The Exeter Times, 1921-9-15, Page 4Y *INV EXETER TiMKS Subacri tion. rate.$1.50 $ years ADVERTISING "BATES Misplay Advertising Made Ttarorv�l oz► 4001leateon. •t�ay Anfels Jne. ins ertio n, g ' tli,ree insertions for Ipf,00- Farm °or Real -,Estate -tor sale 600 each insertion for ane month of'four' insertion.` AIisoellaneous articles' of not *aore. than five lines, For.Sine, To stent, Wisest . n tzo G.. ae u. a 's"� . e . cih t i d3 u'nci found. .loCai$s•2.5c, h Local reading notices etc., 10e per . no lee 1ese- `e, insertion, No tP r Q, p .. •'13 h nkat`50.; ass°'2G � and kt T at n �7 t`r . ins Auetinra,sales �3 for oixertio . a tl, in and $ t:5'0 ,, or each subsequent sertion Yf under` five inches in length; g 10 nd: Lo e 60 Legal advertising a tI g line. We.1Dlt +ie1+.G1.A3IC MEETINGS. Four' meetings were held in this olistriett` last week when, Mr, J. N. ,., o- r'Cti•lsoit, en,:,inaei fi;om the • 11)rdro, Comms lion, and Mr, 13. W. Doerr, hydro Osuperintendent of Exeter, ! outlined tithe system , w:her ebz .hydro is distributed to the farms. A meet- ing was held in Exeter on Tuesday,. Centralia on Wednesday, and Credi- ton and Grand Bend on, Thursday. A• number of farmers and others who are interested in securing' hydro were present at the different meet- ings. The most enthusiastic and lar- gest -attended gathering was at. Crediton,; Crediton has 'already voted in favor of hydro but colder the re- cent legislation a new system has been adopted which nullifies the en- abling by-law. Ttie meter rates to farmers is 7c per kilowatt hour for the first 14 hours lyse per month of customers'' class demand rating and 3i/0 per hour for all remaining' uses; less 10 per cent, for prompt payment. That is, if a farmer has one h.p. installed' he goes into the second rate after using 14 k.w. hours. If he has five, h.p. installed he does not go into the second rate until he has used 70 k.w. hours. The ,Hydro Commission "'estimates that ter a light farm herzdce where three h.p. is installed -the- annual service charge is 260.62; ,added too this is the estithated amoiirt`of elec- tricity�';lvhich 'will be used monthly - 40 k.w.h.—at an annual- cost of $30.24 or a total annual charge of $91.06. For five h.p. single phase farm .service the estiinated annual service charge•is $66.94. The esti- waked monthly coirsiizriptlon is 70 k,w.h. at an annual Bost of g5;2,92 or a total annual cost, of $11.9.86: This is the' service that is reeoms mended' for tin) average farmer. It1 � is sufficient to {;rind' grain, punili. water, pulp roots, x.ui a separator„ washing machine, electric 'iron or toaster, provide liglitiug for douse and baro. Azt*electric stove and a . z'uotod,, .paiitiotebe run at the same:. time it ons this service. For it'lxeavie1 service' the cost is increased, ,.. of equipment will vary The cost to the zit" i er a Illi- a coir in h z >D b I I p d g .4f u�. r nosesces the farmer de -sires t o-iise ,• In addition to the above charges v f car. - "n must to .0 .t1t0 the ' ti rnl�.l. t t y t f `t pay .. road t,,.,t,e 75 , o ]a Ofthelines ;<ur e i` o tut �zz�+ g house and • barn, Thirty rode would 34.00: • cgst•n'tlie neighborhood of $ The wiring of the house and Harz would cost according to the >. g number` of 'lights and, outlets, and ah estimated' cost is between, $200. and 2.250. Instead of issuing debentures over a period of tweuty years as has been done by •munipipalities, a'twenty- *ear 'contract is required. This is the 3 same system' that has been adopted by the Hay Township Telephone S stetu. Y The annual sl visa charge'a is es- timated to colter half the cost of the construction of the high tension lines, the other Ralf being provided for by the Provincial Government. The