HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-24, Page 1a�. n..i, n;iAiaV6 S.tS IIII., V'O'RTY•SE.;OId D YEAI— No. 2278 EXETER, QNT.,, THU'RSP.A.Y MORNING,' NOVEMBER 24, 1921 '.1111111111111111111M11111 I 1111111NIflllilllliillllllllllllllllglllllllillllllllllll!11111111llllllll1111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111.., . ammo .11111111. 4.11111. Complete Showi Christmas 713 ,, l? Weadvise an early inspection of our large-; stoek`.of goods wb ud f°r"the �h,ist` as trade ;_- 4 �C F. ,m which we now have on display,'• We have a won- "` derful assortment of merchandise, , suitable for gift purposes, including HandkerefiiefS, .Blouses, Ties, Gloves' Kimonas Purses Hand Bags, etc., at very reasonable prices. . ': ; Handkerchiefs We have hundreds of plain and fancy handkerchiefs forllat les men Y and children, many lines in individual boxes. Make your selections early. Men's and Ladies` initialed handkerchiefs now in stock.' Ladies' Crepe Blouses - up to $10value for $t:95 Beautiful 44, Gloves 50 a pair Forty-eight only; Ladies' B Silk Crepe and': Georgette Blouses in all popular colors. Sizes 36 toRegularly up to $10.00 values to clear at one price only, $4.95 each. Ladies' Cape -Skin Gauntlet, colors' Grey and Tan. The very Iatest style in gloves, Price`' $3. Large Bungalow Aprons at 85c Three dozen only, large print Bungalow Aprons, light and dark ors Exceptionally good value at only 85c each. col - 's Overcoats at $ 1 9.50 Our Men's Overcoats at $19.50 are selling out very fast. We still have a'large range to select from at this price. Get yours before they are, sol ut, Price only $19,50. tidies' Empress Shoes at X6.98 regularly Thirty pair Empress Black or Brown High Lace Shoes, regularly $10.00,, to clear 'at $6.98 pair. ,adies' Velour Coats'for $25.00 •^ :'Don t forget our •saleVif Ladies' and Misses., Beautiful. Velour Coats.:, 1.4 t. Teiit1,contiiues:= Twe nt coats to seiect t om at $25:00. Eight only—Salts' Esquimette Plus} -Goats, clearing at $29,00. Furs for Christmas rGifts Furs make excellent Christmas gifts,, We are offering wonderful bargains in fur sets, odd muffs and neck pieces. Many at nearly half- price. . SUDDEN 1)L 1Ti1 OF Aix. JONES. On Saturday night last death came with startling, suddenness to Mr - Henry Jones, of the London Road South. Mr, ,Toneswas taken •w. hemorrhage of the lungs and'died before medical aid ]could be summon- ed., ‘He was aged 7S years, '5 months and 11 drys. The ,deceased was born near 'Dundas, and' with his parents, the, late' Johnland-Mrs. Jones, he; came to lot 11, ' concession 2,Us borne; when- he was a lad of ten years of ago.: Since then he has re- -' in the township b and proved, p P .r� be a 'very 'successful Palmer. For' five years he` conducted the black- 'smith shop new owned by I1r. Kuntz which he rani in conjunction with his farm.He wee a .thresher for 28 'years. and fpr several years he was engaged in .rihipping hogs, himself an extensive^breed'er, During- his sarlicr hfe 'fib wass'a` very active man. He retired .about eight:years' ago: For several years;he suffered from =` `failing sights caused from cataracts. The deceased was married four times. Hie;. first wife was -Eliza' Smale and from this uinon one soil, Thomas., of town, survives. His second • wife was, Jennie Parsons and after her de- cease he was married to Elizabeth Rooke to whom two sons and two daughters were born, viz: George and John ,on,,,,, -the homestead; Mrs. M. Sleamon• and Mrs. Calfas of Haan£.::: ville, Sask. `About a year ago- Mr. Jones" was married' to Mrs. 