HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-1-12, Page 1. ,.,,;.m.; va:+ ,3h,.i' ....i. ; �,�;. „ ..,, ,.; ..,....'; �.....w,,..w�o.�.�,.,...«w�T.n•.�,',�.
:iii.11.1r�Nn 1rMi1,1111±0)1111010.14!0. 11r1010 � 1111 1.1:..(,1(1.)..
$ '( > (CC7xx Y 'x
1C U 1A xc rour 27('111 'x
COc t z :x %,x, r 7.
..� fat rJ, tl '111.
0. � R
4 x11
pelxt7il'' %xS , ivea 1 partial ;list Of are e
riot �vtaatrzz�<�' .Y11Ltil Off 7ii%".
64Th axo
al() sG�sort is owcr, bulk are giving
tixE'Se big
Auctions now''. when~ the ,goods are needed. -fiend othis : partial list,
tixen came in and lot>l: axx'ouaxai "
Shoes' Libbers! SripPers! li gip !
300 pairs Ladies' Eiiipz'ess Shoe, i i es;,2,i.l to only, to clearat $1.49
Ladles' High lace, brown or blac`h. E anDicss Shoes, finest: quality
regularly $10.00 for „$6.98
Ladies' high lace, fine black shoes, reg. $7.0,0, .::; , .. to a,lear, at 44.98
Ladies' fine cushion sole shoe, regular $0.0 0.., ,.-:, fox $4.4 9
Ladies felt „slibes .clearing at l'oiu $2,i o 93.69
Ladies' Cozy Sippers,cleairug• at from $1.19 to $1,98
Men's Fine Shoes, regular Y'
�p '7 00 ,: ..•.;:., ..:for 4''.;1.8
Wi1litiui�' best heavy WVor1;, Shoes .., : ...,at 04..98
Men's brown .:''and black fine Shoes; regular $10.00.„..for $6:50
Bargains in.—„Hockey shoes, Felt Shoes and Slippers.
Anil Supports or' Foot Eaters --TO further ; inti'od'uce these linea , x'e
will sell dtlrihfg, this sale, only, $,5;'00 arch supports for $3:.50;aird $3.50
Foot Easers 'for $2.75
Children's Shoes -Hundreds of pairs on sole. ;• 1 ood shoes at
ow paces,
arid. Boys Suits;` ►O erco s,
Trousers etc,
Men's Overcoats; regular 929.00 ..,:..:.for 915 to '919
Men's Suits on sae- at ...:: , ..- . . froom $15 to'925.'
Boys' ,Suits, all. sizes ..: .......... .... $7.50. and $S.50;
Boys' `:Overcoats • $8 00 To $12.00'•.
Overalls ,.,..:: ,,...... at, $1. 69 pr
Co'.t.ton, .
Staples, Di°ess ooc ,'.
end to ear. en s. Fu�°nish g etc "
26 in. heavy white Flannelette for "25c yard.
27 in: heavy white Flanneiette .for ..:.... .,J 9 ' -a. yard.
3 6 in, good quality; ..Bleached ,Cotton anal long cloths at 251 "yard
40; 42 and 44 inclz..heavy Circular Pillow Cotton,- very .special,at•E48c.yd.
Dress Serg;es=This mentli at ueai'l`y haIf"price •
Sink -Special -36 in, heavy Pailette Silk in popul tr colors ;including
black,' at $1.95 yard
Ladies'' Plastery- -Speciai=2 5 doz. pr plain white • and black cotton hos-.
fiery, sizes49;' 0 ,; 10, to clear this: month at ..2.5cpair.
Men's,pnion Socks,_ 10 doz,. ;very special at 2 c Pair.
Mens.',;extr'a heavy wool Socks, regular), 75c' :.for 600 Pair.
Men's heavy socks, regular • 5 O pair,sale price 35c. or, 3 pairs :for,:.11.00.
As well as, above lines' we have hundreds of bargains to :`offer in
Men's and' Ladies', Hosiery, Underwear,; etc Ladies'- Voile and Crepe ,,
Blouses, 'Iienlnalits, ,etc Don't miss this splendid opportunity;' to save
money-. °Nearly"all'. prices +viii- be withdrawn when sale is over. .
agile°� this
on.. at � d�cuioii �
W..,P; ices
IIIIIfII 1�61i��[�IIilllll9lill
�:�IlI! II IdIIIIM�liiil�Nl!!illIIII I Illllilrllllil i
JANUARY 1, th,
..w'a'r • .i ie );;,Cte'r 21}I!'!.1:.rpcaa. C'c-nacii Oleo
fr..kr 1922 mat in, the Courr.,:,ii:' C]vi nbler
ori y2oi'clas ,tau•
9, took ,rind Subs x >
io- ,the wzeecssary dath:•ol of floc,
1s" ,follows ,�„ 1, cu .I � <
. :.t, 2,cv6 B„ VI, 1.
k +res , r s
z � z' � C'ounc.,llo ,,, ;(a, ep,a I:3av
- 1s,, Fre<lerz'1;.;' Ejlerin4gs'on, :-lhirtle z.
