HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-12-8, Page 1y,1 !Oa ft 0.1001 EXETER, ONT, TITURSDAY 'Mcg DECEM1gR 8, 1921 - , ....Illl!Iilll!^iliSlillilll, Exeter School ep ri M1%.. KIN4z svirmlis sefti s ift stock of holidaygoods ready for ,:the Christ - We Have an enormous i Belowwe offer a few suggestions, Christ- mas trade, • comprising Many novelties. 1F,Xia"1'b.R' HIGH. SCHOOI, )PRE COUNTRY. 1 CR NOVLMBER+Hon, W. L, 11lac,koii ie Rini; will ➢ he. Canada's new 2lenlier. Out of 284 spats the .Liberals have secured '121 the Progressives 59; Conservatives 51 .and Labor 1. The returns in 'Exe- ter Tuesda.y..,,eveningwere received Hie l at the Eexter Opera Mouse and t Donne 'Theatre: oeara .20.311 Ladies Kimonas We have just received a shipment of beautiful quality -Ladies' Ki - i ulouas in•Ll Eiderdowns, •downs, Crepes, etc. These_ make very practical :Christmas gifts: Prices from $3.75 to $8,00. "Julian Sale'' Hand=bags and Purses We have ready ,for you inspection a beautiful range of the cele- brated "Julian. Sale" make of. Hand -Bags, Purses, etc., comprising. staple \ / novelty effects, many lines in :solid leather. These are well worth ;see - Y illg. and. Furs as Christmas, Gilts The great reductions we have made in prices of tura comes at an opportune time for those wishing to select furs for 'Christmas gifts. We have a large e stock of popular furs in sets; also separate scarfs and muffs at real bargain, prices: Ladies'. and Hisses' Coats at Bargain Prices We have a few beautiful winter Coats left, many selling at less than. cost price. These would make very useful Christmas gifts, Sug estions for Ladies and Giris Ilandkerchiefs, Camisoles, Blouses, Fancy Combs, Sweaters, Gloves, Ilair Ribbons, Purses, .Hand -Bags, Slippers, Parasols, Fancy Towels, etc, Sa gestions for Iden'and +oys Linen Initialed Handkerchiefs, Ties, Braces, Garters, Suits, Over- coats, Pyjamas, Slippers, Umbrellas, Belts, Mflllers, Sweaters,' etc. A Corset . argain Twenty-four only D. & A. Brand Corsets, value up to $3.00 pair to, clear this week at $1.69 pair: I Cosy Slippers! Spats! :Felt Shoes!. No more suitable gifts for Christmas than a pair of Slippers, , It Shoes or Spats. We have a large assortment to choose from. Oyercoats and Suits 1�r. Special lrar-gains in Young Men's Overcoats at $19.50. Also some at $10.00 to $15.00. B'oys'.Suits, all sizes at $7.50 and $8.50. PHONE 32 rr111 l Claud 11;1J; 1 8,0,56 Elia _Kuntz 85,5 11 len Wether 82, A.J,v.on. AlcKander 79 ';Iargu:.iiie Aldwortli, 76,6; Ostia 11ar ls'on a75,1, Glaai:i Co11igxwooer 74 Tom Prycie 11 1,_ Mae Abbott 72 5], Amelia Aeli;es4n 71.6, J-Teranla Govvex 5i+ cis rae eavers .773 E'N'e Gardiner 71.1, x5largucr'i,a 711wk1w9y 70.8 Verne 'R.4,als'ton 70.3, -' Dorriithy Snell 70 6,, Wa ids iVcsn Waseinski 70,5 r' izabzib } ai 'l toix : 70,1; Herman Hodgson 69 5; i!foward 11u:n'ier 68.6, int) Gilf'illan 68,5, Garfield Thomson. 68.2, ' Ruth Jor'y 67,8,, O11vc Wood 67,3, Chas. Campbell. 