HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-12-29, Page 31
ppeninerain Central , TIIE C1111' AcJvrtisenrint Ele'ctric
pada. '11 EP.PcATIOL:
triztalA, ic,orapetitien, „of ,the„ -,e
iPlast prize, rirtillYfituah, ,ttnii- '
Rare'C1`tc't PP•e" ° eAtht °asliy's,xe."44b\ret.1111.0,01?Pactilmsinkiii(), 1eadO En eare,
Ititernatio.40* tetinttkixposition ' ' 'N110tiLE T 0 N
Provincial, Board of Health, Ontario ache Mean r. „ Trouble , etc. shinned sti,i4eet arrvrovar at toWeat...
W.fftic'7°11,k.:21'5.1'11i4j.9,20.1tTkika. *(4 .Iii,14st.th'1,6oufgb71.0'
. '4doWsio ng
'inembqief e.,(pXtitet'ltliat represent-
ed the , Gatanto -1`,jgrte41titra
Szore o1.8.1."'Out. of apo
.1be.13000. ,ili.t?tho team.
111idd1ettlii Will` he '0,1.0: te'answer questions on PtibileJieatlh mat,•
ter s tlAgti this ol.tinfla.
grescentr Toronto. ,
' waaITEp.
and Sght sewing at home, whole or
spiire time; krood pay; work sent any
distailee; .cbarges. paid. Send staraP for
Cpaof:-13,,o1.1401natrrse.aL National Marituraotorinti:
thei(),iitario.lAgridultural, C.614.
lege ,representatives were , nosed out'
by the °011ie, State Univeriity , team;
the aeons, being 4,110 and1.4446 .Pe1nts.1
To ,,send "it.',cal)le to Liyerpool, from
(in gsto,,a,and lave the answer back,iii
'three :andaba1ttiouro iatieiyither
'onus Llal -'exPetilerkde the. "Iilingston, •
:Standard," At 1.0.19 an, the."Stanel-
ard''Selit tlo ertblitt,t,ttsQadhtu
,4)a,ciffe '.Telegrapldonipany-, ,and
1.45 pan, an ,ansWer. wasreceived. An-
other eitain I ff t
'qazale &01(i'Pa4Y ;was the recent Cabling',
of Lord Northcliffe's speech - at
eou'ver flaigland, t 11.00
Lt.1312- 411-, tapPeare it; In the • a ter-
o,14iststie t,k,e cs Same
, The o,Idest' moose • on record shOt"'
',down in, the Sault Ste. Marie district"
'was 'brought''inn by U. Stealer. The
.aniinal was an eigitbeen=year,old speci-
men; with antlers' having spread of
inche ad it iVolglited 600 Pounds.
'With the efee, of tife' season,'it w'as re-
oorded that there .wer.e "620:11.Conses'ds-
\Sued. -Eitin.tera fnent.',ae'roSs the border
numbered 169' this 'yeitis, a' hundred
• , • • • .„
.133:01,e than 'A. year ago, ,
It is reported' that Hollirger Gold
Mines are' taking out gold'at' the rate
•of $12,000,000 a year and: -others at
Porcupine and'Kirkland Lake. $7,000,-
000S Yearly pir(i'citiotion for Northern
Ontarro may 'rise to ,$25,000,000" by
'-Contra,ct testbuild a large and
dern inerbreaker for ,use, on the 'St.
Lawrenceroute, at, a cost of $1,580,-
000," has, been. awarded to- the-Cana-
diantVioltersi, .1AI:ti1ted., by the Depart-.
