HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-24, Page 71,
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Prince of Wales Received With a Turnulttlous Demontre.,-
tion 1...Inpreceden4ecl in the History of Bombay—Bear-
ing and Manner of Heir to the Throne Create
Best Impression.
A despatch from London says:—
Renter's correspondent -with the.
Prince of Wales, M a long detailed
&spa:FA, describes the reception of
the Prince by the populace of Bonaba.y
when he landed and during the four -
mile circuitous procession through the
eity• The splendid military eortege
at 'various •paints along the route
touched the fringe of the native
bazaar, where there was turrialtoue-
erthusiaern unprecedented in the his-
tory of ,Bornbay. '
The route of the procession was unveil Malroatta War Mem-
lined with British and Indian 'troops. oriel. He will attend the races in the
A public holiday had been declared afternoon,- and will then return to
and all the inhabitants closed their Bombay. Among his engagements in
shops and lined into the .streets to BentbaY will 'be his attendance at the
greet the Prince, whose manner and quadrangular cricket match (so called
bearing made a great impression. from the cempetition of. Eneopean,
The correspondent adds that, al- Parsee, Mohammedan. and Hindu
though•the political atmosphere in eleverue),and the sports tournament
inbay is rather, tense, the tour of of the great Bombay Maidan.
-Prince is eeesidered to have open- The PriTICQ Will leave BOTribay on
e 'with splendid promise., the night of Nov. 22 for Baeoda, which
13oinhay correspondent of The last received a visit from the then
London Times says ,the non-co-oper- Prince of Wales in 1875. After some
etionists had made the utmost efforts f,orinal engagements in Barada, the
ibgrender the boycott of the Prince Prince will go into the country and
oftWales' visit effective, Mit the only eve some black -buck shooting." He
result was an overwhelming and will then proceed to Udaipura whose
tmirtiltuous reception, passing all pas- venerable Maharaja is considered the
sible expectations. leading /atter in Rajputana,, on account
Experts say it will be a severe blow both of his legendary descent from
tci Gandhi and his party of discontent, the semi -divine Rama and the great
but the correspondent refrains from traditions of chivalry associated with
prediction. At the moment of the the ruling house. Theough all the
dernonstratioh Ganhi himself•w•as generations of Mogul domination it,
somewhere in Bombay, hut is•report- was.. the only ruling Rajput family
ed to have been assisting ,at "a farci- which gave no daughter in naaniage
cal bonfire of imported clothing." to any member ef the Mohammedan
His Royal ,Highness the Prince of Imperial' dynaSty.
'Wales will have a strenuous tin -ie The Prince will spend a couple of
during his four months' stay in India, days in the Valleys not far frorn the
beginning with Bombay, where the palace of -the Maharaja, shooting leo-
battle-cruiser Renown, on which he partite and possibly sonie other big
sailed from England on October 27;
arrived on Nov. 16. He was greet- The Prince's, visit to Patha, the
ed by Lord Reading, the Viceroy, and youngest of the British Provinces,
the ruling Princes on the staff of his will he of historic interest, as it will
Royal Highness. The hitia1 cere- be the first time that a mernber of
mony upon his landing at the Gate- the Royal house will be the guest of
way of India, on. the Blinder, which an Indian Governor,in the person of
was built to.commernorate the durbar Lord Sinha. There will be a durbar
visit of the King and Queen, was the at Patna.
presentation of an address by the
Bombay municipality. A state drive
through the city to Government House
at Malabar Peint Was followed in the
evening by a reception, preeeded by
a quiet dinner. On Thursday morn-
ing the Prince held a durbar of the
ruling Princes. A dinner and ball at
Government House at night concluded
the Prince's initial visit in I3ornbay,
and shortly after midnight he left for
a After. a public Weleonae to the
Prince in Poona his Reiyal Highnes
will the
1 )1,10R.I7D.e)
13 Nil 14.
- --
AR4k`( UP,
I HOVE:tin 1.(111e,s,
f',IlIZee....-!--att• •
Seven Miles o)...E.els
aported tie, New York
'despatch :Crain New York says:—
Seven miles of eels., valued at $100,-
000, reached this city on Thursday
from Quebec in three spacially con-
tracted tit-ma:ems,. so arranged that
il water -will flow le and out of the ves-
sels at all 'times, keeping the squirm-
Possibly in the stress of other
things the residents ef this city have.
failed to note a dearth of eels'in the
local market. Dealers assert that for
a long time there has been a startling
absence of eels from the local fish.
