The Exeter Times, 1921-12-22, Page 2of t ri cessk.,0 By C. COURTENAY SAVAGE. In spite of the light whirl of' show, numbers aud they're -providing the which everyone ,said wa easonable, speakers. There's sure eo he a crowd considering that C12:15trilaS was only and if you get across with that crowd —well, you'll be able to go with any crowd." The woman's eyes sparkled but she did not speak. "Now about money. I'm not going to drag you before the public and militates before show time, and., with then have some rival manager grab the air of a man regarding a great you up if you make a big hit. Hew passeseion, glanced proudly at the much do you •make playing around at showy billboard: these small town theatres? Not much, • MARY JENNINGS I'll -wager." THE PRINCESS OF THE VIOLIN "I average a hundred dollars a weel' t He read the sign a se.cond and a though, of 'e°131*Se' seldom get an third time. Then he went quickly into engagement in the summer—that is, the box effiee ana op,ening the ,wiris euly and August." dewbegan. to sell ticket& "A hundred a week. And you're . It whalf-past paying your own expenses," the man as seven when• Mary smiled.. He had an easy task before Jennings made her first appeaeanco , that night, sandwiched between a 'In. "I'll give you 'fifty dollars and ex-- comedy picture and the big feat-ure of the evening. She was a smala man, penses to play in Ottawa- You'll only woes with dark hair and eyes, no longer' have etie four Pieces% If You 'geever right, I'll give you a hundred and fifty really young, and in appearance, for- eignex to the stage. In her shnply cut a week and travelling penses• to be, gin with. Afterwards you'll have dress, she could hardily be called good - leaking hut ehe had a radiant smile that was all -enveloping. When • the "PH -have te think about it,", she epotligest caught her ea she enteredsaid softly. "I—it sounds wonderful!" from one side a the stage teere eres1 "Yes, that' -s right—thirak about it. a heavy roar of applause, whirl the Shaw, up at the Auditorium in Ottawa lifting cif her violin checked abruptly: about three o'clock on the twelfth. That w•ill give us time for a rehea:rsal. I've got to run now for my train. Goodbye1!' since childhood and she could make the He was gone from the room' before instrument laugh and sigh, weep Gime she could really answer him. She sat sing and dream. As she swayed the there 'en the trunk, wide-eyed, but how over the vibrating strings, so she blind to the .things about her, until the eweyed the hearts a thee, who 11,,,ten_ call for lier second performance roused ed. She was not a great artist. She ie payedwith the divine temperament.' The applause was as generous as usual, but it had lost flavor. Ottawa! A world tour! Was she dreaming ?- When she went back to her dressing room, John Higgins was waiting. "What did he want, Mary?" lie three weeks off, there were .a score of people waiting before the: tielset win- deee of the ThaniesonVille motion pic- ture houee. John Haggies-,. the pro- prieter„ e.a\V the crowd and ,sieiled. He knew why they were there, twenty These out front did not wish to miss a single note. Mare Jennings had played the violin Te -night she played three semi- classical melodies and then, with friendly smile and words, asked her audience to tell her what they would like. The first two "request" pieces eseee ees v "He said, that he was came quickly and then with a joyous} ----- '--1- • a concert manager. Does he want you clamor they called for Home, Sweet to work for him?" Heme—eld-fashioned, forever beloved She nodded. Home, Sweet Home. Just as a cer- "Yes, he said that I was a good tain great singer has always sung that player. He said that I might have an ballad best, so it was the choicest engagement with one of his bands number in Mary Jeniung's repertoire. making a world tour. I'm going to After she had bowed acknowledge- play at a -concert for him next Mon - merit to their :sincere applause, they