'i 1 r
r 4. sn P'1Z
a�u r s, c� .
1-1 op,.r.
- Gn` @r v ht. oia of tl'o l�•ecve 1211, '\ •
A,..1runitz:trivf1s .iat'esen,t rims 'olietzed
011010',1viih prayer alteruircis
actrvss,ng 'ti c. Cplf�tu�tl in "a.I,
.. lr eailly, .iva� ' .l 3or -; -,Y t;
:. ,{, n t� nil. dlnb h s sc-
=; -narks la, , 4-.J,c.r.red 0o. the than i•un-•
_ a ri �oio,rl3, sid11ew sltreet and"as....n1-
1 4 ,.... r pu' rh" thele, arid; 111511' the
• 50.1O&l p c}0,A ly. -On ruction, ,of Count
ila'or ; T t�p it az Vnaie of thanks u its
�. lir. 1kt t cv,. Truniper, which w;o- 1
3,1 d d Councillor Elle ringt-on ,1.05: 'SENIOR, Cler
t of chairs ii
{ ed `on inotzo;
ow ra gI t1 t11
i 11 n
use ,,of tht: '.t'o,:�ai Iia,
granted to the k ortculfural 'tiocaety
The following 1' 0001111 ~ fere read
tnrl=passed. T , BXe"rlizag, taaiii labor:
• z , T
' ( e IA _ . Baur
1. S �'� .CU r
u li
r at.
F n•
Tp, Stephen, T ra file 1i 0,. D.
as: 'I'1 4z � P. to ,
l;ussell .blacks1P.il011' .'.35;. J. 1111>-
• j' IP..
Dan S; San, blaelcszuitbzx,g �s,,>ti,
l3 , 11 1tt, labor, 3,7:5 S. itlartin 1. Sozz
stat%auery,'� 9 10 ; , f 0 tomo,` coal,
town hall,_ 8'.40; C. H. Si,elto , la.,
boy; Libra:'' oect.,,: 2 170; ',Cecil Fold,
labor, cemetery, =',005 Win. S,rorth,
labor, cemetery, '1.'00; bell Tel. Co,
4:00; owne>zs of pollint; 1)0011as 2,00
each; , deputy returning Officers and
Holl clerks $2.50 each
„ Ai jolfrnrpetit,by Davis .
ratulaztcd.t aemor -cra•ieleot9osx- Iletelt'i r toxinbi viis ,iron11i•e;cldrattheyhit 1- tI• goo.,,an, zaltl%fu1 Coon manna
10014 alien 310 inter e,sts o U the 100113.
":' uinaliiy
r,;,M Several matters tt"era-then:'rclelxe,d
.fro, :that: of lzauta:ae 'b0in 'the nlOSt
nnport'rant 11. , re, ai.rni _sy Stem teas
.=;: 1.o isIdered ns bevrzg inadecualge, the
rin in;.J: if tli; beit1 in. ;the past Ivas
l o-1 d1 "..i...
Milk ;1i1.51 001 01 11'131 -a.
+hMtt,r. Aon .lie Boal-cl 01 'Health" o
C1 al'- w, tit P0011.� l w arks in general -
0% "a, '''6.1 should be ca.reiitl as, 'to
Ino y° eypenclituxe. Pant ng .of the
A 'Molt' on :vas then± asked:', for to
- form ,Rt-tr.ilting Connaa,ttee •'
.Par.; 1It000er and l ller'ng'ioan.-'riza,t
-,rilIle a.3Go%uicillorsYaneisan;cl...:::,:1,14d
Dai 5:;1:::.
t1ie Stril11ng- C�mrmitteg -CodAoli.ozn nit It, ial 1t at''•730 p,in.'� ,, •ie i7n1et. as -aper ad]ourn,rn,e�n,t�1l Al°.• zLla�b as }Jia errt.The m;n-eo1zemorn.ri,g;sea 3 n 11010vasoapp- ores'.
i.< e.
3 ireui-fir 11 ttei wvas ,rear:` train
=a rh- Muni tpal ,nld`, Pew Davis and
n..�. ..
