The Exeter Times, 1921-12-22, Page 6OP NS M9 ORLI OILS E.
(Copyrign by Musson Company)
affliction in the coitin1):y throligdi
..1' which they were •working, Kendrick'.
had enjoyed Abe. new ,e.xperience•
W 11,1 h *c The Tracks in SrIONIT,0
$.)0 a er.: ec ani
4, 1Twenty naileS average daily wockingr Jumps to $750 a Monti7k On mortnirig, says ,Ntr. CI. O'Il,iirit,
distance, frequently- with an extra Out Cliolialis, 'Washington, U.S,A., of hi's adventures iii: Noltrii Canadian
-- writing in -the 'Wide IVY esrls :11, agazine
len-mile walk hank to the ear, already 'Ives W. E. Penee, "Blectrice.1 I,1xpert." wilds, I starte,d out for is st,rall in the
------ llelnlls isliq very inholl of a to11WDOL1S. Si00•11 I came ,alrose the fresh
tho Varsity rugby champions into k..•:- ,
----9 oinewhere between 3,000 arid 5.000 tricks" of al. deer and he zioo• to catch
had rounded the enstv,shilsi" captain ot
ta skiing torsi -Cron. ' • I
sPoonfill eac, of , ' .„ PeOPle----and Penee doesn't pretend to ef" tts'e ,animat, 4.,egan to folio*.
• The' S.iillty" • , of Finanee' then.
ti-ts• a .1 night tbi,-•eiere o3 es ss e A held type ot endc t Lel w it
1-ci spite of. the feet that lie had beet
CIIAPTER VIT•f,--(Cellt'd.) 1'0(1Ln-ore an!"°11:g his' Pasaehgers, ahd is the gift of lollg llours In the 01 -len suns's: shed Tionn-in, settet 104.; -e'f' 'flour, five 'eness, 'one-half rintmeg fs,talli" of the town," 'With' great pride returrt to „amp. coriviaieod thp.t /
The Fates certainly were kindness 'that eYetYbodY "01.0 hail haard'ed las.t air. 'llbe b-locit'e:Ye Whicli bad 0,ttraOt" -..-e1): iii.,,,: ti,e ,ln,,;- , ..lifd, \y' 11Q yeilts ' (gret'ed) ,and ints. ie., desired." Beat, •11-o exIlibit :tlle 1)06148 ef Ilis -Electrical knew the right, direction, I kibiandoned ,
'actually had it in his p•ocketi IC1wes low cliVision was accounted fol. 1.onger eontributed to the arnieserneut es., 1 So'S•cin;)7'n...,-1 passionate the egg' s 'and ad.'d the ..112,•arwhich hasi: nasilless, l'ill°11 s'11°'w a aet Prafit ef tile tortuous trail of the , deer and •
itselS. Ile had. il,-50,0-00 bucks! 1 Iie night's \vesth,ound train Gli
Pbe pOlitical situation dia not Ward,ow; al, th-reby Cis 1,•>toil wa.,s merely that he
OTI• and Ntaklel.,)y and Alderson by re-, tIoning' Ili the Presen•ce
bright With tlie. mirror gdisten willeh and that tries our .Patience is' the Pound of eitramsonettourtb of „a ft2-und n the ond of an hour ecided to,,.
• • • oil • 'I el is B t on e is tlie (.1
the. N'''.Tatlit'" ed nnwelcome attention at first 110,11.1s't'einletr'nni`
, _ ,f1,' fsch,i4stttojin•gsvhniililtia'steli•-•fy z,::..srda;eents. to enjoy Weil' fioureo, 'and the'relnahlingt,fleonri' ma ''''Ilg $3° a w°eIE 'rad 'wandering it of. a roan hea l''', 1 ° 4-10
enough t,o give Mr. Podmore a 'U'lhe, wa4 with °°i•leiLler'll•-'4e secret dlec'P- a "the ihe obtrusion of Its tail'. temPer 1v9rks ien tile been' 'nixed "with the sPliles". 'Add the.' a moll,tb-, struck off through the wOodo.,
start on lils own accutirit .sornowlie•re Pointment that the, Chief of the. Spe- rein'aining jaundice being overcome by hisl(le. Ho hnoods over trouble, breact-crurabs, which have been soaked'ao he ie 01 Penco himself says that two years traanned .011 and on and, seeing' roe
t T ing upon it. If e uessullf. ref u e es, 4.4 ono- faall1::'datlflet7sunelit.n, uht:ts1;1„ dAreTiutlie,a.dI atteloarnh-len„ gw8a0s setnys. cfStetsdivclicilizilavticin,-':-'obteigeaccni tt(1);:7)..1.a' tc1.111c,
far- away. Niekleby and A.Ittersan? cial Servi,ce l)epartinent of the tho hew 00 it of ittn,,,,itiat entroa,clied distottin,s,, zand,,:s.daTgn,l,gtit by denen-:
_They 'could go eircl take a jump in nicide arrangements tor the I rest- it. ,
tile lake! Ile had liis. It \vas a "-bad dent's oar to continue eastward wit/. Ht ,
, an at' -I• 'hail' -ori-baund"th
p s or e change that , We.1 upon himself too much. uhe molds two-thirds full and Steam' Owes Success to F-leotrloitY• ge't there too." • '••
,nloving tliis little plek'e e1 election nate. He NVlaa 011,137. buinan. had troubled "'jilt SO greatlY; it had Itat Can •'We (1.0 With suel------ ld? for six 101.121. The inulding array be Pence (loose/ft tp.I lc 'ainnit his The tracics led me on rnile after
WAS cheat) at the price, till the last. moment. Although. his hill, '',,Tanned carefully arouind a lady's to put him by lipesse'lf as .),-ou would and, heated in a steainer.
