The Exeter Times, 1921-9-1, Page 4"t:777 _V1 0, A ... . .. .... �,w Ct Vvir Ad Aurgt MOM SAYS ift­l, E T G ran,, ftjfa I , , V V bulft, lit nn?, - to -6— ant �!�­Wenis Which Desday; 42 IiT,eo T� of, Torua out -'Vlq,�, ttlle i 400 10", 11MV OoWrred Durin lak� work G. 27 ImIasivo SF.PT, 10 wif)i� itioc . 1. , ­­­ 1-1 , oft the We Wbmell organizutioup in Oavnada AU o0VER, 1 711 wat ck R�.�' ask Iliat XrA. Arthur Mui ) ly, vollwe JR Aw '0W #60, gs a4lre� P The aw�y 1yorld1v ar , L ppeyAn f F_R —Slkn cr,PW r,, i§. .,gf Lollaon, prelaQhod t�vo ov=c �V" m4gj"3trate at BalliontmV appoint- be" openb� �by 'o ed to ill e.­ 47WO lWo 9 "apid Put U10 Ma c -�tizl I vi V C. t ,a Zonate. dlycanad� 1 0 *4, , , &V* .11, W I". 1I ", . ­ I �6114ive felt _4 Lord Ryr4 of Vfttw vmmw �nvt­ "FRIDAY'. -_Cdnadr_"S Dew 4nd 4cl -k, pig fires tire -raging in xwcow. the "Were Qf Our pal C wid fowfly, , �, I k", U _ I c9ary U r 4, 00 VVern0r4WtMj , Zi;ud wice Solid, iKcmes 7-4 Ir -2 k 11 : odiou of ;vlctln*� of ZR Jot''Yet Perforwers--Muzic—r5n� Axt,,W 'z, aud: ki,od,'Sou of .1�,,,wwr . . . . . . . recovored, '11' hon." hvt- Nfil, h Nowo baz cowed ioaef War Photogn r, 1�1e�yr"k �en,Q c I T he Chatewort r pf tfte U.roest Collect a", Crmo,)�J,, New York lai�dlordo are ralsilig pablication. 0010 rents agaln, Maliltob4 Li�boritest dooldeto �o0or Orient A �Rw�,44 is offerlli�� big concessions ri oderal field. lar ot", 1�oy zer, to furej,gn capl-taj, Russia's familie threatens peril to 5�fures o3AV to btjbml 0 �ratont ��aO, for Vj g-t:l(-p,�', to oltmjd tor"i "rit Ainic- Hodg-, �,Iobt �qardv was killed in a 1110tOr wester v. 1i Europe, Ga, of a 'Ing aQeident Ije�lx Lucailt� n ,, X"I L� Q� Qlt-.lh, t'ho hlf,A-� RUIIA,,�t ptir.4Wwil la�� Toronto L ,f third game Geas Canada's Gi.�4tesf Lft,. Sfqk,�� gn Va PQI,�or wbw t?l fllmj Italiaxis gialKe tile L1111ted States from )gawarIgI yu,411:41,g a�, lli� i I: , r -,tr�d ot: A Labor can %te -,wvx elected in —Mg#i4q# an� dollar Aaiid P"n" Ww� KeAobert"i N090tl�'ItiKls betWeeii U, S. OR a Wolsli constit, U 96W60 Desij4for Increasing de Eodmlef, Complete explo6tion laat�,�s and _Ua-,xjc -Preiiiier Lloyd George receives rt- the C01,4fofet of the, at o to take place., the -Farm and ; RC1P bf.C4nada's 11*474� 1, aw"tux,� British bowlw,s won all , seven,� ply of the Dail Ejtreaiiu. ry, 461,00 4: s men, amf Treaty bujigdon,�. who w,4�s torlaerly g _,,s, of tneir match at Ldudon, �of pofwe w1th -the Umifted T41,�,,Ao*,. )41.ero �Ie, wili States signed at 111 wealth of 'material. Reduced Fares on All Lil a vetertuaryhore Ju tQwn bu�,js now Ont. B -94A, F ell Atr, Za�je, aged 20, Windsor, Armed minero aari7_,.iug war 400 Into JOHN G. r-MfT, ROOT, "_&U=1Q iiu that basines-, near Now York, Is IV ",Pp -w ; I I I 1 11 -,0� killed. in motoring upset near Til- West Virginia coal area. &U=�Vlng 1Dfr6*uw IiUtl this week., 1�04%o Uel -OAT at Z i,oxiewilig old iijelidA bury. Manitoba won the In ProV1___.___ Barilster Adl�iil jAarkiA and Mrs. "Toots" Randall 'Won the golf title of'call %Nk P,w U. ,9. ,%romeWs trap Drought in the West '41ter 6rig- AT,40 lkas been \y1fe, alit) Ili's twu sister�, Etliel, a shooting 'title dt -L� �j u(Irsw In ]New Yoilk and Xgblr�, at Chicago. al estimates of,h=TV e Rt. Rev. Felix.,Cou in Ptel'ft ne, ded.; 1)f la"'t weel� in t'llat 4ud bi, tukjar, the naw L , rain is an Indication snlother, all of St. Albert Dumont, aged 27, dies at Marys, spent laiz�t Weduiesday ere Maiitrtal as a result 61 orash wIdle: Bishop -of Alexa�adria, Arrived at Montreal. terference with the normal functions of the body. it Mr. Joba Farkillson aud fam- of 'in 8-yow-old witli -Ayil Dall a0reainn giyes no indication I Aj 22 pears old, is.a sign of trouble, andif allowed to continue, causes itself yet of' its attitude an the 'British was T1112 "T 11 further disorders. t g(,*U4g "Peter 11y. "'WEle lirlemn it wi. h The 41issas Cawpbell, of Londou, pwuod by A)Ir. of jLijs proposi�ls. cheSter. died oti Tuesday fr(mi t ,tey, i:sited oyor lqtaiday here, Via guest Ford'�3 iatiovations In t�!ansporta- kudirew 4ruuton, ig,.T.R. constable: 1, - Common' W�t$ of tb�eir atlitt. 