power for the neighbor ing municipalities would be supplied from Exeter. It is necessary to se- cure au average of three farmers to the mile in order to secure the serv- ice. As far as'Crediton and Centralia are concerned, both villages are anxious to secure hydro. Mr. T. Wil- lis would like to secure it for his creamery. Sweitzer's mill at Credi- ton would take fifty li.p. and there would be a number of other com- mercial customers. Sri addition 'there would be the street lighting and do- m•estic customers. The one chief difficulty will be to Secure the necessary three farmers to the mile. Owing to the (situation of Stephen township. (the side roads xiniiflg east' and. west) the situation leisoniewhat of a problem. On the Crediton sideroad where the line "lvoii.-ld` naturally run there are only tp it or'three-farui l'i'olnes in the three. iiiiles. However, the lines will" 'run on any sideroad or concession where the „required number of contracts. can be secured. 'In Usborne township the cost seemed' high to the .farmers. ail z> 20 -year contract was opposed. by snMe. Souse• of the :farnaea's. are want- ing this power, however; sind'coininit- teeS haivE} been formed to make a ean'rass. Ti o ComniissiOu ` have arranged for the building of tbe .iiystem into three grou•T?s. The Are group has 'al- ready been .Completed end it is ex- pected ytio wilt be ,delivered to them this fail. The second group and the one under which this district will some ii prompt <c iaxis taken, will receive thein power in in the spring. cost -. At Centralia a committeen, C W. Parsons, 1 •.f T. 4, a d •o � 'lia6 , I O'Brien, P. Hanlon and 'W. Dobbs waspp appointed pointed to• canvass the village, Otlr uo nrx tteez wea e appointed to ca vass b etw ,il sE xetar anti Cen- tralia and; several' concessions: . ad were Six contracts .we e secured at the meeting. A committee has been appointed to -canvass the town- ship of Usborne. At Crediton there were 26 sub- scribers and the, following ` commit- tees pznz nit -tees were appointed to canvass the Township of Stepht n: CoConcessions2 3 4 and 5.—W. i 1,> R. Elliott, George Penhale, Nelson Baker: Crediton Police Village.—Charles Zwicker, Dant Melsaac Frederick r f, W uerih. Concessions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10,— Frank 0 —Frank Coughlin,Wm. Morlopk, Gar- net Hill. Concessions 12, 13, 14 and 15.— Alex. Neeb, John Hayes, Isaiah Tet- reau. Grand Bend Police Village -Bruce Bossenberry, Cyrus Green, John Ross, Dashwood ' to the Bend— William Turnball, Fred Willert, Arthur Baker. CO\i' RTTEE ON ()HETRM !UNION. A meeting of the general confer- ence special committeeof. the Metho church has been called- for October 13th:. and 14th to take action on the favorable vote on church union given by the Presbyterian General Assembly ins Toronto last June. A Toronto member- says the special committee can do no more than rec- ommend the calling of a special general conference to deal with the question of union and this of course he regarded as unlikely in viewof the fact that the regular Methodist conference will be held within a year. The special committee consists of 26 members and they will Meet an Toronto. nce xagirrea Time NEWS TOPICS I C q Important Events Which Have Occurred ,.. Y�' sr ur ed Du irti ';ttae eek. The ffusy World's, Happg[dag pare - fully full Compiled Pat Into Y Ce R ti .: end r Sand and ' 't r ve 1# ' foe A t aCil a a Y _ ,Ps the Readers af- One.Iia tr ; .. A �:4 Solid ` Raur's,^ Lr;iijoyniezat.' •T IIL>a1i)AY. Labor., dId ria hold of :, a.,;... icerade .i ti d - New York. z0 1 it s women councillors s reet- ed in London. St. hely sw zllnamestrye s' number 1z buses. ],Caches Q.A.T.. A.. seiliorsl,-,beat., 'Westoosa eseeseeee 'Bititial baseball lauded - the e o bas 1 tiiaxi`.han Leafs .a .double defeat. Toni Gibbons scored his thirteenth..: consecutive knockout. Spanish artillery,are shelling Moorish forts at Melilla, Turkish u h Nationalist are holding Greeks in cheek.