mentt of. Marine and FiSheries. AO:
eording' to, the I-Ic.n.., C. C. Ballantyne, a
saving of $790,000 was effected by not
awarding the contract till the ,PreSent
the results into -the 'It was all so
of. ,oxperiments ;" aninials of right ini.A7,1'0Ain:X,,, deP1-4t,e,.so,"coovincingt
ougg m ,
'be forined of tile troubles t.hat are thet -
.111 Q3ae actunily",seeri „
.,010ee,ideA. $,Oineerie' may 110'N'ir !f111,1,C 17444: 'Ota-
nitt '1 t ver
" Mines- arp,„ They..., are a poractiting
, aro a in rtatirralystaite son -
often brougliiatboutin ,.-the
..,:643:1$:;:!Nr..,1,.4.4liq,.."1,,,-..neWledg,i,e Of, foo food food blab tho spank beairs."-to,ther,
scat , Not neto.-and patki,„:,fre840ergzs, rnIl
are. rich in,one klittllef,r-vitantine,‘blitt
fitangiiriiiti'ilnidbeiled',inillt do not 'have
vitaajirW, i4:41.1kr:th?eY,,,de wt
.,attd"'Csannei;a1t44.:lhee4Wce, of butter,
hoard int Taranto ',for' a long 'time was ' and ireah'in',(/k aa '
that'. recently ,given by Colonel Mc,-: tables, c'sntal,41;
CarriSon,' of , Oxford, in, the 'PhYsis another.:esseiltlal. Allifilitine;;:i and fresh
Bciildingof,Taionta;Univerwity, COL- '-fraitisare yet': a -AO -biter
41eCiarriSpii, who fliftS '11011eniuch,Work 'rkiiitiet.A/eflejenc.,,,,,';.fn.attnYj,enitall,,af these'
in.'estimating'.fooal '-Values, Makes it natitraltfeeds condi1ion,s1
pirchi.thrct. it larnot,Se.4rintell. theArlinda the
eif' foods one etita .as it is'''Whetlier the lead'ito ciiSaSter fr`Otit'h health staiid,
foods. are, in their 'ilatitral ,State. Ana poiiat.„
Hiaard. atad Sof t,Water. Service
• With One Punip,
In ,domestic water-supPly, systems it
has, been necessary to have two.pumps
the hard -water Well, and the
other for the s•oft-water cistern. Now
this tservice can be eupplied automati-
cally with on,e p-unam. „fitted with a
Patented doable -acting valve. ••This
valve- is cyLind.rical in form and has
'six openings, two to the inlet and_out-
let anoninge 02 the pump; two to the
- hard cud soft -water 'discharges, and
late• two for 'the' suction pipes to the
71.E11'131 and sett -water supplies, :In tile
• ,ba,rrel of the cylinder are three pis-
tons 'Made. ta move one, way, or /the
other, ;according ta the direction- of
the greater, pressure, and to, close
„automatically 611,e. ports ,so- t.b.at when.
water is.drawn..,- from a.' soft -water'
' faucet the hard -water ports are closed
and vice versa.
.•Carelessnp,Ss With.Forests
Must Cease
Failure to establist: state forists has
been ---by lack oi precept and example
----a s.e,rions handicap :to progressive
to,restry in Great Britain. It ia from
'lack of this th`a,t much'of :the forestry
of to -day, not only in Great Britain,
?but in these Parts of the world mainly
occupied by men of 3Stritish' deseent,
has often been hiphazarif and unsatis-
factory. The, exkent of, virgin „forests
that have been acquired by tthe Em-
pire at different fi:VageS, of her grawth
laas, no doubt, ,tended towards care-
ieseneFla and indifference. In this re-
opect we have been tit& RolIt d•arlings
of fortune We have succeeded t�
vast areal of exptaitaille woods ant
haire onfy had to draw on new terra
tores, to meet our increasing require-
menta.—Lard Lavat, at Empire Tim-
ber Gonferenee.
Simple Bulk-Grain,Loader
is Inexpensi;re.
