The Exeter Times, 1921-12-22, Page 7ea,
1 Lan of Chrtrna
Once -upon 'atime there was a poor.,
little lane, 13oy who had no toy a Tom
]new this was true, for one day, at
the little, bey's ,house, Tom asked him
to in out his toys, and the little
Loy ansiverecl; "I haven't any toys."
- -Toni esulci hardly believe that there
Wes anybody in the Ivordei • wi,liout
ovGn. 0/10 toy, so he went home and,
told Little Sie,ter but it, and tar.'
gether they planned to +bring the little
boy a toy from the beautiful Land of
Christmas: '
land as, it was! Every tree was
Christmas tree all laden with Chris
mac gifts, The music boxes we
playing, ale horns were tooting; t
dolls were saying "Mamma"an
"Papa," the Jacks -in -the -box, we
jumping out and then hiding ,•ag-a1
,and everything seemed to be sarin
their borne, where they told Mother
their secret
And all would have gone well, if
ern a not been a magic lan-•
a tern. for in some way it had taken a
t- spiet-ere of Tom, and another of Little
re Sister. So the next morning the happy
he little boy sat in his chair opposite the
d screen which his poor, hard-working
re mothrnit no. TCP,t1iPV theY
•lgother was -willing for them to go,
' o hand in 1--eacl, on the day before
Clirestneas went Toni ancl Little Ste -
ter,. They dad not know the way, so
ticey- asfifrd a feathery snowflake which
canie and lighted saucily on the end •
,Tona's finger;
4...:.4PrettY snowflake while.ymi'diniger
On the tip of my warm finger,
Tell me, where s -me-Land of Christ-
And it answered, oh, So s.oftly;
"Lietle boy and girl politely
Ask- yon tree that shines so brightly
'If Yee seek the Lart'd of Christmas,"
-The children continued their iOnr-
ney, and at last they- arrived at the
E;reat tree, allshining brightly across'
the. „white snow: When 'the. children 0
• asked the -way to Christinas Land, j
tleu s lhc shining tree 'responded:. a
'Step -into my trunk so hollow,
Take the Magic Wand., and follow S
The Shining Path to Christmas! t
Lan d."
watched eagerly for the first picture.
g, And would you, believe it, that tell -
d tale mac -lune showed, first, Tom's smil-
y ing face, and then 'Little Sister's
dirnp/ed one!
"Take -me! Take me!" It was har
for the children to select just 011e to
fr their 1ittj friend.
They sipped abont 'foT a ,long
examining the toys. Finally, on the
top brandh, of one of the tallest trees,
there hung a box tied witla big red
bow. On one side were printed th
vers "Magic Lantern." •
-"The very thing!" said Tom; but
how could he bring down the box from
the top of a. tree so tall—for, as you
remember, the children were very
small,- Just then a little breeze .whis-
pered m Tom's ear: •
"Little fairies, tell me why
I see y-ou sit so still and sigh;
I will get the box for you!"
Then the little breeze blew into a
strong breeze and flew into the top
of the tree. There he tugged and
tuned -•and puffed, until at last the
string had to let go and down laell the
bex, red bow and, all, into a soft bank
it snow. - 'The children were over
eyed when the box containing the
nagic lantern was safe in their hands!
Then they went back along the
hining Path, and very soon reached
he great Shirting Tree. Into its hol-
low trunk they went, and left the
magic wands, and as soon as they.
stepped out into the daylight again,
they found themselves as large as
. •
0.How tenderly the Peace -song
So they stepped' the • hollew
truak, "Ante "they feund, nisgi wands.