` i•.: Bryan Downey,, was credited ;.with outpoiuting Johhhy Wilson. Three thousand tookpart in the' Labor Day parade. in Toronto. • Canadian and American exohengos•• were closed Monday` (Labor Day). Former Pree ier Ciemenbean of France may re-enter active politica. Holland's Foreign Minister eleoted President of the League Assembly. The Toronto Street'Raflway makes move to unload surplus property on, the city. Rev. Dr. J. S. Ross of Fergus ,dies after 53 years in, the Methodist ministry. Newly -formed Canadian Labor Party started at Winnipeg Is or- ganizing., The annual Dog Show opena at the Toronto' Exhibition " with large list of entries. Peace Memorial Arch at Gateway on international boundary at Van- couver to be dedicated to -day. Manitoba's ,educational laws' on teaching of English to 7,500 Men nonite children to be carried out. There is a possiliilhty of the print- ers' strike in Toronto,, which has existed from June 1st, being settled In a few days. WEDNESDAY. Germany pay§ up' another billion of indemnity. Tranereert workers -at„ !Cork seize the post' offices. Peter Manning beat Single G. in a special, racer Miss America D: established a new world's record.' Peninsular Sugar . Co. to build re- finery at Chatham Flying; Ford won the" King's Plato, un att Blue' Bonnets r Phe uxi niployedat Dundee. Scot- ease, cot-ane "ane the 'police. s British! 'rades..Gongress, Union de,, - 1" e :J .wand relief foieworklese- 11111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111i11111111 1111111111111111111111 ltl 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111114 Mrs. Mary Iiyiiian liril> q'13ridge;' .� ;... �;,.. 1 • 1111---..,1 1 r I- 1 1 1 11 1 dile as a Festtlt;';of bueni. Bon. -iitanning boherty ,leaves di- rectorate of the Farmers' Sun. Hereford cattle frolil;WAlrta„wln -at the Nat•bna%. iiitioa Monday and Tuesday September 19thand 20th '�r��l� of �pe�� Purses �61Q Special• Novelty �i<ace - ; prizes Have Been Increased in Horse Classes Your Friends in Exeter on Meet Fair Day pe 1111111111111111111111111111 Tues.House, Eve. Sept td 20th President e ats I ar d�t�C prizes'i,hi The Canadian Embalmers'Associa tion are in convention ateT,oronte There" is a -big increase'in- number of. auto tourists, due to'better roads. eese British Cabinet meeting at Inver ness to take action•,on';de. Valera's note. The Highways Department warns motorists' regarding glaring, head- ights. The prices' of coal In Britain, -will be reduced, from "one to four shillings • [ler ton'. The attendance at ,the .National Exhibition yesterday' was . 69,000 people, Four persons were killed outright when the Strasbourg -Paris •express 'airplane crashed, Mallorytown Consolidated ,Schools, the first erected in eastesn.Ontario, oYliciaTly opened. J. A. Py d, Mdntreal, was, l%illed =lat Toroteeo in e collision sof- tete list Idis:"iatement' motorboats. Nora Hope of Ottawa,, on,'h`e •' fit teenth birthday, swims across tte, St: Lawrence near Brockville. Hamilton motorists suggest week's restriction in use' of pleasure cars to bring down gasoline to 25` 'cents a Gapt. E. .L Janney, on • the 31st day of his hunger -strike at..the pro- vincial jail, Lethbridge, /Setae,. is very much weaker. wammba osaftroi TJ4 EJRSDAY- British unemployed •press for re- lief. N'iw York cut' Pittsburg s Iead to 8 points. American Petrograd. Rochester beat the Leafs, Thurs- day, 3 to 2. Cotton' is in bloom in field of Oak- ville farmer. • British Cabinet