HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-17, Page 4SD;<1 ', NOV
Auction Sale
sax I,, a•t 28, Coal, 6, Usborne Township
arth ai4s o,f Lumley School, on
TlES13AY, NOV. 29th, 1921
t 1 ,30 slaltrfa, !t1z'e toliowitrg.
1 (o7.s:is-,Man. Fw 7 year* alai; gelt3:ng
ass old; ;,illy 3 years; ;horse :i2
,y asst ei old, drIS oar w ar'k.
Cattle—Cow One Fels, 1F; COW due
March 18; ,left'er due Feb, 24, cow
renewed tncwed about 2 mSeeths; :farrow cow,
d heifers 3. year ola; Steer I year :old.
4 s, ;ring calves, ,calf 2 mouths old; I
pure bred elxorth"orp. bull.
60 hens and pullets, pair gide—leas.
Tin eleniezats-McCarmlet binder,
mower 6 .[t. Salt, dad reke, SO,, ft wide;
cultivator; 13 -hoe Massey-Harrisseed
clr ;tl, Clinton: 'fanning mine ecufflei',
turnip sower, r land a-oller, root yelper,
leis) ale and tackle, wagon nearly ,mew;
truck ;wagon,'.toe) •bu,ggy, cutter, set
sloop sleighs, 2 walking plows, Maple
Leaf plow, wagon box, stock rack
hay% 'rack, gravel box, 4 horse gaso-
1ttaM'ceugiuze, cutting boxa "rain crins;h-
cr, circular saw some belting, , ti 1 nib New
Hamburg threshing machine with 'ale -
'Seer attachment, 12000 11.4 scales, wire
stretcher, 4 -section harrows, 32 foot
et e Su._:
on ladder, step ladder, Dc Laval
r a
r, zn separator, Ford car, 2 set dou-
bl harness, 2 set single harness, about
30 cedar pasts, Some lumber, 250 3
inch tile, 2 sugar :kettie,s, grass seed
sower, grain rbags, 'same timothy seed,
wbiffletrees, sseckyokes, cliakes, and
oth=r articles; about 400 bush, oats,
quantity hay, some corn stalks, some
straw to be red on -place;; about 400
bueheir turnips and Inaingoida.
2,h,l SIS=A11 Stuns .of X10 and- under
cash; over that amount 10 months'
cr,'dlt ripproved, joint notes, or a
discount of '4 per 'cent, for cash on
(recut amounts, Hay mad straw, cash,
1QIi?1t COLE, Proprietor
C. "IV. Robinson, , uc;t,
Prank Coates,
1921 TAX. RATES.
(Hensall Observer.)
Below we give the tax rates for a
number of towns and villages in On-
tario, many of these places • have
paved streets, waterworks and ,a high
school, but while the rate on the dol-
lar is much higher, than Hensall, it
does not necessarily mean that *the
taxes are higher, for thevaluation.
of .property may be much lower.Take
Exeter for -example, with her water
wants system, her high school and
paved streets; with her tax rate of
41.1/ mills, is not higher than 'Hen -
sail with 32 mills. One reason for
this is, the lower valuation of prop-
erty. in Exeter; another 'reason which
thirst not be , overlooked is this:
people who are looking for a town to
live rintend 'to build or buy a
home are not so ' much concerned
abc%ut the taxes they will have to pay
but they do want to know what the
town has to give them in the e
ay of
conveniences; if they have water-
works they.
know they will' save on
insurance rates and then; too, they
have the convenience that real
waterworks system gives; if paved
streets they have, the satisfaction of
knowing that the streets are never.
muddy and if it costs a little more
in taxes they know they- have good
streets every day in the year. If a
high school or continuation class,
that settles the matter for them.
'AVx' WO?: °A''g,V; , 'i`\ :• tyro
,e D --1-r jt o
ii1e i_,a i Y . a
, RE your returns as Legge 'u
` should be ?
High Costs make maximum yields an
essential quality in your animals.