Toni chose, a silver •.-w-and with a star.,
at. the -end .,ef. it, -and 'Little Sister, al
golden with. a Whitedove at its I.
ever. They ran on and on, until they
ieached the little boy's window.
end. , The setting sun was painting every -
the children stepped ctut of
the tree, they were surprised to . find
theniselves grow very siriall indeed.
p,a.`vii'd this they noticed—if the magic
Wands • were held aloft, the children
erre-lined small, but if -the wands were
lowered., - the children grew, large
again.' • .., • •
The children ltneW that in the Land
.11-ragic :they must oliey all the
great commands, so they- •started
down the 'Shining Patit, holding their
magic w'airis high in the .eir. They
jourrni-yes1 on and on and 'at last they
reached a great wall, and When theY
looked up they saw 'beautiful 'lights
whic)1 spelled the words 'Christmas
• Land" oyer the, tiny gateway! -
Tem reached up and -pulled the heti"-
rope, and out upon the frosty air
"ratig the sweetest .chinies you ever
heard. Soon tile tiny gates opened
and Toin and Little Slier Were glad
that they were small, enough to. slip
through! And_ oh stich a beautiful
falls -
On listening ears to -night--
The song that angels sang of old
In clouds of heavenly light.
0 hear the voice, ye sons of men,
That speaks from out the
And tells the strange and-mystie
That blessed, old,tline story.,
'Tis peace and love, to all man-
The angel Choir is singing.
'Tis 'peace and love once more
to -night
The Christmas bells are ring-
, ing
With humble shepherds we
.. would haste -
The Bethlehem Babe to see,
-And hail with thankful songs
" His glad nativity.
, tiling red and orange and g•old, and
When they peeped in, there lay the -,
I•poor broy on his little :cot, and lyiz
empty stocking hung from _the back
; of a -chair.
I The clair stood near the window,
I and
en the note that was -pinped to
the 'Stocking Toni read the words:
"Dear Santa Clans; If You ,shOuld.
happen to have just one to -y to spare '
foi.a-me, -won't you please leave ine a -
m•agie lanteria?" -
Tom softly opened the window and
placed the box with its precious toy on
the •cheir near the emPty stocking.
Then the 'children slipped away to
It As rela.ted , that ,when
Michael Angelo was at the
height of Ms fame, when
monarchs and Popes were
paying fabulous prices for
his works, a little boy. nit
him in the street, with,an
old pencil, and a' piece of ,
dirty brown paper, and
ed. him for a picture. .The
great artist sat,on the curb"-
stOne and drew a picture
for his little admirer.
Sixty -Eight .Capital Fidliting Ships -1?e Scra.p
Greati Britain, Japan an d United States=lapan
- NOT ONE WOMAN Retam• s !Mutsu and Britain Allowed to
TVVENTY Build Tv47-9 Po ct-Jutla'rmf Ships
No woman can, be strong and healthy
!plass the kidneys are :vela The reason
is that the kidneys are to blame, nine
times out of ten, for that weak, lame
and aching back, from which they suf-
, • •
'When you find ,your kidneys out of
order, when your hick aches and pains
To tethlehem beneath the Star
The Wise men from the outlands far
Came clad in 'Silk and vair ;
Christ Jesus in His Mother's hold
Stared at the jewels and the gold
The three made wondrous fair.
Then first the swarthy BaltaSar,
Whose"glanCe was lilce a schnitar,
'Stood forth before the rest;
`Althoughle bore the fragrant myrrh;
Christ -Jesus turned from him to her
' 'And hid within her breast.
Behind him was the youth ,Gaspar
Who held a shining crystal jar,
His fade was merry and red; `,
Although he bore the frankincense
And was of debonair presence
Christ Jesus turned His head.
The third was haughty Melchior,
Dark, with the spoil of mart and war,
He bore the crusted gold •
,Christ Jesus gave a cry of pain
And,looked not on them once again,
But nestled in His fold. . „.
For they had brought Him treasure-trove,
But had not _any little love
'For one they thought a King;
• ChriSt Jesus gave,lb.Mary then
•, His first mild mesSage unto Men,
Love is the preCians. thing.
—Duncan Campbell Scott.