411r�. James Scott. tioll an old story to 3_;�ided, 1jays,bir -of Allandae, fatally crushed aT,' 0"iAT1% GvWXWt T)UteAT �J 13a�' Their cousin, Qrave, a"Owpauied Adain Beek- Orillia. S e mse a n'd ktatil two V(-�a.rs Geol X � Heltldx4ag Estero won he The Oxford rinks gave the visit- humanity- agree thelu baCL- to Luildoa, D. and C.'SWke%, the f e Ing 'British 'bowlers. la ellose call at that relief from There is a large acreage of- wheat Her '00flacuo" of sarvatne. Windsor card, Woodstock. pain should be land jirepared� to be ,own this fall, W. J. Th�olnpson, Toronto., was Duncan of the touring3ritish golf There had beeA a war -viod4rair and tke first step in Morley Wass has 40 aQres ready now 7Ar. juggine -was busy earning beatea in the uational golf tourney team broke ;the 'record for the at willuipeg. Brampton course. the treatment VA�LY waWxig thea drill to slow. sor"tWag to foot the bills wilth� So I boy slippod into sewer Post office authorities order sur- 0 1 f any diVeas r. Which is present. Headache, Neuralgia, A w4al Mr*. Geo. LailtborllL- and mother, 41s handed an bU `sayinP Over tO'bis outlet at Garrison Creek, Toronto, vey of business done and facilities Rheumatic, Backache, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains, ONE The E Keter Times Ilas a clubbing, Mrs, Win. Brown, �*,pent a few days, ,wftlo with the remark: and Is drowned. in Toronto districL or TWO rate vith most daily and weekly pa- last weok in London. 17.*ok here, Mda, my -dear, im go Veteran anialgamation meeting Test cases against the Windsor � e L Y�6, To find tlie elubblug rate add shopping and get a home togettLer. told union of servick- men could de- Jockey Club d W� R. A. are,, being Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills the wice of the ppp-ers you. wish to IKOW atug 10 yor, dear, but yotnp mm. feat GoTeramlent, arguedat Windsor. imbseribe. for and subtract 25e froja age an 41�it it you go to w0es end The Independent Order of Fol Dr. Donald Kilgour, Toronto. has. sac! the pain is gone. Guaranteed Safe ana Sure. Price 30c. a laily Do -per 444 He from a wee%- Mists Roberta Fox, B.A., daughter things. You're a good bargain jlxmt-, tars held -an impressive initiation been admitted as a member of the "IT 'Paper. of Joha rox, of Lumn, who, for ilia ceremony ill Torolito. Royal College of PhysIcians, London, Sold in Exeter by past few years has been teachilig ill Toronto baBeball t.eam won anoth-� Illigland. She was. But hehad forgotten that e I'Orftkto Daily Globe ......... $6.00 the Regina 'High 'Sitlwql, has recent,- low_ r doublelaeader from Jersey City. SATURDAY, W. S. HOWEY, Pl B. to the reel buntress of bargains Rochester beat Baltimore. l 61aa A Empire ... ......... 0-001 ly beell awarded a -by I Gen. Nicholson wins Westminster -se of price appeals, then udl- All who ever wDre the Xing's uni- � Toroilto I)aily ;3tar �5.100 ihe ne rather . I . ty. OthtrwUe lie woulda"t have been form are V.051ted to join the Warriors' Meteorologist predicts coid. winter L4,u.dua Daily Free Presis 5. 0 0 whi�_h entitles jif,,�r to a year�.