66.6,;Frecl Ford 66,6, Fran - els Abbott 65.13, Chas, Acheson 65.3 Ruth An c1e' `< irRath Andrew 64.1 ' vv 65, 3, R u Hazel Kestle: 63,5, W'itrid Allan 63 LJeonard Grob,F. 62.7, Floren;ae lnralter len, 60.6, Bel tinl Gardiner 60 ,4 1.41,- = ]'n Ford 59.6„ •da,ze Fae kneY 58,1- = 8,1-^ Bland Campbell, 57.3, Cres'ceint Day -- man 57.3, Charles Gladlnan;56.5, Bruce Tuckey 54.5, .Labelle Kay 48.5, Clif- ford Webster' 46. l.;aim II. Mary Gillil'.,in 82, 1,,loyd :Haist 75.4 Lulu Fulton, 75.11, Elia Homey • 75 Ruby Gree. -IV 74, _Millman Mills ":73,4 Kenneth St'i-nhury 73,25, Edward Ald worth 72,7, : Fred. Hea,man 72.1, `Cecil Hodgson, 72. iLilla Swell 71, Nellie Medd 68, Grant San;clers' 67, a7aronn GV.00ds 66, Mary Hornsey 621 'Maur ,..e FParrgahar 603 3, Janie Hogarth 60.2. Florence Haryey 60, Irene Stewart 60 Pearl Thomson 59, Laura Knight. 58 Vlalari e hTe 1..56, 2leleal Bi+gn,an. 53, •1".. Yellow 51, IS`le Stathtnl 50, Tlanrlall Viurray 48,- William 'Coebrane 47, 'I- eo- PHONE 32 BLACK..ELECTED IN 3 3 ON 13 85 MAJORITY'. E.'l.t. ;Rt.01'v .4.J JL. Mr, W. Black, the Progressive candidate, has been elected in South Huron by a majority of 85 .accord- ing to latest repotrs. The result was so close that at one time one ,candi date would be declared winner only 622, Aljoe Sunders 61,; Harvey Pal'-] to be contradicted a few minutes: later, Mr. McMillan, the Liberal can- didate, was declared elected Tuesday night and was rejoicing: in the Liber- al camp at Seafoxth. As we go Lo press we have secured the following figures; Black McM. Merner Stephen 683 39.7 33f; Iiay 631 " 419 237 Stanley 322 236 258 Goderich 7.'p, 299 169 393 McKillop 417 370 165 Tuckersmith 425 432 232 Usborne 512 154 218 Exeter 183 237 494 Hensall 40 19'7 177 Bayfield 3'8 44 169 Clinton 100 442 535 Seafortla, .. 87 498 521 Hilliett 381 435 235 NOV • l ] � - l��°1 ]- �� � � Illflllllllilllllllllllill111llll�lllffilll➢➢!!!➢fid➢➢Illi➢f�lll � I f�31�1lrlllllr3➢➢➢I11s141l➢�illl�Ill➢II Illi➢Il➢➢SII ➢➢IIIliIll➢➢Illi➢111Ill,laolllll➢I! I _4 a Sq,iS::r�r*7 AFIri;H=t 21$47E,,&`:-. ,uv+iliitft:.` IWChl..'S k ., our Gift SelectIons SCISSORSSAIl.S , I • & Suitable Gifts Scissors 75c up Good Steel Shears+ 85'c and $1.00: Barber Shears $2.50. 111....401C111 3.01714 GIFT SELEC- TION NOW. WE HAVE A WIDE RANGE OF 'iiP3AS ti,oOP,S'• TO SELECT 1 .ROK. Pen Knives ;from 25c to .$,2.00 Jack Knives from 25c to $125' Ladies'Pen Knives Glc to $1.25 fl 14 i .5 g'C foB1iLr , *I .e'.l lli3 For Ladies and Gentlemen rrct.i $2.00 up to $7.00., Wear Ever Afuimnur Is very acceptable at Christmas. Wewill holdyour selection until Christmas. Pyrex Transparent Oven Dishes Useful gifts for every day service, Select your pieces now, m=.4. vniaammitisicraramm Relieve YourEye. Troubles Have Your Eyes Examined _ and Glasses Fitted J. WARD, D. C. XE�EP: PT 1VIETIST C � BORN VENNER—Aty-,Ghiselhurst, on Dec '2, 1921, to Mr. ,and, Mrs. Wesle Veneer, a daughter. HERN—In Usborne, on November 30, 1921, to Mr, and Mrs. Mel- .. . ville I:Iern, a son (Gerald Edwin). McPI,7:+IE—At Grand Bend; on Nov. 20, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. James .McPhee, 'a daughter. l+ OSTr1R—In ,Hensall, on ,Tuesday, Nov. 29; 1921,. to Mr. and Mrs:A. Foster, a son. MOUSSEAU—In Hay, on Saturday, Nov. 26,;1921, to Mr. and Mrs: A. llousseau, a son., nard, Hanlon, 46.9, Ise eel, Murray 46.3 Bertha Russell. 