long a.fter
(1- ° "° ••
t d' 1 ; from every_ r the inixtuie wet'', then place hi' teloleull'illi'll•Iey wheylitlhahleaVele ,11,1•nleteclil•:11.11,1'e lh'e 1.y,thhich W"ac(Igi. Ittreteltiol°Un11t1"1„.
, . . . i f . ‘1 - • ' ••• 1 .... -.' now is able to 1 ' ' • at fellow must be niakino- for comp '
time to drop out a this gartie anv- No- 21 while be remained, behind at accou.n, e . .or -eery „le:fly,
look' any to'o good. Well he -,,, yid be- losing' a
, 1)0 splendid. onperlity to de- ' • '
or a los 1 o hool. ("lie I'T is usuellY a ..ensi,iie'ld grt, sod n adios-, li elde, c o -pound•
had come back there
friend the Honor:al/le M'IL .ind Ferg
. . - .. , , ,, 1,1_, nor,...str,..,* lus a tty at .,..10,,s-que- ing _nes railway pa,8,5, But it) had rot! s'115% lael'''illi2; confidence in Ifineself in- baking -Powder (In --1'0 11101Y he used. Fill' c co. . es <- ,
i i - ,.., 4, s ., be: „ • • , • ... . - pct., -,.. :„ . -n. alit- i
of the "nag- been the as- th loose
reheated by- steaming at 111 bile origin:- success. , 'He isn't that kind. But mile until I,hegalv„t,o feel uneasy. Per -
'evidence. from the reoch of their Op- i Cranston, however,had been taught been—weld, earn it, didn't -want to. ee Is on a t he trouble. 11 the . „ • .
pone/Its. That yarz, a Eiervice -which- by exlierience that' tim'e is neven u•I.) lose. them 'Mice -that anyway! --a lisith-tompered and it is Unwise al mold, 01.' it niaY be cat into Shces When lie does talk about Electricity haps, the stranger was beading, away
Yes , it was time to say a' fihal fare- belengins were packed, he left his shirtwaist pin!" It was his own bus' }
no:h.-tempered child. GiVe him
well ss.'thile the Sarewelling was good., suitcase aboard the ear and ness e rtire t. Luc ly Thorlakson Ilea something to be bitty about just as
He hunted up a tivie-tctble. The'y roust:he had said good-bye to Wade,:ilong picked' it up and xvas •able to restore soon as -possible. ' Work is even. more
be somewhere in the vicinity of In- I after the President Was in his ,serth the. pac.ketbood with its contents in--
' I- 1 te tive. sat dog- tact, •
westbound limited be at that hour? gedtly on in the despatcher's office,
Ile glanced ab his watch. then fiat-, smoking his pipe. Ills patience was
tened nose agairist the •\vindow rewarded about an hour before No. 2
dian Creek by now. IWbere would the 01 ,
until his eyes beGaine 'accustomed to ' was clue,
the starlight and he could -watch the' The message was fram Thorialcson
dim panorama of sp,ruce „trees anci an.c1 came over the wire front the nigat
.(To be continued.)
What Sharp Eyes Mean to
• We neVer see anything that is about
Pushing aside the letter She was
necessary for him than for any other writing, Cousin Portia, 1/limed quickly.
type of child, for we rriust get out She had 'been expec,t4ing the knock.
• ,, • spare time during tile past inonths. again.
