HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-12-29, Page 5I1UBSDAY, 1)ECL'AIIIl+:li, Tipa )21 Winchelsea The Winell lsea 'school was packed. eC,., for the Christmas t nis tl zaS ext el tai nlxleilt whichark n m ecit `lee close o f the terns. A11 the available space was occupied and some were unable to get 111. The program. was one of the -best that hap. been given at Winchelsea for years, and the tea'ch'ers;Miss McKellar and Miss McCullough deserve great erect- " t for the manner in w%iclr •the pu- pils ivere trained. Some of the num- bers -were especially i;iiterstiig. A small admission fee *as charged. and 'the proceeds amounted to over $6 O. �itnlll. V le Mrs. George tlaelletteat 1z esent is quite ill andt under the' Dr's: care'. Miss 'Mina Cornish, ,who is atteed ing High Scirool' at Belmont is speicd- ing` her holidays larder the parental root: • Miss Viola Bell attended a reunion banquet given for last year's I' oitncai; • students iii London' on Friday, -Dec. 23rd. Miss Laurina Johus,rwho is book- keeper for a firm in London, is lionle for a week. " 11 incl Mrs. Jas. McLaughlan of Wal are fire at; home with Mrs. i17c- Laughlan's father, Mr. Robt. Woods. Mr. Fred,ed Wright, t, who is a tte nd- :ing a barber's college in Toroato, is 1'a4u laying in, the -conn nit Y ry_ adi .-tddr z �, Dian (nee', Nella -'Hey- woo( ) and little daughter, Marjorie are `house from the West renewing old acquaintances. Miss hfary Hera and two nephews Walter and Kenneth Johns are spending a week in St. Marys at the home of'Miss Bern's sister, Mrs. D. S. Whaley. What's the, question : for to -day? Hydro. - .IOHN REAN1.1Y,'',OF LOGAN, FOraN13 DYING IN RfELI) John Reaney, .an old and mach 're- spected resident ;of the' 3rd. conces-' cion et 'Logan, , died on . Christmas Eve under. distr•essi>ig •.cireunnstances, Deceased undertook to,.lead a young. horse tout a`to .water • aad v ound the halter.- shank, around his: wrist, it ie. thought for• a sure hold.:` The horse G is sueposeasto have jumped and.jerke ed with the o1d'man, Who is 8O years Of age, and minting, away trailing Win 'ever. • the 'ti,ozen greund. Be was.foun.cl h T this son about 40 rcds fir, '.rl, the barn sometime after, and ;ung then but died about an ha i"ter. No one saw the accid- ent. 'sides his widow, twa dough. teas and,,, four sons .survive. The funeral took' place on Tuesday td anriiiity Church Ceniietery, Mitchell: Crediton Mi, Freeman MVorlock has boI lz thehoe business of theMr.B s late o Browi and is tatting kassesgio2 thi week. Mr. Victor Nestle of Chatham Miss Lyde ;pestle, Mrs. Johnston an 1\lr. and Mrs. Broderick, ; of _Lond'on spent Christmas at the home of M. and Mrs. T, Tievitliick. Miss Vera I-Ioltzniann nurse in training ; Iii atVitoria: nlio it gS al London, , Was withaher ,par �c;Mi, sa�zi:d. 1V1.?s^ J. H , . Hal't"znraiii fox. a;`few' da s.'tliis Y week. Mr.. arid Mrs.:,Dl tier, S'xi n+t2 ,, tto Ben Millar spent tike"`Iio]t`da'y with the latters mother Mrs. George,Hol Unman is n Miss, Julia Bauch is wit i'ier parents at the Evangelical angelical; par nonage for'the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. ,r, Essery. Mr. Wm, Colwell, who has spent �IM "ii E. ETER� the last three months at his furni,in Sash •e to •I . i n rod home Met week, e Service vice was held ld in the 'baseztent of the new cliureli last Sunday y for the first time., d` r Mi h Mr. 'Herbert Beaver spent_„ the week end in Detroit' Mr, Joe Keenan of the .Bank ofy' Commerce • was in Guelph for the Curistnzias lrolidays:' • The Sunday school entertainment of the 'Evangelical church which was held Monday evening was a splendid success The first part of the pro- granrnie".consisted of songs aitd. -recit- ations by the.y.