HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-12-29, Page 4THE =EWA Tlfdedi Tihaannual :Meeting of the Liberal Association for South Horan will be told in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL TUESESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 at 1.30 o'clock, p.m., for both ProV- incial and Federal, puraietaes. Ladies are especially riitvited to be prepent. tidy. SMITIT, Federal President JOHN ESSER.Y, Local „ President ' NOTICE Having dieposecl., of my Millinery business to 3Iiss Yellan,d I desire to thank my many custothers for their past, favors :and wish them a very happy and prosperous New Year: All accoents are now due and must be paid On or before Jan. 7th... After that date they will be placed for colleetion as I am leaving town. IVIISS Nit:DONALD LOCALS Miss 'Minnie Weekes is visiting in Guelph. Mrs. Geo. McLeod is visiting with relatives at Seafoeth. 'Mr. Hy. Statham, of Acton, is vis- iting his brother, W. 3. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard, visited at Brucefield this week. Misss Irno Sweet and Reta Rowe visited in London last week. Miss I)orrance is spending the holi- days at her home in Seaforth. Mrs, J. Jarrott left this week for Inniskillen to visit for tile winter. Miss Veal, of Brantford, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. Mr, Gerald Fitton, of Toronto, vis- ited his parents in town, on Tuesday. Miss Horton, of town, has accept- ed a position as teacher in the Blyth . Miss Thelma Connor, of Windsor, is visiting her grandfatther, Mr. .Tas. Connor. Don't forget that a vote for Hooper is a irote for the best inierests .of Exeter. Mr. iVfillar, of the H. S. staff, is spending the holidays at his home at Rodney. Miss Stella, Gre*gory, of Brantford is spending the holidays withher mother. Miss Florence Dinney entertained ea number of friends on Monday 'everting. 1,80.74, Mr. and Mrs, Fred May and son, Warren, are spending the week, in Mr, W. 3. Carlin.- is moving iuto his new tiou.se across from the park this 'week. Mr. A. Sheer°, of Detroit, is visit- ing for several days With his mo- ther, Mrs. A, Sheerett Mr, Melville Cladman, W110 is at- tending Western Uuiversity, is,home for the holidays. Mrs. D. D. Smith, of Toronto, is visiting with, her portents, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Arita:strong.' Mr., and, Mrs. Norman Hern and daughter atitallorwicheoare home to spend. the New Year. Mrs, Wm.' Newell, , ef Stratford, spent several days with ;her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bissett. Mr, Re Ford had a runaway Sat- urday. The left hind wheel of the buggy 'woe 'badly smashed. Mr. Reg. Parsons, of Erieau, is e'pending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Parsons, Dr. Davis, senior House surgeon of St. Michaels Hospital, Toronto, is vis- iting with Dr. and Mrs. Graham. Miss .Aany Johns, of St. Catharines is spending the holidays with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Wel. Johns. ',Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Fear, of Windsor, are spending the Xmas. and New years' holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mrs. Pearson and Miss Dorothy Bonney, of London, and Mrs. Heron, of Fernhill, are spending the week at the home of Mr. OSP. Brooks. Misses Lillian and Winnifred Hus- ton, of Dunville, and, Miss Marjorie Huston, of Tillsonburg, have com- pleted the millinery season and are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Huston. The Exeter -Zurich hockey team had their first practise Tuesday evening. The ice was in good shape and the boys showed up well. The officers -have arranged, an exhibition game with London. for Thursday. • Mrs. J. H. Greive returned last Friday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Lathnee Geeive; 'at Strath - ray. She brought her little grand-. daughter Helen home with her. Mr. and , Mrs. Greive spent Christmas here. NOTICE I have bought Miss :McDonald's Millinery business taking possession