I3ut let Peirce tell his own stor•y. er aino g ,p 1' g
and the great future which it holds front camp. Perhaps he Was Pe„!.
for inen and boyi-l--he hits "right:from haps I was lost!
the shoulder." Without any reserve- I loOked down and to my 'aStoinish-
tion he gives all credit for his amaz. merit discovered that a second man
Ing success to the thorough Electrical had joined the fellow whose trail
t • holt he has received in was fallowing.- 1 plucked up'courage
of 'himself. i''If'possible, :hav-------------------me oi. ,she cr
where lie N•vill have the companionship , The little cousin entered' Her cheeks
d his brothers and sisters; or 'perhaps 'were hot, and 'her eyes heavy. "Cousin
he can:help you in What you are doing. Portia," she aelted brokenly, "what
Work is a blessing for most -persons, makes a lady?"
lonely little bakes sliding by in cease- operator at Indian Creek. The us, and no two of me' ever sees precise- but for no one more than for the chid "There's one defimaion that run3.
less proce'ssion. Presently lie reco•g- lander -wins holding Pochnore at Thor- ly the same things. Bach sees what who is nclined ' to liekis little life "A heart t leisure fromitself
nized a flag- statim. His guess at lak.son Siding as instrueted. Cranston his:previous training and his hai3it at
inside of hirris,elf: This type of child To soothe and sympathize.
Indian Creek as thell' whereabouts had already had made arrangernents for a, mind have prepared Irim to see.- When is iiiially reserved ana takes .things. , , ou ea.n „ ,.I
Perhaps that is as near as Y h.eetrical. Expert,". 111 business for follorwsneg , my , own trail. I was ..ost,
I -Ie made his plans quickly. He the line, and having issued definite in-, gonia he fell in with a card player- who
a we dozen words," answered' myself, and making over $750 a month. Panic seized me, and I started to run. r
not been far astray. , 1., special en.gine to run t'nem back up 1
i au Ainerican scientist was in Path- hard,, ,hui tO the feWr peoPle lie laves come in a
would drop off, walk to the ne,arest s,tructions he went back to the private' alth of '. affection mid . .
C P t ' • .1 My..sucoess, "Mr. Cagke, Is . entirely
station and catch No, 1, westbound, car and unpacked his --------------pyja
at midnight That would take him into; One of those rnethodieal -individuaIfew rounds the game he knew some. strong 'natnre which is sincere and
the Missinaibi country by daylight,' who are born every now and then with i of the cards as they were dealt; he re- true. • ,
and he could afford to run the risk. of the gift of interpreting railway ,sche-1 cognizd them by a difference so t -
dis•cevery until then. I•Ie -w6u14- leave dules would have had no great •diffi-1 slight that another. man could not de-
the train there somewhere and would' culty in locating'Tharla.lcson" in the I tect it when it was pointed -out to him.
find no difficulty hi obtaining an outfit main-iine timetable of the Canadian( Now the scientist .mentiosied is an
and an Indian guide. They would hit Lake Shores Railway. It takes the i ornithologist, and he says that this,
southwest for Lake Superior, arid once form of a 'Rte. da-mari . w c ,
there ha could find his way across to pursueci into the fine print of the "E;x-
the Michigan side by niF,ht and so, planatory," yields the infornia.tian
away. - that "Tharlakson" is a flag -station.
Podrnore laced. his boots rapidly and' Magnus Thorlakson hims.elf, Ice -
went through his grip for one or two lander, must be credited wit,h 'being
articles he thotight ha might need. Ile one of the oldest and most conscien-
. . . . .
Read his letter dated October 9,-1921, I discevercd that a third 111ail ha -d join -
to L. L. CoOke, Chief Engineer of the ed the pair. Fecilino• uneasy again,I
Chicago Ensitmeria- Works"' tooPed 't exaniine the tracks' °more
closely. Bach, 'man wore thoccasinq•
"DLeeasISINtllira.nC2"ylciear's ago•I was an Odin- -and each had a patch -p the rig
a.ryi niechanic 'earning $25 ---to $30 a • heel!, I lifted my right .foot andlook.i
week. 'To -day, thanks to yon, I am 22 ed -ab 'patch on the heel! i had -bean.
• . told hithat always after the firSt , oya y an • usuallY ,e ,has 'a deep, • . - . . • then o wa - ,a evr's,eps, ien o ru t
oreen .d d t; then
ousin or ia.
she due to the invaluable help you hay°
h • given. me The tic> • 1 " -- '".a.n "'''' ' fir' -
"s'hiook her hea•d. "It doesn't fit " s e o . , i long 1, piac lea , .
declared positively, ' , la flint I sbf,oied hi Laig,11 your Easily- 4 IQward evening I flung myself down.