• stalls, and that to overcome the eel
famine 200;000 of the finest kind of
silver eels, from near the mouth of ,
the St. Lawrence River, were ordered
captured and forwarded here without
regard to cost.
When the nerves becomc unstrung;
the hands shaky; you can't steep, and
.you are practically on the yerge of nes-
VOUS prostration, then is ' the tune ttakeo
They regulate arid stimulate the hart,,
and strengthen and restore the whole
nervous system.
Mr. Fred W. Watson, Newport,
N.S., writes:—"I have beeu troubled
for severe, years with nervous head-
aches and they were so bad I could'
laot sleep at nights. My hands got
so shaky I could hardly hold anything
1 lbaurtnsie
end told e to try Mil-
erve Pblentstisoig°1
to get
exteneion service, and they do not
71---58;• 1-1.ad continued
after ued to use More, forget that, 'at that univeesity, yOun
1 g
nd new I am no more,. bothered with reen aad women ,are being trained to
Dar to Improvement in Great
Britain's Foreign 'Trade
A despatch from New York says:—
British exchange, as reported by the
pound sterling, rose to a fraction ever
$4 for demand.bills in this market on
Thursday. This is the 'highest quota-
tion in over six months and equals a,
gain. of six cents from the low quo-
tation of the week.
The rise again was a.ssociated with
developments at the Armarnent Cow
fence in Washington, as well as
improvement in Great Britain's for-
eign trade balance.
French and other leading Contin-
ental remittances also strengthened,
and Ge-rman marks, which recently
reached their most acute' statge of de-
moralization, were relatively firm.
University Spirit
"There's no use betting on a uni-
versity team,. University boys always
play to win," said a more or less pro-
fessional "sportsman" apropos of the
rugby games played at the ttniversity
of Toronto stadium. This rrtan has
an insight en.to the spirit which is pro7
duced by university athletics. Uni-
versity boys play 'hard, are glad to
win, are good losers,"if they lose and
they do not resort to "shady" tricks.
They are trained to be above that sort
of thing: Not- tbe winning •of the
game, primarilY, hut good., clean sport
is their objective. And what a valu-
able asset that spirit is to an' inch-
A despatch from • Washington
says:—Admiral Baron Kate, head of
the Japanese delegation to the art-ill:i-
ntent conference, announced on Thurs-
cla'y that Japan would ask modifica-
tion of, the TJnited States, -naval limi-
tation prograine which 'would permit
Japan to maintain a "general tonnage
slightly greater •than sixty per cent."
of that of each of the other two
Japan would also ask, Baron Kato
said, for the right to maintain "a
type of. vessel of strictly defensive
character," with tonnage approximat-
ing that maintained by the other two
A. st:atement issued by Baron Kato
.of her geographical posi-
tion, Japan deerns it only fair at the
present time that the other interested
countries should agree that she should
maintain a, proportion in 'general ton-
nage slightly greater than sixty per
cent., and, in a type of vessel of strict-
ly defensive character, she might even
desire to approximate that of' the
greater navies."
Baron Kato's statement was made
at a conferenee..witb newspaper cor-
respondents, but he would not give
details 'as to the modifications ,his
delegation would -submit, saying this
win for the conference to discuse. It
Was assumed generally, however, that
the "slightlY greater" general tonnage
that Japanese desired would include
the battleship Matsu, probably just.
eohnnissioned and that the type of
defensive ve.ssel referred. to was a
light cruiser suitable for .policing the
watens of the Orient` -against pirates
and the like,
The Mutsu is a ship of some 33,000
tors, armed with eight 16 -inch rifles.
She is comparable, to the United
States Maryland class and, according
to Secretary Hughes' ,program, each,
nation would 'retain but one ship in
this °Ms's. Great 13ritairehas no bat-
tleships of this type. If ;the Mutsu
is later added to the shipe Japan is to
retain, she will make the second 16 -
inch gun ship for Japan, and it was
assumed that if this was granted, the
United States delegation would desire
to retain the West Virginia, of similar
characteristics, to :be launehed next
Admiral Kato made his statement
in the presenceof M. Haniha-ra, the
vice -Minister for Foreign Affairs, and
several other members of the Japan -
ale 1 -le was then asked to
define ince claerly what he meant in
stating that "in a type of vessel ef
etrictly defensive character sl.e Might ilt2v1,11:s' 1914t°'429c.'-` triPlets' 2°'"ee'
41 Old, tlarge, z5 to 26c; twins.
desare ,to appro)Ornate that of the ee ioeeaeteo. triPlets, ,26 to 27ei
gi•eate,r navies," had in, reply, eaid he Stiltons, new, 23 to 24e: • .
wanted to make perfeetly clear dairy, eherce, 33 to
the above reseryatien did. not appleti35e; creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1,
to capital ships but to other ships of, 41 to 420; No, 2,' 39 'to 40c; cooking,
• ' • 22.to 24c. •
defensive alio:teeter.'
rcssed -Spring •chickens.,
The Lea kets
Manitoba wheat—No, 1 N,orthern,
$1.179a No. 2 Northern, $1.14%; No.