day, the twelfth—to trY me out." tit-tite-d hack for the feature Picture For a m and Mary Jennings' work was over minute the man did not ans- until it was time for the second per- ever. From out of doors came the faint Cormance. sound of eleighbells as some of 'the 'I'oenight, as she entered. the small, audience deove homeward. ecruipuleusly clean dressingehoom to "Its—it's mighty fine for you, Mary," id he saslowly, but you'll never get await theal, e sec-ond lshe found Jahn . ' " - 7a8 'Toyer, -o'er Nirith their snowy wings unfurled,, 'Whenearth all the seemed sieePing, Their voices drift to the weary world, Where shepherds their watch' were keeping, • And the shepherds hearcl those bright angels sing The song that proclaimed a Babe a King. See the great star shining, so wendrous bright, , So pure in its radiant glory, Go follow its ionrney and. mark its -flight (S6 the angels told. the story),- To you :glad' tidings of peace We bring, Go hasten now to your Christ and King. So they left their flocks and they went their way, As tolcl those angel voices;,-- The' 'manger they reached where the man child lay, * (Har! the Wise Men new rejoice), Then -their precious gifts at His feet they fling, TheY,knew that the Babe was their Christ and King. It was long, long.ago, in Bethlehem, In 'a manger He was lying, ;But ,He.died for us, as He died for them, His atonement satisfying, And His voice now bids all His angels sing; Come, hasten now to your Christ and King., --Christina;W. Partridge. but 'you've got: 'something that gets them and tliat:'e, What ,cOunts," "Then yon -really ,think that I could play for. big audiences ---in big cities?" He nodded erepha.tically. 'I have, always eventlered," she said quietly, "afid.now---" her eyeS's•Patk- "Well, you've had your answer. You got across. You're staying at the.Pal- ace Hotel, aren't yeu? I'll call yell -Up in the morning and we'll talk con- tracts.", ' He ,burned and started from the room but suddenly. stopped. "Say, by the way, I've a couple of open concert dates. that I've got to have someone to fill. _There's one in Kingston next week, another in Belle- ville and--" he stopped, looking at her keenly as if weighing his own wisdom. "Then there's the big Christmas festi- val in Montreal on the 24th. Sar!" lie-wei suddenly enthusiastic. "You .ean play the kind of stuff that the niob likes to hear land you play it well. I'll put You On at the. Christmas festi- val. That'll make every paper in the country niention yonr name." The little woman clasped her hands before her. 70 play at the Christmas festival in -Montreal Was a dream that few everl realiFed. Her eyes were wide as a.,b-ii);d1.Seehl-it4'first Christ- mas tree. tear -of happiness glisten- ed on her lashes. Yes! She would play to them -the "kind Of stuff" that they liked to hear.' She would make every newspaper .man mention. her name. This meant zuccess, the -will- of-the-Wb isp that sheael been blindly pursuing for nearly ten years., "How wonderful!'„,!, she breathed. "I guess you can do it!" Helm said bluntly. "Good-nightl I'll call you ,in the morning." " It was several minutes before she Higgins there, and with hira a•stran- any better friends—any folks that like moved. She stood there, thinking, gee' whom he introduced as Mr. Helm, you more than we do" thinking, her 'brain almost numbed by "I'm pleased to meet you, Miss Jen- "I know," she answered him quick- theeglory that had befallen_ her. This 13.-ehn said cordiaddy. was ly. "Still it's my chance, and after all, had been her slaY'of days! ' large man and by hie .gimeeal ape I'd never get any more moneythan When she went back to her hotel she pearance, a man of success., ee-rning now as tong as I play in sent half a dozen telegrams, each one . ;eye ne , •17b.ese small te-wrie." cancelling an eneagement to plae in 8 Dean NCarDnig to see you "Money! It don't seem right for you a -sreall tow -n. 