HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-9-22, Page 8A' t Q , STEWA ' PHoNE 16. " PHONE 16. wagge 'Coats' for Ladies, Misses and .'1 Children !Ilrey are in the very latest cloths and the styles are the. last Word An Coats. Be sure to See our nifty "range before you make your selection. Overcoats or�' eii and Boys, W. _.�3e h"v ae fu' a 1 i 1 line AIe n s and Boys'heavywinter ;. , 1 ei Goats m all new styles 'and new cloths. Fall' is here so don't delay in. ,pick - ing olit your new Coat. The prices are'new-not last year's, New Dinner Sets ,;Just received.a orate of new Dinner• :Sets: Full 97 -piece. Chino'," Cubs, and Saueers,"balance ,of set fine Semi -Porcelain China. - The ° y are,M,. neat Pink and. Blue design. Yia,u will: make no mistake,' in', making a selection as all crockery is -very scarce. ` Corsets Corsets Special light -weight ht Corset;' good style. Regular $1.50. Safe Price 9Sc Ni nA. Stewnrt Y=� urniture COMPLETE, LINES IN ALL .BINDS; OF FURNITURE._ . i sty a' : •.. , MOTOR•A:WARSE IN CONFECTION' OPERA I-IOUSE'BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W' jjbetter P° even thou itdoes .es :• less Tri -at is because it was produced by thcworld'•s greatest . genius. g enius. You wouldn't expect anything but the best f•romThomas A. Edison. Edison's Diamond is better because it is clear,pure and mellow in tone. Better because of the genuine diamond dist it reproducer that. does away with the bother ani expense 'of changing needles. Better because Amberol Records are:: practically un- breakable and last a:'lifetime. Andv e en though the Amber a isvastl superior "talking , QY P r to ordin- ary talking machines" and commercial phonographs, it is remarkably low in price. Corrie to our store and hear it. IViakc 1 /!-nberola i 3 all we sayit i s prove that the g- -� .. .":. 44 Three DaysGood of � l�uszcF,IZE ifY .flu can't call -phone or write us t p o• deliver an Amber- ola and 12 records to your home for a three day trial fret. 3.' 1,VILLIS I}d1grE]�T Dealer EXETER, OTT r4,1O THS t X:ET , 1darket• Report, •e T''I the report. of ttrie' �1haxot®1rtoUowjn Russet corrected every Waduesday. W. Qatsheat 50$1.25tend 55c. Barley 48e to 55e. Manitoba dour $5.30. Family flour $5.15. Shorts $1,,65 per 100 lbs, Bran $1.55 per 100 lbs. Feed flour $2,20. Creamery butter 45c. Dairy butter 36c. E§gs 38c. Lard 25c, Hens under 4 lbs., 10e. Hens, 4 to lust, ,14e. Hens, 5 lbs.5. and over; 1.5c: Chiel;.ens,, under 4 lbs., • 16c.. `= Chickens, over 4 lbs. 20c. Old roosters 1Oc. " • k uc 'X4c. GeD eses 12c. Turkeys 35c. I-Iogs 9.00. • s•••••••••••414‘.43,..******* LOCAL w f�A�i•�!a'' •••441)*, Zurich Fair on Thursday and Sea:- forth ea=forth Fair on Friday. Miss Thelma Ford is having her holidays this week. Mr. Rd. Bissett, of London, visit- ed in town this week. Mr. J. C. Rankin visited in Sea - forth over the week -end. Mr. Alex, Stewart, of London, vis- ited in Exeter on Tuesday. MVIrs. (Rev.) Holmes of London is visiting with Mrs. John Snell. Mr. Robt. Kelland, of London, took in the Exeter Fair on Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Holman, of Goderich, re- newed acquaintances in town on Fair Day, Miss Mary Welsh, of Medina, N.Y., is visiting her brother, Mr. William Welsh. Mr. Jos. Bowden,; of London, vis- ited:in; Exeter,'..this week, taking the•:fair a }11Iiss. Laura Hooper,"of Toronto, is holidaying, with her parents, Mr. and •-Mia `A;;Hooger. nlrs, Graham of London, visited her parents;; 111r .