The Exeter Times, 1921-11-17, Page 3Progress in Canada. d'ilerease'of 30'; ;94/60-6Uslielsof wheat In the. titre,, p1741,49provincee .ever last ,voar'e,c,aop,,,Wgeestiniate Of; the- latorthWeStIVAilWritsalela', As, sopititlea. A wheat yield this ,yoar:ot around 260,090,090, b./whets is probably re E1,SOnable etfieulation. „Other OSti7 mates of the 2Aesociation ''are; oatee 333,655,000; iu'ley, 4,760,000E; rye flax,t5,576,00,0. , Ca,ttle shipmentS, . , 'Iron( the Port of Montreal' -show, ,Steatly 'increase' since' the opening o ',navigation; and particularly, tcenting into ' qffect of the PartineY Ta,rift Bill. The total number of YeS .els which has left tile -port this sea • . ^ ,^1soiw,,vith cattle is 62,and, these 'Carrie( 3" ' tete','of 21,817 head. There were also vessele' which carried 1,880 sheep A scow load of lake trout reached the town of McMurray, :Alberta, re . ,,centlyes from the I:dad/payee Battin „Fisheries plant at Black Bay on Lake Athabasca, and ,further shipment, it ^is expected, will be made before .the :.close' of, r2avigation on the big,' river, -This is the fast shipment of northern •:lake trout that ha reached '15,1e1Siuraay 'for shipment to the marketatOr Canada ..;:and the 'Milted States, aad denion- trates one of, the ' 'unbounded re - Sources of the untapped /•egtou'es'which 'lie beyond the Athabasetn, ,r eiore than two million 'pounds of wool were, clipped from Alberte sheep this ,year, 'dud'. 1,927,000 pound's .have 'beenshipped east for -sale, Members (-,?f the .Soutbein Alberta Wool Growers .Produced 1,5,09,000 pounds, the remain- der coMirig from Edmonton, Lacombe, *Vermillion' and other points'. Special attention is being' paid by Columbia.lumber exporters to' 'the el:Arise-Es of Australia New Zealand, 'South Africa, China British In.diaa'nd -Egypt. Already, Several large orders '^liave been secured ',froth. these Coun- tries, notably Egypt, which has made :,very extensive :purchases of raillvay 'ties. Not, a month goes .by 'but that three or fain^ British Columbia ^export^ ^.1..ain1er men leave for foreign markets' 'on selling and, investige,-tien teurs,:and, already this activity is producing re- sults. 'Box manufaaturere are also •feeling' ihO benefits • 'of foreign mar - STERN REMINDERS'i A, Fine View for a C , . . asphalt lake at Trini- dad has a lewd, Situated at feesque InBritishecolumbia, is -a lake that con- tains, net asphalt, but Epeom'salts! The isaltS .extetheto 'a depth of forty - _The Trouble 'Nitrify be, Treated 94e fe9te and PernaPe IS0 inuen deeper; 'the 'Miners who firS'C'Stumbled upon Through ttiu Blood - the lake drilled te that depth and then - had to stop` for lack foie drilling facile Every ' rheurnat suffererehould - "•4‘. ,nacres and • tiee:.•.The lake. covers veee realize . that -rheumatism ' is reoted in ItyouLp, No BE IVITIIQIIT bt TABI,ETS Once a methe ha o used Baby's Own. Tablets, for ,her Mile ellei6 she would not be Without them, The Tablete are a perfect home remedy. They regulate the bowels and stomach; qff..ve out constipation and intliger'3tion; a Pl!) 'blood' ail& that to get rid ‘of it it has a hard, ervelan surface, . , bretia up cold's aad rilmple f,re- ant t must be ' treeted through the blood W ien, the . sew Me;ts efeeM the, malt . baba- healthy t11LI Con- e The oal'il belieS that -rhouniatisin wae r5"lunini-ain nifl-Pestile...aerfatei is ;,00-Ver'ed corning '''tl'On2 --I'dr;Nehna'-Pepy.A,, I3t:e eaneed by cold, ii'alliP weather, 'is noW '81.':'.z.lnillies 'deep witiet;:elatereeawileck Benin Seeilisa ,ll.,, 'writes: --,"I have ., asela4ea, ,SUch weather conditions quickly begethee brine: Then.the'sun :to,..n.nd 'BebY'ne:Pelviril..ialr'enn4nd,f Tablets of ,onin groat' s may, sta,rt, ate pains," but it i,s not the ev'illole:', RI' l'i71T,.,...q'4 'Tt..-la','.1',q19CeS- l';e1.1'611t for IAS' children cause Liniment,aii,a outward, appiii.,,,,,,a,at,yi,:ie"•,ta:saaies."ik e3 ilet,sit,'et-Stqsaee not be without, thena". The 'Telblets crust .,,Ottat has' foam -ed.:, .