at, once. The continued patronage of her many customers is desired by me., All ladies cordially invited to call. A. YELLA.ND 1 -will meniest is your tistmas Seas Bring music and gladness into your home during the holi- days with Mr. Edison's NEW DIAMOND —the 'World's geeatest phonograph value. There is no finer gift to your family than this beautiful musical instruinent. It will be a perpetual source of enjoy- ment to all—a lasting remembrance that brinas With it a world of real pleasure. The Arnberola is not 3ust an ordinary talking machine." Its remarkable realism is the result of years of experhnent by Mr. Edison himself. 'The Dianiond Point Reproducer does gway with the bother and expense of changing needles, and the famous Amberol Records are practically indestructible. These two fca.tureS alone make the Arnberola the most ecOnomical phonograph to Gum. Three Days of Good Musk—FREE! Mr. Edison has directed us to deliver to` your home, at our exPense,' an Arnbetola Phonograph and any twelve records you may select. If, after three days of good music, you decide not' to keep the Arribcrela, wc will call for it and thank yau for having tried it. ) If you desire to keep the .Arcberciiii' we will discuss the payment plan easiest for you. comEIN T'ODAT I .WThLIS PO -WELL ONTARIL) Dealer The local Postoffice was a busy spot this Christmas as usual and the staef are to be congratulated on the very efficient manner in which the extra heavy mails were handled. The quantity of mail hendled compares favorably with lase year. Op Chrismas Monday while Mr. Bruee Rivers. was driving south on Main street in a Ford car a, horse and buggy just ahead of him crossed in front going in behind. the Town Hall. Bruce applied the brakes to the auto. The ear skidded clear around aud struck, the curb,- one of the hind wheels befit- badly 'smashed. For the first time in several year, Mrseand Mree Weal. Johnston of Andrew it., have had the pleasure of having their 'whole family home for' Christmas,. those present being: Freeborn from Washington, D. C., who has just returned from New Zealand; Albert and Cecil from Tor- onto, and Dr. Mary from Hamilton. 10 THE ELECTORS AND RATE - ,PAYERS ,OF EXETER . After being urged by a larg,e num- ber of the citizens and at their re- quest I am offering myself as can- didate for the Reevesbdp for the year 1922. If my past service as a reeve has been satisfactory I solicit your votes and if elected will give the office the' same careful attention as in the past. Yours respectfully B. W. F. BEAVERS TO THE ELECTORS OF -EXETER - - Ladies and Gentlemen:—I am.: a candidate for the Reeveship of the Village of Exeter and if -elected will e give the same service to the town as I have in the past. To one and all I wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year, C. B. SNELL TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Le.dies'and Gentlemen, --- Having been prevailed upon to let my name go before you as a ,candidate for the position of councillor for the Village of Exeter I take this opportnnity of soliciting' your vote anclainfiuence, and if elected will do what I can for the best interests of the Village. Yours truly C. F. HOOPER TO THE CITIZENS OF E..X.TER In view of the heavy debenture debt. on the town, and the rapidly in- creasing tax rate I stand for the care- ful; economical administration of the town's business in all departments. I solicit your support. • Your respectfully J. ELSTON TO THE ELECTQRS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen:—I wish to express my thanks for the generous support given me in the last election. I am again in the field for re-election and solicit your continued support. ,Wishing you the compliments of the season. JOS. DAVIS tr°. THE ELECTORS OF -EXETER Ladies and. Gentlemen:,—As I am iu the•fielci for councillor ',take this opportunity of soliciting your ,yot.e and inelnence and if elected will serve the town to the best of my ability. I extend to all the Season's Compile , . mentst B. W. P. PRANOIS YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS SOLICITED FOR FRED ELLERINGTON FOR COUNCIILLOR If elected I am willing to serve without any remuneration. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER Ladies and Gentlemen -----I am again in the field for 'councillor and take this means of soliciting your vote and influence. If elected T will serve you as I have in the peat to the best of my ability. WM. H. PENHALE YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR . S. HARVEY FOR THE BOARD OF 'EDUCATION VOTE 13011. 3. . GRIEVE ; ;;; - FOR THIll BOARD 013 11 UCATIC)N NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy 'World's. Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Resders of Our Paper ---- A Solid Hour's' Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Dail still discussing Anglo-Irish "treaty. ' De Valera calls pact an ignoble.. document FranCe likery to agree to Hughes' naval ratio. Lloyd George and 13riand confer on reparations. - Chinese armies they co-operate to save Manchuria. - Important caucus of Progressive party at Saskatoon. Million dollars damage on Niagara, river by 95-neile gale. ' Vancouver ' experienced the coldeet weather in two years. , Nova Scotia coal miners reject pro-, posal of wage reduction. Colin Groff 'appointed Publicity Commissioner for Alberta. Woodstock, Ont., man dies sudden- ly after election campaign. Several important amendments ha Ma,rkiug Act announeed,, Sudbury hockey plafers deny al4 le -bed rough play in Boston. .Tapauese make offer' for return to °hula of Shantung Railway. Progressive candidate wins Nort,le Oxford provincial by-election. An Armenian at Toronto shoots cousin and turns gun on himself. C. Kent Duff, Hamilton', accepts position on the faculty of 'a college in China. , Relations of Spanish River Oora- pany with Conservative Government probed. • University of Toronto defeated Kitchener in S. P: A. game by 3 to 2. Aartificial ice plant will be in- stalled in. the new Live.Stock Arena, Toronto. -- Brief extraordinary session of the British Parliament ended, the Lords and Commons being prorogued until January 31. - WEDNESDAY. - Bolshevists are planning to seize. Dail discusses .the treaty, in, epee; Sessi on: Mare arrests of agitators in: Cal- cutta, _India. , Liberals in Toronto,forni Macken- zie King Chib: Japs-Chinese negotiations on Shan- tung Postpoaed. Faber of Chicago leads" the Amer- ican League pitcher.' France accedes to Hughes' naval ratio for capital ships., - Lt. -Col. II. R. Abbott, prominent London dentist, is dead. University of Toroato raises mat- riculation requirements. St. Mary's was defeatedby -U. of T. for the S. P. A. trophy. ' Preraiers Lloyd- George and Briaind confer on reparations. .Sir George Perley tants of'resige- ing High Comnaissionership, Quebec Liquor Commission, ends days'of the "rubber sandwich." Earthquakes rocked both ends of the South AMerican continent. The US S. Senate passed the bill Lor $20,000,000 for Russian relief. The Legislature ComMittee sug- gests changes in the InsUrauce Art. Ex -Controller Hubert Ashplant, London business man, dies, aged 70. The 'University of Toronto senior baeltetbell, team lost to Colgate, 35 to24 Mount I-Ioreb woman killed and L,litiiisidbsaan3O. seriously hurt by train near . George White, colored," reaeliee Toronor ulga os p ta I in maddenede stat . The Crew of the Conereta and lightketteers, feared lost in storm, reach Kingston.. British delegation ask for plenary. _ session et conference to discuss elimina.tion of submarine. THU); S DAY. War looms on Siberian horizon. U. S. Senators lining up against treaty. • Gandbi williug to negotiate on In- dian crisis. Allies Supreme C01211(41 to nseet at Gaames. May have to be another armament conference, Japan to adopt subtler policy to- ward China. , Counsel in timber probe hints at 10 THE. ELECTORS OF EXETER }...4a.thes and, Gentlemen—As 1, am a candidate for the Board of Educa- tiOn Of li..Ixeter I take this oppbrtunity of soliciting the vote and, infittence, Of the ratepayers. 