* tui- 00 OkIrprised at the results. Day parade af Toronto Exhibition. Coluing season. London Dally Adyertiser _.$5,00 tioli 11, a Frvueh ulliversity. sh- John A. Stev�_art, New, Liskeard, Lieuteuant�Governor Clarke is Family Herald & Weekly Star $2,00 leaves for ovevieus the land of this In the ki-When they have a fling killed, his son so�e*eraly hurt, 31 C-01- considerably weaker. Farmers' Advocate ......... $2,00 itiputh. cabinet, thr�e chairs. "More or less whole, and = old desk- M0 6ving lisioll of automobile aid radial car. Toronto docks itself to gTeet IAcd Canttdian Countryman Alaable Lavic-toire, 97 -year-old Bylig oz his first visit. Montreal, Weekly witness $1,66, room isa!t bad, only the chairs don"t jumate ofSt, Charles 'Rome, Ottawa, A boy and a girl were drownodac- Mle Money 0 STAFYA match, and the dining table is one falls downstairs, dying in a few - y in Toronto Bay. World -Wilde ............. 1 $2.0 log shlort� In the bed . room there am minutes. e1dentajl eat 11"oroato Saturday Niglit .. i *4l.00 beft, of course, and Ja addition a col- 'WEDN'tSDAY. St. Thomas starts pumping its FT"o lewe money kfle at cbe Pres $1.00 The Methodist chur0i is Lw!�,g. lat*ble boat, a patent plow, sel water supply by electriclt3% rJ026 is not only to your T,he Youth's Companion �2�60 guintod, deeomt�-d :md repaired aw�l markets In National Wholesale Shoe Associa, h=mAd, Tho 114'arluer s' Sun wben the work i�� co�lupleted the amort*4 0*rman helmets and other Switze'rIand. tion is formed in Montreal. own ptqspeft, but to that ofyour coun, 1:1 Farmers, lvl�- ro I v soulveahts, two stepladders, a zinc bath Russian - refuge, Britain will sand bodies of airship requirements of in, ....... $2.00 church will b+� grezxfly blip ed.Tue and wily one hole in It, and a foldins Eastern Poland. . es po I urin into crash home in man -o' -war. try for &6 financLai hristian Guardian ........ $2�00 congregatiall met in fbe Presbyter- duafty a6A trade are very great. settee wbich won!t unfold European eoTa-borer APVo�XS in United States will zpoedHy with - MIA church at Crowart I y, Lincoln county. draw troops on the Rhine. BuEld SzvfAp Account urtell you accu- Night Raider made a. new track =4Zft6Tu0gWh to rnala, a sound investment. Prince Faisal ascends the Arab throne in Mesopotamia. record at Dorval on Friday. We welmme arnall Q=Untu �"Big Fo, r" U Rjailr,,ad Brother- Ellis F. Haak won the National hoods to Issue s,#ke ballots. Trapshooting honors at Chicago. James Hales is appointed leblair- Thompson and Hague meet in We Board. final National Amateur tourney. f'% A do man of. the Gatar!,6 License THL UANADIAIXI IJANK Miss Cecjj. T.Kitch, British women's Toronto baseball team won ficre-I I'm Canada. game of the Newark series, 4 t* 3. golf champioli, hali salled-for Detroit athletes will compete at A rel in Toronto of officers 0 'MMERCE meet Gea..Byag. F C0 the Canadian National Exhibition Of the 0. E. F� to xe 17 Florists of North American wfll =I meet. PAID UP CAPITAL $15,000.000 AdAftional form reversals marked gather in Toronto in, a%inual couvea- =i the national amatell' golf champion- tiOn. RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 De Valera send Premier TAoYd -ships, I=TER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Managir. n thel George a letter rejecting the Bridsh 01%, It 01 Toronto baseball team Wo r CX fifth straight game, beating Newark offer. s w M d y ana"T U 11 to 5. Canadian National Railways shop's An official announcement names commenoe working on a f4tAkmeiv personnel of Grown Attorney's Do- schedule. Trades and Labor Congross would partment. INCORPORATED 1855 %_.