HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-9-29, Page 4• 4,1.).,11. Pt/. 1tti!„ )110:euwtitttohort V.:amok rtok,tr 1,100,040.„ mot; tyxotalomt iyvattior •urovailinn, 103,1111Y1'It1g 11-{,etpm; 110101'01 1.1tirpoito 1lro.P+1 i0toArreiltpt1.10.01, bv ft, LI, 11, LA. 1Nool+.; ItRit, 1., fleopPty, 11,, 11, ,Neel+t 1t01,111.11ig.ll V01,100t1,101, 0.,L00,,,. yonr -111.3113itta 1.110tlitalltori 8k'yeart31.0., D-Zo.AuwIt o, \\IMMO th\q*Ooot,tvtul,, tiV000., :0010.00, -•rtIttt tVi1lor1, 1L llotion1y1oft .01, \\Inert 'N011,001,1wangor: tt", 10, n•yorr-ot,t, to„ D.aiia, 8.4 00,1‘,01.0., MotUo.lo,‘ V4,',„)„ 1W01.601,4 80110,1 1.4,),[..to, 8, '1\tOgVido. 11L111r,t"' 1 )r1111/111 MAN Witt+ (0411, AV, 1I0 NOM tor & 14000; foal, \ Or 42 St.)11:4: 2 NV, Mr- \ lOot lo11a10i0. 00 rgo 1e1omittl, 1\loAllikor & Sults: t„,t 0 Rader, gweppauttea, SV me 4\1100 11110 lilt (0V tIA . neck ?,,D41,11051 foal. 1, Dooliort fool, .1, Dottlittr. 1‘10a 01i:tut, \t" tn. 1e.tte 2,YeAr-olt ;tt+10, Itee1t0+,, Det'het, t4r., Tr0001.001: sp.10. THU ITINVOITT NEws Topics OF WEEK uk, euilkoja L(0A, r, IS000&11, 110(1 01 JONOIII.011, AA, 1,, 1.-+Ittb-rt; tio,(1)(1, - , •-• 1110, 13, Darlit4t, ton, i.Dad:41g, fo;114- $00 i01i 00r0 j. Pret;i1t,,,,F4 ))!.4101,* ii1kroM1 •ris).1t tto3rits.., V,,,...totitictigo; r1 'Ln, .R041004401 rntbr, j"tt, oi‘ tta'8,j4wr., 4 jiihmto1:&010, 110)3033. .111)3,4 i, 1Ll,00,4,o: 0,0140o 11 u4t0 1. 1oltt1:00O, 11, 1OI000.10A", Ootivi 1 toit, 1'4 NVattitoro. C."1"1'oo00,, iteey .K004.1001 IA1A01.1:W, Koogo,IC, \Von! itt'rt, Kongant, idaldon% 11111010 0, .10pga0; 111001011m pip1iin,: Ilto100; ,rown0to4o, I• L,eogan. 111111P03,110ettl10 11, 11.tolor, .11, 11, ,Noi'1 2 ritil)Pou; U 11 1,1's w rt 1 1.".011.011.11 k•UVOOI,..01,1 1to0r r, .100 -goo;; llttO .K00010.;:, rol, Ot: 0111 000.Vi3, oo't, 0 Wtolor 0artt. -,111..1.110,o8011111te0 0V r 00110u. 11 li.Oktor; Ittufloq pou%111 0.13.0wak,114,,0 1,1,"0001 110,,,,10\ 0.14,, A, 1.10tti11ek,001 pti,,1 12 ngtointt, 1 1 40,t,',1A. 1°. 1'100Ltau1 oral+ apples, LI, Vottgid,01,, A., 110101011 1 011131. 011' plos, yo1low, 1.1, 11. 00ss. 01, 11.0ot1att1 1114.1,‘W„ D. Its 0o,w,,.1,1. of Maned foit 4001101011 :& Sett A, .1',„ 11140•Kintion1- Plate Of 4rt1,14, eol, Of grapes, 0, 1..oLt... 00 1,1k11:40t1 \\700&$, -11.011 I.)to,Atket \Votatt. tIOth,A0,o$,, Rdtg- hoffort 11ttrat Now Vorlker, 111\'u001 kt1,4t,t4,, \\Lott W., igt, `a"ktiat4 1100wden, Mt's, ( 1, txt.rs 01 (01', ,"1+11tg. +;?,1mseseir Pt.01.4,1tr itoporituitt, 1111,1tOtt, NAV* 0‘;ctsertfd OUtittj,,); th0 WOOk,, Vhe thois WevIkVis tlittitioahio 1404 4..