The Exeter Times, 1921-9-22, Page 41
WEl 22, 92
Q •t 4014 I" Q
'Wok three firsts and taVoi s'•
Shea pshafedowee--J. A. Manson
Q teek tocir'llyst prize,
Pershale 'reek
tirets era' fetus eeconds.' '-
OxfOrde-e-john Pringle' tool; four
and two se,eond, prices,
Leteeetoese-WinelleAllteter • oiZ.-
eok four firsts, and secouds.
One. pen. long -wool '
1-IOGS •
C, „Pearc. and aw-
San, Bros gat tliosPrizea,
"Innawartli-J. A. ',11ansoti & Sea Coin
•.• prizes, '
Chas Hervey, judge.
D. Braliamae, 11, Rowelitre three is
and one second; J. G. ,S'elland, one of
each ; fr. 'Doricins;IlleCuliQc11 &Sint
threa iirsts; other var, Rocks, ISIDCule
loch 4 1st and Inds; Ban Rocks, Stat-
ham & QttaMte 4 iste, MeCulloeh 4
Zods; wh. Wyandottes, cock, McCull •
0 -Cit, 13 J:Horney; hen Homey, McCul
loch; c. and ,p., F. Boyle, illfcC'ulleiih;
R. I, Reds, :McCulloch 4 lsts ; other
ran Leghors G. Heywood, 41. J,
'W. Hem, 2 2nd; „other var Wynarlot-
aes, Quance & Statham land 2; e, and
p, E. j. Harney land 2; Buff Leg -
home, Qeance &Statham, J. Jewell
Itea, Jewell, Quance &- Statham, c. and
p„ G Heywood 1 and 2; Win Leghorns
G. Heywood 3 lsts and 2nc1s; Br. Leg -
horns NA 1)earmg 4 1 irsts - Bk, Min-
araas, 4 1st and Lads; Anda'lusians, W.
Dearing '3 firsts; Anconas, P. Hern,
J. \V Hem; hen, .J.,W. Herm, P. Heim
c, and p J. Pollard,annil 2;. .9, S.
lialinbufgS, Quance & Statham,' 2 1sts
0 Znst • .:SitCtilloch 2 lsts, 3 2nds Cam
pines MCulloih 4 Ist, 1 2nd; Red
tiane C. Aeheson 2 1st, 2 2nds ; A.O.
V. Game, Quanta: & Statham 2 lsts &
2.nds ' Bantam. Game, S. Sanders .1 and
2, C. Acheson 1 and 2; A. 0, V. Ban-
tams. \V. Bowden. 4 lsts, 1 2nd; E. 5,
Homey 3 2ads; Heudaris, Quance &
Stathne 4 lsts, 4 Lads • Red Cap, I -I,
Row eliffe, 4 lsts, 1 2n -C1, W. Bowden,
2 2nds ; Sumatra Game, H. Row•eliffe,
4 lsts. and, 2,nds a Chanteclear, ,I-I,Rowe
eliffe .2,1,sit. and 2 2-nds ; Whe Rocks •
1.1. Roevialsile, 3 later:and :3,e2nds- a irui-1:
, keys, V. ilAawrien, 3,,lets' and .s;,,
Geese, W.'-13owden-1. and -21;.tif(Yk...*'C, ...
Trueinner 2"lets, W'. BoW(1,5rii; 1 tat & -5
2 2nels.; col:tigeons, G. Heyivoad, E. i
:qais I..; Rabbits, C. Achesor• It 'and .2"o, --- a
:lisinpire State potatoes -S. J. Ho- b
garth, J. H. Grieve; Rural New
Yorkers -J, H. Grieve; Irish Cob- ‘
blers-T. Collingwood, " C. Truem-
ner; Green Mo,untain-Mrs„ la Res?,
;:•plds, C. Trtie:anner; Early Rose -1
asses. n„ .Re-ii,okals., Mrs. McPlierson;113
any other :VastofqY'Dotatoes--Williadill
FraSer, 0. Truentrteli, „three varieties i
(.1f Poi'atoes--S. I -I. Grieve:. _ lp:
Blood: beets -T. II. Grieve; gioles0
beets -S. S. Hogarth, E. Haberern
sugar beet --4a. Sha.ptora, William
Dearing; sugar -beet mangolds-IVM.
1)earing, C. Truemner; long man- .j.
golds -Wm. Dearing; golbe mans '
golds -Wm. Dearing; intermediates
.-G. Penhale, Laing Bros.; early
horn carrots -S, J. Hogarth, B. S.
Phillips; Nantes -S. 3. Hogarth,
Laing Bros.; longeorange or red car-,
i•ots,---Sas. O'Brien, J. Cottle; sWeet 'Si;
corn -F. Delbrideg, Wm. Fraser; fl
Indian corn -Laing Bros., Mrs. H.
Ford; 'Bantam corn -T. Houlden, R
„1Vin. Dearing; water melons -T. de
. •
Decker, Ire W. J. Ford; pumpkins 'R.
