The Exeter Times, 1921-10-20, Page 8THh. EXETER TIMES PHO E 16. PHONE, 1s. J. A. SART "TI-fE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." ,dies and Misses' VV nter t and Furs Fail is here and Winter will soon be along, so don't delay in -selecting your New Winter Coat. Our range is by far the nicest we have ever shown, in the latest cloths and new styles. , EXTRA SPECIAL -Good warm winter coats, regular value, $10 to $30. Lot No. 1. -=-Sale Price, $3.50; Lot No. 2. -Sale Price, $ 8.50. bber Boots Eventually you will wear "MINER'S" Invincible Grey Rubber Boots.' They ,are High Pressure Cui'ecl aiid of Tough Tire Tread Stock, The New ,Steck is in; buy ;a. pair today and be convinced as to their wonderful Wearing' qualities. Grocery Specials BEST ° ROLLED OATS, b 920 lbs, for ..............•. TEA, SALADA & RED 48' ROSE, per pound • PICNIC HAMS, Smoked, 9AC Boneless, per pound ., PORK AND BEANS,. per 1 9C' Can CARNATION -'731./ & C MILK ........., /2 1 u PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 9C Cakes for... a9 BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced or Piece; No. 1 Quality, 40' per pound SILVER GLOSS STARCH 11.0 Per package RAISINS, Seedless, per "y0 pound dd PURE LARD, 3-1b. pail 600 for CHOICE PINK SALMON, 10C Per can CASTILE SOAP; Long 170 Bar PURE CLOVER HONEY, 180 ,Pea pound CHOICE CURRANTS, per 180 pound KELLOGG'S CORN 0. FLAKES, -8 pkgs. for SARDINES, •Brunswick, 140 2ecans for PUFFED WHEAT 150 CORN SYRUP, five pound �g0 can ° BROOMS, 50' four strings LAUNDRY SOAP, all 70C brands, 10 bars for PURE BULK COCOA, .4C Per pound RAISINS, SEEDED, 24' CASTILE SOAP, 8 bars 250 Per pound. for RED SALMON, 1 -lb cans 29C' for dFr LOOSE LAUNDRY 10' STARCH, per pound .. CANADA CORN STARCH 9C per package .. .,... . aT Sugar , est Granulated TEN LBS. FOR 88C II ON$ THUNDRED LBS. $8 70 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL PRODUCE.' Stewait Up-to-date Furniture Stock Funeral Director & Embalmer License No• 447. Auto Hearse and Horse Equipment OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, GAR.1)1 PHONE, '74J; Night call 74W Mr. Cyril Tuckey and Miss Inez Tuckey spent the week -end with their parents. PUM ' IN PIE SOCIAL. Main Street League held a social evening on, Tuesday. A splendid pro- gram was given. Pumpkin pie and coffee were served after the ;pro- gram. Needless to say that such an affair would attract a.•goodly crowd and' provide a. jolly good time: • Mr. Jas. W. Morley has articled lvith;, Mr. J. G.''S`tanbury. for the study of law and has'become a stu- dent with,: Messrs. Gladman & Stan bury. Jim has a high standard to maintain if he would win a reputa- tion equal to two of the students with this law firm. Hon. W. M. Mar- tin, premier of Saskatchewan, and Mr. W. H. Gregory,' mayor of Strat- ford, both studied under this firm, Lieut. Parnell of ` thea Salvation :Army' is holidaying at✓Peterboro: -Specials for Thursday, Friday&Saturday Cheese, per Ib. 23c Pure Lard, No. 3, 57c Cottage Rolls, lb. 26c Strawberry & Raspberryherr3Jam, 4-lb.pail 79c Comfort Soap, 10 bars 69c Corn Sirup 49c Sliced Bacon 41c Mincemeat .• 25c Seeded Raisins, bulk 23e. 'Cocoa, bulls, 1 lb15c: Fry's Cocoa .. 25c Quart Catsup 25e. Four -string brooms • 45c Enos Salts .. .... tilDe Rolled > Il l ed C ,a tsr Oats, u: 29c Corn :1leai: 5 lb. .. ......... Zoic! Ammonia, 3 pkgs, 25c P, earline, 3 p)kgs. 24c Cahn Starch, 2 pkgs. .. ....,f!Tc Silver Gloss Starch Fruit cakes 2bc Macaroni ' 44. Try our Tea ............. ..............3.zc Special Blend Coffee 30c Lemon Crisp Biscuits .. 