HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-3, Page 6very Man For Hhnseif
(Copyright by lguseell Company)
Single eine, eh? Not that ir martere
in the leaet. but-- You did right le
reporting' IL Thanks,"
•, "Would you mind telling me if yell
. She got away without leavieg a
1 had 411.YhedY the office here with
''oc'''llt:Vor'll'IllISIlit:;g'b betfehlaetIel Q(L.Fir111°Trl ei,:?1,11:?0 n (31 11.1i we-re
surprise, "I was called on the 'phone
1.1):V an old newspaper •:sequel:at:lace--
. yes. Perhaps you know him—Hughey
CHAPTER IV.—(Cont'il.) !note—the feet that she was Chewing Poamare? pie got a job re,aerely as
The office of Blatchford Ferguson,' gum/ chewing it ra-PidlY as 11 to re-i*President Wade's Private secretary—
barrister, etc,, in the Broker's Bank lieve 'nervous tension. I Canadian Lake Shores Raileip,,raeyi, longe
Hope yeu'll knoW me next' used to Work On the same pa •
Building, was laid ovt along sorneevhait "Weill
unconventional lines. Of course the line you bee me!. Get it off Yonr ago. Why?"
public. entranee from the corridor °he 1 . eh est pl ase, Wht aa
, gainto d°1 `10h, n;thingenjuse ray mie e col_
gave acirnieeion to an outet office about it?" . osity. Say, there's Sotnethieg you
three where two or stenographers eP- Kendrick smiled" slowly at thio can do for me, like a good fellow, be-
erated their typewriters under the eye eengruitY of the speech,. even while fere 1 go. give me a knoelcadoefn to
of a law student, while just inside the thankfal that her Voice at least NV" the lady outside, will you? Didn't
Tailing of. the entranceway sat a net M har-W-`disdordwith her aPPear- know you owned a. peach orchard,
PomPadotired Offiee boa' who occupied Rage, but well modulated. Blateh. 1Vho is she?" ,
himself variously with an old-fash- "I 'beg your pardon" he apologized, Ferguson chuckled as he pressed a
Mlle(' letter -press, alongside the vault, realizing all •at once that he had been batten.
with Sharpening leed pencils, ehewing guilty of staring somewhat longer "Names Margaret Williams, My
gam and guarding the gate in the, than was warranted even lay the anregular stenag•rapher was taken sick
railing. But the partitions which en -i usual cinenmstanees. "1 a-1°- YerY! suddenly the ether day and she sent
closed this general office were hunt i sh°rt-sighted and there are times; around this friend of hers to substi-
soled from floor to eeiling and the when I cannot distinguish ehjectsatabaeye
e, euli,er': toliptteym
tsodalgoova' Nblworker,ht0e0,s
greater distance 'than a very few But.
only sign of an inner esen was"
a doer direetly behind the youthful feet. This morning rny eyes are ex -
sentry, the ground glass o,f which ceptionally bad,"
bore the single word, 'Secretary," in She glanced at him quickly as if
neat gold and bleak lettering, searehieg for indications of mockery
The Secretary's effice had a private which were lacking in the eourteous
entrance from the public -corridor of tones of his voice.
the building Hand an inside door, e -
tered "Leans and Investments." On
through this office was still another
door, insoribed "Ineurance Depart -
Ment," while beyond this second sane -
"If you will be good enough to take
in my card—?" he suggested, extend-
ing it '
She hesita.teci, then laid down her
natelamiik and, acceptedthe card with -
turn was a third door which led into out speaking. Ferguson tionen,g to
,the sanctum sanctorum wieh its un- meet him, at the door with extended
ex•pected exit upon a narrow black hand, stopped short and stared.
hallway and e dusty flight of stairs "It's a peaela Phil! I must admit
by which it was possible without un- it's a Peach!"
clue publicity to reach 'the street or, "A Lombard plum, you mean,
rather, the back lane where carters Match. How'd I get it? Why, you
rnad,e deliveries.