DomInion News in Brief
Victoria, BiC.—Despite.the• duty :ef time $90,000 re -main in the ha,7101.4 of
,30 PentS perbushel, imposed by the the Canadian corrirn-u
ittee to bei use
{Fordney tariff; "more British- C•ohniabia eXelusii•Telrfor the relief. of,uneraploy-
I apples are selling on the Nev: York ment arnon•g the soldiers during tho
I City- market than lost year. Whilst 1.vint,er• months.. More than 1,050,000
small poppies were .e-orlicle together
with approximately,a0-0,000 largo pop -
_pies an•d wreaths to the value pf
000. The popp4es were iniarriseletured
in France by ,‘'Cirphan .4116r -en , of.
French soldiers •ar•I peacticall Cy Y
I but a few caa• of the priavinee's Ci•op
reached • N‘Rw „York laist , year , . ,th rty
cars had arrived there by the begin-
ning of N•oVember. •Thongh 'New York
I sieems to be the'fayorite outlet for
'these Canadian shipments, Boston. St.
Louis, PhiPadelphia,a, Chicago and
ether large cities are receiving apples
sfrOni the Okanagan 'Valley.' -• " ••
Eldinonton, Alitia.,--alers‘the, past ten
years the rrurnber C2f,,EppyltrSi in, "Al-
bert.a, has increased fi•Ona' tivo and a:
hag'snrIlron to four and a 'quarter mil -
lien, nea,rly 'one, hundred, per eent., ac -
carding' to the provincial Minister of
Agriculture. Previously the local
market consumed prectieally' the en-
tire productien, but at 'the.' present
t112/f5TiNtufh).a8.,"\-ri 110.1a4t-,--No. Q7 LI "IL,
bniLob tOtS---No. 2 CW, 521/2e;
No. 3 OW, '4501/ce; extra No, .1 feed,
60U,, c• trigMcootult,,ehrs, csilinodulod nt..‘
'NanitOba ber'ey-Nom1i al,
All the above, track, Bay port.
American como—N o. 2 y el lea
69%c: No. 3 yellow, 030; No. 4 yellol.
071/00; track, Toronto.
Ontario oats --No. muninu
Ontaido wheat—Nominal.
Barley ---No, 3 extra, test 47 lbes. o
better, 55 to 58c, according to freight
outs ide.
Buckwheat, ---No. 2, 74 •to 76e.
• Rye—No, 2 84 t 86c
Manitelea flour—First pats., $7.40
second pats., $6.90, Toronto.
Ontario flour -90 per cent, patenbulk, seaboard, .
s•npi rerraleMb, aoprirretrier"le'elto$,n5,:fr$e215ghtt
hags unlucidi $265 shorts, per toe, $27 to 328; goo
feed flour, $1.70 to• $1.80. •
• • Baled bay—lh`aele, Toronto, per ton
No 2 32L50 to $22; mixed, 318.
Straw—Oar lots, per ton, 312.
• Cheese—New, large, 21 to 22c
twins, 21% to 22%e; triplets, 22%
to 234c. Old, large, 25 to 26c; twine
25% to 261/2e• triplets, 26 to 27e
Stiltons, new, 2'5 to 26c.
Butter—Fresh, dairy, choice, 83 t'CI
35e; creamery, prints•, fresh, No. 1
43 to 45e; No, 2, ,40 41e; eooking
of this
disease we would advi, of Dr.
v/ Wood's Norway rine ,yrup, This famous
reinecly will clear the l.wouchial tubes of
1. the collected raucous and phlegm, incj
in this way ease di! •rtrracking cough anti
r in a short time make it disappear
Mrs. J. W. 1VIortimer, 25 -6th Ave,
nast anew ver )3.0 writ es '—"Wfien.