--B. S. Phillips, C. Truemner;
squash -Sid Sanders, A. Dougall;
runek melons -Wm. Dea,ring, Mrs.
Wm. Ford; Swede turnips --William
Ford, C. Truenmer; turnips, any
other variety -Gs Penhale; peck of
tomatees-Wm. Fraser, Mrs. Wm.
Ford; citrons, round -Sid Sanders,
Robt. Sanders; citrons, long-,Tas.
Shapton, 0. Trneinner; parsnips -
2. Cottle; Hubbard squash -J. G.
Yelland; table squash -J. 0. Yel-
land, Mrs. I-legarth; four heads of 1 pa
fall eabbage-Jas. O'Brien; hest col. ley
vegetables-Robt. Sanders, Misses Lu
Hogarth; red pepper special-janies set
O'Brien,. ' ' I Lu
Judges --Amos Doupe, Win. Robe, PW
Inson. Da
' bra
Apples-Fall-----C. Trueumer. Sas. sto
floettrth; home made breadi'atiey apron, 1Mrs, H, Ford; aim ;Sweet
Mre. Anderson, (lartield Thomson; boudier cap, Miss Toni, Miss Darling;
col, of -Cakee----G. ThomSoni 01,11'ed. camis°1°. "Mrs' --1.1re, Miss Darliag;
1)earing; assortment o.( bag? Miss I-IYIngstOn, 1\iliss Tom; lama,
cured meats -Wm, Dearii4,''.
One cleZen, eggs frOin .hre9,d
hens --4m,, Bowden., Wm. Dearing;
One-doeen eggs from heavy breed'
hens---alisses Hogerth.
• Jeckell, L. j
, Five lbe. lititter--Misses Hogarth,
Mrs, H. C. Ford; ten ,rbs.• „better -7s
Siris Ford, Geo. Etheringiari; most'
neatly -arranged' plate of butter for
table use -Misses •Bogart, Mrsn
Fortte • • -•
Judge -W, G. „Medd.
Pall elleat, white, Con. TrlIctuine
-flionisan; 6 -rowed barleY,
Truenaner; e-hite oats, C. Tructnner;
t .1.ereirant's flour, Harvey Bros, 1st ancl
2.ncl; white bearis, C. Truemner; close.
1 er seed C. Truemner; ensilage 'tont,
Jas Shaptone pop corn, (special) Thos.
Houlden; small peas, C. Teeteinner,
damesti celoth, W. ,W. Taman, 'Miss
13, Darling; woe! fbadinel, Miss Darling
wool blankets, Southeott Bros.; wool
yarn, Miss Toni, ,Miss 1)arling; rag
carpet, Miss Tam; sewing machines '&
. tan ,& San; stuffed birds
iMrs. Sweet 1 and 2; tailord suit, W.
I W. Taman., Southcott Bros.; general
'goods, S °tithe°, t t Bros.; furnishings,
IW, VV. Taman., Southcott Bros • col
oats and shoes, Southcott -Bros, ; fac-
tory tweeds, also assortment of tweeds
W. W. Taman; ladies' also gents' hoot
Sontheott 13ros.
Specials -Wall paper, Southeott Bros
hPonograph, W. Powell 1 and 2; Par-
lor Suite, and dining suite, M. E. Gar-
ci:ner ; separator, B, S. Phillips,
Painting, landscape, Miss Liviongston
a,_rrs, Dare ; paerinting figure; :Mrs. Dore
aliss Livingston; Painting, fruit or
Slowees, Miss 'Llvingsto.n, Mrs. John
Mell)anald; Wtitercolor ,landscepe, Mrs
Ere 1 and 2; figaire, Mrs. II)o,re 1 St 2;
95. f towters, ,...tiss•Livingston; se-
nt p Sirs. Dore le 47,...3/di: 2;
citio:nitat;e, S4-tiesr,
siret1i-cpa.' 1.1vingestan,:.'Nfrs'''
"eau( skoe telt, lalrs„ Dorebnb;
p Ot 0§.;I:":•Serairir,
e,s rep 12 ',1J,A Senior 1. tind ;7 dill -1 0§;" ':)1,11.Senior, 'W. Andrew;
Ohoto•rietys,,j:" Senior', .M. Seltiore
-oea -anii ink sketch, G.,,,HeyWead 1 &"2,- on r•hina, Mrs. A. i\IcP12,ersann
nth realistic and co.nyeartioral; cal.
1111,S `Sic:Pherson; col. of stamns
'erne Roulsta.n., Mrs. McPliersonn;
Be g erous, Win. Dearing
egonlas A. Don's -all; Ferns, j. Ford'
and 2; Foliage, J. Hunter', J. Ford;
eraniurns, J. Ford; Hanging bit,
Ford, W, Dearing; col. flowers in
ots Ford; novelty in potted plants
Daugall, J. Ford.