'tim"I":;,nc,a\o'uersinfitpt7odrt,,..131,-yo'atn °a11,1..: ICeoaurrriseed'inS11-131repe irl:ciiiint3,e-: hiaso,mneia-aSetuic114 .',1°•tcht,o(Yi!'0.lai tt rIee',11;;ILit'celrblYbeex. sound of
not thinking about little 'thing•s, 'like rfi,ensailceitael,d1Y blunsdienPeesisidern,nat.n., .ain,nd
thaishicgbilmly- l'a-cleiVneg.. I ..'6;Satt/tludllenalyn-dtheleasisiPnIdearbliistubsilie
forks and spoons and what'. to. say ,, • - parted and.„,,ot „twenty feet from me
'when you -are intro,duced ?" munn.y. . - •
Nereen's hot calor :deepened. But Sincerely yours, a big bull rnoose , burst ,into view.
t lk
same pre -naturally sharp-eyed man
was greatly surprised when lie was
told that half a. dozen'kincls of spar-
rows were feeding and singing' about
the house. He had never seen. ,any
difference in them he said. In; siie,
' I
stole back to the kitchen and. put tious section foremen on • color, shape and actions they were a.11
some crackers and cheese hi his pock- He, his men, his wife, his children and alike, and they all sang and twittered
. .
ets; it was all he could rind that was everything that was his, abode in a like, so far as he had ever noticed.
., .
riot under lock and key. Then with the log shanty on a rise of ground close Native Patagonian% lilee other s,av.
precious envelope buttoned tightly in- to the tra-cle. The rest of the place , ,_ e .
yery keen. eyes far
side his coat he 'picked his way can- consisted of a long siding, a short age peoples, have
tiously to the rear cif the swaying car, wooden plasform, a tall new standard certain things, things which their
closed the door carefully behind him enclosed waterstaillt and a little white- modes of life have made it iridispens-
F - a moment he hums there tools were stored. A creel: here slip- \yore's, they are specialists, and as ia
and ,'Climbed ever the brass' rail. ;.-washed shed where the hand -car and able that they should notice. othet'
• ' .
tating. Then lie let g,o his hoilcl and pod mit of the woods -to find fault matter or couts,e th-------11- 11 theii
diseppeared. 1 la stone culvert ere it flowed beneath '
countries: • are to he rij'o,1"-,eci bsr• chit:lien, Lack -I Cousin IP- ortia nodded "I thought so. trained -rile -II d't.t7T'laitftit
Set them to find a reversed "s"dn ing a "variety' of" entters:, 'a pastry. You will hear the srirne thing osrer` rin,6 meet these clein:andsNt Cooke '
the middle of a printe,t1 page and the wheel can, be used, .QT patterns Cutt and over—just parrot talk. Would. is new enrolling a. S.pecial Class ' I:or le!adieor'rels'ser-r-.1'thaQPsse
. • . ,
Seasonable 'Subjects.- .
Serve •foarny sauce :ti,4,7-ith, plum pud-
ding.- TO:Make it, cream. tagether. one -
'half cupful,of. „butteri• one 'cupful...of,
powidered adti; gradually. one
• W. E. Pence." I Again panic seized fire. •and ' I turned. '
' rtha do make -a •clifference " , 1 -
welr-beaten ego. and one hall tea- thing,s t
• , , ,dyuu (i, •'d - For 15 years Mr. •Cooke has, -been. and ran -
in, a 467.)bi,e, bputt, teating• it thole tia.tei, _a_i•id veopleenotite ,if .yob• don't tramin,g men at home during :their I About , dusk ' I found myself lYing-
spodiffui Of vanilla. Heat ,the mature' she protested. '',-"And
.oughly all the while • , do ' tbey do". „ time for. Big 'Electrical Posis 1 unider an lit:Manse b' . 1 I I "t"
coof,tri.s, for. winter, time: crealia one's: ,, . emit you oaii learn ',..tboise: eiling..s, in: ptige.i.;t,tealasd he has received
,Iike the above. His system hollow. 'I'he -1temperature hid 11
thousands 1311) arid' clisca,iers,d1 :that the log 'Was
•-ll-alf_ el,l-Pflitfl of • shortening, with one a week; . The are dilly/outside 'things . -
eggs, one_ tables:poeul of 'Milk, or real 'things, • courtes'y of ,heart,, keeiis .edudation, or previous experience, the
fashions:" The offers every mail, regardless et' age, Pea 'below zero, and I was. hbrribly
chance'. to become, - in a -very short end of the 10,1; I crawled' ins•ide it and
cold, After 1 liad built a fire at -each
cupful of. sugar, eid:d..two well-71/eaten that change' -with' the
cream, tWO and one-half cupfuls or sense of hanor, love of '''the' ;beautiful
time an "Electrical Expert" olito te '01V -Inivee'n-- cl. - • t• '
flour.- siffed With 'Ord .t.ea-Sphonful of ,l•and. the fine •everywhere, interest . in - -. - ' - - - -' - ' - '' ' - '''. an eNl'eg. 'mg.
t easy-; earn' $?,,500 to: $10,000 a yesut every rglente to or-'' • eeects /• i- ••
baking-p07:0p, .ania-oi-ia,411,..all'teapari-1 others—those .thin
ful- -each nutmeg ------------4- earn. Were they Sim' h very beau- ElectrlcallY=TraIned uteri Scarce. 1 batwecn or -e of 'Lae an'd the log.
