HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-10-6, Page 7CONDUCTED EY PROF. HENRY O. DELL The ebject of this department le to piece at the sea vice oltorirlarre reader e the advice of an acknowledged euthority, on all sahleets Pertaining to soile and crepe. 'Addreas ail guestlene to Professor Henry. G. o,fn eare ef The wileen Publishing Company Limited Toren- • tie aed answer e will appear in this column in the order whleh they are reeeived. When writing kindly men. Von tette. paper, As spaee is limited it is adviaable where Immediate rePiy Is necessary that a stamped and ad. • dressed envelope be enclosed with the questlerv, whorl the answer will be mailed direct. Copyright' by Wilson Publishing Co., Limited L. G.: I set 65 trees (apples, pears, The)e. aro various plans practiced eliereies) two years ago; -mulched to combat the insect. One is to heat •each fall with barnyard manure. the beans up to 145 deg. F. as you Trees make a fair growth; ground have suggested. This kills the in - grows medium intercrop. How much sects that may be in the beans, An - commercial fertilizer should I apply other method is to put the beans into to each tree? Have some 2-10-2 On an air -tight barrel or box and put in • itaed, or would nitrate be better? a dish of carbon bisulphide. About Answer: As your trees are young 1 lb. of this chemical for every 100 the fertility treatment should be en- bushels of seed is the quantity to use, planned to force growth as The bisulphide is a very volatile rapidly as is consistent with well liquid, that is, it changes to gas rounded material, being careful not quickly. It is very klisagreeable in to force wood growth to such an ex- odor and is quite inflammable'eo that tent that the twigs will suffer during care nrast be taken not to have any the severe cold days of winter. I fire ie the vicinity when treating the would, therefore, 'advise the use of beans. The treatment is best carried front 5 to 8 lb. per tree of a fertil- out by pouring the bisulphide into izer carrying 3 to 4 per cent. ammonia saucers or deeper reeeptacles which and 10 to 12 per cent. phosphoric acid. are set immediately on top of the 2-10-2 fertilizer is better adapted to beans. After the liquid. has been grain crops, but could be used with placed, cover the barrel with several profit on orchard craps grown on a thicknesses of bag or •closer woven sandy boarnsoil. You have not men- material, or put an air -tight top on tioned the type of soil and my re- the barrel. Since the fumes from the ,conimendations are made- assuming carbotelaisulphide areheavier than that the soil is an average loan. The air they sink down between the beans use of nitrate alone, I am afraid, and kill the insects which have form - would cause too rapid a -wood growth, ed within the seeds. • leaving the wood sappy and in such Some bean growers find it •good shape that there would be a tendency practice just before seeding to empty for it to suffer severely during heavy their seed lightly into a tub or bucket froat. . of water. The infected seeds are usu- C. /3.: What is the relative value ally so light that- they float. These for feed in ripe husked sweet corn can be slcimened off andthe remaining and field corn? • seeds spread oubeto dry immediately. Answer: Your question is rather indefinite. You may mean one of two things. First, what is the value Wheat and Flour Storage. of the fodder from sweet corn after Amok; the most interesting tests the ears have been picked as compare carried on by Dr. C. E. 'Saunders, Do - ed with field corn? Lf this is your minion Cerealist, described in his re - meaning the answer as given by cent bulletin on Wheat, Flour and Henry Sr Morrison in their book on Bread, is that of the effects of .stor- Feeding is as follows: age on wheat and flour. These. tests Analysis in Percentages. covered a number of years, as many Carbohydrates as thirteen as a matter of fact. Ha CO [1 1 0 4. -g 0 r% Sweet 12,2 9.0 9.2 26.4 41.3 1.8 lineld 9.0 6.5 7.8 27,2 47.3 2.2 Second, what is the value of the ear of sweet corn as compared with that of flint and dent corn? Here is the answer: • Carbohydrates 0 , rt.0 tg -% re Sweet 9.3 1.8 11.5 2.3 67.2 7.9 Flint v 10.5 1.5 10.1 2.0 70.9 5.0 Dent 12.2 1.5 10.4 1.5 69.4 • 5.0 Of eourse the protein, earbohy- draths and fat- are the feeding con- stituents of value. The differences these figures will give you the answer to your question, S. II.: I can't get clover or alfalfa to start on my soil. The soil is rather