sends,.reply -to de Valera's Ietter. British commission to be appointed en unemployment:" ' • J. K. L. Ross' horses scored heav- ily at Blue Bonzlets. . The Kilties increased ,their lead in the American League. " France sobs need of 'pact between Niewi einweimel moomirl Secretary kitchens, 'opened In LOCA S . Q �. gr, and Mrs..A. M. Quante and bathe rspeat Saturday' lust In London: Mrs. Rd Quanee visited in Lon- dvix ,over the woek-end. Mr, az d Mrs. bee and farui Mo- tored- i• O' � tored- down' from Seaforth and visite ed,_Vlith Mr. and Mre, Easterbrook over ,the week -end. Mrs, Clime. D.Crier and Mrs_ Mc Donald have x.'eturned to Detroit a' of- ter� visiting with relativesin Exe- tetnod with t em• and will visit for months 314. aus' -Mrs. John T. Haw k ha w ; t .,K{ 4 r Dr. andMrs. Pal i` • `'a 1 k ns' ,a returned on Monday 'teem Grand !Send' laeie they have spent the past 'tiro wbeks. 'D r.' Folli xk ','xis ` 'ptlrci'tns- ed' a lot from de M.Walker alker-•& , Son and is erecting a summer cottage. Attli ugli, well tiinder'way, lt' will not be' completed `until next m_ uibr."•— St. 'Marys, Jou;•ai ,Argus '`' '' The Exeter Diet+l iet meeting of the Methodist Cliureb will be.,held ' in ,Main Street Churcheein • Sept. 21st,, There will be 'an ai eronoon anti eve- ning session. The afternoon session will be for business and!in• the eve-' ning addresses will be given by Rev. J, E. Holmes: of Stratford, and Rev. K. J'. Beaton, a returned' missionary All w elconie. Mrs. James - Pickard was visited last Sabbath afternoon by her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Henry, Harwood and his two daughters and a lady friend of ' theirs, all from Warren, Ohio. Also ' Miss Nellie Rendell Harwood of London. Mr. Harwood is 88 years of age and motored, all the way from Warren, which is quite a trip for a gentleman of his age. Are you preparing ; an exhibit for the Agricultural Show this year? If not, why? If you have better stuff than- the other fellow, you should get it out and let him see what -eau be done. If yours is not quite so good, perhaps you can obtain a pointer of value toyou by compar- ing the products with yours. Make an entry anyway and keep ' up the standard of your home show. :.Exe- ter . Fair will be held next Monday, and Tuesday, Sept,' 19th and .30tlx.r Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook received the sad news of the death of their grandsons, George Audrey, eldest son of the late Clarence; East- et brook' of-Galetta; forinerly of Exe- ter. ' About 'rieven weeks ago the de- ceased was taken seriously 111 with an acute attacic'of diptheria. He was taken to `Ottawa hospital 'where the best medical. aid was given, but cnin ph:sotioris set in tee -severe for 'his ',alfeady 'Weakened' 'condition: Audrey was of 'a very bright, cheery, dispo', sition and loved by all and said by Renee and doctors to be a most ''eatient°sufferer: Deceased - was 10 years 'and 11 months'. His' remains 'were .interred at Arnprior on Friday. Sept.''the 9th, The mother is pros- trate with grief. ' He is sarvived by his mother and one '-sister, Aileen Iand one brother, Kenneth. Allies and the United- States. Fred Geraldi, G PR agent at Twe'ed, drops dead' on ,duty. ; James H. Bridger, aged 25, killed cavesin it well .near:. Sarnia. • The 7.4Metbodiet World: Conference at Loncloti Was welcomed • by King. daliadian ?acillc SteatxishiP , Ltd., is the new dame for C.P O.S., Ltd. Strilting printers of Toronto may establiiali co-operative job printing plant. ; The 13ritish -Association for 'Ad- tanueinent of Science meets in Edin .buegli, The Toronto police seize largest` illicit liquor still ever found • in Ontario. Two men were kicked by horses, at the National