-1"::;ptemb,­-r 1 �120th 1.10LInd L i T41iree British pa:Irs 'were eljnijnat� bar all emigrants but farmers for a period of two years, ad from the United State$ tennis ES Sir Robert Borden and -PA., Hon. OVER 13 0 BRANCH doubles play. 0 if 400 J� C. Ross is appointed superlaten- C. J. Doherty are Canada's n-ofaidees dent of Toronto district by the Post- to the International Court of Justice. Niagara District Hydro-omdlal T'HE MOLSON'S BAIN 1K master�General. Tr mis of :Veedf ptirse $4 Mary Noke.9, six y.ears old, killed Union asks the Drury Goyeralnent at Woodstock by . an automobile to let It go on with Uydro-ra-die4 pro- CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000. ject of Its own. —.backing out of a garage. Cost of IIVIUL ojr)'ecial Novelty iRace 'Napoleon Lafreniere, well-known M,, 0. R. freight train of 80 loaded The g is falling, also the, price of food Ottawa restauranteur, left an estate and 28 empty cars� neacly three� stuff, This necessitates increased production. 'Produce of �1,04,,020 to his wife, quarters of a mile long, leaves St. more and deposit your surplus in The Molsons Bank "NIck" and Mark ATie monopoliz- Thomas for Buffalo. where It will be ready for any call and yet be eaxning I's w haruess and mich alld go once arcurid ed honorr. at the United States Grand interest. Contestantp I National trapshooting, Troops are ordered to scene of die,- arness a Ce It- Landore Dosroeheo,dles at Ottawa turbance in India. SAFETY DEPOSITBOXES AT THE EXETER BRANCH.rp the'll U 11 h' nd go as iyou woelase, on of tetanus, after losing three fingers A big demonstration by Socialists T. S. WOODS, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH. In an accident a week ago, is planned at Berlin. round tfle ring, Willie Thomas, aged seven, and Joseph Kidd, prominent Goderich P red Cushman, eight,'were. drowned citizen, dip CENTRALIA BRANCH OPEN FbR BUSINESS DAILY, .13 In 60th year. Te_ at a Red River boat liveryi Witirripeg. Two cases of hold -;ups were. E. Labble, aged 40, of' Sherbrooke, parted. to trio Toronto pollee. Prizes Have BeenFincreased In killed by falling 100 feet tbrough a onstable Night 0 - It. A. Baird skYlIght at the PQW0r Pla"t In dead by burglars at Napall'ee. THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT MONEY TO LOAN Montreal. County police raid MlImico c4lobra- 1H 0 rse lasses T114VIISDAY. tion and seize games of chance. VARMERIS MUT19AL VIRE INSUMm We have a large amount of privat& Ell Pitcher Tbojn.pson. of Toronto shut Sterling quoted In Toronto at aWCE COMPANY. funds to loan on farm and village 0.08%; Now York at $3.68%. Newark out, 3'to 0, Big. fire on tlip Now York water Premier Lloyd George reiterates properties, at lowest rates of inr Meet Your Friends- in Exeter on front ondangors Iftler. that; Ireland cannot get Indeperid- Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. terest. Presideat, THOS. RYAN Three olstcirs were drowned at ence. GLAD Hjugston while jjathing� :British cruiser Dauntless will Vice-president, JOHN ALLISON MAN & STANBURY Mobanim,pdav clan. of Moplabs rise. carry home Wilted. States vl6ilms of DIRECTORS Fai r Day ZI.t,- 2, WM. BROCK. J. L. RUSSELL Barristers, Solicitors, against'nriti.91i authority in India. Japan send iftvita, A woman.'a clothing waB found at ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE Main St. Exeter, Ontario iance of fi aceep tion to Wafillhigtot) conferetice, Scarboro Bluffs; police fear foul AGENTS j New York displaeod Cleveland for Play, JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Rov. W, Ti. MacKay accepts call to 00, American League leadenhip. ph. PERR Usbarne and-tBiddul Y,F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc­� Antws Sinclatr, C.E., Toronto, e, Bond Street Congregational Church, tioneer. Sales conducted In any loc- noted, contraetor, died la 73,rd year. Toronto. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for alitY. Terms xaoderate,. Orders lefG- C 0 N E R T Torwito polico 1)avc located. wo- British bowlers won again at Chat- Hlbbert, FullartbA and Logaa. at Thnes Office will be promptly at - ham Saturday. Th0,y play In Toronto man allegod. Ito have 1p.1,1; baby in a tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton�. Tuesday� W. A. TURNBULL, Address Kirkton P. 0. Secretary -Treasurer lansuh, - ake a nnont taxr.,-s T71 I V a C aii aviqtors m, � , Amuse at English soo non-otop flight'from. Molitreal to New car gailles Saturday anioulited. to R. R. No. 1, Woodham. York, DR. G. F. ROULSTON L.D S., D.D.S Two oceari Prank Tborapsou. of Toronto & STANBURY �2 Oth won QLA'DWAN c.,,. r a, ri o u e, e T"tie8. Eve., ept. -gobig bagrog bring co- DENTIST icitbrA, Exeter. tywnt h-orn ttertowii, N.Y,, to the aniateur golf champlomMilo at, W, Del:rolt. Winnipeg,. Office over 1. R. Carling's Law, BY THEI, offlee. MRC11011 atid Di,mcah, BrItisli pro. Thirty-two c�oes of 11(loor i ported 010sed evOry Wedn sday, afternoonj gmlfers, boat Tvfossrs. Lyon and stoleii from a flou.qo on St. Aim's DR. M11NRY A. CORSAUT jolu-'s, rmad, ',,[Iororito, Quo'boo pl,-Lm� to reforost three 11111- J01MI1 o1quifilated Aji.,itral1q. rl'oll Veterinary Surgeon 0 W as as mid Von 101 12 Of WIStO ]and soon tbe Daviri Cup moet Uiijt�,,d h, C n C% 1'rt C a e o possible. statos 111 f1jill, USE "DIAMOND DYES' Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Pomp, troaty bntw(�vn the, Mifted Durlilatlfoi� has beconio. InfoAcd Calls promptly attended to day or Statcii mid Austria, was 81gried at, witil racs, 0'wiiig to a'r6bbl.9h (IIAMP night. OU dle lake Shol'o, 'Dyo right! DoiA risTl� I lVe oil r Sieta (S E a I I y orod that tho, 'U, F. 0., Tho Torolito ba8e'b'all tealw bo, Phone S. your material, lach P It Is I at ack i capd1dato hlay drop out of West RomIjIlg tvflco, accol,111king for fficir of "Diamonci Dyes" con- �Llgialis direotions so simple York aght. thil-toolffl) coil sectitive wlll� Elxeter Beirid ir� Atteiidance G. P, Shaw atid F. TbompFion,"To- Twenty -0110 ohoice lanibs, boing IDR. A.A. HINS3MNo 1I.L.D., D.D.S. ulji, aiiy wonian can dialliond-dye a now, rkh, roaLo golforF4 nieot Ill W111niPeg preparod tor Toronto -4 1 lo p v.%- t1bij, Tj 'aw, I . or- Honor Graduate of"Toronto Univer- olor iiAo old gaximabso ell i fsh lo Ivtrt) fire near Parls. c ttraperies; c hos. R Gy Seldon Ponwor :Mpipon will ,PWIR at PlWiburi., biweball leam drew away djillgg, w1lether 'kN' -ond'on. on Sdi)tember I oil olectioa fi-bin the Ghlilt, 011 9unday. Cjewo- DI 01NTIST land gained. ou Ilie u cot.ton or mi)661 gpod& t secr(Aary Ofncb oTer Gladnian & Stanbury's line Amorl�,aii 04ndlohis Soeietylo 12th 61110f McG101111011 , of hyrol) 9, Bll� "Namond Dyei"�na, '1111 tar- office, Main Otr6et, Exeter, ethor land—thmi p�rfcat re - 21" 111111h) colivoiltion and 9how opo)ls ium 111111ta�y pojjco,�, 11riq (hr()jjt 1A 71110mas, aidtq are guarmiteed exven if Slashed by Indian he wao bolping� to it bavo never dyed befoN. tM111111111111 11,1111111110111111111111111111 ill y boing arre9t, Iagan� grap(.js are alrortd T)" iggist lifts 9)!a'nwn4 Dy�% AdVerUso ki the Tisnes. it pays, Color Card" 16 rich eulors� aw, �5