HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-11-3, Page 4TI'
, lel eeeleft 111,11.1 3, 1921,
,an f t e Hour
In this hour of Canada's most acute national
crisis, s the country's
s r
eatest need is leader-
ship—not t class leadership,not sectional`
leadership, but NATIONAL leadership. A
pltot must ost be chosen possessing
o sessi g
the neces-
sar couige, foresight, breadth of vision
and determination to lead' the nation n atxon safely
out of the existing economic uncertainty.
And one manstands out head and shoulders above
all others as pre-eminently y fitted for the task.
Born o21,
a tecta clear St. Mary's, Ontario, Arthur
Meighen is a true son of the people, a toiler who
has fought his way to eminence by y sheer ability
and, force of intellect. Entered Parliament in
1908; appointed Solicitor -General in 1914; Min-
ister of the Interior in 1917; and Prime Minister
in 1920.
At the Imperial Conference he was acclaimed by
the Press of Great Britain as a great statesman,
as a strong, virile, vigorous personality—alert in.
mind, keen and far-seeing in judgment, and with
a fearless determination to stand for the right.
Professor A. D. Skelton, of Queen's University,
and biographer of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wrote of
the present Prime Minister : — "He has already
given proof of high administrative capacity. His
personal integrity is beyond question."
Of himself, Arthur Meighen said to his consti-
tuents the other day : — "You know where I stood
on this issue in 1908, in 1911, and as in 1911 I
stand to -day."
A Real Fe
.1 Leader
The National Liberal and Conservative Party
Publicity Committee
Make us prov
that the
MBEROLA is the
worlds greatest
phonograph value
You don't have to take our word for it nor
the word of Thomas A. Edison, nor the
words of the thousands of people who now
own Amberolas:
Prove itrsec l f p v — ro e
,� to your own satisfac-
tion that the Ainberola Phonograph is "the
world's greatest phonogP ra h value "
Here's the fairest offer we could make:—
Come in and select a New Diamond Am
berola and a dozen Amberol Records. 'We
will deliver them to your home whereou
you can have
"Three Days of Good Music—FREE"
without costing you a cent, without obligate
ing you in any way. Could anything be ge fairer?
Call, write or phone and ask us about
Three: -Da. Free
J. wI7i As r'o'il"ELT
'T O
1ai� �i�, k1J ii �iu�JJ�rw
_lot feel'
s t �v..,.,
ell the 0(,11,.r
(Thy, z . , ,
4 ,r, .• .seat is"���d
4 . the dactior. eV.hen he,
+aim a r began a 'este, loci..... r ti
, . �, r, .<,c,ita1 of
ills,.laut .lie ctrl
rii� � uliai•t withi
. 'adans I' came
to see you
et to, listen "
a a w'
lf;e Man `
who said that
eadn t time to gamy. In. the day-
-se he ;vas two ln0
y, and at night:
,v,., ion eleeepe.
m.to awe
t'iJ,: ��:uric
n ) -,..✓
3i. faii4res 10 his ia'ife
m'i: n attz•T
, -
him.seif and
Irnpertant events Which Have
Occurred During the Week,
fhe 13ta5,r° World's Happenings Care-
fully Compiled-, send Put In
Handy and Attractive Shape f
the leeaclers of Oar Paper
Sol,) Mimes Enjoyment.
Washington welcomes allied w
Hope still continues for Irish peg
'Mations. >.
Threshing is nearly all couplet
In the 'West.
Tropical storm .blowing over t
Gulf of Mexico.
Ex -Kaiser Kari beaten in Hunga
and captured.
No German Cabinet` yet formed
succeed Wirth.
The Shoreac)'es Golf > Club has r
oeived its charter.
Radium.. worth $10,000 lost i
-Hamilton hospital,
Young Chinese'is murdered by rob
bers at North Bay.,
The Pinehurst winter golf seaso
Scall open. November 9.
Premier Meighen and Senator Rob
ertson speak at Brantford.
Premier Lloyd George may ¶isi
Toronto during November.
The Malted States lifts the lid. o
the sale of beer by physicians.
Roy til.; WVolvia says Dominion Coe
Co, may close up unless wages cut
Reel", James Hastie, Presbyteri
minister, aged 80, dead near Corn
wall_ `
Minimum Wage Board . mai f1-
scales on hourly instead of week',
Dr, Walter He Moorliouse, prom
anent London, Ont., ,physician, is
dead, aged 80.
