The Exeter Times, 1921-9-15, Page 1• k•F0RTY-8ECO1q D • EXETER, ®NT<, THURSDAY ;:MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER 15, 1921 ti Iltllli AIII 11 IIL I Illllflpltl HI !i ! !! 1 Ilii III Il_ i . U li I IIIIlh Ilgltt Illiulilll111ittltillfllififiilllllllllllllll ltlllllil!lttfilliiti i I I _ t . 1 _ . .. . _ .r., -.MOM Exeter Fall Fair, Set, 19th and 20th • • fS tsad ate. lite Shod. _ ®, __ it is = •s 01111101 ANINVimo ,0110,0 0.11011101 .110/110 40011110 New Styles, New Cloths, •New Colors, much' lower prices. Northway and Rogers' Gar- ments and Coats, plain _and with;'Fur Collars. Dresses in Serge Tricotines, etc, Suite: mostly in Serge. Don't miss nga°this,magniflcent display. Special values -in Salts' Black Plush Coats. BA GAINS FOR FAIR WEEK Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns, regularly..$3.06e for $2.00;. Ladies'•_White Flannel ette Nightgowns, regularly ` $3.00 for $1.-95; ,31), ,pair Ladies' Corsets, Crompton la Grace blraigd; a Sal b ose °reul" rl 75c for 50c pair; Chaldr.eit's regularly $3,00 for '$2.00; Ladies Black k•, pg h, ,,,_ $a Y ribbed cotton school hosiery, '15c pair; ; Ladles Silk Blouses; regularly up to $ 3.50, clearin_' at' $2.25; Ladies' Georgette Blouses, greatly reduced -in price; Admiral Middies; regularly' up to - $2.50 value at $1.25; Ladies Parasols tregularly -,$‘2.75, .clearing: at$=1 95;, each,. Mens ,I3eavy = ` o t'o•'edear at `:75••' Ribbed Underweair; ••regaii3arly $;1_ ?75 for`.=$1 2s;"''filen b-`•O.venlil3s end tt ,3 ts $1 , 1 3 c. ' 11Sens Cottonade Pants:at X1.95, Monarch Yarn, ''all popular colors, 2 -ounce ;ba 1 , b,, CLOTHING . 'SHOES HATS mama Imam ;XF TER COUNCIL. Exeter, ;August -25th, 1921; A siecial meeting .of the Council was Iat14. on Thursday, August 25th. 'Ail members present. The suiuutes of the,meeting held on August. 8th wore readand approved. Letters. Were read as follows: -Frew the•secretary of the hospital dear Sick , Children re: I-Ielen Snell. Per: "EJston=Peanbale; That the ;council sanction the request of the -- ;R- lief 'Committee—"that Dr. Gra- ' .70 -while in Toronto pay a visit to and• examine said patient ' and re- pot epbtt' :-Carried; ; Prom the secretary's office of the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- tion'• re: letter of Mayor Church of ' `" Toronto. Filed: From the Canadian Des Moines• =. Steel Co:, Chatham, re: Painting Of .'d Water',toyer. 'Filed. I` From the secretary of the Board °'"' of of Education- advising' that the esti- ,= ;mates sti- nates Per:the- year were carefully sconsidered aiad a. reduction of the same 'seas •Impossible. Per Elston--- Snell: lston-Snell: ;'That'-tne'council' again 'ask that theestimate be reduced to $10,- 000 'for•` school :'purposes for the year. Carried. The Auditor's report for July was read,arid ...'accepted 'on motion of 0.00.0 .00/100 0101.0. 11101..10 11111.00 101110111 .011111011 Immo Davis and' SnelL The'Clerk, wag instructed to write to W. H.;-Westman of Chatham re.: the timber ,'falling into the creek east of; Main- Street, asking- him to 'have tlae same .removed and the wa- ter -way. cleared,.. The following accounts, were pas sed - Cecil --Ford. 36.00; The Bell Tele- phone : Co 5.6.4 H. C. Clarke 2.254 Thos. ollingwood.11.50;'G. A. Van - stone "15 anstone'b 50 Ghtis. Fahner• 2:50';• John H•Innkiti 1155; Theo. -Wainer 6.50; , :John ; Parsons 19.50; ' Frank e Mallett '20.75,; Waiter Westcott 2.00 = Peter Coleman .19.50 Richard Davis 26 00; ,Robert 'Luker 3.25;'Richard i Quauce'6 00 Motion by Elston and Davis. 