The Exeter Times, 1921-11-24, Page 5'ItuusD,t1Y, 'OVF i 3I' ;"A,d, 1921. Exxvilyt' r,.PYrills Crediton M. and ;Mrs• Wilson and two c11i1- dren motored to 'London for the week -end. , • Mise Orme and Mrs, Ruth Tenney of Buffalo -are visiting the forinei''s brother, Dr; Ornle. A great' many from the village and our surrounding country attended the nomination at Bensall Tuesday, There was no service in the Meth- odist Church Sunday evening owing to the aIesidersary services at Ailsa Craig. • • Mr. Cooper, of .Clinton; occupied the pulpit -ie Zion Evan, Church on Sunday" night in the interests of temperance and local reform. Mr. and lVlrs. Harry, S}veitzer of Kitchener, Mrs. vrittich of • Morris- ton and riVIs. Hoffman of. Toronto re- , tur'ned to their homes Friday after attending the fnneral pi the late Bernhard Brown; •A very profitable evening was spent in the basement of Zion Evan. Church on Friday of last week when all the officers' and teachers of the, Sunday school met to listen to a par- tial report, of the Ontario 'Religious Educational Council Convention, re- cently held at Brantford; The sane was attended by the Supt., J. H. Holtzman and the vice supt., Mr. C. Mawhinney.; after these 'reports the shpt, conducted a round table eon- irence which proved very •instruct: e. Light refres1 1o1t s were served. ed. Zion Mr. Hy. E -leen visited in Stratford last week: Mrs. J. Gowett is visiting with her daughter in Stratford. Miss 1\I. Harrison, of - Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. Robt. Taylor Anniversary services will be held next Sabbath at 10.30 ant. and 7 p.n1, Rev. R. 0.,Copeland.of Kiri ton will be, the preacher. A choir led the service of song at the church last Sabbath and their singing was appreciated. It is hoped they will continue to act. 1, Dashwood Mrs. Pope of Hen3a1l, is vsititag'elxa this vicinity. 11Ix'. Ilartmall 31iee of Sarnia, is visiting ill town. Mr, Goo. Kelleriilan lies• a number of men engaged in bi:tiding a new house. Miss Marjorie Jennison of Grand Bend spent tlie'week-end with Laura Mae Reid. IVIr. Cooper of Clinton, addressed the •Evan, Sunday School on Sunday rlmorning, q Messrs. Rectalneyer and Klein- stiver` are wiring the Lutheran Koran. church and parsonage. Mr..Fred Stire has returned Froin Blairmore, Alta,, where 11e has anent the past few 100111hs. Mr.Geo. Schroeder and family keit on. Thursday for Cavalier, N. D., U.S.A.., where they will make their future home, Miss Kline, who has been milliner for Reid, Edighoffer & Son, return- ed to her home ia,Mildmay on Satur- day. The young people of Grand Bend were guests of the Evan.'`Y.P.A. at a social evening Friday night. A pleas- ant time -was"'enjoyed by all. Centralia The flax mill has commenced oper- ations. Mr. A. Hicks, M.P.I'.,• 'was away Tuesday assisting at the nomination. 1VIr. Wm. Smith's chopping mill is about ready to begin Operations. Mr. Smith has experienced a lot of delays in getting parts of the machin- ery. Considerable interest was shown here last week in the solution of a question in discount. It appears that the treasurerr of the building fund of the new church wanted to know the present value of a subscription, payable in four annual -.instalments, discounted at 5 per cent. After stu- dents, agents and clerks wrestled with it unsuccessfully for some time it was finally solved by 'a, farmer's wife. Well done for the. TJ,F.O. Farquhar Miss Latin Fulton visited Sunday with Miss ,A., Hunicin. Miss Millie Pollen of Mitchell vis- ited Sunday at her home here, Mr. and " Nil's. Robert Duncan and Jean visited Sunday at Mr. T. Hun - kin's. A bazaar will be held inFarquhar IIall under the auspices of the Far- quhar Women's Institute on Friday, Dec, 9th. Good program. Admission adults 15c, children under 12, free. At the last meeting on Nov, 8 the Farquhar Woinen's Institute decided to hold ib ,basaar• on the 9th of Dec., the proceeds to go to the war mem, oriel" hospital for children of West- ern Ontario to be built in London,. one of the outstanding