The Exeter Times, 1921-12-22, Page 5I)1,C,L+ 1/111411 2: .1921 aEE EMVTIOR 1=a To All We have a Pull stock of Candies, Nuts, Oranges and Christmas Stockings. Also a fresh stock of Choice, Groeerres, Anyone desiring Ice Cream Bricks'for parties may have,Same. by callil g 56 and leaving your order the day' previous.. Four -string Brooms 38c, 2 for 75c. Five -pound pail o Choice Honey 90c. Order's of $2,00,and over for ch ceries and', Ice Creel's deliver- ed }Putti after Christinas 'holidays. Delivery. flours 10 to 12, 3111d 4 . to 0 p.m Wilson's Grocery Eliilville Mr: and Mrs;. 1Vliltol Sieamon• have returned' after spending the summer in Regina, Hiss Vera ZIeywood, )vho is attead- ing Normal in London is hone for the holidays. Mrs.. King- and children, of fami- , e, Man:,visited at the home of her. Mrs. Weston Horne, �St er', The Sunshine Women's Auxiliary presented Mrs. (Rev.) Armitage with a life membership certificate. The ?iety"'met at the home of Mrs. Geo. s,Blrristmas service will be held at x,liinvi11e church on Sunday in the evening. The '`Friendly „Workers" IVlission;,Band will provide a Christ- mas program to- -commence at two o'clock in the ofternoon. ,Sp , S. NO. ' 10, l SIlOIU E School report of S, S. No. 10, Us- 'borne. s-"bo °ne. Names'a order of merit, bas- ed ori .. weekly examinations fol' months',of November and, December. Sr. 4-L. Thomson, W. Westlake. Sr. 3rd- H. Anderson, '; D.. Bolton, R. Alexander, L. Thomson, C. Westlake C. Horton,, C: Cann-,,, Jr, 3rd -E. -•Siete. :;Jr, grid -N. Bolton,; A. Alt- house. -Jr., 2nd-1VI..Ryckman, C. '\Vestlal='".t. First- M. Kerslake, .N.< •�IcLcau." Printer, Sr -M. iIN ,IeQueen, ,W. Cann. jr.-C. Horton. absent for . sine or :more tests, 1V1. -E. Anderson, teacher. Jas. Smillie -T e- attended the' ?, Con ention held in Toronto last week, Earl. MacEwen who, has been visiting friends in the Peace River, district and other, parte of the west has rani:lied. 1\fr. Clarence Kean of Fingall is spendin>s a few days with Mr 'rand Mrs.' W.-0. Pearce. 1Vliss Bawden, of Clinton spent a few days with 1\tr. and Mrs. G, A. McDonnell. - Mrs. Chapman has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Hamilton, l\Irs. W. Glenn: was in Toronto attending the 131.F -.O. Convention held there last- week. Master Alvtn _Warrener, who re- cently ,underwent an , operation for appendicitis"in London, hag-returned home and is getting along nicer iVir. R. W. Webber, wlio has con- ducted , a harness shop here for the Peet ; few months, :has, owing to ill health, sold his stock of harness etc. which is :being moved to Zurich. 'BETHLEHEM TO -DAY the whole Christian :world :prostrates itsel£ in ador • ation,. around the crib -nf Beth leheiu and rehearses'inaccents of love a History' which pre- cedes °all time and will endure l „ throughout. eternity. As if by an iihstihict of our higher spirit - nal nature, there well up from - :the depths of oar heart mato- tions which challenge the peseV er of human expression, We: Seem to be lifted 'out of the 'Sphere ,Of. natural endeavor to put on a neve life and to stretch t;orward in desire to a:blessed -, ness, which, though not pelpa ble, is' eminently rear. --Cardi- nal .Gibbons. Chiseihtirst Mr. Earl Mitchell, of Exeter, le vie-' iting his uncle, Mr. Jelin Mitchell, Mr, ChaS. Cann, of Exeter is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald Mrs. Miners, of Pt. Edward, is.vis- itiing with :IVir. and Mrs, Wm. Pybus+• .1VIr. and Mrs. John Donaldson ofi' Toronto, are visiting with Mr. Ged,, . Wren.) The committee who were al>Pointh, ed to purchase a piano for the church Y ienight-one,:,fr'oria, S. Martin & Son, of Exeter. It was delivered' last '1`hurs day, Thee -Suit -late School ;will hold, an entertainment Thursday' eve, Decetn- her 22nd. There will he a good pro - grain, Dasbwood Mr. Addison - Tiel.nan .spent, Satur- day in London, , Mr. Oscar Graupner, or Ft. Wayne, Ind., is visiting with •his parents at present. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch visited with their daughter at Wilton Grove last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Vincent 'and daughter, Mary Ellen, are visiting in 13ay Port, Mich., over the holidays. Greenway Little Miss Vera Webb spent Mon- day with Miss Mae Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock were in London last -Friday. Mr. Chas. Cutts has, bought the 100 -acre farm of Mr. Hy. Ferguson on the..7th con. McGillivray, Mr. and •Mrs. John Eagleson mov- ed to their new home at Grand Bend THE PUMP IN THE ". Means Comfort and Convenience dor the Farmer's Wife. ',\Vatclr;.:lndoor,s,:1?umped From Out - e, door 1- e118 -allow to Do the job -Up-to,.date Pumps Save 'flue "and Energy., .kOontributed by Ontanrlo Department of Agriculture, Termite.) The writer recently described In these collnnns bow to safeguard the farrn water supply against contamin- ation. All will agree that this mato ter should receive foreinoet attention, Iii this and Subsequent articles var- ious means for getting the water, whether well, -spring, or-- cistern water on tap in the lam home will be described. In the first place 1 desire to emphasize tete fact that it is frequently a very common thing For the fanners' wives to carry the water from the pump over the well to the house, where the pump could be located inside the house,; and all the labor of carrying water avoided and without very hide more labor expended in pumping. Distance of (louse -Pump from \'l x11. Note this question When can the pump be, located to one side of the.. well., and bow far away? If the: water supply is no more than 150 or 200 feet from the house, and the level of the water at the supply, say the well is never' more than 20 or 22 feet below the level of the ground level at the house, the pump may be put inside the house, and the water drawn in , quite satisfactorily. It would not cost very much to; mate this change in the pump arrange - pent, "and consider whist a: great sav- ing of labor anJ tune lncouvetiience, and exposure to dload weather would be effected' by merely moving the pump inside. Perhaps: you have neves thought of this matter. How about: last week. Their many friends here it? Then, too, the well can be more pump is will miss them securely guarded from surface coil but wish them ever` f con- tamination than when the P ,. directly overit. Success iu jaleir• new home. Don't forget the annual Christmas concert in the Methodist church on Monday, Dec. -26th." The committee in charge; are -preparing a good pro gram for you. g On Friday and Saturday last it seemed as though our ' January thaw* had conte ahead ` of - schedule timeafor it rained and rained and the. water raised as high as in the spring- time. On Friday evening the , Grace church Sunday School gave their an- nualvconcert which was gtute up to standard in both quality and quantily The very :'unfavorable weather' kept many at home- ives ECAUSE he has compared his voice with its RE-CREATION by the New Edison. Because thousands of people have heard this comparison. Because no one distinguished any difference between, his living.voice and his RE- CREATED voice, statement of an artist that a p Don't take the stat honograph gives his true voice.o See 'whether that phonograph can sustain the t: em , you p rison test. If it can't, morel know that such phonograph does not give you the artists truevoice, y its ovvn. Think about these. things! a mechanical version of,Then remember that1zoro ora Edison does` sustain the comparison test, that it is the onlyp ph wustthe New Ed we are always; glad to prove this to yours trhichsains�the corriparisgn test; and that If you love Music, yourcredit i is good here. You can arrange your. payments an a gentiemae's agreement. P7f e '; EDR53N T..Z ,Q1.D' 1T.1D1i alder Fhose.faeenite tancs Weald you like to know Name - esty VJha,i.iidib,n X i7'c ter Pluses. tj booth ; tcIiints'' pf":utti j :- l2xi9, Cnr•f; r Kiri Jv Cj�yfi t' uCl114YXia`jtr.