Simple, inexpensiva equipment for
loading 'bulk grain into „railroad cars
is provided by a lately developed' non-:
'797114 aPparatus. • The leader does
not , provide storage space. Grain is
dumped --into a concrete pit, from
which, ftlagoessalirough , a reg,ttlatinga
gate Into the elevator boot: Here a
• bucket and belt conveyor picka it up
• and carries It'to a hopper at thehead
ef the elevator shatt. From the hopper
• the grain is caried,ihrough , a metal
• pipe and flexible loading spent to ,the
care the spout Serving as a nozzle to
dtstribute Id
Fctr.e3t Fixes and Public
'A. great United States newspaper
notes she advances made in fighting
Pores& fires by moans of watch toweits,
belephaaoblnuus ortable , gasoline
ava ti the
pumps, etc,but f3 idat e
tive fires 1,n Maine an the Maritime
Taroviones rthis, year show.that only by
• etas -hal vigila.nee atld the support of
anbliettpistion all oyer the oountry can
'the tarests be made fireproof.
Women were called in to aid the
National Cann ail, 'the predecessor of
bile liouse af Lords,aa tong ago ar
rubo radiator goad, cheer,
wlw says kind thinga about people,
who tleei 1 hia...felloW-raan. the ,tuan
Gad made,' UL nhirtal, perfect Men
—not the .sinetained„ 'the tice-sea.rrod
ane. are'teraa.ilatd 4tintires,
, -
- , . , , .
Possessed' of all important vitaniines , Colonel iMii-Garriswi 40ted an inter-
. . „ -
-tha,tuproduce health and,energy, Cal. eating point about his ektperiences:drn
, .
MeCarrison was confronted with' a the.:„I,ndian,,,111-eilical, S'entice. ,nurit4
mixed audience Or both lay and taro-, seveno years" Stay..at a: 'Station in ,thei,
fesSianale men ,aird *omen, ' but he Himalayas, he never ,saw a case .of,
'handled the subject' in sueh'." a war appendicitis or of colitis, altlict,tigli
that: the - average schoolboy ' could therei-Were fortir :hundred major opena,
t611.., ill a year. This„ he maintained,
was title to the fact that ;these natives
lived largely on natiir4 foods, suck
as 'fresir fruits and vgetabies and dlti
not tilidtilge in -pies and pastry, can-
'understand him, Moreover., he 'showed
-photographs—actual photographs of
pigeons; -hens and monkeys thal had
been- fedon polished rice and boiled
fatids that did not contain vitamirtes.
One could see at on that theaebirds ned loads, boiled foods,- ftozak foods
and monkeys were slowly dying, In- l'anci 'thawed foods, with which so-
stinct taught these monkeys that they called civiliied nations are so' faaniliar
to their Cost. •
"Oh, if the girls of thia. and other
countries woulcl only cab ,the right
kinds of food theie would nob be
much need for them to look after their
were net getting- the right kind of
food, for they tvotild dig to the -heart
of the cooked food given them,„ in
hopes ,of finding a part that had n.,,ot
been affected by, ihe heat. In arlditiOn,
these poor ',Creatures Would try for complexions,". he declared, amidst
hours to catch a fly, hoping that the laughter, "Lor bheir complexions
would, look after themselves."
Colonel McCarrisoti in this ,connec-
tion emphasized -the viable of (breast
feeding for infants, driving home the
fact that no ;pasteurized milk or boil-
ed milk can ever take -the place of the
infant's „God-given food, milk from its
mothers -breast, •
Thepublicshould interest them-
selves .stientifically in this great: ques-
tion of what to eat. It is one of- the
most litportant' features of health
-welrd to -clay, and a ill-opex aP,13;'e-cia-
tion of the va1ddE vitainines Call be
the nieans of bringing geed health to
large numbers „of people now olaseed
as• chronic .dgspeptios:, who seldom
gish bowel found theirway directly "know whatit is to be .