3, $1.03'1/L. ;
Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 5114,c;
No. 3 CW, 47e; extra, No, 1,feed, 47e;
No .1 feed, 45c; No. 2 feed, 42c.
1VIaailtoba barley—No. 3 CW, 65c;
No. 4 -..CW, 69c.
All 'the above, track, Bay ports.
American corn—No, 2 'yellow, 158c,
Bay ports.
Ontario.' oa,ts---No. 2 white, 38 to
Ontario wheat—No. 2 Winter, per
car lot. $1 to $1.05; No. 3 Winter, 97c
to $1.02; No. 1 commercial, 90c to
$1.01; No. 2, Spring, 93 to 98c;' No. 3
Spring, nominal.
13arley-e-Ne: extra, test 47 lbs. or
better, 53 to 56c, according to freights
outside. .
Buckwheat--No.,2, 60 to 65c.
Rye—No. 2, 75c. .
Manitoba fl'our--:-Fieet, pats:, $7.30;
second 'pats:, ."$6.80, Toi-onto. .
Ontario flour:44.60, built, seaboard.
• .Millfeed—Del,' Montreal freight
bags included: Bran, per ton, $22;
shorts, per'tore $24;"Igaidd feed flour, United States needs of the more than
$1.70 to $1.80. -
-.Straw—Car lot.s, per tort, $12. : :
• • : ; 40,000 nautical nines of coaStline to
B,aled Hay—Track, Toronto, per be protected and of the need of the
Chee,sea--Neev larg ' 19; c fleet in underwater craft.being
the figure arrive at as necessary or
.'•dThat. .f
ton, No. 2, $22; mixed; $18.
` ' e' 1.9 t° ''''; . defensive purposes, and to round` out
the 'fleet, it was entirely agreeable to
the United 'States that Great Britain
should keep the same tonnage. ,
United States naval officers, wholly
disagree with the suggestion of the
thatthienre $.ins bnaliaixymeisnh_ernenatt keep
British characteristicothers waiting for the. :nonce
of civeizet • .. .1 1
urvirr Itis OF SUBS
Base OPPosition to ,Sublners7
ibles on Humanitarian
A cleepatch from Washington
says :—G reat Britain's tipathy to
solar/tat-lees as, a naval weapon :still
loomed on Thur,sday as the outstand-
ing point of dieag-reement between
the British and United Stas points,
of, view in cenneition with future re-
stricted naval' programs.
The submarine que.stion is being
stressed beyond any other in unotifi-
sial discussion ia conference eireles,I
•and views of the two powers are so,
far aPart that it Seems likely extend-
ed consideration must be given before I
a nuAtual agreement can be reached. I
In the .1tritish vievv, submariries1
shou).d be abolished entirely, as an
improper naval weapon. A wide range
of subjects have been covered to,stip-
'port th.at position.
' In the United States view, submar-
ines, properly used,,are as legitimate
a nav,a1 weapon, as battleships. No
‘British argument yet presented has
shaken that conviction, so far as can
be tpj.q.
The British delegation apparently
doe's not expect an agreement to-aban-
den submarines. There is nothing to
indicate that it has presented or will
present any such proposal in a formel
way. Failing thatehowever, the Brit-
ish Mei-name a project to limit
the 'United States and Great Britain
to probably 46,000 tOT1S in .subma-rines,
instead of the 90,000 tons each pro-
posed by the United States. Coupled
with the preposal will :be a fennel
suggestion te limit the size of itedit
tons. '
vidual submarines, perhaps , to 250
The United States viewpoint rejects
sugges- out of naturalization papers to quaiify
immediately both of these
The .90,000 -ton aggregate limitation as one of the body politic in tbe land .
proposed' by the United States dee- of the brave and the free. Citzenehip
gation was derived from a study of ply
ys aonduEtyleefteironevDeia-yy,eibtinztent,hrreotwtnii;
year round, and it is a duty that is
social and not merely political.