`-ilio wi C!�Cj sf the Now tf,;:ii'ood, `U,it,, t itl `tlis ln;£)u Deese too W rr (0'. ;tti",iia) AP 1221 I'he Majority of Welts Aro Shallow. In many districts of Our :oulelry. the majority 02 the welis are shallow and within' a short distance of the house, and readily 'lend tliemnerves: to the pumping s;�s' em described above. It is the nearest approach to water .on tap, andthe system should be far more .common in the rural districts. than .it is. If in the future some t-ime an up' -to -date water sys- tem should be installed in the home, the water line from the house to the well would be already installed, and no changes in it would be necessary. Hints on Installation.. , Before passing an;,a few features eoncserning instillation' of the wa`er Pine to the well o sil"Piy should",be emphasized. 'lags:- are: The best quality of est, lvznraed• pipe should be (seed, tile joints in the lino should be absolnteiy air -tight, the pipe line, should be deep enough to be. ale -says safe from frost, the pipe should alone sli;h ly.to:vards -the well, and there should be a check -valve and strainer on the.bottonn ortla) pipe in the wall in order to maintain the pipe line full of v.ate.r;up to the pump itself and to keep back sticks, stones, etc., that might clog the p'unp valves. The size of the pipe (inside diameter) should, be, at;least -one-half the dig- n.eter of the pump cylinder, the 'greater the horizontal distance water is drawn the larger the pipe. The type "of pump used may vary ecn- .sidcr'ably. The or di nary out-of-doors pump may be used. In this case the pump would be located irr"the wood- "theca; for instance, and installed over a dry well. This consists of a shal- low pit cribbed up securely in which the pump cylinder is located, and it „as a tight lop like an ordinary well., It" would be a much easier matter to repair the pump cylinder than when pump is over the well, and much es.sior to protect the pdnip from frost in severe win ter weather. A single or double' acting low down. force pomp 'similar to ,the type used on thresher's' water tanks might be used. I': might. be located in the cel- lar or any convenient place inside; no dry well would be necessary in thi9 case. .. Hoye :1 (food Quality of Punnp. Even the kitchen pump would serve the purpose very well if it were semewliai heavier' in construction and better' designed than the cheaper ones of this class.' Another type ra .1bid be the. semi -se -Cary pump which` Is f2 toned"securely to the wall of the kitchen or pantry at oue solo of sink. It is operated by a short handle moved back trifid forth in a semi -circular maturer. The same pump at the kitchen sink may be used also for pumping up the wase: from fire cin:ern by ,having a three- way: valve iii; tailed in ,the pipe 11-ne at. a point just below the sink. When tae- valve is sot one way, the well water can be, pumped into the house, when opposite the 'cistern or soft ir_atej; can be pumped. in 'this JIhort article an endeavor, has been nrado t4, explain a felt 101'1le and inexpensive means of re-, dicing the lobo" of getting the water into the farm lhoule, in others to fol- low more up-to-date systems, will be dcalh with, Our Departnhent' at the College solicits inquiries r1,larcling the problems of equipping the farm Warne with water sy:oirrs, plumbing, sewagedisposct, righting 'systems, ete. Write for a copy, of Bulletin N. 267; it is, free. -l3., .R. 