live body of the insect would supply
some, of the indescribable something
that they 'craved for. Photographs
were also show,n of the intestines of
animals in health, and as a contrast,
the intestines •animal's that had
been fed for some tirne 'before death
on foods that .did ,not contain vita -
mines. In the ,latter ease the intes-
tines ,were baggy, swollen and:slug-
gish` looking, plainly incapable of
carrying on their natural function a
eliminating Waste products from the
body. In one -excellent photograph
was 'shcityri a track leading down
through the intestinal wall where
boteteria from ,ilhe diseased ,and. slug-
The 'winter sedson is a bard- one', 031
the baby.' He is inore or less confined
to stuffy, -badly ventilated:roomsIt
is so often .stornay that- the :Mother
does not -get _him outins the fresh air
as often as she should. He catehes-
colds which rack his little 'sys.tern; his -
Stomach and bowels get cut of order
and he becomes peetsfsh and cross. . To
guard against this 'the mother should
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in
the house. They regulate the stom-
ach 'and bowels and break up .colds.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mall at 25 cents a pox from. The.
Dr. •WilliamS' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
• "Furs i'Vlade of Silk,
Plushes, carpets and imitation furs
are near made of artificial silk.
Mittard's LinimentIor Garet In Cows.
• "Dare.toto-to./°**A.
Trh.„ was :the advice:of Baron:
child;', founder of „the '.gr6ri,' ba,nking
firm,, to young- rae.,n: , "Bare' to ge.t.f or -
•• There. are. multitudes. • of '0.14 -and• ,
middid-ageff ,men., ins rata if M.edicierer
positiOna, „to -da, ju.st • becatitee .they
Clidn'titlare go- forward. They Were
afralcitto take the final leap; afraid to.
try -ta • better their condition bytmak,'-'
ing -a Change; *afraid -people :woitld
laugh at them if they dotted a.ntitfailed;'
that they mighttnocesiblY make a; mis-
take '!atid be worse off' than before.'
TheY, didn't have the tenrage to risk'
the leaser for .the greater, and; they_
let.one epPortenity-after anotheir pasd
becausethey dicliet see, a "dead sine",
thing. ahead.
• "Never' venture, never Win," The
ma.n. 'w:11-ae-waits for a' -"dead sure"
thtual will never..get anywhere: • '
-When Iwo quarrel both are -in the
Surnames antl
Ler Origin
Racial Origin—English.
Ripley isone pf these English family,
names which sprartgfromrplace names,
as indicative ,originally of the locality,
from which. the individual, had come,
or in -which he lived.
There is a market town in the west
of yerkshire .,, England, 'which e bears'
this tame, and; Unless ,there .have been.
other localities hearing the same name=
which since ' have ,disappeared from
and historical re -
°bids the evidence is quite clear' that
all Ripleys trace their ancestry back
to this town.
In Medieval times a mane -might be
know-11,as "John O'Ripley" or "Peter
de Covington" as a aeSult'of .dificreat
eircumatalicos (the "de,"' of course,
being the Norman equivalent -ot the
Anglo-Saxon "of," which. very often
was contracted „into " or "a' ").
He might, for instance, be the owner
or ruler of the place named, He
might merely be an inhabitant, or he
might have been an inhabitant at
sdane Previous time. The majority of
familyanames are explained in the
last two ways. And in makingy,our.
choice between these two you must
take iota, consideration the. SiZe of the
place at the -time the name Was formed,
If Ripley war a very small place, a
homestead, for instance,the name
would denote residence there. But if,
as it happened,. -it was is larger com-
munity, it would ceastitute no differ-
entiation to give an inhabitant the sur-
name of ."de Ripley," becaure, all his„
neighbors **wit bA indicated by the
same appellation: But it h6 ilvea itt
'covrngto-n aftei, prier residence` tit
ley, the surname would individus,:ae
him from his netghbors at once, as he
wohld be `most ttkly the only -man of
his own given name who formerly
resided in the other community.
Variations --,Steverisoo, Saepherison,
Stepkin, Stepkins Steffens.
Racial Origin --English.
Source ---A given name.