Negotiations for settlement of On
tario's ,claim against Shevlin-Clark
Co. break dawn.
University- of Toronto' Schools wer
awarded Monday's intersehole.stie
football ,game.
Bluenose won the Internationa
Fishermen's Trophy, beating Elsie
again on Monday.
Canadian Railway Brotherhood
hear of possible postponement of the
strike in the United' States.
G. B. Dunlop, inventor of the pneu-
matic tire, died in Dublin yesterd y-,
aged 58 years. He was born in Ayr-
shire, Scotland.
The Clyde shipbuilding interests
booked a contract for three battle-
ships of the four which have been
ordered by Britain_
Sinn Fein declare unity of Ireland
is essential_
Britain is to give Egypt its inde-
Premier Briand's', Government is
near its fall.
Hon- efr, Crerar opens New Brnns-
wiek campaign.
Premier Meighen speaks at: Orillia.
and Bracebridge.
Liquor was found in a raid on the
London, Ont., Jail. •
Tourist hockey, players will be
barred in the West.
'`Bat" Masterson, famous: sports
editor, died on Tuesday.
Ulster subject of debate by Irish
Conference Committee.
Hon. Mr. King opens Ontario tour
with meetings in Russell.
The United States Government
threatens arrest of Labor leaders.
inate the Hapsburgs from Europe.
The Misses Leitch, British ' golf
stars, were defeated on Tuesday. -
The first day of campaign in To-
ronto in aid of the blind. netted about
Sir John. Kennedy, builder of first
double track in: Canada, dies at
A class'' in bricklaying may be or-
ganized' at the; Central Technical
School, Toronto. •
Ontario Association for the Blind
are making arrangements for home
tuition for sightless persons.
Leon Diotte, grocer, of'Hull, Que.,
was burned to death in his store in
a vain attempt to save some money.
A total sum of $40,000,000 has
been awarded, " in compensation,
against local authorities in Southern
The west coast of Florida was iso-
lated Tuesday as the result of a -Gulf.
storm. "The business section of Tam-
pa was flooded with three feet of
water. ee
Tti>61 19:7CETEIiTIMES,
ao agar" x11 W `ie
//aback won thepowhurs't Staked'
run at Newmarket.
The French Senate gave :Briand a:
vote. of confidence. s .
Three gunmen sentenced in Regina
tp the penitentiary. zto Athens, Out, high school wap to --
or tally destroyed by fire..
A The. Argonauts will operate O.H.A,
senior and junior. teams.
"Babe" Ruth gets $60,000 for
twenty weeks in vaudeville.
ar Harold , Fraser of Brockville, for -
enter noted athlete, is dead.
Two Port elu:•on urea drowned:
o- from a. canoe opposite' Sarnia.
ed Admiral I3eat,y addressed tine Pil-
ed Society in, New York.
he The railway strike in the United
States has been declared off.
re Wm. `Mulveny, Hamilton, invest -
meet broker, was found dead,
to Ontario Veterinary College exam
ination'resuIts are announced,
e_ A boy is killed when he ran in'
front of au auto truck at Toronto.
n Toronto police make'arrests in
connection with big theft of tobacco.
_ Lloyd Georgie fixes date for British
:House to debate the Irish questio.tl.
United States agricultural block
Senators aim to bar: Canada's wheat.
A Toronto boy has been elected
captain of Harvard's second football
t team,.
.shiny and Navy , Veterans vote in
n favor of amalgamation of all veteran
`Large increase in number of stt-
tl dents' taking theological course at
an Knox; College
Mrs. A
M. .
_ Lawson has been ap-
pointed a Deputy Minister in the
Manitoba Civil Service.
y Police discover name and probable
whereabouts of the man who mur-
tiered Strom, the Toronto taxi-driver.
Crazed Chinese cafe proprietor
killed his wife and self and wounded
two others at lianailton.
Ter.' Alex. Primrose of Toronto,
was elected to :the Board of Regents
e of the ;AFneric n College of Surgeons,
to serve mien : 1924.
1 i Ada'ii l Beet`s- visits Wall Street.