To be a good citizen is to be a good
friend and neighbor, It is to manifest
loyalty and integrity in business re-
latior,s. Good eitdeenship acts to build
up not alone the prosperity of -.a pri-
vate concern, but the welfeee.ef ,corn-
ineree and trade in general.
The good ei tizen singly or corpor-
ately, pays his debts. He does not
Mothers should never negleet whoop-,
kg cough, and ea the first sign of ibis
disease we would advise the use of Dr,
Weed's Not way Pine Syrup. This famous
remedy will cleer the bronchi:11 tubes et
the collected tramous and phlegm, and
ia thisytl • k°cough
way case wiac
in a short time, make it disappear entire -
Mrs, 5. W. Mortimer, 25 -6th Ave.
ffest, Vancaniver, writes:—"ViThen
• my little giri was bora she was not very
strong, and whe,n she was three months
old we moved into a damp house. A
few days a.fter we were settle il she beeatne
very ill. I called in a doctor and he said
she had whooping cough and. bronchitis.
He gave me medicine for her, hut still
I saw no change, in fact, she seemed to
get worse and several times I thought
she was dead as she used to go black iri
'the face aad stiffen right out, and I was
nearly crazy for fear she wtuld die. A
friend of mine asked me to try a bottle
of, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as
she had •three children of her own. I
took her advice, and after giving nay lit-
tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot
better, and when the bottle was finished
she was well again,"
Price, 35e. a.nd 60c. a bottle; put up
only by The T.:Milburn Co., 1,imited,
Toronto.;. Ont.
Citizenship is a mach more eon.
siderable affair than registering and
voting. It goes far be -vend the taking
Ulster Firmly Maintains
the StandTaken
A despatch from' London says:—
Ulster's reply to the latest British
Government- ccimniumeatibn on",^ ,the
question el an Irish'. settlement was
dbliverecl at Downing Street on Thurs-
day afternoon. It inclio,ates that ,T_TI-
ster stands .firm in 'the' 'attitude she
ha.s taken and will not submit:to 'any-
thing considered a viodetien of her
rights. ,,
This lovely tittle- dell thetsaneal emir
and eyes that open. and shut. She
wears a lovely,dre,ste and hat, shoes
-and stockings,. She is, just 12 'inches
tall and haa joirite,c1. and:arms.
' Just seed as yeue.name.and addsre. s,
Admiralty Will Retire
280 Officers
A despatch from London says:—In,
corneetion. with its, neliey of • retrench-
ment.:in adinheistrativa, 'altpenditures,.
'the British 'admiralty ,resolved td
retire 'on -''pensions eighty na,v,a1 cap-
tains and 200 commanders early next
. , .
year, according to the .Evening News.
These •retirements would not involve
taking more ships out of commission,
it :was said, and if the Washington
Ceriference agrees „on • the United
States naval restridion. pro.gram,
further reduction in the, admiralty's
personnel are con,templated. ,
ricexidiarY -Sentenced ,
to 20 40 Year Term.-
• -
• A despatch from New York says:--,
:Raphael B.oeca,gna, •41, a' cobbler, of
' 3886:Thiad Ave., The Bronx, convicted
of first degree arson last week for
having set a fire in the Idtchen of his
home July 6, last which en,dang•erecl
the lives of twenty-five families in
the Itouse, was sentenced in Bronx
County Court to twenty to f-orty years
in Sing Sing.
"I eegret," s'aicl Judge Louie D.
Gibbs, "that the laive does not permit
me to send you to the el.Ectric chair
or give you• -
The fire was cliscovered'in tim,e and
no one was injured,.
Inje'ction of Okigen' -
Enables Mtn to Soar
A despatch. from Paris says:—
'Flight to verified altitudes, and ever
vidnal! The. people of Ontario are .and send You. •ThPee Dellairs to.the nuoon, is now poesible for hu -
proud of their provincial university, werth of our lovelyembe2e'ed Xriloz man be‘ings without being equipped
el its excellent teaching, of ibs silc_ postcards to sell at ten, 'cents a `Pack-, with 'special breathing tanists, through
cess in research of its widespread oaugev.inoWneliyenantahewyea;ents8o4,,d ayto'niad thues a disoonory by which has
been compunicated to,_ the Pasteur In -
lovely Dail, wipe:all charges 'prepaid.
• . If You prefer it we W.1.11cin
d• you -a .'stitute. An injection of, oxygen re -
School Set, or Flashlight,- r Fountain Places the artificial resPir•abory tanks
nervoesness, and would recommend them
to arty one who has nerve trouble."