• tu3r gni was oorn sae was not 'very
• /,
t j' strong, aad wheo. she was three moeths1
old -we into O. damp house. A
• few days aft _l." we were settled, she became
I very ill. called in a dot•tor and he .said
-she had whooping cough and bronchitis,
He gave me medicine for her, but still
r saw no change, in fact, she seemed to
get worse and several times 'I thotiebt
she was dead as she used to ,e,o in
I the face and stiffer& right out, and I .was
I nearly crazy for fear she weuid die- A
; friend of niine asked me to try a bottle
of 1er. Woad's Norway Pine Syrup as
• ,
• she had three children of her own.
; took her advice, and after giving my
tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot
better, and when the bottle WaS finished
, she was well again.
Dressed poultry ---Spring chickens
25 to 33e; roosters, 20 to 25c; fowl
20 to 28c; ducklings, 30 to 35e; turk-
dys,•45 to 500; geese, 27 to • 31e.
Live poultry•—Spring chickens, 20
to 25c; roosters, 14 to 16c; fowl, 14
to 22c;duckliegs, 22 to 26e; turkeys,
45 to 50e; geese, 20 to 22c.
Margarine -23 to 25e.
Eggs—No. 1 storage, 52 to 53e; •se-
lect, storage 57 to 58e; new l•ald.,
straights, 86 ''-to 83e; new laid, in o,ar-
tons, 88 to 90e,
13eants-----Can. hand-pieked, bushel,
34 to $4.28; primes. ;3.50 to 33.75,
Maple products—Syrup, per imp,
g -al., 32.50; per 5 imp. gals., 32.35,
Maple sugar, lb., 19 to 22c.
Honey -60 -30 -bb. tins, 141/2 to 15e
per lib.; 5•.21/2 -lb. tins, 16 to 17e ^pe'
Ib.; Ontario comb honey, per doz.,
33.75 to 34.50.
Smoked meats—Hare,s, med., 24to
26e; cooked barn, 36 ta 40e; smoked
rolls, 23 to 24e; cottage rolIls, 25 to
26c; breakfast bacon, 25 to 30c; spe-
cial brand breakfast, bacon, 30 to 35c;
hacks boneless 33 to 36e.
Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 18
to 20c; clear bel•Iders, 181/2 to 201/2c.
Lard--7Pure, tieree.s. 14 to 141/2e;
tubs, 141/2 to 15e; pails, 15 to 151/2e;
Prints. 161/2 to 17c. Shorturing,
tierces, 13e; tubs, 131/2e; pails, lac;
prints, 151/2e. ` I
Choice heavy steers, $7 to 38; but I
cher steers, choice, 37 to 37.50. do,
good, 36 to- 37; do, med., $5 to 36; di?,,
corn., 33 to 34.50; 'butcher • heifers, I
Choice, 35. '75 to $6.5pj" butcher caws,
choice, 35 to 36; do, med.. $3 to 34;
canners anti autters, 32.25 to 32.75,-,
butcher Iluns,•.go'od.; $3.50.te, $4.50; do,'
' 111011YIAT Pi
. n., 32.50 t $ , Lee g•ood, 900
poppy Seat to,-Canadia lbs. .- 35 to 45.50e.' -da, --fair, 34.511 tre 35;
gi".irtpc)31-0'det..!koe:1:3,s.;!14.1gicco:In,l';i1.1,247",5tosd: t:$408:.gmia;oe(:01:ss.:1,,Vtic;01.i.
. . ,
$12, to $12,50; do coin. $5.5b 'to 3'6.:
$10; do, eora.. 33 to 36; lainbie goad
trig over 65,000,000 'bushels' 'Sur
mg the entire Khli)inetniti'of siveep, choice, $5 tio $6; do, go•o•d, $3
Other Ati•airade 'Ports 'corribined, inelu•d- to ,33.50; hogs, fed 'and watered
mg Nen-, York, and greating the' most $10:25 to $10.50; do, 'heavy and: bticks:,
"Phenoinental -year in "the hisibory of $1. to $2; do• f•1°-'°•• $9•59 $9•85; d°,
Montreal Port, •Fieni 85,000 bashes enuntlY Paints, $9•35 to -i39.60.