Fanfily names in this grotto belong
te, the class of these derivred from
given names through aft. ,,o•riginal LAI-
-cation of parentage, though certainly
you'd not be inclined to regard. a
.couple of then as. developments of
Stephen is one at the given -aarnes
'which came into -England with the
Norman French. That is totray, it be-
came a popular given name after the
arrival of the Normans, though there
are instances in whigd it is met with
prior to. that tithe, for it was really
Christian tradition which is re.s.rtoes-
ible for itat iittroduction among the
Saxons and their 1\forman cousin race.
The given name itself is Greelt., and
had it not beeri listed in the Saint's
Calendar the ohallee$ are that it would
have shared the same oblivion that
many ether Greek given nanaes have
so 'far as, their use artiang English.
speaking peoples is concerned.
The. Greek Yana'. of the name' waa
"Stephanos," find it to -day in
certain, of the Slavic tongues as
"Stephan",or "Stepan." but ttrider the
influence of the Teutonic tongues of
the Sa,xons a,nd Normans it
duced to Stephen, and Stevens Tito
addition of "son" to, these, forms, fol-
lowed, in some cases by the elimina-
tion of all but the -a in eon,' gives
usthe foregoing variattona. StePIC111
is a diminutive addedeto tho shortened
form Of the Hattie, and Steffens a spell-
ing that has' followed ape variation, el
.very muscle ,Of the body needs c).11-
Jant1Y y suppl3of rich, red blood in
proportion to lite WorIr it does. The
nruseles$ of the back, are ;hat! er a heavy
strain:and Itaye but little rest, Millen
the cblood thl.fr', they! lack nourish -
Men. t, and tlie result is a sensation,, of
• pain in thoeedintiaeles. Same, peoplo
think pain in tile back mean'S' kidney
.trehble, hut the hest Medical author!-
. .
'ties ag,ree,- that 'bacicache.;, seldom on
never has at -tithing to do with the kid-
neys. ()rganic kidney disease ttlaY'
have ,progressed to a critical , point',
without dei(eltiping a pain in the back,
ThTbeint tbe case, pain in the back
,ehoitid always lead the sufferer to look
'r•u tl nditia his It Will
he found most eases thatIthe.liee of
Pr.„'Williatnor. flak Pills to, build, up
the blood will stop the -sensation' of
pain inethe-111.--riouristed'muscles atttlie-
'hack,' I -low ,rauch better:'It' is to try
Dr. -Williams' Ptak Fills or the •bloett
ityurr.„ '17.9;n): to unreasonable,
alarM"alSeut'YOUr kidney's. If ;yen Sus-
„yeur any doetor Can.
..make tests in ',ten minutes. that will
set -Emir, fears at rest,.oi-tell you the
iVrorst..' But in any event .to he per-
feoblY' healthy '',"You ,inust keep the
bleod in good Condition, and...for this
tpurptise no -other -medicine can equal
,Dr, Williams' Pilla.
Ydu eatiaget:these pills through any,
dealer in ,niedicitie, or by mail at, 50
cents' ifoX or six boates for 92.50 from
,Tlia Dr. Williams' Medicine Ob., Brock
The History 'Makers:
We sonietixuee
hear[the head, of a
firra -refer to :a.„ young than who is "a
history maker"tiiithis buainess—a man
.whe,hasahad thesteourage, to step out
of •thte 'erowd,, to be original, to ignore
precedent,' te. do 'the imposSible.
Every cancel:11.ot any importance
lia.s connected With -it s•ome manwhe is
a history maker some man who -has
• .
push, , determination, and grit ,com-,
binsid."--a man 'who is net afraid of
what the pesaimists say, wilt',” will
forge ahead in the face of all obstaoles.
Priginality, resourceful.
near, the courage to back up one's
ideas in spite :of opposition and diffi-
culties—these are the history Makers
of 'all times.:
ChineseTrince is Afraid to
Ride in Automobile.
In "sharp ' toOntrast to the establish-
iig of an ,800,mile mail and paSsenger:
'airplane service by China, and its.in-
terest inother modern activities, is
the experience of a party of Ameri-
cans. on a:trip tram.- Peking- to the
•iVtihg.Basteri tombs by automobile.