.Asters..j. ottle, Fond; Dahlias,
"Dottie 3Vin. F'raser; Dahlias cac-
tus, J Cottle, Miss Hyndman; Dahlias
bouquet, J. Cottle, W. Dearing; 1Dahle
',as, display, H. Smith, J. Decker, Jr.;
Gladiolus, Miss Hyndman; Nasturtiums
Mrs Huston, Mrs, L. Reynolds • Ca
.nationa 3N,. Dearing, Mrs, L. Reyn-
slsPetunias, Mrs. Reyrialds, j. Cot-
e; Phlox Drtimmandis J. Cottle, W:
earitig: „Coxcombs, 'Mrs. Reynolds,
. Deering; Stacks, J. Cottle, Mrs,
eynolas; Sweet peas, Mrs. Jas. _An-
rson; 'Verbenas, J. Cattle, Mrs
evrtolds; Zinnias, j. Ford, J. Cottle:
Best blesiet, I. FUT(' ; Beit arrangement
for dinner table, 'Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs,
H. C. Ford; Annuals,' J.' Cottle; Pan-
sies, Mrs. Reynolds; Balsams, Wm
Dearing 'Mrs. Reynolds) illoral de-
sign, J Ford 1 and 2; Bride's bou-
quet W.= Abbott, f. Ford; Novelty
cut flowers, Mrs. Reynolds, W. Dear-
ing' Marigolds.,(special) Miss Hyndman
15r. Sweet, Judge,
Embroidered Tray cloths. Mrs. G.
ssmore, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Plow'-
; Table linen, Miss ,Livingston;
nch cloth., Miss Darling; Luncheon
, Miss Livingston, Miss Darling;
rich cloth, Miss Darling, Mrs. Passa
re; riCentr piece, C. Prouty, Miss,
rforig•- 'aliss Living-stane; Coronation
taliss Darling, :\fiss Livingstorix;
man' or cut work, Miss Liv:ngstini,
s. Passmare; Eyelet, 'Miss, Livings'
:a, Mrs. Passmore; Frenc,•12 and eye -o
Shantou; Northern Spies -S. J. Ho-
garth, Jas. Jeckell; Roxboro Russets
-Mrs. Jas. Anderson; Baldwins -
Jas. Jeckell; Snows -C, Tr-uemner,
2. 'Fisher; Colverts-Jas. Shapton;
King of Tompkins -T. Snaale; Cana-
dian Red --C, Truemn,er; Wagner's -
C. Truenmer, Jas. Shapton; Malden
Plueh-j, :Fisher; Golden Russet-
Truemner, Jas. Jeckell; Ontario
Wm. 1)earing.
1 . -111-S ?I Livings ton ;
Punela work, Miss Livingston,- Miss
I)arling; Wallachin, Miss Livingston,
Passmore,; Towels Mists Liv'ing,
sran Ales.; Darling; Sheet and pillaw
easee, Miss Livingston,- Mrs. Huston;
Pillow cases, Mrs, Huston, Miss 'Dari-
n slips Mrs, Huston; Tea 11}SY,
s Darling, Mrs. McDonald, hard-
er, Mrs.,-Re3-.nolds, Mrs, McDonald
garian ,Montinellick„ Huckaback-
s Livingstone; Modern cross,' Miss
ling Miss Livingston; counterpane.
Roweliffe, Mrs. Pasemare; conven-
n.01, also table runner, Miss Darling
cushion, Darlin,g, Miss Liv,
s tan, nightgown, :Miss Livingston,
McDonald; lace. netting, Miss
• Dar
Pears„ -Four winter vai•letiesH-•
Mrs. McPherson; Ducbes of Anjou- to
line -Mrs, Howey, Mrs. T. "BroOk; pin
Beers Clairgeina-Mrs. IVRiPhere011; ing
Bell Luerative--•-eMrs. T, Brock; •tiot"'S
Sheldon --Mrs. T. Brole; East
Deurre-Mrs. T. Brock; Louis LL'' \‘'
Bonne de Jersoye-,,,Mrs. T. Brock";
Bureau de Anjon---Verlie Roulston,
Mrs. McPherson.
Gra,pes-Niagara-T. Sinale;"Con--
cord-'1', Smale; Deieware--T.
Togere No. 9-T, Sniale;
.dry vai•iety-- Mrs. (1)r.)
Sweet; Best, collection of grapes-
P ea clIes--C,ra \vford T. S111 ,".1 e ;
Any other variety ----Sas JecItell, C.
Tr em nor.