At times this carefully planned of-
fiee arrringement was fouad to be
hiehlv convenient no less by the eoa-
fidential-IIIr. Ferguson than be- certain _
of his clients. For although Blatch- her umbrella, thinking I was going to himself ,guilty of staring.
ford Ferguson, barrister, etc., really grab them and run," "Have you ever seen a real, honest -
could ---and did—go barristering about "Come right in. Corne right in," to -goodness amulet, Miss Williams?"
ehuekled Ferguson. "Here, have a he asked ea•geely; reaching into his
'cigar?" pocket. "I'd like to show you mine
"Thanks, but I'm only staying a before I go, if I may." He slowly un -
jiff. Got to make another call and folded the dolla-r bill and held out the
it's nearly noon now. Would you hand -painted blouse pin, watching her
mind if I leave the door open? The closely.
,smoke's, pretty thick." "What a pretty pin!" she said in at
"Hit 'syou with an unibrella, eli?" flat, disinterested voice. She looked at
chortled the lawyer with jovial ,slcep- it perfunctorily. "I know a man 'who
used to carry a potato to ehase rheum-
atism away. It was planted by a enc -
eyed, left-handed negro, born on the
thirteenth of the month. I've heard
of an elk's took for pleurisy and a
rabbit's foot for 'evil spirits; but a
pin like that? It will lead you into
danger instead of away from it."
"Not when it is pinned to a canoe
leaving soon to marry a _fellow at
Buffalo--er—Mies allow me
to present Mr. Philip Kendrick,"
Her bow was very formal' and as,
at her employer's request, she escort-
ed him to the private exit at her own
end of the office, her manner was
equally cold.
"I hope you bear me no will, Miss
amiled.Phil. "I assure you
I 'have done nothing to merit it."
"That is for me to judge," she re-
torted calmly. "Please go. I do not
care to know you, Mr. Kendrick."
Phil tus-ned quickly., IL was the
second time within twelve hours that
a girl had told him that --in those
very words, with that same disdainful
see,—I had the misfortune to step on tone. Why, if he were to shut his
a wayward banana skin— Oh, well, eyes he felt sure he -could imagine it
if you really must know, I tried to to be the very voice inflection used by
help an old lady piek up some bundles his Fog Lady when delivering the same
sl ed ,end she hit me with sentence of exile. Again he found
the courts quite legitimately, he also
carried on it substantial business in
et eeteras. Thus, he eciuld talk to an
insurance prospect in a private effice
provided with insurance files and
hung with insurance company calen-
dars; or he could talk to a passible in,-
vestor in a private office which had
just the rie-,ht firran,cial atmosphere to
foster confici.ence. Bueang selhng, boi- ticism as he tilted back in his swivel
rowing, lending, advising—nothing chair. "Deduction: It had a knob on
that cold be "farmed -me on a split the end of it! Sentence: Thirty days
commission was beneath the notice in the weeds!" and Mr. Ferguson
of Blatch Ferguson, who would have stroked his nose while he permitted
negotiated a deal for a carload of his shoulders to Shake in appreciation
Rassian whiskers coulei he have found of his own pleasantry. Mr. Fergu-
a responsible master barber to make sen's nose avaa fleshy and its color
the contract with a mattress factory was red.
"On my -way there eow--going fish -
'IYhein ',You Remodel 'a 'G.arnient.
, Yeti are one of: those unfortunate'
women who ean buy what yeia want
you want lt, land let someone
efse sweat over the bills, do not read
this. But if you 'belong to the lucky
majority who get .a suit this a
hat about Christma,s, and the gloves,
ehoes and hose that properly belong have material' enough to , carry out
color is removed. 'Thirty minutes
shoukt 1.10 Saffmieuts fifteen is eftee
enough. . A. little Washing soda. added
to the water hastens the process., ,
In dyeing,' follow directions fin the
, Before starting. your work 'of .eleari-
ing, study well 'yoni• garmerit 'arid de.:
eide en a paet•eim. Be sure' that, you
to the Shit'-rwhee it, is in its second.