We will advance money to responsible
farmers to replace poor producers. 595
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
- F. A. Chapman, Manager,
R. S. Wilson Manager
t; r
Exeter Branch,
Crediton Branch,
Dashwood Branch, j
They know that they willsave money
by Moving , to a town with school
conveniences. The school may cost
them $10 or $20 more a year, but
they will save a great deal more Char,
this amount in railway tares and
other expenses necessary in sending
their children, to other towns to be
educated. Many people have passed
Hensall because she has not the ne-
eessary con'yeniences to offer them
and as a result they have located in
other. towns. Does Hensall 'gain or>
lose by hot having a continuation
class,, waterworks or paved streets?.
During the past two years Exeter has,
had over 20 new houses erected,
this, when material and labor were
the highest. These 20 houses mean
a considerable increase in taxes. Say
their valuation is $1,500 each, this
would mean that the town's assess-
ment would, be increased some. $30,-
000, an increase in the tax revenue
of $1,250. Civic improvements if
handled without graft will .not in-
crease our taxes to any great ex-
tent. Build our new school, rpave our
streets, instal a waterworks system.
then you will see new houses erected
on the vacants lots in Hensall,
Durham ,
.. 45
Port Elgin in
.. 45,
Walkerton ... 55
Goderich , ,. 441/
Fergus'. 40
Acton 43
Oakville 42.7
Owen Sound . 40
St. Marys- , . 391/,
Petrolia 50
Carleton Place 41
Kincardine , S ............'51
Listowel 37
Renfrew .. 44
.Mitchell , ...... . 37
Miurico .. 51
Weston .. .57
Parkhill' 45
Sunbridge , . 62
Exeter . .. . .. 411/
Brussels ... .... ... 39.,
Chatsworth 33
Arthur .. ... 37
Georgeto*n, .... 39.8
Orangeville ..... 40 °
Graud Valley .... , ...... 40
Mount Forest .......... • . 40
Port Credit 40
Shelbourne.... ......... 41
Streetsvilie" .. . 50
Tara •..... 44
Belleville .. 37,6
Millbrook 45
Cobalt 591/2.
Hensall 32
A little son of Harvey Pendleton,
of Winghain, was accidently knocked
down by an auto with the result that'
he was badly bruised about the head
and received a bad shaking up.
The head of a great trading organization which unites it,:
trading with its politics —a political theorist—has lost control o
the political movement he started and is being driven into I
possible positions by class rule extremists. He is under the
domination of Wood, the political boss of Alberta. He would
give effect to Free Trade, thus destroying Canada's industrial `
and economic -structure.
A Vote for Crerar is a Vote for Chaos
So evasive tha nobody knows where he actually stands on the
great issues o the day. 'Fits his policy to suit his audiences.
Talks Free 'Trade to the West and Protection to the East.
Specializes in high-sounding phraseology. His party is pledged
to a large measure of Free Trade, but fails to suggest new'
methods of obtaining necessary National Revenues.
A Vote for King is a Plunge in the' Dark
Easily the outstanding figure in Canadian public life to -day, and
the only real Leader in sight. Able, forceful,'' courageous, and
upright in character. A statesman of demonstrated ability with
broad National and Imperial vision and an unassailable record.
Stands firm for the maintenance of a reasonable -Protective
Tariff, and aims to provide the maximum amount of profitable
labour for ' all.
.,tt? .; 3, ,; see
The National Liberal and Conscrvative•Party
Publicity Committee
Japan likely to` modify demands
HEWS TOPICSa E on China.
Imnortant Events Which Havel
Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Buppenings"Care-
fully Ooimp,lled : and rut Auto
Handy and :Attrxetive Shape for
the Readers of Our "Paper :-.. A
Solid Hours Enjoyment.
' `4JRSD'AY.
French delegates arrive'. at Wash-
China to+ prove chief problem at
Cerman. Industrialists offer to aid
Piston intermediates aro the O. B.
A. A. title-holders.
Sir James, Craig calls the Ulster.
Cabinet to London.
Hamilton Tigers beat University of
Toronto' senior's, 4 to 3.
Winnipeg will play Edmonton for
the western football title.