undertakings of Western Ontario; It is Hoped and we feel sure that every member will contribute generously to this worthy cause. Ch se1h ir'st The death of Mr. Dinicah McGreg or took place. Sunday morning* at six o'clock at 'the residence; of his son-in-law, Mr. Win. Workman, The funeral took place on Tuesday of last week to Bensall Union Ceme- tery. Mrs, Wm. Fresher of Saskatche- wan is at present visiting her moth- er, Mrs. Win. Vance, Who is Jiving with her daughter, Mr's. J. Sint- mons. Mrs. Vance has hot been in good health for some time. Hensall. ^.. Zurich Mr. I -I. G. Hess has recently, been appointed as manager for the Zur- etch branch of "the Hall Dent Glove Factory. Mr. Conrad Sienian has disposed of the 1 0 -acre farm he purchased last year from Mr. Chas, Redmond to Mr. Henry. Edkins, who gets pos- session next April. J (Fill in your 0 Y w � t, r ,... e this um first payment) elivered t tirkHIS offer means just what J. it says. Name the amount You wish to pay, -and we will accept it as a Christmas deposit. There will be a wonderful New ,� your at Christmas°tree, —yours to play and enjoy. The only condition to . this offer is that your deposit be enough to -indicate 'good faith. You pay no more till next year. And then,—you budget the balance according to your own convenience. All :the agreement we ask is a Gentle- men's Agreement. So,—why wait another year, or even another day? Come in. Willis Powei, Hear the,,New,X, Bison again,- - note; again, the marked differ- ence•4betoveen this ;remarkable_ instrument, which sustains the test of direct comparison with living artists, and' all the other phonographs and: talking -ma- chines, none of which do sustain the test. This is the instrument t which -has created new and higher standards for phono- graphs. And now you can have it, in your home, this Christmas. Come in and make your ar- rangements. If you prefer to know the full details of our Christmaslud an dget just mail the coupon. Mail it at once. Aaireterq Orta tr 4oa 1z c P, oza c4o r�, 4 r 9 G 1 like the note I het from home that's written every Sunday, Relatint home occurrences that hap- pened since last'Monday; The best of all I like to hear, just how my mother loves me, spirit of the folks at home, up hilly places shove me, I like the notes I get from friertda who claim I'm not forgotten, f the ' 'Phe. thinners, i col from e y u home are even net so -rotten;. To, contemplate the old home town, Provides. my life with leaven, And there's another little note that's "a little bit of heaven." The mail just now delivered, the in- spiration for these lines Comes from the fact the I've just received a copy of The Times; In paying tribute to the notes that make life feel so playful I'm really' forced to admit, there is - 11't one more faithful. I've read it, every article, I haven't 'missed a word, Names of persons mentioned of 'whom I've never heard, I take an interest in them • all, 3. wouldn't dare to slight 'em, To connect thein up with Exeter is enough to make me like 'ei1,. I've even read the vendors adds, the auction' sales included, Quack doctors cannot make the claim their notice I've eluded; Quite able am I to recall when thought of home gave pain, I've turned the 'paper inside oat and read it o'er again. It is one of the ties I get from home I wouldn't like to sever, The yesterdays that she recalls; may I forget them •never, A little prayer; may I always, with bonne and town be smitten, And never lose this sentiment till niy epitaph is written. Extraordinary Attraction! DOME THEATRE, EXETER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1921 Music adds,to "The 'Shepherd of the Hill." Harold' Bell Wright clings to the tunes of yesterday in arranging mu- sical accomplishments. The Shep- herd of the Hills is a striking film drama. Mr. Wright has defied all standards of motion picture produc- tion. He has transferred to the screen the pages of his fantods novel chapter by chapter exactly as they are in the -story form. It is more. than a