'Graham, College, GitelP 1. Atint lea's Ilxioms: *Someo:le hos said .1 i a farm is :s, business with a holue attached; but the best forma are hoinea.with a busirrese a_taciled, Elio, maple, or eY011 tiffs t1'ees 7,hld Ci tilt tr c's are: plant slob Irigliways. Tlic ohjecoodi;lot0n to tatlit anti frs is that : nxlie brolcei doryrinu„ ee by ov `-r .. dtheyolts coayllectors tit fruit. This is not opt to happen; .1f they are coiniirori on the lrigtrwayr; The Exeter Times & Toronto .Globe to New Subscribers o $5.00 If you are not a readier of the Toronto Globe or The. Ilixeter Tinges wo are : able to astute you the ex ceptional ciffer of the two palters for the price of one. Both The Tihies :and Toronto, Globe will be sent to genuine new subscribers for one year for g5.00. This offer holds good only mail theend o1 ,site year, This might prove an opportunity for some of our present subscribers to solve the Christmas gift problem.. Send The Times to a'relative at a dis- tance and take the Globe yourself. Present subscribers to' The Times' who are not 1101 ' taking the Globe may get the two papers for 8111.30. This is an opportunity. Call us up at once and yon can settle with us when you are in town. Crediton Mr. Harry Sweitzer, of Kitchener, is spending: a few days in the village. Mr. Trick has had a telephone in- stalled in his place of business. Mrs, Roszell-and Master Paul are visiting the fornier's father -in Ham- ilton. Miss Lila Kuhn is Borne ` from Alma college, St. Thomas, for the Christmas Holidays. Miss Trellis Hodgins is spending he holidays with, her parents,Mr. t y and Mrs: A. Hodgins. Miss Clarissa Hill, nurse of Wind- sor, is holidayingwith her parents.. Mr. and Mrs. August Hill. Mrs. W. H. GGaiser has returned from New Yorlt where she has been viiting her daughter, Miss Lulu Gei- ser, : I No, 1 No. 4 105 711 No. 5 6'3 45 No. 6 100 66 No, 7 54 54 No. 8 75 18 No. _9 , 112 38 --- Total....... . 682 . 397 Hay No. 1... 51 25 No. 2 65 2,8 .. No. 3 65 129 No. 4 ,114 86 No. 5 107 29 No. 6 ...,..,109 73 No. 7 .........,42 14 No. 8 75 43 33 17 60.. 18 17, 48 339 i19E SAY' 11 13 81 41 12 41 25' 13 Total 628 427 237 Stanley 51 8,4 66 53 56 20 73 10 76 69 Total.......... ' 322 236 258 Goder•icli : Township We are glad to see that Mr. Mose No,517 .-•••-•"•' Faist is able to be around again af- No• 3 ter 11 cersie. itnllues cnrf nogHt ledr No 4 er his recent illness. No. 5 Mr. -Walter Hauch, who has been attending' college in Kitchener, is visiting with Inc parents for the holi- days. The Sunday school entertainment of the Methodist church was held Tuesday evening and was a splendid success. The program consisted of recitations and songs by the younger Members of the Sunday school; a tableau "Nearer My God to Thee" by the Young Ladies Bible class and a tableau by the Young Men's Bible class entitled "The Search of the. Shepherd." A special feature of the evening was the distribution of pre- sents from the tree by old Santa., the genial. Frank Taylor and the squeals of delight from the. kiddies went to show how well he was received. Zurich A very sad accident happened on Saturday; to 1\Ir. Abraham Geiger of the village, and one of IIay Town- ships Pioneers, when he in some way fell off the couch and broke his leg at Total the hip. Medical aid was at once summoned and the fracture replaced. 111r. Geiger is in lois 94th year, and it will undoubtedly be some time be- fore he will be on his :feet again. Miss Dorothy Trueinrrer, nurse, is in attendance. 33 19 123 39 31 No: 1 No. 2 38 No. 3 61 No. 4 61 No. 5 67 No. 6 29 Total 239 37 42 • 93 30 46 46 18 23 169 M1c/killop No. 1 43 147 No. 2 118 106 No. 3 116 79 No. 4 137 35 Total ...... ..,. 