man sweep all wamenkind front Ids thoughts—all but Aunt Dolly, who had no equal ;anywhere in the world. He had' -left himself just enough time to get to the station without undue haste. Sparrow Lake was a popular summer resort for those who wished r.artme. - eKendriek caught the -next ferry a-gee:the bay to the ielen.d,and walk - d in on hie uncle's houseleoper. Ile faivaad that once' mare. he- -had- the -big: summer Tesideriee to h,ime,elf, eliat his. -I uncle hedestaken a -flying ;trip to New 1 York. That meant' that:- his aunt uld be alone in. the summer cottage , . at Sparrow lake, except --for the ser - vents and. hs.deeitled suddenly -.to run Pup ana see -her that .very . evening: -P:°11' her feet end kised her till her 'After gia-rieirig through , slight se- eheeke_ were avildi-roee pink, very be- mul,atioknof .rnailshe c.hanged to out- eonaing. with ' her fluffy -aureole of g flannels and -hied to the boathouse snow --white hair. . -fee-an hour'S -rim in the latinehl-out -Arm in arm they went towards the thee -ugh the Eastern Gap into, the open cottage, talking- and laiighing. The lake: et -1101-e he could cut away aerose two were very near to each other and vines of mue water tett danced 1 he had a lot of interesting things to • . vie:ogee in' tile:golden sunshine, on aild ;tell her. He knew she would be de - be, had in combination with fresh 'cream daily and vegetables in season. The cottage the Warings had .rented for the seaeon was on one of the isTandigand two hours later Phil was Towing- eagerly over from the station landing. He let out a whoop like a wild Indian to announce lis. arrival -ancl-his aunt came running d,own to meet him, her gentle face alight with -pleas-tire ancl surprise. He swept her to , the horizen!e 'clear rim, All !lighted to .e.ain ,of hie, new posit° '18outthere With the washof the' Ben Wade'S private secretary, 'and iter, the steady undertone --of the slap ayasc. but he was careful to- keep gine thrchhing m his ears ,and the from her any ,ctetaile ef recent happen- bou use --A-Wholesome Diet As,A cligstiyeejniees. anti eensequently peer Aid to • Beauty. tagestion. - - The girl who understands the nec- Don't:overeat al meals. Itedistends eesity of ba-giende habits of ,eating the. Stomach and preduees an excess will not injure her health or •herlooks of fat. If you are,doing s.vorla by eating impraperly. ' not eat three large meals a clay. The body -through the energy that an co lease masaalar work it uses to live,' s constautly- tearing require greater quentity- of food: ' down the tissues of whielli 70 31 inad.e. Do not 'much fKied food. FrYing eherefore, it is to go on living g a -- -a '- ef -oe,i, and so t. makes it aeffie ' - el rd• '-- it raust •constattly -rebuild those sues. Food is the material by 'Ineaiis Slaiiiiiacesbrtoo_nirPe„ne-straLte_itt.1 But :icea.,,ostinang of which that rebuilding takes place. It is also the source of the heat of eaeilla; edxiegeesssteoLfi .pcoeinsdpitiiroaftijon interf er_e. the bode without which no one could - with the secretion of digP.et,ive juices, keep alive. The com-ponents of cer- tain -food's, tortabined With the oxygen Therefore d° net ' eat innee . theeblood, produce heat. - cese`e ee• , To insure perfect health the blood must be in vigorous circulation. One reason for 'that is that the blood is the agent, that earries -nourishment from the food that you eat to ail parts of the body. But, since the blood, ean- not ke up, and use food in the ferin