'in 1920, American tern lumped to 65,- Mon tr cal .
time a steady export trade of eggs to 000,000 bushels this ,seasen, whilst the Oats, Can Wet., No. 2, 57 to 58:e;
G-ree.t Britainjs being built up. Wheat shipments doubled in turnover. do, No. 3, 56 to 56Y2,C.' Flour, 1VIan.
Dahinda., Saskatchewan, win•irer Of is
Regina, SaiSk.--J, C. 'Mitchell, of Fsru-epidpeal-5i,ciaitgon,mNaiBn,e.—,sNfie4ivinoBursu-np-:tavictlet e5-Pdroinsfs,'"vi,1107t9oPVL-"":„"., --re3`stj;''
33.10. Bran.
the wheat sweepstakes at the Inter- belt with ,seed potatoes la the Aroes- '
national Grain and 'HaY Showeat Chi.: -took growers': efDorts toobtain' die,-
cago Isst year, was rininer-up this ease -free stock. Two carloads were
Year, being beaten ,bee George ICraft, recentlY .shiPP04 :.6Y• tin . Areostoele; -
ttre,..- greatest and under'standmg on, fectifictions-of first time. in several yerars that Cali- .desPite the Fo'rcinei lthe're 11'61'1 COULD NOT SLE
A d's*"7.0-1t01.1 fraa71 . Washington , The ale -men -lent inclu,des. •statifs of B•ozeman, rgoaltbina.-, This i's tli•e • ni aral at is beeeere. _
v' " iFari ' ' • ;‘• - • •
,naval lacrtvers canoe to ,an
• • agreement he 1_ acificrIsiliands in oren7Waterss •anaada has had to relinquish
aa,a hold develop an aetIve- demand, for New. EP, NIGHTS
on' ,q1TUTIcsid•ay• aftern•oon" to scrap 68 ekolusiye o----------------------------.waid idu on Briln I
t 0 , p ac aaaaaor in the general
capital fighting ships -witlfa total ton- ' JaParle'oe, Australian and New Zea- I soling fact, hoWever", i'sthit'the Prize- market of the Un1ted S't'ates as well
nage of 1-,86,1,611. Great Britain, the land coasts. winning wheat was 'grbein from sead, as for seed purposes,
g•rea ' ' ' f Rbe Halifax, N.S.--Nova Scotia's coal'
a c t ae 'about 20
finur,03 c!,o n,ot• dffrer 1.7 f T4Xi11111"11,1,1211it' in tannage raf caPital• y'ears, according to the Western Can- .
ni t, Rtes. and Japan h•aye made!
Sul I •s ffi. ien t I t 6
supplied by Seager NV:heeler,
their final decision. -bulk these
The 'agreement also provicles for a, thein saskatolle.vv,an • . pp
, •
., • When the nerves become mistrung;
the hands shaky; you can't sleep, and
y p c ca y on the verge of nos,
. .
