The Exeter Times, 1921-12-15, Page 3OFF GMND BANK A -SEA iDAINTY%0F. W.DE 'POPULARITY. 011.1Y.wRe esPOeS.13P.047 acbc-Mean • Every muStele :in the body :needs constantly 4 eePPIY: of siola;red bleed in proportion tcethe Work it sloes, The :Mitsbles of the back are under a heavy ,s traL and have -hut little pest, :When Searing the FishWith'-1 41°' blI3tx1'' 18 thin- .11e'Y 41eic 'lleur1811- smeat, and the resuiVis a sensation of PoPT4-its Excitarn.Spgrt Pur- Pain in those muscles, Some people think pain in the back meaus kidise3 trouble, but the best medical allth011.1 ing Late Summer 11tillonths.. cross ceuntiy, but chose always ,the devoted one of its weeely ineel-inga. to en t. then" The Tablets Batiks and of the &oast of Calle Bre- liever has anything to do with t" lcid" If mischauee befell the leader*serne secretary Frank C. lrwin et Toronto are sold bY Medicine dealefs or bY lifie haunts of, the sivinordilsh, whose haVe Progressed te a critical point j there was a change of ies•ders if the nouaceil that there Eyre now fiNe Bey Medicine Co,, Brosicville, and the United States, Each year the should always lead the surf r tt g was the spice.o the wild three more will probably be formed.' Origin of Stee0eohase.,, gito etYhiclOgY .0,1! steeplechase is too obTielis to need ',set explanation. Founders of the sportmerely' fixed up. on. a disthut,steessle and 'rode straight to it, crossing gallantly hedge, ditch, paling, turf or tliuber, pasture, crops, MOorinild or ,ridge, and furrow—wheso ridlag- straightcet, came in first, and was winner, But there ase few, indeed, to whor4 :a wild goes° eleaseebears pay titan of sport, yet the phrase -derives from a.:sport hazardous, indeed. It is said •to have begun in Ireland,' where a oh os en,- I e2„a d e r took mob ist d men ()ace a mother has used. Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones ,slie would liot be without them, ,The Tablets are a- perfect home remedy. They reels, late the liowels and stomach; drive 'Pile Owen Senna Cestnell of ,the`Boy out constipation aid iadigestion; Se011t.$ was reosg,aeized sec:en:0y and, break up colds and simple fever and new plans and new life were injected' make'baby healthy and happy, Can into this work among the boys. The cerning them, Mrs, Noble A.sleye, local Rotary 01412 behiad Owen Ecum Secum, leT.S., writes aave Sound Scouting streag, and recently found Baby's Own Tablets of ,gre.at • ti In th,e ,sishfeg greueds,..0the' Grand ties agree that backache seldoin or roughest, 'w'ildest *going to lie foetid, a lasy soout dinner ,at .whioh Drecutive uot be with° tan, Canada msseesse,s ,tho most ,1?„0„ n:eye, 9rgautc ssidesay disease tianY ,ether topketipethe oilloo—occasioeally was the chief spealser: It 'PAW auWiWania . mail at 25 ceuts bois from The br. :deleetable cutlets find such t' d • (Alt fa,yor in without developing a pain in. the back. I first . T 1 .1g, t 1.1 PloYe imcnous. s a anger reil, Scout froope 111. the sity and that • and Newfoundland coasts, accounts for be found* in most cases that the us'e The Winner svas not he who came be general reorgaelzation of "IIie Scout g" On. le In the :from Caliada.'s fleherles, During the the, blood Win 6top the"Septarials‘ rarrreoi sit lug:ye, din the British in the. ill -nourished muscles of 04.Er.s. h ,d have gone further around to negotiate tral governiag council. aclditioh syeeirati:nal192o6f shake tthh ee inenth of August this Year there were Pain b t as,a1 , , new troops will be organized and. the 29,800 pounds of swordfish caught in world to its foundations both physt- sat,oys try Dr. Williams'• Pink PiliS for the Knowing this I ;have wondered work carried on an districts not now the.back. How mi e ter t s to, the. George's•13anks, and In September , . little elf'. the -Wild Geesethe CoVeTed.