edsfreely. -Since, fooll generates heat -eat less in hot weather than in told. The condition of the nerves affects digestion. When you are tired they cannot do their share e. work. Rest ball an hear 03:' SO after herd work , . ,and before a hearty meal, oeheewise. in which it enters the body, item the You ere- likely to feel edull after it. bady'S business so change the fodd that it can enter the blood stream, and eating. Don't eiercise, withie en hour after In that time 111e -- digestive tO discharge it into the blood stream. or,gans need ,the •blood, ,which exercise That :process is knOW1,1 as digestion. would draw to other 'parts of the body. Briefly- it takes place as follows: Drink -plenty of water, for it will 'Wherif.y-ou put food -into your mouth keep the 'body 'clean and. the bleod the 'teethe the tongue and the saliva active. It is all right te drink mader- break up and soften. the solad 'per- ately witheyour meals if you do not tions. The saliva also absorbs cerin let your 'food Slip -down without prop- propertiee in the foode that are sus- erly chewing -it, or if you do not eat cep.tible to its action.' Tim 'chewed too fast. Water taken between meals, food then enters 'the oesoPhagus—a and especially :soon a.fter getting up elastic. tube that conneets in the morning, is vary beneficial: the mouth with the stomach. There A certain amounteof -coarse food, various digestive, .juices, poured out _which stimulates, the-Inuscnlarsaction by thqusands ef email -glands embed- of the intestines, is essential to,health. ded ,the walls, of the tube, act on Green vege,tables wholesonis be - the :feed and draw 'freer. it nourishing cause they contain Cearse- material ,in properties that were not soluble in the forth of-cellulose.'Other foods in the`salivai and the muscles, inethe tube which coarse paatter is present, are squeeze the food; eO that the juices catrne,al, fruit, Indian -cern, Graham .can rriore,readily act upon, it. The flour, bran and whole wheat. kind of muscles that line the walls Get plenty of exerecise. Without of the tube, and that a,re also present that your blood will' be sluggish ,and _ in the stomach and in the intestines, unfit to, carry the neurishment --that are called "iiiiioluntary” muscles; that the body needs. D. xei:asise of the, ab - iegthey moVe when it is riecessarY,_ dominal muscles is fespecially- g,00d, without any.conscious action on your for they care the muscles largely cone part, just as Your heart beats without cerned in digestion. • your idoirig anything to make it beat, Take tare of, your teeth, If they When the food leaves the oesophagus are diseased, digestion.------------ -, v 001 beeze blowing through hie hair, legs that would be liable to cause her it enters first the stamaeh, then the :check at the very start. Bad teeth he could anxietyThe convereatio sort out this thoughts. -. n arranged, t stifles The process of digestion cannot eheiev properly., -- l'hey were inclined to tangle, f.re its own itinerary over such a wide 11' e continues in 1001, 130 that foods that Foods differ in what they supply, ad yen to isian bow he would proceed range of topics that it was late that tt ebtain the information which Ben evening ba01,70 theY had "ta.lked them- the -saliva or juices m the ()esophagus Scene, when digested, furnish power, Wade wanted, hi regard to 0. 