011100. The new styles in Men's and Boys', Suits and Overcoats for Fall are here'.Fine all -wool' cloths at greatly reduced prices. The new loose -fitting Overcoat for young men in a variety of colors. Fine all -wool Bloomer Suits and odd Pants for Boys. SHOES -These new lines for Fall just arrived. Empress.for Women, Slaters for Men, and Classic Shoes ,dor Children. ro 'SPECIAL Big assortment of 'little -Boys' Overcoats just arrived: Makeryou:? selection, early: • :PHONE 32 ;;Joni. • • lila111111111111111111,111j01IIIIIIIIIIIIfl1 UillNllllllllllllltlllllllllll0019IIUiI000111001. itII4III0IIIIIIIIiIIiIIi01010 PHONE 32. • Adjourtunent by Elston Jos. Senior, B. W. F: Beavers Clerk`'` Reeve Exeter; Sept. 12th,'`1911.; " A regular meeting` of the='Muni cipal. Council"':with' ail the members r e. p gs nt. The minutes of 'the meeting', lield•A,ugust 25thewere read azid-'ap- ;proved. A letter "from W.' H. West - man was read re: the south''r end IMMO creek drain through his' property and the cleaning up' of the same. -The bill to be forwarded to him. railmo ammo Per Penhale-Elston: That an ad- enoma ditional fire insuranceof $2,000 be placed on the town hall.',Carried. Discussion re:- 'Silent policemen. Councillor Penhale moved that no action be •taken. No seconder. - Per 'Elston -Davis: `That'the sil- ent policemenbe repaired aiid put on the ;street corners' again. Carried. CouiciIlor C. B. Snell made a proposition to the council to have the creek running along Ann street 'and'in` front of his new houses, cov- erect over, stating thatif the coun- cil would build a concrete wall and a concrete walk over the sante he would 'contribute one hundred dol- lars toward the costs. Action defer- red until Wednesday evening the 14th inst. The fololwing accounts were read and- passed: • "Thos.' Sanders 31.50 -;,:-John Par- sons 34.50; Frank Mallett 25.00;. John Morley 12.00; „ Wm. Fraser 18.00; Walter Westcott 14.50; Pet- er Coleman 40.95; The Bell Tele- phone : Co. 3.59; John W. Stewart 6.40; Miss Merrill 1.00 Cecil. Ford. 3.0 00; Ernest Elliott '15.6,0; I. R. Carling ;8'.00; Ed ,Heideman 3.00. The prepaid, account -of Miss Grace Cudmore for cement gravel, amount ing to 41.50 was aprpoved, Adjournment by Davis. Jos. Senior, clerk. Save the Surface and ;andar aili 80c erpt. $1.50 per t. $2.90 per gad. p, q Lowe Bros. Floor Paint 80c pt., $1.50 qts Lowe Bros, Mellotoae for inside n decorati o • `' soc per t, and - 50 per t 1. .. also Elephant White Lead, & Pure Linseedeed Oil • hers ers u pplies iaw d. Greases, BpDressing, t lt a.' Aa ! V Gauge Glasses ._.. & Valves, a.• ow prices' PLUAIIIING AND T1NSMITHINti. • .r . Estimates furnished. :ea a .'s Hardware 27W PHONES 27J U. F. O. ELEVATOR AT , CLANDEBOYE BURNED, LOSS IS ABOUT $4,000: Fire completely destroyed a large elevator owned by the U. F. O. on Monday morning. The blaze started about 2.30. The loss will be about $4.000 Come 'to Exeter on Fair Da Salvation Army :After twenty .:years ,-as missionar- ies in India, Staff -Capt. and Mrs: Lewis will speak in the Opera House on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER' 19th, 1921 at 8 p.m. on "India: Its People and Its Problems." We want a full house. You come. Silver collection. BORN LUXTON—In Usb'orne, on Sept. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, a son: (stillborn) PENHALE—In Stephen, on Septem- ber 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale, a son.: PASSMORE—In : Bleusall, on "Tees - day, Sept. 6, 1921, to Mr. and. Mrs. John Passmore, a son. SANGSTER--Iii Ilen> all, on Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs.: Wm. Sang- ster, a son. SIM S P O On Sept. 3, 1921, to; Mr. and Mrs J. Simpson, a son. (Thomas ,Kenneth,) MARRIED WILSON-DEVINE eat On Tuesday, Sept. 13th .° 1921, by Rev. A. A. Tramper, ,Miss "Sarah Devine,to IVIr. David Wilson, both of Gand Bend. DIED ,10HNS`1ii Seaforth; on' Sept: 6th, Sydney Johns, aged. 75 years and s Months'. STEPHEN .COUNCIL. The council of the Township oi.