A -Manel-in „prince, ;Who met theme at
the 'ttombse War's"rfgreatly, frightened
when ' sthe' Atherie,,,an automobile,
'the first he had ever Seen, appeared.
He could not overcOmeahle- terro-r. suf-
ficiently to .aceept an, invitation: to
ride, and withdrew to a safe distance.
The, members Of ' his bodyguard,
attnecl with 'broadS•worcis an.d. .even -
*bows and arrows, were both terrified
and fascinated' by the ,car.
Life -Line Gun Fired from
,Guns for throwing life lines', used
along the seacoast, ,have all been of
the cannon type; but an English con-
cern Is now turning out a light line -
throwing gun, „whieh is portable and
can be fired from the shoulder.
Though priraarily. „designed for throw-
ing -life -lines, it ..can' also be used for
,rnobring lines, r, on land, for throw-
ing linestto windowr in case of fire. -
The line is'contained in a cylinder
which ir slipped over ,.the guu barrel
and held by a catch, A'projectile is
then attached to the line and. dropped
Into the barrel and a cartridge in-
serted in thte breech chamber. Ready
to fire, the total weight is 14% lb.
The recoil is about the same as that
of a shotgun. „
Where Man First Lived,
The Kohl Desert is reckoned to be
the moat elevated 'region on the gtobe
and iE is reasoned that the race of
mankind must have started here, for
this -would , naturally be the point
which wculd first emerge from the
ocean. of water ones covering the
earth, It is at this point that the
great rivers ot Asia have their origin
and flow in different directions to the
seas. •
Niagara Power.
•The first use, of .Niagara's power was
made an 1725, a inquisitive sawmill be-
ing worited there. Nothing more was
done until 1842, when the plan of hy-
draulic canals was- conceived, and in
1861 one of them was completed.
It is always safe to send a Domlnion
Express Money ,Ortier. Five dollars
costs three cents,
, The stained glass, the, painting, and
sculpture itt .the.,,nxidiaeyal, churches
were not there :Solely because' the
masses; eauld, nob read. 'Yorm, Celor
and music are a lite,ans of: expression
quite .as truly, id, the written...Word, It
was the invention of 'the
Dress 'tliat set ev.,eryohe reading aria
writing. -13irt Consider -
'himself as trulY,,ticlucated, until 'he can
at least' uncier'Stlin:ci ;and ; appreciate
the art.. that oppeals to tite ''.'eYe and
the ear as Well. as:tilie art that ',appeals
to the. intelieet.',- •
,Mteard'a ninehttot Uirtrnper
IVIOdefit 1•1013te53.
"Mary, were you entertaining a
n the kitchen laet night?"
"That's' for him tb say, mum. 1
su,doinfigtt.l? beat with the materials
Why He Was Late.
'reacher -- "What inakes you so
Boy ---"Please, Miss, the doctor
brought a new little sister this morn-
Teacher (Preoc_cuPjeci)—"Very good;
but don't let it happen again. mind,"
No Danger.
An Irishman -who had remained
in bed during a Zeppelin raid was
asked if he wasn't afraid a bomb
might drop -on. the house.
"I don't trouble," replied Pat. "The
mild house doesn't belong to me.
OPrne only a bOarde,r."
One on the Parson,
A southern clergyman tells of an oc-
casion when a friend of his had obtain-
ed a job for. a colored man- who had.
been for a long time out of work. The
clergyman thought that the man must
be getting pretty shabby, so he lo•okede
tin ,a snit—they were much of a size—
and toot it around to the man's house.
The man's wife took it, and the
clergyman waited in the room, as he
says, "ready to be overwhelmed -with
thanks." pat 'when the woman return-
ed she said: ,
"My husband thanks yo', sah, but
he says that he don't hold with par-
son's clothes, but ef you've got any -
;thing as Would suit a man -he'll be
,glad to have a look at
Heiv Could He Tell?
The case concerned a will, and- an
Irishman Was a witness.