0.1 selvlesl. to- a gi-an,4till," 318 130 put 't, dia not a-ct "upon ere taken care of ethers repair the weete of body tissue -Niekleby. The Tail -read -eXecutive had Phirdid not Teelt 1-eenv, Tn1sd of by the jai es of the stemaeli or ' ifethers 710both, traced' certain consignments of cheep ilisky which had been TUT1 three -Ugh construction eanips in the norbile1ce Leaf" the -province ,-and.; had his sawn t.aspiseeseri-ar aseteseelte eourae .f.e,greWirfell 'tile bootleggers vieero 415 -taking lands. If the luek which halVegttended Phil's fire( efforee Iearce 'what PocIrriore was'planning held acood, it oug•lit not to be difficult; butetbere would' be no Vette lreigusor, 19 help him out in #°,Whieli. -would 'ball for the utinost rit napes -Lone se,, edore eould be, 0113000900 as of brood cif Beau, willingaicareell to ' bidder' -Anybody's , birth- coum favisqxtsi earifident eassura Oat *POP); 'eund-h,a0 litier ''-ivirhati at hatlebe: Attend - l' lioa:ted: :efie..0 ' .iitelit -41,tt,be,•tvece, #111-,Vut 41ebeenei ik,,' 'sie,:,beenJ, °;tO .,..:.- 0 - -0 :midden" before. - • esiniti434 ‘Viertto 11'4 yotyl 333 arece lee ed7 113- 'adefsei'fi ten eitOic12.• restra. sr -Airing at once he "lingered on the not by theni by- those in. the small Eg'gs, the lean part of resale rea; sereened • alcony just off lhs room anC1 lighted a final, pipo of 'tobaceo. Back intestines. Finally; the becia ;gets rid the :gluten of teheat, ,and oeans, peas 15 1)110 waste and of whatever food it and oats are among the foods that doee Inc,) reaffine1...- ,,,provide the mate-rial ler the tissues, 01(1 men to trouble his thoughts and he not dlemiss them. The 'night was It is easily seen, that you owe to Starch •and sugar 'Trui"-S-111ce a - in 'harmony with mystery; also there your body to give it the kind of food pies, pears 'and peaches—that contain , - • „ was a tieing moon, 117111,g low, golden that it tall readily digestte-and the- much sugar, potatoes and eager beets like a lampT its dull glow lighting orrlY aied that when ,a1gested will vield are -some of the foo -da that give erer- theln°111,tteels'twiaaitere al.-1fladr11131,Lorost count, the iagge;t return in energy—and r desirable foods, ,are butt'er, 1,4,6tittee_ aeolnect bo brood d rY eat in such a way that the digestive nuts, olive oil and the fat of meat hush which mit gathered accentuation apparatus c,ari 1$3 gWo•O'nrokt,af OfhPeezrilit3th". PC hoe 4. e;..agi„ussafluternei-snh mwuactileroafrbeh:snallrinretiraall, from the raucous bass of the bullfrogs Eirst, keeP your and oceasiona.1 weird night sounde of good, ,parte of the body are closely 'Part -"O•fl growing bones; the-refore birds and ,animais in the depths of the co -related. If your nerves are out of young peopleeepeefelly -should eat the Woods, The deep quiet was oppressive ortive if your bloed is sluggish, the f eods that contain alierti-echiefly fresh after the tity'z' meltitude el noisea, f (-1 '$t° 11 ' • 't d b' 1 'Earlier,in the evening 1..••1 -talked °' 1°2-1 -Irt -fail their irul 3 lei v'egtal 'and' 10 e°91:1'e W e woic Therefore take suffisient exec,: Ports of glrainV 'with his aunt he had remarked upon the; with, which the laise, pat away. worry, get iplenty ef, irie}hy, retherober- that, good looks a:meter-boat eonie.where sle011 and bathe l•rePs-l-la, • a We as goo -d healelie epee(' much lovhili.Irpoloak_eprihnadfiee,„avr-rioed,:a.i.,,n-coeyacli.pyyhetnreleo deEstr,RotyNzvecilliseeoaesIcee.,dg'0,fxolond; aGrocio,d4heya ettxpeoin,c114: jiel,s:litge,daetnatnibd:::4vtiaientline 1,41:cer,hau°1p.silu;ginlnyou- aitib"bi„cre • , . its rapidsfire call flung wide ingistent:.! Ing 