1. stand for economy' conaistent with the hest hrterests of education. Wishing all the compli- 'Monts of tbo' season, 1 ant, yours ruly, .-cvm OTT existence of ring. Canadiens defeated Hamilton 3 to 1, at ;Montreal. St. Patrick's defeated the Senators; 5 to- 4, in Ottawa. The New York A. C, swimming team. beat McGill.. Passenger train from Paris and Rome eXprOSS. collide. - The 1. A. H. A, plans to embrace other cities next,,,seasort. Russian smesnes 21 plate glass windows in Parry Sounel, Finance MiniSter's review says business is slowly' improving. New Brunswick prohibition Order to go into force January 15. ' Peee Marquette car shops at St. Thomas close down indefinitely. Premier Drury persists in retusal- to recognize vote on ,,ItYdro-redialfe. judgment reserved'tort Bell Tele- phone application for -higher rates. A peovincial police 'agent was stabbed in the presence of comrade. Controller Maguire elected Mayor of Toronto for 1922 by acclamation.. At.toreey-Steneral Farris, British Colembia, resign A for bueiness Teasel's. -Wintry weather gripe Toronto; thermometer registers' 5 degrees above. t'ahro. , ' Furatahing store in Col:embus% O.; while tined with shoppers, wrecked by an explosion. ' , One hundred and sixty M.O.R, bog cars to, be.. broken up for :Seel. for St, Thoinatl' poor, 'Six Irish Republicans were killed and 20 wounded in a battle between Shin Feiners and constabulary in the Inotiataina of Comity Tyrone. FIIIDXY; - IVITIoloruesallnodldssunPoswoedcyuinhgatinToRruoshofih. a,6 famine area. British submit proposai to abolish sulonariues. , Allied Premiere, get closer in views on reparations. Vote on amendthent ni Dail agatnst de Valera. Britain has no political position regarding Siberia,. Washingtonmidajnuria°01seence villa last tili The Spaniards ere winning their *ay in Morocco. "'Pussyfoot" Johneon'retUtne from Indian campaign., ' Dail Eireann adjourns treaty dee bate over Christmas. Toronto police, Seiae 'another still in northwest part of Hamilton telephone* girls pool' funds to treat needy Children.. rive, provineial by-elections immi- nent in dsrhiee EdwardIsland. One robber killed and another Wounded ,on streets of New yoTk. 'Montreal clerk 'cirdere 468 dozen, pairs of pants, inStead,•of 86,8, ,pairre sTillsonlaurg Man electroeitted .on aiGaltr.o line •between Hes_rler and The election oJ. f . T. allaw, Pro- gressive, ' W. Calgary,' le iiovr eon - ceded: • London citizens' eagerly aPPIYing for housing loans, offer 20 per cent. deposit: "Midget" Smith outpointed "Pete" Herman, former bantamweight champion. , Three tablets were unveiled in Ad- ministration'Building, Board of 'Edu- cation, ToCnto. 1Jniversity of Toronto basketleall team defeated the •tTniversitY of Ro- chester, 29 to 21. Richard N. Pride, aged eight, dies from scalds through upsetting f-ath- er's shaving water. Detroit merchants are n,ow coyly attempting to woo back their former Windsor par.custm omers; Canadian oneY taken SATURDAY. Capt. William Crawford, Toronto, is dead. ' •Irish newspapers strongly favor the treaty. •• ' Grimsby's new arena will be open- ed nexteweek. • • Nominations for municipal' Offices) in seme _places. , • French delegates oppose eliminat- ing submarines. - President says no entanglement in foerspower treaty. •, ,Storoherg fioOwwn'si,. ofigas StruCknin'irgi,..In ' ,Government liquor, storesreport dull Chriatmas Sterling in -Toronto, $4.47•14; at NeW York, e4.18 Y8. „, South American volcanoes . cover great area with asheS. , Vincent -1V1a,ssey elected president oi Massey-lIarristC,o. A woman dropped dead at Christ-, rims festival in Winnipeg. Child dies in Montreajfroinefalling into tub of boiling -water. ' Farther neah Lonsdale dealing for water finds gas at 118 feet. ' The International League will have' a new umpiring staff in 1922. R. E. Kent nominated for alder- man in Kingston for 26th time. • President Harding grants freedom, but not pardon, to 'Socialist leader Toinany Coyne, Toronto, defeated Le Breton at the Hamilton boxing tourney. Hamilton resident has reported to the police that a gurenan stood overhim with .a revolver while the gunman's companions removed sixty cases of whiskey from his cellar. e, Tito arrival of the steamship Cen- tennial State, the first steamer to tonch at Queenston, Ireland, from the Matted States since landing re- strictions •at Irish pohts were remov- ed, was made an occasion of. civic. greetings. Lost His Christmas Spirit. ' t • GUELPH, Ont., Dec. 26. --- Jacob Schwartzman, of Toronte,. landed in Guelph at a late hour Thursday night with his car loaded down with liquor, and ,a; short time after he landed in the police station, along with his supply. The police had received a tip to the effect that Jacob was corning 'and they were on „:777,7 7 VILLAGE or EXETER I NOMINATION AND ETAITLJTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the vil- lage of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER at the hour of twelve o'clock noon For the purpose of inakeng and re- coiving nominations for the office of Reeve and Councillors; one member of the ,Public Utilities Coramiesion and three members for the Board of . Education. And further notice is hereby' given that in the event of more .any.particuittr Office than required to be elected the proceedings will be adjourned nutstil :MONDAY ;IJANTYI ARY 2 .194.2-thwhen polle be opened at, 9 a.m. at the efollovving places, ,as fixed by the Village By-law • Polling Sub -Division No. 1—Mrs. E. A. Handford's residence, Main.:St., E: Treble, D.R.0,, S. Davis, P.C. Polling Sub -Division No. 2 ----Town Hall, Main. St., W. Johns, .D.R.O., J. Greive, ;P.C. . Polling .Sub -Division No. 3.—Mit- cliell's -office, Main. and Wellington Sts., G. Anderson, D.R.O., A. Gam - brill, P.C. Polling Sub -Division No: 4.— North ,Eicd, Town Hall, F. Witwer, D.R.0 Tohl-Kydd P.C. And all Electors are hereby re- quested, to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. JOS. SENIOR Returning Officer. Exeter, Dec. 7th. 1921. TOWNSHIP OF IJSBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the town- ship of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., Monday Decem- ber 26, 1921, for the purpose of mak- !ng and receiving nominations for tlni office Of Rave and 4our Councill(irs, And further netice'is hereby given that in the event Of more cndidate$, being proposed ,for these Offices than required to he !elected, and they dce not retire within the time sPecified, the proceeding will be adjourned un- til Monday, January 2nd, 1922, wheu, polls Will be opened at nine o'clocln at the following places as fixed by tow nPoll 1 at S. house No. 4, Eden; John b poll :c1ib21., Hunter, P,btyba:7 r Re .00t' , H.Br, VerneP oi emo n H. T.R., IL H. Firown, 1).R.0; clerk. He.602,:meary ,Horton, ceneeSsion '4', D.R.O.; Samuel Dougall, poll clerk. . Poll 4—Public ,hall, ,Farquhar; John Turnb1U, D.R.O.;,"John Siinp-, son, poll clerk. . , „ .. • Poll 5. -,—Township Hall, ,Elinaville, Jackson Woods, D.R.0; • Geo. Kellett,., poll clerk./ . t Poll 6—$. house No. 7, 'Zion; Rd- . E. Pooley, 1).A.O.; Chas. 'Jaques, poll. . Poll 7—House :of Wm. Jamieson,. Kirkton; David Goulding, D. R. Oi; Oliver McCurdy, poll clerk. ' And all electors are hereby re -- quested to take note and ffovern, themselves accordingly.- Usborne Dec 7 1921 HENRY STRANG, Clerk. To -day is the tomorrow you wor- ried about yesterday and all is well" so why worry. John James Cunningham, presid- ent of the. Western Foundary COM-- pany, Wingham, Ontario, and well-- known stove manufacturer, died slid-. deafly of heart failure, at Toronto, on Monday morning at the residence of Jus sister, Mrs. Madigan, with whom he was spending Christmas. He wan 57 years old and was born in Tor- onto. • 1-7. ci 77°4," -N„T 7! 