"Was the deceased," asked the law-
yer, "in the habit of talking to himself
when he was alone?",
"I don't know," was the repay -
"Come, come, you don't know, and
yet you -pretend that you were „inti.:7
mately acquainted with „him?"
"Well, sir," said Pat drily, "I never
11,13-0PL7ed te fba with him'Mhenh,e was
Having lost his right hand in the
war,' a London organist "carriei- on"
excellently with the left only.
For Sore Throat,
Cold in the Chest, Etc.
°Pert rilp‘oping, answe
to „the perplexing pioblein at, eedd-
hofe4daenct ;L)e-el,erse°triliffet2lli,Y4
Theatoj warming
his cap is made in? ilitte,tt
same uran,ner as the ea/ninon warm -
int; pads and blankets' sow on }lino
plarket and has the usual plug attach -
FeeiS ,,Duty
How Tania*,. Beotig
oes o to Her fripave? .
"My two aatigaters ieara been- 30
Et•ro, -1234.0.°
strong"' tifid'illealfliy,l),iiil„ting Ttaraltato
I lust feel it is my duty -to let other
mothers knew about my e7caier1onc,IP'
s,ald Mr, a Arthur flea.c,nal% 134: 1,1?er,..
guson Ave., No-rth
"My ol.clestdangh ter,„AneY, :was la a
run-down condition for th yes,rs,
She bad a vr,-ry poaa4t nd
what little siva did eat seemed 10 .80
her more harm than -good. ohe. was
pale, weak and easily, tire-fb Threa
bottles of 'Fatilac 'made her well awl
strong. I-Ier appetite returned, her
sleep became restful. and her cheeks
got rosy. In fact- she is the very Plo-
titre, of health,
"My daughter Ida's eazo was almost
identical, except her cautlitioli
Quite as serious. ,lust two botile,s put
her in the -best et health. Every' timo
I took at nip girls nov.-- and aye them
enjoying ,stieh splendid health, 1 real -
Ise what a blessing Taniac has been
to our home. and r feel it bay duty to
talk out and let p,eople know abut
this grand medicine,"
Tarlac is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Adv.
• India Weavers tree "Key."
Peculiar methods are employed by
tho carpet weaver in. India in cOnvert-
ing his original design into a textile.
Instead of -working from a cblered
drawing or diagram, the weaver has
the pattern translated on paper into
rowsof symbols, each of which ex-
presses tho n,unker of stitches arid
the color. With this written "key" in
Ills hand the head weaver its behinu
his subordinates- and dictates the pat-
tern to them row by row.
Bayonet's History.
The bayonet became a l3nitisii weap-
on during the reign of King Charles IL
It then resembled a lance or pikehead,
and was screwed into the barrel of the
mtilcet whei., the latter had been dis-
It Might Se Discouraging.
A female salmon yields about 8,500
eggs per year, This is the Bart of.
thing WO kneli up for tear our Wyan-
dotte& should give up trying.
29 Doughnuts a Minute.,
Operated by ail, gas Of electric heat,
an automatic machine forms, cooks
and delivers 29 cloaglinuts a minete.
A tank heater for outdoor water --
tanks is pretty- much of a necesscity
for stock in, winter. If veabor isn't
warmed before the animals drink it,
then it must be wanne.ci with energy
from their bodies. Besides, stock
won't drink enough water, if it is
Stops Hair Coming Out;
- Thickens, Beautifies.
. ,
35,cents buy0 a bottle of "Danderlue,"
at any drug store. After oae applica-
tion, you can not find a particle of'
dandruff or a falling hair, Besides;
every hair shows newhilfe, Vigor,
brightness, more color and abundance,
Aft1130,014-*Ont193? 3r)Og at0219a18151
, Book on
and Haio Feed
INIE‘46,:d Ivrea to any Ad-
dress by the .A:utb.or,
N. OW mover co.,
.118.'West, Slat Street
Naw YOtk,
Mother! Open
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Your little one will love the "fruity"
taste of "California:Fig Syrup" even if
Constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teaspoonful never
fails to cleanse the liver and bowels.