'food appetizing,- stimulates the Yet ifyiy,lon •Will1;1"weelg whiP'1-I digestive juicee and et makes foe at s‘Yee41-.411111 ilartake of kinds' of Weeil; w11,1134rwsela whip 081-1304, whiP'cr", thorough digeetien. your Skin will be !blotchy 1 ' • t to otd. ''boy 77 301.041, 70000 pl .1 Don t,ese belmreve inems, II you do; an , 47-57713 81911 "and your with aotne amuseteene his thought, you 'will yeni: appetite, and 'that- veholes. v ice, 920 1 I 1 • 1 came the two my-sterious youeareeti": . x , 4.g $ our, nteau , a slug epsit secretion r'9i111 Ile, - ailed, at feet to " tnt anada A PROFITABLE AND FE INVESTNIENT ::•(?1-1 ;tiN \ ‘E 1 :$"10::1.1 7 GE 8 :1:: , 0 N o te:s' • of ' . the .13arlit .in Ci Yeti, 13alaince 'duo' ,to - DOintriion".., 0 Balarices'Oue to' other liatiltsi`f .. a4ar,,,..gi ... ,, , ', 0 Balances due to Banits and Bartitine.,C.Vere$P01141ent, . . in the Cinited, Ki.ng'clom.• atti gaveige. dauntless.; . lze gietoSeto , , , , _ tee PaYable A.ce.ePtaitces under Leiters of Credi TO •".Capilal s.fttold.iiek $• :Reserve Fund 16alanee, of greate carried, ie era .. v id,arals Urailairtied • . Dividend No, 137 .(at, 12 'per cr ?et' atiiitun), abie Decelaber 1st, 1021 • : . Bonus of 2%, pityable•Dectintber lst,12920 • , Curreet Cote' • - Dominion Notes ., United States C LI C L;t:11"e'r SSETS >ay $ 20,400,000.00 905,044.98 $ 21,305,044.03 14,630,77 610,623.00 40.7,082.00 22,307,250.713 ;1500,548,429,75 -1 (10) -- Deposit in. the e;euti.at C4old eserve Notes of other 13ailks Cheques on other Banits Balaticcs due by 13anks ao.t1 Lhanly:1/1,1 correspoittiet elsewhere than in Canada , , • Dominion and Provincial t]roc-ernineilt Securities, noi, exceeding inarket vain° • , • . • ... .. • Canadian 14Iunicioal Securities and British, ri1orergri and Colonial Puldie Securities other than Can- adian, 17.6 exceeding intirket -value • „" 9.532,512.1 :Railway. and other Bonds, 10ebe,nturet$ and Stacks, not exceeding rnitritiet value 15,123,620,60 Call loans in Canada; on lionct,s, _Deb' enture.s arid •'• Call and Short •tiot exceeding ---------------------------1308012-3.00' 315,616`,6" gi 290 0'05,41, 22,160.741LS 0,574,63 (.14 4,783,607.59 12,535,410,27 $157,3 1 1,019.00 20,400,000sec> $ 28,540,550,25 29,912,08,3 1. 74 484,797.53 13,000,000,0a 2,321,510,11 '21,594,382,76 24,080,818.50 24,060,58406 ' else3vhere than dry .Carvid •- . 24;54307 C57, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • Other Current Loans and Dicoulik•••i- Canada. (lesS reba,te of interest) • .• • $163,017,4.)9.0i. Other Current Loans ant'' Discounts elSewliere.than $n Canadat(less rebate, oi • intereSt).•• •• 89,132,820.17 Overdue Debts (estimated loss provided. for; 411,366.20 Real state other than Bank PrerniSes , Bank Premises, at not, mpre' than cost, dess ainottitts- written:Off.. of Ctistomers under 1,erters of Credit,' as pen contra, ., De.posit with the Minister for the iiurrioses of -the Circulation Bond Other Assets not tntducied itt the' foregai,ng ......, 30i4,630.38 5282,851644 - 99 985,673.59 01,1327,3378,86 127535,480.27 955001)00 349,341148 $500,6‘48.129.,D ------- . 71 103313, DSON I.,. PEASE, O. E-NELE,L. . President, . Managing, Director . • Ceneral-1\ tanager - ,,:kur)rzot.5, CERTitIC.ATE '' --' NVe Report to the Shareholders of The, Roya1,13ank of Canada: . • , That in our opinion the transb:ctions of-the:Bank- which have come under our notice have been criti.in -roe powers of- the Banit. , ' • ,••• That.; we, have,' checked .43 c„..cash ,,,,andv.e:rifisic-1.