masterpiece. It is an inspir- ation. This production played in Massey Hall, Toronto, Christmas and New Years' week.. 1VTr. Wright has produced probably a unique produc- tion within the memory of even the rmost ancient play goers. This coin- :pany- carries their own music with an added attraction, A Kid Circus Comedy:. By all odds the photoplay of the season. Special matinee alter school at 4 o'clock. Night 8.15. LGreenway Miss Devine Mason, who has been in London, has returned home. 117r. and Mrs. Ira Stebbins visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Turner last week: , Mrs. Hudson and Mrs. L. Fink- 'brine` visited Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson on Sunday. Mrs. J. Sherritt, of Granton and Mrs. J. L. Amos of Brinsley visited friends here 'lastWednesday. We extend .congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battram ( nee Miss Dorothy Johnson) who were married last Wednesday and wish thein a long and happy wedded life: On Saturday' last at the Oorbett parsonage, Rev: D. W. Williams, B. A.., joined in holy wedlock, Miss G. Mason. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mason, and. Mr. Robt. Eagleson. Altera honeymoon spent irx Sarnia and Detroit the happy couple will reside on the groom's farm.- west of Greenway. A' large circle of friends wish them every happiness. and prosperity. ensa11 Mr. Thos. Williams of, Detroit, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Reichert and family. Mr. George Ingram has returned home from the West where he has spent the past three months. Mr. Meek, newly appointed mana- ger of the Sterling Bank, here, has moved his family to Hensall. The many friends .of' Mr. 'rhos. Berry. will be sorry to learn that he is at' resent confined to his bed. Mr., A. L, Case and wife intend leaving for Detroit on Thursday' eve- ning. Operator Mills of London, will relieve Mr. Case. Mr. Roos Dick, who has been out Nest helping with the harvest, re- turned home, Mr, Iiusoll Busch has also returned home. Mr, Thos. Essay, •wild has spent tate past three months inthe West, returned hcnro 1101: week having metered. tered by way of the States in 8 do 's. 1`,ireWes, Caldwell has ;received the Government appointment s pa- trol ofilcer of garde and f'sheriep in the Counties- of Grey, " Wellingtor, and Prth, and cypg.ets hie headquar- ters to 1;e. in Listowel. ,P,Tr. and Mies Der aid 'Urquhart of Hee s, l'1 inecuitc the i ,ai siege Oi their' elder dp n. ghter, I,c:s ,rt, to Dr. "(Cent): \;U•illi1 ri Go ounta . Shoehau ,, cf CIretnut 1110, Philadelphia, on Thnreda , Nov, 1Oth, 1921, 111 New `born„ City. -•--Toronto Globe, LOCALS M1', and, Mrs. Sylvanus Cann spent Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson of London. Mis Vera Welsh of Toronto, visited. friends in aad around Exeter last week. Miss 23. Howey and Mr. Chas Ford who were delegates to the Sunday School Convention at I3rantfoi'd gave a report at the Main St, Sunday School last Sabbath afternoon. Miss Cunningham of McGillivray,. blti iile in Lucan one day, recently, lipped on the ice and fell, with the unfortunate result that both bones in her right arm were broken near the wrist: The "Isusy "Bee" organized class of James St. Sunday School met at the home of their president, Miss. 1VIargarent Kuntz on Friday evening last and' spent a very enjoyable eve- ning, Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, con ducted services at Dashwood and Crediton on Sunday last iii the in- terests of temperance. On Sabbath afternoon he gave an illustrated address to the James Street Sunday School. IVIr. Wethey, principal of Vie high. school, gave an interesting address at the James St. League Tuesday evening. The same evening Capt. McGillivray of the Salvation Army gave a splendid address on "Citizen- ship" at the Blain St. League. On. Wednesday night Ex -Chief D. Hieghey, of 1VIitchell fire department, who resigned recently, was banquet- ed by the members of the companyq and friends in the old Council cham- ber. He was presented