-oung members of the Sunday School while the second part was a Contata entitled "The Rose of Bethlehem" enc and was exceptionally xceptionahy well rendered. At the close of the programs gifts weredistributed to the different e1 Ille ether s of :..the Sunday School. The superintendent MI J. H. Holtzman being presented with a token by the Adult Bible classes. The Women's•' Institute concert was held in the' Town Hall last Thursday evening. The programme consisted of selections by Murray Cayley entertainer, Mr, Baine, viol- inist, instrumental trio by Messrs. Cayley, Baine and .Lorne Brown and selections,by school children of Cred- iton and South school. The pro- ceeds of concer : to go 'toward pay ment on the athletic field. Centralia id Mr.' Byron ron 'Hicks' :ilia iait5`were ' expectedliome Monday iistead '"a wireless cress caiue statin til 'e ' g , ey were still on the ocean 1 c. and Mrs. s, lar >• • uness, of Nor'tic ` ern Ontario, and Mrs: Lewis,'Iof Lan- don, visited Mr. IIac•kness and Mrs,' Lewis parents, Mr. an'cl Mrs. Connor 'ever the Holiday,` Mr. Earl Hodgins of Toronto,. is visiting under the parental roof over the Christmas. - Miss Mabel Ellioad of Clinton is spending the vacation at her -Home lie.re. 'Dr. ,and Mrs. Heighwey, of Len- ten, spent :.Christmas the.•guests of Dash wood Mr, -Clar enure Yaeger tof Sarnia spent the holiday at . . , n hip home here .aliiss. C 'i arae; , , Ktrnt,� orf Detralt; vis t, r, i zn t .� Ith � 6 er . t121 pauietttts. Mr. an.t Mrs, Geo. Kellerman ll retie sire visiting an Chlesley, • • Mrs Der Learn o. .. S . $, of Saginaw, fiche are v'Si, pr Gra, e'g ',wadi Mr; and Alis. Y ,.sx.: Mr.:. and 1\?a'S. Wilbur Graylnei,1 ,oL Woodstock nee .visiting IMi;: ;and Mrs. J. W. Graybeia . . :lire, Humband 'children, 1. .. en,' Iffy, and Mrs. I3. El.si(e land. Mr. ,alnd :Mrs. E , Pfaff and son ''Clifford of Sarnia ' airs holiday visitors an towtra Mr. ' Wm. Mtssser df Pe terbero . ' is visiang .at hd,s llama :..here Mr, and Mrs N. E. Dahms . are ; saendi!nig the holidays ia Hanover. Dr. Grua: S,pkier of Cardington Ohio spent Christmas with th31s parents, Mr: and ' Mrs. Wm. 'Snider. Hue Mr,' omer r' G tithe r of Waterloo to spent( the wleek tend at bus home. Mr, and Mrs's tHasen Dark and daugh tier Betty of Alnlaerstburg are visiting with 1 I ti 1V r• and Mrs. Charles:�$teindcagen 'Ma Herb Gatieler ioif Dettroit ie visit- ing at his homy here aver the holidays Kraft Mr. Edmund Iiraft .tiiid the. mi'sfor- tune afahaiving has finger \takeln off fire a :grinding ncaaaaliri)nle last"jveels. - Mr. Walter.Fassotd of London spent Christmas with hits parent's :less Letta Guenther is visiting iet D ttroi t this week. Mr. Harry Guenther of Windsor v.sIc d : bus ,pateents toyer C.hrirstmas. Mr. Earl Gais'er has opened a new skating rink, Skating every afternoon. and evaincr g, Mr: and Mrs. E, G duraft and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs'Fred Preeai'er spent Christmas in. London). Mr. Milford Cook and sister AInia al Detroit, Myrtle and Alberta of London, arid Mrsj. Dale of Walton Groan, visited their tparents, Mr. and '.\irs. Geo.. Cook'avner thie, holiday, SCHOOL. REPORT • Of Ream "11, based on examinations" arta daIv work Sra 11:i,; G. Guenther ,271, H. Hoffman 2.53, C" Fischer 231 A. Siss nhag'ea. 168 F. K1einsttv,er 16) t E. W Ld;s` 155; W.Ha/Tomer 147, A. b Wallet .140,- •H;' IHartle'b 135 1 Jr-.. IIT, ;tI2 C, B'iirnieisier' 265, Tl Ha •ter: 264 `ri\I H-ael 232, E. 'PIartleib,215 F. Guenthier d 205, G. Bender •203, A.,,Resteuieyer178' a I. Upland 175, E. Hamacher 164, M. ` 61-irner 160,_ E. Merrier 157, M�I,White to 150 'VI. Gra;upner 125, C. 'Pfaff 111, N. f FaLssold 25; ',Sr. II., G. 'Burmeister 213 d L. 