,..Seesone this .may he of help 'to, you.
Perhaps alter you read . it you enaer
decide to make the old suit last' an -
'other year in. it new sgaise, and buy
the 'accessories this fall.
AJi s he shook bands with COD.Way, ing down the 1.1"•rench River with an ' of three o clock in. the morning- in a . e, • ,. a
1011 It rightly, le, stand for an, hour, elmer over the wholeohoueel
the young student who presided over old schoelerrate," grinned Phil. Say, dense fog," declared Kendrick signi-
• andepress, over a cloth, on'the wrong I know a woman who has spent the
the outer office,, Kendrick was con- there was a --meeting over at, my ficantly. ,
' 1 t t 1 twenty • 1
scious that the office boy and the uncle's on the Island last night, "That is very silly," said the' 81 ' . - . arges par o years ini.)ed
' air as she handed, it back to him and of the woel it would be better te clean writes, "I am anxious to give sunny
turned towards her typewriter. "Good- it intgasolene. To do this only a high. thoughts to 'people, to lie-lp my com-
grade itas can be used, as the loeal plaining, fault-finding, Pessimistic
day, Mx. Kendrick. I really'must get , .
on with nay worlc." - • '' ...--' 'a ' --dia. ' • •
your idea before you start ripping up
the old garment., There see many
good tpatterns on the market, and all.
will tell 'you 'how much material you
,need. If 'you. are at all clever With the
in the attic you may have an 'aid needle, Y`oin, will be 'able to,, do the
work Yourself. If you have doubts as
lelactlabreadeloth suit whieh went out
Of sty,letbefore the Wale If you have
you are in luck, for both broadcloth
as a. fabric arici1blabk 'as a color are in
high, favor this season.. And. while
theeltra.dress has the long lines from,
shoulder to hern which look rlis,cortrag-
ing to the home 'dressmaker .seeking
to year skill it veraulciebe economy to
Eire a dressmaker to do the work. .
•• Mot)heil!sQ-sryhtoheal.L•e'ulalICtil''thlealrilwits' end
in Planning."7the children's echo&
lunch will' welcome the following .sug-
te convert snit into a dress, there geStee combination's. -
are really good models with. -girdle' Sandwiches with sliced, 'tender meat
whieh give one aehance to -ultilize the for eaeng; baked apple, cookies, or a
few lumps of sugar.
Slices of meat loaf Or bean loaf;
bread and butter sandwiches; Stewed
fruit; small frosted cakes.
Crisp rolls,' hollowed out and 'filled
with chopped meat er fish, moistened
and seasoned or -mixed -with salad
dressing; orange, apple, a mixture of
Suit coat. Or a 'lung black brea.cielotli
coat might be converted into a smart
new -dress by using a front panel of
satin -or Silk. * -
In making ever the suit the first
step is to get your material ready. It
should be first ripped, using a safety
razor blade, or a good sletrp knife if
you haven't the razor blade. Then sliced traits or berries,
Lettuce or celery sandwiches; cup
custard; jelly, sandwiches. -
Cottage cheese and" choppe.d „green
take out doors and brush the pieces
with a 'stiff brush, taking care to re-
move all stitches and lint..—Pure wool
may be washed with soap flakes °fa
goad *eel soap end soft warm water. Ha/a-boiled eggs; crisp baking pow- tested by the' U. S, Government and 35
Make a lather before entering ubis'cu'it;-celery , ti• h • brown reading by
and found to be
goeds• or la is es,
This guaranteed
health tonic
costs you nothing,
the Lens pay for it ns
It supplies Nature's
eggrmaking eleinents.
Pratts rcliftry,Regulator
ADVICE F.REE, Let US help you
Pratt Food Co. of Causda, Ltd.
Two Kinds of Doctors,
The Rev. Dr. Citranninghad it broth-
er, a physician, and at one time they
both lived in Boston. A countryman
in search of the divine knockeri at the
physician's door. "Does Dr. Channing
live here?" lie aske,d. "Yes, sire'
'lean I see him?" "lam her -Who?