A 1. l't. I t 1 IT th
the' wo,ods ,arel olonclied •alono.
for -one holui. •Roll.out out" into farloY abbut thelunclieon?-24. - fjle Electrical FieldnThe Chicago En-. •es,..inecrns-s- an, 011
e± powdeied ginger: Mn.. and stand aside to chill tiful tliMgs, Noreen,- that the girls Because al its prominent position in At- -."aY-lg I ''' ar'er 0 1'cl:1g-I
- ' gineering Warksetrequently is called „geng tran rroi.,a,t,iy it; ied, to
fsown partimilar line. But it do•ess not..shapeseensdehake it...a-moderate No -o, • .
track and ie.s gig t silence among
• -follow that they'haVe better' eyes than F,ancy cutters' ftrimsi" -assortmen and tiusical comedy and 104- 10g
oo .
npon,by industries in the lei:ger cities , .
in the Edited•and Canada: to . camp, hut .-esnacsi. stray shetid I s go ?
It was a. lonesome insio'nifcant t -- 1.1 ' '
- . I
C.onspiting Events. .
paled place with nothing tb indicate its se-
ri:he President's '1 teeivato car lection as a bobbin for threads of
into Wercllow at- the tail of No. 2, the destiny. The sun was just emting
eastbound express, at 3.10 a.m., and, into the sky above the low-lying hills
was there side-tracked 11.11,011 i0St72`00-
to the east when the President's spe-
tions from Detective Robert Cranston. cial steamed. into the siding. From`e'e
As s.00n, as, No. 2 had get away behind group, clustered about the tool -shod
a -fresh engine on the long jump M the and awaiting its arrival, a broad -
next divisional point, Cranston, fully shouldered young man in the flannel
dressed, descended from the car andi shirt and leggin•g boots of a railway
went ,across to th-e despatcher's office.
engineer separated himself and hur-
Half an hour later he returned ,to the
ihto he
forward. He waved his hand as
car, undressed and crawled back recognized Wa-de's. sturdy figure
his: berth with a grunt of satisfactio:n. I he
and laughed to hear the, magnate's
The President greeted him at break- hearty greeting of surprise, his pro -
fast with a simile and Cranston res- fate enquiry as to what in Gehenna
ponded with the grin of a man who!
:Philip Kendrick was doing: away up
btili.s_made predictions which have '00me here in the woods.
ue. The mere sound of that big vibrant
"Well, Bob, your fish bit, I see.' voice, the mere vitality -of the mag- Of hours fade into dusk, no soun:d is'
"Sure did, sir. Ile took bait, hook nate's presence Was stimulating. Here
an' sinker at 23.20 an' I'll have him
reeled in by to -morrow morning."
"Not so sure about that, Bobs" said
Wade skeptically. "Fish sonietimes
Lhe CHAPTER IX. the encircling spruce trees.
10 am possesied Mani. of. civilized .oteC00.1c1S and ate w -
tears Vertild. run davvii their brown out. of. stiff -.cardboard can laid you"Iikeeto know who are "the t•hree quick training. 1 -le' expects to develop
bo 01) T\f,,,..e,,,,,,,•,....i..7....:_,1 t;',,,e ..ciaitt,,,,,,,,,,,x),..-iaiariei.4,,,i,,,,tnurn,q1,,,,..,,
cheeks, arid " they ' Would give up the the dough, and the antlines followed most nearly perfect ladies 1 cam`think frorn 'this clasS" "Electrical Experts"
, - •
three hours of 'steady w-alli-ing 1 'eIanle
search with a clIg ' eyeballs,. But the with a slender knife. • • - i.of at this moment ? One -"ie an` old who can go Gilt and tal- • theb' -'1
Proofreader Can find the reversed let- _Cakes can he sent long distances by lady who gave me aft-ernoon tea in 'a Electrical jobs `that eine' now o' pen.
to a camp in a clearing. as save. ,.
ter in a few minutes and never strain parcel-,p•os,t witlieut so much as crack-- ' racm with- a bare floor. The napkins Compete particulars . and actual
rectron the trail ie., bo• an old :disused
- Later 1 learned that in the other di-
his:eYei in the least.. -,' ing the actun• 1,. they are acked m had red' triro.e ,and the -tea was crdi- Proof. of 111" great demand ifr a"Fbo.loktie-'t
this way Place the cake on a large narv and the-wale,'8' were chap "'She Cal E-cperts" is contained
sheet of heavy waxed'papera and,ap-- never thOught of apolo,gng.-• She Was entitled "I -IoW To'Beco,me 'An Electri- can13 al:Illtlast forty miles 'off. ,
The Fairest Things.
ply the frostitig, allowing a generous giving-,rne her beautiful - mind and cal 1saiq)ert, w111111 may he had 141 th- An unconvincing storm.