'Mary ienninge 'told 'herself that these telegrams were the knives tliatIWthei''fiee 16.r itfwender- ful world -Wide experience. It was boUrs .befere she sleut and •=esays that he has something very ,iip-ortant to say. Hagg,ms spoke al- most eagerly. Then—"I guess you can get on without 3210. Y01.1 to have to be earning money—why—" .know," she interrupted. him, "I know that you have this theatre and played wonderfully to-night,there's the farm that has been such Mary, better thanever!" MI" a Paying proposition but, John!" a "Thank you," Mary Jennings said sudden tenderness eame into her voice, ensiling, and the stranger, noting the;`,.‘I love to play. When I came past the llight in her eyes, concluded that the trent of the theatre to -night and saw violinist and the theatre proprietor must be more than mere business friends. "I understand that there are always great houses when you lease" Hari raid as the dor closed, "Yes, they seem to like my playing." The won-ian motioned her visitor to a chair and seated 'herself on the top ef her trunk. She was very eurieus and slightly awed. "That's what I came about—your playing. One of my advance men heard you in Pembroke last week. He should have been excited! At her feet was a bag containing the handsomest sent word to me and I followed you ' here. I heard you play this after- T1OOTI." "Yes—?" she asked uneasily. "And I'll hand it to you—you can play." "Thank you," she smiled again. There was a long pause. Each ValAt thinking. "Yoe don't know who I am, do you?" lie asked presently. You don't ar.Ossing-room, violin in hand' to stand pladausa?"ne2r the wings. It was almost time that billing, The Princess of the Violin, it seemed to have made up for all the rough places I have travelled. I've been very happy playing here in the small toevns but now I want my chance to he great. We ean always, be wonder- ful friends, can't we, John?" Me man nodded but had no word for reply. It seemed to Mary Jennings. as she entered the taxi -cab at the Ottawa Station the following Monday that she had never been more calm. And she dress she had ever owned. On theseat beside her was her violin, a valuable instritment, bought after years of sav- ing and self-denial. With these as her allies she was going to face her first metropolitan audience. - The orchestra had concluded its first number and a member .of parliament was speaking -w-hen she came from her No, she did not place. him. "I'm Carlos Helm, the, concert. man- ager. Pm getting ready a big world tour for en•e of the bands that I sent out. We're looking for soloists. think you'd do for one of them---" "I? Fr a world tear?" amayhe, ikt like to try you out." She went slowly forward. There was• Ye was abruptly business -like. a sprinkling of apPlause and she lifted "1 dori,S 2118 said softly. lier bow, to play. She went throug'h aNa7 neither do I, But I could soon the four numbers, two programmed find outs Seppese you plan to come numbers and their encores, playing into OltaWa neat Monday. We're haev- with alla thehJ1 t.he., 'had made, her a dng a hig „concert there in eonneetiO fal'orite in the feral districts that with a drive they are holding. I'm hailed her as a princess. The audience, going to have four or five big musical used to geeltter violinists, perhaps, but ees.h.a to resist the emotion of her omeie, gave her a more than hearty welceme and a most hearty recall. She had only been hi her dressing - room a minute before Helm knocked. "I was out ,front," he said quickly. "You niade .geod."' "Do you really think so? 4Sure—you'1l do. I'm not going to hand Ylcu any 'bunk that yun.re great for her to play. Helm, seeing her standing there, came forward, "Play like a million dollars to -night" and that contract will be ready,in the morning. And don't b.e afraid." She's -loaded. She was not afraid. If anything, she was too unafraid! from a fitful =sialinher her telephone rudeh areused her. It was a telegram froJohn ',Higgins, "Cermet release you from enga.ge•- m .. rnent hrisuas Eve. Have mll ade a arrangements for gala performanee. Will release 'yeti' all 'the iest a the weelt." , The in se angered her. Hew dare he!: When Ilelni 'later ca`lled her on the' telephone, &lie told him of Higgins' message. „ "Did you sign any kind of contract with him.?" "Yes, a little slip of paper." . "H -m! That probably constitutes a contract. .Perhaps.I•can buy him off." Mary Jennings:said that she hoped that it wouid'clie possible. , . "Welle,„ don't .werry about it," Helm assured "I've.,gor a lot of 'work for you to do.. I've just had .word tbat Albrie, .who's'haeen playing in a con' cert toVni. With'a piimist and Madame Shavet,. the soprano, has been '6'1k -en Sick. " I want you to fill in his dates for a few days. :Can you start this: afternoon?" Coiarld she start? She -mull' have been ready in twenty Minutes! ,Itewa.s ten daye before she returned to :Ottaiva, and; Carl Helm's ,office. She had not heard frbin hirn. for several days and was anxious as to whether she- was to:Start for Montrea.leat .once or if , by any chande she would be forced to play the Christinas date at Thenipsonvillea , . ' are ,so constituted, so truly, "thembers one of an- other," that it is impossible to, injure another willingly without injury to ourselves. .If we would be good to our- selves we must be good to possibly strike our neigh- bor without receiving' the blow ourselves. This is the rt 61V philosophy which Christ taught. Before his day it was "An- eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood." That was the philosophy of Hatred. The ne* philosophy is the philosophy- of Love. The Shepherd's Song. We be silly sliePherds, Men of 110 renown, Guarding well our sheepfolds 'Hard by Bethlehem town; Baby Jesus, guard us all, Cot and sheepfold, bower and stall. Wild the wind was blowing, A Christmas Prayer. Sudden all was still, Lord! .at‘t:.,useee•vi,igLau g t er soft oIges 'eyes fromhill i That, through the gross na- 3abyJes1s Thou wast a3 ern teabaiEr that midnight pl ed to Thrntg1e:ithly;mststhateve:ise weg(mpsetod:yinciear skis The Guiding Star! How much pleasure we could give and how meh unhappiness many of us would be 'Spare/kit instead a Struggling ,and strain- ing. to give Silly,- useless Christ- mas presents which we, really 'cannot afford to buy. we would give freely of what Christ gave —love! morn. Seek we now -Thy presence With our' gifts of love; Felix brings a lambkin, I will give a dove. , BaloY Jesus; sinall and sweet, Lo, we lay them at Thy feet. --Norah Holland. ttii fOt.lte. f,gittistnins num. Ifavipls A CHRISTMAS TREE FOR THE BIRDS After you have enjoyed your - Christmas,. tree turn it „over, to, the. birds. They 'are at this tirile sorely pressed to find, food, especially if the winter is a severe One. Take,Your Christinas tree ,out into - the back yard andload it dawn with presents for the birds; that is, pre- pare a food tree for them. Once you try it, you will'be amazed at hew the. ;birds will flock around the tree, eating, chirping, and endoying,themseives. Try to make your tree look as much as possible like -an evergreen littered with insect eggs and larvae. Only trees cut for this purpose should be used, for the hot liquid "food I Rm goings to tell you about will kill a live tree. Valuable fruit trees in the yard or 'orchard should not be used. In Peeparing the food for the tree,. .melt lbeef or mutton suet mid stir in other foods such as hemp -seed, white bread, meat, 'millet, poppy -seed, sun- flower -seed, :ant eggs or dried berries, artcl then pour the food while it is at the boiling point ora the branches of the tree. You slibuld have about twice - as much suet as any other kind of food, -and in spreading it over the -10: branches of the tree try to make the tree look as much like a tree covered with insect eggs and lareee as yeti After the suet has cooled, if: you will remain quietly neer, you: willebon see the birds flit into their Christina's