$.411e-'•-,socurifiest. olt$ the ,Bank at the Chief Office -..on-aath •Nu7,'fsrrYber,t_112.1",. aS,-,IvalL05„a4 atto thcr'..-Lilne, .,t.l.a yeguiracl 144-,-s.ection 56 -$of t -he Bank Act and,that„we"-ilotind:ttiey,-tigreed Viltintlie,entrie, 111- .,the„.13poks, in 11e0000,therato... 'Are -also-during „the; year, checked -the, cash_ and, . , 1, Verified , the securities• 'at the i$rincipal ,branclies. . ' •••; That the.:abo'ilettialance.Seeet-bee Le eene CI C 1:2,1 parse. .by ns wi L11 , the 11colt,Si at "the chief sOeeleseanagyvith, the.. certideO. returns, from ehe :Branches.- and In our tipini0n..is.4troperlY deavo...up Se .as$:•to.,exhibit," a .teue ..131)0;te.orreet. vie-tv, or ,the state. of ,:the,,,'Bk an's•,a,ffairs' acoording, to the best...of ,• 01.1 r.'informa tiO Fr ancl".thei` '•eixplatialions,^giv,en •td$,,us..,•and,....asyslaowneeea-,,the.-bobliis ,of. the'Rank.'- _ • - , That 'V'T ht,2-"Y.....; Ob•ta-ino'd ,0 11 $the.m -1ntoratione - and eareca: 'o- - ' c i ' ' I la : - , - - . e - .s.e.RocaEttamgrraifivalLL: 'eta- 1. - .. W. GARTH, TFTOMSON,' C.A.. 1 . 013 - . of -141a-rwicit,•••Mitc,,hell and 0.1. ., $f_ANII6S •,G. ROSS CA, of P. S. Boss S ono 4 PROFIT i\Nri LOSS ACCbt.ii$1T Balance of. Profit and .Loss 'Account, .30 November i . 19271 --------------------------------------------------------841;:nt•--.' Profits for the -tear,' at..00 't e-C,E;; chargesof matiageir,ent and all other eape-nees -te'r11011 ug.ei es, on deposits, fu:i p7ovisiorn for all bad , • . and. doubtful debts 'arid •reliet of Interest on.' 14.1ontreai lada, e. Deceineee. 1921., APPROFRIATLD $,S, FOLLOWS. Dividerids Nos. 134. 1$5. and 1$7, 12$,,, ,per e 17 • $- to i-•areiloiders TI:rans fen' 00- to 0-i.ficerS' Pen$2.!.on• Fund.' 1.rltten ofr Bank l'rernises ceonnt War Tax on Bank i_Note Cifoulation Trartsfer'red to Roselle Fur . Balance of Fr,$fit a 11 +.1 1,04,s carried. fel Lrd RESERVE FUND Balance at Credit, 3011$ No$,-.t-ob$r, 1920 .. • Preminin on New Capital :took' Transferred from Profit anu Loss AocounL Balance at Cred.it, 003,31 Noveniber. 1921 .087.886,1$? 64.69 .2,435,438.67 .4,07,082.00 ' 1100,000,0;0 10,0,000.00 203.184.04' „ '1.2.2•,•995.:00 90.5;04.4.08 , • ..---$ 4,584,764.60 13 20,134.010.00- 132,095.00 132,995.00 H. S. -.EIOLT, E.DSON It', -PEASE], C.E. NE11..L. President $$Tailaging, Dire oi General Ma/lager ii4fontreal, 1910 December •", „ Walking on Water. The ambition to walk on the , face -or wa,ter is probably es old as the desire of mankind to fly in the air. Ws have solved the latter problem, and' recernt eigen7•ort at leaSe approaches a - Solution of the former "Water skates" as somebody has called theme -in order to be satislae- , tor -y, must not be too "catinbereoetie, TheriY, invention,: this ,-respect;takeS,the form. oe,a of lighteit„eight alerninum ,- cylinders, long, narrow, poitite-d atebeeli ends, and c6Yeted With runherlaeA'caalYase They, are -secured to the -feet oT -the wearer by straps, but in. such wise that in case of an upeet lie can readily deta.ch himself. - 13eneate the cylind;ers 'a,e'e paddles, which are so IL'iligefi as to flatten -when th-e le -g moves, 1:91.w,strd, oPeleillg on the baCkward niovement to give the requisite propulsion. The wearer has only to go theaugh the ordilnaey mo tions. , wall(ing, and. his recnter„ ska-tes" carry him a_head, A modification of thes ,inventleft ein- intste,ad ,of the paddles 'above .:desteribed, stn,all paddle wheet atsthe rear, which