light sand. Would like to know what should do to get clover and alfalfa ito grow. Can alfalfa and clover be lawn in the fall witittryel. Answer: I would net advise sow- ing alfalfa Or clover in the fall when Seeding fall rye, but you could very Wall SOW the alfalfa andaelover seed on top of the stand of rye in the ring as Soon as good growth has started, By a light( harrowina of the, crop you could readily work the seed sufficiently deep into the soil. Excel- lent stands of clover and grass -seeds have been obtained by seeding at such a time either nn rye or fall wheat. In preparing, your ground apply a good dressing of lime this fall, so as to sweeten the top areas of the soil where the young crop will grow. When seeding your rye apply &bout 300 lbs. per acre of a fertilizer analyzing 3 per cent. ammonia, 8 per cent phosphoric acid and 3 per cent, potash. This material will give the aye a goad vigorous start and will provide readily available phertfood for the young clover and alfalfa as saon as you eeed it in the spring, T, B.: Please advise me what causes beans to get bugs in them, and' what becomes of the beige after cihey come out of the beans At what §!tage are these egge laid in the henna'? If tho beans were carefully Picked over and lieated would the ;good ones become ltug-resisting? Is there anything that can be done to di top these bugs after they once get filth a hunch of beans? Answer: The bugs in your beans are likely the Bean Weevil This ina , ,asot paseea the winter as a fly, ap- tPearing early in the ,spring after the ,beans have flowered end the young Pods have formeeen lays its eggs on the surface the young poa. As 'eomans these eggs hatch out they re into the been seed where the young larvae feed arid grow rapidly. The noXt step of development is gone through inside the ehannele .of the bean where the young larvae has been feeding. The insect pupates in this gall and emerges as a full grown edult late in July or. early. August, 4 44. remarks that there seems to 'be a general opinion current among millers and bakers that flour from new wheat is a inferior quality for bread -mak- ing, but that in the course of a very few months, 'whether kept as wheat or flour, a considerable change takes place, and that it is believed that flour retains its highest baking qualities only for a few months. Dr. Saunders found that flour from Yellow Cross wheat, made froin the 1905 trap showed a baking strength of 86 in March, 1906, and of 10in February, 1907; that Tasmania Red showed a baking strength of 95 in February, 1907, and of 101 in Marth, 1908; and Downy Riga, grown in 1906, a strength of 81 in.February, 1907, and of 104 in February, 1908. In order to study more thoroughly this important problem of storage, seven kinds of wheae were chosen from the 1907 crop at.Ottawa. Tables of results showing .valtea ground and when baked indi- cate that wheat •generally improved by keeping a few years. Huron kept, a month after grinding showed 82, kept three months after grinding in 1913 it showed 101 of baging strength. Red Fife under tho same conditions showed 88 in 1908 and 104 in 1913. Yellow Cross showed 74 In 1907, the year each sample was grown, and 102 in 191$. Stanley "A" showed 76 in 1908 'and 96 in 1913. Chelsea showed 84 in 1967 ancl 95 in 1913. Dawson's 'Golden Chaff, showed 71 in 1907 and 91 in 1913. Turkey Red howed 88 in 1909 and 101 in 1913, Some samples ;showed better in intervening years after only one month from grinding. Red Fife, for instance, in 1910 showed 108, Stanley "A" 100 in 1911, Chelsea 102, also in 1911, and Turkey Red the same year 103. Storage of flour -from only three kinds of wheat is tabulated owing to the destruction of other samples. These show that after the best year a gradual decline in baking etrength takes place. All were ground September 16 or 17 in 1907, In Jane- ary, 1910 and 1911 the baking strength of Huron had reached its pinnacle, namely 107; in 1912 it had, decreased tq 87. Red Fife's best year was 19107 fwhen the strength was 109; In 1921 it was 96. The best year for Yellow Cross was 1911, when the strength was 111. In January, 1921, it was 100. In 1907, the year of grind- ing, I-taro/l.'s strength was 86, Red Fife's 98, and that of Yellow Cross 74. The decline of the baking strength at the pealyear had been retched wee mare gradual in the ease of Red Fife and Yellow Cross than in that of Huron. The city fe a place where people must dwell; the country a place where people may livo. : The