45, Pe:.y Mci'alls 44 Gr, a Hunter 40, Celia Christie 27 'Ruth Lamport Z7. i Form III. L. llorlock 86.7, E Pfaff S6.3,' C. M.7crlo l 81.55, R. Howard 51,2, H. Gr. 3. Ji ynL ,7, W. .l'urnbull 7.5;15,eb 1\718.-81. .78.8Roiwe 73, C.78Dais 72,1 J. 'rano s 71,.`N. Patty 69.5.; R. Ra,t- clt[fe 67.6; I • DlgTzaln 66,M. Glad n 64.6 68.1 H. Wood ,649 M.J Y V Hogarth: 63.3, H Delbridge 62.6 H. S ldon 62.2, 1'l. Elly orthy 61.6, V. Rater Ite 60?, V. Wh]4esi&,des 59, B. S.:n;or 57.5, 1h.. Hzks 54.4,?. Christ- ie 53 1, 4. -$lord 48.3, A. Anderson 42, S. Cunningba,m 38,3, V. Walk.r 32 E. Ilagar,.n'-25, L.. Jonas 20, E. Berry It ,a ' ms led that al new method of-grading.'':4 Orn- 4I1T :1-11.1011s,...1. �v'utbe, lniroduoed Wiest month, ;Soni 5u,pl1 take •more subjects than others, and some take subleats in \\'bi h the aver-' age marks are Ih_gheir than the average marks 'in the subjects talcenaby others. Tb.. ,preseni report gives the average percentage whether ahc pagers be many or few, irai'd or easy. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL ROOM I. The following is. the November re- port based .on test's in all lubjects together with daily work. Sr. 4th. ----Meta Salter 87; 'Harry Snell 8.2; Harry West 80;• Mildred Murphy 7S; Harold rvV"1'15 e 79 ; Mar- garet Harness 73 James Penrice" 78; Lloyd Foote 76; Reta E1.w.ortliy 76. Pass—Margaret Johns + x; Nal placed in all available space. A few ter Spencer 74; John Pryde 73; B,ob 0 people stood throughout file service, ert Gaiiibrill `F71; Harold Nelson while others turned away unable to 71; Earnest MCNicel 'x`71; 'Marion l gain admittance. The choir rendered Bissett. 70; hazel Sanders 68; Elva 'special music and were ably assfst- Hunkin 68. Jr. 4th: ---Eugene Howey 83 F. Creech 85;' Hugh Creech 79; Edna ly decorated with plants and flowers. Russell 77. Pass—T lorrie `4e t 11; On Monday evening one of the old - John Frantz 71; llaliorie L,s.ir� ""O9' uric fowl suppers for which James James Connor *44; Susie `Reeder * 4 0. ('' missed tests). Number on roil 27; average at- tendance 26:25. • "G. S.' Howard, Principal 4115- 4030 3972 Majority for Black, 85. 3,DICATION 013' NEW 0IdGAN AND FOWL SUPPER IN JAMES ST. METH. CHURCH The - James Street Methodist Church. congregation celebrated one of the most successful events in. the history of the church, on Sunday and Monday when the new unified "War- ren organ was dedicated, followed by a fowl supper and organ recital. The new organ was dedicated on Sabbath morning, by Rev, J. W. Hili-. pr'esidtut of 'the 'London Con- ference. At the beginning of the ser- vice the pastor, Rev. M. J. 'Wilson, called .on Mrs. James Pickard. the oldest member of the congregation to remove the covering. Mrs. Pick- ard has been a member of James St. for sixty-nine years. Following the dedication Prof. A. W. Anderton took charge of the organ. Rev. Mr. Hibbert was the preacher, for the day. In the horning he took for his subject "The Lord hath 'need of you." In the evening, his theme was "Jesus only." Both of his'discourses were eloquent and .inspiring, evan- gelism being the, key note. One of the largest congregations in the his- tory of the -church was present fox the evening service. Chairs were rd by Miss A. Cochrill:, soloist of London_ The altar rail was beautiful - ROOM IL Sr. 3rd.