The Exeter Times, 1921-9-29, Page 8(PHONE 16, PHONE 16. Swagger Gats for Ladies, Misses and Children They are in the very latest cloths and. the styles word in Coats,; Be sure to see oar' nifty range before your selection. re the last you make Overcoats for Men and Boys We have a full line of .Men's; and Boys' heavy wintere•Coats m all new styles and new cloths. Fall is here so don't delay in 'pick- ing out your new Coat. The prices are new -not last year's. New Dinner Sets Just received a crate of new Dinner Sets.. Full 97 -piece. China Cups and Saucers, balance of set fine Semi -Porcelain China'. They are in neat Pink and Blue design. You, will make no mistake in making a selection as all crockery is very scarce. Corsets Corsets Special light -weight Corset; good style, Regular $1.50. Sale Price 9Sc J. A. Stewart Furniture & Undertaking COMPLETE LINES IN ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION M. E. GARDINER OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call.74W a� ERMA is better- •even thou it does cost less That is be cause it was produced bytheworld's greatest inventive genius. You wouldn't xr ect anything but the best from Thomas A. Edison. Edison_'s is better because it is clear, pure and mellow in tone. Better because of the genuine diamond p9int reproducer that does away with the bother an -i expense of changing ing needles. ,Setter because .Amberol Records are i practicsilly un- breakable and last a lifetime. And even though the Amberola is vastly superior to ordin- ary, "talking machines" and commercial phonographs, it is remarkably low in price. Come to our store and hear it. Make us prove that the Amberola is all we say it is., "Three ee as of Good Music -FREE" If y can'tca11= h e youp on or write us deliver an Arnbc - r ola and 12 records toour house for a three day y trial free. T.." 1111.IJf. I'OEi`I I.I I ll ETF;R. Z Coto, rapser tii+Nlvi+!:: Market It.epor4 -T1t0 Coliowin the report of the. Exeter Market corrected. every Wednesday., Wheat 1.20, Oats 50 and 55e. Barley 48c tq 55c.. Manitoba flour $5,00. Fancily flour $4.65. Shorts $1.65 per 100 lbs. Bran $L55 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2.20.., Creamery butter 45c, Dairy butter 36c. Biggs 40e, Lard 25c. hells under 4 lbe., 10c.' Hens, 4 to 5 lbs., 14e, Hens, 5 lbs. and over, 15e,. Chickens, under 3 lbs., 15c. Chickens 3 to 4 lbs., 16c. Old roosters 10e. Ducks 14c. Geese 12c. Turkeys 35c. Hogs 9.00. ®44'r***oi4410.44*NrN4•r••A LOCAL On Wednesday, October 5th, Mr, Dawson, of Royal. Garments, will display a full range of fancy, serge and silk dresses. We will be glad to have you call and see this display. SOUTHCOTT BROS. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech have been visiting for 'the past week in Brantford. Miss Margaret McAllister, of To- ronto, is a visitor at Main St. Metho- dist parsonage. Miss Gladys Harvey, of London, spent the week -end ;,with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Harvey. Mrs. John Snelf left on Tuesday for Calgary, Alta., to spend the win- ter with her son, Mr. R. J. Snell Messrs. Ware & Pryde are engag- ed in putting a top on the tower of the James Street Methodist Church. Miss Verde, Hill has resigned her position at J. A. Stewart's and Miss Josephine Davis has taken her place: Mrs. Geo. Anderson has returned from Brantford after a few weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Vroornan. Mr. James Morley has been suc- cessful in passing his junior 'matric- ulation having written off the sup- plemental examinations. In the report of the prize winners for poultry at the Exeter Fair, the nanie of Mr. Jos. Sutton was omit- ted. Mr. Sutton won four firsts and two seconds for Black Minorcas. Dr. L. L.,and Mrs. Follick an family of St. Marys, motored over and spent Sunday with the former's mother. Miss Mabel Follicle 'accom- panied them home for a' few days. Mr. Linden Harvey, M.A., and Mr.. Maurice. Harvey left for Toronto University on Monday. The former will take a course in theology and the latter will commence his Arts course. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. IvIcDonald from Hollandale, Wisconsin, last week spent a few days with the .tatter's sister and brother, Mrs. 'M: E. Gar- diner and Mr•,. -E.' Davis. They made the trip 'lay auto. Mrs. Wes. Welsh, of Regina, Sask. arrived home last week to spend the winter with her mother, Mrs. Pople- stone. Mrs. Poplestone has been spending the summer with her son, Mr. 'S. Poplestone, of Blyth. Miss Olive Hera underwent an operation for the removal of herr tonsils at St. Joseph's I3ospital, Lon- don en Monday. We hope that she: may soonhe around again and that, this will have a beneficial, effect uponher health, Mr. R. E. Southcott returned home Saturday evening from the West where he has been conducting Methodist circuit on the Shaun a,von District for the summer. He will continue bus studies, in theology at Victoria -University. ' d The excellent weather that has prevailed during the past month has enabled the farmers to make 'spler- did progress with the fall wheat. Most of the threshing and silo fill- ing has been, completed. There still remains the roots to be taken up and the fail ploughingg to be done. The first practice in Exeter of the South Huron Choral Society was .geld in James Street Church on Wednesday evening last. Great in- terest is being shown in this new society by music lovers. There was a good: turn -out at the first 'prac- tice. Prof. Anderton. is the musical director. Mr. Paul Coates returned home on Thursday last after a visit of three months through the West. Mr. Cbates in company with Mr. Peter Case made a trip through to the coast and they had the pleasure of meeting with a great many who had gone west from this section. Mr. Case is remaining in the west for a few months. The services of Mr. ay. H. John- ston as speaker has been in. great demand this past'suiuiner- Most of ':he Sundays during the summer 'nbnths he has taken services on: one or other:' of the circuits in this dis- trict. On Sabbathmorning last he spoke at the Rally service in the flerieall .Presbyterian Church and in She "afternoon he conducted the ser- vice at Sunshine. I t e and Electrical treatnrents,,for Chron- ic and Nervous Disehresi Hours 10 to 12 and 2 .to 5,and c,by, appoint- ment. Office corner ;of William and Sanders streeta. XETER TIMES With the Churches ning have purchaser R; CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHIT1 CH Rev. James Foote, B., A., illinister 10 a.m,---Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a.m.-Rally Day Service. Princi- pal G. S. F3owa •d will speak. 7 pan. -Regular se•vice. Prayer service Thursday evening. Boy Scouts will meet at the church Saturday evening at 7:30.. JAMES STREET METHODIST CHURCH Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A, Pastor. �'�HARVEST HOME "SERVICE& 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. By the. Minister. Morning: Soloist -Miss Walsh, Hen-' sall. Anthem: "Praise the Lord 0 Jer- usalem.'t Maunder, Solo: "Open the Gates ,,of the ; Temple." Evening:' Soloist-Mr."Good'yin,. Hensall. ' 'i: Anthem: "0 Lord How Manifold." '+; 13arnby. Solo ---"The Thresher." MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a.m.=Rev. "Jaines L. Foster. 7 p.m. -Rev. James L. Foster. BETHANY 2:30 p.m. -Rev. Jas. L. Foster. Y.P.C.A. The bowling allies are still under repairs. Opening soon as possible. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Sunday -Town. Hall, 11 a.m.: Vorth End, .3 p m.;;.P,Town'Hall, 7 p. a n.; Victoria Park, ;8.30 p.m. Sunday school at 2:30 p.m. in :he Town Hall.. 71 7apt. Barr Lieut. Parnell , FOR SALE -1 Fairbanks -Morse ;asoline-ail engine; 6 horse power; 3osch magneto. This is a new engine only run about 2 weeks steady run- and was well taken care of. It s in first-class running order now. got it to cut wood in the bush and finished the job and will sell his engine for $255. Terms to suit and will take wood and cgs for part or ' all erne Apply to 'Gillies,' "Exeter, i`' DR4' JOHN WARD as successful passed., the Board of iptometry ;and is..licensed to test