* * * 'cally, and politically. After general trying misfortunes, he A •iiieeting' svas held in Hamilton says, tb,ere will be a battle of Anna- receetly of tlae speeial committee in WhoSe, hand's , ate the arrangements fer.the marnmeth'Scout display to,be lield some ,tine in the early part of the eoming y,ear. It was decided that ,addition „ to , the, actual display, booths -49111 ..be .erected which well il- lustrate theelifferent subjects boys are taught to enable them to pass the Scout prldilei.giscy, badge tests. The. planning q :the entertainment was left hi the hands ,of a sub-conunittee and all the, local Scoutinasters. htave been asked toixitorm this Committee of all talent pessessed as soon as pos- sible, • * * William Aitchison was elected presi- dent of the Border Cities' Boy Scout Council at a meeting of the council held recently in Windsor. Mr. Aitchi- son Was vice-president last year and has beeneaptiVely identified with Scout I work the ,DoPder Cities for four years. He was president of the Fourth Troop when it was organized four ' years ago. It was arranged •at the meeting that an officers' training course be °Paned in the Border Cities for the, benefit Of. young Men who* have been Sceuts Or are interested in. Scout work. , "Cascarets" if Sick, ilious, Headachy from the Bowels Get a 10 -cent box now. You men .and Wile, can't 'get feeling right—,erho ha -ire headache, coated tongue, bad etaete „and foul breeth, dizeiness, can.'t .sleep, are bilis ou's, nervous, andeue,tee,k, abet:het:ed. with a sick, gassy, dieerdered stomach, or have a had cold. , Are you keeping your bowels clean with Casoa.rets, or merely forcing a passageway every -few daYs with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Casca-rets work while you sleep; cleanse the stoma,ch of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver an.d oarry out of the system the constipated poison in the bowels. Cascaret physic to -night straighten you out by morning. Cock Crowing Belgian Sport. Cock -crowing Couipetitione are very popular among the.working classes in Belgium. The roosters are ranged in. cases, and official ifiarkerf3 ilk() the num.bere of crows. , The cook ,that has uttered its shall cry the most times -in an hour carries off the prize, ' ' the back - "the dining tables of Eastern- Canada, h s beii , lie case, pain and ex. .- • e er o look goose eh befOre the end of the year. There will 1 PStelle..els Array, ssci, 'catch of this fish ell the Norra Scotia to the condition of his blood. It will , ase, , . home 'first, but he. Who' 'had flunked a substantial amouat in the revenue of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to bnild uP - eothing in the route even possibly bodies will be brought unCier One cell - movement in the city and.' eel Scout An astreloger who ,siges himself Decade. iblood thau o &aye way o unreason - :38,200 pounds caught. off Cane Breton, able alarm about your kidneys. if you Much of the Ca.nasidan oatch of other! :Years was landed at United States 1 susPeet'Yehr itidheYs, nay doctor eau ‘.malte tests in ten minutes that will ports, and the closing of these outlets • - this year through the Fordney Tariff setyour fears at 'rest, or tell You' tile n • led to the cancelling of the second trip worst. But iany event to be perto the banks so that the present total 'catch will probably show a decrease after having increased for some years. The catch in 1918 amounted to 4,300 'veined at,e26,952; 111,1919 it rose irkeue to '$49,364, though production .wa,s less, being 3,645 cwt., and last -year it amounted to 7,411 cwt., valued at $96,017. The swordfish, which is so caeled feetly-healthy you mustskeepehe -blood in good condetion, and for this pur- pose no other medicine can 'equal pi. Williams.' Pink Pills. • -You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams! .Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. :The Waterloo medal was the first frenoita i prolongaton- of the upper jay! ,.. given. to . alt. ranks alike. ' :into a long, Pointed, sword -like weap. , • on which it uses Inc defence' and ag- gression, is. a se:a dainty of universal popularity. in Canadian waters it :ranges in size from seven to twelve feet and in weight from- three hen- -dred to six hundred 'pounds, though speeimens are occasionally caught which run to six and „eight hundred , pounds,. Its food consists of the small- er spee!es of fish which it secures by dashing into schools,,spearing as many, of its number aspps bJe,rdJsievour- ing them at beisure.' "...schooners Specially Fitted. The, captureeof,:the*swordfish forms :a regular bra:soh ,ef. the Canadian At- lantic .fishing industry the season -be- ing in --the late surnaner months; and numbers of ,fishermen engage in the pursuit. Schooners: nt this time are :especially fitted ontsfar the .0liase,sa platform. being ,raised on the bowsprit -where a constant look -cut is kept and -from Which the hafpooning is done. At this time of year