—Marjorie `Medd, Edward Tatllan, Kathleen s�Seaina<n, Marvin ''TWirl 3 111 an i Howey, Donald Glad man, y, Ford, Vera Mooney, Muriel Howald, Pass—Viola Ford, „Pack Gan:brill, Vera Macdonald', Lyle Dinney, Reg- :nald Beavers, Ida Mitchell, Edith Walter's, Doris SaItel, Mabel Wine - garden, Nona Reeder, Muriel Laker,1.. 3' Below' pass---Wanetta Nelson, Golcla Wens, George Webster, t„ 3 Garnet Bea- ver, Stella Northcott. MARRIED LA.TvAP0RT—GOTJLD—At the Dun- das °entre Methodist parsonage on Dec, 1st Miss Merle •0. Gould, Mr, esle Lamport, both. o; to Wesley 1? , Exeter. • While your point of view may 11o1,e correct, remember, it's the ctis•- touter's' that controls the •profit of your business. Mr: Wm. ,' Douglas, of lrucefeld. sold Ilia 67 -acre faun adjoining the village „to 'Mr. •ilo vett. of Altbu •a±. the price being $8,500, and lias. bought a hotise and lot 'in Bruce - field from. Sohn Mustard, and two lots from Mr. Carr. Jr. 3rd.Catherine Woods, Harry' Jennings; Greta, Bloomfield, Alda. Macdonald, 11nrold Sltinxier, Winnie' Bishop. Pass—Jennie Passmore, Al- vin Passnl'ore, Sydney West, Geor- gina Nelson, Hilton Laing, Toni Kay, Clifford Hutchison. Below Bass Maden Powell, Irene Pierlirg, lone I3ea.ver, Stanley Walters, Orval Bea-. vers. , Number enrolled 43; average at- tendance`41.5. J. S. Murray. ROOM` III. -' Si' Payne 90; Dorothy I-larcly, Wm. :Fllerialgton, Wilma Kay 87; Kathleen Reid 86; Madel- ine Dearing 854 Gladys, Ilunkin 81; Witt. Sanders 81; Wnl BalkwiJl 79 Clarence Boyle 79; Dorothy Dinney 79; Harold Macdonald 78; I+Ielson Wells 78; Roy Sanders 76; Chas. Lodder 75'; George Andrews 75. Pass ---Jean Walper,,71.; Clifford Lam- pert 69; Russell Snell 61. Toterinedkite, IT,—Verne Brixmi.- (011 e 81; Violet'Ga,znbrill 75; Miu'y Wells 75, Pass ---Gladys Smith 74; Russell GollingwoNl 72; Ilazela (Continued, on. page four.) k.1 peri' G,aas aiieditveets "iriiite .. i,ee dles�e Raisins Choice Apricots Layer Figs ]l3nllr .d Package Mince, feat CQoli iing, Onions a;uber�rie Late Howes r3irx.; :l:s-4,, 1 4'iz'S'.',,(: "ltel'i'ir,'+' yShAelleca.. Wsilants and .almonds lap sial' .I••'a'anzes No.' 1 Nox•4lxea•xa 3 les Package (J1uston Balisin,s Grape 13'iult Mixed Nuts z' ;i5is1M; li^fit Fr . Seeds Spanish. Onions Candy Main. Phone 102'. 'Two Stores North Pllone 47. arvey & marvey T&tls SOUTH HURON CHORD SOCIETY '1s —Will be sung hi— James Street _Melodist Church EXETER Thursd .y, a F —on— cem 'r 1Sth December , t . At 8 o'clock. SOLOISTS CONTRALTO , . , .. . TENOR ... 1TR.. J. BASS .. ..... ORGANIST.e CONDUCTOR ... , .. ....... . .. 21ISS .RF4NN115, 71 R1Ci1 , , . MRS. BISHOP, iST. MARYS PARNELL MORRIS, LONDON :MR. E. 23 HARDING, LONDON W. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. . , .... MR.. A. W. ANDERTON E_MORI'S OF 170 'VOICES. ADMISSION: THURSDAY, by Ticket only .. , , . , ..... $1.00, and 75 Cents FRIDAY, $1,00, and 75 Cents RUSH SEATS, 50 Cents Tickets on sale for both Performances by Members of the Charms., Street enjoys ,a reputtation, was held in the basement. This was the first 111at rias been held in sevral; years_ e- '}nc; of file luxuriesthat used to cies irnat.e this congregation on stick an lccasin'i which bespoke the origin of e �. 