7 ".;) t eent. •I;enea• ea: - 'CANADIAN BA OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 . Reserve Fund $15,000,000 F. A. Chaptnan, Manager R. S. Wilson, Manager Exeter Branch, Crediton Branch, ?Dashwood Branch, f INCORPORATED 1655' OVER 130 BRANCHES E 0 to IVOLS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. . , TEACH YOITR CIUDLREN INDUSTRY AND THRIFT., Reward them for doing work around the house, and. impress upon them the importance of saving their earnings. Why not, open an account for them 'in the Savings Department of The lelolsons Bank. Money may be deposited -and, withdrawn by mail. • , "SAFETY, DEPOSIT BOXES AT THE EXETER BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH; IttygN CENTRALIA. BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS'. DAILY: the lookout for him,. lie had. five '.- -, sacks of Se,otch whiskey, containing THE lISBORNM 'AND IIIIii3g1IT about 'two dozen bottles in each. FARMER'S -MITTVAL FERE INSUlt" _ . Friday naorning he pleaded guilty iiiicE 'coNmaily. and was fined.$1,000 and cots' or three months in jail in default 'of . . ' payment, and in adelitiori three months at the Ontario reformatory. l'he liquor was confiscated. Oshawa,Boy Badly Wounded. OSHAWA, Ont., Dec. 26. — Basil Pilosier, a young lad, 15 years old,, was shot in the stomach Thursday night with his own revolver, a. 38-, calibre weapon', which he purchased from a man named Scott, here,,,, about the end of July. Mosier was with a chum, Charlie Blow, stand- ing on the King street bridge about 11 o'clock, and the two boys were playing with the revolver when it accidentally went off. The boy was rushed to the hospital, where the bullet was extracted. Present „indi- eations are that he will recover. Send Fire Alarm by Radio. NEW YOB,K,. Dec. 26a ---The' firat fire alarm -sent by radio in New York came from the police boat John F. E-Iyla,n at 3 a.m. Friday. The Hylan was cruising past East 60th street, when William Lee, radio operator, saW. a blaze near the river. Ile sent a wireless to Serat. Pierce, in-chaege of the radio sta,tiom at Pot lice Headquarthes, who nodded Fire Headquarters. Within a fctv minutes live trucks, three engines, two fire- boats ahd two battalion chiefs.' were on their waz to the 1.1re. Irined.)$2,000 'at Cernwal 'CORNWALL, Ont., Doc. Police Magistrate i'011ne .handed out the stiffest sentence ever impOsed:,in the Cornwall Pollee Court for an In - Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. E'resident, THOS. RYAN Vice -President,' JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK J. L. RUSSELL ROIIT. NORRIS JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN 3/1SSERY, Centralia, Agent, for Urbanite and B1dd1111)/1. LIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Inbbert, Fullarton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STAN131.111Y Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—paker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly- attended to day or night. Phone S. OR, LE. KINS1VIAN, LtD., O.D.S. 4onor Graduate of Toronto 'YENTIST Office hver Gladrnari & Staribilryhe fraction of the 0. T. A., Friday, when office, Main Street, Exeter. he fined W. P. Workman, giving IVIor- risburg as his neldress, 12,000- and costs dr an alternative of six months, Ile in rne It MONEY- TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. GLADMAN, & STANBURY Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left' at Times Office Will be promptly at-- . tended to.. Phone 116, Kirktott, Address Kirkton P. 0. DR. G. F. ROULSTON; L.D.S., DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's Law, office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon. '\ USE "NAMOND DYES" Dye Tight! Dont yottr material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes° con- tains directions so simple' that . an-' woman cart diamond -lye .a new, riclt coheettinte old garments, draperies ,coverings, evcry- thing, ACI,11,er,Woll, Pili, lincn„ceiteit,or,t, itixed Buy "Dkonond 1)Yes"—rfi) other kind—then perfect re - cults arc guaranteed eveit if you bash never dyed before. Drugoi4 has "Dilmondl)yeA. Color Card." -16 rich eelom