vous prostration, then is the time to
• ,
<1 to be built in re itta•cement at ' ' • ' rn Canada •
Coeferenee 1, 0 tons, merieen measurement, , • • • •
the linglies proposals .made When. the °A, • .1°' is; ilrjoying "greater prosp'erity than ada Cc'al Re - At the resen•t HEART AND N VE PILLS
and, gives you endless misery, all you - . , •-• . ... an the Ihnibatilon of d f • !Hi t tonnaratio be any ether are;i of the NOrtli 'Arernican
Year; of Which 3 000,000 tens and strengthen and restore the whol
have to do is take a few boxes of Doan's Arniament fast met en Nov 19, These ' f continent, according to Babsen's'-w-in,•- Nova Scotia mines about 4,500,000
an en an u ma ege
They regulate and stimulate the heart
you healthy and happy, and able to en -
the adlen and pains will vanish, and -make
Kidney Pills, and you will find that all a •propictsialls includied the .serapping
cd 1,878 043. se:re:tar, H gi 1 Britadn, 525,,000 tons; , the United
66 •eagatal, slits, with a total tonnage the ten-year holiday as follows,: Great
deg -res of prosPerity by their shades
ter outlook ohjart. The:•chart'inclicateS' tan° 4
are •consumed by the Domin1on Steel; Mr, Fred W. Watson, Newport,
oi tween the three, powers at the end o
nervous system. e
joy life to the" utmost. , •d th b lt - th ''' Corpor•ation, a part of the same corn:- N.S., writesi.---"I have been troublecl '
- .1. '12'' l'es las' St te 525 000 ton•s• J rp Tr 315 000 an e e anines e eentual acnft! f . ,
• , , . , '' Wilin• out with his famous 5-5-3 ratio. a a' ' • ' °'-`a. ' ' northtern parth' of .tlie Prairie Pro-
ton,- p•any. The company contemplates in- or .seieral years vilth nervous head-
- 1
time the Dominion Coal Company of
Price, 35e. and 60e, a bottle; put up
only by The T. Milburis Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Let us put away the idea
that Christmas is only for
children. The real child is
in our hearts, be we young
or old, and we are blest in
proportion as we can give
ourselves wholly to Christ-
mas and all its symbols.
The saying, "Here comes
fool, let us be serious," is
never inore witty or true
than on this wonderful day
of excitement and delight;
of unopened packages and
the long -stocking, bulging
mightily -;vith gifts.
others also. We cannot
326.25, Shorts 328.25. Ray No. 2,
per ten, 'ea67 1.0tn, $27 tie $28•
. Cheese, finest easterns, 18 to 181/2o.
Butter, choicest creamery, 401/2 to 41.e.
Eggs, selected. 55c. Potatoes, per
bag, ear lots, 31 to 31.10. ,
• 'Canner's end -cutters, $2 • to '32.75;
butchers',. $8 up; veal ,ealves, $11 and
unde.r; thin g-ross -calves. 33.504 lambs,
tops,. $11; sheep., ujo. to $5; hogs, $11;
sows., 37.50 to 38.50,
,Four Britis.1-1
0 -
o bie Scrappe
. despatch from Washington
say•s:—The 1110aFaltrenTeubs the. four
tritirsh ships to be. scrapped when the
two new ones are bun are;
Ming George V ten 13.5 guns, disi-
platiement 24,100 tons; Erin, same
guneower, 23,425 tons; Centurion,
same gungow-eor, 24,100 tons; Ajax,
same gur.poriver, 24 100 tons.
The two ,United States craft to be
retained are the ),Vashington, eight 16 -
inch 'guns), 32,600 tone; Colorado, same
guallelver, stame dispia.cement. The
UnItedt States craft to be scrapped are
the' North, Dak-ota., ten 12"-ineh guns,
20,000 tense Delaware, s•ame gun-
••,", same 'displacement. •
Ta IASI Jan eight 16-inth guns,,
with. a displacement of 85,000 tons
while the Salim. to he scrapped, ha -s
twelve 12 -inch guns, wah displace -
ER ment of 21,400_tons.
cog. H. A. MuIldne, the well-known
ca.tbreman, leave -s Winriiipeg for kin0,•-
lard January 12, where he will
spend the Winter cam:Pate-nine. 'against ,
the ca.ttle embargo.
• Nets, :roan aecirmis, Newcastle -Bridge, , '-'i-' i, the plan, ,Tapenrellains the '
11 E ivriteS:—"Last spring:' t' Was ao auTer,cfreetdn-;.egfit iht,tef..,;i of Under t.he agreement during- the itY sae.ComparatiVe, fignres' 'based shaky I could hardly hold anything
bothered. with my
kidneys'and :pnins ttra, - •. , . • . • . • •• ' • • ilehoice silver foxes• are' bell -rig tal- t
charlatterbowirt, P. . . Ty- y
iny bat,a, p 0o,taa rest, or sTeep ., ca a e-tiP oe-tu,..../an.d the. En- ten years .th.e.,,Vnited States will .heye on, bankeciea!rings for the pest tene , ° them. A friend 1d n -ie to try
• • • • Norway by •Eloward MacKendriek, burn's Heart and Nerve Pills so I got
vinces ,the largest area of iprdsper,"•1 "creaairg 'its, output to 10,000,000. tons. aches and they. mare so bad could
E _ed.. not sleep at nights. My hands got
eight ' t ea, ited :States retains t-w•o adJ,Tlatoona 18 capital ships, .aggregating 525,800 years show a continuous, rise in a• • .
