HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-9-15, Page 5Baraboachek,'prnncipal conductor of the
Mettopolitaat ,Opam Compa ,y..aid 'after
hearing a test of direct•comparisoe: "Mis3.
btu io'a lisheyvoicarn flits RE-CREATION
by the New £drace are identical."
Ry.NG or send the coupon. Begin to use music in the
remarkable new way developed by Mr. Edison.
Everybody admits music's power to banish unpleasant
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has been able to tell you which selections to play when
tired, which when depressed, etc. Famous psychologists,
associated with Mr. Edison, have been working on this
problem for two years. They found certain Edison RE-
CREATIONS which brought all these wonderful benefits of,
music. Those they arranged under headings such as "To
Make You.Tyo. ous"' "For More Energy", etc. Get your
copy of Mood; Music" at once. Bring or send the coupon.
if you don't own a New
Edison, well provide
You gide 3 days of
Mood Music tree—do
that yon can discover
What it can do for you.
Check the coupon.
Tl,, co,apnti entities yohto hes copy cf"Meiad
Ostia." If yod wish three days of blood Nees -
freo, -desk he ro
'1" SIh4Y, $EPTENI$EIi 1:5, leje•
Ta E laXE ER +fl IEl
The best time � of the' year o �in 1 ' fu
,5 � stn a
nace when i t not needed work.
....ace , s e it ee ed to
Don't leave the installation 'f•:: your new
furnace till the cold weather is on.Y ou.
• Every furnace man is busy when the first
cold snaptomes, and sometimes delays
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with discomfort and annoyance are en-
• tailed.
You can be forehanded b. the
Y seeing
McClary's,..,dealer right away. Have him
look over your house. He will tell you
whether :� Sunshine,'Pipe or `One -Register
'(pipel`ess) will be, suitable for your house-
he will know:the size required and the ro-
per.location in which to place it.
That .service costs you nothing. It is part
of theM iary's system'ef'making and sell-
Sahine ,Furnaces. By.' that system
McClarY's guarantee eveSunshine Fur-
nace,they which instal: to warm your house
--eve 'sroom--satisfactorily.
Write for booklet ®t -call on the. nearest
McCly's dealer.
lotandon,7Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg; Vancouver, ,
St. John, N.B., Harniltpn,; Calgar.:y,
Saskatoon, Edmonton.
M l y's Makers of Those • .. goodWivesand
cooking utensils".
Miss Davis, of• Exeter, spent the
week -end" with Miss Mardon Neil,
Mr. Milton Miltchell rust with a
severe accident on Friday last. He,
with his brother were moving some
lumber' from a near -by farm. Some
of the lumber slipped from the load`.
frightening the horses 'and,,caused'
them to run. away. Mre Mitchell's
brother, two children, who were rid-
ing on the• load„ escaped unhurt, ex-
} rMr�i''
cepa •a severe s iakinf„=up, brit ,
Mitchell's arm was broken iii "t'ivb
Ilaees and, badly }aseo atede He was
taken to Dr Hyrtdinrc'tn s lioepital;;atr
Exeter, � ,,., ,
-"'Mr. John Hunkin, whq ,nils tle,
contract for the cement work on the
church, has egmpleted the job. The
contract for the, Lumber, tills been a-
warded t
-w r e o Ro TaYlpinef Exeter.
The carpenter work haa,bee award-
ed to,l3eaver°Bros. of Cre`ton and
'".' 4'+' -
tlle brick work ;to ..McDonald:: & Mc-
Millan of Ailsa Craig.'" ; f `
Sin;`shin e
Sunshine Methodist "Church Anni-
versary will be held on Sunday next,
Sept. 18th, 1921. Service at 10130
a.nn. and 7 pail, The preacher; Rey.
H. J. Armitage. Special musie, Solo-
ist: Mrs. H. J. Armitage.