Judge --H 14
tollaneauses-Taest. col, -candied
rint--a•-M,i'S, :McPherson. ; Peet col
lit, erer ; honey, ,:in,eertils
--E ' Ifatich'or. • honey tit jai' --E.,
l'erc•E'r• pickles---Oeo Eat-
on, Mrs. McPherson; col;" can-
entebles- -Mrs, ISICP,Iierson; ke
.11,0nde b t -1Virs, .1% ,An tie rs , c
ingsto.a. Aliso, Darling; Maltese Miss
with machine braids, Miss Toin;,croo
chei tray .clath, lilac:bean. sat, lunch
o W11 centrepiece, Miss Darling;
wcases, 'Miss Darling, eiVirso Pass
mere, covers, Mrs. Ford, 'Miss Liv•
:rissten; towels, Mach -erne, Miss Liv -
r; Sten ; Yoke, 1\liss Livineston, Miss
ingston, 'Darling; tatTing,Miss
ing,stone, Toin, 1\irs. Pass-
dry bag Miss Darling, laliss Livisngaien
be4.4. Work; ZNIt's, Dore,' Mrs', Sweet ;
child dress; Miss Livingston, airs.R.'cid
table runner, Mrs.'. •-)11'S'Stale=r•:, Row-;'.
clifte; }noun -teal, Mrs, Re.vnolde
alis$, Darling': washables ,MisS Darling
Mrs, Rid; library set, 1\ _ Darltng •
serving tray, Miss Darling; Mansilight,
$1\irt, Reid; work shirt,
Livieeston Miss Darlme • kitchen
apron, aliss Livingston, Mrs, ' Sweet;
crochet, eweeter; Mis$ Darling; scarf
Sirs McPherson; slippers, :Miss Tom,
alrs. Reich; tuiderskit't, :Miss Darling,
T0,111 ; kai'4 ed sweater, "Mass
Livingston, C. Prouty; scarf ,a1e0 'cap,
L. 1) Vincent; shapers, Miss Livittag,2,
Roweliffe; underskirt; !Miss
Livingston; elis$ 'Toni; ladies;
and •ninife rnits, MisS Toni, „Miss Darl-
ing; sacks, Miss Darling, Miss JeMolia;
stockings, Miss Moir; liooked rue C.
e •
Ever= Torso
Important Events Which Nava
Occurred During the Week
The Busy World's ililappexthl;s Care.
OAS Compiled and 'Put Into
Hand), and Attractive Simi* hu.
the fteaders (Stir. Paper ---
otn,s Enj,nyinent.
Bay City defeated London Monday
Senate'. Power of Halifax. dies,
aged 80 years,, • •
Spain 1)6ns offensive agailist
zoceo tribekinen.
ITnempleyed ip Liverpool 'clash
• "'
Dairi• Eireann's r6Ply is • sent to
'British Premier,
mrs....mcnon„aid; ussian peasants- are sowing seed'
rug, kliss Darling, ;NIrs• .1,1=eynoXls; cona-
AT;ss Tom, Miois Liyitigstart; slumber f°r/i.'olreex,atnl'a'..tT,ieesst' kin Japanesei
'forter, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs, • Reid; g°Y141411strurast back
quilt, patched, cotton, Mrs; Coxwortli
Miss , silk, Mies -1,m,, • suss, National League •race. .
s' Leonid Krassin explains economic
policy -Of Soviet Russia.
Mlle. Suzanne Lenglen may not
Darling , knitted quilt, 'Miss Tom, Miss
Darling" woven mat, Mrs, H. Ford;
handkerchiefs, Mrs, McDonald pil-
low; button holes, painting, and pillow
cases, L. D. Vincent; wh, centrepiece,
temeels apron, crochet work, col.faricy
articles L, 'D. Vincent, Mrs. Mellon,
aid; pin clishion, Mrs. McDonald, L.1),
Vincen1:. color centrepiece, 1-1. Gower
Mrs E, Douelas 'judge.
e a
S Da \as, for 10 lbs dairy butter, Mrs•
H. C Ford; J. Senior for var. veget-
ables. C. Acheson; M. E. Gardiner fee
display cut flowers, Mrs. L. Reynolds
Harvey Bros. for bread from their
fican•, Etherington, A. Campbell ;
C L. Wilson for display, Ladies' work,
Miss Tom; J. 5, Millar for foal from
Isandaleith Diamoin:d, J. Ratcliffe:\ A:
Campbell, J. Ratcliffe, J. Allison; 3.31
Mennen- for Durham Ball, Smith; W
S. -Cele grade heifer calf, Gee. Brock
A. Paul'es for pen bacon hogs,, Dawson
Bros.; Jahn Taylor's for best cock-
erel, any 'bi:eect, F. °Boyle; .J. Grieve'a
for be.A lislitba-eed fowl, Qqaince &
Statlitith '1 and 2;''Grage's fOr‘ dein,
butter, Mrs. lt7.1c.:Rowe's;for•
'clair\-"•bilitteie FR -Fdrd .sotoliTsborm,
.be'ef, WergeEss'erya .1 2- an, d
'sweepstakes.' s' • -es-Sest.- so t • , eta
NewLaid .Egge,,Five doz., L, „
Robinscalsi 2`ORZesti„. A.. Campbell,
Et. leobinsane: '
Marigolds, yellow - Garfield
Thonipson, Laing Bros.; white man -
golds -Andrew Dougal, Wm, Ford;
Globe mangolds--P.obt. Gerdiner,
-John Morgan; turnips -Andrew ie
B:obt:-Gardiner; long red marigolds
an Lea.g•tie: halea7game
British ei'--eldiers to work in
--Wm. Ford; pumpkins -John Mor -
Dougall, John Morgan;, water melon Fr.ench.devastated
d, Win. Fraser, Garfield Thomp- eminent for- drob irk -Mark.
on; Pie' i3U1-11Pkin§-ctlaes AelleaOrl, Record trainload 'ciff5,000 bushels
Play,a,gain in:t11..-,Bnited States.,
A Scliopl of journalism is 'epened,
at the University of Toronto,. 4
Thomson, clan„gathers 1,500, strong,
at unveiling of Scarbero.