the swordfish, which usually follows schools .of other :fish, which form its- prey, are to be found as: a rule basking in the sun' on the top of the water. The schooner approaches them and from the raised plattorm the fear is speared with a. harpoon. The tether of the weapon is attached to one or two casks which, -thrown overboard, act as a drag to the impaled fish in its endeavor to get work of the faintly or local physicsan. away. A dory is then lowered from He is the man on the spot and the the schooner and the exhausted fish. rightOl'an 1:'°- cm/1'1'th in eases where pursued, overtaken and despatched medical *advice is desired. with a bayonet. ,F -or .instance, one WOW= wTites The chase is not altogether bereft of that she enjoys ray articles on Public excitement arid ha,zaird, the fish often Health and wants to know if I could turning on the•d,ory, with what danger tell her what to do for a "floating kid, tits occupants may be realized when °nay." In another ease a mother writes it is considered that the sword -like to say that her baby had a heat rash proboscis Is capable of penetrating a and wishes to know what she should six-inch oak plank. Thus the scho:ons do for it, while just this morning I er pursues its way,' harpooning and received a' letter from:an old gentle - bringing on, board such swordfish as man to.say:that he had -fits and want - it encounters until a, substantial catch ed me to telt him -what treatment lee legions whes fightin,g for alien kluge, have 'shawl', themselves prodigies of valor ---did not take their iliarne from the sport nearest the heart of their homeland. Scientific Prof, One .day a teacher 1,Vpt'S -having a first.gra,de class in physiology. She asked them if they linew thatthere was az burning fire in- the body all of the time.- One littlesgirl spoke up and said: "-- "Yes'm; when it is a cold day, I can see the smoke." • Minard,'s Liniment for eprijet In Cows. EALTH nEDUCATION BY DR. J. J MIDDLETON Provincial Board of lie,alth, Ontario ,begladito-ansWer questions on Public Health mat. tors through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. There appears to be a -doubt in the mini, of many of niy correspondents as to what Public' Health actually means. At the head.of the column in which I write articles on Public Healthi questions on Public Heal% subjects .are invited, ancl I shall be glasi to answer such questions. But' in many cases letters are receved from, people 'askieg me for s'uggesticans re- garding treatment for some ailment they have and which they would like ,here, but M every case I have to refer ssich oases to the physician. The work of a Public Health offis Dial deals largely with hygiene and preventive medicines and by these terms I mean ways and' nieens of pre- serving health and keeping the bodi wijd rninci in fail strength and vihr, and giving warnings. of danger to health that -will undoubtedly follow neglect of hygienic. principles either in personal or commune-ty iie. As regards the case and treatment of the sick, that- is a phase of medical to get rad of. Now I desire to tnake4 work by iteelf, and Jibe local physician it plain. that I ',cannot -answer questions ' is, the man to deal 'with. ,sicknees in of this sort. It would be useless for any cosamunisjs me to do go if I wanted to, ,f,ssr I have The Public Health official is really not seen the patient, and:sees:1cl not a teaches and sanitarian: Hee week diagnose their trouble from -state- is preventive, rather' than curative--- ments in a letter. Besides, treatment in fact about the only ins.tanoe where of disease is the Particuibar and special- Health officials undertake 'treatment is in the prevention or con- trol of communicable or infectious dieeases when such diseases are a menace to the health of other people. My advice to all those,who 'write to me telling of their pereonal ailrhents is to see their doetoir, because these ailments are .nott in the litre, of -Public Health work. My -purpose is especi- ally to keep peopleewell, and to this end I ,shall he • glad to answer any questions that may- help anyone to remain in good -health and preserve their full vigor and activity, mei I shall try to give full.publiciti to those principles of hygiene that :tend to maintain health and happiness and lia.s been. made, when a retu-rn 18 made °I -1°111d adopt. to shore and the Deer marketed. NOW, there are many similar letters reaching me which I need not relate reise the general standard" of livin A Christmas Carol. It is easy, 0 my masters to find the best of ways To pelase the Lord in using the holiest of days. "No!" says the rich man, "I am filled with care, Sables Inc my wife--cliamonds fine and rare? Pearls Inc my daughters, swift cars • ' Inc my sons?