-. - portion of the frosting to extend- on heart, and why should other thin,g3 out cost bY writing to -Chief Engineer
The fairest things are those that silent • ' •
' the paper. PigEt'ering the cake to matter'? The second is a little Italian Conke, Chicago Engineering' wrork", ' ,50111, years ,‘1,2;0, says an ,:a.. rne:rica,n
. s the pager helps to keep -it in position. woman who gave me preserved fruit 2143 Lawrence ..kven_oe, Olticgo,U,Sa,
come- -
You May ,not hear the first appitach writea. when' I was cro$sin.g the ocean
Fold the rest of the paper neatly in her tiny two -room tou_e., , ' • • ''.
..w,hat we , think .,,nost about is uen... there w -as alpassenger on board, from
of morn, _ , .. ..,
Y?u ilatea a's tile go'idet, around the cake. and slip under it a is—yOur, mother." '
And though .,
• - •
• ' . the lkdicidle West'who had never seen
. sum piece of cardboard. or thin board the "Motherll'
stantly -weaving itself into. the 1
;et clean away, remember. Wha.t
was a two-fisted, harci-headed,
straight-,spokert inan's men who had
fought his way to the tap by 'refusing
pointblank to stay at the bottoni. A.s
i,ave you (loner Phil stood renewing acquaintance he
„Wired his description to e.s_ry sect realized more fully why his aunt had
such supreme confidence in this old
tion foreman 011 ±118 division with in-
structions to notffy me here and hold
him prisoner till we come. Ditty dol -
friend of her girlhood,.
"I've :been working fox' 'the C.L.S.
for ne:arly two weeks nowhe ex -
tars reward. We CTOssed No. I. half eqaine-.
a "I'm chainman with the But -
en hour after Hughey jumped. John- E-'
land party, out from North Bay on a
sten has special instructions to watch top:ographical survey. We're taking
out for him,•and there isn't a sharper
' condactor in the servi.ce. He'fil figure aofatiev,wa _rn. i.leage and 1 -flapping the Tight -
y Our van's on the secon:d sid-
to grab the west. -bound, if se.verything .1.1 ,
a g above here." -
went well. If he didn't succeed, we'll This unexpected "vacation" had
nab him sure somewhere up the line come about quite simply. On arrival in
during the day." North Bay to go fishing with Billy
"Unless he's taken to the woods. Thorpe he had found that wide-awake
Podmore'8 not tool enough to stick to
the track, Bob," objected Wade. ' important contract that temporary
s exactly -way • —Elizabeth. Scollard:
"Excuse me, sir, but that'
s-tp nement of their plans.was int- . .
whet he's got to. do in these here parts.
A train's the on'y hope he's ,,got of
g011+1-10' (1,1010 to where he can get an
perative. As, if provided.specially -to .
young ai •tect so immersed: in an
He leads earth -weary children in His
When ,-Ithe stars dance, on high no
,.. bugles blow;
The footsteps of -the flowers fall
- silently,,
As softly come the blossoms of the
snow; • •
An.d clouds float by in Pale tranquil-
lity: "
exact size- of 'the Put both 'cake "Isn't she a lady,: Of our careei, becom ing a par
surd board into a'stong,cardbo,ard box. "Of course. OnlY"--Nereen stuni- I selves, increa„Sfng, the powei- of
A corrugated box is 'preferable- as it 'bled. trYing th put 'her thoughts into nient -magneth
les•sens -------------- -on, itents. Fill words—"she doesn't dress Like „the we most ardently desire: '
t f
the .box with .se.Wd'Ust, OT bran, which people , here. lar talk a,bout the same '
'eref,elo:reere je: in fhterBolsirtoen.
. -was
'v4,Ttlyer.rcaellforiho.rt,hcas,fer, sP:rang- 1114
and from the time we sail.ed the sea
The teinnest g17017 steadily worse
,_ Minatd,!sLintmentUsedby,Veterinaries , .. . . ,
should be al -lowed to settle to the bot- things." • • . , vvanedreall,n1 the ship's nioyable furnishin,gs
made fast as far as possible.' The
tom of all the oreVioes ,- Fin.a1,1y, wrap "But., she Would be.quite at ease a.t , , Royal Ontario
oia,riTto4rreinuto misuitsethuem
staterGeM berths 1] -id their, high, s,icles
the box in heavy Paper and tie it with the Court of St. James's ----because she
wouldn t be thinking about heiself. th t . iter.ri .i., i oc...e.0
. . 253 Bloor St
len-iLarg"es.t.pertna4kent;exhibition in Canada. pants sh,ould not be dashed -out.
a strong cord. ' , West, Near ILvenue`Noad puton SD athen sit , .1 . ., -
'Plum pudding is a convenient des- but would be fin:ding other people 4
seri to have on hand, as it improves terestin,g. Go honle and study your ,A,1,.(nhf..0eloolg.73.60u0p01,7.7,0,1-iilierin.,110y% la..,,i13,1_.