You?" "Yea, sin" "You must have
altered considerably since heard you
preach?" "Heard ma preach?" "Cer-
tainly. You are the Dr. Channing tha
preaches, ain't• you?" "Oh, eee, you
are mistaken now It is, my brother
who preaches I am the (Totem- who
To think without reading is diffi-
cult; to read -without thinking is ridi-
,64efo AIR
Beats Electric or Gas
A new oil lamp that gives an amaz-
ingly., brilliant, soft, white light, ea -en
pepper sandwiches; fruit cake. better than gas or electricity, has beni
, e
Do not rub on soap. Be sure tlia,ttlie
water in which the • goods is washed
and in which it is rinsed, is of the
same tenfp,erature. Do not use too
su.gat or maple sugar sandwiches.
If the saridevielies ape wrapped in -
oiled paper, the lunch packed neatly
anci, a Paper' napkin Put in, the chil-
hot water: Changing the'temperature dren's enjoyment of sthe lunch will
causes the wool fibres:. to stiffen. It be doubled and the mother will be
is better to leave a -little 'lather in the amply repaid by their enthusiasm for
rinsing Water, as otherwise the natur- Li:mother who cares. •
a.- oil of the wool is removed. The
soap that adheres to the cloth will be
removed when the material is hung
outside. -If the water is hard, soften
with borax or ammonia.
Good Cheer From the Sick.
Is there 'anything quite so beautiful
as a radiant, happeasoul in a clef.orm-
, •
Run the -material through a wring- ed 'body? Many of the harpiest peca
er-clo not tW I St "With tlie hands and ple I have ever known were crippled;
hang on- the line to partially dey. 'Then but how they .spread suns:Mile and
cushion, by it ibeautiful girl at the hour I,
stenoarapher.; behivd hire, were en- 'Match," he added briskly. "I believe haughty Miss Willieins with a bored 11 you are not sure of the- quality with a hopeless spinal malady Who
joying the mild sensation which his
black eye inspired. Even Conway was
grinning like au idiatie cat from
you were there. N17111 you tell me
what took place?"
Ferguson sat up. Ile ran his fing,-
Cheshire. The two had known each ers o -ver his head in a habitual ges-
other, somewhat casually, at the uni- ture which long since had worn a bald
versity. streak along the tep. He leaned. back
"I bumped into the parallel bars again in his chair, the tips of his
during a game of volley hall at the fingers pre.ssecl together, and for a
gym the ether night," he explained moment scowled thoughtfully at the
gravely. "Is Ferguson in?" wall.
Conway told him to walk right 'lour getting into deep water,
through. Miss Williams e-euld take boy,Va-he warned at last, slowly. "I
in his card. Thus it carne about that don't know where the mischief you
Phil, uneecorted, r,assed through the gat that information; but I'll have
geate in the railing and on through to refer you to the Chief himself for
the door to the secretary's office. As your answer. Why, what do you want
he closed this de,or behind him he to know for?"
paused for a mement in some uncer- "Oh, nothing in particular, except
tainty at finding th•e secretary's office —it was very foggy, you remember?
deserted. Her hat and coat were —a pretty good night for conceal -
hanging in ,place, however, a.nd aahalf ment, if anybody happened to be in -
finished letter was in her typewriter; terested in spying on- you people over
so he ventured through to the open there. You know more about that
doorway beyond, thinking she might than I do!,
have stepped into the adjoining office. Mr. Ferguson played a good game
She had She 'had gone rigat ef poker; he prided himself upon his
through it and through the second ef- self-control. But the seriousness of
flee of the suite also, The young ladye his manner indicated that he was
was visible through the vista of open startled.
doorways and she was so absorbed in! "Just what do you mean by that,
her own activities that she was quite (Phil? You're come here to tell me
oblivious of his presence. For she something. What is le?"