rube farmer of ten years ago had to shave op his whiskers the other day because they kept blowing into his eyes when he drove into town in his 85,000. hypersix, ,and. he was con-Ant:0y running over newspaper wiseguys who had been poking Am st hien. Getting Ready for the Convottioes. These are •leasy weeks among the Institute Convention Committees of rural Ontario. Five annual conven- tione must be held this autumn to elect the growing"' needs of the Branches. Ono will be at Fort Wil- liam for the northwestern area, an- other at North Bay for the north, and three others at Ottawa, Toronto, and. Loedon for the three clivieions of old Ontario, All are ,stresaingethe study of meth- ods of improving the local branch, the court of last resort ip Iestitute woi'lc.; also how the various Govern- ment depargMeets, Public Health, Education, Child Welfare, and Agri- -culture may more effectively serve the home -maker and country, com- munity. The cloae and effective part- nership between the local Institutes and the Institutes Branch of the De- partment of Agriculture has resulted in a very efficient bit of adminstra- tive machinery wheraby the busiest women in tho busiest neighborhood can avail herself of the best results of the work of the college and other provincial Departments. Is the baby sick? There is Dr. MaoMurchy's Canadian Mother's Book to be had for the asking in every Institute. How much should it weigh? How should it be fed? There is an at- tractive set of Child Diet boolclets available from the Public Health De. partment. Does the engaged girl want to know "How to build the Canadian house" or "Bow to make a Canadian Oreille"? There is in preparation that delightful Home Series, "The Little Blue Books" which agE1.21 may be had for the asking by any Institute from the Department of Health at Ottawa. Do the girls want a place? There is the Girls' Branch or Circle. A Community Party. The successful Wornera's Institute believes vigorously in a balanced life and a balanced Institute program. "Something to see, something to hear, and something to do, and you will have an interesting meeting," say the members. Demonstrations accordingly are in high favor. The St. William's branch gave a remarkable demonstration, all un- :sthtesof Ontario known to themselves, to the rest of the province of a community party at 'their lent mee:;ng, S9yecal n ey,r fe mill es, s ow e Of Oa em from outside our own .eeuntry, had moved into the neighborhood, one family were leaving, another had been bereaved. It was the beginning of ano ther Institute year a activities after the harvest and the holidays. Welcome, send-off and sympathy were all expressed in the evening's doings. Every member •ef every family was invited, also a neighboring branch. The young people reepoeded in a way that was a real inspiration. The two othestras played. "Old girls and boys" dropped "over home" from cities and towns and delikhted the home folk with the part they con- tributed. as their bit in solos, piano anevocal, readings, and short spicy talks. A tender touch was the omis- sion of dancing and the heavy- orches- tral music out of consideration for those who had been bereaved. The outstanding feature of the evening was the Presideet's address in which ehe „outlined anew the aims and objects of the Institute, empha- sized the motto, "For Home and Country," referred briefly to the re- markable but, as she eaid, past, In- stitute achievementat in the Great War, and laid before the gathering the plans for a better and happier community for the coming year, and improved homes. These plans' includ- ed teaching to advantage modern horne--making and the ase of labor- saving machinery and method, help- ing the girls of to -day prepare to take over the responsibilities of the future, beautifying the community cemeter- ies, getting wholesome recreatiOn and educative entertainment for this win- ter, securing the Chautauqua for the five winter 'months, welcoming the new -comers, and carrying out in prat - tical ways the principle of t'he Insti- tute co-operation. Aiter a merry time over the re- freshments, the party broke up at eleven o'clock, refreshed and benefit- ted by a wholesome evening's recrea- tion and wondering "where the time had gone so fast." .And there was, nobody to feel badly because he "hadn't been invited to the party." Storing the Potato Crop. The lightness of the potato crop in Ontario and the eastern provinces owing to the long continueddrought earlier in the season will