'Webber, who survives him. Two brothers and one sister also survive: J. G Jones and Mrs J T. Wood of Exeter, and William Jones of Essex. The •funeral. was held on Wednesday afternoon, interment in the Exeter cemetery: I.O.O.F. 1401D SUCCESSFUL "AT •1IOME." • Exeter Lodge, No, 6'7; 1.0.0.F., celebrated ita golden, jubilee on Wed- '! with neaday evening of last week by hold- ing an. '"At Home"' in the Exeter' Opera'House to which the wives and., 1ady friends of the brethren were invited. Four long tables extending ,I the entire length of the hall together with several smaller tables were re- quired toaccommodate date the large number present, over two hundred,: sittingdown to the ban `` banquet. o n, Gold' andur le streamers decorated tho P P. hall and tables.', During the: early } part of the evening there was an in- teresting program of : music and` speeches. Several musical numbers Were given by the lodge orchestra: ,Miss Edna Follick and Mr. Ronald Witwer delighted the gathering with vocal . selections receiving hearty ap- plause. Mr. S. A. Popiestone, of Blyth, Past Grand Master, and a member of the Exeter lodge was the principal speaker of the evening: He gave a short review of the work of the Rebekah lodges; of the relief work conducted by the order•, espec- Tally of the Oddfellows Horne in To= ,ronto, and then in an eloquen(and elaborate manner he outlined the principles of Oddfellowsl ip, holding up• a high ideal, stating' that there is nothing nobler than to play the part of a pian. Rev. A. 'A: Tramper also gave a short and interesting ad- dress. Mr. J. G. Stanbury in a4 very entertaining and able Manner fifled the position of chairman. Following' the program a veru dainty banquet was served in excelle,t style, a num. ber of the young men acting as wait: ers.. SUWON MONO memos soma PHONE '32 Tay PHONE 32 .1111. OMNI. MIME. MIMEO oloollne 111111111111111111111111111! III 1 1 1111 if11 1 �1diI11Nllllllllllill I lllf IIII IIIIIIp I III IIIIIIIili1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 glllillli1111i111F For Stock and Poultry USE ROYAL PURPLE STOCK AND POULTRY FOOD in.60c and $1.75 packages "INTERNATIONAL STOCK ANT) MPOUL'TRY ':FOODS. iiERBAGEUM,' the old reliable Stock Food. Hebagenm keeps them. on their feed. 50c and 95e ,.per', package. SALTS SULPHUR SALT PETRE CALF MEAL. ROYAL PURPLE AND BLATCHFORD'S At lowest prices. PERFECTION OIL HEATERS $18.75 and: $0,75 TORTOISE HEATERS .. ,'59.00 TORTOISE HEATERS, with oven RANGES from $32.00 ,$70.00, STOVE -PIPES, ELBOWS,, ETC. Tinsmithi d n a•n Plumbin 27W la PHONES ardware 273 PaIitiC al S CREDITQN,°:FRIDAY,: NOY. 18th ZURIO11, THURSDAY "N ,� , OY.,•24th The meetings will begin at 8 p.m: Wm, Black, U. F:.0, .Candidate, and other ,speakers will give addresses. All -citizens are invited to 'attend. BORN PYM—In Usborne, on Nov. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pym, a son. JAQIJES—In 'Usborne, on Nova 20; 1921; to Mr. and Mrs, C.: Jacques; a daughter. McGOUN-In Lucan, on Nov, 5th, to Rev, and Mrs, K. McGoun, a daughter, MARRIED KELLY-CASE—In` Toronto, on Nov, 19th, Miss Margaret Simpson Case, =daughter of Mr. Geo. E. Case, to Mr. Robt, H. Kelly, DIED 1TODGINS—In Lucan, on Nov. 19th, Srusa,n Jane, eldest daughter of the kite John I-Iodgins, aged 71 Years. 'Interment at St, James' Cemetery, Clandeboye. Keep December 7th ' open for ,Citi- zens' Citi -ions' Relief Committee play,: "Mrs. Temples Telegram." A real treat in store. Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Hooper of the Linke Road moved to London on Tuesday where :they recently par elnased a- home and will reside in fu- ture, Their inany friends in Exeter `will be sorry to lose thenl from our midst. :ANNUAL MEETING. The annual; meeting of the work- ers..01 Caven. Sunday School was held at the home of Mr and MTs T. 0x Stanbury, on,Monday night. The secretary -treasurer's report showed an inerbase both , in attendance :anti Offerings with a surplus for the year in the- treasurer's hands. 11 was de- eided `to .hof' . the Christmas' enter= tainment 'on' Wednesday, Dec 21st. Following are the officers `Por 7.92:1: 'Supt., J. G. Stanbury; asst. supt., A, Hastings] • Sec.