was kneeling with her ear to the key -I So ICendrick told him, omitting no-
h•ole of the farthest doer of all, the thing except the fact that the girl
one which led into the sanctum sane- !had dared him to kiss her, anti that
thrum of her employer, and there was!, when he had done so he h;iti gone in
no doubt eahatever that she was lis -110T an involuntary swim.
teeing with ,all her might. 1 "And you let that woman go home
Net a little astonished, Kendrick, alone at- that hour of the morning?
watched her. Then at his slight, You are neglectful both of your op -
cough the girl straightened quickly1 pontunities and your etiquette!" but
and stared at hint with widened eyes.talthough the lawyer's tone was light
In answer to his beckoning finger she, he was very serious as he pursed his
came towards him stoaviy, "her colorliips and scowled.
mounting swiftly, When she had shut! "Don't go blaming me, Blatch. As
the last doer behind her she faced him! soon as I helped her ashore she ran
with an air of defiance. I off and the fog was so thick you
Kendrick gazed, at her in speechless couldn't see anybody within a couple
admiration of the picture she made of feet of you. I tried my 'best to find
as she stood there, symmetrical figure. out who she was; but she ducked'. Be -
.gracefully erect, her head held high, sides, how was I to know thething
with its elaborate coiffure of brown' mattered? I didn't know Uncle Milt
in the wool and frien.as." This 'brave woman is It try-
ing of disappointment that he bowed was -with an Unreason:lb:1e feel-- e/e9s-lab' Xemani-
the cloth becemes a dirt catcher. To ing to give Sunny thoughts to people
himself out. She had not blinked an test the gas, put a little on a sheet when she has been a semi -invalid for
eyelash! Who was the idiot who first o'levriting Paper, and allow_ it to run twenty years. One would think th'at
started looking for needles in hay- off to the side. If it evaporates ouick- if 'anyone had 'a right to be pessi-
stacks anyway? A' fool's quest!
Mumma! but wasn't he de trop" with
the ladies? Web, he would buy cigar
with the dollar and m-ake a present
of the pin to Mrs. Parlby, his uncle's
estimable housekeeper. •
But he did neither of these things.
Instead, .he was to continue the feller
of keeping both souvenirs and the
equal folly of lacking at them from
time to time—to see if they -were
(To be continued.)
Dyed Her Sweatei
and Silk Stockings
Each package of "Diamond Dyes"
contains directions so simple that any
woman can dye el. tint ,fad -ed, shabby
skirts, dresses, waists, coatsesweaters,
stockings, hangings, draperies, every-
thing like new. Buy "Diamond Dyes"
—no other kind—then perfect horne
dyeing is guaranteed, even if you have
never dyed before. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye
is wool or silk, or whether it is linen,
cotton, or mixed goads. Diamond Dyes
never streak, spot, fade, or run.
Wreath for British Dead
Faces Irish Delegtes.
As they attend conferences in Down-
ing 'Street every day the Irish peace
delegetes pass a cenotaph at which a
nevr wreath of laurel with large red,
white and blue streamers was laid re-
cently.. Attached to the wreath is a
card bearing this inscription:
"Sacred to the memory" of 568 offi-
cers and non-commissioned men of
his Majesty's army, navy and police
force who, laaving fought for King and
country in the great war, have since
been foully murdered by the King's
enemies in Ireland."
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
France Sending Fruit for
English Tables.
The sacred British breakfast of mar-
malade is menacecl by the Richborough
train and ferry across the Straits of
Deyer, which during the war rendered
invaluable service and which has just
made its first peace trip, bringing de-
licious Chasselas grapes for the King
and Queen ' as the gift of the grape
growers of Tarreet-Garonne.
A througIi trate from the vineyards
preived itt London With the French
and British Colors' decorated With bou-
quets ef flawere from France, This
train' brought 300 tons of frait along
With' the gift to their Majesties. Freen
Pettit in England in 'Winter has hither-
to been searee and high.