M=-sh:s1 net% gets welcome' at New
Brotherhoods The C.A.H_3. tightens its grip on
Bandit= got $29,000 from Ohio
herb doctors e,
U, 5- raelw ;y executives press for
i fur'th�r'wage cut
i Chinese
Government. at Felon fee
leg 'banki aatey.,
Big Br lisle rumens signalize desire
' for industrial 'eace.
Britisb Engineers agree to aboli-
The Allies are determined to ellen
Premier Meighen speaks at Sault
Ste. Marie.
Welland Ship Canal employes or-
ganize by trades.
Blyth Municipal Telephone System
increases rates.
University winter course for farm-
ers is arranged.
Census figures for many Ontario
counties are announced.
A new hospital ward dedicated at
Boys' Home, Hamilton.
Premier. Briand of France secures
strong vote of confidence,
Germany protests against settle-
ment of Silesian question.
Milenko won the Cambridgeshire
Stakes run on Wednesday.
1n expert says Canada's insurance
laws are best in the world.
President Harding says blacks and
whites aro not, social equals.
Tlie Methodist Superannuation
Board hblds its annual meeting.'
The Intercollegiate will get the bye
in the Dominion football 'series.
It the intention of the Japanese
Government to vacate Siberia.
A Toronto bank will discharge wo-
men employes that do not -need. jobs.
:Ich1astei' beu.t Udtversity of To-
roeto in an Intercollegiate junior
Offleials and clerks in provincial
civil service warred off Federal
I?• lee •.�
U t,c ctlGiLI says there
are six
gatige of bank bandits ,dit.
on eraCiiiv in
The firs'
t, cargo of German 111er-
Che,nd,74,3., of con] isoler"~Llc sizec,, arrives
at leiontreal,
,A,t.cari�:.lac„aaas oti la 'o°i occurred
pJi � aC ,Ll. [°Cd
nt 'Vale feelere, Atony, where the. Si.
Elena fuitreee was destroeed by flee.
titan of war bon.
Japan' budget ,mates curin ex -
ext Lure inisper tive.
Hon- 1E7. Gar opened his Nova
Sctina cariparze at Antigen sh.
Merck mete Reess addrezesed: meet-
eetings in Abend - and Stu v11e.
3r,y., and Navy Veterans demand
start on. Public Ayres' engram
London Ooa , police believe Mont-
real bandit. in sepal' of Jeln. rely s_
; Are aunt of 'Field ' agars al Von
Sexy -'d rba g is dead in Rochester-
' Premien Drury r r k+e, the fret sod
1 for eke & N. O. northern erten
Re_ Rev. P� ei serer' e insxai Vd as
nen. Roman Catholic bishop in the
le/easel Clark formally accepted
the Liberal nom.inareen for Macken•=
zie, San_-
Tor.onto rworoan was killed inyan
automobile aceldenr while visiting in
the South-
Alemei of En eersity College, To-
!ronto, launch a new society at a big
Intents' home and Infirmary, To-
ronto helds lies »r' ting
on Friday.
The Earl of Ducie; aged 94, 'died.
on Friday. He had the distinction
crf -Hying under sive British sove-
Mary Ciccicne was sentenieed ' to
five years in the penitentiary for at-
tempting to kill her husband at, To-
ronto. He had three bullet wounds
and several knife slashes.
Mackenzie King spoke at Bolton.
Russian Soviet offer to pay Czarist
Lady ', Laurier is Y very ill at
Twenty drown when Scheldt river
boat sinks_ -
Many party nominations were held
on Saturday. '
Premier Meighen speaks at Wel-
land and Milton. •
Kiiig Alexander of Serbia leaves
Paris for Belgrade.
Chinese delegation 'on disarma-
ment at, Washington.
Miss C. Leitch will return to the
United States in. 1922.
Edmonton wireless men hear don-
cert 1,400 miles away.
Sinn Fein aim to tear Tyrone and
Fermanagh from Ulster. •
The Harvard football teas. was,
beaten by Centre College.
Len Wallace enters West York
campaign, as a straight Tory.
Ottawa College may'. re-enter the
intercollegiate Football 'Union.
University of 'Toronto senior foot-
ball team beat McGi11 16 to 2.
Argdnauts won the'Interprovincial
football title by beating, Ottawa.
James Murdock at ()Tillie tells
more about Board of -Commerce.