,.--��1`r to ^'is:-:'laat 1z�re copa0s .cf>tl-iei 1;1u.'o-
""i.i a.pai '' orlci::b-.,silb,sl.ri,bed.for;-C'd.t
-�I':r .,i 1 is' a 'l EI]eiingicu That'
.,' 10,00 :b ,corWa des to tllc•'Charlren's
=,: y? ry� 'Gros iiJi. t. o nes '
it, a�ogrh ^ niton, for a T.iiceia5e � ta-
uot r billiard .]parlor lvas `.reaid
o nd�L'd' W . ' (.i, 13looi!: of ',.trig-•
1 t Poe 'Hoaner aid Fra'sc.is-TIm
1n, be 'inoc 111antcda--'Carri",ed,,
latx ;<esi nr�iiitchn ;011-,113. ;Jo9n, W
• aylbr"'as a: anciub ,r oa; i1i ; '' Pubik.
1 fbrzry�' Board' \vas read 11110:1 aoceg]t-
d ,or:, ,:motion; of 1'IoioPer and Davis
1 h'- sen ora ,art" 'thy' S,trikh fg C,dm--
01 tt01 :Vas read as follows;-
F:lian . l400ner and Elleeington..
lion., 1v Frasali" incl LIoopei
C3ia ecei and Sp' -.:al - Iller,ngton
and i13avis
Rahs ,'".,snd Fran isa f
..LESS TUB STAND FOR $119.00..,
60c and 91.75
HERI3AGEUM 500 and 91:00
s ardware
xaic giber - 1 all •
mitt e
TItif ,s'tuic Waw acloi led of ±10tion 01
Frinoia and. Davis
The :nights of meeting= -r eae set for
the second, ,and fourth Mondays of
each mh.f ,
`.follol ing . we.re. elected as
niefnbers of the Library Board Mr.
.*Stewart`for a three year tern:;
Mr. Tesse Elston for a two-year tern],
filling the vacancy caused' by the r•e-
signation of,;1`Vfr.' J. W. Tayloxi Adopt=
b011 ii'lotutni;ot;1Ioot er and 'Davi .
Mr: �:T rs �'eeiiesWilbertbit:.
and i
Mar trip` wer ab;ppo}lited to, the Cenie-
tery'3lloa1 d. oman'otidn of Francis .and
Cf SC1OL 00 MMJI! \rCEiO1EN'.r. AAV VrAt, • �:
Me, 0 13.' -Sanders v2s reappointed.
The Exeter, ` High.:
igh :Scb.00l Coni ' Z5 i inenab r.-, 0x the Bo u d o,; Ile 1t?
nneucoment will be held Friday• even-• :0n ziaotzoiz of E11p1 arigton 'and Irr klMis
inr M ssrs•1. abl . Ilawkins, ;Geo 1y.xz=
g,•..auuazy,l-3r•rn thetgp�,ra:�Iouse.�
drGvv arch \;i y,3 s sset wez';e e.tip-
gr int el' 1 bi,' ,and n1,th l.l9 et' pro pointed as'fence vie'�Vers oni iri011011.
grain wil,1 be giiren i1�!, �tlre 1711 etez Fl, -
. students and au address by Col. of Davis •4nc1;1.{ooper
Valtei -,T Brown o1 Wester'iz Gi2 as ldloo,per and I. rands that a bv=
`�r t,y' ,,i ' . t .t f t- 1 t....-:
In'w ,11e pa`epared f ring the "salamis
f 1 Y e. Dense,, , very; h tix •
e i esen a z4n p c ip oa as Of the "nzernbe 5 of the "coni c.iJ and
tid. scho_laa sliips S�a�l admission-
e" 5c to det a x �._� .the ,Public �'tTtzhties' C,omanissroYt at
licitly , •$30 QO eac the eeve to z.ecc7�e
]4.IT f('Ui4LL FST lJTI T O. l:x ;
GA:wllT Tins 1'-. .
Tn tae .first 01-T.A: game piayei3.
in It"xeter.�this se,a;so0 .the Deter_.
Zurich team came t9?rough with "fly
ing colors when. it defeated the Mit=:
cher]. team ,0 to 3.; ` .The.ice was good
and there -was ' a fair crowd' pre-
sent, In the first period: -one nzzn-
ute after- the face off. C:-1' nce ,Hoff-
naafi carried, the puck down the, ice.
past the 'defence for a clean goal,'
much to the.. satisfaction' of the
1oca:l Mans; The play in the first per
hod was."mostly, iii . the Mitchell ter-
ritory and tithe after- bine fire home
'players Shot on €;oat only, to' be. first-
ed aside by- the MitcI ell goal keeper';
.who ,played a good game tlfrozrgh_
out and was:, responsible for .] eenizig
down ilio , score; The second'
was: sdered b-ytai y1(izell. A sloe' shot
froth: centre ace�vas.toppzd,in front
of tiie goal. while the goall eenei-
and'defencer jtinabled afto 'i -1i9 1Uclt:
11Iitc11ell scored. Zlindniars7z, oil a
1±511 scox ocl•, ilze second goal.: or the
'hone tearii llizaey's rushes were .a
feature of ; the ga?iae., e;; was too
fast Ion the vis'toi's. •,I3e anade sev=
eral-rushes ±";rine ganre•ancl•. scored
, twa of tine -'goals- flitch"ell on a.'uace i;
:piece" of, Cojlbillation tied:the, ,-o re
and, the period ended 2-2 . in' the
second period lalitcliell ~vent in •the
lead. hits ivus tied by Babe' Siebert
on ati'; nice piece o; 1 01lti. 'The -game.