It was annouriced that the use, of
the ferry will save 20 pee centof the
time uetally baron for the traneporta•
tion of fruit from France to riThgland.
hair, her dark Jane eyes flashing re-
sentment. The creamy column of her
well shaped neck, the firm chin, the
almost classic perfection of her fea-
tures, the rich red of her cheeks --
wherever did Ferguson go for his sec-
retaries? She was plainly dressed in
some dark material with a white collar
and cuffs; but the sensible'office dress
served only to heig-hten the pleasing
Was in town even—not at the time.
"I didn't say it mattered, Phil," said
Ferguson hastily. He laughed at the
idea. "Whatever put it into your head
to think this—er---lady was spyin.g on
a—an ordinary business meeting?
Supposing she was—why, what earth-
ier good would it do her?"
"Search me, Blatch. Thought I'd
better tell you about it anyway.
effect. There was only one jarring "Quite right, of ,course. Hm—just
e go-siibisiatiort of purity.,
'has made Mak Baldn
quality ankt ecottomyg
:Powder the Ktandard
baking nosvder of Canada.
Positively aintains no
alum ot other inj'utiolli
ks-uSe insures perfect
"Costs no more than the
rdinary kinds"
to1a4e in Canada
C,ILLIgtir compAxy Limrat)
ly and leaves no m -arks on the paper
it is all rii-fit to use, o
Silks 'arebetter wash -ed in gasoline.
Or perhaps you will want to dye it.
Georgettes, crepe de Chines, anti 'fou-
lards dye well. If you decide to dye,
first remove all the color possible.
Make a heavy suds of a mild soap
added to water enough to cover the
rnistie gloomy, sad, and discourage:el,
it would be such a woman. But no!
She cheers people up. This ought to
m-ake those of us who axe sound
well ashamed of our fault-finding,
complaining, and pessimism.
If there is a blessed quality in the
universe it is 'found in those who ex-
press sunshine, who radiate happiness
goods. Enter the silk and' boil 'until and good cheer under great suffering:
The Only Path.
The habit of half doing
things, of doing things in a
sloppy, slovenly, way; the
habit of aimless, purpose-
less working-, has ruined
more careers than almost
anything else. Systern, or-
der a n d concentration,
coupled with industry, will
make a success of a o'ne-
. talent -man, while the -habit
of half doing things will
ruin the biggest -brained
man in the world. Efficiency
is the only path to success.
Girls' Heads Grow Quicker
Than Boys'.
The reaareaeon why girls are clever-
er than boys up to a Certain age was
revealed by it -woman investigator at
the meeting of the British Association
at Edinburgh, says -.The Londo.n Daily
Mail correspondent.
Miss Flerning, a volunteer worker,
has been raeasuring the heads of s-ome
2,000 Britis,IP school,childie-n, and re.
measuring them at certain intervals.
She told • the association of the mart
striking results.
The size, but eepecially the breadth,
of a girl's, head increases vary rapidly
up to -the age of ten, vastly more quick-
ly than that of a bey's., whose increase
begins to grew rapid at about ten. The
girl's head and the color of her hale
and eyea are pretty well fixed at the
age of fif-Leert TIle boy may go en
ehangin.g even as late ae nineteen.
Tablet that have been made of the
intellectual capacity, of 'girls and boys
coerce -peed extraordinarily closely to
the variation 'of the head rnea,suee-
merit apd the fixing et definite color
iri the haic and eyes. On the whole,
girla are more round headed and boys
mote long headed.
Miee Flerning'e meaateremente have
already induced certain, changes la
particulareellooth. Children whose
le -aerie have `not swelled -wiles) their.
ought to have boon given an extra
year'S' et:heeling, arid the 'sexes have
Iran efferently treeted. Orie ' boy
with a. quite abn-ormally narrow head
gperonlinuisses to be something or a litery-
Mis-s Fleming told one' delightful
story. The ch,ildren -take great in-
terest in the proceedings, especially
the very young. An inf-ant ef under
five who -se head Miss Fleming meae
sured asked at the finish: "Arid what
type am I?"