` Stephen convened in the Town Ball, Crediton, on Tuesday, ' the 6th day of September, 1921; '`at 1• p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Penhale—Hayes: That, bylaw No. 271, to levy taxes on the lands and buildings in the Township of Ste- phen, having been read three times, be passed ,and signed by the reeve and clerk anci the seal of the cor- poration attached thereto. Carried: r ys G^ .1:AG" Webb41-:ayes: T ia,t the follow ing grants `be made' to the school fairs to be held in, the municipality: ,Crediton $25; Gtandelee'r1d,,'$20 and Dashwood $15. Carr: il`;'"'"t'` '' ' The reeve read a letter and ac- count received front Ezra 'Oestreich. er re: damages to his automobile. The council ordered 'same to be ,filed. • A ntmber oforders were passed,. The council •adjourned to meet a- gain in:Crediten on Monday, the'S'rd day'of October, 1921, at 1 lent Henry tilber, Clerk. Mr, J. T. McCaughey` of Blyth, left. recently for Glasgow, Scotland, With a load of 58 cattle. He took passage, en the S, S. Concordia ' EXFII.`ER H. S. 7iAS LARGEST • ENROLMENT IN HISTORY: The spiendid results obtained by the Exeter High School last year and the !increasing of the staff from three to four teachers so" as. to in - iclde upper schooi work i thercixr- iculu and also to give :more and 'better attention ttention to lower and -middle. school subjects,' is having the effect desired by the Board of Education, that of making Exeter a"; high-school centre This year 'on opening day the enrolanent was 112- and, by the end'. of the week: four otther',.stRi dents had registered:' Last -year•'the` enrolment was around ninety. Amodern science room has been ,equipped so as • to morethoroughly: deal with the sub- jects of • physics and chemistry. Mr. Millar, who is a new man • on the staff, and who has charge of phy- sical .culture,has already organized, an athletic association among~, the boys and".the• girls will be organized .this ,week. The officers of..the associ- ationare: President, H. M: Millar; secretary, Fred. Heaman;treasurer, Howard -Dignan; captain 'ball.. team, W. Lawson; manager, E. J. Wethey; :captainjunior ball team, Oscar Har- rison; captain track team, Lyle Stat- ham. • - KNOCKED DOWN BY AUTO. ' While crossing the. Main street on Satuxday evening: Mr, Jos, Yellow of Usborne, had the misfortune .to be knocked down by a car driven by Mr. Milton Russell, It was raining at the 'time and Mr.. Yellow was watch= ing an, auto coming .from the north and, tailed to notice the car coa1aing from -the . south.. ,The. centre of tar struck Mr. Yellow.- and. • carried flim' for a short:.distanee. He was' taken into Dr. Hyndman's office and ` it was found` he""had several bruises and abraisions. He is again able to' be around again. T I1 JLRE D IN RYTN. .W :S,Y. Mr. Milton Mitchell, of Centralia, had the misfortune . tea have two •bones,of his right.arhi!ractured be low` the elbow and i s right ::h and badly 'lacerated 'when: -a team ` horses attached to a wagon- load of lumber ran away on Friday last. He was taking the lumber home 'from an adjoining farm when the team be- came frightened and ran away. With` him • were his two sons and Broth'e'r. "Doc" but they escaped unhurt. The wagon passed over Mr. Mitchell with the above result. Dr. Hyndman, of town, was _called > to dress the wounds. MARRIED 'UNDER DIFFICULTIES. Quite, a - flurry. struck Exeter on Tuesday -when a young couple struck town bent on cementing a contract for future happiness. Securing a per- mit they sought for a minister. It appears that the ministers of town had all gone on a holiday. Tele- phones and messages Were hurriedly despatched by their almost distract- ed wives in eager search. At length one was discovered' drenched with presperation, mingled with dust, within the walls of a corn silo. Hur- riedly, attire was borrowed and the change made, and presently he,. had the . joy of seeing . tWa:.persons; 'made happy} and ar,„good fee. ' WINS FIRST ;e 1T TOT/ONTO. Mr. J. T. Luker secured first money in the •2:14 class at ,Toronto Exhibition with his horse ",The Ein- blexn." The purse was for $660.,..