2,0•e Societ y mixed biscints.....,25c Ma rshmellow biscuits' 27e. Castile Soap, 7 bars 25c Laundry starch, 2 lbs.., .....,1f)c 1 -lb. tin Salmon ..:t' 1 -lb. Tiger SaInon, F' 30c 0 5 -lb.` pail honey Pork Beans, 2 lbs...... t 2c Campbell's Soup .. ..:.,...,.1(1<' Pineapple, sliced 3;r, Lyles Syrup, 2 lbs. Choice lemon Spanish iSTt oY7' ' 1 ions 2 lbs. .11 Market Report w --I4 foiiiowjas it the r®port nt the Dzeter= Msrket corrected every Wednesday. Wheat 1,00. Oats 34c to.40e.. Barley 48o to 55e.. Manitoba flour $4.55. Family flour $4,30. Shorts, $1:50 per 100 lbs. Bran, $1.40 per 100 lbs. Feed four 1,80. Creamery butter 42 to 45c. Dairy butter 36e. Eggs ft Se. Lard 20c. Chickens, under 4 lbs•, 12c. Chickens, 5 lbs., 14c. Chickens, over 5 lbs., 18''c', Hens, 4 to 5 lbs., 14c. Hens, overw5 lbs., 17c. Hens, under 4 lbs., 10c.. Old roosters, 10c. Ducks, 14e. Geese 13e. Old turkey's, 26c. Young turkeys 2Sc. • Hogs $9.00. LOCAL e *o�os(0a 4040.1koeao o FOR SALE - Base -burner goal stove with oven. In goad condition. Apply at Times Office. POTATOES. A carload of potatoes is due to ar- i•ive here about the end of. the week. For one week only we will sell these at $1.75 per 90 lbs. Terms cash. JONES & MAY. . A meeting will be held of the Exeter Farmers' Club on Wednesday eve, October 26, 1921. '° A meeting of the U.F.O. Political Organization of Exeter, will be held in Senior's Hall on Saturday, Octo- ber 22nd, at 8 o'clock. Everyone in- terested is invited to attend. Monday, October 31st will be Hal- lowe'en. Miss H. Preszcator is visiting in Detroit. Miss Fern Short is on duty again after a week's illness. Miss Edna Johns, of London, was home for over the weekend. Mrs. Samuel Johns visited in Lon- don the forepart' of the week.`', Mr. J. P. ` Ross, of Calgary, and his son, Frank, of Forest, visited in town on Sunday. Mr. Harold' Kuntz returned home Wednesday -after spending several weeks in the West. • Miss Nash '`returned to her home in Hainilebn last week after visiting with Mrs. J. W.. Powell. Mr. E. A. FolIiclk, who has been spending several 'weeks in St. Marys. was home for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens, of Stratford, over the week -end. Mr. John Decker, Jr., of Zurich, on oMnday old his two-year-old colt, to a •Milverton man for $700. Mr. and Mrs. Neil and son, Alton, of London, visited their daughter; Mrs. Hubert Jones on Friday last. Mrs. Wm. Woods, of Windsor, is visiting in Exeter, owing to the death of her father, Mr. John Gilles- pie. Mrs. 'McAllister, Miss Sweet and Miss Shapton are in London this week attending a W.C.T.U. conven- tion. •- Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy were at Minden,' Mich., on "Saturday, attend- ing the funeral of the latter`s bro- ther. There was an eclipse of the moon Sunday evening. The eclipse occurred early in the evening and was plainly visible. Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. J. G. Jones during'the teachers'„convention. James Street. e With the Churches (LIVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHQIica Rev, Jumee',Foote, B. A., Minister ;. 11 a.m.-"High and Lower Stand ards," 7 p.m. -,-Service withdrawn in favor of Thames Road Anniversary. Boy Scouts will meet at the church Saturday evening at 7:30, JAMES STREET METIIODIST CHURCH , Rey. M. J. Wilson,' B.A., Pastor. ' EXETER DISTRICT MISSIONARY SUNDAY. 11 a.m.--Geo. Stanley will speak. 3..,p.m.-Sunday Scltbol and Bible cl`ass'es. 7 p.m, -Lewis W. Hill, B.A., pt Parkhill„will speak. 3IAIN 'ST.METHODIST, .CHURCH- Rev..Geo .McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3,) MISSIORARY' SUNDAY 11 a.m.