render it profitable to save all the tubers pos- sible. Reports from agricultural rep- resentatives indicate that "even the light crop being harvested is in many cases affected with rot. It is useless to put away in permanent storage po- tatoes that are affected -with disease because those that eommence to de- cay are likely to contaminate the rest of the pile. If potatoes are founcl to be diseased at digging time a good plan is to fix up a place in the barn where It is dry and where frost can be kept odd for a time, and spread the potatoes in shallow piles. If, how- ever, the crop is small and no rot is evident, the staring can be done as well first as last in the cellar. Boxes or crates make better receptacles than deep bins and are much to be preferred to keeping the potatoee in bags. ' Moreover, when the potatoes 'Commence to eprout, as they will do during the winter, more especially in cellars where a furnace is operated, they will be more quickly noticed when in boxes and can be more expe- ditiously handled from the boxes than If the whole pile has to be turned over in order to take off the sprouts., The oftener the sprouts, are removedas they appear the better the potatoes will keep, but the better pian is to keep the potatoes so cool and dark that sprouting ia discouraged. It is highly important that potatoes, ;be stored only when quite dry. Ib will lbe well, more especially a year like the present, to see that the storage is as perfect as possible. A vaell-ventilated cellar is the best sort ef storage to provide, The ex - Yon11116•10POPSTONIFAVM•1••••111M101. Pease of providing a good. system of ventilation would be soon offset by the !better condition in which the po- tatoes keep. Experhnents carried.on at- Ottawa would indicate that very good results are obtained by provid- ing ale space below and around the potatoes stored. To do t'his slats should be nailed a little distance apart about four inches or more from the wall. This will give a circulation of air behind the pile. A temporary floor should be put down about six inches above the.perrnanent floor with cracks between the boards. This will aermit air to circulate under and through the pile. Then if large quan- tities are to be stored together ventil- eters of wood ma.de of slats and run- ning from the top to the bottom of the pile could be put in here and there through the pile. This, with the ven- tilation afforded at the sides and bottom will give very good conditions for storing. If, however, as already pointed out, the quantity to be stored is small, it is more satisfactory to keep the potatoes in crates or boxes more particularly if disease is feared. The temperature in the cellar or store house should be kepttas nearly 33 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit as pos- sible. Not only will the disease and sprouting be delayed but the tubers will keep meth firmer than if a warmer temperature is allowed. to keep the temperature down before hard freezing weather arrives, it is well to admit outside air at night, closing the windows or other open- ings during the wanner hours of the day. Don't forget -the housewife is an important party in the farm business. The sting of albee is only about one - thirty-second of ,an incii 'in length. e BoYs Leave the Farm Why did you leave the farm, my lad? Why did you bolt and leave your Dad?. Why did you heat it off to town Arcl turn your poor old father down? Thinkers of platform, pulpit, press, Are wallowing in deep distress; They seek to know the hidden. cause Why farmer boys desert their pa's. Some say they long to get a taste Of faster life and social waste, And some .will say the silly chumps Mistake the suit cards for their trumps, In wagering fresh and germiese tar Against the smoky thoroughfare. We've all agreed the farm's the place To free your mind ancl state,your case. Well, atm/Igor, since you've been so I'll roll aside my- hazy bank, The misty cloud of theories, And tell you where the trouble lies. Left my Dad, hie farm, his plow, Because my ealf lbecame his cow. Left my Dad; 'twas wrong, of eourse-- Because my colt becarno his horse; I left my Dad to sow and reap, Because my lamb became his sheep; I dropped any hoe and streak my fork Because my pig became his pork; The garden truck that 1 made grow, 1Vas his to sell but mine to hoe; It's not the smoke in the atmosphere Nor the taste for life that brought, me here; Please tell the platform, pulpit, press No fear of toil or love of dress Is driving