Janes Grand, prominent stationer;
dies at his Toronto residence.
Toronto t returned uien'organise to
put candidates in i'wo ridings. r.
Canadian and 'United States offi-
cials to stamp . out rum -running.
Eight teams will playin the 0n
Ladies' Basketball League.
Albert Smoke of • Peterboro' wain
the Hamilton Herald road race.
Hold-up and many burglaries' are
reported to , the Toronto Police.
Parkdale Canoe ` Club ..won the
0. R. F. U. senior champion -Ship.
Brig. -Gen. Archibald Hayes . Mac-
donell, C.M.G.; D.S.O., appointed to
Dr. P. F. Kinsman, 'dentist, Sar-
nia, dropped dead in a hotel at Bruce
Mines. ,
Alfred Scott, West Nissouri, shoots
himself dead in his barn. No reason
Partly successful attempt at jail -
breaking at Guelph; one prisoner is
at large. -
Independent dandidate enters field
against Mayor Church in North
A Scandinavian musician dies sud-.
fienly at Toronto while- cooking
Extensive damage by storm to
telephone lines in eastern Ontario
and Quebec.
Driver arrested on charge of
drunkenness after hitting pedestrian
with car on Toronto street,
Ulster views unfavorably the Irish
United States. will put guards on
mail trains. '
Hylan was re-elected by a big
majority in New York.
United States unknown warrior's
body, reaches America.
Manitoba wheat made a good ad-
vance yesterday. /
Returned men appointed to act as
the revisers' of voters' lists.
University of Toronto inter-
mediates won the group title.
Mrs. John 'Young dies at Green
Harbor, N:S.,' at`"the age of 103.
A woman died,in:,.a Toronto hos-
pital after being ,hit by an auto.
The, public will 'be kept informed
of disarmament conference details.
The American ' Legion Soldier
'Bonus` Bill passed the U. S. Senate.
Ald James W. Harrington elected
mayor. of Chatham for two-year term.
Mrs. Mary Smith, aged 102, dies
as the result of an accident in King-
Federation for Community Service
opens campaign, " in 'Toronto for
Donald R. McIntyre was fatally
shot while deer hunting near Dids-
bury, Alta.
Henry B. Wittok,.prominent Ham- '
,ilton citizen: and scholar, dies at the
age of 90 years.
De Valera cables' Lindsay Craw-
ford that he expects the sympathy of
Canadian people
Over = three million dollars was
wagered atthe fall meeting of the
Thorncliffe race track.
Donald Roy Ferguson of Dane,
aged about 25, ` dies some twelve
hours after 'accidentally, shooting
himself in the 'arm hunting near t
Larder Lake.
"Jess" Willard is not likely to box c
Dempsey. •
Jugo-Slav army ...advances on Al-
banian capital.
Hockey tour'is'ts have nbeen balked
by the C. A. H. A."
• China` is doubtful of good results
of disarmament parleys. ° s
Ulster's reply on Irish conference
proposals is discouraging.
British Premier still aims to at-
tend Washington Conference. h
Two lads are drowned at Hafford,
Sask., crossing ice on a slough. t
"Curly" Wilshur knocked out
"Lefty"' Thomas at, Jamestown. N
Balfour's' party passed through
Albany en route to Washington.
Veterans called to meet in conven-
tion to select election candidates. c
Methodists plan important Dom-
inion -wide evangelistic campaign. d
Foreigners alleged to be slaughter-
ing pheasants near St. Catharines.
Cloak and suit workers and ladies'
garment workers in Montreal, strike: a
Joseph 0. Brulotle,`- Port Arthur,
brakeman•, killed by train at Atiko- s
ken c
Five persons are dead and a child
The Granite 0. H. A. team of 1921
is intact.
JanuBritisharyaoParliament. prorogued. till
Lloyd Qeorge confers today with
,Ulster Cabinet.
Washington is preparing:for Ar
ament Conference,
British Premier` refuses £3,000,00
to help miners wages,
' Frank Bandeau has been matched
to bol; ".Eddie" Beattie.