"Joe" Beckett, •, English heavy-
weight boxer, beats "Boy" McCor-
mick. .
Penny savings,banks in Toronto
schools show gootrincrease In de -
An Imperial veteran reaches Tor-
onto from Montreal en route to 'Win-
nipeg on fool'. • -
_Whalen Pulp &,Paper had net pro-
fit of $530,603, compared with $323,-
157 last year. ,
Board of Education,decides county
pupils must pay $135, to attend the
Toronto high school.
The'Prench Govcrnment asks Can-
ada to send a tfainload of products
for exhibition''there.
President Mahoney of Niagara
Grape Growers,' says' crop will be
picked. -by end, of this,month.
' F. S. Evans falls20 feet in A
cultural, Paris, alighting
upon his head,' arid 'being instantly
;•ci*Dritla '0abine't 'Cox -Itee to find
t*Ork'for`idle.,, „
Sirni Fein '',‘Ceiff,lers confer with
:Lloyd 'George. '
SeVere ha:ilstorm 'at Three RiVers,
Que., oia Tuesday:" •
Both the Giants and Pirates won
in the National League.
Rochester defeated 'the Toronto
ba,seball team, 9 to 9.
Bay 'City •beat Loudon 3 to 2 in
the M. 0. play -elf series.
New.,York Kilties,..lead the Amer -
Berlin paper,blannes dermal). Gov- I
Thee. 13.elliligwood; tomatoes -Wm. grige reaches -Port 'William' •
Ford, Laing Bios., Wm. Fraser; PeVei-6,rial'' Of Agrieffitfrfal t
s ses ern_
onion sets -Laing ,Bros., Madeline', Jneitt ,I3oareis-i'beiiiP18tede
Dearing, Win. Fraser; onions -Ra- Sti•ikinsi 'printers- will, i
Gardiner, R. Gardiriere white bearis- get wieiteeSafuele
'Lenglen,', French .teinifs ‚play-
-Laing Bros., Edgar Rundle, Wm.
Fraser; - beani "'eft. sailssfofithome ab,„.S4,nrcia7..
The C. 5, senier golfteam, boat
Canada 26 to 2,
The Leafs defeated Syracuse base-
ball team, 3 to 2.
French, general Strike in industrial
area o'ains strength.
London wants Hughes' agenda for
conference ithiended.
Montreal motorists give, nearlY
1;000 orphans their annual outing.
A Toronto school trustee suggests
abolition of hoxue-work.
OakVille'a annual fall fair eclipses
all previous exhibitions. • '
Producers' Association wili• keep'
pride of milk down. this, winter':
Greeks are seeking iiitervelition by
TtitiierkAs,Ille,s in their fight against, the
A rr e an e Swept over Berzn,u4a
islands on Thursday, doing' a Inti,of
aNfinea'rgteli'.e2,?,';1rtalyv' nY, eleV' a p; -
Lingwoo*d, hrst off 'iiPper lakes, marlts
John :Matthews of Collingwood was
killed near Listowel in an automobile
Airman falls 1,200 feet at Sault
'Ste.' .Marie, ,and`:eseanes wfh
There ,was a revival, irlf riotiug in
Belfast D Thursday,..i, Soldiffs Called
to end it. ' "
Charlie Chaplin leaves I.endon for
Paris, Where a great OVation is ex -
peeled for `IiimP'
, ,
A supply of raditun is received at
Toronto General Hospltal for the
treatment of cancer.'
Adeste Soucie was drowned in
Green river, near St. Leonard, N.13.,
when.motor car overturns. -
.A gang of boys break into small-
pox hospital, Toronto. They will be
quarantined when caught, •
Fred Harris, of Atlantic, Iowa,
,aged 90, has just married his seVeuth
wife. All his wives were sisters.,
British Premier refused Irish basis
for' negotiations, and the conference
at Inverness ,is called off by Lloyd
George. •
A British Royal' Commission has
decided that Canadian cattle are
healthy, and that the embargo may
be profitable removed.
A. W. Burt, teacher of the Brant-
ford Collegiate Institute, nominated
for the, riding of Brantford in the
coming Federal election by the In-
dependent Labor party- '
Revival of trade is looked for in
Lloyd George' is in Scottish
HbuirNgglie,lwa5ndtyoso. York-
ais ,
Roscoe Arbuckle be`tried•, on
murder charge. ,, , ,
The Leafs lost to Syracuse on Fri-
day by 6 to 3. '
Carpentier will return to America
to box Gibbons.