'Zimmer 188; W. Evelan 188, L. Ben -at d°r 188, P. Bender: 186, S. Gertitner g th Zion Zion ; Su a - e d School held their is R Y •. Christmase-en entertainment tertan meet on Tuesday : Deo. 20 con nosed of recitation dia- logues, I �r logues, and singing. Mrs. Armitage sang sevei'ad selections. Rev. M. Armitage was chairman,' Santa Claus distributed presents to the children. The, Pastor was the recipient of a finer duck. A meeting in the interests of g n hy- dro for fanners was' held recently, adt1ressedb "1Fir.:loshua. Johns. <h Y . �.0 e fariners are taking considerable in- terest and a ,number have signed up to..havo ;.hydro installed �providinga sufficient number are obtained. Miss M. McIntyre, of Forest, visit- ed her sister, Miss'. Jennie, for a few days last week. c,: tl h`selhu � Cat The Chiselhurst Christmas enter- tainment was a decided success. The scholar from the three surounding day` schools 'taking ';part in drills, dia logues, reeitations; choruses an songs. - Miss Annie Wren, John' Wren and wife, of Toronto, are visiting zs in t g the for- mer's, parents, Mr. and Mas. Geo T. Wren over the week -end...; ' r Mr and Mrs. Roy McDonald, 1, ad ,Mr. and Mrs. Ira Chambers,,- Mr. Martin McTaggart, Miss McTaggart,Miss E. Wallis, is lVi i ..and M'rs. ,T. Harris and family spent Christmas with friends at Exeter. Mrs, Cudinore and family spent Christmas with friends at Seaforth. Mr. W. J. Pybus,, Chiselhurst. d Dear Brother,— ' We the members of the congre- gation of the Chiselhurst Methodist Church, desire to exaress to you our appreciation of your earnest self- savcrificing services- on :behalf of the Sunday School of our church.- Tho we ourselves may not always show as much interest in 'the. school as we should for the study yof God's, word -still we are glad there' is a Sunda" School Y c ool in'our` midst'and'ttiat so"'nrucll is being n alone g to ''teach "and. inspire our boys and Y girls,' 'our young testi and-ivomen'arid older',onee" as ;well a se' t; tl v:,,lines of, Christian: eliaracter uilding. We recogiirae,, the,.. act. at the burden of the Sunday School as rested upon you aud a few other evoted workers and we wish you to crept this Ring -and Timepiece as a ken of our. ap reciatio P n of your aithful,. earnest efforts. We do not o . this with the thought that you e :goingi'to leave: us or that you are oing to give up the work, but rather at w® may excoura e : oil. a g y little y «letting• you know that we do ap- reciate your ervice in the Sunday' hoot and Church. May God spare u . long to labor with us in His ok. Signed on behalf of the congre- tion, Wei. J. Wilkinson, Thomas arris, Earl Tinsman, Bert Riley. c. 22nd., 1921.. 170 I We:it 152, E W2twer 105. Tana, ai Edmeson�, ,teacher:; AmiparamtenractaiMinamonniseenon 421121.111 r. • give � his tr�.�-v�ic BECAUSE he has compared his voice with its RE-CREATION by the New Becausethousandsof l - have heard scomparison. Edison. Pec s people h ethisBecause P P onedistinguishedan: differencee ween his livin g voice and i no b t o his RE- CREATED y g voice. Don't take the statement of an artist that a phonograph gives his true voice. See whether that phonograph can sustain the comparison test. If it can't, you know that such phonograph does not give you the artist's; true voice, but merely its Think about these things! Then remember that ,a mechanical version of z own.6 at the New Edison does sust,in the comparison testi that it is the onlyphonograph which sustains the comparison test; and thatwe are always glad to prove this to you. credit ishere,.Y:. arrange ._ h. If you love imuszc, your c t good.You can a ge yourpayments on a gentleman's agreement. ti rb e, a a a �c •� tiv lk�w 0 d>''Ei 1 Bring,'o7 Sore; ,'1 <. ED!SON Q I,S,>i , ,i,.� .1 'Vl7hore favorite Macs war'.-` aka ,to know? Nam?` Arldresa,, Gt \iidhast idivoo Lintel,. to, 'u pplyy i3& of h tt. Bison of i t iso, yq .Edison anti MV aite-ti�1, What. if id tditsozr Ds L: r "aalae ".nt�frrui,ate; sea. isdi, tai. -stain) b z2 Se yo w ga H De Thames Road Miss Pearl Cann; of ' London, spent Chrismas at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cann. Mr. Arthur Cole, of Goderich, is holidaying at his home. Mr. A. C Whitlock spent Xmas at his home, Mrs. 