Price 56c. a box at all' dealers, or
mailed direct en receipt of price by the
1Vrilliarn Co., Limited, :Toronto,
Ont. '
be citizens of the highest order, pn- Pen, or Pen Knife, or 'Mouth organ hitherto in use Dr. ,Pia etre has
suspicious and above ,sest;ioion, ho'etese tns,tead of the Doll. , proved the fea-Sa• Y - bilitt- of his discovery
iimd upright, and that the training Address , ere as_
in sports -arid gereral athletics is help- Toronto Derv% „,„ ce. nded 18,000 feet without the slight-
' laY its use in the Allis v-11 h
ing to Proclace that type of citizen, • eet difficulty.
It's a Great L,ife*if Yon Don't VVe-ken
makes them unarnenable to the rules they have earned and therefore own,
Iwarfare.It is pointed He has an instinctive horror of bar -
out that the 'United States thrashed, rowing without a definite and under -
Gut that question with Germany lie- steed prospect ef rep,atenetat.
fere German disiegarl of the view He keeps his appointments. He le -
that submarines could be controlled spects the -right af other men to the
brought the United States into the same consideration from him that he
war.' A hatileshiP or cruiser could be wants from them. feels- that as
guilty of just •ae, grave violations of each man does his part ie true to his
the requirements of humanity, even• own` trust, minds his own bueiness,
in war, it is argued, and the fact that is responsible and eeliable in -hie &WTI
submersibles have a quality of limited person, the average lee -el of credit
visibility does not deny them a 1)1"c and prestige for the whole stemmunity
in legitimate warfare.,
30 to 35c; moostMs;e20 •tb 25c; fowl,
28c; ducklings', 30 to 35c; turkeys;
50 to 60ce geeee, 27c, . --;
Live poultry—Spring chickens. 20
to 35c; roosters, 20 to 25c; fowl,•25 to
28c• 'ducklings, 23 to 32c; turkeys,
...d to 50c; geese, 25 to 27c.
Margalanc-23 to 25c.
Eggs:. -No. 1 storage, 45 to 46e; se-
lect tetprage, 51, to 52e; .new- laid
straights,„8e to 88c; new laid, in car-
tons, 88 t� '90c. -
Beans—Can. hand-picked, bushel.,
$4 to $4.25; primes. $3.50 tca$3,75.
Maple Proditcts-L-Syru,p, ' per'
gal., $2.50; per. 5 imp. gals., $2.35;
maple sugar, lb., 19 to 22c. ,•
,Honey -60 -30 -lb. tins, 1414,ito 15c
per lb.; 5-21/2-1b. tins, 16 to 17e per
lb.; • Ontario comb . honey, per doz.,
• ;-
Choice hyy steers, $6 to $7; butcher
steel's, choice. $6 to $6.50;ado, good $5
te,$6; do, med., $4, to $4:50; do, com.,
.$2.50 to $3.60; butcher heifers, choice,
$5.50 to $6; 'butcher cows, chOice, $4
to $4.75; do, med., $3 to $4; earners
an(' cutters. $1.50 to. $2:50; butcher
good, ,$3.50 to $4; do, com., $2.50
to $3.50; feeders, geed, 900 lbs., $5 to
$5.50; do, fair, $4.50 to $5; stockers,
good, $4• to $4.50; do, fair; $3 to $4-
‘milleers;' $60 to $80; • springers... $70
to $90; calves, choice, $10 to $11; do,
leech, 8.8 to $10; do, com., $3 to $7;
'lambs, good, $8.50 to $9; do, corn., $5
Ito $5.50; shee,p, choice, $4 to $4.50;
, L
d • d, S`" 50 t $4.• do, heavy'
bucks, $2 to $8; hogs, fed and watered,
$9; do, off 'cars,. $9,50; do, f.o.b., $8.50;
do, country poirute, $8.25.
pats, Can. West. No. 2, 56Y2 to 57c;
do, No. 3, 551/2 to 56c. Flour, Man.
spring wheel, pats., firsts, $7,.4.0..Rell-
ed- oat, bag 90 lbs., $2.80 to $2.95.
Bran, $.22.25. Sheets., $24.25. Hay,
No. 2, per ton, ear, lots, $27 to $28'.h. ,
Cheese, finest Eaeterns, 171/2 to 18.c.'
Butter) choice.st 'creamery, 40 to 41c.