Germany seekirtg- means to pay
next indemnity.
De Valera sends reply to Lloyd
George's telegram.
Cleveland regained the lead in the
Arnerica,n League.
_Lad's Love won the feature event
at Connaught Park.
Ontario Conservatives organize kir
next provincial campaig-n. '
Vpited Exporters ef :Wekiterta Gn-
arl° Organized al- London.)
Howlioil a ba.ylaain, fatally
njurea while motoring to tolicteli.
H. M. Mowat, M.P., as a
straight Tory candidate in election.
Hon. Peter Smith is dissatisfied
vith offer for provincial' bond issue
Vanguard of 5,000 Oddfelioys i
Dearing; *Wm. Feasr, T. Calling,' eh.arges f°1icri'v .raid Sby
wood; cucumbers -John Morgan, C.
A,cheson, Robt. Gardiner; , inusk,
melonse--Wns; Ford, Chas. Acheson,
Chas. Acheson; citrons --Chas. Athe-
sons citrons -Chas. _Acheson;- John'
Morgan; table squash-Chai. Ache-
son 1 8z 2; Hubbard squash -Chas,
Acheson 1 & suinmer squash-- d.
Acheson 1&2; Golden Bantam' corn
-Fred Stewart, Herman -Gower, C.
'Acheson; ;white corn --,-, Madeline
Dearing, John Morgan; Chas. Ache-
son; pop corn -T. CollingwOod, T.:
dollingwood; beets -Wm. Fraser,C.
Acheson, Robert Gardiner; 'carrots
-T. Collingvvood, Herman Gower,
Chas. Acheson; lettuce -Mrs. W.
Howey, Chas. Acheson.
Honey display -Honey wax -W.
Abbott; 10 lbs. honey -W. Abbott;
col. honey -W. Abbott', 1
lito-ney 'n
cOmb-W. Abbott.
Sum Flowef'S-Robert Gardiner,
Beaver Bros., Robert Gardiner; po-
ta,toes:Irish- Cobbler -Edgar Rundle
I-Teri:liana Gower, John Morgan;
'Gre'en: aviOnntain-T,
Madeline Dearing,. Wm. ,Fraser,
*belleiy-Madeline Dearing:, _kainnicr'
'handle -Herman, Gower,„
"Thompson, . Thamisoh'-' s
aeroplane-Ilerman -o'er;' n red
onions -ed Stewil"rt, Jelin Morgan
Fred' Stewart; peppers -Mrs. W.
Howey 2; parsnips, - Robert
Gardiner; yellow eggs- Andrea'
Campbell, Edgar Rundle,' Garfield
Thompson; white eggs- Garfield .p
Thompson, Edgar Runille, William
Bowden; jar preserves -John Mor-
gan, Madeleine Dearing; bread -G.
Thompson, John Morgan; -collection b
wood -Garfield Thompson; te.)1.' of
lea,ves-- Wilfred Allan; Grant San-
ders, G. S. Howard; writing-Robt.
Gardner, R. 1). Hunter, 'Chas. Ache-
sOn;apple pie -John Morgan;sohool t
lunch - John Morgan 1 ea 2; hest
csre; Batteeburg, Mrs. McDonald, dressed d°11----1111adeline Dearing,
las Livingstone; Honiton, Miss Liv-, Me•rgan, G. S. Howard; . plain hand
sewing, patch work -R. D. Hunter,
Fred Stewart.; crochet hand bag -
R. D. Ranter; crochet work -R. D.
Hunter, 0: S. Howard; school , col.
pickles -John Morgan; school cake
--John Morgan; hemstitching on
handkerchief -s -G S. Howard; plain
provincial officers at North 'fay.
Edinburgh University confers d
grees on,members 'of 13ritish associ
'W`aihington expects Preiniter, Lloyd
g- eorge Ito attend Disarmament Con-
-fel:mice, o.
• o Col7Dr. Henry Smith. conducts re-,
feallfable clinic for, ,eye ,trquisles' at
Hamilton. '
Canadian Importer -ieaclies - Vic-
toria, B,C., after being; toweel• thir-
iden -days. ' •
UniTeretty extension COurse "to be
started in Hamilton, with 'claSs of 24
signed up. ' ". -
Commissioner W. J. Richards, Sal,
-ktion Army, Toroutos4oes't� Aus-
tralian. command.
Mitchell and Duncan; Briidsh golf
professionals, defeated, , Balch, and
Hackbarth at Cincinnati. _
Cost of living figures ,for August
higher than for JulY, chiefly, due to
potatoes and,butter prices.
Bag of registered mail' falized. at,
$7,000 put on AisiherStlatirg street'
car for,Wiirdsor Septeniber 9 'is 'still'
Real. q.,0ate op efaorS,'expeot` booM
nTanseri''hppeals': or lielp:•"fOrclatfs,'
iii.peasilee • • s '
errnarisopo ace arrest assassins of
Reactionary party.