-ct4lon. May 61; -*E, teieporarY'relief, mit Spi,n1g fresh that is all theY•eau de because they dce2,592-!,52"(:!5,11::.,•'`.121,1.9'-'111'' l'^i9vens•4ere pan' • net reach tile blood. The ,4,11-444.P"eP',1-4-er8 1-1-3:I'vest F5: crop that . sufferer from' rheumatism whe f or-seasa Y711:03r:ellsivese meats with outward applications yea only wasting time and, money in de- pending upon tech treatment; 'the trouble still remains, and it' Is all the time becoming mare firmly rooted. Treat this disease through the blood and you will soon find relief. Dr. Wil- celebrated hiseltundredth birthday by hams' Pink Pills act directly 0,11 im- working:2a ;fall:day in his garden pre. pure weak blood; they purify and" .ettaing'the,,gi4ouna tind plantifig`potta toes. He has no difficulty in setting garden line, for his eyesight is, excel- lent. Iii telling about his long'lifo lie said same product sold for nine doll:era: , 1.lears. On s1ttet,mar9h ldi Charles Tully of Hasscielts,^^. des Ox' county, ,England, strengthen it, and so act on the eauso of the rheumatism. Mr. P." J. Mac- Pherson, R.R. No. 5, bardigan, seas: "..tabouts.tb.ree years ,ago was attacked with rheumatism, r began taking Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and .g]ton. the trouble disappeared and I am in better health than before. I also know of an old lady acquaintance who was badly crippled, with -Amu- . matism in, her arms and legs, aed who suffered -very much. She, too, took Dr Williams' Pink Pills and is now • . able to do leer housework. I tell you this in the hope may 'be ofbenefit to some other sufferer." ,• You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any ,dealer in medieirre, or they will he sent you, by mail at 50'•cents bole or six boxes for'$2.50 by writing direct to'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. • The traublet With fainily trees is th'et many of them are shady. ,kets,,India having placed good orders, , Ind Singapore now entering the list with an order for 100_0,000 boxes. A Silver lead. strike has been. made at Noble Five, in the Trout Lake coun- • try, British Columbia, A sample eigh- teen inches in thickness' and averag- -ing $200 to the ten was brought into Revelstoke recently. : The lead runs entirely a.cross the fifteen. hundred •'foot •et Terenty new horticultural societies In every effort directed to improve - 'were organizedan different sectibn's of meat of the public health and well - 'the province' of Ontario dui:Mg-the being, the queseion of out -door otter - ear 1920, making a total be 120awith else must be taken into account. No -a.7 paid membership of 29,000, a, in- matter what preventive measures are crease of 9,000 over the previous year, taken against disease, the physical according to the annual report of the . 'florticultural Societies of Ontario. In 1919 the Associatfon expended $70,- e00 en horticulture.. - e. A large freight 'warehouse on ,the banks of the Kaministiquia'River has been leased by R. C. Harvey, of Leth- bridge, Alberta, to be used' for feed.. . ing 10.000 'sheep, -which he, avilliThring, to Part William to fatten on the Screenings from the elevators. The sheep will be sent to Fort William by the trainload -early in November, and Mr. I-Iarvey, is contracting for hun- dreds of tons of ideal grown hay. Fraser, Brace and Company, con- tracting engineers of Montreal, have been awarded contracts for the con- struction: works of the $10,000,000 power development scheme at Great, Falls, on the Winnipeg River, by the • Manitoba Power, Company, Limited. „Development work is already under , way; with about 400 men , employed and the probability of 'from ^1,000 to 2,500 finding employment within a short while. that he was first a pork buteher •and afterward, a farmer. At the time of hie. retirement:from' adtive farming lee. Controlled 2,000" ecru, This oc- curred when he was 80 years old. •"This is his 'recipe for long life: 'Hard Work in the - Open air, good food ,and enough of, it, but 'not much at night; a nightcap of whiskey and milk, to bed not later than 10 and up by 7 in the morning if not earlier: These are still hi i habits. Of the -1,500,000 houses destroyed in Poland during the World War, ne2arly :'500,600 leave been .rebeik. Knowledge without justice "ought to be .caliedi cunning rather than ;wise dem o. Mihardis Liniment for Distemper. HEALTH ED11CATON .BY DR. J. J MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address hint at Spadino, House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. A Clever Clerk. The proprietor of a shoe store in New England is very proud of one of his youngIons who not very long ago entered the employ of his father; and this pride was much -enhanced by the ' boy's cleverness 'in' the matter of a pair of shoes sold, to a stranger. • The lad had shown this man a satis- factory pair, but the customer said that he had not enough money with him, asking if he could let "fifty cents • go over until the net day," '.