•and Mrs:. D.Row; cliffe,. this week. ' Mr. C. T. Brooks -has returned home after visiting for- ` several weeks •in�Manit'oba. ' Mrs. Geo. Atkinson, and Miss Blanche, of London, visited with relatives•`iia town on Tuesday: t' Mr.' Ottis ' Trueniner of has returned -to Toronto to' resume his -studies 'at the Dental college... •Mrs. Ainy and' Miss I:ouise,,Anay returned home Saturday evening af- ter- holidaying in Hamilton' and Bur- ford. ,-.. Mr. and Mrs. Bray and babe have returned after spending theirholi hm days at the former's 'oe `at Shel- bourne. Mrs. Jas. Beer has returned ome after • •visiting for the summer.with her daughter, 'Mrs. G. -Young,-' of London. • `Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jones, of De- troit, were -the guests of Mr. and Mrs• W. W.' Taman: Mrs. Jones is`k sister of Mr. Taman. ;.Messrs." E. Horney'-and 'H. Row cliff'showed- 'soin's` -chickens at "the' London Fair and were successful in winning some, prizes. • ' • Mr. and. Mrs.'' Gordon Heywood, and babe, visited Mrs. Heywood's- mother in London • last week and took in the ,Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner re- turned Saturday evening,after< spending several, days in London taking in the Exhibition. ' Mr..and•Mrs. T. H. Boyle, of To= "ionto„>,are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. W 'r.,F. Thompson, Wortley Road. -Loi don., Advertiser. Mrs. D. D. Crittenden and:' dough-- tei.,"15-oibtlieO,':' returned to, :their- liomne in:Blyth';oz1, Saturday, after•,, vis- iting for a week with 'Mrs. W. Smith. While in. London last week Mr,.. Homer Bagshaiv's auto was run' into •by another car. A front wheel was taken off and" the steering gear brok Miss:Margaret Sangster, Miss Vera Mosley -Williams and Dr. D. D. -F.er- guson, of London„ motored` up ;on Sunday and spent "the afternoon at the home Mr. and' Mrs. G. Manson. Miss Vera r -Jones and Miss Carrie E. Anderson, of town; Miss Florence. Tnrn„bull of Dashwood, :Miss Ila Bol- ten, of Henson and Miss Margaret L. Hess, of Zurich, are `attending Stratford Normal, ': Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Inkstater and Miss Inkstater., of Paris, motored up and visited„with Mr. -and Mrs. W. J. Bissett' this week: Mrs. Bissett, who viited in North Bay and Paris', re- turned with :them. Mr. C. W. , Robinson has returned after spending several weeks ' with his brother in North Wellington. His brother recently suffered a paralytic stroke and. Mr. Robinson has be en' looking after his fail]: J. Decker, of Zurich, won four first prizes in .different classes for standard -bred horses at the Loricion" Fair. Dr., Moir, of Flen,sall, vion two firsts for two-year-old and year-old 'n the heavy draught 'blase..., The Sacrarne;;. of the Lord's ' Sc rp er 1 's ob cri`e1 in 'Cavcn Gliurch' last Sa'lftath.. 'A largo pumber • of ;oYiinti,n:ra its; eepart ,lei pared ..and fir- l, united 'witli:.t the .. l i elloursh.i, p,• hot `he c.h,ureb bt ` eertific Yte and pro= faith T1I[J11$4Dip , r;,N7)"1']+? .1131 1g 22, ,1921' with the Churches J r ,..w .. ..air �i�igrprrr���rrrr����Nrrrrr�rr�frr rr�r r ;. ° ...,, r ��a r�irrur�rr��runurrrrr�rurrr�rurrr��rrrrrrnrrrorurr��r�rirr�rr r cur ,� .Nt,x . �.rrr�nrrrnr���r�gniNri�� °ANION PRESBYTERIAN' OIIiJIten Rev.