I,ea,gue,of Nations elects Judges of
nternational Court,
The .Leafs de,fea.ted -the Rochester
baseball team, 9 to ,4.
Wilfred E. Manharcl. appointed
ostinaster at Bi•ockville. •
Peter Manning equalled the
world"s'trotting record, 1.58.
Coroner's jury finds "Fatty" Ar -
tickle guilty of. manslaughter:
Toronto will welcome great Odd
ellows gathering noxli svoselt, •
London borough maYors will. .con-
er with premier Lloyd George.
,I.T. S. Secretary Hughes ,suggests
°pies for disartiiament 'conference.'
New wa.rden of Haft House, Uni-
versity •o f iToron to, commences
duties. • • , •
Toronto Transportation eCommis-
sion May ,hare conflict withalabor,
Two'.thousand Hamilton scholars
Ore on lialf-time for want of accom-.
moda,tiori. ,
H. S. Hatniltont, Liberal nominee
for West Algoma, says 'he' will sdP-
port pl'otection. • '
Official figures of vote on repeal
of Scott Act in Quebec Oily: For,
13,471.; tigainst, 1,600.- ,, ' .
Marie Milhomine, little.: child; was
'strangled tsi death by 'tool° strap at,
'St. Ger•ard Magella, Qe.e.
"Lail for "Patty" Arbuckle ia fixed,
at 5,601t) '
"Bebe" Rhtla made
of the season. • "
, Two courts will handle the Torpri-,
to Pall Assizes,
1\leir • fillet Rise, Irish-14LS Livi,n,,,„ hand sewing- G. S. Howard,.
,;ne, sa D'arling-; „table mats, ',N=Pl=ss 2n.d., ,3rd.; S.
„•...!•10a, Mrs. Sweet; -centrepiece,1\l'iss 5.atde 001, of 63 Var. of Wood grown
31.114 A, i)ougall; s,ent•letttts•,- MitiS I-Ittron Count:v-0,
'ot'inestots, 'Datliae; Corse.t"'„:0'VeT inSects-.-4. -S. HOWard; ,a,stefs4-0.
iss .Pl'Otirf--'; fancy bad C -1\i4c1P11119
er„, Dearins;,.,J,M.I9x-77•11,2acleitrie,
; ri=ghtgo\vei h - T-1 • .•
feats' 3003:51, 'MIS Reid, Miss Li yin& ,SW°e, P°28--- 4 e ,lle
t M d
'1; 'bonnet,. aissis LiVingeten, sturt°111118---4-;`141g"'••-nr°s''' 3°11.'11' '.1\3°r-*
esisnee'e, Aire. 1-I, Ford; boot,es, Miss gala Madeline Dearing; ,gc.raisitton-
leiasssoes; dress, ditto 1.11ra • Reid -Madeline. Dearing; -balartnie Peave
r -* •
, . ottt , hand- T3ros,, Madeline Dearing, John Mor-
. s -os
••-hielse 'Mrs, Ssveet; eollar &
If( set "Y" Liv:1 st
g, rs, Reid; (Conti)tued Oa page" five.)
Toronto for Sovereign Grand Lodge
Premier Briand of France is pre-
paring to attend the Washington
Onesime Cha,rbonneatt receives
sev.entieth sentence from Mr. Justice
Decarie at Montreal.
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. to
erect ,gaeatest lyirelees station in the
i'vorld at Laprairie, Que.
Man believed to be Archie Farrier,
of New Mexico,- dies suddenly in the
dining -room of a Hull hotel. ,
- New Brunswick potato „ groweris
will market crops hereafter in Eu-
rope -instead of the United States.
Balloon4' contest starts at Belgian,
Prices of Manitoba wheat decline
The Giants beat Pittsburg again on
Saturday. .
.Moplah revolt in India
ly s:i:lil:)gllri0titig is :esnmed n
New Yorkiregained the lead in the
Anierican teague.. ,
stevedores 'at* Petrograd
Pilfer' relief 'slip -plies. ""!. ". •
Robert S, 'BroWn, retired busiliess
'man of 'Torouto,;dies. .„!
Johnny . Kilbane knocked out.
'Frush in the seventh round.
Lloyd George and de Valera inter-
changednotes on Irish issne.
' London mayors leave for Gairloch
to: see Premier Lloyd George.
Shackleton's expedition leaves on
long voyage to the South Pole. ,
Visitors to the convention
in Toronto may exceed. 40,000,
Peel Tories nominate Sa.m Char-
ters of Brampton to be candidate.
Frank Thompson, Toronto, failed
to qualify for the 'U. S. golf title. „
•Canadian jurisdiction of Ku ,Klux
Klan being organized in London,
luniberinan, dies at Ottawa ift 78th
four hurt, as result automobile
Joseph Thibault, aged. 16, dead,
tar cei les') Ittcao:eri vI1111,0aI.1PrescottE* ddw°aP. ar's°, eapaddil irt 1°1 echr lki
, Shooting 'a,nd slashing affray on
Plymouth. arvenue, Toronto, may -
prove fatal. ,
Rev • :Prebendary , Gough, London,
Eng., preached at St; James' Cathe-
dral, Tdronto,
Winnli. Norris, 21, and Geo. Otto -
can, 17, of Detroit, drowned 21 the
beiroit river. •
Important gold, ,diacevery reported,
near Loa•ke Expaais'e, Q'tiebec; by Now
Liskeard prospectors.