is operated, not. by 'leg inovements, bu,t by the feet, The !Setter Way, Oertie Guess aged fiVe was en- amoured of the baby:, next .door. -fes•terday elm int,eryieweet her nate:h- er upon the practicability of haVinee a baby- 'sister of her own. The niothee was synipathetie; eat painted out that babies, are expensive, "How. much would a baby; cost?" asked Miss Vive-Ilear-Old, "011 I don't know juat how much 1 but a great deal!!! her mother aniwe.r. - "As Muoh. 0813 elaasorplatao?' the Yo,eyneg:8s,teriaponicesuetidia,41 8. or_pial 0 was: the.answor. "Then," said Mies Ge 7711135,3 'we'd better t pia planoae , A 7-777" Found At Last. `ishman went to Australia. look- ing of -his brothers who had beS/, therefor eionae Yeairs• Their' nathes were Pat and Ted. • Whilst i,valking out of the railway station, he ewe an engine with. the in- scription; ' "Patented 1900." ""Begorrah!" be Said, "01 have found thine bhoys, afther They woz boiler ..manufacturere, and. ,they -came obtein'.1.9P-0,-;•1366,l - hgessegetegs._____ Woreen!s hate. are -luasueies, , and therefore' tot theeluxucy tax, -sae ,eording. to ,the German Minister of Finance. N WESTERN CANADA FARM -MORTGAGE, '15,,Practxca Or1gaget Companies tate —Investors Are Helping Production. byl,PGIvne'ltendlilS1 itartteed (311111•Itlerie s"ctvse re i13iyt80 111 .Weiitlr)J Csanacha farm lande in 1920, indicative of the inteeest and appreciation aeresa the International border of the Do - 3 7010 area lying e'est Or the Great Galtee.• With. increasing 1snow. led•ge of the Canadian 'West whicli per- force breeds boundless faith ie itil gsc)rieltilit(3enre-51.rostaienriciltya'sisnliTtehdellefstisturec-,2 111;ase ecnne a profound and WicieSpreatl 0011- VietiOn that 1.1115' territory Offers ono ei• the best Possible outlets fel' the in- Avesf2cliltl-oel-11-:2€00 2 fsoarN:Ilingt17,01:sr 21olareslleacklellaatihpall71. been the farm mortgage, years of ex- perience having moved the profitable- ness and impregnability of money ain- vested in thie manner in the Canadian West. Many investors In the United. States, fl.'0111 their previous acquaiat- auce with this' manner of investment, or,fro-cn„personal, -visits fo the territery in 'question., refuee ether met:bode, oT b1)1:setin't trieleir results gtsh-es.ePcruoi1.'eet-l°' til'rt02;): ,per,ity. and integrity ef ,Canada -West. To ,onatinasquainted Witb the situa- tion la inae- aos,eihis- suggest itself that. a farm. mertgag,e an illdiCatinn insecurity and Muni/mat ealamitY merely iineedea, and, as such. a reflec- tion upon a. country's proe,pe,rtv but re_ilectIon will prove the, enOt re -Verse. 1V;4]ilst aeltnowledgedly inadvisoble to enter upon „the Pursuit of tat inane, even. on the ehea.p iande.oe Wes tern Canada, -without. certain_ monetary ree•serces it cannot be de- nied , Out thet ehureiretes , of -fainters haese,rate.,InirLiMUM. ef nuatacial back - 000 011101 'hey -111,,, ht-$-4,„-reae- „, oill e - ea. - .„. .-seei be 1,,,,ers- ge.ece, estate -11v do nt the tazata !, - oolI17e 04151111 01' 13131)- 110130080 as,. thoe 00111.- nleni2„::), es:th,:g•reete.e.cealital -and their sea ceico t, shew gee7,11 0.9R1,.•02• pref.