— I shall be mad from worrying before the groat Eve rune!" "Ah" says lais brother, "I know the gIft He gave; I know that He redeemed me ---X was once a slave. I wish I had a chalice set with rubles red As the blood of pigeons, or sapphires for His head." But—oh---seek out the sad man to whom all inns are closed, Who knecked in vain at every door where honest folk reposed Oh, cheer the widowed woman and dry theschildren's tears, And drive away Inc one vvhole year the wolf the orphan fears! It is easy, 0 my 'masters', to find the boot of ways, e To please the Lord in using the holiest of days! —Maurice F allots Egan. A Practical Mans "- A. profesoor of mineralogy telt; 'of the 4 rather of one of his pupila coming to him e-..nd saYing'i "I don't want. my boy to Wain about etre.ta or dips or faults or iipeetsvaits or denudations, and 1 don't want hint to fill his mind with' fossils or etuff about crYstals. 'What I want him to learn is how to find gold and slivee and (tor,ir,r in ti,aying queue title% sir -este, eit,7(Pq quantities." Real Rest Depends Largely Upon the Dejith of Your Sleep A warning to "light" or "poor" sleepers The deeper and sounder you sleep the better You' feel. Five hours sound i'efreshing sleep does you more actual good than ten hours restless, disturbed sleep. This is because, the flrial conversion of food into vital tissue and nerve cells goes on niore rapidly when the physical and mental forces' are at rest. You can't get sound, refreshing sleep if your nerves are 'agitated with tea or coffee. Both these 'drinks contain caffeine, which is sometimes very irritating to 'the brain and nervous system, If you want to know the joy, vigor and stamina that comes to the person who gets sound„ healthful sleep, why riot stop taking tea or coffee • for a while, and drink delicious, invigorating Posturn instead. Thousands of people everywhere have found that this was the only thing they needed hi order to bring about these very happy results, • Order Post= from your grocer today. Drink this delightful cereal beverage of satisfying 'flavor, for a '.week. .• Perhaps, like thousands of others, you'll never be willing to go back to tea or coffee. Poatum cornea in two format Instant Post= (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in -packages •of larger bulk, for those who prefer to maks thedrink while,the meal is being prepared) • made by boiling for 20 minutes. POSIMM for Health • "There's a, Reason" essetesseatper=ersasses.'—er....--- geddon, with the entry six years later of "the Mighty One of Israel." Tee great final oonilict, he says, will be waged against Mohammedanism allied with the Bolshevik', which will push in the direction of the Holy Land, where, north cif Jerusalem, the fight will be carried to its predestined end. Four great Powers will be allied against the Anglo-Saxons, which will :be gatherel again from all parts of the earth There will be a British -Israel victory in tbe end and universal peace. MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. A Gas from Wood. -Sulphite turpentine gas given off vrhen wood is boiled in paper -making issused in making TNT, Soldiers Learned Value of Forests. The remarkable increase in the in- terest which Canadians: are taking tn. their forests is attributed by some to -the feet that mernbersaithe Canadian Expeditionary force in the war came home with a new concept.lon of how Vital forests are to any state, both in peace and, war, and also heal' large a proportion of !land in countries of dense population is dev,otedi to forest culture. This es doubtless iene reason, and th.e rise in. the cost of ferest pro- ducts of all kinds has: also: been a. con- tributing factor. Perhaps the chief reaeon has been the realization by both civilians and ealdiers- of the folly, amounting to criminality, of allowing a great natural resource te be.destroy- esi by the carelees handling of fire. Honey Refrigerator In. Hives, It Is the habit of bees to place their ,honey in the coolest place in the hive, a,nd the young insects In the warmest. Great Drydock, The greatest drydoc•k en the Medi- terranean is/ planned by the Italian Government at Naples. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphonee fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr, Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one coUld tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed uatur- al, drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. advt. Some Fish haver Sleep. Salmon, pike arid goldfish are Geld . to be the only gall that never sleep, The Persians have a different- name for each day in the month. The leech is the only animal that possesses three separate jaws. 51111 hope! 11 is •foolish to be sorry - :You came until. you 'reach the erid of the road. In Italy wheeled traffic keeps to the left in the large towris, but to tile right in the country. The netaa, which,Int eighteen coil - mon varieties, is ilia, /nest widely Tread of any wild plant. , • , LUMBERMAN'S FRIEND The Original and Only Genuine Cary from Gourds. In Seain autd the Canary Islands has loag been grown 4 kiud of gourd, the size of a small watermelon, green, blotched with white, whieli is very goad to at, It Is eall-$0, "paritama," and until reeently botanists have sup- posed that it came f scull the Far least, :neteirtidieur astne for it being "S`,1ana It tures out, however, that thio gourd is of Amoriean °right, and wesi eatE-I1 by the people of Mexico long be- fore the days of Cortez and Monte- zuma, bei4g knowe to them as "ehila- eayote," The Spaniards tools it to Era epe and Introduced In their own country. A cuelous thing about it Is that its white flesh, when the gourd es cooked, resolves itself lato long filaments re. serishlaag vermicelli. Cut in quarters and boiled forty-five minuiee, the VGge, table is then transferred to cold water, whereupon, with a little stirring, the pulp detaches itself from the rind and takes the form of slender threads', Which may be served with soup, with milk, "au gratin" with cheese, or' in various other ways. In the Canary Islands the vermicelli - like filaments are coriverteci into a de. Ilcious candy by puttiug them into boiling syrup and cooking until the syrup cracks ill COM,. water. The candy, hair." In is pretty, transparent, light yellow in color, aucl milled "an_gel.'s In a certain public park there are seats around the bandstand with this notice posted On them: 'The ,seats in the vicinity of the bandstand are for the use of ladies. Gentlemen should make use of them.. only after the former are seateci." The actual weight of the human brain or the size of the Head is no sign of special i_riteiligenco. Minard's Liniment for Distemper. A grasshopper's ears are just below its knees. Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With Califon/la Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California. Fig Syrup." It the little tongue Is coated, or it your child is listless, cress, feverish., full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see Inc yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you leave a well, playful child again, Mililous ot mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist, for genu- ine "California Eig.SyruPt' which has directions for babies and children or all ages prioted, on -be:We. Mother! You must say "Califoinia" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. America's Pioneer Dog 0..Mernediesi Book on DOG DISEASES ,and How to Feed Mailed,Free to any Ad.-": dress -by the Author. Clay cnover-Ado„ 118,West Slat...Street '„ New York, ,TY.S.A. YARAMITTI-t, N 'COARSE SALT LAN D1YS ALT Bilk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO dimhimivathimilimsm. -When your head is dull and heavy your tongue furred, your bowels costive.'when you have no appe- 1 .tite for food, no strength for work ,esc and no interest in life; your .4 stomach is at fault. You need slMother Seigell's Syrup, which con - r... tains medicinal extracts of more * than ten different roots, barks ,,,, 5i and leaves, which are wonderfully 11„ beneficial upon the digestive or- " gans. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 .,,. '14 bottles at drug stores. 