Exhibition, one Ser- iously injured. "Babe" Ruth made his Zgcd homer. Calgary veterans reject amalgama- tion proposal. -- British Cabinet to await Irish regeke in Inverness. German mark reaches low,eet point in its history. Rochester. defeated the Letitia Thursday, 5 New York' and, Cleveland Amer- icans lost on Thursday. Graphite discovery reported or the 5iceeil, rivei..]1.fJr ' tver75,000 people attended titin National Exhibition Thursday.' Provincial Government buys s'erelT- sto_ ry World building in. Toronto. Board of Arbitration decision on G.T.R. shares is bomb in London. Doherty will demand elimination of Article X. from League Covenant. Druggists in Toronto report: brisk• business in remedies for "summer flu." Sir John Simon says the British. Empire is held together by friiend ship. . ,. .,,. 'Marconi operators at Glace Bay, N.S. will oppose a 20 per cent t in wages. Embalmers' 'convention hear of scarcity of bodies for purposes- of dissection. President Harding will • appoint four members to the disarmament conference. Rev. Thomas Manley becomes Chancellor of Roman Catholic arch- diocese of Toronto. Diningcar departments of C.P.R. and Canadian National Railways to reduce prices for meals. Napoleon Carisse dies at Ottawa as result of his rig being run down by a rotor car a week ago. Edward Cooney, aged 26,' Mont- real, while walking in his sleep, falls two stories, being fatally hurt. Stripped to the waist, jobless men in Boston offer their services to the highest bidder—to be a daily eaeitt for a ritontlt., Denmark adopted a' Prahibjtion. Bill ;which . forbids impartation of liquors or wines "coiitaining more than :14 per: cent. alcohol. Visitors to Bewdley cemetery -1:e - port Scriv'en monument badly defac- ed wit:h .bullet 'narks. F TtYi?A.1i. W titcl'iener will drop bet of senior 111111111#111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111g 11ocIt°'Y` Auction Sale FARM, , FARM STOOK, , HOUSE- Row GOODS AND COUNTRY 110A . ai e Thomas G• n roc Inas received in= 'o s str cti n seT •b . Pub is Auction u to l Y 1. ala the premises on'' Til[fltS.' ,5!EI'T. 22, 1921 At'clockthe ix 1 o'clock tc p•m.fe i l pw ig . , Two good .young milch ,toWiee 1 ow s 2 t e uF�i r tars 1` year,:'oid; u0' pure b ed Ply'- inautb hens-•hnd.• ulletn; 'semi ,house-: � p e al •f r' is r" u n 1. a `, d i �, , � � n� ugh lke � 1 t � i tC yy � Y •s'' •Y' .d cream ' separatolr ;' loot paper; light wagon; buggy,' cart, cutttir, single harness;' cowelaide roue; 15 cords' of maple, wood,'and otherarticle o P.. ,. i s,.i o. numerous to mention. A'frame 'bare,' 50z30 feet on lot i ;r art f w 1 ' Can. 1 zi btra t. a a sat- part half` of dot 2Q, cou: 13,, Hibbert, •con- t'si,ning 1 acre on winch there•.}s. a good run , house, stable, . 'driv � shed, liitn and hog Bons,; also.; they east 25 , acres of lott 22, con. 13, - Hibbert, o i v l.. no rese ve. s tfo„x r TERMS ' OF $ . !E, CHATTELS: All sums of 10 ands under cash• o er that • amount �•' months' credit on furnishing approv- ed joint notes. REALE ` '1” + Eas tern S� Z'i Y. , a .. � . , v ilk ?i►�da,< •� a 'o:`s a ;: k w f l 4 G ORGE ' MARTIN Pro ieto ~° T OIvIAS ; CAMla N Auctioneer. • se •Ext ,P e er 'its: xra ran • s , ewi g suss lY e • o ... . .. z n o n;..g separate ;, g g 'THOSE SUDDEN NOISES' •. Do, ou start at sudden noises ? Just one or two doses of DR, MILE81' NERVINE -101,20 will soothe the irrit- ated and overstrained nerves. Guaranb- n ted Sure. eSafeand S K R AIhi OU can't do justice to yourself in business, social or home life if - you sufferfrom headache, backache, , mbnthly pains, a or any of the thousand end one pains withwhich all of us are afflicted at one time or another. • These pains indicate a very real physical