HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-10-13, Page 4TILIJIJ,s0A.Y.•.0.C'1o'BER 7,7 2 TUE liaXTE4 TINES October AMBEROL Records You'an sure to enjoy every number 011 the list of Edison A.mberol Records for October. -Corne in and hear them today! 4328 Peggy O'Neil Billy Jones and Chorus 4329 Moonlight -For 'Trot Max Fells' Della Robbia Orchestra 4330 Paper Doil-Fox 'Trot Green Bros. Novelty Band 4331 Dow nYonder, Premier Quartet 4332 Pucker Up and Whistle --For Trot Harry ltaderman's Jazz Orchestra 4333 Idol Mine -Fox Trot Orlando's Orchestra 4334 I've Waited So Long Bert Harvey 4335 Mon Homme -For Trot Orlando's orchestra 4336 The Beatitudes and Hymns Rev. Wm.. 11, Morgan and The Calvary Choir 4337 Drowsy Head -Waltz ' Green Bros. Novelty Band 4338 Arrali Go 'Long With You ([)o You See Any Green In Me Byes) Marguerite Farrell 4339 Cherie -Fox Trot Harry • Raderman's Jazz Orchestra 4340 The Last Little Mile is the Longest (When You're Long- ing, for Home Sweet Home) Lewis James 4341 Good as Gold -Waltz- Max FellsDella Robbla Orchestra 4342 Lucky Jim Criterion Quartet. 4343 Rio Nights Betsy Lane Shep- herd and Chas. Hart 4344 Maar-Fox- Trot Ray Miller and his Black and White Melody Boys 4345 Honolulu Honey - Billy Jones and Chorus 4346 Robin Adair Jules Levy's Brass Quartet 4347 Look for the Silver Lining Medley - Intro, "Humming - (Piano Solo) Ray Perkins J. 1NriLLLIS POWELL, 113-.S.'ETLIR, ONTARIO le and '2, G. Brock; For Fullarton, X. T1tomPS01).; gardencarrots, inter - Norris ; Fat Agrulfural Society, 1.7mediate, J. McCullough, Mi$s 1.--109Per & Son., W, Essery 2 and 3; Doupe; garden carrots, short, Misa I, Heaner & San, Ctc.,Brodc,J,.,,,,V•Yin Doupe, F. Stewart; paranins, C. A. Paul's ior Grand ric'e"P'"' Routley, Miss K. Doupe; blood red beets, long, T. Crew;blood red beets, round, Mrs, W. Atkinson, C. Rout- ley; cabbage, red, T. Crew; Winning - Stead cabbage, T. Crew; cauliflower, Mrs. Wm. Atkinsen; celery, J. Ur- quhart, tomatoes, red, F. •Pridham; plum tomato, J. Stephens; sheaf oats, H. White; citron roand, J. O'Brien, R. N. Shier; pumpkin, red, ,T. R. Thompson, '1'. Wnshlruria ; pumpkin, yellow, J. R. Gettler; watermelon, 11. Truema,u, W. Doupe; musk melon, W. Switzer, F. 'Got,- lings; table squash, W. Arthur, A. M. Doupe; mammoth squash, T. Crew, H. Trueman; onions, white, T. Crew, Mjss M. McCallum; onions, yellow, Miss McCallum, Miss E. Switzer; onions, red, T. Crew, F. Stewart; cucumbers, C. Routley, H. Trueman; comet 'potato, W. Wil- liams, Jas. Stephens; butter beans, Miss E. Switzer, J. McCullough; mangold seed, J. O'Brien,, Judges—P. Coates, G. Andrew, FRUITS. Apples. Fail var.—Fall pippin, M. Brethour; ,winter var., baldwin, C. Routley, M. McCurdy; Fallawater, J. T. Hern, H. Trueman; golden rus- sett, H. Trueman, Miss E. Switzer; Mann; H. Trueman, T. Washburn; King of Tompkins, W. 31. Sinclair, Mrs. M. A. Copeland; Northern Spy, Miss Switzer, H. Trueman; Ontario, M. Brethour; Pewaukpe, C. Routley, Miss Switzer; Snow,,H. Trueman, T. Brock; Talman Sweet, F. Stewart, •er & Soo. • HORSES General Purpose-INTare,B. Williams, i'W. Hodge; foal, B, W, 'Hodge.. „2 -year-old, R. Kirkby, A. E. Donne; 1 -year-old, j. Taylor, A. E. Dompes best animal, J. Decker, & Son seam, 5 Decker, kI. Morris, G. Pen. hale. -• Agricultural -Mare, L, Butson, j. T, Allison J. Pringle; oa1, u. Frans4s, W, G. Idodge, J, Pringle; 4 -year-old, A.,1-1,sy Bros; 3 -year-old, R. Clarke; E, Francis, 13. Williams; 1 -yr -old, W. ,Iloclge B. best ;animal, W. C. liatfge; team, Wm. Brock R. Clark. Heavy Draught --W, Pullen, W. C. Hodge. foal, W. Pullen, 'Pringle; 4 - year -old .Arkscy .13ra$, 1 & 