with an aid - dress and gold -headed cane. A horse, belonging to Mr. Welling ton Whiteford, of Biddulph, driven by his daughter,ran away, and, tak- ing to the ditch collided with a '! couple of telephone poles. The daugh- ter 'jumped aughter'jumped from the buggy and was unhurt. The horse ran home and was captured in the orchard. Among those from a distance wbo attended the funeral of the late Wes- ley Snell on Monday were Rev. Jas. Snell and son Donald, of Dutton; Mrs. A. Bissett of Brantford and daughter, M''s. ' •Yapp, of London.; Mr, S. W. Rowe, of Galt; Mrs. Wind- sor, of Pt. Huron; Mr. J. K. Baker and three sons of Brussels. On Wednesday evening of last week thieves broke into the store of J. W. Powell and helped them- selves to a quantity of chewing guru, chocolate bars, perfumes; soap, cuff links, small jewelry, etc. The thieves gained admittance by removing two panes of glass from a window at the rear of the store and by the use of a keyey xrniounlocked a door leading into the main store. The lossis estimated at about $200. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McFalls, of Lucan, celebrated the 50th auniver- sary of theirmarriage at their Home: on Noy. 10th. After their marriage they resided in Usborne Township for forty years, and the remaining forty-six years they spent in Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. 1VIcFalls were hand- somely remembered by their chil- dren and other relatives. I5 TOUR NAME ON THE LIST? Copies of the voters' lists for, the coming election have been posted up for inspection. A copy of Ward 2, Exeter, is posted in The Times office. Come in and see it your name is on it. MARRIED IN TORONTO. The marriage took place in Toron-. to on Saturday of Miss Margaret Simpson Case, daughter of Mr. "Geo, 17+ . Case, to Mr. Robt. H. Belly, also of Toronto. Miss Case was a resident of Exeter for several years and her many friends in town will join with The Times in hest wishes for her future happiness. BRIDE-TO-BE, SHOWERED. A 'very enjoyable affair was the miscellaneous shower given at the home of Miss May Armstrong orn Friday evening last to Miss Merle Gould, bride -elect. A number of her friends gathered for a -social eve- ning and presented her with some very beautiful gifts.The guest of the evening was completely taken by surprise. A, social time and refresh- ments were enjoyed. ROSS-COr,O3ES. On Thursday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conzbes, Trenton, the marriage took place of their youngest daughter, Agnes, and Mr. James Harold Ross, of Ottawa. Rev. Major Harry A. Frost conducted the ceremony. The bride, was attend- ed by Miss Ross of Toronto, and Mr, Jack Combos was ,groornsxuan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross left after the wedding for Ottawa. Mrs. Ross travelled in a grey satin dress with blue broad- cloth coat trimmed with opossum, and pretty that to, ematch. Mr.Ross Was for several years butternlaker at the Exeter creamery. BA.L-KtitI3Ia---C.)LI MENT , The marriage of Miss Sarah'Ole- nients of Newark, New Jersey, to Silas Ballawill of ' Roblin,, Manitoba, was solemnized Wednesday ,evening, Nov. 9th at the home of iVIr, J. A Norma, 442 Langside St, cousin of {.be i.irido, by Rev. A, W. M;a,ciuto„h. The Bride was becomingly attired in navy bltte Canton etopo, with flat tb match and carried a shower bou- quet of pink carnal ons. The gil.f, x raordinary Engaeluent Dome Theatre, Exete Monday, t ... mbei 28th SPECIAL 1VIA.TINEE AT FOUR O'CLOCK Af'T alt SC"•i Ol� Direct .Front Ms seey Hall, Toronto WORLD'S GREATEST PIIO'TOPLAY STOt A COLOSSAL MASTERPIECE` PICRRIZAI *NI OF HIS rt.TMOOS NOV61�, 1 Lrrn.E PETE ,SKr SUL S4y5 "HITS' WHAT uta oars KNoiv TAMS kl,Mfi lH' U5 eti SET UP t;tGtlIS mm.= "(V fER MGM S0M5 WAY OUT f� Csw , OF 78E�J12 E 8R95H K /C U ZXAl7LY R 41149/21170 /rV POO'.IOW The Greatest Story Ever Toll 4 DR3MA OF WfDER, APPEAL THAN PEAS EVER BEEN PRESENTED ON TTrlil: SCREEN. I3E'FORE ui o- s: HAVE READ THE BOOK HAVE SEEN THE PLAY 1I WILL SEE THE PICTURE. Added Attraction GREATEST IUD •COM DY • With Circus Scenes ... SHOWN HERE WITH SPECIAL MUSIC. PRICES FOR MATINEE: acapreIEN .2:5o :;til.