( Butathe time eccee contee when the farm, is,. fully. proved aid owned and, as-sin:ea -a de,finite Caine; ttle owner feels .justieeti- adding the equipmeat neceesary, to eteadue,t. ,1(1 ,I;t1111: recirent nearber, and else to ,1)tOvicle Illore Ceineortalee lionee for Methods of Securing Credit The arrival of sneli a stage free emently in farming eperations- anal advisiheit,y and desirability .fiecens ; diffge farniers, .'suche.perleftS leseani- Yeas-Lefty recog,nize;d: 'though opinione on the nietheas of:effecting this,may differ:. In some eases banks arrange to loan 'money; _certain of the ,pro- ' vinces have arran,ged tor rural cred- ite;-. ingothers the same 'object ie a is y farmers e0-operateve- . lyee A.nother system as th,e, farm mem.- gage,' through which 'the farmer may receive inoney, on his fa.rip to put - chase eamehinery or, proceed with. tee; erection of...,a house or farm buildings, He regards the ietereet he pays not necessaril-y a li,urdem but as e.a Op- portunity to hire- capItal for. a frac-, Lein. of. evhat„ it yields Jilin in increased reloduetioals. , , It follow's that those farmers will Make the moot productive use of capi- tal- who operate ini's,eotions where_ the east of ,production .is least in -Reeper- ,tialt teethe value -of- the erops- pro- duced; and sines land isethe. chief :Sete- repent- t,h,e, prodaiction, of fame e,r-ops, -the- meet Productive' farming, is i w.b.:ere fertile land is the cheapese: ThiS is _ the„featureewlficheniakes, .the, -WeStere . . Canadian farm mortgage so attractive to anyesters. , Mortgage companie-e state that, lo -so is practically imeoesible in deeding' with Western Canadian farms ' Land - values 'in Canada are continually in. ei.easitig. -Last year the ayerage.pricie - , of laud over t:b.e.Deminioe. rose td $13 per acre , from $46 tee year lief,ore, „whilst, ie. 1915 the value was - only $35. This land ie the Security for the mort. , ig•ragagein, e°1-i2Catro2n,Inaaine tbe'ealeinyg: culPa- bwiaerbdee: the s'escurest besis an investment cone/ have, - To the average investor, content that liiS ,money safe agaiast lose, ,th,ere'is a less material :side ,to, the in- vestment He has the gratificatien oa knowing that hie saVings ,are working toe eueb.' gcrod. exia. The prosperity 041 the world is -dependent up -an the agri- paying a re,gular ., and handeome in- ' cultural :iritit7tey, a,nrcl c,iddi,tio,n, tenet the capital inves•ted is taidteg some farmer, to -iporease' his produce Hon Of the preps the world is yery, --e- Keep Orf the Filick. , , 01 10 ete(-ed tha,t-e, railway ,, _are, Val,ling at the ratee,Ot One hundred nitro' all hour eduld pGI3G 3)141100 01) in 1113 less t,,Iiii.17 es s 13 or Stutter in overcoirii,post. Pie natural imethods jaertnanently reatoio natkgspeoch. Graduate puefis:aver-e- where. Free advice and literature, THE ARINOTT IINSTITUTE, •••-• VTCHENElt,• Dis.NADA Lift Off with Fingers ••••->7'7777 • \ • ‘Il Doesn't hurt a b , littte' "t0reeztate'i on an, aching oaise; tuatant; „ , . , 1 y, t hat, , cernt OpS"nt..1,1't t,1 en 013011- ly You ,Iitt It right off wit t ,fingers., Truly! aouredruggi;st 8ells ; iottle of "P,it',00.0„ffi!1t:a few, Oents, 9uffielent. td , ey" hard, Cora, seft Corn1,-. or t toepe and the, ,31 aneel ir elaa 1SeirE3313 1.-.7-22, . • . much in need of. Sleeps 6,000 Days. • , A,'Freach statiStlelan estimates that, at ttie age of fifty year the average liaa Slept 6,000 days, worked 6,500, eatallted 860, aniseed- himself 4,000, spent 1,500 eating, ana has beee 511 .500' tlaye. , i? • BBeti Big -Bert, 'the enione: eleek in. the teWer.Of -the Ile:eases of Parliament In. 1.d6ndonyrautomaticelly sends a signal each day to Greenwich. It rarely Variett £.1$5 match b, aecond, ere 7ou1,4"be more .748131oia 480 Id it eathera kr}ow 001001 0.4 11e01 %Ins th.Tt%k 10e1 44. • M1