- Neither the lady from the Mi,dclie
' • .. • .
The silvery dew is still; 'these gifts goad ncine for the Pud,ding calls for dren 'aren't ladies Yet. Ellit; I 11'-c>Pe Linc' Dupont
and 2' "nue RI car'3. Winoe'rsntl ring°r ewbaostlrarn,ia,eikiag'aeiridd• stalltenerilleoxwt
-No voices herald moonlight on a lake: `g'il to 5 P• • 3-, to D a.m. is1001,
As quietly as Christ, who for our sake ' to the rail on the promenade dec-k. 'I
raisins, one pound _of' shredded 'suet, "I suppose," Noreen retorted With
are given
three _fourths Of a pound of bread a sigh that -v, -as half envy, half rel•ief, do not know how rny friend: dOt to her
with a easil • reheated A 1110t.h61\ Thos:e chattering chil- • m 2 -
• one pound af currants, one pound of they 11 .grow to be some ay.
• •
to reach our chairs, Which, were lash -ad
heaven.' place, liut as for rnys'elf, I sat clow -/i
crumbs, one-half cupfull of grape -juice, "that's What You're . thinking, about
Was sent to us, the greatest gift of
one teaspoonfql of cloves, one tea- me!" t
Can be cuKed.. Don't
lose your valuable
birds. Act, quickly
with si'clt birds and
prevent spread of
disease by tbis proy.
en remedy,
on the, deck and inched myself .along
between the broa till es s cl v in gs and
Tenderly now, as in the yesterday rearings and rolls of the ship,
seemed ever"on the poir:t of ca ps izin
'Phere, ware almost no other passers,
gars' in sight, and the few -of us nibs
had ventured out were warned that we
must not stir from our seats.
So there -we sat and tiooltecl' the,
worst storm I have ever kriown. I have
never seen the waves run so high -as
they rail that day. They were appall-
ing presepiaes, an -greatsnip
clintbed straight, I was
outfit. Oify a damn lea 'd try to make
the Lake immediate. I ain't sayie! as
he rr•ightnt lay low for a while, but
he can't stick that out long."
"IVo-11, be gone all day with Fos -1
ter up the Lone Hollow spur. Back -
b-3- dark. That's all the time I can give,
you, Bob. If you haven't a lead be-
Toro No, 2 gets here, I'm afraid I cait't
wait." He got up from the table,
"That's all right, Mr. Wade. But I'll
have a me -sage to show you wh:en you
get back this evening," said Cranston
-do nil d en4dy.
Nevorthel,ess the only message
which lie was able to ,slier,Y the- Presi-
dent on bis return was a wire from
Johnston that there was no trace of
meet the situation along, had come
Rutland's urgent wire to headquarters
far a new chainman, one of his men
having taken sick suddenly. Eniii had
jumped at the opportunity for a taste
cif practical survey work, and with
Thorpe's assistance the matter had
been arranged readily and he had left
the same night to join , the ,Rutland
party out the line. .
The battered old freight•caboose ha
Y g
When was far too young to, dompre-
hend, '
Hope. My great-granitlfather brie clay talked
Hope is a bolster for 08 all, she
picks us up wheneer we fall; with
hope we 1,eolo at clays t,o come, al-
to me --
As it were his wise arid aged friend
And clid. no.t, hold a new dell 011 0137"
though today are numb - ' knee.
• •
We set ourselves 11N\I goals to gale, I can remember hew lits voice was
I and struggle onward to attain; then '
oftentimes' our plans go bad; and ..,ko I.,3ut, what he said, I .conld not
I emerge forlorn and 'sad. ' standn'""
0 I 't . •
. •
Portuguese Appreciation ef
In *many places Nvliere timber, trees
are to be found: in Portugal, one sees
the following inscription:
"ye who pass by and would ra18-e
your hand against -me, harken ere You I
harm nue."
"I am the heat of your hearth cm the
cola winter nights, the friendly shade
screening you fnom the sUmmer sung,
and-gtrfruits are ref're'it.‘•.,7,,,g....4.-lraJ.iglits,
nth the enn engineers lived was At s„noh a time along comes hope, n y -igords emus odin.Y IllY"I'quenching your thirst as you jourir'fir'
moved ahead from siding to siding and gaily throws us out a rope: so
dl" ,
xi -Linde", "•-•••• on
assin freight trains es Rut han
' "I the beam that holds your
we are filled -with cheer one- ni_lorn, "To burn out .g.ein God's
,What other words he uttered I, forget.
by p g
land advised the Chid 1 -es- and pull the harcl•er for the shore.