- T)re boy consented, for which, after • the• stranger had left the shop, the father, severely reprimanded the lad. • "You'll never see the man again," he said in conclusion. ' • "Oh, yes, I will," said tlie youngster, eNI-serapped up two shoes for the left Like the" Old Folks. A bachelor who is forever putting his foot in it, recentlY visited the _Treed parents of a new boy. . The mother held up the bundle for • ,the inspection, of the bachelor, and asked gayly: "Tell us, now, frankly, which of us do you think he is like?" After a careful examination of the mite 'the bachelor answered: "Well, Marie of coarse, intelligence has not yet dawned in his face, but he's won- derfully like both of you." Camp -fire pestroys a Forest. A teamster hauling supplies was the • dance of one of the bad forest tires in 'Now Brunswick this pest slimmer. He neglected to put out his fire when he made his noonday stop' to boil his kettle, and in an hour afterwards tho woods were aflame. "Garage," now used exclusively a* a name for the housing for a motor-, vehicle., was originally' used in France to denote place f.er keeping basis Totting-fm,..h, etc. are sold by medicine dealers or by at 25 (teats a box from The, Dr. Williams!' Medicine Co.,: Drockyille, Oat, .^. •' Dee 'London ,Lead the - World? bether N'evs York or London les'' the World ie -the number of population is agitating Arneri- Cans as a asteult of the publication 'of .theeBritisk census returns, giving Lon- don a'population of 7,476,168. New 'York's inliabitants total, according to the lathst 'census', 5,629,048, The National Oe,agraphic Society- ' questions the right of the British met- ropolis to claim such a large popula- tion. It points, out that legally, as a munieipal unit, "London" • refers only to the area within the County of Lon- don, •sue -flge:•es cover, extends over 693 "Greater, London," which the cen- square miles; an area six timethat of municipal London, and more than tevica that of Municipal New York, It Is pointed out that,a. greater New York modelled On Greater London lines;, staking: in.• all suburban cities within a radius pf. fifteen, miles from the city centre, is the English, capital three, would pass London's population within a similar, area, ;While London has BO State lines to prevent its expansion for administra- tive.purposes, New 'York halts at the Hudson Riv-er, and must continue self- contained and increase only from its internal growth. 0 driving with his father in an automobile along the Detroit River Scout Gerald Crank, of the 7th mud- :tioesTreepenceideetly,' notieed a Hill° boy who had been playing with some others fail off Liang's dock into the river, which is quite swift at this point. Without waiting for ea the r to stop, he sprang out, ran down the hill and jumped off the doe's, swimmieg down stream toward the dittio fellow who was fast drifting away. He was successful in getting hold of him and SOOT1 had him ashore. With some (1110c:tiny, he managed to revive tire child, who was afterwards driven to hp home, Scout Robert H. Gambrill of the let Exeter Treob, and two other boys, de- cided te go tb their usual swimming they, elmeld have the streegth of the a heavy flood, anti not realizing 'as should have he strength of the current which wee, muting entered the water, One.of the boY,S, who was not able,to swim, held his hones high above. the water aed followed the other two wading, For a moment the two. boys, Salm could swee loet, sight of the °thee bey .and, ,thon.caught sight of him fel' a moment after, he had fall- en into, a.holee which .at the -time was easilyeseven feet,deep, Ga,mbrill swam to him, caught him, by his bathing suit. at the, shoulder and tugged him to the farther bank. The drOwning by en- deavored .to grip him, but Gambrill kept him .under ,his power and finally managed, to get him, to safety. While swimming with two other Scouts in the, large Current River swimming pool at Port Arthur, Scout Sterling Morrison, of the let Port Arthur, Troop,, noticed that Scout ,Tames. Shires was in diMeulty. He plunged into the water and managed to reach Shires just after he had gone under for the second time. He grasp- ed Shires and atarted for the side of he pool with him, but Shires, becom- ng :hysterical, grappled with Morrison ad succeeded in dragging him under. At this point Scout Fred Thynne, a member of the same troop, plunged in nd swam to Morrison's Ossistance, His Hearing Restored. 