-=Rev: W. L. Hill; 13.A. 3':00 p.m; -=Sunday School and Bible classes; 7:00 p.m, -Geo, Stanley, Esq. BETHANY 2:30 p.m.-llev, W,' L. Hill, B.A. Y.P.C.A. The Y.P.C.A. bowling alley and rooms have been reopened for the members. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Sunday -Town Hall,11a.m. and 7 p.m. -Sunday school at 2:30 p.iir. Tuesday night at 8 'p.ni. at North' End. • CAPT. AULD. DR. -.TORN WARD has successful passed, the Board of Optometry and is licensed- to test- eyes and fit eyeglasses. Chiropractic and Electrical treatments for Chron- ic and Nervous Diseases. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 and by appoint- ment. Office' corner of William and Sanders streets. FOR "'RENT`` Seven-room"brick cottage on Main Rtreet; good hard and'' soft -i titer; the property of the late' 'Mrs.' Ramsay. Apply to William Reed. Holland Bulbs. Now is the.time,to plant bulbs for winter flowering. We ,have a com- plete, assortment HYACINTHS TULIPS'': NARCISSUS and DAFFODILS In -a,11 popular shades. Phone or leave your' order early as our supply is limited.. ,.:. Powell's Bazaar Saturday ••Sale GOLD DUST Washing Powder 4 pkgs. 2 ti C 5: Miss M. •Bailey, of Goderich, and I' _ Mrs. H. Snyder, of Clinton, were the guests at James Sti' 'parsonage; dur-: ing the teachers' convention.:, The Girls' Guild • of Trivitt Mem orial, hurch, will sell poppies on. Ar- mistice Day. It is sugegsted that the soldiers' memorial be decorated. Mr. M. E. Gardiner's team ran away last week, upsetting a light wagon and throwing Mr. Will Gar- diner out. The wagon was somewhat damaged. Harvey & Harvey have taken over the grocery business of the late., James Gould. The store is being closed for renovation. Mr. Walter. Harness has been engaged to look after the business. A frost heavy enough to form ice on water remaining outside, visited this section one night last week the first of .the season. A light snowfall just enough to know that it was snow, also made its appearance. The many friends ofmlblr..A. Hast ings regret that his condition is such that his physician has advised him to again take to, his bed. Mr. Hastings has been able to be around, although he -has not been in robust health. It is hoped that the rest will rov 'ben- eficial. . e Mr. Tho ._ S. McIl7illan, the . Litit,ral candidate. in South tiu°on in the coming Federal campaign, visited the south part of the riding the foie-. part of the week. There was no 1 • grounc for the e report falselyci'ctiIw ated d tha t Mr. iVI cTrlilla• n ' y7 v..S 1 t with- c:r~aiving for the contest.• CHOCOLATES Assorted Delicious Vanilla Chips., • Maple' Half lb. 17c CHOICE RAISINS •: Valencia 1 lb. N. P. SOAP Big Bar `BULK;: MIXED TEA Special RINSO for 23c SWEETHEART PEANUT BUTTER 1 lb. 22c jj•, 23c Fish Fish. We have made a contract 'wi tlh.,W. H. McPherson of, Port Stanley'" to sppply, us with fish, ••'one`'day eac1, month dlir`ing the winter, starting in , g ,Novemi dei. Orders will be taken :.id the fish delivered upon .,rri'ial ii;sy Fish will consist ' of ` Herring, g,'. weighing from '% to onen ound each and will' be fine for silting for the winter, . Put up in 100 -lb. cases. Phone your orders to WILSON'S GROCERY Phone 56« t) THURSDAY, OCTOBA/1I• 20 1921, ,ARMERS,-If you got hold of a rubber boot and found that it wore twice as long as any rubber boot you had had before. NVIIAT. WOULD YOU DD ` You would insist upon having the same make of boot next year and each. succeeding year, would you root? That is just ghat thousands of farmers are doing after having bought their first pair of. Miner's "Invincibles". WHY? Because the firs pair wore so long they will not take a chance with any other make. .