Rev. S. M. Zwemer, noted mission-
arty, speaks of conditions in Egypt.
Itetail,;merhants of Toronto will
organize for civic election campaign.
The Centennial. Methodist Church,
Toronto,; celebrates its thirtieth ;anni-
'Robberies in broad daylight ' and;
one daring , attempt on Toronto's
streets. ,
One° killed and three Inlet in 'ail
auto accident op Yonge s'.reot
Sir Auckland Geddes, British Am-
bassador to the' United` States was
guest of
at the formal open-
ing' of the .,British
War Veterans'
Clubhouse in New York,
Thr.' Christian
Coinuiez czar i, ...v et.
eve' Assaciwtrbn,'knowu as„„
,c Chi-
t -ions.” ," frirutally' p; E-sc,iYi;Btt the man-
agement of the ,EEing Edward .Hotel;
Toronto, 800 Bibles for lase in
the LIsie,l,
Canadian, Weekly, Newspaper Association's recent visit to Banff.
at Banff Station.
Through the courtesy of the C. P. R. The Times has been furnished with
Times; Editor and wife are about in the center of the picture.
Editors in car 1, taken
News Topics ofWeek
-Liman taxrate is 45 mills.
btr. Geo. elardlin of the 14th con.
London Tp. has purchased the '100 -
acre farm of Mr. jos, Toohey on the
swamp line near Whalen corners.
Catharine Clark,, widow of the
late John Elliott,' of Mitchell, died
on >, Oct. 27, at the Home of herson,
Matthew Elliott, in her. 83rd year.
She is ,survived by six sons and two
Mr. R. J. Cantelon, of Wingham,
died quite suddenly on Oct. 25. He
had not been well for some time but
was in his office the day he died. He
conducted a successful coal and
wood business.
Esther Young, wife of Wm. Lem
mons, Stratford road, near Mitchell,
passed • away on Thursday of last
week, after, a prolonged illness, aged
73 years. She is survived by her
husband one son and four daugh-
The remains of Mrs. James Mur-
ray, who passed away at St. Joseph's
hospital, London, were taken to Sea
forth for interment in St. Columbian
cemetery. The deceased was 31
years of age and leaves her husband
and five of a family. -She was the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
McCann, of Hibbert.
The large bank barn and straw -
shed, together with the season's crop
poultry and 500 .bushels of " potatoes
on the farm of Victor Sperling west
of Walton, were destroyed by fire on
Tuesday of last week. Fire. was
caused by -.the overturning cc a lan-
tern. The loss will tie a heavy one
, as only a small amount of insurance
was carried:-
Gathering up burning clothes,
which had in some .'unaccountable
way caught fire in his bedroom
Iwhile he slept, George Riley, of. Mit-
chell, hurled thein out of the window
and averted what might have been
a serious blaze. When Mr. Riley was
awakened the bed he was iii was
burning. As a result of picking the
clothes up his hands were somewhat
The large bank barn and contents
of grain belonging to Wm. Fairburn
con. 2, Tuckersmith, were destroyed
by fire on Oct. 26, with a loss of
$6,000. Mr. Fairburn was at work
in a field some distanceaway when
his attention was attracted by flames
coming from the roof. Neighbors
gathered and assisted in getting out
most of the livestock. Two pigs and i
two calves, however, were burned.
The loss is partly covered by insur-
Mrs. Geo. McDonald, a highly re-
spected resident of Bluevale, died on
Wednesday of last week after an ill-
ness of several months. She is .sur-
vived by her husband and two sons.
The new rates for the Blyth Mun-
icipal Telephone System is as follows
$14 to subscribers whose .debenture
term has expired; $16 -to subscribers
whose debenture term has not yet
expired, •this to be reduced to $14 at
and 'of debenture term; ;18 for rent-
Dear Lord, I do not ask for wealth
nor fame nor place of pomp,
But let me keep my spirit young and
with my children romp;
Let me with dignity and strength
meet every morning task,
But let me be a boy at night. No
more than this I ask.
A boy at night! 0, Father of us..all,
grant this to me, •
Let Tine not take away the lad that
once I used to be;
By day a man's work I will do, obey-
ing each command,,
But make of me a child at night that
children un
dere tan:d
I would not grow too old for them,
too old to race and shout,
I want my eyes to glow with mirth
whenever they're about;
By day I'll .face the heat and strife
and battle for, the right,
13ut 0, dear Lord, I prayto be a lit-
tle child at night!