-treas., H. Horton; i anist' i4f M tan' t rs "Mfss., A. ii p g esw ;IFamiltbn: Cradle's Roll Supt• >Mrs. Foote; 11 br'arian, Mrs. Horton asst. librar-1 ,ian, Thos. Pryde. SOLICITING: MEMBERS.. FOR IIORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The agitation for a Horticultural. Society in Exeter is taking definate shape 'and lists, are ..being circulated for the securing of remberas-. The canvassers ars' meeting with a fair response. The objects of sr horticul- tural society are to encourage nii- provemeat in horticulture,'"'One. `e the aims is to encourage the beauti- fying of homes and publie places by the growing of flowers, plants, trees, shrubs and 'fruits. E'Khibitions may be held and premiums awarded:' The money that is raised will be supple- mented according tothe member- ship and the amount raised hY. the. Provincial Government, and this money will be spent partly in the purchase of seeds, bulbs, trees, etc., and a distribtitieii?;maite to the mem- bers. The 'selection Of' the different flowers and , bulbs is left with the t i ember willalsoreceive society. M s a horticultural' periodical. It is neces- sary to secure •a ; membership of at least 50 member ,'in Exeter.' in order to secure the provincial grant The• grant for the 'first year will be at the rate of one dollar for each paid=' up member on the 1st of July next;, but such``grant• shall not exceed $75. Those who have the lists in charge • are Reeve ' Beavers,. J. S. Harvey, G. S. How'ai•d and S ,J. Hogarth. Any person who is interested should get in touch )vithti;one of these gentle- men. TILE , MATE WESLEY SNELI., In last'week's issue or The Times it was sta,ted';that' Mr. 'Wesley Snell was seriously'ill id Montreal suffer- ing: from blood poison and that Mrs. Snell and his brother, Mr. William Snell had left for his bedside, The sad news' was received on Friday that Mr. Snell had ,passed away. The remains were ',broiight home Satur- day evening aid "the funeral was held'on Monday afternoon. Mr. Snell was returning `front Liverpool in company with"Ht, O. Sontlicott and Harper Rivers; when he was taken [11 with blood poison••caused from. cutting; 1,1is toe while, paring an Ingrown toe nail, T -Te suffered con- siderably during the voyage, his ill- ness being' aggravated by several very stormy days while at sea. .AS soon as landing at Montreal he was rushed to the General, T-Iospital Where he had, ,every, tt tion. The two gentlemen. that eame'`across with Mr. Snell' Spent 'a every anxious time on the trip and`,r,emain'ed with .him at Montreal nntil the end. Mr. J. G. Dow—, woo Was,in Montreal at ,the time dill elier'y(liing 'possible- for the convenience and coiiufort of the party. 1V1'rs. Snell desired us to ex - (Continued on page four,); BIG CROWD ATTEND NOMINATION\' AT HENSALL. There was some jolly good fun atl the nomination, of candidates to con - feet the:Federal Election in the rid- ing of South Huron at Hensel] on Tuesday. The hall was packed, every available space being taken up. Even the platform was filled, leaving only room for the speakers. Returing officer, Thos. Hunkin, received the o n urination"sj4wh�cYi-,were_ as follows. Thos. hlehfiilari,' tit "Hallett, far - farmer. " • J. J '` . 1 e' lz , of Seaforth„ farmer.' Win.- 'Black of fiuck'ersmrth .= far mer. At the close of the hour for re-' ceiving the nominations /dr. John Middleton was elected chrai.nan. J. J. Merner. The first speaker of the afternoon: was Mr. 'J. •J. Merner, who ,for the past two termLias represented the riding at Ottawa and who is again the: -standard bearer for the National Liberal and Conservative Party. Mr: Merner said that during the - ten years . he ..had represented south. Huron he had' tried to do what was best both fore the towns and the fariners, and not in a sectional way. When the farmer is prosperous, town and villages prosper. The ,towns should be proud 'of the farming com- -munity; about then, and the farmers should be proud of the towns in their midst. South Huron would be rep- resented by a farmer, no 'matter who was elected. The speaker claimed to be a' farmer but he said it wasn't necessary to spread manure or walk behind ^a plow to qualify for a ;farm- er. The speaker said that the Hon. Mr. Crerar had never farmed- He taught school until 1906 and now is atthe headof one of' the big interests of Canada that; had made millio'n's out] of farmers: . J. Ji "Morrison who talks ''on be- half of tile• U F.O.. I call him "an` agi tator, said'{ the speaker; "he ,•lives in Toronto and farms the farmer." Mr Merner was, heartily applaud- ed.' Mr. Black. The second 'speaker was Mr, Win. Black the 'Progressive Candidate, .He got a rousing reception. Mr, Black said that a new man stood be- fore the convention under a new banner iii Federal politics. A party that had spread from ocean to ocean—Tie said the Government was going' to the country on the tariff issue but that they should have gone on the record of the past ten years. Canada has at present -a national debt of two and: a half billion dol- lars.;, 11 Canada had had a capable Finance Minister during . the war, three-quarters of the national debt would have been paid. Any school boy could have financed this Domin- ion as well. as Sir'' TI onras White' during the ' war," said the speaker, He scored the Government on the small army of revenue collectors which required a large percentage of the revenue to pay their salaries, the speaker favored a direct ,tax 'that could be collected with very little ex- pense. Canada's finances went back 100 millions of 'dollars last year. What is Canada going to when the first :war loan falls' due next Year? The speaker read the Progressive platform on the tariff question which is immediate ' ancl allrou,nd reduction_ of customs tariff; also unrestricted i• reciprocal relations rnr natural, pro ducts> between, ti S aitd Canada l'• along the linesof the Reciprocity treaty of 1911. Continued On page tour, 01621 Lots oe work ahead of von! Have you ready? Does your Cranberry Sauce or Mince Meat ouiaeiti ttx s week? , Y ,paY IMPOIi,7'ANT-Do not be satisfied with conrilit ''of ;prigs- when doing your Xmas shopping. We invite yon to „""1examine ' the quality: ofour goods and we are satisfied' you will finiptli.e difference in erke, ,zs. a difference in quality. :, • 7 E 1I C hYEAT--1 b' g e lQ bs ef; 1 ., 1bS. pork tenderloin° � lbs. apples i (chopped fine) , 2 lbs, brown sugar, x , lb:- citron peel, xe, lb, lemon peel,' iii ib. raisins, ley. lb". currants, 32 .lb. ;.suet,, 1t, '' cider q or fruit juice, 1/4 cup°salt," 1 nut meg,. 1 tablespoon ground cloves, 1 tablespoon allspice,.: 1 tablespoon, cinnamon. Citron peel Lemon peel Orange peel Raisins (blue Sultana seedless) Raisins (white Sultana seedless) Raisins (Valencia iiith seeds) Currants (Special grade) Dates Mince meat (pkg. & bulk) g Main Phone 102., Prunes ,h Shelled Walnuts, Shelled Almonds Caraway Candies 1Vintergreen Berries Candied Cherries (France) Cranberries Figs: Apples (Spies) Two Stores North Phone 47. Harvey & Harvey atter From Novewber 1st, to April 1st 192 .for 2.5 ° J .. -�n�ry. �ls-t-,-t04pril'1st. for $2.00 •� • When your biny a • new Battery don't forget to you means. money, to yon and no trouble. 'Taylor , assembles his :own Batteries, my $10.00 offer Taylor. Tire and Battery ome!iTheatre Friday and Saturday —DRAMA-- Will DRAMA—Will Rogers n "Cup d the Cow Puncher" -COMEDY- he. Big Show'` J11111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L Brum the World Over You Cana:ot E Beat Harvey's Flour "Breathes there a man. with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is .iny own, my native land." n buying goods manufactured in your own town er ,,. coiuni01'ity You are helping those who •help you. There is an interlocking of interests in every . coinniuniter ;that, shouldn't be lost sight of. Co-operation should be our rz": motto. This bein • true, why • b : should net every r,i.e patron- ize home industry and buy Exeter. Floor? It m jtisf ,is cheap, if not cheaper, than the imported article.. Buy it and prove this fact. j„.1,-,!.; i i;,, " .a'. You may buy Floor from Montrea I, Toronto a r any other outside point but you cannot beat the Flour made in your town. moommoll We have just received another ear of iliose fine Western Oats, testing 46 lbs, tothe bushel, which we have recleaned and now offer for sale. In additio,i,."to-our Mill Offal we have :Corn,' Oil Cake, Tankage, I3uckwlneat, 'etc., for sate. mg111111111111111111111111i111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!11111111111l111111111111111R