3'ar'iied: -up 1rz the;: 2nd and during,;
the'-Per,iod throe. ' enalties1 woe}'e int
posed ori ,tlie Mitcliell ,players 'and:2
on the I*lxeter Ei rich players.. Big
Dodo tind. Handzliaxsh 10th seoi'eJ
,Anc l tiz ? left`Sobs. Orbzi
ana. Nc lvznan
p7xetot rpracli- ray i.' Harness
Yoeic , [zzclrnaa°slz <ncl + 1of'uiatiti:
e .�.
e Sz. z
rr l
!left Seiboz t; itbs, 1to'binson
1�„ Oallfas.
yt i p
1'lie 1l F, t,z,r-Yl rleh team g1 ?es to
iVTitch ' 1 li'riday'. eVIniiz,; . to :l",lay
0 1 . A
The. last period ~vas a 'bit rough" and'
several penaltaes . zver-e ;drawn i At'
one *111,1 liotai :Siebert and Clarence
Iiof 'rn 101' decorated, the-•'�la'oards and
the 'tea=l was • considerably: weakened:
O.uly.` one goal was ;score'cd .in tate "last
period ' and this by. little'``"Dodo"'and
Siebert an a nice, piece of ciSinbi.na-
tion; Mitchell was Galled quite;; fre=
quently. for playing off -sides- In 'the
second period Thorne ''1 Nii_tchell''s*ras:
struck 111 the eat•"by tlze:puck.`` A
caupla ofr'stitch'- ;were required to
q .
close'` the 'wound, . 1 -le wase only out.
of the game- for',a,slzort time:
of S'elifcrth, •''gave gtiod
O'3.isfaction.: as 'i•ei'eree. ,
The line' up,
,Mitchell ---goal, t 11111 abed
fence, gawyes-,_1. defence, +i i ?e}itiian
cehitre R '' Thorne mitt, i3]c i s,•
left Gat ezzby; subs., 13affou`.r• arts Da
1 50ai:
Eaot-r urzeh goal 1 oil
fe7co klrnc'ir,zxsh, ,,- dmf pce
fou 1-3oftman centre Clare oti is
azi rn;, left ;erlieti t; :, r ight- Robirz_
suls,•'NeKi'on )Id Gallfas•>;
3111 01 $55,00. r!,;:
'Per.EIlerirlgton; . no socEin ter :that -
a1>_s,•y9ras,.. Grdley i�xtuzizee•l comethe ';Gouncil`` do not
< aa,ry o.
'rizuisd zi 11151 after sperxdirl»
several receive
Z7z�, � I f r+tile year" tl e
E ays iMontreal uidd' her. - eturn ieevb, declared the'niotzou,Ctiiaxed ','.!.
She _boas tire, n1isfortui,
1e - to slip, on ` pet,' E11Or ugtori and I100pet tlia"t
some ce andl,fall bruising One cif her,.
` flier clerk. a,ad'>treaSairer 5 salary be
Y,rms: fixed'.a.t fonr-h:undreil: dll
^ars for elle
year. t` Carried.
Pei•`"Eller'ington and Francis that
the :street commissioners' salary. be
97.60.00 for ,,the year. -
The n1uni41aal a,izditor is to re-
ceive the sunt: of $.5:0.00,' oil niotion
of c'raireis„ and Hooper. " -
Per T ranciri:;and Davis that Mr. Z
TTunter,be roe-aY?pointed assessor, sal-„
any $115.:00; and ,9.5.00 fld;<le'd for
prep r001 ;; '.;trt,tant...-officers 'book,
Per 1'llex la rl 1Ln0 Davis'that the,;
nrcrs..iz4g rztuii r al•,priitting' be se;
r it cd , e A voc itc of is CO r
OLIVER—. At Grand.'Bend,.,oi1 Jan.
1st, ,,to. Mr.., and 14ii•s. Ware: Oliyer,
a daughter,
Olin.ton vs
Exeter Zurich
„of bef.orei.--aii. saint -jai; crowded:
rink The icer,'",vass vety soft: „and
°fi'Ller t°lire at
keep busine
The rem
mr: Tilos
'on ntotio,n,a3,
council' re Ole, seat
license. Pet.
, that for -Llni
roup Th"''et
asking tli