414 367 S_eafortlil 11 No.:1 44 212 133 No. 2 19 111 92 No. 3 11 51 49 No. 4 ......_7 22 72 No. 5 6 103 125 - 87 499 521 Clinton: No. 1 27 118 112. No, 2 ,.....,21 145 170 No. 3 24 114 131 No. 4 28 70 122 71 71 71 69 45 393 18 4.7 37. 62 164 eVt °iWietClo4P Satc34 "^ypi t0. it\tv4lpkv, "Wet ooxe. alkSteR ` 4-W .44S � ... me'»4 a 1s�c�ra a$ ATkEtO.ls 4S\',h alk LS ' ®sereltVr Psa5BND' 01.0 tio.V PUOiiC. THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADV]ELLTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known an application. Stray Aniimals-One insertion 50e three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 506 each insertion for one month of toss' insertion. Miscellaneous - articles of not more than five linos, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted,' each insertion 50c. Lost and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc:; 10e per, lineP er insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Auction sales $ 3 for one Insertion and $1.50 for each subsequent in- sertion if under five inches in length,. Legal advertising, 10c and : 5e at line. On Friday and Saturday of last week this section was visited by quite a Heavy downpour of rain. By Sun, - clay colder weather had set :n result- ing in esult-ing'in a snow storm, Oi+`'l0"2CIa'.la .RETURNS G MA7OIIITY OF SS Following -are the official return; of the election in South Huron, field December 6. The official count was mace 1a2 t Thursday, c Blade 11cMi11ar1 3120 uer e etet No 4 4.1 4S ....' No. 2 55 a 73 No. 3 ...,..... ,62 76 No. 4 19 32 To el 183 TTerrs:0l ` 40 197 177 ey'field vi V.: 1138 UsniC(4 411 h141 FsLAC 4i Tota Tot". No. 1 No. 2 No, 3 'No. 4 'Po'tal 234 175 160 110 47 492 , ,1131 21 133 4'G 93 2.1 128 63 512 151 iascus: No. 1 740 No, 11 No. 3 .,..w,, a,) 44 25 117 2e 218 26• P1' 8 27 • 72 (Se Total 100 N illett No. 1 90 No. 2 102 No. 3 - - 11 No. 4 57 No. 5 33 No. C, 30 No. 7 53 447 535 93 22 59 37 62 38 83 39. 20 32 i7 21 62 40 • 229 Total...... '.... 376 456 a uckersInitli No, 1 No. 2' No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 ...... .. . 75 No. 6 73 Total 426 432 1,2I Girt ITa;.ltt.'1 1ON Black 1VIcMillau' Merrier 87 ,: 499 521 100 • 447 J3 37(3 456 220' 628 427 237. 289 1.63 :. :303 322 2:3ii 2,5f, 512 15,1 21$ 682 397 30.1' 419. 311 15.1 40- 1.137 177 i 38 44 1'Oo Unexcelled dining eat ,aereice. 133 234 401: Sleeping cars oil it '.1 1 trains anti 426 4.,12 2'2!: Parlor car's oil pr a:,i'Ipai day ttei, ,, i711t11 .infertile re." trout env era 'preset `1'icirol:: 0' ' t. or Cl, ,.10 I%lii'- aj.:l...n.1 r1iilg, 11i:itriet 1 :'--etlg61l' a"or ,/cc . ->,i 'ok'onto. lyrornor e;ct ..Ii;rnr.l' 1 irl - ?d, :g, �Oa. hone. +iii`i'9', 53 82 53 39 99 44 73.. 31 63 73 Seaford' Clinton Mullett Hay Goderich' Si:^ nley ttaborne Stephen McIJlloq ~lestaa 11 Bavt•od 'Exeter esikersri'0i.?i 'fetal 5) 7 Jority far Bleat ,ar `.,: ft Bieck i° 7 ` " McMillan ll-irlan . , . cL, . c, t 78 63 17 27 15 232 CENTRAL The leading Commercial School of Western- Ontario. A School where you can get. thorough courses under com- petent instructors , in Com- mercial, Shorthand and ' Tel- egraphy departments. Stu- dents get individual instruc- tion and may register at any time. Graduates are assisted to positions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLA4JHLAN, Principal Another Drop, Prices on all kinds of .: LUMBER XXXXX SHINGLES PAROID ROOFING 1, 2 or :3 -ply. SLATE SURFACE ROOFING- either OOFINGeither red or green ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES either red or green D. L. & W.- SCRANTON COAL ON BAND. ALL SIZES. PI-IONE 12. LATWORT G;ANTOT''I ; The. Double Track Route BETWEEN M; ' t V j To Dc 51. 0