1 The inVisible ear drum invented by a A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- a tirely out of sight, is restoring the t hearing of hundreds of people in New s I ' York City Mr ..Leonard he two boys then raanaging • to get hires to shore in safety. Cherries -were known in Asia es far back as the seventeenth century. • • invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises and it does this so transportation and too little about walking. This necessary and impor- tant lima:sure towards the heialth e. the people should be fostered and re- commended daily in the public, press.1 The papers,. that continually offered co/edition of the individual, whether sueh important advice would -gain adult' or dhild,, is not kept in 'perfect favor with all progressive people. The condition if healthy exercise, out -f- gTeat advantage of walking as an ex - doors is not indulged in. 25" ercise is that it can be «done at any The 'question' of what constitutes time, of the year -and in prZetiCalary all healthy exercise is important. There kinds of weather. are a large number of Teeple who •There are, of course any other seem to think that touring around in forms of out -door exercisemsuch as a motor car provides sufficient exer- 'gardening, golf, tennis, bowls, rowing, dee for the average person. This is canoeing, hunting and swimming. On- a mistake, but motoring has certain tario has special facilities for inclulg- advantages. It detracts the mind ing in all these pastimes. Even main - from domestic cares and worries, and taineering can 'be done—a most ex - takes people out of doors in the fresh hiliarating form of sport. But yr -hat- ed)... ever" the form of exercise taken, the Real physical exercise—the kind great thing is to get out of doors in that promotes sleep at nights and the sunshine, on the lake shore or .stimulates the appetite, is' lacking in where the fresh breezes blow.' In sick - e sine that 'a car ness r in a. t there is ho better tit lea • motoroffers,''lie -I. h •-• . successfully that no one could tell he Li a 'dea,f mane It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A .request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. advt. Sad, M intake. In a corner Of" 'a railway carriage was„a, 'young man studying a set of official -looking papers.. Suddenly he put his hands to his. heart and cried aloud, in his anguish. To sympathetic inquiries he explainedthat he had sat the previous day for a Civil Service examination. "For the essay test," he strid, "we were asked to explain the advantages of keeping a diary. I have 'just realized that I have handed in four beautifully written pages on the advantages of keeping a dairy." MONEY ORDERS. except in 'the case of the driver who tonie tlian fresh air and sunshine. Send t a Dominion Express Money may. get enough exercise if something Among the trees or by some quiet lake order. Five Dollars costs three cents. meehanic.al goes wrong. . •theetdred body'. and mind get a chance ' Walking is one of the.most henell- to rest and recuperate. Let all who Not Popular. Cial ekercise that can be had ,and yet read,this 'article make up tkeir minds • Little Georgie Goode was standing 0,0 little of' it is 'Practiced. We hear to spend as much time in body and in apart from all the other happy boys, far too much in the daily papers about' spirit in the great out-of-doors. —,- e-- . who were playing as only happy boys "What's the matter, sonny?" asked a passer-by. "Why:don't you play with the rest of the boys?" was urged. "Maybe I can belp.you." de,c,.wideedll "No, you can't help me." "Come on, tell me all about it," he me," the lad ansvrered, trying hard to keep back his tears. it!" the' boy defended himself. "They don't want me to play with TeliVmeelbeoytehllestinfa e 'What's the trouble, that the other boys don't want you to play with 'em," replied the lonely boy bitterly. them?" the stranger persisted. "They've foetid out something about "Was it something bad?" "They think so,' But I can't kelp ,,teadnfyolvraayMcment, but ,tsoire,mflifilecle,o.ther boys' say that I am a softy because I'm"—and he gulped hard—"I'm twins with a girl!" 4.1r Are you stepping on the brake or the accelerator? The food you eat does make a' difference, Heavy, starchy foods often do slow. 