HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-24, Page 8QN17 16 . PHONE 16. "TFIE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." "The Hoover Sweeper" dor aC11,,r1§. tinas Present We esn save you TEN DOLLARS on a Hoover. Place your or- der now.•and be 'assured of delivery for Xmas. The HOOVER will preserve'the original beautiful' colors and prolong the life of your, rugs because It f3eats-As It Sweeps—As It. Cleai3e, Stripe Flannelette ill;; ends of Pink ,;and slue Stripes, also Dark Grey Stripes. a good heavy quality. In -the regular way worth 30c per yard. ,e 20e a yard. e•:,1 • Turnbull's Underwe Ve, have afuil range of Ladiies', Misses and Children's Under- wear in Combination and Separate Pieces. Also the famous "Ceetee" . Brand for Men. 1,, Grocery LAUNDRY SOAP, all 6C brands. 10 bars for... BEST ROLLED OATS, 6 3C abs. for SPECIAL BLEND TEA;, 11C per pound . ahJ BROOMS, 4 string, 42 for KELLOGG'S CORN C FLAKES, 5 pkgs. , . $1.00 Plug Large T eeB 7 C Tobacco ,for . Specials PURE LARD, 3-1b. pail CACI for..... BACON, piece or sliced;lC per lb, SPECIAL BLEND COF- 38C FEE, per ib. PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 23C cakes for 35e FANCY SWEET BIS- 20C CUITS, per Ib. CANADA CORN STARCH -- - C per package ...... Sugar, pest Granulated 100 pounds for HIGHEST PRICES A. D FOR ALL PRODUCE ;. v UP -tb-dt,te Furn•itUre Stick • Funeral.•irector $1,Embatiner License' No• 4i7. Auto Ecearse;and' orseEquipment tt , OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ,PHONE, 74J;;'Night call 74W Bj Variety Store CHRISTMAS—Five weeks—As usual our store is full of gifts for young and old. ''' • FANCY CHINA -We never had a finer stock, and prices are down. TOILET ARTICLES•—Mair• Eruhses, Combs,- Mirrors; beautiful goods; prices down. CUT GLASS—Fancy Teapots down. fancy Cups and Saucers, prices DRUG SUNDRIES—Fancy Soaps; lower prices. - GRANITEWARE AND ALUMINUM—Prices down. STATIONERY—Crepe paper, decorations;' bells, etc.` TOYS, DOLLS, etc. Priced to sell. FANCY CHOCOLATES—In packages and loose; Sharpe's Eng- lish Toffee, Nuts, etc,, Fancy budded Walnuts. SUNFISH AND FISH GLOBES. EDISON AND COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS. - owell's Bazaar MUSIC EVERY DAY. GLAD TO SEE YOU. COME. : Vint' Stores9 td. CHAIN GROCERY STORES OF CANADA SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Baking Powder, '1 lb, .' . . Pastry Flour, a bag Special Blend Tea Cottage Rolls, lb'. .. .. ...22c Canadian Cheese, lb. „.....-.,210 Shortening, No. 3 pail . 45c Eagle brand milk, 2 for :.. 45e Orange peel, ib. 37c Iirealtfa,st. Bacon, ib. . . 35C Lard, 2 lbs, . 3 5c lv onsuch Stove Polish 1 - o 5c Loaf Suga •, ib.' 1,0c Dimple Soap, 3 dikes 25e Riverside Tomatoes .. -17c Pure Gold Icings; pkg. 1;1c C.,ei..'.,..'. Y, t`' a F� 7 43e COoltiere Onions 3' lbs SPIeCIA.L BLEND. COFFEE, } 21c 99c 35c Corn Meal, G 1135. .. Lemon peel, Ib. Mincemeat;; lb. Valencia ,Cake ,Seerlless;Raisius,. Ib. . Lemon Crisp Biscuits, lb. Rolled Oats, ,6 l.bs. , Pot Earley, 5 lbs, Citron peel, lb. Picnic Hams, Ib. Shredded Cocoanut, lb, . Icing Sugar, lb. . 25c 37c 19c' 25e 25e 29c 25•, 20c 2Jv toe Grape Fruit Marmalade, pail 65c Lyn Valley Pin 19e Riverside Peas ., 17c, ;,, Spanish � n30ri s 3 Ihs. ...29c Leinon wand 20c • TH XET ;,1 TIMES market Report —The fOlilOWINI t the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat :$1.0Q. e Oats 340 to 40c, Barley 480 to 55e. Manitoba flour $3.90- Family flour 3.80. Shorts, $1,40 per cwt. 