-LT.S NIGHT "PRIG`ESA>`,L SEATS roc. Doors Open 7:39,' St:artiug at S:13 Sharp.' Same Company that Presented "Hearts of the World," "Birth of a Nation." 402 of the bridegroom' was a fur coat. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Balkwill will reside in Roblin. ATTENDED HIS MOTHER'S FUNERAL. Mr. W. II- Johnston 'was in. Luck - now on Friday of last week attend - ng the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Henry Johnston, aged 91 years. Sixty years ago the family' moved onto bush farm :. in Ashfield Township where Mrs. Johnston resided until about two years ago when she went to live with her daughter, Mrs. Reed of Lucknow. Mr. Johnston predeceas- ed her 21 years ago to the very dey. BARN BURNED. A fire occurred recently on then farm of Mr. Chas. Fletcher, ofa Ar- dath, Sask., when his fine barn which had been erected only about three years, was destroyed, together With about fifty tons of 'hay, five horses, one pig, a calf and four sets of harn- ess. The granary, hen house and drivjng. shed were. saved. The cause of the fire is unknown,. Mr, Fletcher is a son of Mr. M. Fletcher of the London. Road south. About seven years ago Mr. Fletcher lost a barn by fire caused by lightning. FACE BURNED'. Miss Ruth Lamport, daughter 61 Mr. Wes. Lamport, of town, met with a painful and misfortunate, ae cident on- Thursday of last week when she was severely burnt about the face and neck. The fire in th furnace was low and thinking it was out Miss Lamport emptied some coal oil into the furnace, A puff of fire and smoke issued from the door into her face, scorching her eye lids and hair and burning her about the face and neck. At :present she is getting along nicely. SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS. Soltetime after one o'clock on Thursday morning of last week when members of the committee who had charge of the Oddfellows' Banquet' were returning to their hone, a gentleman in a Ford coupe stopped them and informed them that four young fellows in an auto truck were beside the road about half a mile south of town and his opinion was that they weren't up to any good. One of the constables of town was notified by telephone. The same night the store of J. W. Powell was. broken into. G. W. MINERS HAS WHIIO) REPUTATION AS 'i_ORKSRI3e.E DREEDEaL. Lan1 week Mr, G. W. Miners, of Gsbcrne, purchased from A, Drees. of Ottawa, a magnificent imported hog, I'arkdale Dalmeny the Zed. This hog was first at Ottawa fair_ Ili'. Miners sold'. a beautiful type 01 bog to Nor:min i-. Clark, of Berwick, Nova Scotia. This beg avis second at the Weetcrn Fair, London, in a lens of : 16. pito. also disposed of a six months' old hog to a breeder at ll<..ti,ur: z 1, Cuba, t:o .laced a herd t,heve ;,, . This speaks well for, Os W; -as a Keg brooder. Ho is 'bocci ping 0110 •41, the foremost breeders in our fair pros -- aim the limes svisix.es him si cress. tit 1fa4°?t�;2r lto7. -1 ltc : - The leading Commercial School of Western. Ontario. A School where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tel- egraphy c eparaments. Stu- dents get individual instruc- tion and may register at any time: Graduates are assisted to positions. Get our free catalogue. • D. A. McLACIILAN, Principal Another Drpp Prices - on all kinds of LTJMBER XXXXX SHINGLES PAROID ROOFING 1, 2 or 3 -ply.' SLATE SURFACE ROOFING either red or green ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES either red or green D. L. & W. SCRANTON GQ.t1L. ON HAND. ALL SIZES. PHONE 3,2. g A. J. CLAT ORI t GRANTON r The . 0abie Track rRoute � �� BETWEEN Montreal 1 7orono 1 ,t� Olt Chicago Unexcelled dining car sera• -lee. Sleeping cars on night trains and parier 'ears 'on principal day trains. Full inforniation from any Orem} 'rrltnit Ticket Agent or. C. E, Hor- ning, ';District lhbCsertgerr ,A.€ ent, Toronto.. l0T J. li. DO E r , Phone 411,�.I,e.nt ;fever,