Eggs. selected,, 50 to 52c.
Med. steers, $5; poor, $2 to $3,50;
caaners, $1.25; gond veal calves, $10;
pail -fed calves, $7' to $8; grassers,
$2.50. Hogs; select
s, $9.35.
Living Au.stria is now 98 times
castry as in 1914
r_ _
The 1911 census gives the Previnee
'of Alberta a Popul.ation of 531,995., as
compared with 374,663 in 1,91,1„ an
inErease pf 207,332, or 55.34 per cent.
Maybe Mother. Was.
Lucy heard her mother and :some
will rise.
Citizenship recim,s reelization on
the part of one man that all men are
helped or hindered by his individual
callers discu.ssing a neighbor's rug. • The mean and discreditable things
She quietly slipped out of the room, we do that count a.gainst react on
sang the neighbor's door -bell, and .the rest as well.' As an army is judg-
asked to see the new rug. ed by its soldiers, a ,club by
After Meking at it for some time, bers, a ,college by its undergraduates,
she solemnly said, "Well, it doesn't a community is judged by its citizens.
make me sick."
The patriot bring -s distinction on his
home town. That is why wo do honor
LiVP-17 E PLC= to a man who fought in Fiance 4
eta -
prepared to ge, Slackers are a re -
BAD vlitL[1:1;1.4 ATTACKS
If your tongue is coated, yorr breath
Foul, your eyes yellow, your complexion
sallow; if you have sick or.bilious head-
aches, variable appetite, pain under the
right shoulder, floating specks before
thEeyes, then ,:our liver is not in order..
Alt the troubles which come in the'
train' of a disordered liver riatiy be
qnickly relieved by using
Miss Flo. H. Croke, Ennismore,
Ont., wrnes•--"Last: fdil I was troubled
severely with my liver, and occasionally
I had bad bilious attacks. I tried sever-
al Medicines, but until I beganto use
your Milhurn's Laaa-Liver Pills I found
no relief."
Priee, 25c. a vial at all dealers-, or
mailed direct Ott receipt of price by The
T. Tvlilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat,
. By Jack ,Kabbit
Alt ) ALL -VHE LIZete-TS
ciAINR.i_iE. •
eanekAl- 'KIND
s(Ok.) h,L\VE.2;
its.17.14 " •
rT'S dA\ 6Ree-CT-
I UFE •F (c1L)
Dcn4-r wr-....p\t(EN
v --
s -
preach to the public opinion that tol-
erate the breed. That is why we dis-
coun enance them aml would • have
them justly penalieed.
Citiz.enship, int the full round of its
all-encempossing circle, takes in even
the, domestic demeanor and the Titi-
vate life.. Yea cannot call a limn a
good citizen who is unfaithful—or
even unfeeling—id those intimate ob-
ligations of the home and the family
that are the test and the -revelation
of charactar. He is not to be praised
if at the banquet board mri in the
crowded auditorium er a ehurch as-.
seething° he lide reach to say about
the virtues, evhile at home, behind the
doors, where the (-miens world aoes
net obtrude, his practices are mean -
and despicable. The smod citizen,
whereete.r he may be and -whatever he
is -doing. has no reason to fear the
ana, 4.1.4 n-tt,Ptr.M9= Q113,,,,t713.1,C,PTS,Itt,AN
1,1'1 TWENTY
No 'Woman eau,be strong and healthy
unless the kidneys are even. The reasett
is that the. kidneys ate to tilatne, nine
times out of ten, for that week, lame
and aching -back, from which they suf-
fer so inude
When you find ),otir kidneys otit of
order, when your back aches arid paint
and gives you eralless misery, yeti
have to do is take a few boxes ot Dean's
Kideey Pills, and you will find that all
the aches and pains will vai1isli, allet Moke
Yoa healthy and happy, aral able to en-
joy life to the sutmost.
'Mrs. John Metnnis. leteireastie Bridge,
N.B., avritesia-"I,aer, spring 11 eerie se,
bothered with ruy kidneys and pains
my ba,ik, I eould ma 'rest or- sleep at
eight. A ftiend cailhug told tile
about She .benelit Dorm's Kidney- Pille
hod for liarand advised 113e to try
there. Ts enly, took tea) box:es, and 1 can
truthfully sae: my troueledisappeared:
mid 1 have bad no trace of it sieee."
Ittifte„ '50e. a bee :it all dealers, 6,-:
mailed dircct on receipt of price by The
T. alillatr:: Co., Liiiiited, Toronto, Ont,