In a few hours you can see for your-
self how thoroughly it works all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bow -els and you have a well, play,
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They kticrwr a tea-
spoonful to -day saver a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "California Fig. Syrup" whick has
directions for babies and children of
all ages printed on. -bottle. Mother!,
You must say "California" or you may
get an imitation fig syrup.
ITTLE aches grow into big pains
unless warded off by an applica-
tion of Sloan's. Rhettmatisms
neuralgia,stiffjoints, latne back won't
light tong against Sloan's Linirrtent. I
• _ For more than forty yeerS Sloan'a
Liniment has iietped Ahoesands, the
•AVorld over. You won't be an excep.
tion, It certainly does produce resultS.
perg3trates without rubbing, Keep
this old family friend (thciays handy1
for instant u.3e. Ask your neighbor,.
At all dru1gists--3c1 i0c,
rszpS2e, TT
Bulk" Carlota
A, mosquito has twenty-two teeth,
all of may be seen throug-h
If Headachy„ Bilious
or Stomach is Bad,
Take "Casc.-azi..,t,4"
Get a 10 -cent box now,
Furred TOngue, Bad. Colds, Indig.eq-
tion, Sallow Skin and miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
stomach to beeome filled -with undi-
gestel food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a barrel: That's the
first step to untold misery—indiges-
tion, foul gases, bad breath, yelicrikr
skin, everything that is sickening. A
Cascares to -night wilt give youe con-
stipated bowels a thorough cleansing
and straighten. you out by morning.
They work while you sleep. Millioaa
of men a,nd wemen take a Casearet
now and th.en. to keep their stomach,
livertana bawele, regulated, and never
knowa mieerable moment. Don't- for-
get the children.--s.their little" sinsidaesa
need. a good, gentle cleansing, ton.
itclieciamoti3tiro,ed, Scarce-
ly Slept ,Cut:curalie&s,
, "Pimples alTected my face- mcy
were large and. al.WaYa 'festeted; and
they.were e=ttered alt orr,,r
ray face. .T.tiey aftercpiarria
ettatigit into-stalea, and
iWhen they fell offthey
left big marks until ,my
face was dioilgured. They
itelaed and burned PO that
, I sesetely elept at all,
!lad_ kepnbotlaered, fqrett,eartjf
,two "Months, before 1 started uottg•
Cutieura, and after I had need th:CO
bores Of Cutieura Ointment with the
Cutlet:teat Soap I tvaa conaotch-.17
healed." (Signet) adios L. Burnet
Si. Batelle, Que., Juno 6, 1010:
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointhaent and
Talcum for all toilet purpodes.
Soap 25, Oinbxtent 25 wad &lc. Bold
throughoutthellominion. CanadianDepot
''.1.—ClitiegF.4,0aRar-lavo#'4,4a11344ext ivIttkr.
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer -
WARNING! Unless You see name 'Bayer bbieflp
you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take! chatic
Accept only an "unbroken package" of '"13,3yer Tablqts
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out bit,
physicians during 21 years and proved safe, b,3i thllfton
Colds Headache Raell ma tisn't
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain Pain
• „
Ilattar tin boxeS of 12 tableta—Botties of 24 and 100—Alt Drttiril3gt1:
41)1041'i C.bt trade trartz (ngt3terecl itt .,E7,4A.g40.3..);- re, nai-`er„-nitriAllf6oil"-A---4 oe
,OSoactdester Salto,•qoacle. Mr.hito'11,te, wos IcM4ISAh0:- A.elqrin 5int Bayer .
entdecture, 10 wodoi; 11 ptt101,1 agairkeul_rIttatIOal, the, rrit4)1'64417,61YDri,,,tyr,". Coillptk*.
14 0 34...1ropea.-wItli 1.11th' E4e,-,errti trot) masa, tea itNtteas. creates