Dear Lord, I ask no lofty place or.
jeweled d 'aa"
to keep Eez .
I my spirit young and
fit to play with them;
Tlaougli; Time ina ..
Y Wrinkle d'
cep iffy
ce and turn niytaii : to Ofile
Let i
le' come r '7"
ioine't;a thosea levee
a littleit
boy at night,
—Edgar A. Guest,
Mr. Lorne Weir, formerly man-
ager ofthe,.,Royal Hotel at Soaforth,
made .a l iri'ied-exit from that .town
e few days ago and a warrant was
issued for his arrest. As a result of
a visit to Weir's' apartments, in what
was formerly the old Royal Hotel,
by Inspector Pellow and Inland Rev-
enue Officer Porter, samples of three
kinds of "home brew" were taken
for analysis, s, which
to be in-
toxicating, one sample going as high
as 23 per cent. proof spirits. An in-
formation was ' then laid against
Weir for violating 'the ,O.T.A. and he
Wee personally served to appear be-
fore Police Magistrate Reid, and at
the appointed hour his solicitor, Jas.
Best, appeared and stated that Weir
had left town, and there being no
satisfactory reason given for his ab-
sence a warrant was issued for his
From the hat dealer's point of
view two heads are better than one.
the above picture. The
The 130 acre farm known as the-
Dickson farm, 'south of Walton, has.
been purchased by Geo, R. Love, of
McKillop, from John Clark for they
sum o1 $13,700.
NOTICE TO C12,l:PI`l`Ol1S.
Notice is hereby, given pursuant:,`
to the Trustee Act that all persons:
having claims against the estate of
William' Lewis, gentleman, deceased,.
of the Village of CrodltonriCoauaty of
I-luron, who died on or about Octo-
ber 6th, 1921, are required' on or
before the 15th day of November,
1921, to file with Gladman & Stan
bury, solicitors for the - executors,.,;
full particulars of their claims. And
after such date the executors will
distribute the assets of the deceased,.
Having regard ` only to the claims of
which notice has been received.
Exeter, Ontario.
October 26, 1921.
We will cashour
Y Victory Loan
Coupons or place then` toour credit
In "our Savings Bank where they will
draw interest at 3% per annual. 614
1 1K
PAID-UP ' CAPITAL. ' $1 5,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000
EXETER BRANCH, P. A. Chapman, Manager.
t. .
Buy Canadian Goods—and help to keep Canadian
workmen busy, it will help you.
Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit
your saving in The Molsons Bank.
Courteous service to all.
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, THOS. RYAN
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and Biddulph.
OLIVER PTARRIS, Munro, Agent for'.
'Ribbert, Fullarton and Logan,
Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. 1, Woodham..
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office—faker's Livery 'on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone 8.
DR, A. R. KINSMAN, ir.L.D., D.D.S..
;Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer -
over a"
G dma
n &'ta�
S .bur. s
e, Main Street, Exeter,
Advertise in the Tirnee. I
Pay's.. �.
We .leave a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm and viilsee
properties, at lowest rates of in..
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Ontario
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc-
tioneer. ` Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terns moderate, Orders left
at mOe promptly -
tendedTito Phowillne 16', Kirktouata
Addresses Klrktonfttce P. Qb.1
»R. G. F. R(JULSTON, L.I).S., 1).D.S.
O;llice over 1. R. Carling's Law'.
Closed every IV it'dnestl.zy:
,t f tt.i•n,»nzs..
4 v
USE:. OCJF) i3Y"s
Dye Matt! Don't, . ride
your material. Each pack-
age of "Di ttnon.d Dyes"' con-
tains diff eetion. so sininia
that any Womani ceLa.
ditunoiid it3 re 'a new, rich.
color into tee
draperies, ewer : ea.> every-.
thi;einearat. .e• ; eel, s1.
linen, eotra o1' reesed ,.add?.
Buy i t i ,2.e /Vase e"
other i:lint--teeni picfoci= re
5d�'cttfis .trccu .�aii?' Irl even
you heave never dyed beim,•..
Druggiet tans dila mond Drie..
Conor Card" --16 rich colc'ra.