'Bran $1.30 per cwt. Feed hour 1,8.0 • Creamery butter 4'3c to 47c. Dairy butter 3,8c to 41c. New laid eggs 75c, Held eggs 40c, Lard 19c, Chickens, under 4 lbs., live 1.0e, dressed 15e.` Chickens,' 4 to 5 lbs., live, 14c, dressed 19c. Chickens, over 5 lbs., live 18c, dressed 23c. Hens, under 4 lbs., live 9c, dressed 14e. Hens, 4 to 5 lbs., live 12e, dressed 17e. 1 -lens, over, 5 lbs., live .16c, dressed 21c. Old roosters, live 9c, dressed' 14e ;:Bucks, live 1,6c, dressed 23c, with heads 22c. , Geese, .live 15c, dressed ,22c, with heads 2.1c., Turkeys, •live 26c, dressed 32c. Young turkeys, live 28c, dressed 37c. Hogs $8.25, LOCAL With the Churches CAVEN PRESBYTEitIAN ,OYiiURV1l, Rev. James. E cote, B. A., `Minister ; 10 ani.—Sunday :school and Bible Classes, 11 a.m.—"The pian who was deter- mined to see what Jesus was like." —The > Minister 7 P.m.—Devotional service" by the Guild. Mr. F. W, Gladmaii will speak, Special music. All wel- come. --The , •Minister:.. Boy Scouts, will ,meet at the,' chn}'ebb Friday evening at 7:30.- , JAMES -STREET MEICMODIST pwile®n; B.A.. rastor. .11- aein.—:"Lifer Black, White and Grey " 3 p.m,=„Sunday'Sebool and Bible, Classes:, ? p.m.—"Stolen from Death. , .DEC. 4th:—Opening ", of new Organ. • 'Rev,' -J. W. Hibbert, 'preacher. A` hot ':fowl supper Dec. ' 5th "Keep- the 'dates open. 11SAEw:-ST. •METIiOI)IST CHURCH Rev.. Geo. lifeAlister, M. A. • (Phone 21, r3.)” • ® 11 a.m.—'The Christmas Portion." • ®�®®mel ®�l0+66�� 7 p.m.—'The Chief Publican." SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN Tea meeting Friday. Tea 6 to 8 MILLINERY. P• m.. An excellent assortment of smart styles in silk velvet Hats valued as high: as $9.00,, $10.00 and $12.00,,; we will sell at $2.98 each. Shop early and get your choice. With every purchase of one -dol- lar or over we will give one doll's hat free. We also have a limited number of fancy articles suitable for Xmas gifts. T. V. CURLISS., BETHANY 2.30 p.m —"The Christian Million sine YE. OLDE TIME TEA MEETING MAIN ST, CHURCH - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. • Supper- servWl from 6 `o'clock. Pro' - gram at 8. Miss Jean. Walker, reader, also solos by Mrs. (Rev.) Foote,•Mies Huston and ,Mies Follick, and ;sing- song, fer everyone to n join. ADMISSION: 40e and 25o.., ,.. A baseLburner coal 'heater, a cosi -or wood heater and a. double set of light harness nearly new wili''5€ of fereefoi?sale'' `tty " aitc'tion` a: 'tlie Met bpolitan Hotel on Saturday, Nov. 2'6thx -Frank, TayloresAuctinneere Mrs. Wen::, Nortlicott• - is !;;.visiting with reiatii:es in London. ig Patronize; -the Country Store at the Trivitt Memorial; Bazaar, :Dec,::24st; Mr. Wm. Northcott' has returned Erorii a- deer --hunt in Northern On- tatio. ^ . ; "Mrs: E. Irwin, of London, visited her -parents,' IVIr.' and 'Mrs. Tc Bissett this week . Mrs. -Thornton of ,Windsor, spent the week -end with her . yother„ Mrs. S.:Handtord - Mrs. Whyte, nurse, •is. quite ill; at the home of her mother, .,Mrs. -,,,J.. Westlake, Sanders St.., _ , , Revt and Mrs. .T:. W. Blatchford were the guests of Mr: • and Mrs. ,I`. Blatchford over Sunday. Mr. ,John Hunter returned, last week after spending a couple of weeks in Northern Ontario. Master Grant Sanders pleasantly entertained a number of his friends on Friday evening of last week. Auction sale of a decorated Christ- mas Tree at 5 pen., Trivitt Memorial Bazaar. - Miss Blanche Senior, of town, sang a solo at the Thanksgiving service of the Ryerson Methodist