1 the majority of the members, but which. was lacking Monday evening 0 of Devonshire cream. b d d rvastl.eg e n, ¢ fi ] • .`pelt from 1-.116 the ladies �r,o ens tllllllllltlll�l t➢a��ll�!➢le;il l➢l➢l�llll�➢ Ilsl l➢l➢IllJI➢➢1l'�IIIII➢lllr� :1 loll➢lll� =i saaaptaeas repast and close to enP its Dome -,' Theatre \ F n Saturday e Two popular movie stars in a Big Double Program', Charlie Chaplinand Tom Moore —FEATURE— TOM MOORE in 1T F GREAT ACCIDENT" ¢ Comedy: khat 9ie ,h.plrr in "The Cure'. �_5'.m`1's a�'�,e s.,_, 1s„ac o"r� S : .a t atia err .. thousand people wore served be tween five and eight o'clock. Following the slipper rrof. An- derton gave an organ recital that wasgreatly. tlY enjoyed ed i } all. The pastor opened the service and galled on .Rev. G. W. Rivers, of, :ETensall, for prayer. During the eTening Prof. inclerton played several organ solos, opening with ciConcert Fantasia" and including "Variations of Sicilian: Mariners," ,;The. Storm," Ilolswortliy Church Bells,' and others. These numbers showed the 'organ to pos- sess a wide range and it was ably brought out by the organist. The. chimes, the triangle, drum, tam- bourine, etc., am-boarine,:etc., were pleasing varia- tions'. As aneachcre to one of Inc limbers Anderton allayed .a:.. couple of familiar tune and the large gathering were insistent for more. Miss Cocilrill, of London, who assist- ed with the Sunday services, sang during the evening. Ilei' singing cap- tivated the audience and she will ha welcomed back: to Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Rennie; of Ilcnsi-ll, and Messrs. Goodwin and Rennie sang several dllett6, while Messrs. Good- win and McLaren, Mrs. McLaren and 131 s. Rennie favored the congrega- tion with two quartettes. The differ- ent niarithers iffer-entt''nunbors were well received' and Oa h Hsltma , Grek,ti e_ 1 1-r and Feed are showing 7.11 g Olin local sales of Pio satisfa.etory increases and we are sincerely grateful to our'' numerous customers for their trade,' Christmas with all its joys will 54021 be here. Among inc pleasures of the Yule -tide are to be count- ed those delicious pastries, doughnuts, plum padding's, Yes, and 1-1158 weild.erful bread"that the best women in the world will provide for us. order help them take 1lonie a, plentiful supply Tzi cr lel �o 1 p of BIa.rvey's Flour. We believe it -las no superior. Read what a customer told us today, Nov. 28t1i; `A fern weeks ago I bought, 150 pounds of yoli - Manitoba's' Best Flour and now I want 200 :" pounds more of it. It is the hest Flour'tliat ever came into on home and we have used all the best brands sold in t]iisi 1 • dart of the country." 1 1Vo aro i11 the, market to buy Wheat alit Peas. 1N,7vi;311 yon" ,a.Very 1."terry Christmas of unalloyt,]cY. happiness. enchored each tune. The -liolc' affair • was an itnpreeedented success," The procec"cis for both days amounted to $782.. 0,1-1 r� Z74.o Newnan !I I lull ! it ➢ Iilil If9l Q Ii illlllll i Illi Illill �I i i ! I I ! 11 . i I I➢ I➢lf.l➢Ifl! 1[ N � �Ildllll➢Ilii ii � l tkl