'down body and,rnind—often steal the energy that be- longs to the day's work. Grape -Nuts is a' go- ahead food. It contains the perfected nourishment of Nature's best 'grains. It includes all those- elenients needed to nourish body and brain. It is easy to digest. It gives energy without taking( energy. How about your breakfast or lunch—does It give, or take? ' Grape -Nuts is sweet, 'crisp delightful to the taste, and is an ideal source of power for a busy and difficult day. • "There's a Reason" for GRAPENUTS Accommodation. "I we's a passenger on a train out of Edinburgh," says an American, "and became much interested in an Brig - 'Ishmael and a Scot I saw come in. '"Flie Scot was In.his Highland garb arid the fact that he took snuff freely from a large box first attracted my at- tention, He offered it to others to help themselves' an,d generally made himself very friendly, The English- man, Whom nature had gifted valth an extremely large nose, joined the other travellens, Ho seated hitnseIf op: Hite the Soot, who beamed upon him and at once proffered his snuffbox, When the Englishman declined it, the aatonished Scot said: "'Ye dinna snuff?' 'No,' answered the lInglishman. " said the Scot, 'It's a calarni- ty, for ye hae Wenderftil accernmoda- tion for't.' " Pentelons paid to the old or blincl nuintber 1,000,026 in Groat Britain and cost $150,750,000 annually, . Windsor Castle is like a small town in itself, containing hundreds of in- habitants. There are 2.5,400,000 Russians starv- ing in the richest agricultural district under Bolshevist control. "Cascarets" To -Night For Liver, Bowels You're bilious! You are headachy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is. yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Cascarets" to -night to oleans,e the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gasses; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated poison in the bowels. Get a 10,cent box now and let "Ca.sca•rets" straighten. you out by morning. Atinaric„ Pioneer Dog. DArraedtes Book on. i. DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. B. Clay Glover Co., Inc. 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A. In Decrares' It's AStonish- I ing To See The 'Wonderful Benefits She Has Derived From Tanlac Says Ter- rible Headaches Have Dis, "It aPapotemds a'reduireas'enable, but I have uctuafly gained 2s hi less than. a mouth's time b0yptoeurfilril g Tanlao, and the wenderfel benefit I have derived front the use of this medicine is chap- ly astonishing.," said Mee. Rs' Brown, 111 Third Street, Marichester„. l- "aSlt,)e_yt,rIoaabrel,esisohappyar py to be ereinieevyieti never of Praise this medicine enough. 171) to the time I began taking Tanlae I cut - fared for something over two years with a very had form of stomach trou- ble. ' "MV appetite was so peer I could scarcely eat a thing. My stet/melt would be so badly bloated - with gas sometimes I was almost afraid to go to bed for fear I would actually sraoth- er. I felt tired and wore out most of the time and became terribly discour- aged over my condition. I often lead such violent headaches I was unable to be out of bed for two or three days at a stretch., "Foure.bettles of TanIao complete,1-7 restored my health, and anyone can see at a glance the wonderful Change that has taken place in my condition. I have a splendid appetite now and the stomach trouble has entirely disap- peared. I can eat just anything I want without ever feeling a sign of MRS. ROSE M. BROWN Indig-estione The best of all, I am ' never bothered any mere with head- aches and this was the greatest relief of all, I want to tell everybody What this medicine has done ror me," Tanlac is sold by leading druagis'ts everywhere. Adv. The Fly in the Ointment. "Ah, old fellow," said. Johnson to a riend, "so you are married at last. blew me to congratulate you, for I ear you have an excellent and ac- complished "I have indeed," was the reply; "she s highly accomplished, Why, sir, she s perfectly home in literature; eine in art: home in science ---in h t A at at at home at S or , everywhere ----except—" "Except where?" "Except at home" MInarces Liniment for Garget In Cows. COARSE SALT LAND'SALT Bulk Callas TORONTO SALT WORKS C. CLIFF - TORONTO - ROM AfterEathig If you have fulness after meals, a bad taste in your mouth in the morning, fur on the tongue, &b. ulence after meals and no appe- tite, take Mother Seigers,Syrup. It will dean your tongue, renew, your appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it thoroughly sad easily. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. 