The Exeter Times, 1921-12-15, Page 4arli JltSI91t1" la 1�17'llb$a /921. >to(AlillES'TER'S MAJORITY IN PERTAI..t-tett lralipwing are the official election urns is f iz• i t the z idin O South tP � k° l � give Out by Capt. H. Danaid: re' tu.ex?beg officers Berry! Forst'r Steele lelanshard ,.,.. 498: 117 ' 396 Downe : 560. 287 301 JPulltirton 599 149 2'02 Itibbert .. .., 5913 266' 160 :Logan . 407 t 532 '' 197 Mitchell 82 530 405 Soul)). Easthope 105 39e 56 °bele Qcje ....,. ` 7 206 108 St, Marys 1133 142 723 33 t 2908 3209 2948 Majority for Wm. Forrester, Lib-, eral, over Dr. M. Steele, Conserve- live, 261; over Ro'bt. Berry, Progres- sive 301. For the first time in its history, the town of ;Mitchell gave Mr, Forrester a Liberal majority of 125, it never Having given other time Conservative. TB1i DAY'S NEED Each day I pray, God give ' size strength anew To do. the tusk I do not wish to do, To yield obedience, not, asking why, To love and own the truth and scorn the lie, To look a cold world bravely in the face To cheer for those that pass me in the race To bear my burdens gaily, unafraid, To lend a hand to them that need my aid To measure what I am by. what I'' give - God give me strength that I may rightly live! ' -The Youths Compauzon, HOW (. AztKHILL GOT ITS NAME Tlie village of Parkhill was first settled in. 1860. The first merchant was Donald McClure. William Kel- ly laid out villagelots and soon Wm. Hastings wade, an addition to the vil- lage plot. The settlement, consist- ing of four or five houses, was then called Swaiusby, and the first post- master appointed was Janies Nieves. The name was iaterchanged to. Westwood, and: a few yearslater it was called Parkhill by Simeon 'Mc- Leod, who caste from near Parkhill, Scotland. The story of Mr. McLeod's life is the story of the village. He was reeve for a great many years and was well known throughout the country. His estate was cut up into" town lots as the place grew. Cath- arine street bears the name of his: daughter, while Ellen street bears the name of his Wife. London Ad- vertiser. - .. 1 Dear° eaders Looking beck at yesterday, it doesn't seem so long ago since we counted, the daysazd. hours with, bzeatzless interest to Chzz t - zeas Eve. Do you remember the terrible suspense that always preceded Christmas? What if Santa Claus couldn't get around? What if lie couldn't get clown the cliinizz ; or if he hadn't brought the th.l s a ey g t ng we had wished for? And then, the night of nights arrived, and we were put to bed to lie awake for hours, listening and hoping for a glimpo of the reindeer, Aud,ezGhri stnas morning what a scramble to be the first to see thee wonderful Chri stmas treeand examine the presents. Who of us in heart every really gets beyond the "Santa Claus" age? What father fails to get a real thrill of pleasure whenselect- ing gifts for his children, and the more lasting pleasure the gift will bring, the more fun there is in selecting it,. May we help you select a Christmas gift which will not only briizg happiness to your boy or girl, but to every member of your family. Music, the gift which keeps the spirit of Christmas in the hone every day in the year. Y ' } • Christmas is mighty dear to our hearts and we'will consider it a privilege and a pleasure to help Santa Claus place music -the Piano or Phonograph -in your hone for Christmas morning, Yours very truly, S & Son A �a;enVai.;Yi `aiss e. ary ern Miss Mary Hern has been studying with me for a con- siderable length of time and I have great pleasure in stat- ing that her work has always been of a very high order, both in piano and in singing. She has made a serious study of both and is eminently capable of doing the finest kind of work for her students. Any pupils that I have seen, who have been prepared by her have been remarkably well equipped and I know that her efforts along the . line of teaching are bound. to achieve distinct success. FIIS is your opportunity to make the happy day happier with ,good musts -and your chance to experience for yourself the pleasure of having this fine musical instrument in your own horse. We believe that Mr. Edison's NEW DIA.MON A6 the world's greatest phonograph value -and we want to prove it to you. We vvant you to compare its dear, mellow music with the metallic harshness of ordinary "talking -machines." In short, we want you to realize how much you can enjoy good music -played as only the Amberola can play it -at our expense. And so we will deliver you the Amberola and any twelve records which you may ,select, absolutely free. Keep it over Christmas -play it and enjoy it all you"want