danger. But there are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. Get them in. bandy boxes at our drug store. A boss is insurance against head ache, car sickness neuralgia` and Pain ofalmost any nature. There are no disagreeable after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti-' Pain Pills' STOP THE PAIN without n u iiet digestion, drowsiness. buzzing in the head, or danger P g . g of forming a.dnig habit. Guaranteed Safe and Snre. Sold in Exeter by W. S. I3oWEY, Plum B. PROVE •YOUR LIVESTOCK Whetheryou ; have horses cattle see or hog® Y s eh�. w it will pay.you to secure the best sire obtainable. Poor tock costs" as much to;feed and care for, does mot `thrive' as well and cannot reproduce u 1t. q Y• trutit i >✓ vssirciorro oE�.: :PAID UP CAPITAL $15;000,000 RESERVE FUND - -• $15,000,000 kX1 T1 R BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, :I anger. .INCORPORATED 1855 ee, OVER 130 BRANCHES Ivi:0 LSO NS BAN K CAPITAL AND IR.ESERVIE $0,000,000. Buy Canadian- Goods—and help to, keep Canadian workmen help it will you. Buy wisely and Save as much as possible and deposit your saving in The Molsons Bank: Courteous service to -all. "SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES AT TII E EXETER- BRANCH." T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN ,FOR "BUSINESS DAILY. T11111 USBORNE AND B1BBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSVB' ANON COMPANY. Head Ofilee, Farquhar. Ont. Prealdent, THOS. RYAN Vice -President, ; JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS WM. BROCK•- J. L. RUSSELL ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES r1cKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ILSSERY, Centralia, Agent for Yaborne and Blddulph.. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for H.tbbert, Fullarto t and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer, R. R. No. 1, Woodham. - GI ADMAN '8G STANBUItY Solicitors, Exeter. /Greek diVite oil Angora proves a failure. Trude f3etwden .Belteet factions is, signed. New Y`ci'kt made a gain in t1te,;.Na tinnal Ldaglte. "Baber' m-ade his'54th owner of the Season, Two young g1rls.from Niagara' are reported, toSt. An'iericafl relief id being distribut- ed in Petrog'rad•,` Test ease' on Sunday cigarette sell- ing argued int London, ' • nig raid. on Smuggle1's' cargo on Greek Ittlex lit New.Yortt. • New btiilclinis at'd lnsiht for next year's National Ekiiibi tioil, w sDn ilelivers two not - DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon, Office=Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and,village properties, at lowest rates of in' terest. GI.ADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors', y. Main ,St. Exeter., Ontario PERKY F. DOUPE,' Licensed Auc- tioneer. Sales conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left; at Timed Office, will be promptly at-• tended to. Phone 116, ; Kirkton. Address Kirktot P. (): DR A.' R. � HtN8lr1'P 71L.D., D.D.S. Stoner Graduate of Toronto Univer alt,'. DENTIST Office over Gladman & Stanbury's office, Main Street, Exeter. Advertiee in the 9irties. It pays. DR. • G. F. ROULSTON, DENTIST Office over L R. Cariing'o Lauf, office. Closed every Wednesday afterne0ti4 USE "DIAMOND DYES",' Dye right! Don't risk: yourof a`7)iamond Dye's" pcok- a e con- % tains directions so, dimple that any 4'oxnan cast. diamond -dye <a new, rich, color into old garnxents,.. draperies„ coverings, . every- thing, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed. goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes'—no, other kindL__then perfect re- elilta?;are- guaranteed even if' Doui have ° never dyed -before, ruggist, lies' "Dieunoad Dye* Ooler Card. -• 16. rich colonel, {