2; 2 -year- old C. Atkinson, W. 0, Hodge, W. Pullen; 1 -year-old, W. Pullen; team, Arksey Bross., A. Robinson; best an- , Arksey Bras. Wm Daly, ,T. It. Robson, judges. Roadsters-Faal, W. I-1. Berry; 3 - year -old 5, Decker & 'Son, 1-1. Crago; 2-year-a1d, 3. Declzer. & Son; 1 -year., old, J, Decker ;8: Son, J. T. Allisan; single .roadster, di. W. Copeland, B, Dirt:field L, Thom p s an ; team, W, Fleshney; saddle horse, Jas. Robinson; best animal, H. W, Copeland. Carriage -Mare, W. H, Berry; single horse F Anderson, Arksey Bros,, C. I)ohsan; span, Wm. Freshney; best animal R An:derson. George Browne, Judge, CATTLE Shorthorn -Cow, J. H. Hanna 1 & 2; g-year-olcl heifer, Jas. Mare 1 & 2.' 1 -year-old, 5, Marc. 1 & 2; bull calf .11 NI -orris, j. Mane; ..heilfer calf, .J,' H. Trueman; any other variety cor- .t.i.(11.ETON FAIR. Xirkton Fall Fair was held on Monday of this week and in spite of Ole fact that it, bad been postpon- 1 & 2; best animal, •M, Narns, rectly named, H. Trueman, A. M. Doupe; col. apples, 3 each kind, 12 var., H. Trueman. Pears—Duchess, R. Doupe, A. 1VI. Doupe; Sheldon, C. Atkinson, Mrs. W. Atkinson; any other variety' cor- rectly named, Mrs. M. A. Copeland, W. Switzer. Grapes—Niagara, Dr. Campbell, Mrs. NI. A. Copeland. DAIRY EXHIBITS. Dairy butter, 5 lbs. in 1 lb. -prints, A. E. Doupe; dairy butter, best six lbs. in crock, Mrs. K. Doupe, A. E. Doupe. Judge—H. E. Fa.cey.' FLORAL EXH1,13ITS. , Asters, Mrs. W. Atkinson, gladioli H. Hanna; foliage pla,ffts,- S 1VIahah- fy; begonias, T. Washburn, H. 'Han- na; ferns, C. Routley; best single plant in bloom, Mrs. M. A: Copeland, S. Mahaffy. Judges—Mrs. I. H. Bayley, Mrs. H. V. Crago. LADIES WORK, USEFUL. Quilt, pieced cotton, Mrs. E. Dar- ling, M. Brethour; quilt, cotton, quilting considered, J. More, .Mrs. E. Darling; comforter, wool filled, J. More, Mrs. H. Switzer; comforter, down filled, Miss G. Shier, Jas. More, bed spread, fancy, Mrs. J. D. Gra- ham, Miss L. Gourlay; lady's sweat- er coat, Mrs. E. Darling; shouldPr' scarf, A. E. Doupe, Miss M. Jamie- son; lady's blouse, beaded, H. Prue - ter; bedroom curtains, Mrs_ E.- Dar- ling; rag floor rug, (or wool), Miss M. Jamieson, M.. Brethour; hand knit socks, Miss J. Robinson, Mrs. E. Darling; hand knit socks, coarse, wool, Mrs. J. D. Graham, Miss K. Doupe; hand knit mitts, fine, Mrs. J. D. Graham, Miss J. Robins; hand knit mitts, coarse, Mrs. E. Darling: set table mats, asbestos -lined, Miss Mary McCallum; child's dress or romper suit, W. Kirkby, H. McLar- en; work apron and cap, Miss R. Switzer, Mrs. Graham; plain pillow cases, hand -made, H. Pruter, Miss al. Jamieson; home-made soap, Mrs. M A. Copelana, Miss Switzer. J ers ey-C ow, T,. .Brock, j. O'Brien; year-old heifer, T. Brock; best animal T. Brock • . Aysrs'hire--2,-year-ald heifer, W. 0 Hodge; best animal, W. C. Hodge. HoPstein-Cow, W. Elliott 1 •& '2; best animal, W. Elliett. Herefords -Bull, J. Hooper & Son; cow J trooper ,& San 1 & 2; 2 -year,. year-old, 5. Hooper ,& San; year-old, j, Hooper & San, 1 A: 2; bull calf, 5, Hooper & Soh 1 & 2; heifer calf. J. Hooper & Son .1 & belt animal, J. Hooper & Son 1 & Z. Grades -Cow, W. Ford, j. Stephens; 2 -year -o14 heifer, Jas. Taylor, Jas. Stephens; year-old heifer, W. Essery J. Stephens' heifer calf under 1 yr., C. Paul, W. Blackler; calf under 6 silos., J. Stephens; 2 -year-old steer, 34, Mora 1 & 2; .year-ald steer, J. Ste- phens" 1'4 a; steer calf un,der' 1 year, E, Wallis, J. More; steer calf tinder 6 mcs., S. J. Pyan; tat ax, I, Willits, Jas. More.; best animal, 1. Willis. Bair,- Cattle-Grade-7Cow, W. C. Hailac H Weber • 2-yeat-old heifer, T. Crew; best animal, W. C. Hodge. SHEEP Ovford Dawns -Dr. Jose, 4 first and 1 seconds Lincolns -G, Pen:hale., 5 firsts and 3 seconds. Grade -Ewe, A. E. Doupe 1 & 2; shearling ewe, H. 1 & 2; ewe lamb, H W'hiite 1 &,2; fat sheep, A. E. Doupe, G. Penhale. • George Hemp, Judge, ` HOGS York -shines -C. Barnett 4 firsts. Berkshire -Dawson Bros.' 3 firsts anz.l. 3 seconds. POULTRY Black Orphington,-Earl Berry 4 firsts 3 seconds; silver grey dark -ins, J. 3IcCullough & San, G. Jaques; hen, G. J•aques, j. McCullough & Son; cockerel. j. McCullough &Son 1 &2; Plymouth Racks, cock -rel, T,. Brock 1 8;. 2; pullet :1'1. Brack 1 8z 2; Barred Plymouth Rack, 5. McCu•llaug,h„ & Son wan all; Partridge Plymouth Rocks, 5, McCullough & San, won all.; White Wyandottes, cock, McCullough & Son, J, Pringle; he,n, 3. McCullough &- Son; cackerel,. J. Pringle, McCul- lough & Son; pullet, McCullough & San, j. Pringle; Silver Laced Wyan- dottes., cockerel, McCullough & Son elan., piece colored, Mrs. E. Darling, H. MeLaren; spee, white needlework, emb. creche -6, Mrs. E. Darling; tat- ting, Mrs. Copeland, Miss' 1-IockeY; pr, bedroom slippers, James - Marc, Airs. Darling; child's crib cover, 21. McLaren, IVtiss McCallum; prochet filet, Miss Switzer, -Miss Robinsonr best tire styles of needlework, dif- fereat ,materials, 1Vhs. J. D. Graham, Miss Jamieson. col uSeful artieles 1V1rs. 1)arliug, Miss Switzer, . Judges—Mrs:- R. Welsh, 'Exeter, 1V1rs. H: C. Facey,, Mitchell. FINE ,AND 1/1.310f,11ArIVE ART. .Oilpainting, landActipe, Mrs. 111: A. Copeland; oil paiuting, mart.a",, copy, Miss • D. Shier,/ Miss C.' Gour- lay; oil painting, fruits, from ob- ject, F. Collings,' MiSs;14. Jamieson; Sepia, any subject,coy, H. ,iVIetar- en;'pastel, scene, Miss Gourlay, Miss G. Shier; stencil design, H. McLar- en; amateur photography, G. Hazel- wood Mrs' J Creighton. pennil drawing, ' Miss Jamieson, j. ThompSon; ,penmaiaship, P. Golliugs, N. Doupe; china, cake plate, Miss Gladys Shier;china, any other pieces not otherwise listed, IVirs. W. Atkin- son, Miss S. Shier; rope work, Miss E. 'Switzer; wood caring, 3. Ur- quhart; charcoal, II: McLaren: • Judge—H. C. Faney. DOMESTIC, SCIENCE. Honey, extracted,' half gallon, V. Brethour; maple syi.UP, 1 92 1, M. Gregory, W. Sinclair; maple sugar, 3 lbs. in one block, W. Sinclair, H. W. Copeland; home-made bread, white, Miss M. Jamieson, J. T. Hern; home-made hread, brown, Miss K. Doupe, Miss 1\1. Jamieson; home- made buns, 1 doz., W. Kirkby, Miss M. Jamieson; dark cake, J. R. Thompson, Miss E. Switzer; light cake, J. T. Hern, J..R. Thompson; Apple pie,. 3'. T. Hem, Miss K. Doupe; pumpkin pie,' J. T. Hern, -Miss Switzer.; lemon pie, A. E. Doupe, W. Kirkby,. red currant jelly, 1 pint, Miss M. McCallum; apple jelly, 1 pint, Miss M. McCallum, Mrs. M. A. Copeland; berry jelly, 1 pint, MiSs M. McCallurh; 3 var. sour pickles, A. a Doupe.; twio. var. cat- sup, C. Routley, MiSs M. McCalIhm; canned rhubarb, 1V1iSs McCalltria, Thacker; canned cherries, G. Hazel- wood, Miss J.' Robinson; canned raspberries, G. Hazelwood, M. Bre- thour; 'cannea 'pears, J. Urquhart, Miss McCallum.; canned plums, M. Brethour; Miss 1VIcCallum; canned 'peaches, M. Brethour; canned straw- berries, M. Brethour, Mrs. H. -Swit- zer; canned appleS,' Miss -McCallum; canned grapes, d. Routley,. Mrs. E. Colgan; canned corn, T. Crew, W. Urquhart; canned peas, W. Urquhart A. E. Doupe; canned tomatoes E. Doupe, W. Urquhart; vegetable mar- malades, 'Miss McCallum; canned chicken, T. Washburn, A. E. Doupe; hest 5 -piece noon hinch, -A_ E. Doupe Miss E. Switier. SCHOOL GHILDREN'S EXHIBITS. Speciman of writintron foolscap, open to pupils in_the 4th and 5th reader, V, Atkinson„Hr,Brethonr, M. „dolling; spec. of writing, open to pupils in 2nd: and 3rd- '-reader, E. Wynn, V. Shier, R. Jermyn; cpencil drawing, W. Hazelwood, A: Gleason, F. Bibby; col. wild flowers, pressed, mounted, in bloom and cbrrectly named, L. Pridham, V. Pridham; col. weeds, pressed, mounted, in bloom and correctly named, Hern, L. Brethour, V. Pridhanir col. weed seeds, in glass bottles, L. Prid- ham, G. Tb.omson, A. Hern;, col. of - injurious insects, L. Pridham, V. Pridham; col. grasses, ' grains and clover in flower or fruit, L. Pridham, col. native woods, L. - Colgan, L. Pridham; potatoes, early, E. ,Cope- land, W. Hern, F. Crew; potatoes; 1 & 2; pullet, McCullough & Sonl LADIES' WORK, F-A-NCY, Tate, C. Gregory, C. Stewart, W. & 2; Single Rhode Reds Mc- , Traop s Inuit roue, emb.. Mrs. 1-16rii.' garden carrots E Gopeland ! • , .Teeswater fair was held Oetober 5th and was largely attend.ed, The gate receipts oyere $80 0, is lYfcarrying'i:johin1113i sr 6 adle'mV jet oaf cause of a broken bone. Geo. Spotton of Wingham was nominated as the Liberal -Conserva- tive candidate for North Huron. Forest had 0110 of the best fairs in years. There were 109 exhibitors and the gate receipts were $676. Mr. P. M. Judge, of Ellis 'I'own- ship, has purchased the Dominion Hotel at Dublin from Mr. Jos. Evans. Three Mildmay youths were each fined' $10 and Costs for being noisy during a' Sunday joy -ride in 'Walker- ton. In the sudden -death baseball gairie between Palmerston and. Wing - ham, the latter won by a sbore of Seaforth, sling be- -Mr. and Mrs. Heibert Robinson and two sons, of Sydney, Australia, arri'Ved at Mitchell recentlY to -Make their home. .Mr. and Mrs. ,Walter IVIal!tyn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanner have returned to Fullarten from theis trip to the West. James Edgar, the infant son o Mr. and Mrs. Edgar SIvan, of Mit- chell, died recently after being ill for several weeks. ed from Friday of last week, Cullaugh won all; Si-agle Black , „.- I M:norcas., hen, L. Sweitzer, Ti Crew also that a light shavier fell an Men- shigle, comb white Legherns, cock,'Dr day inornjug, there was a good est%-= Jose. L Shier; hen, L. Shier, Dr, Jose; hibit and a large crowd. The St. cockerel Dr. fast 1 & 2; pullet, da. Marys Kittle 13ancl provided music Rase comb white., Leghorris, hen, L. and headed a procession of school Shier 1 & 2; cockerel, T. Brock, L. s..11.:er; ' children from the town to the fair pullet, L Shier, T. 'Week; L",-..ne-le. comb b.rown Lern cack, I grounds. The indoor exhibits were - lt- Emalet,,.; hen, J. hppet,gh•oDoupe; of exceptional quality and attracted mach interest. There was a good eliowing of horses, some of ' the , classes being- keenly contested. The showing of cattle was particularly fine, the entry being large and the , sa. Sp. Hamburgs, OIL to 1N1,...Cullough; quality `excellent. The greatest inter - S. C. Ancona, W. Ford, E. Berry ; R. Anconas, E. Berry two lst and 2 2nds Sit Campines, all to• McCullough; Tau louse Geese, 5. R. Thompson 1 and 2; PeIst's-i Ducks, N. Pletcher, J,, R. 1.) o nip son, Rouen Ducks, old, E.Berry H. Trueman, young, H. Trueman; corm: men ducks, L. Sweitzer ,land 2; Will Doupe, Mrs, Cape,land , rabbits,. Mc Cullough 1 and 2; Gr, nee Fowl T. Brock Mrs. E. Col, - • rel, A. E. Daupe J. Epplett; • rjr Jose, J. Epplett; Rose comb ham, Hilda Prueter; tea cloth, era - brown Leghorn, hen, Dr. Jose, L', chet trimmed, Miss M. Jamiescin, Switzer cockerel, L. ,Switzer; pullet, Mrs. E. Darling; pair . pillow .slips, f,. Sive.tzer 1 & 2; Black Legliorns, and sheet, Mrs. Darling, Hilda 5. Stenhens -4 firsts and 1 second; prueter; dresser cover and -pin cushion, MTS. Darling; Mrs. I. D. Graham; child's dress, emb. in col- ors, H. McLaren, Miss M. Jamieson; sofa pillow, washable, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Graham; sofa pillow, silk emb., Mrs. Darling, Miss G. Shier;, drawn thread work, fine, Miss M. IVIcCallnin Mrs. Graham; drawn thread work, coarse, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. M. Mc- Callum; drochet service tray, mount- ed, Mrs. E. Darling; luncheon set, crohcet trimmed or /emb., 1V1rs. Gra- ham, Mrs. Darling; sheet and pr. of pillow cases, emb.. Mrs. Graham, Mrs. McCallum; sheet and pair pil- low cases, other Style, H. McLaren, H. Prueter; pair day slips„ emb., Mrs. Graham, W. Urquhart; cami- sole, Miss -E. Switzer, H. 'Urquhart; crochet yoke, white, Miss Hockey, Mrs. Copeland; hardanger, Miss Mc- Callum, table cloth and napkins, Mrs. Graham, 'Hilda Prueter; hand- berebiefs, 3, hand trimmed, MrS. Darlirig,,-Mrs. 'Copeland; hand bag, fancy, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Copeland; tea coy, white, Mrs. Graham; W. lIrquhart; table doylies, Mrs. Dar- ling, H. McLaren; 6 serviettes, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. J. Creighton; lady's C. Gregory, M. Gollings; parsnips, convalescent jacket, H. Prueter, Miss E. Brethour, C. Gregory, F. Crew.; McCallum; table centre, white emb., cucumbers, -V. Atkinson, T. Gallon, J. Epplett, Mrs. Graham; table cen'- L. Colgan; sweet corn, E. Copeland, tre, colored emb., Mrs. E. Darling, C. Stewart, J. McCullough; pop corn, Miss M. Jamieson; library table run- W. Hern, H. Brethour, 14. Switzer; ner, Miss Jamieson, Miss Prueter; pumpkin, G. Thompson, V., Atkinson buffet- runner, Miss D. ,Hockey, Mrs. .E.„ Crewr-watermelon, ,C. Stewart, L. „ Graham; .tea cloth, emb., Mrs. Gra- Pridharn, NI. Gollings; citron,-' F. Crew, M. Gollings, , W. Hazelwood.; onions, V. Pridham, F. Crew; C. Stewart; 'tomatoes, V. German, N. Atkinson, H. Brethour.; • Northern Spy apples, V..,Pridhain, R. Brethour T. Gallop; King of 'l'onankins, R. Brethour; blood beets,- R. Brethour, H. Brethour, F. Crew - water color painting, A. Hern, Vi.AtkinsOn, N. McNaughton; sunflower, E. Cope- land, T. Gallop; apron to'be certified by parent, L. Pridham,}1. Brethour, A. Greason; sample of buttonholes, L. Brethour, V. Pridham; M. Swit- zer. ' Special—Apron, Alma H.erii, cro- chet work, V. Pridham. Boys' Judging Contest—John Ste- phens 89, David Spence 82, James Stephens 81. est was taken in the baby beef com- petition, 2. N. Hooper carrying off the coveted ribbon with the baby beef that was winner at the Toronto show., It was not an easy walk -over, however, as there were some fine calves on exhibition. AMOS Donee, the general secretary with. Mr. N. Doupe, assistant, in their genial manner handled the details of the snow and were pleased with the re- gan. Wm Yale, judge. althongh the gate receipts were about $40 under last year. Mr. Wna. Brock is the president and was well satisfied with the showing, con- sidering the weather, The Local Trot was, wan by 0. Gill, svii it A- Park -5eY,ond, nnicI LIngard TAte Free- Coir -A11, was wan !'rtpyiast, own ed by G. R1.ay, \ritls Toddy .1)Arect, owned by G. Gray and R05 -al Brincr, owne'l by 'R. o itow irta, are the pri4e SPECIALS 'Vly,r, lead far 2)a:try cc -w V, C. T Taylo.r for Pglit .etse, T -I CaJelatid; \Viti,•1?erre t gx,rtd ist (L1'4 1. y A, r'aiti, fir;', 'brit:cher Ess y ; ; Lady L, .kiendeissan, 9'11,nityrscxri 13ro': Bay 'drive 1,, Titanioson, 11, N, • rit' L,;' &,rj. dr'yvtor, C: nobsaii, 11, ,guss311 etraught foal, • Puilen; -..liarvcy. Bros', far hread. 10r.tz Ai v., J. t; ]3o\ 11, C, 13110111y L. ny1s •s'alf, 5 13 1.3 Y BEEP, CONIPE,T IT ION Blanshard,,1,L, jaoper & Son 3& • • 11,.• ."Ce 'Paul; Per Usbarne W ery mangolds, GRAIN AND SEEDS , „ Fail Wheat, Amos Daup?., J. Epplett j, ),Iere; Barley, Amos Doane, 5. R. Themuson, Oats, J. Marc, j. Robin- son, W Sh:er; largl White Beans, M'sS A,f.:Caljern, 5, T, 1 -]ern; small White B,Istrs, einner, J. T. ,Hern; Got - de Bantam corn, W. Sinclair; In- corrs, W. A.rthasr 1 and 2; \VII ite 5wet COM, A, NI, Donne, W. Sinclair 1-1.a.;:lzia.c cern and ems, I). Bogies, En- silage, R.obt. Doupe. ROO'l'13 AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes -'--Rural Now Yorker, A. NI. Doupe, N. Doupe; Dele-wares, T. Crow; Irish CebIslers, Trueman. 'I', Crew; Greeil klountcm, W. Doane, - Mt Gregory; Early El:rel.:it, 'I'. Crew; any other variety, F. Stewart;, W. 1 s, D. Graham; pr. bedroom towels, '‘iTilliarar,;h vet:let:es not onlist, T. arcehot insertion, Miss Switzer, 11. Cr -o',. Saouihh tyiriii.D3, J. Taylor, C. McLaren; pr. gnest towels, colorect Uaitl; I7laClelOr omt., `P/frs. Creighton, Mrs. Darling' S. A. Sllicri tiold tinrratiS, R. r)ottp. ' specimen emb., Maderia, M1r/S Jrsu T, Crow; toagolhs, long rod, E. N san, Susie -Shier; speciman 1VIrs, W, Atkinsest; marsf01da `lalican, Miss Jamieson, Mrs, E, Dar- intermediai e, Nil's, E. Darling, M. specinsssn emb., French, Misr T.3Iacic1er; marigolds, yellow, E, N tomiesen, Mrs. E, Darling; specl. Shier, W. T)Oupe; sagas ;npngolds 1nb., con. silk, Mrs,' Darling, 1VIrs i' • Tr ' ' -trtl ' Spec, ernb., daisy loop and 21. Vrencli knot, Mrs. 112. Darling; sacc- News of the District Mrs, Aaron Oliver of Grand Bend, who has been ill for some time, left for London to undergo treatments . at one of the hospitals. 1VIrs. Thos. Angus died at Brus- sels on Sept. 28th aged 81 years. Her maiden name was Mary Jane Vance Her aged husband survives. Mr. Sohn R. Grant of Winnipeg who for 25 years was postmaster a Brussels, is visiting his daughter Mrs. W. H. Kerr, in Brussels. _ Mr. Cleary', a graduate of the To• ronto School of Embalmers, has pur• chased the piano and undertakin business of Mr. Wm. Gormley, o Dublin. Frank Carr, formerly of Blyth has purchased a book and stationer .business in Ingersoll and is now i Possession. He sold his business ii Toronto. • Mr. Harry Nehnes of Dublin, pur .chased a fine baby beef from Herber Small, near Staffa. The animal wa hardly 22 months old and weighe 1,0 0 0 pounds. Fullartou School Fair was a great success. Mr. David Hughey lias resignedlas fire -chief of Mitchell. ' The Seaforth Bible Society collect- ed $1.8 3.9 0 during the past, year. Wm. F-orrester, of Mitchell, ship- ped 72 head of beef to Liverpool. Mr., Joe Disjarcline of Grand Bed, left for the West with, a carload of apples. „ The Honor Roll in the Fullarton Methodist Church will be unVeilect on Noveinber 11th. East Huron Teachers 'will hold their convention in Clinton on Octo- ber' 1311 and 141h. ,A Barred Rock hen owned bY Ggo. r.,''aternan of Ethel, laid an egg con- ' tairdrig three yolts. D. Ross, a resident of Brucefield and son of the late Alex. Ross, drop ped dead Monday morning froi heart failure. He leaves a widow an two of a family. Dennis Castello has been awarded the contract for constructing th Hagarty drain in Logan Townshit for $7,361, providing he, can funds satisfactory security. Rev. Mr. Hogg, of Clinton, an Rev. Mr. McConnell, of Carme Church, Hensall, exchanged pulpit on Sunday, each preaching specia missionary sermons. Robert Osborne of Greenock Tp was sentenced at Walkerton to si months in jail and a fine of $501 and costs for manufacturing liquor This was his second offence. S. Stewart Scott, of Guelph, wh has represented South Waterlo since 1915, was nominated on Wed nesday of last week as the Nationa Liberal and Conservative candidate St. Marys lacrosse team won th intermediate championship for On tario when it defeated Sudbury 2 0 0 before one of the largest crowd of the season at -St. Marys on Thurs day last. The rain on Saturday night wa very welcome as several farmer have been drawing water for th 'stock for weeks past, and the fa plowing was very heavy owing to th dryness of the ground. The remains of the late Thom William Smale, Sr., aged 26 year who died at Summer Cove, Sask., o Sept. 28th were brought home an interred in the Staffa Cemetery o Friday last. The Mitchell High School boar have engaged Miss Galbraith, Bridgeburg, Ont., to succeed ' Mi Galloway, who recently resigned, accept a position at one of the T ronto schools. Hensall citizens will vote on bylaw for the building Of a ue school. A Continuation class w started at midsummer with a goo attendance but there is not room the present building to accomoda the class. The death took place at Lona recently of James Ryan, formerly the 16th concession Of Stephen':21 was 80 -years of age. Mr. Ryan , survived by one brother, Robert London. Interment in Mt. Carm cemetery. The marriage of Miss Isa,bell M Lean, daughter of Mr. George M Lean, of Mitchell, took place in T ronto on Wednesday, Sept. 2 8th. T groom was Mr. John McAlpine, Maynooth, Hastings County. 311 McLean taught school at that pla prior to her marriage. .A quiet wedding was Sbleinniz at the Methodist ;parsonage, Oro Lon, on September 29, by the R E. A. Brooks, when the r young daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Char Mason, of Parkhill, was 'united marriage to Mr. Lorne K. Zuefle, HensalL where the yoting cOuple resid e. Mushrooms have not been as pl tiful as usual this year, but they now appearing in satisfactory qu titles in the clover fields and p tares. Botff the pink and. the large white week, seen along former McKilloP, Lockhart, varieties ere plentiful this and many motorists have been gatherlUg them from fleldi the road. The remains of Mrs. LOalthart, a highly esteemed resident of and' widow of the lute 0. who passed away' at he home of her daughter, Mrs, Robert Button, lit Mt:pre ToWnship, near Sainia, 011 Saturday, were brougb.t to. Soaforth for interment in the 1N/fait-- land Bank eehleterY. The deceased - was in her 89th year all(' leaves a- fani11,Y of four Sons. and 0110 "'ugh - ter. , 0 • - . ..., 1 , J. Reccralesilo*niavin biiirialiiatiitireu&pwiiibit areragintiovs disirioNted.vcith2(efitilbutlil;not,-one SifigiirD2Se or distiaSe has,a.ppnarod- '«i121 TIIIS greaCPPOW4r Disinfectant", Is, S APE, SUlt E atid CHEAT. It kills gee. mttes and ile,as. Used as a spray ircsias Douses, Barns, Stables. Piirkerles; Poultry itouSes.,otc .:it destroys germ; and thereby PAEVENTS DISEASE. Used by PDT .; DIDNIN,',EXDV6111critNil•FOkID, at Ott*wa, at Gustah; ant by 50' AgrletIlturaf,',04,1: loges In Canada and United States 'No clanger Of Ilre fglAtjelgeIgilgIAiy,, ZariellgWRdgolltls MADE IN CANADA feCtAntA i , (MANUFACT'URED DY ZEIVOIXIIM PRODUCTS COMPANY HAMILTON. ONT. '' ' ' , SOLO AND GUARANTEED WAY ".