Louis, Matiaiti2, Jr,, 1auhbdlPb'. of
-the Arrieridan'isegicirt,:e
Train the 'Ring EdWard
to, 011 Saturday. ,
Auction Sale
Thomas Cameron Las roCoived In-
structions to sell, by PublicAuction
on the premises 0.1
TJIUIIS,1I,22, 1921
At 1 ki'ClOck' following:
v.• o f: • o'4o young nuicii cows;
1 dOW '1St; 2
fors '1 Ytinr'old;" 50, pnile•-bred Ply-
farAiturep lnelnding 1 ^wrought
iron' range; 1 S'ewing'Maelibie; good
cream separator; root Vulper'; light
wagon; „buggy, cart, cutter, single
harness; cow -hide robe; 15 cords of
maid° wood, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
.A frame barn, 50x30 feet, on lot
21, , on. 13, 4-Tibbert; Part' ef 'West '
half of,loi 20, Cop, 4,3, Hibbert, con--
taining1 CiOre'on. 'Which ' there is a.
g•ood fraine hos, 'stable, drive -
ailed, lien and hog house; also the
eaat 25 acres of lott 22, con, 13„.
• Positively no reserve',
irEnaris oki SALE.
CH.A,TPtES: Ali aunts of $10 and-
CaSh;' 'over that amount,- 6
months' eredit on furnishing approv--
ed joint notes. ,
11.10AL ESTA'TE; 'Easy ternistacnade.,
:known on dayof sale. , ,
Exeter 'P. •
Do you start at sudden noises?
Just one or two doses of DR. MILES"
NERVINE -$1.20 will soothe the irrit--
ated and over -strained nerves G
0 you fin
noel:4e to"Sleep' well? Are you irritated
iby trifles? Do small troubles look big
to you? DO you start at sudden noises?
Are yon -unable to concentrate long on
any one thing?
If tick. there's something wrong with your
nervous system. These are danger
signals. DR. MILES' NERVINE-
- $1,20 will soothe the irritated arid
overitrained nerves. Just one or two
doses helps Nature to restore them
to their normal functions.- Guaranteed
Safe and Sure.
Sold in Exeter by ,
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Where there hi a tendency to
constiliation, you Will find DR.
MILES' LIVER PILLs effective in
tteening the bowels open.
At' I
'311.(YrECT your savings againat fire
and theft b7 devositing thern in oiar
Savings Dank.
Add to your account, even in smalj
amounts, as you can and the
• growth' of ,your balance, inciuding the
interest earned, will surprise you. 6.2
pAIDAR CAPITAL - $153000,000
RE.SERVE FUND . $15;600,000 -
Ex4T-Eit. l*ANCItY,.' tChapineh, Xanager.,
-7: CAPITALND 'RESERVE -$9,000,600.
Buy Canadian ‘GOods=and help to keep Canadian
'workmen busy', It -will help you.
Buy wisely and Sii«zi as much as possible and deposit
your saving in The 1VIolsons Bank. •
Courteous serviceo,all.
v.. • •
remsztios aftanriki, Futk'itilStrit:
Heail, Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, THOS. RYAN
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
101IN ESSERY,-Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and Bitidulph.
OLIVER HARRIS; Munro, Agent for
, /libber% Fullerton and , Logan.
, Secretary -Treasurer
IL R. -No. 1, Woodham.
' Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office -Baker's Livery on Ja'xies S.
.Calls proinptly attended to day or
Phone 8,
1)R. A. R. ICINS1L4,1V, 1).1).S.
Honor Graduate of Toronto tiniver-
Office over Madman & Stanbury's
'Office, Main Street, Exeter.
Advertise in the Times, It pays.
We have `a large' aniount et:private,
1 -funds,* ratin on fedi and:village'
properties .att lowest rates of in-
terest.-, , -
Barristers, Solicitor's,
Main st. Exeter, Ontario
PERRY F. DOUTE, Licensed Auc-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terms moderate, Orders left
at Times Office Will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton.
Address Kirkton\P. 0.
, Office over 1. R. Carling's
Closed every Wednesday afternoon.
Dye right! Don't risk:
your material, Bach pack-
age of "Diamond Dyes' con-
tains directions so simplo
that 'any woman c511.
diamond -dye is new-, rich.
color into old garments,
draperies coverings every -
'thing, whether wool, silk,
linen, cotton or miged goods.
Buy "Diamond Dyeq"---no
other kid -then perfect re-
oults are guaranteed even if
you hate never d,yed before.
Druggist has "I)iamoial Dyes
Color Card" -10 rich colors.,