'Whitlock and Miss Evelyal returned with him and will visit in Springfield this week t Following is the report of S. S. No. 2 Usborne for the month of Dec- ember baed on the weekly.exaxrnina- tions: -Sr. IV. Ethel. Stewart, C. Hodgert. Jr. IV. R. Cottle R. Turnbull, E. Campbell, Alex Rohde. Sr. III.: C. Stewart, E. Allen. Jr. III: A. Cottle, S. Campbell. R. Cottle Sr: I1. I. Stewart. Jr. I1. T. Allen 1ti. ` Rohde. . First—L, Stewart. Sr. Primary, 11. Johns, P. McNicol; ' W. Stewart. Jr. Primer, A. Rohde, ,I. Chidley. Number on roll 20. Aver- age attendance 19. F. A. Marquis. Locals VISITORS IN TOWN Among those who 'spent the hall- days in town -were,--- alias Edna Johns, 'of London, with Iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Johns. Mrs. F. Mallett, of Windsor, with Iron' parents, 1'.Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Davis. Mr. and Mi's. Thos. Jones, of De - trait,'" with .Mr. and Mrs. Thos. El- liott. Miss Mildred d i-Ia,rdy, of Toronto with Iier parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy, Mr. Chas. Triebner, o f Toronto, with his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. F. Trie. ner. Mr. and Mrs. S. Poplestone, and three children of Blyth, 'with the Y for- iner's mother;:. Mr. and Mrs. Pfaff, of San- til'usky, Mich,, with theforiner's sister Mrs. S. hardy. airs. Jeanette Hamilton and Miss Agnes :Spent Christmas, with, friends liderton.• Messrs. Sampson and Giesoin lard, ,visited with their mother, Mrs. (.I, ea. ) Yellancl. V'34ITOM11S OU?.fi`. OF TOWN Atte ,ra tlrooe ii"llt} ;i t1rs eat of town wn r,ir. Fred, l�. r,eoe ..irn finis ('roil:ss'atzte;' 7G•,tindMrs,1z.J., a',', T . - e.i epi:,1, 'Cue 11,e11- rC.- aI a>nto. Ito111e ;;lolton Dore in `.%'.1 o:1 () . The Exeter Times & Tor ut to11T �g • ew S• bs r,� ; V 1'f you are not a reader of the Toronto Globe or TIIe Exeter Times weare able to siatake you the ex-, ceptional offer of the two papers fon' the price of one. Both The Times and Toronto Globe will be sent to genuine new subscribers for one year for $5.00. This offer holds good onlyinstil the end of the year. , This „might prove ;ano portaruity:�for.:mam I? a of our present subscribers to solve the Christrnas gift problem. Send The Times to aareitatiae..at-to, !cmc, tance and take the Globe yourself. Present x went subsexxbers to - The Tinges` who are not now taking the Globe may get the"two': Y � papers for :>;u.a0. This is an opportunity. Call us up, at "once,acd you can settlewith us when you are he town. Mr. C. . Lrr L. Wilson extends aS, to all his Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous obs N eW Year. Wilson's Grocery Mr. J. C. Rankin at his hone in Seaforth. Mr. J. D. Flann, at Silver Creek, New York state. Rey. A, A. and Mrs. Tramper and ,family; in London. MVTr.' and d Mr . s Wni`a May' "atii' Sori� Gordon, n i" G n M tclrell.' M . r. T. R. Fey`• u o g s n with Mrs:: Fey- us on tT � g a ees vatei• 1V Ir' . an'112 d ns �J :, J. R.,hind, in d anal ' Geo' spent t Monday Y in Landau. . Mrs., E., A. Follicle spent Christ- mas with Mi; Follidk in Toronto. o uto, Mr. and Mrs. J..W: Powell'visited. with the latter's parents at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Chapman 'and> son Forbes with relatives 'in London. '.Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tierney and fa- ther, Mr. a-ther,"Mr. H. Homey, with relatives at Kipper:. Mrs. E. Follick, Sr., and Miss IvIa- bel Follick,•spent the holidays in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah .isestle, with their daughter, Mr's. Earl Whiting, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McAlister and child, of London, spent 1Ylonday witlx. Lice fornier's parents, ,Rev. W. G. II. and Mrs. 'McAlister at the 1Vfaiu St. )arsonage. TO THE R.A,TEPAYEBS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USI3O.RN.E Ladies and Gentlemen—At the cornhation meeting Monday I stated that 1 would not be a candidate for councillor if it would cause an elec- tion. My qualification papers were filled out before the vacancy on the council wasfilledtherefore I feel that 1 am not responsible for the election. I respectfully solicit your vote and nfluence and if elected will serve you to the best of -my ability, ED, : WESTCOTT BDRIED WITH MILITARY -HONORS Two weeks ago `Tile Times made mention of the death of'Mr. Mervin S. Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, F. Russell, of Rihstone, Alta., and grandson of Mrs. D. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet, of town. The following report of the funeral is taken in; part from the Chauvin Chronicle: A very Targe congregation turned out in sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Russell on Friday afternoon. The weather was fine and mild. A shorter is washeld s v e e cl at the ne house, after which the G,W,V.A. ' of which Mervin S. Russell was a member, supported by the 19th. Alberta Dra- goons formed a firing party D ,- compos- ed of the foilovvuig Sant, P. Sev- igny, , - igny, A. Hirons, .A. Herbert, 2I. Fox - well, A, Tuey, G. M., Beattie. :.A guard, of honor was also formed. The Dragoons, took possession of the casket bearing it shoulder high. to the wagon attended by the guard of honor, The cortege proceeded to the municipal hall where a large concourse of people Iiad gathered, many were unable to gala admit- tance. After the casket was placed it was coverett by the Union Jack by the commanc'ling officer. Floral tributes were sent by the soldiers in Reith Sanitarium, Calgary'; the Bib' WALE) Ladies' Aid, Ribstone W. I.. The G. W V. A. and the Dragoons placed theinselveii in tosasation fac- ing the casket. Feta Mr, 1lrteh I- on delivered a very appropriate ad- dress. At the conclisioo of the ser- vice the casket yvaa opened and all viewed the remains. The caslkea,. was entitled to tale weg.gort, the. solu- !ere Euro reel .int, ' it: d1i,t. `tale <.L'tivEtl o ,et the e,eiiietery the sri liers tech charge. i1u•ee valleys were f.rid oJ;'el•. Lith grae°, The deceasocl bad j latera a 4,1 o s TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHLP OF USBORNE Having been prevailed upon to stand for the counci of Usborne I take this opportunity of soliciting the vote to and influence of the ratepayers. If elected I ed I tivill serve the township.to, the '1a " est,' ofnx�a ability, 3 zy :. JAS. S. JEGK ELL Municipal Nomination (Continued from page one.) ing a team of horses this year. He said that100.0 had been en spent in cement sidewalks this year. There were :more"d:eserving petitions, • but the council had tosttt(rtail. C. B. SNELL Mr. C. 'B. Snell was called on •next to give au account of his stewardship: He stated that he was trying to lower thetaxes by building Houses and get- ting people to locate in Exeter. He recommended paying taxes half year- ly, about one-half say, in August, the balance in December. He said that wages would be lower and expenses reduced next summer. He thought that something; should be done to keep the young men in Exeter by' giv- ing them clean sports which are in keeping with-christian principles. He stated that he was standing for reeve and asked the support' of the electors. JOS. DAVIS Mr, Davis simply thanked the peo- ple forthe support he got from therm and wished them a happy New Year. JESSE ELSTON Mr. Elston spoke first: oil the de- benture debt of Exeter. It is ^ now slightly over $72.000. The hydro debenture debt is a little' over $17000 He referred to the agitation for a flat rate, but thought"it was not feasible. He advised that we sliould riot dic- tate, to the IIyyaro commission. He congratulated Exeter on its good contract for hydro power. Mr. Elston then referred to the tax rate. Comparing the years from 1917 to 1921, showing the advance from year to year. The school rate has increased a few mills each year. The village rate has kept fairly stea- dy. The council has no controlover county or school rates. He appealed for the support again as councillor. and said he stood for economy and lacy and. order in the town. C. F. HOOPE.R Mr. 0• 'T`. Hooper, who was well received asked for support and prom- ised to do all lie could for the well - fare of the town, if elected. B. M. FRANCIS czs Mr. Francis also guaranteed to do his best if elected. He thought we had a good council last year, but we will have a better one in 1.9 22. 