‘moviatio,41 olitt t,*1,10 1001 Illti,t)tif IOW Atit*O&I,N Sltal0 tor+ hbber, 11 1..ittshriiite„. 100,1ga:ran. .1\ttN, the %wit** thtt t'apo, A 1.)&at'114. ,i'+`,11,Peti knot, $aid Ititolit.1,$: 1+1 iltirlotg; 111, 1,1'001uel 001 111,+11, Mrs, i, '1"„Lo1,0-10m1 otederit. 111,111113+11Ai, 0,10t11.11,1„As',0001 ,, 1L+ sPk1'2*/ i11 ta ;1,10,1 • 0),ho,„ s NA) t.-101 It; tv,„;,ktito,ou,04' TttPs,110 010'0;,111,1 \11V btottb 10.01,01, 01Yelattti1reg(intL.1 0)00, 0\ 1110 0 Tlte '1,10iktti let ,tttleo 0( ,g1,i'htitUte+e001 M1-1;- 1)kkri0g,'1:,1a1.0 40+0:4 Natbral ttas d.(00+Ot NI; \ \N -1.111,0,a k1, W., $'.."'31Q11'L t'sq1-1" rit,10.1+'4 Orono, IS: 011 rn411; s's"1 \i‘nr.(Q.s+0011 t1 108 o 11, ltarlittg, 1+4t1bert 1LLtb',k' 01004 ,;,4:statI144111$,Litt Por&o..cy1. `44,41 c„alt 33.0ples„ ;Mt.s; naretec lin, (13w 1,./.&tehu:‘,4 'Co..k.lt. • ' .`°t4tIr gt,'Nti40,4% , A A A2 A' , - • \-0'4 1";.i"" hot:, 1,, p,a10,6„ 0(''0,‘,, \\.7, k"'2',",, • • ,,,41.13,kswk 0t.t.te, Ititud tr0tineAt, 1.1arl ' 44.100,*11, Tttrettte t;*.;ter z tiket, Its t,,o+,At,r431<s4 otVer; A. Is‘Aituitti; ksaVen, '1 10 Itteott‘tattt Setteelt, Irish Cebblor, k‘, Truotattor, ‘hm• a st4ktIt4 1,K1‘,01; „01001 1„1", '.'‘')'44VAil%-t.k.a*IttOO&014 m\..tso tv, ttitut1fiW• t .1,3/Lt-a, nveziootikitwitt 01tto..11*„r0,0-at. Noob‘CrOP 11 11. o101 l0et rotlow "Atittst.'tt.,4 14.1e111,antet.,,,NEettrettfIC.N.+1,1rity, 1:\' taYtor, es. k; roett L. horse in Ld 1?Alewt.101a1 ittrAtt tthlletv onion's' iri huggy. \\* 'N0100W% i. 1 1ivoao,Mrt‘:: t+71+ 1411`kk°1_1: NiLPL'A it,,t04.Jet4„ 'was 'lest,•11-,S4 te111011. 81NIt,t.tara („ta,,0„ Mt14, driAer seis, W. 1?..dmikon`r3;‘, m• rs, « , i . tt, S,, , 4,,..^., (11.eutt„ t'.. rrti-ittY, D. l% 'ti-t1S-s; St‘i.i,,) ; 3,, 8 4v..,-.; x,,,httk", ti-,,,:ta .„,,,arm,,,,,,,, .,,,,g, •ts;...,b,,,,,,,, 4„,..,!„,t,,,,,,,,;,.041„,....„ w .,,,,, 4....,,,,,,e,„,,,z.„1„,., ,, Iff,Am :,,,rt. All, t, :, ‘.,,, tA . ,,,,t,. ,x1,4it,,,i: i'L..t.11,t1tel toysar,„ii- .. _ lo \&,,,t)•.r. k‘t ....t., ..,$. ,,,....., Zs......4,,,-..., Vi....-,, ,L,c,.&-: n.n.V.A.,', ' - t ' .. li','Ik`Or• 3 V.,‘,,` feat (, v.),,,,,,h, 1.11. ; , t :NTI„4 1, old, „I• tf),,vits. •,.--..., golds, 0, l`rttOntrier, '1`. .Ni, Stteettedott'. ;.!-..r ,,,,,,,,,1,0;.is..„,„.„,,; li,.N.,,,,,,:,,,, .s,7-,:,:m,,,:,t,..,. \N", I, •,,Ni....7,4-.,:-,.ittta Tiea VirrO '' p N,,,tr eld, 1 Doebor, ,Lo ,, tleorge Iyht rol'ir-0\N- 10,r,Azw,as.... W. neiLLZvg.' S:{1,,';:t-t. Y,1.. 1•,;'*,%?1,, '-:3,11:1La44,:. L'r.e... 1.te'lnebtest:k1L-1,l 111k LZ4-1111L. 111.