Bruce Card was found. guilty of
manslaughter at,Toronto,
South '.African,:taind Australian
oricketers played c; tie game,
-Floral wreaths•.f'placed , on United'
States unknown soldier's ;bier._
Toronto observed Armistice' bay by
two -minute cessation of aotivite.
"Johnny" Duff defeated "Jack"
Sharkey 'on points for the bantam
title. '
License Inspector James Sturdy of
Hamilton will retire 'at the end' of
year. .1:
Dark horse may; ,be ;nominated in
West York to oust- : present, Tory con
testa_n ts.
C buret ro
Cabinet ore to lin Northern
P P s
Legislature with All Irish Parliament
at Dublin. • ,
The leaders 'of the 'three parties
.outlinestand a d ori le"alized'rac 'racetrack
et a
Twoui 0o s ns of King'George
rive at Montreal; will hunt and fish
in the West,
A fine•of• $3,000 was imposed on .a
woman, owner of Actors' Social Club,
at Montreal,
George Timpanni, Italian store-
keeper. at Niagara Falls,,foully mur-
dered on street. h°
Associated Boards of Trade of Ti-
miskaming and Northern Ontario
meet at Iroquois Falls.
Hanna resents imputation by Pre-
mier Drury that National Railways
statements are doctored. •
U. S. submarine L-6 caught fire in
Los' Angeles and six of the crew were
so seriously' burned that they were
removed to a hospital.
Gold ingots to the value of 24,-
000,000 gold marks'was found in the
coal of a locomotive on the Danish
German frontier near Flensburg. ;A
man suspected of attempting to
smuggle it out of Germany was
Greeks offer to evacuate Smyrna.
Great ovation given ex -President
Wilson. -
Ulster Cabinet rejects proposals
for peace.
Viscount Grey' writes on old
diplomacy. •
Armistice Day was celebrated in
Britain and Europe.
Unknown U. S. soldier buried in
Arlington Cemetery.
Two men drink wood ` alcohol: at
Montreal; both are dead.
The Toronto Hockey League has
organized for the season.
A 'juryman at Toronto is bored by
lengthy speeches of lawyers. •
The A. A. U. of C. annual meeting
will be held December 9 and 10. '.
Armistice Day celebrated in var-
ious fitting ways all over Canada.
Community Service drive at, To-
ronto fails to attain its' objective:.
Engineers of Hydro ` Commission
too optimistic, says Premier Drury.
Days are too short for officials at
Osgoode Hall, decides W. D. Gregory.
Body of unidentified man found in
Detroit river,' off Ford, . with skull
New Federated Alumni Association
is launched at the University of
Walter Gayman, Vineland, instant-
ly killed by train, while - driving car
across track.
Walter Whitehead of Bridgeburg
dies shortly after drinking Buffalo
Canadian National Newspapers and
Periodicals in convention at Toronto
elect officers.
Dan Hunt, farmer, killed by train
while driving team over crossing at
Bradwell, Sask.
Moses Masuret, retired London
merchant, dies day after - 65th wed-
ding anniversary. ,w •'
' C. N. R. gateman is held guiltless
at Toronto,, by ,a jur,' of death of'
eamster killed by train.
J. Caswell Hopkins, Toronto, has
been made a Fellow of the Royal So-
iety of Literature, London, England_
.ays of
good music
OU can take your own time deciding
likethe A
m b r
whether youcold. You
don't' have to listen to skillful sales talk in.
a can ` sit quietlyat home, playthe
Amberola and decidefor yourself
y f
directed us to deliver to
Mr. Edison has c
your home absolutely free, a
and any twelve Amberol records you may se-
lect. Play the Amberola all you wish, for three
days -notice its rich mellow music—think what
the permanent Diamond Point Reproducer
saves you in trouble and expense of changing
needles. Compare the Amberola with any of
the so-called ``talking -machines.''