` James Foute, B. A., Master 10 a.m.-Sunday .school. and. .Bible classes, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. -Services as uslialconducted by the pastor; Prayer service Thursday, evening. 'JAMES ,STREET METHODIST C1LCB R ` Rev M. J. Wilson, B.A., raator. Grand "Rally .of Whole Church. 1 1 a.in.-"Eah Department :, .Pre- sents its Objective for the Year. ,3 yp m --Suz}day': School Rally, Pro- gramme,. rine. ;Balitisnrs; and Address. Rov::Armitage •Eliinville. p.zn. --Ser to i n. the n o t �.Churelie 'The Forces That Wirii";iby the Pastor; OUR AIMS: Everybody at church next Sunday. Inspirational Services. . A welcome such that all will : want to come again. , Motto:, Everybody bring som' eone else. • League Rally -Tuesday, Sept., 27. Contests by departments MAIN ST. ,METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. (Phone 21.`r3.) 11 a.m.=-.Example, 3 p.zn.=Sunday School_- Rally. 7 p.m.= -Our' Program. BETHANY 2:.30 p m. -Rally Day. "Loyalty." Y.P.G.A: The bowling allies are still under repairs. Opening Soon as possible. SALVATIQN ARMY SERVICES. Sunday -Town - Hall", 11 a.m.; North End, ;3 p.m.; Town Hall, 7 p. Victoria- Park, :8.30`p.m. Sunday, Schoolat 2•30-p tra .the ,Town Hall. Capt. Barr • Lieut. Parnell FOR SALE Y Fairbanks -Morse gasoline .engine; 6 horse 'power; 33oseh magneto This is" a new engine b`n7y-run abo`weeks`steady run-. ning ut ri,and was rvel1 taken eare of. It i5 in' first -diads' running e order. ;nowv. 1 go't it'••to' c It wood in the bush and have''-finzsheile job and will sell; \thisl`engine' 'for* $255. Terms to suit ,p?Irehaser and• will take wood and logs r• for • part ort' all r ofit Apply to R: Gillies„ Exetelr .�. tr€,: , Mr. J' C. Ciauaeau, of Saskatoon, • Sask., is renewiti-acquaintances in Exeter..,Mr.;"`01a'u en was a harness - maker at Heusali;?leaving there 19 years ago. r'i; • , 'Miss Jessie Manson of London, •and Mr. Will Manson of Toronto, rara'holidaying with' their parents, Mr...l'a,nd•'Ml's: Geo:' Manson. Since, graduating 'in pharmacy at niid_ sum= mer; Will has been working• Ina To Ytinto`•`drugstore '%' "Messrs Wesley •Snell, S ,Parsons, 'Rev.' Brook, Geo Williams, Harper Rivers and Ulric Snell returned hone this 'week from England: `.'The first few days of the voyage was; quite rough. Most of the men; proved fair- ly-good air ly.. good, sailors, ,but" Ulric had a hard• time both, going and ,returning.' Mr. H.' Smith was`-successfiil .in winning a number of5 prizes at' the' London Fair last" week. with his Shorthorn cattle lie was awarded first' for senior chiiil5ioi °buil sec- ond for junior buil" calf; : third. for senior heifer calf; •:second breeder's herd; second for" fierd of . -three calves and' third .for three animals get of one sire 111111101100 MINNOW IMMO T OMER MIME PHONE 134.,' SOUP COTT B OS PHONE 134. We watit you to see ,t.„. , • , our New Fall, .a nd WinterCoats, andwhile our stockis of large, we •ire •,I':s,, show.