° ' 31'4, ''''' 'War 034, l'''',. N. 1:'N"'''',':, fer, 7V1 11'.1.attert sttgar ttotit 1,k-1..1.7,-.,S1,0,S,. . '''.1t4..1'.',,'X'''„'z. V t,,,,,,, ,'-4t-4,,,,z+,,,,,..„.,,,,g4,„4,e ,,..;;;._,;-„4.04,,iut.1-.4.-i.,,, .;3‘it33. 1:1,,, Stotttbaolt, Wm Thiel; w „ .14+44.4,,0......,, s„,8,4 ,,,,,, ,{-0.,,,,,kv...,,,,,4, 0,,,! +,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,*;,„1.,, ,,,,, ,++,,,,,,_„,,‘,„ ..„1,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,, ,, 42. , *t w,,Pt, ,, Ytt $ 'rrkk\‘CM'Vitsr, \ -• \ • \11 , ,•••• ^ \ ,1/4•• Vt, • 2., = •••• 'ill L'AtttAltAA''t '111 N,Ntt,x, '41111, 11100,3 111411'1,* at.'00111. \ a1.01.01; raartgetti, R., A ts. ;••.4t‘ 'tX bfl1.0 !OU10'. 1,11)3. 00 110'0, , 0%1\ CoAlotAki,o,..1 ppd dt pOtioa aotO1/4Im‘ikot, tA0,100o 0N1 tt:LOA 011, etttimotoaw., ity 4 to 0, rolio ilo.voAnLga00 t0to ,Arb0,0me ot4.0 Imltz o 1;;00,0g0 soboAitt; routy to de V 010 t 0 CatitOot ,M0,10€1tor,s, rkri.0t° NtatolOIK ootab-astq, A reeerd tit OolnatbUS. CieVeland and Now York Autert„, leans It ere 1.4'100008 Thu rSday. Tito sisters Loiteb aro probable illtariot0 An national wonten's golf. Vitttdttates of Dulyorsity College, TOrOnto, to form A ltomt i Association. • &Tzw ra 01,1 It an II o 00. toe ita 0ttl1ndo to the Federal campaign. Pont iftAott Government opens office itt Vancouver to study Pacific trade. Central Toronto Conservatives de- • " .ttgainst, allowing no scats. OdLifellowst So•vereign Lodge de- elde to bar foreigi . languages in le s, • betels to redact) utenu pricos•1 6 per cent,. or Attire on Oc- tober 1. Sir George Poster, Hon, Dr. S. D. Reid mid, D.on, J. A. Calder appointed to the Senate. Rev, Dr, A. 1-L Reynar, for many 'Years P,V,Ofessor or Victoria Univer- sity, dies at Cobourg. Notiees at entrances to Church of ,be .1,tontreal, require modest ppttrel, worn by wopnen worshlPPers. Mrs„ Homer Berger. aged 55 ntreel, dies; from effects of ehloro- fetin after liti`ving• all her teeth, ex- SATURDAY. War clouds lOom oYer Europe, British Government plans to re- vi,,1ve trade. Gotrettment will. employ airmeu in 'tooea tuttrol. _ Johnny Bull! won the world's ban- 'aWeiglit, title. .0...1„rfiner and Guilford are finalists .ii& 11. antatenr golf. President Harding will address un - central a r rsr.„.$ot.; ;)a 0kgt.1kweaFt„ t yhoea r$rsetotAtirm s."1t 1 ,0+ kz k h• , ntl-i t tYs;izk. ,o nce. N001, 1r((i t It Neel), tSts,\"1\i' 1n1t'300(00'zt0.4r.,.I1g0Ixote :'bAtt.e+•s +- t+ ,). k 110r11 01 111 044, iqlS 0101 1101 ,\fl000r ,1 1000 "101 leitee, t81, boU 'ale. \Vtdc111s1r ‘eSons 0(11', 1.Rder, 1NWNilitoraweO*$" 110(0 1"1WeAtvd n'.