4-921 A baby alligator at the London Zoe is seven years old, and barely 12 -in, long; he grows about 1 -hi. each year. -- Genius has been explained by s.n, Irish aurgeon as the product of 'a germ svhiela gets into and' round the human -brain; Classined Advertisements. iLADIES 'WANTED—TO DO PLAIN ' and light sewing at horns, whole Or spare time; good pay; work vent any distance; charges paid- Send stamp /or particulars. National Manufacturiog Co., Montreal. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. DELL PLAYER PIANO IN 'a0OD AL -2 condition, with a large number of music rails, for sale at a bargain.. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF NEW AND USED belting, pulleys, saws, cahle,hose,Packing, etc., shipped subject to approval at lowest prices in Canada. YORK BELTING CO.. 115 YORK, STREET; TORONTO. Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With . California Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Frg Syrup." If the little tongue is contort, or if yourchild is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver arid towels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thorough- ly it works all the constipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the 01:5::f10(t4= bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. • Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handyr They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Pig Syrup" whicit has directions for babies and children I of all ages printed on bottles Mother! I You must say "California" or you may than forty years sioan,s get an Imitation fig syrup. For more Liniment has helped thousands, the jJ world over. You won't be an excepa tion. It certainly does produce results,. It penetrates Without rubbing. Keep this old family friend always handy for instant use. Ask your neighbor. At all drug -gists -35c, 70c,$1 40* etv, Made in Canada. USE SLOAN'S T 141 OFF PAIN off o by'an applica. L'rri-Lthess-',--rded tithes grow into big pains tion of Skim's. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints; Inane back won't fight long against Sloan's liniment. DR. MINARD, Inventor of the Celebrated MINA.RD'S LINIMENT te. eae Nothing Else is Aspirin— say 'Bayer" Warning! Unless you See name "Bayer" t on tablet, you are not get- ting Aspirin at ail, Why take chances? Accept only , an unbroken "13ayer" package Which contains dimotions Worked out by physicians during,. 21 'years and proved wife by millions for Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache, Netiralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum- bago, and Pain, Made in Canada. All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of Aspirin in handy, tin boxes of 12 tab- lets, and in bottles of 24 and. 100. , Aspirin is the trade mark (registered hi Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of iviOnoaceticacideetor of While it IS Well ktown that Amoitia. means alayer manufacture, to , assist the Public against imitations, the. Tab- lets of .13ayer Company will be stamp., ed. With their general trailet Mark, the "Bayer Crest:. SN What Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Did or Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Kieve.r. Vancouver, B.0.—"I am pleased to Say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me a lot of good. I can now walk about without the aid of a support and feel real strong again. A nurse advised me to take the Vegetable Compound and it is certainly helping me. It seems like Heaven to be relieved after months of pain."— Mae, H, W, BAitza, b'874 10th Ave. West, Vancouver, B. C. Albert Co., N. B.— "I have taken Lydia B. Pinkham's medicines and. they have done me a lot of good. Since then I have been able to do my house- work and I have a lot of work to do as we live on a farm. Seeing your adver- tisement la the r)apers was -what made me think of writing to you, I hope this may help son_le one else, .' -- Mae. WzG. B, Rinvsa, 'upper New Hes-ton, Albert tio., The reaSon woMen write such letters to the Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine Co. and tell their frievis how they are helped is that Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vege. table Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives. Freed from ibirs 2I614 to 9,,Nyt: so mug' womoo their illness they want to pas the good that they also may be i".eI; XS there are any complications you do pot understand ViTite to Lydia E. Pink.. barn Medicine Co, Lynn, Maas, lee tigl