Coe -hi -ate Math ne ,:work Cylinders re -ground andrings and pistons fitted. Grinder Plates re -ground . About ten bowler- ``,from Dash wood motored out last Friday eve ning 'and joined the local tourney on the bowling' green, T u'ee ; rounds, ;were -played and the `rink 'skipped by Dr. Taylor of Daslwocd was the only rink -to win all three games, :thereby winning the first prize. The rink was composed of T: Pryde, 1). S. Chilton, Wm. Kieinstiver-and Dr. Taylor,. skip. A rink 'composed` of T. Elliott, T. S. Woods, W.I,Rivers and P. Fassold, skip, won ;"the,, second prize. U. F. 0. Convention The South Huron United Farmers' Political Association ;will hold a Convention in" the s' " HENSALLL 1-1A1.,L - - THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1021 at 2 o'clock lea): for i to purpose of selecting a candidate ri tafe'Federal House. Meetings .for the aiipointing of delegates will be held in each poli• in each municipality on Tuesday evening, September 27th. All electors in sympathy with the principles and policies enunciated it the platform of the United Farmers of Ontario and the Canadian Couiia cit of Agriculture and willing . to support the United, Fanners' Politi- cal Party are cordially invited to at- tend. W. BLACK, GEO. LAYTON, President Secretary Cash and Carry We are inaugurating this system In our Grocery business..; By doing business on the ;cash system and do- ing away with the expense ofdeliv- ery, we believe• we can save our cus- tamers money on their grocer:es and confectionery. We start Qcteter '1st. Comt;iiete line of f'ozh grecltlee :ways in SI ock. LOST-Frcm car a boy'e suit, nettle' It- gi33ls(•n. coat and pants of grey tweed. he � r AlCacecltrrits3 are no ll,€'. 071 e..Iocrc,:vrlie l''''ad Gr'' -'31d lits"Affil, ,; n dee I 1st.hc settled at'C4e;va.7• ir, once. d. Phone hay 3 Lt r icair or �. ocre5 aisle. C' . �L 3VfI,SON. TRU'1 S»AY, IEPT. ,lllilal$ q,9, 1031 II1111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111 11M111119MIIIinill111111 111,1111111r11in11,110i111,0 11111 I � 1.1111111111[IIIII„�; SOUTHC0 T BROS• PHONE 1334. P eee P,H011TN7 134. 1111,11.011 Wain Malan MINiNIMM MINIM MOMS .allies' ssea' LOi We want you to see our New Fall and Winter Coats, and while our stock is not large, we are showing some very smart models at prices that should interest you. ALL WOOL SERGES $1.50 YD. Sold .last.season at 0.00` a yard. Colors Copenhagen, Rose, Brown, Burgundy and Navy. Beautiful fine all -wool Serge. Extra value at per yard, $1.50. RAINCOATS FOR MEN. Twenty Men's Raincoats that we have been selling at $20, $22 and $25. They are great cloths and you will need one for the wet weather. Reduced to $15.00 and $16.50. d Southc IRISH SERGE FOR BOYS SUITS. $1.74.5 a1, Ytti 'd. A great wearing material, suitable for making suits or odd pants. Sold last sea- son at $3.50 a yard. 54 inches wide. Spe- cial at per yard,' $1.75. SMART CLOTHING FOR BOYS. The little fellows, like snappy clothing as well as the older boys. We are showing some new makes in good wearing .mater- ials. Why not see them before you buy your;, next suit? MISIONNO 0111101111111 OMEN spol 1111111111111111111111Q111111111111111111111111111111111111111AN11111111111111111 ... IilAl1A111111611l16111II1111111111111111111n111I1ui11nillnnlr I.R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion ` of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing; prices, from 6 per cent tb 7 jrecent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders . repeived by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of. interest. OFFICE- Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. APPLE BUTTER AND CIDER. The O. K. Cider Mill will operate Thursday and .Friday of each week until further' notice. Phone .115. S. J. V. Cann COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER. NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that a Court will be held, pursuant to; The Ontario Voters' 'Lists Act,, by His H_onor the Judge of. the County Court of the County, of Huron at the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday, the