= ('01" 10. r i11avOr,\(':(01103( rte; • Ova, and 310 Vet 0011 rri((3',t0urcrus, r8010 8011 ea*Mor, tleXtuity S Stkreril, 0 11118 201 010i0' 0 g \"tthlti„ bpitT, oN qa te 1raic0tte rou,tervd 1I00111 hedWr1 A3tor 12i41,,i`0Ptt ;V:tt:',;$ g 800 1'e++0,t.to4 ;24 T's kiVA 0'0 01001 ':•"" • e -a -o t:403VIlt..4 t+11110e8 4,ftr.1144, "C; „ ood"Pito "1.:Vool, - • •1 \\. MaltseLit $01 --Ls 0 A MattLgtf, , lk' enis,+Ogit''s, =ZA% . ' L -o :etirn,t:tpRA.A:hr1-oit M ..e.r:e 1N7p":''''e.tlwe" mTze9nt"c'to'°nfrer4e$ ; A) '00 100 1 41ebali team beat itiot111 etrtlt; 1'0 '0'l %,7'1n,trzt7,y1,, %:;,:74tt tV ,- :-2'7:::L7e'70"'17T4Gn4Lel'eI".F 7r7tewlee;heon-ettoC. C)4zzZ-e4040011 ''103? increased N,,,407‘ZZ7;rZ 1C1N01045it1te hrIesibY beatlt:tvelard. 0' L4[.?til'*. 'Z'41' :311 '1I114-ibll. !alei ;:a..'4: 0 * ' ,M11,:r-{ses 0... Leitch and McBride are 13&!:. 10 11110. doos •0,8. 10ialts:,--11 4.tp.04. •11.wrzeztr, 0" 0013 0010 11.ei0tsrt;,•..-..-1.1+4:+LT ?It 1+11 G -1rdt.;i1f+1047,t, :4;14 1!.1.44.{-i,, `White V101'014.+.4 71154.1,e11, W.. 14:O3t1';:0-000. 000]. 008•&10'-4 1:,0g1190100 010010' '0 1 10",y; 4:4 s'o.471.4. 00 ""A A • ••• "e6 • 1M., ')Y; 1 001 1&-.., 1'':o Att, ON, , Colomen gtkraert , \1onto, \v,18ae1"'91io 01'0110- rvrtkozr, . , T11:110,0:11ter et,:et.'y, 11. 1.11,;(recr+cr1; ottrot, 0. 1..0'0001t.., ketic stq'tikttg%, k Z. MUt- 10100.011, 8 1'1111"0(', 111011110010 ' 07. i81ao0io'e11i, ', N,kN•In 10.. 1+.A801!, . I00e,--0-t-7000,. 1:z89,g11 gar - c4,1,„ NfLixe0.. -•8. 10o • - 01oo-0 11.• 01 0 ‚910 '41 "7.0: 18 01'O01 eoajsoo C00Id01001 01, 000010, 00110 011 -;r,,0 1' " 0100001 •Laclutalts. 111 o-ro-, _01 OOOI{L''Sai,'1... '4'. 3, 'i,V1 „Sso-r,t+-444t. 1` r7iZt itSt" .'12-rtt'i ; 2altl:tt tZ,224' 1 2,4'2' • 03r....1!... 1 Al 1:11111., tfiVtlZr, ;.• • 1 • -74-grarl 001080 31 betto, 011 011 1113e.117 L Canadian National golf finalists. , '0l1 '11000 :Knox Presbyterian Church, Toron- 21.1'. I to, oeZeltrates its 1.01st anniversary. '.+Lut 1,1:114&„:,-ers„ '11,;-st; "Regdna. 1011 0. Dominion ctyaterence for amal-, mav tut:rod:fa* me- i rage7;.11,..gle411I,ell et Teterzin laz;-;seetatlells ar- 0100th'OOL 0001.-. t Senate denies President ".lezds in the na..7.•&6,ing 0001 ower,s ratiffinsr, 0l11 Z030108'0.T.enton 112.0t-S- 1,Mln t Mrs 'William Stevenson, oldest na- rorrc. 4 five -born resident of Guelph,, dies at 090901000 iTT",,D724.11'4,;TneTa 1 the agLt-• of 113r110 o08'z780 .. Samuel 11Vicilts. :rumors, municipal '5.