to -for three full days; After this trial, if you decide not to keep the Amberola at present, we will call for it and thank you for having con- vinced yourself of its excellence. And if you decide that the/ Amberola dec erves a place in your home, we will gladlY dig- . cuss the payment plan most convenient for you. Come in and select your Amberola to be delivered o your S home frees If you can't come.; phone or write us today, so b can deliver the AIlnberola in time for Christmas. J. I'OlC`I Pv'L Dcator ONTAXt10.. F. L, Wiligoose MUS. BAC.. President London Conserve, - tory of Music TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the town- ship of Usborne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., Monday Decem- ber 26, 1921, for the purpose of malt- ing and receiving nominations for the office of Reeve and four Councillors. And further notice is hereby given. that in the event of more candidates being proposed for these offices than required to be elected, and they do not retire. within the time specified, the proceeding will be adjourned un- til Monday, January 2nd, 1922, when polls will be opened at nine o'clock at the following places as fixed by township by-law: Poli. 1 at S. house No. 4, Eden; John Hunter, D.R.O., Verne Pincornb poll clerk. Poll ` 2 at house of H. H. Brown, S. T.R., H. H. Brown, D.R.O; Chas. Al- lison, 'poll clerk. Poll 3 -House of Henry Horton, concession 4, Wm. Jeffrey, D.R.O.; Samuel Dougall, poll " clerk. Poll 4 -Public hall, Farquhar; John Turnbull, D.R.O.; John Simp- son, poll clerk. Poll 5 -Township Hall, EIimville, Jackson Woods, D.R.O; Geo. Kellett, poll clerk_ Polt 6-S. house No; 7, Zion; Rd. E. Pooley, D.R.O.; Chas. Jaques, poll clerk. Poll 7 -House of Wm. Jamieson, Kirkton; David Goulding, D. R. O.; Oliver McCurdy, poll clerk. And aII electors are hereby re- quested to take note and govern themselves accordingly. Usborne, Dec. 7, 1921 HENRY STRANG, Clerk. The death took place at the home of his parents, .11/fr. ' and Mrs. Peter Jordan, concession 2, Hibbert Tp., of William Jordan after a week's illness Besides his parents he is survived by six sisters and four brothers. CLUEBING LIST. .Exeter 'limes $1,50 a year; $2,00 to the United States. Times and Toronto Globe 36.25 Times and Mail & Empire ,6.25 Times andViLandon; Advertiser 6.25 Times and London' Free 'Press 6.25 Times and Toronto Star - ..,.6.25 Times ''&' Family Herald& W.S. 3.40' Times and Montreal'Witness 3,0.5 Times. and ,Farmers Advooate3.50 Tirnea and Farmers Sun 2.90 Times and Christian Guardian 3.40 'Tines' and Canadian.Farris 2.90 Times' & Canadian Countryman• 2,90 Times and Presbyterian .. y....,3.90 The above publications may be obtained by Tines subscribers in any combination, the pirce forany pub- lication being the figure given, less' $1.50,"xpi;esefilii g' the .jzri'ce .ot T.T s: Times. These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great, Britain. '.11= IfiCIZETER TI 1S NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK ltal arta p ni Events Which ' i<-DlitVe' Occurred Durin the Weeks The ,Busy 'World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper'--. A Solid RERour's' Enjoyment. ment. TUESDAY. Irish agreement ,arrived at in'. London. Japanese deny ulterior motives at conference. Germany' is to getethree years" de- lay on reparations. Settlement of Irish issue to be sub- mitted to Parliament. A Weston boy was pinned under radial car and killed. Tokio delegates renounce special privileges in Shantung, St. Lawrence waterway discussed .in United States House. Fifteen people killed in train wreck near Philadelphia. Toronto police use stage money to trap alleged blackmailer, AId. J. Cameron Wilson, M.D:.. elected Mayor of Loudon. Argonaut junior hockey team beat Upper Canada College, 6 to 2. Fred Payette, Fort William„ killed by fall into hold of a steamer. Nominations for municipal offices take place in Western Canada. • Le' Pays, independent Montreat newspaper, suspends temporarily. Providence is: seeking an Interna- tional Baseball League franchise. The Interscholastic 'football Anal will likely be played in Woodstock, The City Council of Toronto ap- proves of plan to 'widen B1oor street. A workman wassuffocated in Lon- don, Ont., -sewer,' and rescuer drops dead. Commissioner rules that Salvation Army women officers must t not wear short skirts, Judge Landis has announced his decision in the "Babe" Ruth ease, "Babe" loses his share of the world series money. Twenty-one persons killed and 24 injured in head-on collision on Phila- delphia ` & Reading Railway at Woodmont, Pa. • 1,VEDNESDAY. Germany asks Bank of England to extend credit for £25,000',000. Dublin gives credit to King George for happy turn in Irish situation: French doctor announces the dis- ,eovery of serum to ` cure sea- sickness. In less than one minute 316 di- vorce decrees were granted in Lon- don, England. Meighen Government defeated at the polls. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King returned Prime Minister of Canada. Sir Edgar Speyer was deprived of his English nationality for giving "aid and comfort to the King's ene- mies" during the war. The Canadian Government: steam- ship Canadian Rover 'is aground at Duncan Bay, B.C. She was on her way to Ocean Falls,: B.C. Mrs. Mary Ainscow, Toronto, had her left leg so badly mangled when run over by a train at the C. P. R. crossing that the limb had to be amputated below the knee. The dodge of bringing liquor from Hull to Ottawa in the original pack- age has gone. Attorney -General Raney has sent a squad of detectives to arrest all who attempt to bring liquor into Ontario. A writ against. the 'executors and beneficiaries of the estate of the late Senator Peter McLaren, Perth mil- lionaire, was issued at Osgoode Hall by the widow of the deceased, Mrs. Sophia McLaren. The plaintiff seeks to set aside a deed under which she elected to take her share of the pro- perty under the Devolution of Estate Act, in lieu of all her claims for dower in her husband's real estate. THURSDAY. John Sword, farmer, drowned at Bracebridge. Nine men were shot M stockyard riot at Chicago: Planing . mill and lumber yards burn at Toronto. Premier -elect King dined -with the Governor-General. Lloyd. George abandons trip . to United States Conference. Fire destroys airdrome and sheds at Armour Heights, near Toronto. Gas referee decides on increase in rates for Aylmer, Ont., and 'vicinity. Woman was fatally shot by her husband at Toronto; stabs himself. The National Trotting Association has imposed several heavy penalties. The New York Giants paid a re- cord price for a Western baseball star. Sir Hugh J. Macdonald sentences a robber to five years and twenty lashes. The University of Toronto Inter - faculty junior assault -at -arms com- mences. "Eddie" Onslow will manage the Toronto baseball team during the '1922 season. Thieves take 14 boxes of cheese, looking like liquor cases, from. In- gersoll warehouse. Tlie pen with which the Irish; treaty was signed has been presented by Lloyd George to Lady Greenwood. The Japanese Diplomatic Council formally approved the proposed foul power treaty for settlement of. Pacific differences, Sixteen sailors'. perish in terrific winter storm along the Newfound- land coast. Fear is felt that the list will be largely increased. FRIDAY. Division in ranks of the Sinn Fein party. Discussion in committee on China's rights. Ulster makes new demands on taxation. U. S. submarine sinks by stern; crew rescued, Two election day baby bogs named after Premier -elect. ,Goverrunent calls fortenders for extension of T. & N. 0. Delegates at Arznament,Confor'eitce await action by Japan. University of Toronto juniors hie= I gi heated Aura Loe 6 to 5, o De Valera refuses to recomznen the new treaty to the Dail. Two young Men dI'owued whi skating near Tamworth. Two �.. x w o ha zt4zs found dead In woods along G. T. P. in Alberta, Hamilton City Council authorises fzve•cent fare on street cars. Odicial count eioctts R.}3., Benne izz West Calgary by 5'. votes, Sir Sam Hughes Ieft an estate 3800,000, mostly Victory bonds. G . A. U. V. decides to extend or- ganization for political activities. Minister of Agriculture says that Britieh ;eleotione are not far off. Mrs. McDoul of Janetville, near Lindsay, 107 years old, cast a vote on d le tt °zither 20,',1921,':are required on or Of before the .27t1i day of December', 1921,, to file with Gladman & Stan - bury, Solicitors fon.. the executors, full particulars of their claims. And after such date the executors will dis- tribute the assets of the deceased, having• regard ioniy,to,'the •claims of which noi<ice izds been received. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter ' Ont. Decerber 5, "1-921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is 'hereby given pursunalt to Trustees �z lzus e Act that 11 ler to Af t a Sone i haying claims against the estate of Harry Jones, of the Townehip of 'C.is- berrie, county of '1•Iuron, farmer de- ceased, who died on or about Nov. Tuesday, Frank 13arrieau, Toronto, ou pointed Eddie Beattie, Hamilton, Toronto, Returned men renew prote against bringing body" of "unknow soldier" to Ottawa. The estate of Mrs. Fred Monti- zambert, Ottawa, is probated, • -.She leavers an estate of $288,486. A gin -laden auto upsets cyole cop at Sandwich; car is ditched, however, and most of cargo is smashed. Attorney -General's department is planning to abolish "spotters"'iii pre- paring cases under the 0. T. A. Lieut. -Col. F: 0. Burgess, Oxford Rides, has been appointed Collector of Customs for the port of Wood- stock. Joseph Ayotte, Sault Ste. Marie, shot himself in the head and died immediately after. Domestic troubles played on his mind.'