-,ing some very sn art nrodels;at Pricesrthathould interest you. . . c ,,; ,• <. LL WOOL SERGES" *1.5o, : 'YD. Sold season at $3.00 .a•yard,: Colors Copenhagen Rose Brown, Burgundy and Navy. Beautiful fine all -wool Serge. Extra value at per -Yard; $1.50. RAINCOATS FOR MEN. Twenty Men's Raincoats that we have* been selling ,at $20, $22 and $25. Thy are great cloths and you will need one for the wet 'weather. Reduced ; to $15.00 „and $16.50. IRISH SERGE FOR 1IOYS SUITS. $1.75 a Yard. A great wearing material, suitable -for • making suits or odd pants.' Sold last 'sea - „sort at ea„son•at $3.50 a yard. 54 inches wide. Spe tial'at'peryard, $1.75. SMART CLOTHING FOR BOYS. The little fellows .)lilte snappy clothing aswell as theolder boys. We are showing some new makes in good` wearing mater- ials: Why not see then) before you buy, your next suit? cott MOWN MINIM MEM MINION .:r MEIN WOMAN MOMS MMINIS mnrruurruuumm11niirnuni nrnnnin1rruuairunri11111rni1 urns F �te�r�iiiorruo�irr�ueni�nnr�irsrorui�irumr 1 R. CABLING Barrister;" Solicitor;" Notaryt Public,' Conveyancer. -•' Solicitor, for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Via - tory, -Dominion of Canada Provincial ` and Bcinds. Legal investment" for Trust Funds.;n r; At existing prices, from 6 per cent to ?-Spe'r' cent can be obtained from these bonds.:; Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates, of interest. OFFICE - Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER; ONT. rt 'w, r " FOR RENT Seven -room brick cottage on Main street; good hard and soft water; the property of the late Mrs. .Ramsay. -Apply to. William Reed. FOR SALE -Ford touring car, 1920' model;' good' condition. -J. S. New iron pumps and. fittings in stock. Iron or wood pumps repair- ed; ;wells pumped. out or cleaned. • S. J. V. CANN,, EXETER Phone 115. FOR SALE -Two acres of land in the ;village; of 'Exeter. Choice prop- erty Apply to Thos. Laing. U. F. Q Convention 'Someone stolea bunch of rhubarb The South 1luroii 'United Farmers" Political Association f will, ;; hold - a Convention inthe HENSALI.f HALL THURSDAY, SEPT 29, 1921' at 2 o'clock p.m. for .the purpose of seledting a candidate ror'tire Federal House. , Meetings for the appointing of delegates will be 'held in • each poll in each municipality on Tuesday evening, September 27th. All electors in sympathy with the principles' and policies enunciated it the platform of the, United 'Farmers of Ontario) and the.i.Canadan Coun- cil sof Agriculture and w1llinSir. to support` the United Farmers' Pbliti- cal;Party are cordially'fnvited't'of`at- tendt' • Y „.r W. BLACK, ;c - + GEO. hAI TCA President Secretary Cosi' � rr We are inaugurating -this system in our Grocery business, By doing business on the cash system and do- ing away with the expense of deliv- ery, we believe we can save our cus- tomers mon ey on Bier groceries and confectionery, '1Ve star Complete 7no�' of°.fic.c i~.r¢,.;rreti ;:sways in stock. '1'4'1.0(a iL irFidC°I`,.. J ,t, ,i, •tt rt i lltti'4 are ; is iSt 5G'" ' r .4et ,flocs at ;o cer.rf ivILSON. from the :hone of Mr. Thos. Smale while he was at the fair on Tuesday:, Mr. anti'Mrs. E., A: Foiliek' and Miss Edna returned home last , week after;visiting for a few weeks in'To- ronto. l,iiss Walker,., of London, visited her; parents; Mr. and Mrs. William 1Valker for a few days during the week. Mr. G. ,,Cunningham has resigned his position with the 1liolsons Bank at Aylmer and has resumed hisstud- iee at the Exeter High School. Mr. and Mrs. Irving; who have just- returned ,from a trip to Scot land,. are visiting with, relatives ski. this';community. Mrs. T. 