7-021 *1' ftIltiftMWMANVMMINVMPRIMAWN sNCE TAK VERY,i0AY: c. Cl.r1 thing and e the Tim ow. . am petting in fell, itine ht. worlc since TanIae eas got me In"Oncli' fine shape," said William-SPage, 29 Hamil- ton, St., Torento,,Ont, "My troubles been rue down for en: years andedering all that time I hardly knew what it was to ever feel good. My sithrimob was all Gut ef order and as regular' as I ate anything I hp,a to pay for It in eoffer- ing. there was a burning hire firebit my stomach, I would bloat all up with gas that nearly cut of/ m. -y breath and at times I had such. 411So-tees-leg spells that I thought each breath would be my last. 1 ,hacl treguent attacks of rheumatism:in both knees and ankles and sometimes these spells nearly laid nie out altogether. My nerves were all unstrung, I was restlees all night long and could, sleep but little, and 'whea morning eame I never felt fit for work. "But Taulac straightened me out and to -day I am feeling fine and in ab- solutely sound health, I have a cork- ing good appetite and can eat any- thing set before me and digest it as good as I ever could. My nerves are strong as steel and tbe rheumatism has just about completely gone. I sleep like a top and get up mornings ready Inc a big day's work." Tanlac is sold by ie_ading druggists everywhere. Adv. Bar Magnet. An inveetor has- mounted a email bar magnet on a hinged support to pick up phonograph needles. USE SL AN'S TO EASE ACK5 y-ou. .can't •do your • best when your back and every muscle . aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with. out rubbin, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. Good Inc rheumatism, neuraleia, sprains and strains, aches and pams, sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and the after effects of weather exposure. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask .your neighbor. Ifeep.Sloart's handy. , At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Made in Canada. Ciassmed AovertAsernent3, HELP WANTED. A1)111.1S 'VA.C,1.7.CD—TO DO PLA.p.•1 and ligh't sowing at home, WhOlti or spare time; good pay; work sent any distances charges paid. Send stamp tor particulars, National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. 4LL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD condition, with a large number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73. West Adelaide Street. Toron to, BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED belting, pulleys, saws, cabieemee.packine, etc., alliPpecl subject to approval at lowest prices in Canada. YOR1K ITEL,TING CO., 115 YORK. STREET, TORONTO. DgNDERNE -Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35 -cents buys a bottle or "Danderine" at any drug store. After one applica- tion you CaO. not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more solo- srs saesssece, HE 11SERY TiF PiACKACME Removed by Lydia E. Pink» ham's Vegetable Compound. Meaford, took LYclia 13 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Inc backache, end I alse. had a female weak- ness. I felt dizzy and naryons, arid- wiasaciswaiihwouLtat:tsetn:tirtrgaekyd:: I had to force myself • to' do my work, and Saw a Pielchare ad- vertisement which 'the Vngetabbe Corri- pound, and my back gradually stopped aching and rf1t lighthr m splits. am recommending the Vegetable Corer pound with pleasure' te all I meet who, complain as 1 clid."—MILDRtn BROOK, Meaford, Ont. Woman's Precious Gift The one which she should most zeal- ously guard is her health, but she often neglects to do 'to in season until some ailment peculiar to her sex Wiz fastened itself upon her. When so affected worrien may rely upon Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, ti remedy that has been VVonclerftilly succieSSM ' restoring health to suffering women. If you have' the slightest doubt that tydia Pinkhara's Vegetable Qom - pound will hello You, Write to Lydia Pinkham Medicine Co, (confidential), 1..,yrin, Mese., for adViee. Your letter will be opened, mad and answered by a , woman, and held in Ocrlet ati4ildonca., Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see narrie "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? 'Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for c'„01.(ls Headache Rheumatism Toothache - Neuralgia Neuritis Earache tumbaiP A.07,an,n,di,thfointrb,aoaxoesmonfor rteanhi al et "sr B111o tctal eta:, deaf 11,131;ai trieggoirs e 1 " t;"sI•0, ;;Vag'r°(stiicgi7ttgellt, ,ag6IZ ,aitooiltleV(c t=,,t4,Etio:r see st, stamped with their general trail(' nio.lr, 1,he "Bayer A.40001' Pain, Pain ISSUE,