`or1.3. :reL.,-;:stet16. tits lextd ; cl:Frk ot Gananoone for Sit Years, dies Areeticart 4 at age Itittarc Nat-lona*. 0.+117. the Gia.uts.' 'Roman Catholics refuse to take part ta 1C1Istees scheme for edn- 1001' 111:,,titYsfin LzmIttair. tbe rional reform - T. „Boys' ,,fttofhilz .tetao, X:,-tigst-s M.211acDonai01., e'1 7,,arcamitte, ,jud..4ge oitDisttict; 0i °RI:41;Y :pt.:17120'1r! let.81:1' BaIrdst 714314tr'''T 411$',174 'rit2.-'''---lairjr,;%„tr:-,roz, :alya :1z,041 -10t.-:,- Tor *-+„.„-stotr.„. ,.aO P0003' , *44.At1s1*.t. ,44."0,10:,.: Linense iC941", in.7,:r-rd Pill90 tinea and three others, , IlLtigvt..11.; ,k „Lolt..1.-..szet. ...,.- 1 :Stitt -red zreat iltrands,B, Man- Wheal d&e, sto,L..„., r, L.1".1:41.1 -' ,,,,iral,r,..,ar..„ 4, .5-.--,:..-rrr.,--1,22507 pt.114Z,' .1.`,0 ,0.1-.{:;',4131.74, ', l'Iznra'a:"4-1-155,-PS 2.141'4;* ^,22-. , I.V;f:2'S ••';',- .1Z,V>,,,,'it, ' ,'' P.:::2,-.2* .1.2,, ‘7''2 2dt7S,.`M'1,," f n.73n.,:te& trod Tars-,...,..orS' sons-, ' A. Irifr•air-t of not guilty "w -as return- .. -..-5:n ; :.41,-4:112..3.,.., _ wr.i iq.7 in '2,,n.. case ,i,f27, T)2 a-72:12., ....d.da.11, ous- ,- s. '-fLpirt L.k ...7.--.7+fir„.... itor..-4.,,, -7{1a,-,-....s++. u - 't71.v_r, ,-LT'7:ii._ ,3 --Ft...1f.40„-`44.4.$t.11..h,1f1ig0.1i-i14(ip.D, tun,s 1 S '0 :erT-eolfeP0390Arih. r- ,; i -zz-rdYFrelphoneiloeSkthe zatlwY Commission to aBow 7..". P0811 ▪ lql.tts.11-str, rsts 1"...%eck,er1+ 010900111. 900kilz•ts,„ & 8 0100090 N Zatts13,..+.7.0. 500 A. 03. 1101a.vRtift+,,{1.1+c;;, .{taLtt zi,";;;:teL:rfzei, 'i,e4,L{+!,+1p,+!..,,4,:t1.4;‘,104+44090 ,?4, Z. I -Poster, t-1,Lt+, „IL, .1 t114,1&s.-{4-zr.r; 0. oo. r.1.114-11{,11t111Ns.r.; • 18ate,t-+.111Itf..11c11„ L." 10 , extialL,L,r <01000900, 1SOT.L.... 0a10908 ‚910oons. .8.. 4.1161+.2rLetffir. 4 8,1-'3. ,i 01190010101 'PL.'.e4t.41,::-41'.7. ,k., 81111:SaZi1flx.14,..tttr, It111ntf:s4s,8. '118. 81/11100001.6a Z. ,l1.11,4;'„r.:"K"iffttarr,,,,' SeLa11,.'4L4 0000rt 1,ialt1/14, 1.42`,4* Lgtr.Le.` • Aitte,7e4S, 4,44. 41,. W2:1*,11)3,,;. 00011.5. exch.am„,ge sertrize Charges. '+'''-'",'''' Loo" ,of :Ste-. 'Therese..., Que... +44--,....t.f.„ 'I, L.'', by strynlimine in .. - 4."--,- 1 - im,:s ikinpa..rala Two Lot.b.er .Lgrave.,3 lir- 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,h,.,,,, 77..,4,h,,,,,,-,_,3, .,tamouht....._•.,„s, -f'-esd,- fir,...., motoring accident mes.r. St. '.2r.irit,„&,-..,&: airl+tislt, farrose...4.. to .73.'tac.h?++ ; ,S11=0 bear weds -thing more than Le- 1..1. 