'Handford and two daugh; ters;' Misses Irene and LaBelle, have returned to Ingersoll '"after spend- ing :the summer' at Grand. Bend: rxr. W. -A, Alexander p,irchased the, -farm of, the late. Robt. Thom son, con 2,Hay, north of Hensall,' containing 200 acres, at the auction sale on Friday last for $19,650. Mr. Alexander is a son-in-law of the de- ceased and lits been residing on the farm'. t 1:W CALIF OP :EGGS. ,stung the many, ti ohm ding 'fea- tured fe- tured of the Exeter Fair was the egg demonstration put'•on ,izy, the, pe„, parti_ient o'f Agrieii,ioziie',a•ssiitbd-ibi' C.'F. Beeper,- Tlze'obzecl-was to -show ,the :egg• Pr"ociiYcers. that.:tlie utmost, caro.shoulci: be a in;;the pr.eser-.;. 1\r, rlxl ftf so Nvalua.ble a, 'ir` tie r f ,lar Lf, s .sli:iiuld. sic,. g,, . reftrll} gathere�T every da.y and 1ifaced hi a cool incl even ternpere,ture.; )ur rOOas; ver ][ow 4boutha.•t new. Suit? ome ill. G�.n see o ".� �ll�,'•�(�W �'t loS It's.easy to upset good form with an out of form' tie. That's why it so: `often, happens, The . remedy is here; in good form Ties, ,Scarfs and Four-in-hands. Gloves,.. ' CoIlars, Shirts, everyything in Men's Outfit tings' correct to' the minute. W. P- 11 'Q N E. A M A. E. ,TENANT ;Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's Sales Stables on John St., Phone calls receive prompt attention. 'Phone 26w A few choice farms in South Hu ron for sale. Also some uninctiinber- ed farm lands in:dllberta and Sas- katchewan-will as-katchewan•will be 'exchanged for town or village property.' Apply to Thomas Cameron, Conveyancer, Auc tioneer, etc: 'Box 154,' Exeter. Phone 21r12. DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic "and. Electrical treat- ments, X -Rays.' Oorner, William and, Sanders. Hours 10 'to • 12, 2 tod 4, and by appointment. Phone 43. T. 11. ELLIOTT I$ OUT FOR BUSIN1 SS My aim is -Your patronage, My motto -Service' to the public. PRICES Ladies' Suits, cleatz'ed' and pressed' d $1.50 Mens Suits, pressed only .75' Men's suits, 'Cleaned", and pressed $1.004,to $1,50 Ladies' suits dyed 4.50 ,Mens' suits dyed5. $4.a0 Gx.�lies-':Siits.,dryl cieazed . .2.00' Men's, suits dr 'clea$2.00"1 1 J' nod . 2. 't .'$ 40. Ladies' ;ogercoat;si2rdry cle' cleaiiiienccl $22.0:0.00 }s Vies ovei•caatsil.. . All ,i.tl 1.indof zeparizi; '�I;�,alsa ,r . have the, -• agency" for, tlie;•Fozest: City' Latindry, London"; O'nt, itt your service. owe FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER • Embalmer°s License No. 210. MOTOR HEARSE SERV3`CE Phone. 20J and 20W. - TILE E:Y?ETEIt TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. Ali't-1:,ITISINGI RATES i -bis"play Advertising --,Made g ode kaowei, ;rn application: ' Stray Animals -One Insertion SCo' hrce insertions for $1.00 Farm or heal Estate for sale 50e• ` einseachrtion, minsertion:for one onth of four . r • Misce llaneoiis articles ti es of not xzore° ' than five lines, For Salo, To hent;,'' 'Wanted, each insertion 50c. , Lost and found locals 25c Local readtng notices etc., 1Oc Ilor' r, Udine `per insertion: No •notida. iesiti•': thatt 25..Card_;of Tl%isj 'ke'SOc A c tlaz'saies $3'Lor Yta,ineeiii and:$1i5 d or eacxshbsgieut Jo -- ,sertionif. under fire inches'ifl iengtta s... "-.Legal' advertising inc and 5d a line.