..-•�,.. Fearing retaliation' by the united States, the Jamaican Legislative Council strongly opposed the Goy- ernment's tariff bill, under which preference would have been given to goods manufactured in Great Britain and particularly in Canada. SATURDAY. The 'football season closed -to -day., The Irish people favor ratification. of treaty. Pacific Dowers o we form pquadrilateral agreement.' The Premier of Ulster confers with. Lloyd George. Plenary session of Washington Conference opens. • Henry Ford is planning an auto plant in Germany. Branch rural credit banks to be opened in nine cities. One hundred and sixty teams will play in the 0. H. A. Toronto police captures a robber after' an exciting chase. Quebec's honey output more than doubled in seven years. Chinese delegates demand'return unconditionally of Shantung. St. Mary's beat $t'. 'Helen's in an S. P. A. junior game, 3 to 1. "'Bob" Rogers blames "Union" Government for Tory'crash. Premier Briaud will visit Lloyd George at Chequets next week. Old'. Boys of Ridley College pre sent address to former principal, D Miller. Prohibition agents in New York emptied $100,000 worth of wine into gutters. Movement for Harbor Commission for five border municipalities at De- troit river. A memorial tablets -unveiled at McMaster to soldiers who fell in the great war. It is said Zion. Dr. H. S. Beland will be next Canadian High Commis- sioner in London. J. G. Rappel,. Merchants' Bank manager, Eatonia, Sask., dies from accidental wounds. Two bank officials were held' up near Belfast, Ireland, and relieved of more than 11,000. Lieut. -Col. Hugh McIntyre Urqu- hart, M.C., D.S.O.; Victoria, B.C., ap- pointed aide-de-camp to King. Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P. for' Southeast Grey, will sit unbonneted in the House of Commons, following the custom of men members, Sir Arthur Pearson, the blind knight, fell and bumped his head, llecoming unconscious, and was drowned while taking -his bath. ., MONDAY. • • Lambton Mills man 'found'"dead in new theatre. Sir James Craig arrives at Belfast from London. Four -power agreement agreed to at Washington. Another plenary session may be held to -morrow. Anglo-Irish treaty sure to be adopted by Dail Eireann, Powers assent in plenary 'session. to resolutions on China. University of Toronto seniors cap- tured the S. P. A. trophy. Sarnia C. I. won the Interscholas- tic football championship. Miss Gladys Robinson, champion skater, will defend her. title. The Toronto police are: raiding hotels in search of liquor. Socialis:s form body to strive for Canadian Workers' Republic. Senator T. W, Crothers dies sud- denly at his home in Ottawa. Reorganization of Drury Cabinet is subject of persistent rumors. Survivors of Lusitania'asked to forward damage claims to Ottawa. St, Aidan's, Toronto, beat Queen's University juniors in the C.F.U. ' final. Wm. Pory of Bishop's Crossing, Que., missing since he went huntiug, Dec. 1. John McClary, pioneer stove menu lecturer, dies at London, Ont., aged 92 years. J. 13. Rourke, Ottawa, Comptroller of Currency, ends life in fit of de- ps'ession Moz•e charges of professionalism in amateur hockey were made in Montreal. T. R. Atkinson, ex-M.P.P, for North Norfolk, found dead at his home, Simcoe. JJ,iss Molly Kingston, practicing rifle shooting, featly shoots herself at Newcastle, N.B. Fred Tarrant dies atter falling 50 feet while painting a church spire at Suinznerside, P. E. I. President J. H. Riddell of Wesley College, Winnipeg, predicts union of three churches by 1925. Laurent Se Jean, aged 22, was: drowned at Hull while fishing through a Bole: in. -•the ice,., The official count for West York Ives Sir Henry Drayton a majority f 83'5 over Major Streight. Dr t- at st n NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is, hereby given pursuant to the Trustees Act that all persons having claims against the estate of Albert Willard, of the_ Township of Hay, County of Huron, farmer de- ceaed, ,who died on or about Octo- ber 28th, 1921, are required on or before the 27t1i day of December, 1921„ to file with Gladman & Stan- bury, tan- bury , Solicitors for the .executors, full particulars of their claims. And after such date the executors will dis- tribute the .assets of the deceased, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter, Ont. December 5, 1921. VILLAGE' OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is, hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the vil- lage of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL, EXETER at the hour of twelve o'clock noon For the purpose of making and re- ceiving nominations for the office of Reeve and Councillors; one member of tile Bublio Wtiiities Cominissio and three members for the Board of Education. And further notice is event of that in the e e hereby given more candidates being proposed for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, ' JANU-- j ,ARY 2, 1922,. when polls will be, opened at 9 'en?. at the following:. places, ,as fixed` by the Village,By-law viz: Polling Sub -Division No. -MrS E, A. Handford's residence, Main St. .- 13;"ttTrehle,;D.R.o., S. Davis, P.C.,. Polling Sub -Division; No: 2 -Town Hall, Main St,, W. Johns, D.R.0., 3.. •1. Greive, ,P.C. Polling Sub -D, visiozl." No. 3. -Mit- chell's office, Main and Wellington Sts., G. Anderson, D,R,O., A. Gam -- brill, P.C. • Polling Sub -Division No. 4, -- North End Town Hall, F. Witwer, D.11..0., John Kydd, P.C. And all Electors are hereby re -- quested to take notice and govern:' themselves accordingly. JOS. SENIOR Returning Officer.. Exeter, Dec. 7th. 1921. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . Notice is hereby given pursuant t. the Trustees Act that all persona. having claims against the estate of Ann Williams, of the village of. Exe- ter, County of Huron, widow, de- ceased, who died on or about Novelui.. ber 26tlz,i 1921, ,are required on or ;before the 27th. day of December, 1921,, to file with Gladman & Stan bury, Solicitors for the executors, full particulars of their claims. And" after such date the executors will dis'- tribute the assets of the deceased, having regard gonly to the claims of; which notice has" been received.' GLADMAN & STANBURY Exeter, Ont. - December 5, 1921. TO THE F Small amounts saved regularly soon reach large total. Deposit each week part of the money you get from your cream, butter and eggs and watch your Savings balance grow. WE WELCOME SMALL ACCOUNTS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch, - F. A. Chapman, Manager Crediton Branch, Dashwood Branch,' R. S. Wilson, Manager INCORPORATED 1555 OVER 130 BRANCHES HE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL, AND RESERVE $9,000,000. The. Molsons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friend in the Manager, that he will receive ..a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with him his money needs. "SAFE'TY DEPOSIT BOXES AT THE EXETER BRANC I, T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA. BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. THE USBOBNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUR. ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM.. BROCK- J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, • JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN 11SSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, agent for ilibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, ;Woodham. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUt3.' Veterinary Surgeon Office -Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, LL.L.D., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- Sita'.. DENTIST °Mee...over Gladman & Stanbury's ollco, Main .Street, Exeter, Advertise tri tpa i' ro s, It pees. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village, properties, at lowest rates of In- terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Ane- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terris moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton. Address Kirkton P.,0. DR. G. F. R(YULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST , Office over I. R. Carling's Law office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon, USE 'DIAMOND DYES Dye 'right! Don't rislcc your material, Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" eon - tains directions so simple that any yeoman. can. diamond -dye a new, rids.. color into old :'gartneitto, di•iaperics, , coder inns, every- thing,-ivh.etlicY .wool silk, linen, cotton,01 nixed goods:, . Buy. "Diamond Dyes" -ns•,,, other Ionil -then `per£eet re-, suits a're' "glias iirteecl even if ' you have never dyed before. Druggist has "Diamond i')ye-,• Colot' Card" -16 rich colors..,