1te P-mmars •b -y l'ae+1+741 ..374)co- -.0mt• 'At tt 30.10 ' , 010 OPotorer, ,Z 111.4a,'K.00o-.0.m.-: 0. 1 .00001011 •0' 0 10100'0. 11103000 - • S. 500007100 003101030. .0 2S2,, 0'1'0000 0300 1 ''30000010 0. 110390 Poos. .100101010, '3110. 01. 0110:1Oo .,t.s 224 01e0.,L:Li4tw A Y. 11 ,7,,57:k&r.z=„7.r. :ask ;hat lona': 1000 010 130C4th 1"-}7174'2:7 •C2r4113 411 Q..17241, .22.4'42;122.2. A•tA ,41;:rfrest: 8 -...: ars-2,01' „.7.511-411.S 1Pran1,,, 11 Ch&r, sr; -77.1.1arke ttovm,{1f1,++, tfatm,..rs, *entire o - 111717.F were :..steamer Crei=„ '2Art -narticalars, _re ...ow r...";tniinitlet. 'Mrs +was elected to for the 'Louth division, iLiverilmshire„, .Binglreagi.„ -"--"he Inherits -file snarl- trona tustamil.. This -frle se.cornd :woman in file Brit- ish Pm-Th....me:mt. lUONTRAY. "1-9.1-.1.-7-itlyr-i”- Cleveland StradaY 1120 11. 1211-,1e1.1,' "727,.272F „fdle. 7YR ednesday,. 1;=,-7111..tresta the TA___s43 se_mior,* ra:lls -alttle-thotlied mut. cliv,uploraLhin. •11.171-2--„z '1:7I -9 -co: Leitch ;won -the ,Can :215.*2„-^72, time over atnsit osolo at.L.,:rmea ;at lorrrintion 0311 ctrif":114„filtz. th{,,,,,,,-11PirLked up in, the ...4.:fla-atic 'hy 01. 7inall- Cathedy+11.7.11-or...atrtz., 3000 >1100'? flutios lttor Wm+szed., Ello. 'has 00 71.1n 00000 .00130. 910031Lin'? „ltfiloret ,Co111u10, ittin 000310.000 03130 3 vao00k, .as:at 000030100. , interesting wedding wati einulattil on Saturday, September 3, at the home ef Mr. John ivioNeely, shauraxassay Heights, Vaaoouvor, When Miss Grace Dedgimi, only daughter of Mr. nod Moo. 114310Y Hudgins, of Luettni became the bride of Dr. A. 1.3ireoli Sebibein of 'Van- couver. 111, Rev. Bishop A. W. De Ponder performed 1110 ceremony. The bride was given Away by her brother, Dr, Lyall Hodgins. Rev, Frank' A., Lawson, pa ut the. Centennial Evangelical Church, Straff64.i took laree111 ofhill gregation 'On Sniid'ay Mai,' On' Thltki'Pi,'; day he Will he inducted into 010 Intti, torate of the Presbyterian Otiarah at Granton. Rey. Mr. LaWfiOn. 'Was recbntly received into the Proaby, terian communion and accop(od call to the Granton el11z1'011, Tito f00,9110. ,T601 place at Geder- teii, oolib,pt. 4ona $1-,4 Karr Ann tteriton, aged 104 years, 'Widow the 141.0 Robert ii.Ittiott, atha formerly.' , preminent 10141310(11 1101' many- years14 01 41 0:110,011a61t;1401110..1103w8ttilf)ibitt:1.0,8:,111onlvireaiso country witi.10 0 girl tow 001A1oil, Iti Oodorieb Towiialiip, Di '1344 eins.. married iiebert EfilliOD Upon tile. det4 orher 01.0-i01011, 00)00 80 yearLs, ago idto itiotott to „At0)irtie341, North. , Dakota, .01loi,o 11(1a11t otwarred, and- &;13et, 011,14g1411(1', 11/t1'a,3>12tos. 