-Mr. and Mrs. David Dow spent
Friday last with Rev, and Mre, Rin"
tout. of Ailsa Craig.
Miss Annie. Colquhoun is attend-
ing the Stratford 13usiness College,'
Mit'Nsieearl Lawrence, Of Seaforth
was the guest of her eousity Miss
Marie Hodgert, for a teen days over
the week -end.
Miss Agnea Reid, ;of Herntilton,
a visitor at the home`ef=%in, and Mme.
Ed. Colrinhnun.
"Crusade Dey'> w'at Belo on Mien -
day afternoon In the Methodist
church by the 'inern ers of 't e W. M.
S. The auxiliaries of the leirkton
church and also of To'y`s 'wire )pres
eat, Mrs. Marshall "Of .1St. Marys,
branch superiiitrerii fent, Vase the
speaker .for the afternoon.. iSolos
were rendered b'y -Mrs. C'offings,' of
Fullerton, and Ines Switzer, :hand . a
duet by the Misses Dow 'and Gra-
ham, Rea:d#ngs were algin ',by Mrs.
Frank Gollings, Mes.. Hazelwood and
Miss Merles Dow, while ulliiresses
by Rev. (Colling :and Rev. 'Copeland
completed the 'program. 'Refresh-
ments were served rat tfho cellose of
the meet -nag and :a :sneidl 'emur en-
MSS U. Woid'en wiuitetl "last week.
in the w2tlage_ •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Pullin of Stella
and Mr,. and 'Mrs. MM. Pii3len of,
Exeter visited„, mit :Mr. and
Mrs. Was... Po1Yen.s.'
Mr. nerd Mrs. 1-110SE Mailing and
famiyl 'off Leury; 'Mr. and -Mrs.' F.
Hunkin, :of Exeter 'and ilddr.:aznd Mrs.
W. McLaren and Ruby of Cromarty
visited Bsrnday at IVIr. 1..Hurikin's. •
Miss Ada Miller of ;Staa1Ya spent
the week -end 'with 'her mutes;, =Mrs.'
Milton Hodgert,
Miss Jessie Hadgert wisiteiI Sun
day in Exeter,
Silo filling is the ,:order ,off ifhe (day.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan and
Jean visited Sunday at Mr.. T. liun-
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Weekes of.
London were guests at A. M,
„son's recently.
A large number from here are at -1
tending the Western Fair this week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Tufts, Mr. . and
Mrs:' Trueman_ Tufts and Mrs, Moon
visited at W. J. Brown's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amos Of Brin-
sley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R,
Mr. ; and Mr. Gillespie of Detroit,
have been holidaying with her par-
ents, Mr. `and Mrs. E. McPherson.
Mr. John Love and\ W.. J. Prance
went to the West last week
- Mr. and Mrs. Stewardson have
been visiting in Forest.
Schools opened last Tuesday with
Miss Baird of Chatham, Miss Dury
of Toronto and Miss Hobbs of Thorn -
dale in charge.
Mrs. Roy Sheylterd of London Is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and'
Mrs, R. English.
Missionary Sunday in the Metho-
dist Sunday school on the 4th inst.
was well attended. Miss Lydia Sher-
cit of Chinaave a
g very g
account of the work among the
'Chinese -
Next Sunday is" anniversary day
in the Methodist church. The pastor,
Rev. D. A. Williams, I3.A., will
preach in the afternoon, at 2.30 and
Rev. L. W, Hill of Parkhill in the
evening at 7.30: On Tnesdav evening
tilt .20th inst. the annual Harvest
Home will be 'held. Hot dinner and
good program. "See bills. Everyone
For Infante and Children
in Use For Over 30 Ifers
bears seed(.
S' nattsrc of
School re:everted' last week with
Mr. N. Danns of ' ildIney as prin-
cipal and Misses T. Ednleston and P.
Tiernan as assistants,
Mrs. R,-4.„ Armstrong of London
spent the week -end ;