t,t the beneat, podn's 4Cidney S-1'1'14:13 '12 *-111"-"ifirlYd-611f-1;insteaa to - '" •11' ^ ^ • ' W
pis, Go eat Blitain, 20 s aggie- Oania.d ran innmeg hank, elear- ' •
, • • • fax mdustry in that country, Reeeat had taken them. I continued to use more,
who propoaere to establish the salver.- a box and began to get better I
bad done for her, and adviaed ITIC 'th UT of the Delaware end' North Dakota. g•ating 582,050, ,and .)pan, ten ships, trigs, increased 154 pee, cent. in the
shipments of foxes have gor to 1ln-1 and n'w I am uo more bothered with
them. only took two bo es and I can Great en orp,•,„,
iv,./..lent will aggregatine• 313,000 tens. This rep- bas•t ten yea%11S' and Vancouver 205 per — nervousness, and would recommet d them
truthfully say my trouble disaepeared -II - d. • • ithd State- Eng' d Japan Switzer-
wo,gib. ------------------ ----------------- of 56,200. tons for cent.
Price 50e. a box at all dealers. 01 of gr.e•a•tar tannage, •siarapping four States was allowed, time anrieuryeernent ..wi,11 go to the Fren'cli Children's
arid r have had no trace of it since."
1to Mar•farld •Irnoi Mutsu types, but Great, more tloiari. the-1,Tnited Ottawa, Ont. --More than $80 oop
laird, Russia end. ether, countries,
mailed ;iireet on reeelPl: of P/ice hY 1.0 batteships-- of this original retained sad, became of the age of tie older League .as a result Poppy Day
hi ilburn co•, .1.-'53-nited•I°r9nt°,' Ont • I sugges•ted by the Hughes plan. BriReh,hafttleah;iv,s. Campaign in Canada. At the stame
, •
' It's a Great Lateik You Don't Weaken
OPE baE C)
c,c (.21, retell 5 i r•4
T1 -42,E E. \al
aTOQE 5 -fci•Oia-c
'Three persons were injuren, by
'bombs thrown in Belfast on Thursday.
to any one who has nerve trouble."
Price 50ca box at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by the
T. Milburn Co., Iatnited, Toronto,
,...,..„,..,.r...„,„.,„,..,„.,..,,,r----.....,„.... --. -
Ay, Jack Rabbit
IT'S P..\ (sat:LI-yr-
ir, °I'01...) DQl.'--31- WEAXEt°4
V.lh' loU 1-tA\1E
11-,C C OUNTS 11 -al
50 MA tsiel
t -v.? PLNit-.
blel-S 50 1•AUCH
rHe ittaS
f,C2.3-r OF
41( '
a •:11
If your tongue is coated, your breath
foul, your eyes yellow, your complexion
sallow; if you have sick or biliou head-
aches, variable appetite, pain under the
right shoulder, floating specks before
the eyea, theu yottr liver is not in order.
All the troubles, which come in the
train of a, disordered liver may be,
quickly relieved by•using
Miss 1,10 H. Ci-ok ,
Out., writeis:—"aast full .1 was troubled
selierely with rny liver, oi4i oc(iasionally
111a/1'6,1.d bilious :.Ph -1-',. 1 tiled sever-
100, :?h but until. I beg,an to use
your 3,1iihrtrn's Le;zo,.3.iver Pills 1foiled
( ; orke