'Vivo 110143 10111'1400' da'ugh- keep ail In SurrlYe, TI -1031E: SUDDEN NOISES (10 Po You Start al sadden noises ? -- Just 000 Pr 10>0 00800 01 iMt. AI ILES' NIII1VINIII-01441) will soothe ills (41511 ood PV$PrliPiliPednerVas, Guaran-- 404 POO. 40 01400 'Pain St.n 1.641106..ati of interference with the normal functions of the body. It is a sign of trouble, and if allowed to continue, causes itself still further disorders. Common Sense and humanity agree that relief from pain should be the first step in the treatment of any disease which Rheuinatic, Backache, or TWO 0 ) Painultnil "s iv 15i S , HEADACHES AIVO Rifilf#A17., Dr. is present. Headache. Neuralgia. Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, ONE Miles' Anti.Pain Pills and the pain is gone. Guaranteed Safe and Sure. Price 30c. Sold in Exeter by W. S. HOWEV, Pluo. 13. VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit In our Savings Bank where they will draw interest at 3% per annum. 614 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F.*A. Chapman, Manager. INCORPORATED 1855 OVER 13C1 BRANCHES THE MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your surplus money than placing it in a sayings account -with The .Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? 'SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT 'TR 5 EXETER BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MAN'AGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA. BRANCH OPEN FOR BUSINESS DkILY. :1Si=10ioOo 01131030, 1. o9t10Q7.1t00n0. ,r1n=3,0,11. ,:on New IIrnrk 00 0.10038113110 -.1.magne. in-trratsiefi fi .1111.ffion81 • 1031 zafif lL044n,-.2n24 .1,....1a-nn,s 'mikes ;action, Vilna icatte„ Ttrr1t. county politce. .discover se - 0300311 'IT3O±3± 0351103. 1.11,7ational Fat lynlic, Union zoirve.r...-, t." "ann. ...T-ifires 031 in.r.m implements :Ger-, SCUM to be redamel stars 0.1:t "nnnall'alty Tiv.id SIOOI n ,tniff el -Red Tin- 11,103e017e0. 00Ttn-ortn. Intt; zeitly &to f.{ -p,, 14:03-t90m011'i:03n likel-r:*.in anarve -anor t#1143264 31.44 7gg00801 011131100 .013030)000. 10:,afttmia..., .zg„ai.11.7.4,±"ise.-ranelmtent,UnnTer-ence. &.au.i..e 00 Mnronin 1011001e00 his Zotnnei00e --grffel them 101311.3 3nr1003e14, ,sont to attract attM 171113...- ;.0.011,1 steasam -100)e0311 ztrzunistrig :at .trigazire Tenriii.. 1:17.rafhilint- znisnol ;fur thi?..vvres 1 3808301 ,4i3ci01100e.'10) zbarrt.. S•lutiniti rwataarlzont swielat 1190 ,srotte.v;10,-,g64:01)..i4oult. ./tsrlizilt 'huz maisr+ good Intid ',15,1Oftrinat; al ',oar .,thildrest„ "altarontc,--St. Sininn's (D. 190 ,34..eninrs :bent &tartilkg..,5iFine, 4 "1•:.0 111. 