Church, Ham- , am- Ilton, . - - 'Mrs..James' ;-Beverley and Mre. 5TcNicol arrived- home thisweek after an' extended visit at Fillmore;' ,Sisk. aaid`pther places. Mr. Milton Pfaff took~` over his new duties as postmaster' for -Exeter on -,'Wednesday or last week. Mr. E. Christie has s been engaged as assist- ant' for three months.' ' Mr. F. H. Cattel, of Walton, has been relieving at the Canadian Bank of Commerce,• owing to the illness of Mr. Rankin, who has been on sick leave at his home in Seaforth. The installation of tee new pipe organ in James Street Methodist church is proceeding rapidly and will soon be completed. There are •three organ , chambers and altogether there are about fifteen hundred pipes. The services of the church last Sabbath were held in the basement. A meeting in the interests of the Liboral party was Iielcl in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening of last week. The hall pas packed for the occasion. Mr. F. W. Gladman acted as chairman. Mr; Thos. McMillan, the Liberal Candidate in South Eluron, gave a very able address as aid' -also; Mr. J. C. Elliott, eat-M.P.P. of Middlesex. A political meeting in the Interests of Mr.' BIaok, U.F.O. Candidate in a Huron was held in the Opera House Tuesday evening; There was .a large; crowd present', Mr. W. G. Medd, act- ed as chairman,. Mr: Andrew flicks M.P.P., :tU. r. John Scott and Mr.. Slack a ddressed :the meeting on • the political issues of the day. Vocal solos Were rendered by Alisses ;aret Moddio V ernt• Eeeer and Mar - '01) `Neil.°'miss Eathleeif :Elrcks4`'gave citation. Y.P.C.A. ., Friday night open to ladies and gentlemen; The James; St. League will give a program at the "Y" on Tuesday evening , Nov. 29th at 8 'p.ra. Let all members of the Y try to be present. SALVATION. ARMY SERVICES. Suiiitay—Town Halle, 11 'ant. I%li ness meeting;' 2.30` -p. m. Sunday Sehool; 7 pm." Salvation meeting. (Gen air service at 3 p.m.' in the North. e";Tueeday*; 8tap:me .Cottage meeting Ihlline-i :Mit 1: Webster in' the' North p3tid.: • Thursday,. 'and''; •'Frida-y, Hensall; Centralia- a-nd- Crediton visited. Capt.- Mme it ivray e Lieut Parnell • t !, Fl I • .. , -• r iE iREAl L - FOR EVE' '1dIG`'r'P TIES. ' Anyone, Wanting-" ice` -.-cream in bricks,' either+srialfe, walnut, straw- berry' of' vanil1h;,for evening parties, phori'e, or leaVg your order' with"C. iVI.LSON,,.F;iiaiie 56. -• .,:xnt:,i;�r - `LO`ST—Bet :vgen (Z✓xeter %a`nd Elim ville, a parcelt eMitiiiniiig six pieces of -fleeced-lined underwear: ` Finder Blease notify 1Wi'mes Ofilee:. Reserve ••Deceinber•'115th `and 16th foreHanders Messiah in James St. Ohurelfi Tfekets far -sale byttIie titem- ber5 fsef•;the Cheri s. Y , -. h, , • HOUSE 1~'t SALE -Good frame 'house'and lot -situated on 'Station ` street.for sale; 'geed • well water, stat3l`e,' fruit'ttees, etc.; on premises. For, particulars apply to.' Julius So- kolof, Junk Dealer, Exeter:" CARTING-,', AND' DRAYING--All kinds of furniture moved,and elated. No • job -too ,small.: At your .`service. Wm. Gardiner, Phone 74j: - FOUND ;The outer circle for headlight of a large' auto. Owner can have -same by paying for-advt. Apply at Times' office. STRAYED—On ;Nov. lst, a . red. and white year-old steer with horns, :'strayed onto lot 26'concession 1, Us- bbrne, Owner may-. 'have • Same by Proving : property :Wand paying 'ex- penses: MEETING OF ` HURON -T COLLA .