11. E. IJWISTON Mr. Ruston, of the Public Utilities Commission, was then called on, He gave great credit to Sir ,Adair Beck for ;pis hydro policy. Great credit is duerMr. Doerr for work here. The contutission is anxious that everyone 'using power, light or water sliould flay his just share, Ile praised the crow punnp aud its economy in opera- tion. Mr. Huston was re-elected by acclante tion. alit. BEAVERS Mr, Beavers again addressed clic meeting. Ile referred to the five ircare of his n�^eeveshiit tine ttsat- ilaS Ile; On: '' dotio ciirtilrr that time. list; the i h 2ro electric, eyste..t, then , the eoiu- (,r'ete pits-me:it on :Main and Wel II torr stl.eet . Atte titeiood weak g wart the patting in of ten electric.:tamp 7, lam for ,i- tae. woi ewo1 ii �ystssssi -welch:< cost' (O x 41;;8 ;aV.ti $500 because of t1;ze Inn -tat it it was tine tq give the p039., someQ aee1ee after five year e 'P 1qtt 1U"aUOU.o nad lfte• rt ps'erx' srsateciliot ei d b la pnloarlatyofaithiaeenesle.otoni,solicitd t.,hotefr. r+ FRJ2D ELLER1NGTO1' Mr, Ellerin 'tan who g was nol ated for both reeve and council , tat - ed; tha ' .1, he would stand for counci He said he would give serviceratis g a>. and if izacould notcl ia i cge the Mat -- ilea of salary y he would give liis- to the poor of the town. This statement was applauded. F. W. GLADMAN 1 Mr.chairman W. Gradin . 1'' iii .chair ua r i n of the. Board of Education, tit u ..ad- dressed ,the meeting. He g reviewed carefully the receipts and expendi- tures" of the,chool board, s ba .id, .allowing, how the money. was `spout and its, nec- essities. . He gave the reason 'for, en-. giging•'a• 4th teacher in High S,el oQ1; namely, the passing of the Adodeseiit ,Act, which compels the attendatica'bf children until their 16th • year, an,d the consequent larger atteudailue i s compliance with this law.. yT:llaiee teachers, therefore, could' not:. ado'- uate q IY handle the number of schol- ars in attendance. The eliafrmanr then dealt with the 'matter a ter of t eaeli ers salaries. Teachers have not -.been paid remunerative salaries • and have left theOfe si r s on. p Ate teachers organization has stipulated what the salaries should be, and school boards Measurably, must comply; with the- terms, heterms, The policy of the Board is te pay as they go. Mr; Gladman discussed 'clic matter of Provincial grants, ,showing that rural schools benefited to ,a greater extent than towns and villages.- The government last ;year amended the act so that villages tinder 1500. pop- ulation will now' be more nearly on the sante basis as rural school cool sec- tions. Mr. Madman is again a can- didate. W. F. -ABBOTT Mr, Abbott was called upon to ad- dress the meeting' a candidate for the Board .of Education.. He said he had an' interest in the boys andi 1s'' g r . He' thought the People aught to ate' tend school gathering 's and t g ake an interest in -the school. work'. '' He thought the moral interests of the school should have greater attention He asked for the slipper:: of the elec- tors. CH 1,7 P77fAr,,3TTIR,(2.9g., MST's WINTER TERM FRO ff JANUARY l 3rd. Western Ontario's best commercial, School with Commercial Shorthand and TEflegraphy' eepartnnents. We give individual instruc- tion, hence "Entrance" standing is not necessary. Graduates assisted to posi- tions. Get our free cata- logue for rates and other' particulars. D. A. hicl tCI-ILAN, Principal uotlhe r. Drop in Prices on all kindsof LUMBER XXXXX SHINGLES PAROID ROOFING 1, 2 or 3 -ply. SLATE SURFACE .ROOFING. either: red or green ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES' either red or green 1). L. & W. SCRANTON COAL ON HAND. ALL SIZES. PHONE 12. A. J. CLATWORTH GRANT0N "R '! LWAY t,`SYSt.EM; The Double Track otit BETWEEN To t t � �1� o Detroit and Chicago CTrroxr-;erred linin c; . Sleeping cars on night g ar sorvlce, aine at Parlor cars on prlricipal - dati•Y.- trainnsd. Full inforination fr'oPil onY Grand,r Trunk 'I'icl'.et Agent 01' C. IJ: hor- ning,District Iia act g+•r Agent, Toronto. N, .''►, 1)0111E, ne 4 Phi ti'av ;a?rat Exetes if. r^±