1-11,:tibms opens '111-0:etteral icantnallau "in , 800101010 (0>100 -.open '711",9011000. •0.08annellen- Wirth says indem- •41.1.,,y=7:01ittt Doyle„ marnenter,, :was 1->"»'1 00111i1i by ±101110.340 &ff, TocT. 0001±0)1331 1(3101031. ,teincitien Apples -twill 'he -gone:di-ma- i ,0130010011s00 001 Doostal '71 111:ett.. fitti.fra+4t7. 'F 0.01833' ; 80003 at. l'gmermtititt .0101 ake1111 JmnE, Lox90nio. 'O11t4e :destroys wo011en 111111 0 0shtfti 070L 1311 000. 0112., ,14.4a.d tp.trwe ttou • .1221 14i00rinarn. ,`,V12911.1,n 7.r00.3I1031 li1111;01 00008 1033101±1 oi00) .10F0 0011t17.tr3111,301(11331a, 13100 1)171331 100000 - .0111.e&& .11110(3 :mishap. Lanna a&B n'T. 'ape ';"„tatiii* Ai, :41:era:tar, .,11`t '57 .„,,tir„I's Lin &tr& 106044'18101, 0131,03X -01.t0111. 0111328110>110 „00„.„0., 71-1 .„„ -„„a tit 1010 ill • en(310,010111, 't1I't;',1;11111:dilz.,,,v17,,incraTiti,g142114e..;.1 01,V.10,,t 1V4147411 31.1*01.1.t0(n.:0000, -anti THE USITORNE AND HIBBERT ARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSITEr MICE COMPANY. Ked Oce., .ir:PmeSietent., DME WM' . BROCK:. 1os0L„NDERM jAyES ltleHENZIE AGENTS TOHN:ESSERY, Centr&IIA, Agent or tfsborne, and B1a0e:111h, idunro,„ Agent ath'bert 181higto,n, itud Logs*. .1113T.NBI:1124, Senre,tArf-TresAarer M. R. 1o.441Vonahqul. Topaq ,STANSUR:Yr Snliniterv„, Rueter, FcrQuhar, Ont. THOS. RYAN JOB:N ALLISON CTORS 01. L. RUSSELL, ',06JIRSAUT Err Burgett, :Inttrotay 1111e00e0 rboue :Hort? Tarunte Untrer- Bitr„ , 124 ‚3'.03(j( 01 10 &office, mirrker 00100101111 1118 01tree`4 :En 0 It 41,n MONEY To LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to Iowa on farm and village properties, at lowest rates ef in- terest- LADALAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Breter, Ontario PE,ITITY P. DOUPE, License(' Atte- ticemeer„ Saes c,onducted. In any loc- ality, Terms 1100a.erat, Orde,rs left •at Thnes Dilice 'will be 'prom...PUT at- tended to.. Phone. 1,16, Hirkton, Address .K.irktott.P.0. tt. G. P- IT& IN, I.,DS..., D.D.S. EN ST 'Otiloa wt:nr Carling's Law nitice.. aiswod Vreri Wednesday attVOOa, USE DIAMOND DYES' vitglaz0110t Oj*80 **Pita., 01000 11)110,1"ViN01a - 410.4. 1010 1,V90tatt cati. '.4sittiovtl,.4-oi 41. 110-01>, 38011 (8 .:551((811 ittk tivotA*Api,,, &e,N:srcy- *.litikt4"; "44061, tf.k, ik4i, V4*-64,v,,,,a,,,„ volot..1 AVAle"4111t0o .*ti 010' xt.VtINO, 1)*K0004:0!4:174.1atioit.,,i 01890 •.tiA