She re -plied. You weuacl make a
delightful fairy," an answer,that made
the little girl pout, and, restraining
her team, she said: "When the pro-
feeser measured my grandmother's
head, he said steams mid-Meditef•ra-
This work '''ef Miss Pleming's is
largely now to anthropologists.
superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It
burns without odor, smoke or noise --
no pumping up, -is simpleeelean, safe.
Burris 94% air and 6% common kero.
sene (coal -oil).'
The inventor, P. T. Johnson, 243
Craig St. W., Montreal, is'offering to
send adamp on 10 days' FatEle trial,
or even to give one FREE to the first
user in each 'locality who will help
him introduce -IL. Write him to -day
English Traveller Witnessed
Many Timilling Scenes- Dur.
Year's Residence.
Although from time to time vieits,
have been paid to the cannibal is-
lande of the Smith Seas, few haves,
been so thrIlliel•,ana adverituteSerne'
as that made' eeeently by Mr. Freder-
Ick O'Brien
Mr. O'Brien lived for a year among
the cannibals, quite fearlessly, and
-witneased many thrilling ,acenes.
The natives had a great liking for .
many peculiar foods,. For instance,
octopus was a rare dish.. On one oc-
casion Mr. O'Brien:Was with a party
of, natives who were oolleeting some
email specirriens of the fah, of which
there were many on the beach. They
were engaged in the tisk of cleaning
them., of their poison „when there 1110.$
a warning shout. '
The Dreaded Octopus.
Four of the crew had attackeila
giant octopus which was •Iiidden in a
cave on the rocks. From the gloom
he darted out his long ,atixis,, the while
the naked, boatmen, dancing just out
of reach eS. the writhing tentacles, -
struck at them with long knives.
Suddenly the, octopus caane, out of
his den to fight. He .waa- a reddish -
purple globe of flesh, horned all over,
a,nd with large, bitter, 'retie./ eyes, that,
roved from one to another, as it
searching for': bis prey, :Then eight
arms.stretched out en all sedee of him.
•The natives began a fresh attack
and then to his horror Mr. O'Brien
felt a slimy arin wind itself around his ,
leg. Hie cry attracted the natives'
attenticoi, mad with a bound and a.
flash they had cut the feeler. ._
Anothe-r of the men had two ten-
facies- arcund him, but his eempanicine
hacked at the arms until he was free.
The oetcpue who nroandd
was ceentually killeti, The renaaina
were gathered up,, coelce.d, and
:for full particulars. Also ask hirn eaten,
explain how you can -get the. agency.
and without experience or inoney
make $250 to $500 per month.
Keep Minard's,LIniment in the house.
Expecting lielp from
know of no other one thing 'which
Is more demoralizing to self-help and
self-reliance than always to be waiting
for some one to help us, expec,ting
somebody to boost us, to use their in-
fluence for us, to help us to get a start
in the world. The effective men are
self-ttarters; they not only begin but
they begle right away. The waiters
and the withers are always left be-
Everywhere we see' young people
waiting to be cranked, so to speak,
Iting for some one else to come
along- and give them a start; hut the
self-starter (lees not wait for outside'
help. He starts out alone, and he
goes ahead and gets there -without as,
sistance.-0. S. Marden,
Women farmers in the T_Tniteci
States number over 260,000
For Sale
Boys jus+ love its 5rnooich
frac'.ran+ lather
Ilker,” M.*
Complete Water Pumping °nide' in,
good condition, for sale at a bargain,
11/2 loP. Wagner electric motor, single -
phase 25 cycle, 100 -115 'volts ,wit•ii
Luitweiler deep well pump, Peal
Estatee Gorpotatiori, 73 West Arielatcle
4tereet, Teronie:
SWEig:M274 PRA
OU will be astonished at ,•the re-
sults we get by our modern s;y-etein
of dyeing and cleaning. Fabric's
that are shabby, dirty or spotted are
stuade like new. We can, restore the
most delicate articles
Send one article or a parcel of goods -
by post or express. We will pay -car-
riage one way, and our charges •are
most reasonable.