tree and begin pecking off the'efine presents you have placed.' there',.Tor them. I are., sure that"if yot will, try it you will experience a doubly pleas. that she considered. playing .siek and hard tO'Teit eVen when' one travelled ant Christmas:— ShoUld there be 'bird „, , .so cheating Riggi4.s. atter. ' 'She in luxury. She wOuld play no more—boxes already' distributed about- the shivered at her sniallness, .laut argued teitlight. ' , home, the birds„ having. grown accus- with herself that She -Was right. For She NValked toward the side of the torned td seeing' you 'often, will pre - a whole day she moped,about her ho- stage and bowed, as if to end her ably ily to the food tree quicker than stele one Minute _deciding ,that. she program.. - - if strange birds have to benevily at - :might as well go, the next deteranin- "Ch, you've got to play Home, tracted in this way. But don't, be - ing that fghe,..vv,cyl.rld never play in. Sweet Home!" :shouted, a middle-aged come d,iscourageci if no' birds appehr ThorimsonvilleleSuddenly she .almost hated -the name. -Ver-ten, days she had, travelled. in luxury.'and lived at the best hotels. -She had been playing hes fore audiences who . wore evening clothes, who -applauded' •correctly, who understood her musfe. Of eourse, the small town folk had been fond of her, and John Higgins loved her. But 'everything was changed now and Sure- ly it was a right change. _ 'She fouricl that. Helni had gone West but had left an order for her. As shle feared, he had not been ableto break the Thompsonville engagement. She was to keep it and, then report back to Ottawa. He would. be back the day after Christmas ,ahci then the.contract for the long tour -could be signed. , She *as disappointed, so much 'so Northern Pines I pass where the pines for Christmas Stand thick -in, the crowded street, Where the groves of Dream and Silence -Are paced by feverish feet. And far through the rain and the street cries My homesick h.eart goes forth To the pine -clad hills of chiklhood, To the dark and tender North. And I see the looming pine -lands, . And I thrill to the Northland cold, Where theSimset falls in silence On the hills of gloom and gold! And the still dusk woods close round me, And I know the wa,iting eyes „,, Of my North, as a child's, are tender, As a sorrowing mother's, wise! —Arthur Stringer. „ThompsOnville again. ' .• ,, limn down in front and the whole the first hour, for they ,have not y -et - 'In the end, however, duty won, duty house -echoed him.eyes! Herne g 7 -1 eeeet, learned that you have given them a ,plus a efueer little feeling of resent- Home! You've gat to play that!" She Christmas tree: ' sonvilde! She would play as ske`had • to the strings. . ' eTeo f omi akthee ab-ir'le:itaalk en eawn eCv-lierriesitleneans, ment. She Ifiould go down to Themp- smiled at them and 'touched the Vow never played before! • She would Wear' amid pleasures •-ae.d. pee, cash.), „the if Possible, but any kind of tree' will do if you tie sheaves of wheat, corn - elle had simple strain of the music flowed from eer - , Home! stalks and evergreen branches all over the gorgeous' gown that bought with the thought Of her Mont- her *real engagement m nand. She would violin, and then, o me ., , . .1 o rna e i 'cense: i is a arge ,show Thompsonville -what' it,evotild be Sweet, Sweet Home,", and so on to the tree it may ,bo hung,with wire baskets -m filliSh'Of the melody. Obeying a warm,filled with suet, boxes with fronts re- ` issing in the years that were corn - dile inward impulse she repeated ,the re moved, containing nut meats, millet, fmrao ni nle, st 11, , and 'db o7Twahrwei 1,1:atlioddn. e;rs. ioungAg h.1,wsobsa:lf, rot ja:e':itri ' bread seeds, wheat, cracked corn, ead crumbs, rolledoats, ete, Cocoa- - , her heart.' ' nut shells cut in half, and filledcWithe The old song was right! There. was - p ay, mHiggins'„gala program. She "no . place on earth" ,quiteellike home, dainties that the - birds love can also , , , H found the lobby trimmed with ever-, And to iter; this little theatre, witlir'e ung from, the branches. Have sev- green and in a 'fraine of holly was the -people who knew .her best with eral shelves 021 which place apples, iher nanle with the stamiliar Pr,incesssof . JohnIlliggins• and his sisterwas home -lettuce, cabbage and vegetables,- Of ' eourse, the 'suet prepar.ation cari also the Violin' heaclin,g. The ,stage,. too, to her. They loved her' There „was' not -. ' ''' was gayly decorated. A piano Was on one of them Shat..wore perfectly cor- be used on this tree -' _. the stage and the organist of the reet evening drei"s; they -Might not Other foods that they eat at' this ' Methodist Church, "the. hest locale mu7 -understand her, more difficult musical time of the year,but which are pot suitable for putting on t • sician, engaged esPecially td Play lier tie, ` B 't they1' '1 her. She we's ecshPreicsitumilaYs trees for are raw - accompaniments he found, too, to one . of hem. After the last 1 '1eh - 1- ' meat, pork rind, them,d'oughnuts, dog bis - her surprise, that there 'was, to be no sweet note died. slie-toOk. no hOws she , cuits, boiled potatoes, peanuts and afternoon -performance, and cuily one had to. hide the iree-runnile' e tears. that evening% Higgins; seethe man at ,She tumbled • to the' :little 'dreSsing- other nuts an.d dried fruits.. These the box officeatold her', had gone to room. and • dropped to a chair. -They can better be placed on feeding tables, his siftlsa er's but would be ck et seven. were reel people, her own folk. And and if you prefer, you could give the. birds a Christmas dinner ihstea.d c.i Her aecoMpanist Would'ineet her 'at in the 'world-heyonCia-y--"-Wht? 'Sue - a Christmas tree . put hi the long afternoon LaSt. year, all, hearts . were more than money; do but gc;,haelc to her hotel room aria thr2ugh9 frost Y air to ht7ai''' hher. After alpvii,ellpedroiy.., sand- such as ea•naries GeOat four to practice. ' . slieess •,, oneY • es: hutere were At. this season; too, Weds need grit There, s,eenlect to be nothing else to 'nem and w°1n0 who had drivGn'alles to enable them to digeet their 1 d she, too, ha,c1 been invited to John Hig- friendship more -than fame. " Have at leastone or two deep boxes gin's sistor's for ever chrietnias- But The'r'•:`Ya.5. a hriecke, at he:1: cl,e'...; .it almost filled with cotton wh • ti now a change had coine. She had be- evai` Jbliii Htgins brie smut:a at sum . . . ; ele. ,0 gun that change herself. „ .At four she returned to the theatre to rehearse, then back to the hotel for a lonely meal' and - the ' dragging hours until the evening engagement. ' She dressed :herself more thansare- fully that "Tieiglit and the mirror re- flected -ler linage as a handsome wo- man in startling raiment. . She had not ses.i" Higgins.' She wond-ered; if he were a -voiding her. She hoped not for after.all she liked John . Ile had been very, very kind to :her and, with him, friendship had sblossomed into It was after noon when she arrived and she went at once to the theatre to find what part she was scheduled to , • • half -frozen birds can find shelter and through her tears, , .• . • - warmth. Many birds suffei- from thirst "Crying -1 . Wha t's , pp ? You were dui•ing the winter. Heat a brick or more wonderful than ever," he said. "I don't wonder the big world calls, of water . largestoneand place a nart on, -it., you. W.hen yOue4layed, that Holy Night piece, I almost crietlehand-2s" He stopped abruptly. "What's up —dear?" • "It's .