If, after this' trial, you decide not to keep the
Amberola, we will call for it and thank you for
giving it the opportunity of proving itself the
world's greatest phonograph value. But if you feel
that the Amberola and good music should have
a permanent"place in your;home, you can keep
this perfect instrument on the'easiest of pay
Merit plans:
Come in and select your ' Amberola' today—
write or' phone if'more convenient.
Powell, 'Exeter
Regina beat . Winnipeg, 8 to 1.
Argonauts, beat Ottawa, 28 to 5.
Queen's University won .from Mc-
Gill,' 6 to 3.
Letter carriers have books , of
tamps for sale.
Eight Sinn Feiners escape -from
Mountjoy Prison.
Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King opens
is Western tour.
Japan and United States are sure
o agree, says Kato.
Sterling•..at Toronto $4.331/2; at
ow York, $3.93%.
Graham Spry chosen Manitoba
Rhodes scholar for 1922.
Mrs. Jay Gould dies on her golf
ourse at Lakewood, N.Y. •
Excavation begun by 0. A. 0. stu-
eats. at Guelph for Memorial HalI'
Hon. T. A. Crerar addresses two
arge meetings in Western. Ontario.
The Toronto police have been busy
nd successful over the week -end.
Thugs attack a Hamilton men.' in
tore on a busy street. Both were
Seven Men picked' for stock-judg-
ng team from O. A. C. to compete at
Searching for a missing girl, To-'
onto police. find illicit still in full
Davis arrives back in Toronto to
e. tried . on charge of murdering
oldberg boy.
Two young men ,loot their lives
when they attempted cross railway
racks at' 'Detroit,'
An inmate; of the House of Indtis-
ry, Cor onto,'dice following fall, An -
thee initiate,inmplicated.
Bacton Korokiyo Takahashi, Miuis-
er of l+inancc lis officially assuthed
re Premiership tr1 Japan,
Frieda Nertioyer, 26, pretty and re-
ned, lies in hospital at De:roil, in a
ritrcal conditioh as a result of hav-
ig taken enough htolrtoridfr of mot
toe, to kill two nicks.
badly burned at Kearney, near• North
Bay. • C
Arbitrators' ' awar,d in C. N. Rys.
dispute recommends graduated re- r
duction;;. o
Lloyd George says . at Guildhall
banquet that the Irish settlement is b
hopeful. (I
George Callaway, negro, despoil-
-dent because out of work, kills Ilam- l
self in Montreal. t
John Wa,t dropped dead on the
Street in Montreal after a drink of t
"anoonshinF" whiskey. o
A Boston terrier atToronto rouses
his master and caves the family from' t
fire that destroys home. i i•1
14" leFDA ' Y. •
Strike ;Pieta ocean. in, the capital of ii
tan,. i e
"Victory ponds ax's advancing in ix
a ri ce, w
Buy Canadian Goods—and help - to keep Canadian
workmen busy, it will help you.
Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit
your saving in The Molsons Bank.
Courteous service to all.
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, ' THOS. RYAN
Vice -President, ' ' JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne . and Biddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. 1, Woodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office—Baker's Livery. on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or.
Phone S.
Olt. A. R. KINSMAN. L:L.D., D.D,S.
tlonor Graduate of Toronto Culver-
Office over Gladman & Stanbury'd''
office, Main Street, Exeter.
Advertise in the Times, it pays.
We have a large amount' of private
funds to loan on farm and" village'
properties, at 'lowest rates of in-
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Ontario'
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terms moderate, Orders left
at Times Office 'will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton.
Address Kirkton P. 0.
Office over I. R° Carling'gf Law
Closed every Wednesday afternoon.
- Dye rights!.. Don't risk':"
your Material. Each paek-
neeof "Diamond Dyes" eon-
trtins directions so simple
that any Woman can
diamond -dye a new, rich"
Color into old garments,
draperies, coverings, every-
thing, n'bethee' noel, silk,-
ilk,linen, cotton or mixed goods.
Buy, "Diamond Dyes" -no'
'other kind -then perfect re-
eults are guaranteed ceee if
you have never dyed before.
Druggist has"Diamond Dyes.
Color Card," --16 rich colors.