��; COUNCIL. CIL.: The Council of the •Corporation of the County of Huron will' rpeet, iia. the Council' Chamber;: Goderich, :'at' 3 o'clock in the-'`afternoda of Wed- uesday,the 7th -'day of December, 1921...All - accounts against the County must .bein the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday pre-) ceding the meeting, of Council- ` GEO. +W. HOLMAN County Clerk. Goderich, Nov.''18"1921. Remember the Trivitt Memorial Church Bazaar in, the •: S. S. iislI, Fri- day, Dec. 2nd. at,3-,p.m. Adnissicn• t5c, 'iincluding afternoon tea. St. Peter's Church,• Hamilton, Was the scene of a bright autumn wed- ding when Marion. Hazel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Winn; became the Wife of Mr. Leslie Senior A lefor d only n son of. + y Mr. and Mee.;� , Wm. Appleforci, of Hamilton, and nephew of Mr. Jos: Senior, of Exeter. Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, performed the\ ceremony •in the presence of about sixty guests. Miss Hazel 'Burton pre- sided, at the organ. Lrfes Blanche' Senior. sang "0, Fair, 0 Sweet and holy during the sighing of the reg- ister. g ister. 'Miss Il•elea Patientia E was) bridesmaid: Little Abse Leslie Senior of Toronto -was; flower girl. r Geo. Geeatrix i ,see aper r� Pp, ed tlie', groom. }�T . M... 'Mr. Maurice Senior' oil' L+'xbter`aiidMr.. It.. itasimmon, Jr:, acted as ushers. b z • ,1{yl b;; a 4, ♦MI,l.,.ER� il2 4{.1%, 1921 {9 112 1 , IMiIIIIIIIII�IIIdI�II�IiNII�Ylllllllll�{�{IIID{IIIMII{Ili{II({Iliul{{rl{I{l{�pl�llllllll{{{�Illllil�Tll�IWEIISD11A11YM,1, NOV {E11•1 1 Inman tam! On.rw 4 osimrst Mesons alsommis Manama Cr auva -{I1111111i1II{111{111iii1{1111{I1illl11111N11111{IIli1111111111111111111111110111111i MISSE: LADIES' ED COATS We are showing some splendid styles and havereduced the price on every•coat.' If' are interested in a coatdon't � . •8ai1 to see our values. GOOD .COATS$15.00 to $45.00. ALL WOOL J$�+'IE:SEYS Fqr the : little `chaps. In colors of -brown or, blue They are all wool with dome f•fastehers. on shoulder. $200 and $2.25. 1E3OYS ALL WOOL SUITS,,,, Just arrived! An all wool Brown Tweed Suit, just the •thing- for boys for,best 'or'••scliool wear.;" ; [l1 sizes. Extra valtie",$9:75. • _. ,,µ'Vi ,,. . obber xner I�eav R __-sand n`l�b�er �` � � cots You will need them this weather. In buying this well-known brand you get a boot that will give satisfactory wear. Ask any man who has worn them. Prices $3.50 to $6.50. 'LEATHER HOSE.. In new shades and weaves. They -are all wool and are reasonably priced. Per pair $1.25. NEW SPATS. In the popular shades. They come in two heights, 10 and 12 buttons: At per pair, $2.25 and ,$2.50. �uthc�-tt Bros N ammoot maxim omarile 1.00,118 Ie R. CARLING B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 'Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsois Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial ''and ' - ''Municipal Boads, s Legal - investment for Trust Funds. At exis:ttng 1?rices,;, r from 6 per:cent to 7 per can be AbSbtaitied`'fromo these bonds.- 'Orders onds.'Orders received by me. :1 r>; • Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. ,OFFICE— Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER; ONT. Found A place where four -string brooms can be bought for 40c. These brooms will be sold at this price' for one week only. We are offering special bargains every week. WILSON'S GROCERY Cash and Carry Phone 56. ENSILAGE FOR SAI.