off the farmer lads, frank But just tile methods of their dads. Ifillle Others Stay at lionie with dad and me it's half and, half. The cow I own was once his calf. I'm going to stick right where I aril, Because my sheep was once his lanile I'll stay with dad -he gels my vote, Beemise my hog was once his shole. No town for nae --.I'll stick eight hese, For `Pie hie tear:tor-engineer. It's "even -split" with dad and -me prc fi Lathering compony. NVe work together from clay to day-- 130:ieve me, boys, only Way. 1:1 the interest of Baby who tee and Itissed but is made to auger in following good f.loalthogram: often knowa WilAt it is tone dandled its "14tie healths," we publiatt the AM 4-rm I am the 13eby, I am the youngest institution in the, world -and the ,oldest, The earth is my heritage when I come into being, and when I go I leave it to the next generation of Babies. . My mission is to leave the earth a better place than 1 foend it, With my million little 'brothers and sisters I can do this, if the World does not impose too many handicaps. Now I need Pure Milk and Freeh Air and Play. 'When I am a little older I shall BABY VVILL ea W5LL Has the right food. Is kept dry and clean. Sleeps alone in a quiet, cool piece. Is kept away from sick folks and Is given pure, cold water to drink. crowds. Has a bath every day, Does not have to be shown off for Has his meals served on time. visitors, Breathes fresh air, day and night. Is NOT kissed on the mouth, even Is dressed according to the weather. by his /nether. E BABY need good Schools ie which to learn the bessone of Life. I want to live laugh love work I want to hear good. mueicy read good books, see beautiful pietures. *I want to bIlifC1 HOUSOS and Roads and Railroads and Cities, I want to walk in the woedo, bathe in the waters, azi'd play in the snow. oIrrr(ly,,. nviYesterday, To-daa and To- mIf you will make m3r way easy now, I will help you when 1 grow up. I am your Hope -I Am the IlOaby. Aetra HAPPY IF HE - Is protected from flies and mos- quitoes. BABY WILL BE. UNHAPPY AND CROSS IF HE - Is given a pacifier:. Is taken up whenever he cries. Is kept up late. Is bounced eta and down. Is dosed with medicines. Is teased and made to show off. Is bothered by flies and mosquitoes, Is not a Fresh Air baby, Is elbowed, to go thirsty, Is fed at the family table, Is not kept dry and clean, It taken to the movies. • IT IS EASIER TO KEEP BABY WELL THAN TO CURE HIM WHEN HE GETS SICK. Usually at this seethe of the year there is an increase in ,the amount of disease in the e,wine herds. The aggravating cause often is the change from dry to green corn. Hogs ac- customed to dry feeds all summer are put upon green corn quickly with- out being allowed enough time for their digestive systems to become ac- . customed to the radical change in feed. Then disease which had not been able to get a hold upon the hogs wheri healthy begin to affect the weaker ones of the herd. Prevention of euch diseaee attacks consists in avoiding too radical feed chanos. By allowing ten days or two weeks time for the change to green corn, with -a gradual elimination of dry grains, there will be less chance of lowering the animal's re- sistance to disease. Feed also with the green eorn some pxotein feed, such as tankage or linseed meal. Experi- ments show beyond a doubt that hogs so fed are healthier and make more rapid and cheaper gains than those fed on corn alone. t Wanted -A Man to Lead. "There isn't a lad but wants to grow Manly and true at heart, And every lad would like to know The secret we impart. He doesn't desire to slack or shirk - Oh, haven't you heard hini plead? He'll follow a man at play or work If only the man. will lead" My Garden. I have a little garden. planted lots of seeds And watered them and watched them And pulled up the weeds. And now I have a pansy And a pumpkin and a bean And three tall hollyhocks With leaves big and: green And best of all, a daisy I found out on the hill. I dug it up and brought it home, And it is smiling still! The Frog Pond. wonder what is down that way, In the water brown and deep? What reakee the little .groggies say, "Kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke?" They .hop along the hank .and. plunge, But soon they rise to speak. I think they- say, "Come in and play! "Kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke." I wade around; they keep so still cannot hear a peep. When I come out they raise a shout, "Kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke, kr-r-reker They seem to play a funny game; It's like nur hide and seek. Lok, there sits Tad. behind a pad, And calls, "Kr-r-reke, kr-r-reke!" Ambition is always attained 'by teavelling a tedious, tiresome road. SELECTING THE BREEDERS There are two ways of selecting good breeders; one is by trapnesting and the other ;by observation and study. That trapnests are of the greatest importance in this particular has been demmestrated by the experi- ment stations and, by others who make poultry raising a business.. In trapnesting for the selection of breeders, attention must be given to other factors besides ability to lay. For instance, if a hen lays 200 eggs in. a year, but has had some contagi- ous disease earlier in life'she should not be permitted in the breeding pen because the disease is liable to he transmitted to her offspring. A hen with a tta.pnest record of 200 eggs must necessarily be a healthy fowl, and with ordinary precaution one can not go far astray in selecting her for the breeding 'pen. ris selecting by observation, health and vigor mustrbe the main factors. The individual eelected should be ac- tive and carry her body rn an erect and proud fashion. The comb should be bright red, in color, soft and -vet= vety; the eyes should be steady and clear. A fowl that stands moping around Or roosts in the daytime is either weak or sick, and should never bo selected, no matter what her record may be. - Although feathers are only a cov- ering for a bird, some attention must be paid to them also Good feathered birds not, only look better but sell better. •Size and shape are also ire - portant in a dual-purpose hen; good, heavy layers, of largo size and uni- form shape, with vigorous •constitu- tions, are the ideal stock to breed from. A good layer can invariably be dis- tinguished by her actions and willing- ness to scratch for food, If examined on the roost at night, it will be found that she hen a full crop. This, too, is a good indication of hesilth. A hen may he compared to a email factory -food iS the raw material and egfees are the fliekzheel product, 'rile °Omit is greater when the factory rims effi- ciently and coesumee Jaeger qeanti- tiee of /1 soft, t.ed eomb, lyina to 0113 iid (in single -comb vatictiet), a tharie -• curved beak, lath of .color in shanks, worn -off toe -maids, are all indications of laying ability... It is said that hens lose color in the shanks because they lay it out of them; and the toe -nails are sheet and worn as a result of much scratching, Observed from the side, a good layer has a small head, rather round, and the general apeearante of the body is decidedly wedge-shaped be- cause of the extreme fullness in its back, Large -headed birds with oval- shaped bodies are never good layers. If a good layer is picked up she 'will be found to possess considerable weight for her size. Examination will show the distance between the pelvic bones for egg -laying ability is a good method, but the inexperienced are likely to have difficulty at times faran m achinery? UNANSWERED) "I've coxne," Mrs. Hilton acld,"te ask Yen to tell me the best about prayer," Dr. Mercer's fUl$Wer was im ompt., "There'only an' best book about prayer, and you've had that all your life, Mrs. Hilton." liars. Hilton's tireci, eyes tilled wit* tears. "But I've prayed and prayed and never get an answer. Sur* prayer is the most important thing la the world -real prayer -the kind that gets answers, And I do want to iearn. I've bought all the books 1 could "Burn theun" Dr. Mercer advised her erisply. Mrs. Illiten, starcsd at 111M. "Burn them!" she 'cried. "Yes; but miderstantl me, Mrs. 111 - top. There are some valuable hooke on prayer that have helped many Peo- ple. But you might read them all the rest ef your life aed. never learn to pray, Prayer is a matioe tiot of study but of 1:ractice." "I don't know what you mean. 1 a/ways pray, "Thy will be &me.'" Mrs, Hilton's voice sounded hurt. "I ant_ going to ask you some ques- tion, Mra. Hilton," Dr. Mercer said. "I don't want you to tell me the answers. 