--nothing,"e she smiled wanly. "That's -all?'Sere?" I m d. e, , ....... e just tire , I ) ,, "They all love Me so, John! It's been wonderfui playing in the big cities but —.'there is no Plaee like home,' " and smiled, when she realized she sobbed entright: .. , • till°Z. if Sshhee ,had wished,' she might be.d' He' ropped to his kneese besidehe Mrs. John Higgins Of -rfhompsonville, chair. e He took; her hands in his. "Your instead of Mary Jennings with- the don't have to -be tired any- mor, Mary. You don't.have te•fiddle for eity folks. sure prospects of a glorious•caxeer be•• fore her. . , a , You'll never have to work again, but -As -she stepped on to the sthge-that justplay wherl,You will for the folks night, a thoree "Oh's!" mingled that•love you best. W113, ---e-" he litep- with the thunder of applause. • She P checked it, almost imperionsly and Shfeknewandwhathte htehernatelaecould keep played. First, there wae a lilting Waltz lalgarail which showed all, the fire of her' art. them. 'That he wanted to her. Then, aoaToelY 'waiting for the silence, tnietthfuoleaherughtssosaus l'tI he stweseotoetshtedhmutsieo ‚she pla.yed the ever-beroved: Christmas ha lullaby, silent Night, Hob' Night. The e-ehe in her heart. , hush of e. great peace was ereer the "Holy Night!" she breathed softly, houSe. A woman muffled a sob. Mary almost -as' if in PraYer :Smeunsni 4in zgl:: e41 ethvv%isephireieav ionfe. heenro- th01:11r el°10ehl'ut°Hlim iggins, underao" ed. Through It seemed to exalt her, to 'carry her the sBteonhrneeiefilieia th6glioi-trt.ieusrnesa 'l?arnkgeolrti a°6.'1' abm ove 'sallness and unrest, -Attheir cane insistent d,erea,nd she played +he Mary's himh ary's hertthaehast hadwonceh n hes-tInetthie•Wgiafst Christmas favorites they called for: givn Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, It in his life, a true weraan'taifove• GCaolnodeKrin771#1' t'ehnee;$.1Vilaids•riAighoht v ° n 01°1114 r* egard started to sing familiar words. MaryChi`i.#11i” as' anoccaaktn. for word's' were relloated froM Paxquet aUd; Itonee f"i I t,Andso itnheeoyn ea" Comethe forget and to forgive; l time to forgeta4sePis'ffeall8good d'esthalnodic aolf a Clearing his heal.i of 'all grudges jennings nodded joyously to the little girl and oalded "Sing out, dear! Every-fenoromfoliervinItg is a good time to box and gallery. They saug the mel- others, ody, quietly at first but in growing volume as the Christmas spirit that "Was in their hearts overWheirned them, "Come,All Ye Faithful!" A thought filled the brain of the "Princess." How faithful they were, these "COMM021 people"—in their daily lives—in their love So hex. She turned suddenly Weary. Alter ali, she...had had but lit- tle sleep in the past ten days. It -was Holiday, Goodies. - Here area'cnne timelrecipes for Chrigtnias goodie's, to be Usedas gifts . or ..consumed by an appreciative .Make walnut wafers if yop have walnut tre.es. , To one pound ,of walnut meats add one pound:of brown sugar, two e4'gs, six even tableSPoonfula of flour, two-thirds teaspoonful of selt, o-ne-:half teaspoonful of .baking -pow- der. Beat egg's Very light, gradually add sugar, then salt, flour, and nuts, which ha-ve been broken, not chopped; drop in small spoonfuls On -a greased pan, and bake in a ;moderate over. ' Banbury tarts are tootlisonseTe, require two cupfuls ef,raisiiii„ seeded and chopped, one chi:till of sugar, one lemon. Grate the/rind of the lemon and a,dd it .and ihe juice to the, raisins and sitgar.,e'' Let the mixtui.e sLaii over night)iir for several hours, Cut' rounds.(6f rich -pastry which has been rolled -thin, half fill them with the mix- ture,.and cover like turnovers, pinch- . the edges together. Bake a deli- eate brown,. A large pop -corn ball is made thus: Make a syrup of two cupfuls of granu- lated sugar and one-half cupful of water cooked together to -the thread stage. Pour slowly over ..tfolir quarts of popped corn Which ,ie Otill•wann. Dip the hands into, coldwater and tnspldly form the corn- into one largo ball. Roll ilia ball. in freshly -popped corn and „set it in, the, raiddle ef the table fn .a bed ,of ,eyergreen branchep for a eentrepieee. To serve it break oil' pieces with a large fork. This an attraction for a Christmas or New Year party. , "ThougtmehiCh s rist thousand i Iii BethlehOM lae born.' If He not born hi thee, Thy soul is all forlorn." e ;