-. The sill at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage will be sold at 0.4.50 per ton, the purchaser paying for weighing on R. G. Seldon's scale. Payment for ensilage to be made the "first of each month at the factory. Your storage battery needs spe- cial attention at this time of - the year. We have space equipment" for properly -taking care of batteries oyer' winter. Let us take care of yOnrs:—W. J. BEER. o 4, and by appointment. Office ---William and • Sanders' Sts. New iron pumps and fittings in Phone 43. ,, ' stock. Iron or wood puxnps 'repair- ed;. wells pumped' out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. .+ ®r°Men Who'Would e We have a wide range et Suitings front which topick o your Fall and Winter Suit. Prices areAreevn considerable. • ;, I3ORSALINTOAND RING HATS. A good;•range of...the-latese- l:ats and ;Caps.:• SHIRTS AND NECKICH,AR. We have a specially attractive line ,in Men sShu ts. Also Ties and Collars in the newest shades and shapes. ec IJNDERW.EAR. You will; soon be thinking of heavier underwear. We have the different weights for cooler weather. Combination and two piece. READY-TO-WEAR SLT1TS AND OVERCOATS. A wide range of nifty up-to-date'Suits and Overcoats. Come in, and look them over. W. ® 9� s ` AMAN PHONE --- DTI JOHN ,ARD. 9 - Chiaoei ,citfc d', Electilenl Treatments q> ;, 1, for Chr .- i ,,,e • , ,.• .` ` . slut and.Nerous Diseases. BEFORE POUR FURNI- S ectacl ' v' p `b ent"Iicall- fitted. Hours URE CALL AND SEE THE BAR- GAINS to 12 2 t GAINS WE ARE OFFERING IR - ALL LINES. • We ere -agents in Exeter for ! the 4,ppleford' •Counter Check I3ook Co. Place your order through the Times. Call us up 'and, we will be glad ,;to show you samples. LOST—A white glove near James Street Church, Finder kindly leave 'at Times office. Dray rid Baggage ANYTHING' YOU HAVE .TO MOVE i WsI7 MOVE IT REASONABLY MOT Y MOTOR TRUCK. AND ITOZtSL DRA'i AT YOUR SERVICE >1 AUTO LIVERY ee = oree <tnd:,;Vivei yii'ons t iceclo adshaw & Easton Cochrane Machine Works Cylinders re -ground and rings and pistons fitted. - Grinder Plates re -ground . T. II. ELLIOTT IS OUT EOR BUSINIL.SS . " My aim is—Your patronage: M: Y motto— Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' Suits, cleaned and pressed e $L50 Men• 's Suits, pressed only;. . , .75 Men's suits, cleaned• and pressed • .. ... . $1:00 to' $1.56 Ladies' .suits dyed $4.50 Men;s suits dyed , . .. 4,50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned . $2.00 Men'' s suits dry C lean od . $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry cleaned $2,00 Men's overcoats dry' cleaned, . ;2,0 w 0 I' tio all kind of repairiti • ,I- also li't theagency for ',the Forest City Laundry, London, 'Ont.- At your service. R. N. Rowe Funeral Director and EmbaIiner.. Phone 20J and 20W. A. E. TENNANT `'eterinar y Surgeon Office—McDonnell's Sales Stables on.' John St. Phone calls receive pr attention. Phone 26w prompt ompt' THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate 01.50 a year. ADVE.1i.TISINQ RATES Display A y d e v rti sin — on application. g Made known' Stray Animals --One insertion s tion 50ar three insertions for 01,00 Farm m o r Real Estate. for sale 50e each insertion for one- insertion. month of tour Miscellaneous articles of not . more, than five lines, For Sale, ' To Rent. ' Wanted, each insertion.' and found locals 25c. 50c, Lost Lo CA Ir reading line g notices etc., 1.6r per per er :insertion, No '•'+no't)cca lee `:. than 25c..Card 'of'Thanks 860. ; Auction' sales`' $3 -for o• lneertiort and 31:50 ,for =each subsequent in- sertion If Under, five inches iii length. ,. Legal advertising' ,19e, 'rind " 5e a line: