HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1921-8-25, Page 1otr FORTY-SEO,ON D YEAR—No; 2278 _ w EXETER, ®NT. THURSDAY MORNING, NING, AUGUST 25, 1921 V1111!1. !1!1!11 I IIIIIIINNII(IIIIIOMIII1111IlI 11111111111111 I L BODY. izE O E.R . I IflIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIlIIIirillflll111ill!(1(IIli(IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI((IIIIIIIIIIIIIIL. ONE KILLED, TWO HURT The, body of, Calvin. In Wetzel; the IN SMASH. 01.10111011.1, onsimpo Jones Sz 1Wfay a Announcement Prices Lower Our stock of Merchandise for. Fall and Winter is rapidly nearing completion. Prices are much lower for Fallon nearly every line otkgoods in many cases being about half what they were a year ago. We would adi:vse an early selection of your Fallrequirements while there is a large range to select from: Ladies' &°Misses' Fall &Winter Coats, Suits, and Dresses Our stock of the above lines for Fall and Winter is now nearly complete. New Styles, new Cloths and colors and GREATLY LOWERED PRICES should make these Garments rapid sellers. An immense stock to choose from of the celebrated Northway and Rogers garments. Make your selections early: CHILDREN'S COATS—Complete range now in stock. Clearing of Summer Goods LADIES' 'TATE SILK GLOVES CLEARING AT 98c A PAIR. Five dozen Ladies' White Silk Gloves, "Niagara Maid" brand, all • sizes, worth up to $1.50 a pair, clearing at only 98c a pair. Silk Hosiery Clearing at $1.00 a pair Six dozen pair: Ladies' Fine Silk Hosiery, colors black, brown, navy and grey, worth up to $1.50 a pair. Special clearing price only $1:00 pr.' Children's Dresses at $1,65 Three dozen Children's Gingham Dresses, ages 2 to '8 years. Splen- did for school wear. Regularly up to $2.50 each. Clearing at only $1.65 each. All Summer Goods Must Go Regardless of Cost Our Stock of. Fall Goods now Nearly Complete Store closes Wednesday afternoon during June; July and August n soy boy w o vas drowned at i = Grand Bend on Surtday, August ' ▪ 14th, was found on Thursday of last - week, washed ashore about seven ▪ miles ,south of the'Bend. Ills father and brother, who had been at the - Bend since the drowning, took the remains to Pennsylvania for inter- -.. men t, APPLICATIONS FOR POSTMASTER. ® The Civil Service Commission of Canada have posted notices calling - for applications for the position of Postmaster' for Exeter to fill the! vacancy caused by:the death of the = late Wm. 'Russell, , Applications are to be in by August 27th. The notice states that the salary varies accord- ing to revenue. Last year it was $2,149 with an additional allowance of $534.42. MOWN IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE. Last week an 'advertisement ap- C` peared in The 'Limes advertising pickling onions ` for ` sale. We were u asked t cc 1 to run 't ,�, f r fo• a t imonth. We were called up oil, Tuesday asking V to withdraw the advt. as the party a Robert Hardy, of Brinsley, aged about 80 years, was killed in an auto accident on Monday on the lirinsle Road about a mile north of C1ande- y hoye. 'Vim. Lee, Brinsley, is in :t seri- ous condition Waiter Lee, Detroit, Mrs. Lee's son, is suffering from ner- vous shock, and Miss Ida Hu rdy, daughter of Robert Hardy, sustained a wrenched shoulder and a lacerated hand. A big touring car, driven by Walter Lee, turned turtle after he lost control. Lee was driving his sis-' ter's car, with whom he came from Detroit to visit with. his mother al Brinsley, He and his mother took Mr. and Miss Hardy, friends of long standing, for a motor ride, and it was while on their way home the acci- dent occurred. All occupants were thrown clear of the car when it went over into the ditch. Dr. J. W. Orme, Crediton; Dr. T. D. Orme, and Dr.. W. T. Ranting, of Lucan, responded to telephone calls for hselp, Mrs. Lee's eye and nose were laid open and it was ne- cessary to stitch the wounds right there on the roadside before remov- ing her, to the hone of Joseph Amos, Lucan, Mr. Hardy was found in an -conscious condition and was taken o his home in Brinsley by Mr. Tre- ithick, of that place, where he died t 9 o'clock the sante night without = had sold over two tons and had. none r left. If you want to buy or sell any- E thing let people know it through the to columns of The Times a egaining consciousness. Miss Hardy nd Walter Lee were also removed Brinsley. The motor car is almost; total -wreck. NMI 111 ANOTHER POLICEMAN BEATEN UP. One by one 'Exeter's silent police- men have been beaten up until now one lone sentinel stands at the cor- ner of Main and Huron streets, The last to meet its doom was on Wed- nesday evening, of last week when '`� it was run down in the rain by a iso- torist and was severed from its ce — stent foundation: This silent force that directed the traffic to the right has not been long-lived and few of the motorists atleast, regret their passing. How long the one at the south end of the town will remain_ on duty remains to be seen. asimilow PHONE 32 Jones & Nay PHONE 32 111111111111IIII1111mII1um llllllllim11111111lI - Illlllillllllllllillllilll(I(fllllll!lIII11111i1lIIIlIIIIlIl11i11111(IIIII(IIIIIIIl1(111111!lllir Your our. Horses and Cattle by Using COW EASE in half gallons at $1.15 COW EASE in gallons at $2.00 90c $1.45 75c SPECIAL SPRAYER for applying 85c. DR. WILLIAM'S FLY KILLER, half gallon DR. WILL.IAM'S FLY KILLER, in gallons ZENOLEUM FLY SKOOT, per can NE W\; PERFECTION OIL • STOVES In 1, 2, 3, and 4 -Burners at lowest prices. OVENS form $6.00 to, $9.00 WICKS 40c. HAY FORK ROPE GOLD MEDAL BEST MANILLA ROPE 30c a Ib. SISAL ROPE 25c a lb. PLUMBING AND TINSMITH'iNGl. Estimates furnished.. tore closes Wednesdays afternoon during June, July and August. ileaman's Hardware 27W PHONES 274 The Junior Farmers' Asson:10:itan will hold a rnestiing inn Senior's Hall on Thursday night; S5lPttt ist. Ala :members urged 'tot be plreserin The Epworth league and the Young People's Club- of Main street church held an enjoyable corn roast: in Fraynea's bush oir Tuesday eve- nin g. Theyhad d a very1 JY o i time. Watermelon also formed part of the menu. BORN FISHER—In Usborne, on August 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Fisher, a daughter. • BADOUR—At Sauble Line, Stanley, on August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bodoni., a daughter. SIEMON—In Hay township, on Aug- ust 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon, a daughter. JEFFREY—In Stanley township, on August 16th to Mr, and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, a daughter. MARRIED DAVIS—FISHER — In .Exeter• on August 24th;; Miss Burma H. J. Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wnt. Fisher, to Mr. Joseph' G. Davis, of Merlin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Davis, of Exeter, by I the Rev. M. J. Wilson. CAR BADLY SMASHED. OCCUPANTS ESCAPE UNHURT. A Gray Dort car belonging to Mr. Thos. Newell and driven. by Mr. T. Baker in which the two were return- ing to town on the London Road north, took to the ditch,on Saturday and; was badly smashed when it struck a telephone postand a tree. Fortunately the occupants " escaped practically unhurt. The driver of the car turned out to pass a Ford truck and as the truck turned out to give then; the road the hind end swung around. To avoid striking the truck I Mr. Baker pulled out on the grass and lost control of the car. The car struck a telephone pole, breaking it off at the bottom. The pole fell over leaving the wires in the air'. The car continued a short distance and the other side of it struck a tree. The fenders, running board and .a sec- tion of the body were torn off and the axle bent. The engine and works were damaged very little and the car was driven to the factory on Tuesday for repairs. It was a mighty lucky escape for the men. During the .time the.car was on the road a party stole both front and back cushions, a spare tube and the tool kit. These EARLY DEMISE 01? N 9IR11^XJLr D. Mr, and Mrs, ChaELbrles Isaac, of Ste- phen township, have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of their little son,-- Clarende Jack, aged 11 years and 3 months. The little lad was; taken i11 on Monday night of Iast week and. on Wednesday he was taken to the hospital at London where he was operated on for ap- pendicitis. The operation revealed that he was - also suffering from other complications and that is was impossible to save his life, and lie passed away the same afternoon. The remains were brought to itis' home and the funeral' was heI:1 on Friday afternoon. That the ccmzniin ity was touched by the passing away of this young life was evidenced by the fact that there were over 40 autos in' the funeral procession; an also by the profusion of flowers that adorned the room and casket. His Sunday school class of Centralia Methodist church were. present in a body. Interment took place at the Exeter cemetery. Rev. A. Sinclair conducted the service, LIFE SAVING APPARATUS TO I E 1?RESENTED TO GRAND BEND AS MEMORIAL. Mr. Wetzel; supt. of the Toledo Scales Company at Windsor, and ather of Calvin Wetzel, the young yuan who was recently drowned at Grand Bend, has decided to present. a life-saving apparatus to ibis popu- lar summer resort as a memorial to his son. Grand Bend has an excellent bathing beach and during the warm days of summer hundreds of bathers enjoy a dip in the refreshing waters Drowning accidents Have been very rare and nonull r on p has been tma made fol• the placing of Iife-savin a i ar- 1 atus of any kind along the beach. It is quite probable that had something i this nature been available the' e of young Wetzel might have been ved. The offer of Mr. Wetzel to ero- de some appliance that any others hose lives may be endangered while 0 thing in the waters might have a, , ance for their lives is indeed most i mnrendabie. The nature of the ap- f • were later recovered. of 1if sa vi The home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. ba Fisher, Albert street, was the scene eh of an interesting event at high noon, co DAVIS—FISHER NUPTIAL. v' 1)()IVIE THEATRE Friday Saturday, August 26th 27th "The .. of Tarzan" The amazing jungle serial in fifteen, episodes, Story by Edgar Rice Burroughs. This serial has just completed a 15 -weeks run at the "Allen Theatre," London, and comes''hez•e highly recommended. Don't miss seeing the first episode. of thiswonderfuljungle serial: Children tinder. 12 years of age admitted free if aceoinpaniecl: by their parents, Friday night only: SPECIAL COMEDY CharlieChaplin —IN— "The - nt', "Jes Call FEATUMeRE Jim" k E:1TURIA G WILL ROGERS, USUAL ADMISSION. UnillISSEEffsmammanmeggauswatimmatmemsemeilismeara HEAR Hon. Manning Doherty Mr, Burnaby Mrs. McNaughton —AT THE— Lawn Social UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE V. F. W • O. On - the Lawn of Mrs. W. N. Glenn 's Farm LOT 23, N.E.B., USBORNE Tues. Eve, August 30th Adresses will be given by HON. MANNING DOOHERTa MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE LTTI.RE MR. R. W. E. BURNABY, PRESIDENT OF THE C. P. O. Who will oppose the Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King in the conning :Election. :AIRS. 1xeN AUGHTON, OF MIDDLESE President of the Federated Women's Institute and Red Cross Society. Itefreslunents will be served with Tea and Coffee from 6 to 8, for which 250 extra will be charged. ORCHESTRA IN ATTENDANCE. Admission at Gate -25c and 15c. J. N. RATCLIFFE, Chairman. Taxi service Gala Day, Wednesday, August 1 4th CARS LEAVING AT 3.00 P.M. AND London Exhibition CARS LEAVE EVERYR� MORNING IN G4r s.x o 9. R . attention. Picnics, Weddings, Funerals and family driving given our special ' on. Wednesday, August 24th, when t.hei daughter, Emma 13'. J., was unite in the holy bonds' of matrimony t Jos. G. Davis of the. Molsons Bank t statf, -at Merlin, son of Mr. and Mrs Sidney Davis, of town, the Rev. M J. Wilson officiating. The young couple- were unattended, the brid entering the drawing -room leanin on the arra of her father who gav her in marriage. The bride looked 1charming in a gown of ivory charm euse satin, trimmed with silver lace and carried an ivory bible. Mastet William Fisher, of vlrlun tsville, and Miss Belva Fisher, of Exeter, nephew and niece of the bride, acted as ring -bearer and flower -girl in a most becoming manner. The wedding -march was played by Prof, Ander- ton. Immediately following the cere- mony the gnes'ts were received in the dining-roorn where ,a dainty dinner was served, the tables bring nicely decorated with bougiets' :of gladiolas and sweet; peas, The bride's going -away suit was of African brown broadcloth trimmed with firrs:' Amid showers ,of confetti, Mr. and Mrs. Davis left on the eveuinc, train fax Detroit where a, short roneyindon will be spent after whit lti they ;Will reside in Merlin, Ont. Both he bride m e and root n are g well known i and o 'alar• young people of Exeter, P p Y g p ple he latter having been. on the si afr f the Moisons Bank for several years. They will have the hest wishes of many friends. ' r pliance has not d yet been decided as Mr. Wetzel intends to examine the different appliances in use. ROBBED CAR THAT HAD JUST e g One of the most contemptible acts e of sneak thieving occurred red on. Satur- day day last when a couple of young men from this community robbed a Gray Dort car of all its belongings while! the owners who had just met with an accident were making arrangements to have the car brought to :Exeter. The car belonged to Mr. Thomas Newell. When they returned to the car they found that someone had stolen both the front and back cushions, the tool kit and a spare tube. Constable Whitesides of Nen- sall was soon ou the job and an ested i two young men who recently return -1 ed from Detroit and he recovered the l stolen property the following day f The young men were taken to CIin- ' torr where they pleaded guilty before Police Magistrate A. Ti. Andrews. I They were given a severe lecture as to the niceness of -siieh an act as to rob a man who haclalready suffered; a serious Ioss. They will corse up again later and in the meantime a car belonging to one of there is being held as bail, Both .young lncn had good records in Exeter and this act; came as a surprise to those who knew them; MET WITH ACCIDENT. IN MEMORIAM. HOCKjiY—In loving' mernoi y of George Hockey, who died`one year. ago, August 27th, 1920. Good night, dear George, it ., lour last goodnight, The early note y of actin is . p at hand, and :I The forms You loved are fading from your sight, You • glimpse the day dawn of the Glory Land. 1 Goodnight, dear - George, rerneniber- ed—though your course is run, II With Jesus you are now forever more; ; t And so a welcome you will bid us one -by one, i t A glad good morning, on that He�av- o enly shore, i Wife and soli, Yneth. all 56 ids° agshaw Leave orders at Wilson's Grocery. x!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 QLM ormsommiff A FH ;last As we answered the nurrrerous telephone calls the past two weeks, asking for Feed or if we were chopping yet, and had to regretfully answer in the negative, we thought of Mango Park, the African traveller, who, en- tertained one night in a native hut, listened: to the women who sang; Poor White Man! No mother to give him anilk, No wife to grind his corn. And we realized the needs of, this toL1'rr and ,surround- ing coon try. We are glad to be able' to announce that, having installed tall l a new Receiving Separator and having pint our Mill in first-class repair, we are prepared to supply all your needs in the -way of Flour, Feed and Chopping. We Have some -nice Western Oats; a car' 01! the Best: Corn is coming,and we want your Wheat, ilarvey BrOs: lli1111111111111111111111111111IIIIllllllllllllllllll(1(111Ilouni1Ii1I(IlIIlIlI1m lamormn 1 i1