of the work's progress. We count oni hope, the helplel prop,
Scarcely a day passed that
I had not strung a few interesting
beads of incident to brighten the neck-
-4' ^its -routine monotonies—the
squealing, lacking baby ral/bit which
Anderson, the head chainman, had
captured; the wild duck whiah they
had cornered in a thicket; and which
Bayley, the xnarker, had insisted upon
decorating with his white paint beforel i'lanada has 300, 000, 000 acres of
he would let it go; the occasional mess agricultural lands, only one_sixto
of speckled trout for which they
angled; the fresh baked pies and cakes under erePl
they were sometimes able to buy from
a section/Iran's wife; the bear tracks
and the bodies of wild animals lured
to death by the „ of the powerful
headlights on the fast trains at tight;
the exeitement at the ,great ballast pit
Where the gangs at work. were run-
ning an Unpopular cook out of camp;
the very old Indian who had stared at
die dragging chain ani muttered
"Heap big snake," and the young
Englishman who had gone crazy from
fly -bites and WhOcn the sawmill gang
had strapped to a rough litter in pre-
paration for rushing him to the North
Bay hospital by the first train they
could flag. In spite of the irgisquitoes,
black flies and niidgea. which at this
season Of the year webe. el decided
to grab us e -very time we drop; and.
looking on to years ahead,, we .do not
step, but work inetead.—/sT:A.L.-
canada hasre greater area th-an the
United State -s.,, but ,a population less
than, New York State.
These are like rubies from a ring un-
' rolled
That in lily fingers wait to be reset
'When I learn better how to work with
Yet when he-spolte them, all 1 clicl ivas
And wonder a
• hair.
the whiteness of his
—Ann Hamilton.
He Knew.
Julian, had- had a serio-us misunder-
standi•ng with his ol•der brother Paul, ,
That misunderstanding had, hoWever,
been very scrupulously concealed from
the mother. So one'day, upon his re -
faith from school, she asked:
'Julian, dearwhat would you like.
to give Paul for his birthday?" "
"1 know what I'd like to give him,"
said :Innen, vindictively, "but I ain't
house, ti.te, board of your •table, the
bed on:which you lie, anol the timber
_ , e,
....,- . , • ' •
',.. "I am, the• hand,ie• of your .hoe, the
your cradle, and the shell of your
that builds your...boat. , •
door of, your homestead,. the Wood of
,ifeld::/,,l'ela:nol'i'tlbieeaburteyad.ttoLl' and the
" " "Ye who pass bye listen tomY pray-
e ; harni me not.'' .. ,...
Not the .Only One. -
A certain Lord Chancellor „was
the habit of paying surprise visits ,to
asylums at bail intervals, and thereby,
hangs a tale. Once he, arrived at a
coi•tain institution unheralded ,
"I'in the Lord Chancellor," he said
to the attendant, who was, of course,
ignorant of biz itlentit3-.
"Oh, you are, are you?" was the re-
ply. "That's all right! Walk straight
through. We 'eve three more of ern
big enough."
• , ,
ADVICE FREE. Our poultry ex-
perts will help you. Write
Pratt Fooilto. of Canada Ltd
We earn money ancl we spend ib,And
it seems to leave no trace;'but the way,
Wo earn andspendit forms habits that '
nialce or mar our characters,
c life and affeet4,on ort -
highly .dovelapeci Iaancnnos
Minardiniment,fer, Gai'pet;in•Cows,,.
ectild save
j. falling over backward; then wtheirtsthe
, got to the :top She literally plunged'
I headforemost over the edge, and' her
propellers, sticking straight 111) in" the
air, .raced like -mad and threatened to
rack 'the' Ship, to pieces.
The lady, from the - Middle yliesil
-looked with deep interest Present-
ly, catching sight of the captain, shc,
hailed. him. The 'captain saw her.sig-
nal, and tacked 'On hie, difficult
to find out what:she wanted. Shouting
at the to of her voice, she said, "Cap-
tain!, Do You thirilc we're going' to
have 'a storm?"
The ,captain stared at her, then 'ex-
, claimed, "Good Lord; madam! Good
Lord! What under' the heavens. de
j,,ou call this'?" '
With, that he raelve,d off on his heav-
ing way, clutching at whatever wao
fixed so as to keep him's-elf from fall -
, •
• • •
An application of "I'Tas-
gratefirl relief when
- applied to cuts;_
,ivesnitneseguaisio cesorsnv:
.Igin st: trr rig -b es
an jar
al/ d.s a ILG°4'144a4dA
When, he was_out of sight the lady
turned toward rne and with a puzzled
air inquired,„ "Do you ,suppose
meant that we're having a sterna
If top-notch effort yields you no
happiness, 'th,e,re's something, wrong
either with you or your effo•tte.
dawti and do s•d„na.e teng.49-ziag.