„In a class of seven "The Emblem" cavae last thea' f rst heat and then took first, place for" `three straight- heats. :SHORT COUIESF IN JOURNALISM. Mr, J. M. Southcott, editor of The Times, is in Toronto this week tak- ing a special course for publishers of Ontario weekly newspapers at the University of Toronto.The, subjects are: .Editorial 'Writing and News gathering, English Literature and Co7iriSosition,,.'Canadian Constitution- al History,' Newspaper Jurisprudence Public Health and Hygiene,The instructors are: Mr. P. Whitwell Wilson of Columbia University, School of Journalism; Professor W. J.' Alexander Professor G. M. Wrong; Mr. A. R.' Chute," Barrister and Solicitor; Dr' J. G. Fitzgerald and Dr. J. J. Meddleton. xeter Tuesday, Sept. 2.0, { r i e1 1 9 Trot or l ' PURSE $4'00.00., , 2:50 Trot or Pace PURSE $160;00, Na•med Race PURSE $50.00. HORSES ELIGIBLE AUG. 20, 1.921 R. G. SELDOM, Secty, ANCE air .i t , Tues Sept ® 2 •' ald's Hall Kekoa- s se e : e ' IGe Haw a .an 'Cll .... P 0 estra Ad ni,ssiano Gentlemen la0a '. e r . ♦s V 4.n 'e- d "Comradeshi COMEDY.- 4rd Episode of "The Son of Tarzan99; Prices --25c and 35c, Including war tax. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY & TUESDAY, FAIR DAYS Charlie Chaplin in "The'ry •id' Prices will he raised for this picture Taxi Service 'London Exhibition CARS LEAVE EVERY MORNING Al 8.30 A. 6I Pienies, Weddings, Funerals and famtiy:."driving given our attention: AUTO ACCIDENTS. On :Tuesday' evening Messrs. Harry 1 " Elworthy and `Chas,' Godbolt were re -1' turning from, London in the former's car. `-Near Elginfield, the wheels on Call 56 one:: side of the car dropped into a hole unexpectedly and took to the ditch. Th occupants were thrown a considerable- distance but escaped serious injury. The car, however, was very badly wrecked. ilsontr t °: bs a ., Leave orders at Wilson's Grocery. • J _J llllll111111111111I Illililiilllllllli111IIIIII111111lllllill1111111i1111111111111illlll9l._ Mr. Stanbury met with a slight e accident while driving in the coun- try, north of Hensall. Another car coming from the opposite direction tried to pass between Mr. Stanbury's car and a buggy with the result that Mr. Stanbury's car was stripped of the hubs and: the back fender badly bent. The car, which was a Ford, took to the ditch and was badly wrecked. A little girl in the back t , seat of the Ford was badly shaken ` up. A. SAD ACCIDENT. What proved to be a fatal acci- dent,happened on Sunday morning last to the little three-year-old eon Fit- of,,Mb' V r. and Mrs. in. Dccl:er of the ,Zurich, road, east. Me. .Decher• area t, an •hhe act' of cleaning out his horse r S=e stable with the folk, and while throwing out the last forkful, the little fellow ran -directly in front of the fork, and Mr, Decher not seeing him until too late, Otte prong of the fork penetrated the right temple of his head to quite a depth. The little -- fellow fellow was, hurried to a ,London hos- vital where Dr, .'Hadley Williams ' operated ailed .doite all he Could to 'save' his lire,. but slight holies were entertained for his recovery. IJe succumbed to the effects on Tuesday night and Was burled on ;Friday Of last week. Thirtgs Worth Knowing FLOUR I tltlheta in quantities, 500 pounds or over;'. you can purchase' at reduced prices. Come in and take home a supply.}'Il's the very best. OATS—Just unloaded another car of those splen- did Western Oats. These/have been run over our Separ- ator and the small seeds taken out.. This makes them, very choice. CORN—We have corn, the best that can be had. It is certainly excellent: Seeing that this year's Oats and Barley are so very light, why not try some of our 'Tank- age, Low Grade Flour or Corn 'ileal? SACKS ---Allow ns to once more. call your attention casks when ordering to our request to bring yettr s g feed of any kind. As our loss in unreturned sacks is really serious, we urgently request you to return all Mir sack's in your possession and bring your own for future pier- chases. This will help both of at. IIIIIIIIIIIillilllllllllllfllIllilliuIu HillIill1IIllJIII IlllllllHflllllllllfItIlill `