1 want you to go home aml, think thexsi over and see whether. somewhere among them you do not find an answer to your puzzle, For you are right about the importance of prayer. When you pray for certain things do you pray in a spirit of lave toward everyone zo far as you know? The first words are 'Our Father,' Then do you care deeply about the coming of God's Kingdom upon. earth? Are you working for it, give ing for it, praying for it and trying, to make it come everywhere that your influence reaches? Is your first oncern not to fail God in any of the e.s.ks and the opportUnities that Ile has put before you? Are you press - ng the great sorrow ef the world. to your heart until it hurts, and you have to go and tell God, about it? Or have your prayers been only for yourself and one or two who are dear to you?" "You make it sound so -hard," Mrs. Hilton faltered. "Head at first perhaps we are wreatling with the envy, the jeal- ousy, the bitterness and the selfish- ness that ,come between our hearts and God' e great love; 'but not half so liard as going year after year without the knowledge that the in- finite Father is working through us. And when that knowledge eomes- when we surrender the last thing be- tween -us and it, and his love comes flooding in -then we shall not need any soul (m earth to teach us how to pray, dear Mrs. Hilton." Bulb Growing. In many parts of, Holland, &ripe - the blooming season, the country ap- pears like a huge flower garden. Up to the time of the late war, the choic- est varieties of flowers grown from bulbs came from Holland. The flower farmers require much patience, as some of the choice bulbs take as leng- es seven years to mature. Many other bulbs, from three to four years. The gathering, sorting, packing and ship- ping are all important, and it re- quires skilled workers. Since the war, many of our flower levers have taken a greater interest in bulb culture ,and good results are being accomplished. Flowers and shrubs greatly add to the beauty of a farm borne. Keep plow oolters sharp, especially on trashy ground. Sharp colters pro-, perly adjusted assure clean furrow tooke the Roman farmer four and a half clays to raise a bushel of wheat. The Canadian farmer does It in nine minutes. What weubd you think if your wife left her sewing -machine out in all kinds of weather lace you do your in estimating the distance, especially if the hen is an old one with much Storing .ptimpkins: Place them in a fat. The distance between the pelvic. room or barn where they twill not bones seems more than it is, for the; freeze or become too damp. Set them lower bor.° is :forced down by super- on a wire netting that is fastened ori fluous fat, a. frame or on an old wire cot or bed. In selecting a male bird, find one springs that eleaxe the floor by two which has good size and color and feet. The free circulation of the ate holds his body erect. Pick a hearty around the vegetables prevents dc. eater if possible, the tendenea of 4. males being to allow the hens to eat Three farmerettes attired in Over - everything and have, nothing fOT ells, flannel shirts, high boots, etc,, are themselves. He should be ef good rived at Moose Jaw recently. Their are -mating qualitiers, not quarrelsome, Miss Madge Simpson, Miss Doris Horn aild yet possess a fighting spirit, and and Miss Ann Guesk, g-raduates of the be continually with the hens. Angus Experimental FarIll of British Breeders do no‘t require different Columbia. "What do they do?" they housing from that of laying hens. were asked. "Harrowing, stooking, They must at all times have freeli air binding., breaking, plowing and riding end plenty of It. I believe that the on any kind of a horse," was the ens - correct type of house is the fresh -air wee. "We love the work and wonidn't onc, Moro eggs are lost than gained, live In a city," they' declared, eonsidering the whole countey, by 4. lceeping the _fowls eonfined too much Saskatchewan's live stook assoeia,. in warm, mild winter weather, tions are province -wide and engage irt T/tcre mesa be a different method many activities for the betterment of en-tployed in feeding breedere than is the livestock et the province. Annual, used in feeding layers, the ablea', be- cattle, sheep, swine mid horse sales ing to produce eggs of quality rather are proving more popular each year, ',ifan many of low fertility. Mention Buy -ors from every section, in the ahoeld have teen made before that chater pullers or hens are good as 1 reeders, but enth must, he handled thrferently. 'See old hens should have no corn except in very eold weether, Too much animal food eauso; the pro- dueleon of mere eggs thali 0an he glade' etock judging and feeding cena properly terlihzede petitions. ' province attend these sales for the puraose of securing purebred sires or foundation females as the ease may be. These associations also make irns portations of pure bred etbek alai iriterest themselves in the boys' and