When you thiek of clean-
ing and dyeing think of
ye Works
Cleaners and Dye.rs
791 Yonge Si.
Toronto "
?ea. easee,"'
Zee enWa,Mit
Have it always
in the house
wisE nothers keep ajar or
a tube of "Vaseline." White
Petroleum Jelly in Lhe house for
many childish ills, such as blimps,
bruises, chafed skin, cradle cap.
It is soothing, healing and grate-
ful to ,the most irritated skin.
Be prepared for winter colds,
too. "Vaseline" Capsicum Jelly
rubbed on the chest, and 4dVase-
line" Eucalyptol Jelly snuffed
into the nostrils will cheek them
Isfro Chabot Ave., Montreal, P.Q.
reade Mark
ISSUE' No. 44—'21.
*The visitor eataseserl a tight be-
tween a band of sharks aied two large
v,-1-iales and, a baby whale. There were
at least teveray-five sh,arks in the mad
mob, great white monsters thirty feet
in length, turd it was P3 if a gale
raged. Both the Wheles stuck out
frenziedly te defend their erc,ung one, ,
but the sharksharriea them li
hounds, and at last the inell.er-wha
disa-ppeared, her baby being sn'aldlied
from her side. ,
A number of mOnGte,r, sword -fish
once attacked a canoe containing Mr.
O'Brien. and a native, both. et 'wham
were thrown Into the water. Tho na-
tive was badly injured, a sword hav-
ing pierced. bis leg through.
Queer in the extreme were some of
the names, bestowed upon the natives,.
For instance, Mr. O'Brien's boy -ser-
vant was known as "Exploding Eggs,"
while quite conmien were such high-
sounding titles as, "-Malicious G,ensip,"
"Drink of Beer," 'MTy Darling I-lep'e,"
"'Vanquished Often," - and "Chief
Seventh Man Who is so Angry He
Wallows in. the Mire."
A Native Beauty.
"Vanquished Often" was a thirteen -
year -old girl of great beauty. "Seventh
Man" was her uncle. When Mr.
O'Brien visited them, the chief sug-
gested that he might like his niece as
bride.. So great was the disappoint.
ment .of both when the -S'isitor refused..
that Mr. 0:13rien said he -would make
her his little sister. They were ina.
mensoly pleased. .
-Perhaps the most entertaining inci-
dent of his year among cannibals men-
tioned by Mr. O'Brien ,in• his book,
"White Shadows of the South Seas.,"
is of a -wily 'relive, who got peemission
to have a game of cards- on condition
that he, did not play for anything but
'matches. In one day every •box of
matches in the islands had be -en lost'
to the "banker;" who:would leave made
a fortune by seIliug them back tothe
other natives had. not the latter /re-
discovered tbe old -time -secret of let-
ting fire from wood.
Butterflies have been compared, ns
lb:levers on many occasions, but it is
not generally knOwn that the s'E little •
creatures net only resemble flowers
in appearance, but are stented like
flowers, and earry their scent in bot -
11 is the Male and not the female
butterfly that carries ti e scent -boa
LI -es, and Inc uses the scent to attract
the female.
Those who have brushed a finger
over the wing of thecommou white
but•terfly have found it covered with
a white dust of scales, erbich have a
delicate perfume, of lemon or balsam.
11 we examine the scales under a
microscope we find that some of them
are modified 'in shape, and have little
Comparatively dull- in their hues,
most of the scented butterflicar seem
to have been giVen the scent. as a sort
of compensation for their lack of color.
Some of the dull -colored night butter -
files 'or moths have quite it ratreng
People think religion is confined ift
aix eilifiee, to be worshipped at an al-
tar. In reality ft Is an attitude toward
divinity which Is retieettid tiir,ough
life, ---David Steyr Jordaa, ,