- .'' ' . , i:RONV NIN CI ' S DRUG STORE EXETER ONTARIO Ia'Irgewrel••Mil•ak,dio.q.Ssda•aemmiOraaslia•Ieor.....uw.,........e.sraoaa•saawru.oaaaawsasasmoramm...R• • i I i c ) _ s e e n d n d a. ° a W .s d 11 :e [e is )f elGLADMAN c- c- o- se of ss oe iv. ist es in of ill 1117 me Lif- • . • , WHY SUFFER . PAIN? ,., you can't do justice to yourself in business, social or home life if you suffer from headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains, or any of the thousand and ene pains with which all of us are afflicted at one time or another. These pains indicatea very real physical danger. But there are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by Dr. Miles' Anti•Pain Pills. Get them in handy uranboxes our drug store. A against head- ache, car sickness /neuralgia a'n'd Pain of almostNEADACNESAND-#11 any nature. There are no disagreeable Pain Pills . STOP without upset digestion, of forming a drug habit. Sold in Exeter tift .Watit.S1 • am - 21 ERATIC after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti - THE PAIN drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger Guaranteed Safe and Sure. by W. S. HOWEY, Phm. R. i 1 • , --, V Al 1:1 A BLE -1--) 0 C. iD TYE LNT,..c • • •• , • •,:e.;.,_ ,,,. A ,,Liter N,-11.. 110'.i.c_s 111S111-ar.t p.11......:, ,....,. c.. . ,. , , 1.1 ' . l 1 4 t 1.111.1)1C CIOCi:i:.1.e:1:::: 1:11,)111A1 !it,L I.);:: 1:t-pl. a,.. 1.1 •,i- 1 iolile ,.t Iit:e tht:y a:c. 4:::!)' Lo be ;(),t oZ iniiis(id. a,lz oxs DI Li,lis Dn Tip- 3 Ifety 1)Qpils'.1. Bt:t , , a...tate Cost ;111 xeciuic.1.1 provide at a Mos.:1 . ta , , , 1.- 'l . - -c P • ' Incaus of ileeping va.raa..).1‘... pa,),...is. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ., 'PAID-UP CAPITAL' . , - $15,000,000 . RESERVE'FUND . . $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. .. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 130 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK :. -- CAPITAL AND RESERVE $0,000,000. , The IViolsons* Bank wants every farmer to feel that he haff a' real friend in, the Manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome- and can safely discuss with him his money needs,. ‘,. ,;,,,, "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT 3.:}1 E EXETER BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. , CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DAILY. .msuit. , Ont. ALLISON RUSSELL ' Agent for Agent for MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private . funds to loan on farm and village; properties, at lowest rates of in - terest. GLADMAN & STANBURY . Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario THE USBORNE AINTD EMMERT WARNER'S MUTUAL mita ANCE COKE'ANY. Head"9m001 Farquhar. President, THOS.'.RYAN Vice -President, JOHN DIRECTORS, WM. BROCK. J. L. RoBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. & STANBITEY Solicitors, Exeter. PERRY F. DOITPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. T arms erateOrders left ino d at Times Office will be'Pronaptiy at- tended to. Phone 116, ' Kirkton. Address ICirkton P. 0. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S. -DENTIST Office over I. R. Carling's LaW,- office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon. .. DR. NRYACORSAUT HE' , ‘Veterinary Surgeon Office -Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night.., Ph' one 8. ----,-- USE ti;:' ' T i "DIAMOND DYES" .. risk.% pack - Can- riCIP.. , . silk,- goods. -TIO' re - if ' Dyes Dye right! Don't your material. Each age of "Diamond Dyes"'con- tains directions so simple, that-/ any WORIan diamond,dyo a XIONV, ld ame , color into ogrnts:, draperies, coverings, eveiy_ thing, ,Whether -wool, linen, ebtton or mixed Buy "Ditunond Dyes" other kind -then perfect Milts are guaranteed even you, havo never dyed before. Drilevist'has "Diamond DR. Honor Office • A. R. 11CINSMAN, , ULM. Graduate Of Toronto E3tY. DENTIST . over Madman & office Main Street, Exeter, ' :, D.D.S. .UniVer- Stanbury's AdVertise in the T/mes, ,It pays. Colo Carr -1(1 ich ors., ssk