llth day of October, 1921, at 10 o'clock a.m. to hear and determine complaints or errors and, omissions in the Voters' List pf the lliunicipal ity of the Village of Exeter for 1921. Dated the 28th day of September, 1921. Jos. Senior, Clerk of the Municipaliity of the Village of Exeter. -Mr. Robert Cunningham, of 'the vicinity of Brinsley, had the -misfor tune on Saturday last to lose a horse valued at $125 which he had re- cently purchased. He was in the act of "letting the horse through a gate from one field to another. When he opened the 'gate' the horses carie rushing through and the said horse after running about fifty rods fell and broke its neck, or fractured it. A veterinary surgeon was called and in spite of the assistance of neigh- bors and vet. the animal died about six hours after the accident. Tl:is is the second horse Mr. Cunningham has lost in six weeks, and not being in the best health this is a hard Clow to him. A meeting of the ministers and laymen of, the Exeter District of the Methodist Church was held in the Main Street 14Iethodist Church last week. Sessions were held' in the af- ternoon and evening. Rev. Geo. Rivers, of Hensen, chairman of the district, conducted the meeting. The secretary for missionary work Rev. M., J. Wilson, presented the figures for cath circuit with an increase of 25 per cent. on last year's gi:vings as the basis for this year, .which was adopted. Rev. J. E. Holmes of Stratford and K. J. Beaton, returned missionary, gave addresses with in- spirational effect. The educational value pf the clutrcli was represented, by ,Prof, A. J. Johnston of Toronto. Tho ladies of, Maim Street served supper in the basement. .Rev. r:, J. Beaton;' gave .another" address of ex- ceptionally telling effect, Our New Goods Are Arriving Every Da. How about that new Suit? Come in and see our New Styles It's easy to upset good form with an : out. of form tie. That's why it do often happens. The remedy is here in good form Ties?, Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves, Collars, (Shirts, everyything in Men's 0 itfit- tin'gs correct' to the minute. W. W. t A M A Nr PtiONIE A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on. John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w A few choice farms in South Hu- ron for sale. Also some unineumber ed farm lands in Alberta and Sae- katchewan will be exchanged for town or village property: !Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc- tioneer, etc. Box 151, Exeter. Phone 21r12. New iron 'pumps and fittings in stock. Iron or wood pumps repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. 3. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. T. II. E1.I.iOTT IS OUT FOR BUSINESS 111y aim is ---Your patronage. My motto -Service to the public. PRICES Ladies' Suits, cleaned anti }Teased 'Alen's Suits, pressed only .75 Men's suits, cleaned and pressed r • $1.00 to $1.a0 Ladies' suits dyed $4.50 Men's ",suits' dyed. $4,50 Ladies' suits dry cleaned . $2.00 Alen's suits dry cleaned $2.00 Ladies' overcoats -dry cleaned- $2.0 �+ 0 Men's overcoats dry cleaned.. $2.00 I do all kind or repairing. I also have the agency for the Forest City Laundry, London, Ont. At your service.. N. Rowe F CICNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR, AND EMBALMER Embalmer's Li i1O. ?JOTOIi HEA'_ . .7; RVICE Phone 20J and 20W. Til E EXETER TIMES suhscription rate $1.50 a year. AIri: .ilTISIN(I RATES Display Advertising --Made known' in, application. Q s Stray' Animais-One insertion 50 d base icsertions-for $1,00 Fara) or Real Estato for sale GOa •>iib itlsertion..for one month. of .tour insertion. [is.ee (lane ons art.icic+s of not retorey 'hnn five lines, For Sale, To Itent, iVentral, each insertion 50c. Lost' :1101 found locals' 25e, Local rending, nottr'es etc., lrin pPp' line per insert.ien," �'a .. notcce lust than 25c.'Card of Thanks 50c. Auction sale for oner. s $8 insertt :x and $L50 for 'each enbsequent.,tn sertion,if under live inches in length. ' Legal ad`vertiaing 10c arid 'l e a line.