` This is why we need to advertise only to those who have not yet worn Invincibles 20 SOUTIICOTT EtROS. c I.R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ` Conveyancer: Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of. Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing ,prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from ' these bonds. • Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE Carling, Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE -A number of well- bred Yorkshire sows due to farrow in October. Also a number, of shoats. Apply to Ernie Thompson, Parkhill, P.O. Bell phone. 9-29-3t.; APPLE •I:UTTER AND CIDER. The 0. K. Cider Mill ;wilt 'operate Thursday and -Friday of each .week until further notice. Phone 115., S. J. V. Cann Cochrane Machine Works Cylindersre-ground and rings and pistons fitted. Grinder Plates re -ground New iron pumps and fittings in stock. Iron ' or wood' pumps repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. T. II. ELLIOTT; IS OUT FOR BUSINErSS My aim is -Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' Suits, cleaned andresse p s d $ 1:50 Hen's Suits, pressed only'.,.. . ".75 Men's suits, cleaned and.' •pressed 1.0: $ 0 to $160 U 'x, t x ye a e ts, d• $4.50 rl.s suits .dyed 4:50. Ladies suits dry cleaned ,. ., $2.00 Mens suits dry cleaned . $2.00 Ladies' overcoats dry' cleaned2 $ . 0 0 den's overcoats dry cleaned.. '$2.00 I doi a 1, kind or repairing.. Ia so 1 have theaenc., g' y for the Forest City Laundry, • London; Ont: At your service. For Men Who .Would be Well Dressed We have a wide range of Suitings from which to pick your Fall. and Winter Suit. Prices are down considerable. BORSALINO AND -Kola -"HATS. A good range of the latest Hats and Caps. SHIRTS AND NiECKWEAR. We have a specially attractive line in Men's Shirts. Also Ties and Collars in the newest shades and shapes. UNDERWEAR. You, will soon, be thinkingof lieav` ,, lerunderwear. We have the different weights for cooler weather. Combination and two piece. . READY. -TO -WEAR SUITS ' AND OVERCOA'T'S. A wide range of nifty up-to-date Suits and Overcoats. Come in and look them over. ♦ -♦ • T • • 1 a A`. PHONE M A N R A few choice farms in South Iiu- ron for sale. Also some unihcumber- ed farm lands in Alberta ,and Sas- katchewan will.. be exchanged. for town or village property. Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 154, Exeter. Phone 21r12. Rowe FURNITURE I E DEAJ[.EIi, FUNERAL' DIRE'1' "., C1 O AND EMBALMEII• Exnb.tlxnex• s License No. 210. MOTOR "T-IEARSE'' SIERVICE Phone 20.1 and 20W. A.. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables •on John St. Phone calls receive prompt, attention. Phone 2Gw THE EXETER TIKES Subscription rate $1.60 a. year, • ADVERTISING RATER , Display, Advertising -Made >knower on application, Stray Animals -One insertion s0'@ three insertions Lor $1.00 Far =,'or..R9. , �, _ a stat _. 1 1] e„ for,Oaati ...dlo, 6 each insertion for 'one ..month of font' insertion, i"ce s 11 A? „. aneo,us artistes of Alit .snori than five lines, For Sale, To Rent,' Wanted, each:;insertion 50' and found locals 25c. Local reading notices etc.,•10e l0c , per line per' insertion. No notice leer, than 25e. Card of Thanks 50e. Auction ,sales3 ,for one i n" s rtioaa e aid : $1.50, for each: sub seglxtint .in- sertion if under five inchee in' length.: Legal 'advertising lOc aril '6c n Eine: